
FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019  –  #2997


08 Fri Baja Shakespeare Opening Night! ‘The Sea Princess & the Bean’
09 Sat Garage Sale 9am-3pm.  NO early birds..seriously!  Calle de La Laguna BPE#2997
09 Sat Community Market LB Laguna Park 9-1pm  lbcommunitymarket@gmail.com
09 Sat Lack Family plays LaPlaya 6pm. $20 deposit w/resv. refunded eve_kb@hotmail.com
09 Sat Baja Shakespeare ‘The Sea Princess & the Bean’
10 Sun Daylight Savings USA/Canada-spring forward. Also Mx border towns. Mex changes April 7th.
10 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo. Angela Zanevsky, at 1 pm. eventsbaja@gmail.com
10 Sun Day of the Taco, Palmas de Cortez 5:30pm 16dls 2×1 drinks
10 Sun Baja Shakespeare Play
11 Mon Skeleton Key plays Rancho BV 5pm. Rib dinner $450mg  tickets 624 192 4089 or 141 0177
12 Tues Bookbinding .Yoga Garden. 3pm materials incl Resv.a must.xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com #2993
12 Tues The Chicharrones (Kelly and Jerry) play La Playa at 6:30
12 Tues Lack Family play Hotel Palmas de Cortez. Dinner and show. 6:30 pepebernal@hotmail.com
13 Wed Open Mic La Fogata Restaurant 7 PM 624-177-2872
13 Wed Baja Shakespeare Play


a. FOUND: Adjustable carbon fiber SUP paddle on the beach in Buena Vista. Call and describe to claim. 520-940-3937

b.  Sweet male dog showed up at 6:00 pm. Yesterday. We can’t keep him. 141-0344.


a.  Dress rehearsals are in full swing for The Sea Princesa & The Frijole. Word on the street is… do not miss this highly entertaining, hilarious, slapstick comedy with local jokes, songs and laughter! Plenty of tickets for 5 shows, Opening this Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday Matinee 10th, Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th. Dance on down to Homes & Land of Baja to purchase or email Will Call: nanatembden@ymail.com or call: 624-141-0314. Ticket prices remain the same at $20 or 400 pesos. Show starts promptly at 7pm at the Conference Center, Hotel Buena Vista Resort Hotel (Spa). Sunday Matinee 1:30pm. Baja Shakespeare year 19, let the fun begin!

b.  If you are fortunate enough to have a ticket to The Sea Princesa & The Frijole for one of the Friday (8 & 15) or Saturday (9 & 16) shows, make a reservation for The Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort’s (Spa) Mexican Buffet & salad bar. Beach side dining begins at 5:30, dinner includes 1 beverage (wine, Margarita, non) & tax for just &17.50. The sign up sheet is in the ticket envelope at Homes & Land of Baja. Or simply email: hortencia@hotelbuenavista.com or call: 624-142-0099. As well, the Hotel is offering an overnight package deal. Tickets still available for the 8th & 9th. Treat yourselves to a delightful evening of friends, dinner & raucous entertainment!

c.  Regarding the stolen truck – glad to hear the victim of the crime recovered some things. And a reminder to always have the contact info for an interpreter! I have been working in Spanish/English translation and legal interpreting for 20+ years. Keep my email should you find yourself in that unfortunate situation. spbaja5@gmail.com Spanish Paulina  (or search ‘translate’ in the Business Directory)


a.  Needing to find a home for our lovely cat Blanca. Sadly we can’t take her home with us to the states. She’s low key with a sweet disposition, the perfect cat. She’s healthy and up to date with her vaccines. calvin@calvinmann.com or text (541)390-7727 USA.

b.  Resent road condition on highway 5???  frankmolnar991@gmail.com


a. Buena Fortuna Gardens (1998~2019) Botanical reserve in 11 acres at the entrance of La Ribera. Invites you to join us for Tour and farm to table vegan brunch with Kitzia Kokopelmana Friday and Saturday at 10 am.   Please make your reservations e~mail buenafortunagardens@gmail.com    https://www.buenafortunagardens.com/                          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18NfPSnwuhI

b.  NEWS FLASH! THE LACK FAMILY WILL LEAD THE WORSHIP SERVICE ON 3/17 AND NOT 3/10 AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED.  The title of this week’s message is: “It’s All About Fruit.”  The service begins at 9am and our church, East Cape Christian Church, is located on the paved road from Tio Pablo’s to the post office about 300 yards from the post office.  Everyone is invited.

