
THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019 – #2996

Note: (1)  USA & Canada begin Daylight Savings Time along with the Mx border towns this Sunday, March 10th.  Los Barriles and Mexico change time on April 7th.  (AZ & HI do not change at all.)  Got that?  Oh — spring forward.

(2)  All caught up!



07 Thur Recycle-EastCape Los Barriles RV 9-11am http://www.eastcaperecycling.com
07 Thur Fly Tying lessons. East Cape Tackle-Plaza del Pueblo across from fountain 10am  #2979
07 Thur Raw Vegan Demo by Chef T, BVBeach Resort 10am-1pm. Resv. teresakindred@outlook.com
07 Thur “Singing For Fun” vocal workshop at The Yoga Garden. 3 to 4:30pm
07 Thur The Chicharrones play La Fogata at 7:00. -Mexican food buffet for 200 pesos.
07 Thur Mariachi music at La Playa. Mexican Buffet $20-6pm. 612-131-9336
07 Thur Miguel de Hoyos@Green’s.Show&Dinner $25. Chick Parm & dessert! Crisgreenav@yahoo.com.mx
07 Thur Fundraiser dinner La Hornilla El Cardonal for school transportation. $25dls. BPE#2988
08 Fri Baja Shakespeare Opening Night! ‘The Sea Princess & the Bean’
09 Sat Community Market LB Laguna Park 9-1pm  lbcommunitymarket@gmail.com
09 Sat Lack Family plays LaPlaya 6pm. $20 deposit w/resv. refunded eve_kb@hotmail.com
09 Sat Baja Shakespeare ‘The Sea Princess & the Bean’
10 Sun Daylight Savings USA/Canada-spring forward. Also Mx border towns. Mex changes April 7th.
10 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo. Angela Zanevsky, at 1 pm. eventsbaja@gmail.com
10 Sun Day of the Taco, Palmas de Cortez 5:30pm 16dls 2×1 drinks
10 Sun Baja Shakespeare Play


a.  Lost Umbrella in Bag on beach road to Punta Pescadero – bright colored bag with white and greenish umbrella on the inside.  Lost on Friday, March 1st.  thundervalley98178@yahoo.com


a. Celebration of Life for Charlie & Gwen Schmutz, long time winter visitors to La Ribera, on Friday, March 8th at 2 pm at the main La Ribera beach.  Then come to Cliff & Carol’s house to share stories and raise a glass to toast Charlie & Gwen.  Their family will be here and would love the meet everyone.  Gwen passed away in September 2018 after a brief illness and Charlie passed away in December 2018 from ongoing bronchial problems.

b.  Time to brag about one of our own!  Photo and script taken from Instagram and thank you John Benward for sharing with us.  “It was non-stop here in Cabarete, Dominican Republie. Four different competitions in five days! I absolutely loved getting back into windsurfing and kiting! I totally surprised myself by making the shortboard final and learned a lot about competition management with #type1diabetes at such an intense pace. I am so happy to win the women’s division and to place 7th in the men’s. Big congrats to my @starboardsup teammate@zaniac1 for taking out the men’a event. This event wouldn’t have been as special without my dad, @macraewylde! We don’t get to travel together all the time but when we do, it’s the best!  Fiona”

Fiona and her Dad Macrae also known as Santa Claus!!!  (Fiona has also been seen as an elf)

c. Baja Night Sky – Warm weather tonight & Thursday should make good stargazing. From 9:30 to 10:30 pm, look for the False Cross, on its side, low in south to left of 2nd brightest star Canopus. In the NE, follow the arc of the Big Dipper’s handle a dipper length to 4th brightest star Arcturus rising in the east. Sky pollution reports needed from North El Sargento, Hot Springs & north, & Rancho Cacachilas.  Instructions here.

d.  Hello everyone! Just wanted you to know between the police in LB and La Paz, I was able to get my truck back. Intact. Many meetings with lots of people in LB, two trips to La Paz, and hours ( yes, hours) of paperwork. I won’t go into detail, but I will say that you have to be patient and don’t give up. We are not in a position of strength here, and the process is not at all like the US. Have a good interpreter ( even if you think you can speak decent Spanish ). The process is confusing.  Always have your title in a safe place and a copy of your registration. Take photos of all sides of your vehicles. I believe my current photos really helped locate my truck quickly. Photograph and keep receipts of all your valuables. Most of the stolen items are gone but I did get my paddle board back.  Anyway… life goes on. Forever grateful to Mike and Peggy Connor and Gerardo Fuentes.  Kathy Walkley


