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ODLIE  #5  -  9/15/14  -  8pm BajaTime

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Shellie Douglas is looking for her son Mark Douglas who is staying at Hotel Los Pescadores.  If possible, can someone see if he's there and ask him to contact his Mom.  
Shellie's email address is:     Thank you.


Live Webcam:


Rains started at our house near Spa Buena vista Sunday in the afternoon around 4pm, off and on. Wind picked up around 6/7pm and we lost power at about 8. Steady wind and rain through the night, and we had some rain and wind gusts throughout the day on Monday. It was not as loud as hurricane John in 2006, but still was a little tough getting a good nights sleep. I don’t know what kind of winds we sustained here, I would suspect around 50-70 mph or so. We had a couple of trees knocked down, but they were not healthy to begin with. The paved roads are fine, but of course all the dirt roads have sustained severe erosion damage. There was a lot of soil washed on to the paved road through town. Some trees and signs were down, and a lot of debris. I have not seen any evidence of home damage like we saw with Hurricane John.

The Buenas Aires arroyo was flowing, but not near the level as we had with Hurricane John. We have phone service, however there is no power or phone service in Spa. Definitely no power in Los Barriles. Chapitos was open this afternoon, but not much else.

OK Team, I think the worst is over and unless there is something urgent I will cut back on the frequency of the BPE notices..............but, interesting and unusual  photos are always welcome.  C