c.  Doug Williams Celebration of Life – Thursday, March 21st

Thanks, once again, to everyone who has reached out and for the love and support over the past couple weeks.   Doug has touched so many lives all around the world and the messages and calls have been overwhelming.  The plan is to visit each one of Doug’s favorite Los Barriles hangouts where he so enjoyed his friends and to honor all of you and the special relationships that were made over the years.
Lazy Daze  (4 – 6pm) — Smokey’s  (6 – 8pm) — Vagos  (8 – close)
Looking forward to seeing all of you and sharing your great Dougie stories!

Doug Williams Celebración de la vida – Jueves, 21 de marzo
Gracias, una vez más, a todos los que se han apoyado con su amor durante las últimas dos semanas. Doug ha tocado tantas vidas en todo el mundo y los mensajes y las llamadas han sido abrumadores.
Vamos a visitar cada uno de los lugares favoritos de Douglas en Los Barriles, donde él disfrutó a sus amigos y honrar a todos ustedes y las relaciones especiales que se establecieron a lo largo de los años.
Lazy Daze (4 – 6pm) — Smokey’s (6 – 8pm)  —- Vagos (8 – cerca)
Espero verlos a todos y compartir sus excelentes historias de Dougie!

d.  Garage Sale – Saturday, March, 9am-3pm. No early birds, seriously.Casa de Misko
across from Tony Tamayo’s house. Go West on Calle De La Laguna, take Ist left, then first right. It’s on the right corner, white and blue house.

e.  Mosaic workshop hosted by Christene Comstock this Sunday Mar. 10th from 9-1.
Kitemomma@yahoo.com 624-160-1203

f.  Yoloxochitl art studio is offering a Clay workshop at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort Monday March 18, 10:00 to 13:00 please reserve a spot ahead, get more info xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Yoloxochitlartstudio

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  University student urgently seeks to purchase (or receive a donation) of a used computer in good shape.
Contact Rafael Geraldo Tamayo via email buenafortunagardens@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Puppy – poodle terrier mix – please contact if you find one needing a home!  tessabarriles@gmail.com

c.  We will be in LB for April and are looking to rent bicycles.  Prefer ebikes but tell us what you have or where you would recommend we get bikes.  bajazipper@gmail.com


a. Spring has sprung and the Community Market is the perfect Saturday morning adventure for all your visiting friends and family.With our wonderful food choices ,great veggies and produce and  wonderful local artists ,the market provides one stop shopping for all .  The final Community Market will be Saturday,April 13 and we hope to see you all every Saturday until then at the Parque La Laguna from 9am-1pm. See you at the Market!


a.  I want to extend a massive THANK YOU to everyone who practiced with me this season and allowed me the opportunity to teach!  It is your presence and dedication that inspires me to continuously grow and learn. I am off for additional yoga training next week and then to ExotiKite’s Pacific Wave Camps.
My last 2 classes until I return in mid-May will be:  Saturday 9th | 9:30am | Yoga Garden
Monday 11th | 8:00am | Healing Winds  I hope to see you then!  ~Namaste~

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.

   Airport to East Cape
Mar 08 F Arrive 1:15.  Will share taxi. 541-306-4209 or bajabums@gmail.com
Mar 12 Tu
   Arrive 1pm Wanna share cab  Txt deb 510.406.2966 (no luggage) Paul Broder   rbroder76@gmail.com