a.  Can someone tell me how to go about shipping furniture from Puerto Vallarta to Buena Vista?  Thanks.  Casaninarosa@yahoo.com

b.  Does anyone out there know where I can get a microwave fixed? Somebody local would be wonderful. 141-0365

c.  Looking for a Spanish class here in LB.  tsullivan0158@gmail.com


a.  Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort is proud to host this year’s Baja Shakespeare Play: THE SEA PRINCESA & THE FRIJOLE.
To anyone attending our Shakespeare event, we had last minute cancellations and we have one package available for 2 people on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th if you want to reserve get in touch with us 624-142-0099.  Tickets are going Fast! Reserve your Spot!!  Tickets  Homes & Land of Baja to purchase or email Will Call:  nanatembden@ymail.com or call:  624-141-0314.  Ticket prices remain the same at $20 or 400 pesos.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Looking to rent two Hobie kayaks the first week in October. Revolutions, Outbacks or Pro Anglers. Please let me know if you are willing to rent for a week. I have two customers coming to town that are interested in renting them.   Nic

b.  Wanted:  (Correction to ph #) Bought an old iHome speaker (dock is outdated 30-pin iPod) at Cortez Rummage Sale only to discover the charger missing. If someone donated this unit and has the charger OR If you have a charger OR the whole unit with charger to sell, contact me re details. plow45@hotmail.com or 624.171.8111.

c.  Wanted:  Rear seat to fit a Honda Rancher ATV  lindakroeker@gmail.com

d.  Wanted:  WTB – large bike for 6’5″, 195 cm, 250 lb man just to get around LB on.  dgbinns54@gmail.com

e.  Wanted:  Inflatable hot tub 2-4 person. Must be in good condition, 110 volt system.  bradleary@sbcglobal.net

f.  Wanted: 26-33 foot trailer or 5th wheel. Must have at least one slideout. Good condition. cabaretesailor@gmail.com 612 198 7429

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.

      Airport to East Cape
Mar 08 F Arrive 1:15.  Will share taxi. 541-306-4209 or bajabums@gmail.com
Mar 12 Tu
   Arrive 1pm Wanna share cab  Txt deb 510.406.2966 (no luggage) Paul Broder   rbroder76@gmail.com

                  East Cape to Airport  


a.  Big Wave Kite Repair here in Los Barriles.  For all your kitesurfing gear service and repairs, custom control bars, boards repairs. Twenty  years of experience and professional service you can count on.  www.bigwavekiterepair.com

b.  Mako ocean rodeo board 140X40 100 jibes.  9 m rebel kite 2011? Jibes 250. 9m and 7m rebels give away.

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Splash and we’re in! Let the whale and dolphin season begin! ‘Awesome’ launched and was greeted into the Sea of Cortez by a massive school of dolphin, as if to say, ‘we’ve been waiting for you’. It was a beautiful and inspiring sight. We hope to share beautiful, inspiring, awesome adventures with you on our ‘Awesome Whales & Dolphin Adventures’.  Bring 8 or 10 friends and family or we’ll help you share a boat.  14-10231 or visit our office through the ‘Be Awesome!’ green entry on main street. .  www.bajasawesome.com and ‘Be Awesome!’ shirts and hoodies are available plus free ‘Be Awesome!’ stickers.

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a.  Indoor storage available for two quads secure storage lot!  wtd9@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Bicycle seat, https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bop/6835191527.html?lang=en&cc=us

b.  20′ x 8′ flatbed trailer.  Dual axle.  Heavy duty..  Leveling hitch system.  Great trailer . first 1600 takes it.  Email for pictures

c. Prindle 16 Catamaran with Trailer  Boat is ok.you like go Sailing  580 trips  Phone 624 16 86647.

d.  Livingston Dinghy 8′ with Oars  stable Dinghy, you can match  Staff loading.340 Pulls  Phone 624 16 86647

e.  14 foot aluminum with 18 HP 4 stroke engine. 2600 fish  624.132.6699  skeltonroofer@shaw.ca

f.  Complete 24v Solar System – Powered 8 unit boutique hotel for last 2 1/2 years.                                   https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/6834521234.html

g  Quad 2006 HONDA  RANCHER. Lightly used. looks and runs great. 5 speed manual arm or foot  shift. 3200 rides. Price is firm, no tire kickers please.     densaidyes at  aol.com

h. New,full face ,dive mask ,50 dives kymandnatasha@hotmail.com

i.  Babyliss pro hair dyer 25 blos kymandnatasha@hotmail.com

===THE END===