                  East Cape to Airport  


a.  2016 Ocean Rodeo Prodigy 12m 6000 tacos.  scoot.smythe@gmail.com

b. Who doesn’t want to ‘be awesome’? For us it all started 16 years ago when we bought a humble boat named ‘Awesome’. Ever since we have been doing our best to ‘be awesome’, to provide the best customer service and to live up to her ‘Awesome’ name. At the end of a whale and dolphin adventure, fishing trip, horseback riding on the beach or cruising in a cute blue golf cart, we hope our guests say ‘it was awesome’! That we all want to ‘Be Awesome’ too! We now have ‘Be Awesome!’ tshirts and hoodies and free bumper stickers so we can share this awesome Baja vibration. Get your awesome swag and free sticker at our office across the street from the Modelorama and through the awesome green entry www.bajasawesome.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Solutions Clínica de Belleza: Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. Are you having issues with your skin? Pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. I offer solutions to these problems with non invasive treatments. Not your typical resort facial. No fillers or Botox. My treatments are clinically based and will target your specific needs. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products. Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Master and Instructor Certified Permanent Makeup Artist since 1998. Gift certificates available For more information and other services that I offer please visit my website. Www.solutionsdebelleza.com call Connie at (624)141-0422 or email: permsolutions@aol.com

b.  Brownout Protection for your whole home with a ‘BSPS’ (brownout/surge protection system). Our system protects your entire home from brownouts and surges that are common here.  Starting at 1350 dead electronics – kris@ectechsolar.com 624-119-8640

c.  Who doesn’t want to ‘be awesome’? For us it all started 16 years ago when we bought a humble boat named ‘Awesome’. Ever since we have been doing our best to ‘be awesome’, to provide the best customer service and to live up to her ‘Awesome’ name. At the end of a whale and dolphin adventure, fishing trip, horseback riding on the beach or cruising in a cute blue golf cart, we hope our guests say ‘it was awesome’! That we all want to ‘Be Awesome’ too! We now have ‘Be Awesome!’ tshirts and hoodies and free bumper stickers so we can share this awesome Baja vibration. Get your awesome swag and free sticker at our office across the street from the Modelorama and through the awesome green entry www.bajasawesome.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a.  Rental Wanted:  Long term rental in Los Barriles, Buena Vista or Rancho Leonero. 2-5 bedrooms. Renting subject to sale is also an option. Excellent references. Contact 858-231-1358.

b.  For Rent by Owner:  Best restaurant location in Los Barriles (Campasytre Triny location) coming up for rent starting September. Tell you friends in the US who want to live here. Contact DavidLokey@mac.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Apex dingy 10 ft great shape no leaks 8 hp Evenrude very low hrs oars air pump gas tank beach wheels ready go 1500 clams for info contact swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

b.  The amazing 37′ LOA custom Egg Harbor “En Caliente” is seriously for sale @ 66,990.  I’m going a little bigger.  Amenities too numerous to mention, but it has everything you need for serious fishing or cruising the Sea of Cortez and is in perfect yacht like condition.   bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/37-golden-egg-harbor/6833333427.html  Contact me for a sea trial at 530-725-8392, bajalarry@sbcglobal.net, or 141-0790

c. Custom APEX 26′ I/O 130hp diesel Panga with Pacific, dual axle, galvanized trailer.  Less than 600 hours!  Truly an economical fishing machine.  22,990 trolls See full list of amenities @  bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/custom-26-diesel-panga/6833332976.html  Or come see.  530 725 8392 – 141-0790 – 612-142-9958  bajalarry@sbcglobal.net

d.  Achilles boat 1800 ballyhoo    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/6835858688.html

e.  3” memory foam queen mattress topper.  Used 4 months.  Nice. 50 sleeps.  rbaar@comcast.net

f.  (1)  1991 Mako 171 Angler, 17 Foot 90 House Power (Like New) 100 hours Yamaha motor with trailer Was Listed @ 10,000 US Flip Flops  Reduced  7,300 US Fins:  Don Erickson @ 0446241229524

g.  Sport UTV 2016     818-453-0746     https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/6821624608.html

h.  1992 Yamaha Warrior ATV. Needs front brake master cylinder and battery.
Good tires, motor runs good, new seat cover. 1000 revs or obo  2djm@sti.net

i.  Kenneth- Acoustic-Electric Guitar,Brand New- Built in Tuner -,Plays Great ,Sounds Great SJDC 612 154 7475   2,800p

j.  6×12 utility trailer total of 1200 miles on it. Like new with new spare tire. 1500 clams

k.  NEW Parts for Polaris razor 800, 2 kit boots. Paid 40 clams each asking 25. 624-219-7553

===THE END===