
TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2019  –  #3000


This week………..

12 Tues “Paddle Out” Celebration for Knox Hambley. Beach Looney Loop 10:30am
12 Tues Bookbinding .Yoga Garden. 3pm Resv.a must. xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com #2993
12 Tues The Chicharrones (Kelly and Jerry) play La Playa at 6:30
12 Tues Lack Family-Hotel Palmas de Cortez. Dinner/show. 6:30 pepebernal@hotmail.com
13 Wed Open Mic La Fogata Restaurant 7 PM 624-177-2872
13 Wed Baja Shakespeare Play
14 Thur Open House 10am to 1pm Homes and Land of Baja. Map at office Thur. am
14 Thur “Singing For Fun” vocal workshop at The Yoga Garden. 3 to 4:30pm
14 Thur Miguel de Hoyos plays Green’s. 3 Course din & show $15  624-121-0428
14 Thu Baja Shakespeare Play
15 Fri The Bookstore 9-12 noon. Hwy1Storage – Across El Arco Elec., going north Hwy 1
15 Fri Revolving Door plays La Playa Friday 7pm
15 Fri Baja Shakespeare Play
16 Sat SNAP spay and neuter Clinic at Cancha 8 a.m.
16 Sat Rabies vaccinations-LB La Cancha. Sign up sheet at DIF. Baja.bpe@gmail.com.
16 Sat Community Market LB Laguna Park 9-1pm  lbcommunitymarket@gmail.com
16 Sat Baja Shakespeare ‘The Sea Princess & the Bean’
17 Sun St. Patrick’s Day
17 Sun Festival de Artes- Annual Art Show
17 Sun Corn Beef & the Lack Family!  Green’s.  Two seatings 5&7.  6241210428
17 Sun Lack Family to direct worship service @ East Cape Christian Church at 9am
18 Mon Benito Juarez Day – Banks closed


a.  Sad News:  We are saddened to announce the passing of our Beloved Suzie Simmons. She passed away on Sunday with the love of her life Rod by her side.
She  was a very special woman in many of our lives.She greeted everyone that stepped foot in Patti’s the Hotel Los Pescadores and introduced herself and made everyone feel loved and welcome.She was a genuine loving woman know to many many people in our little town of Los Barriles. She will be missed. We loved her in life and will remember her forever.  We will have more details in a few days.

b.  Have storage available for one quad,indoor and secured lot  willdanek@yahoo.ca

c.  Introductory Spanish with Kay Mundt.  There are two openings in the class which begins Tuesday, March 12th.  Kay.mundt@gmail.com

d.  Help Needed, Bilingual technician for internet installations, Computer skills a must. Training available for the right person. Also needed office person to schedule service calls and accounting. Contact rkbaja@yahoo.com

e. ATTENTION GRAPE GROWERS: Award winning Vitaculturist in Los Barriles for 1 Month November 2019 Available for consultations in viticulture in Todos Santos, La Paz & SJD amsavard50@gmail.com

f.  Singing for Fun vocal workshop.  Last session of the season.  Come sing some songs for the road.  Thanks to all those who lent your voices to our communal sound. Yoga Garden, Thursday, March 14, 3 to 4:30pm. jgrittan1@gmail.com

g.  Freezer is Full with delicious Handcrafted Flavours at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in Beautiful San Bartolo. Lots of Daily Specials, Delicious Desserts and awesome Location. Left side of the Hwy. heading north, just past the second tope below the phone booth. Closed Mondays. Like us on Facebook: zopis.sanbartolo   email:zopilotes.sb@gmail.com


a.  Wandering dog, tan with pink collar and white chest  over at Quadman.


a.  Looking for a Bridge Club or Game en Buenavista or Los Barriles any one?  624 157 3740 unicokennedy@yahoo.com.mx.  Magnolia Lucero Cell: 044-624-16-098-19

b.  Where can I buy 1″ hemp type rope in La Paz.  erlablink@gmail.com

c.  Anyone going to Ace Hardware (always available) or Home Depot (sometimes available) that could pickup Borax sometime soon?  erlablink@gmail.com

d.  could someone flying down in the next two weeks+ bring 4 x 8 oz cones of yarn? tessabarriles@gmail.com

e.  Where is the nearest place to Punta Pescadero, where I can get 5 gallon jugs of purified water? Ditto for Punta Colorado?  Thanks! Charles   cvchandler (at) gmail (dot) com


a.   Miguel De Hoyos playing on Thursday 14th.  3 course dinner & show $25/ 624-121-0428

b. Corn beef and the Lack Family! Sunday, St. Patrick’s @ Green’s! Two seatings 5pm & 7pm. $13  6241210428

c.  The Revolving Door will be playing on Friday night April 15th at LaPLaya restaurant on the beach. Music will start at 7:00… Come on  out and catch one of the last performances of this year by Los Barriles’s favorite band… Dancing will be encouraged!!!

d.  Todos Santos:  Rave Reviews  – “The Wake” kept me in stitches with the conversations, jokes, singing, and audience participation.  Final shows this weekend – Friday March 15, Saturday March 16 – Dinner Theater, 500 pesos, 6pm. Sunday Matinee – 4pm, show only 250 pesos.  Out of Town Reservations: bluemooninbaja@yahoo.com.  Info:  https://lunaazultodossantos.wordpress.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted: A couple of collapsible saw horses. thomwdavis@gmail.com

b.  Adults looking to rent a 4 man side-by for 5 days from May 15th.  cbi.dennis@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Does anyone have a copy of “Braided Sweet Grass” I could buy or borrow? . thomwdavis@gmail.com

d.  Wanted. . a pac n’ play to borrow or rent March 19th-25th.  Phone 624-142 -8943.


a.  Botox and Juverderm Spring break in prices. Saturday March 16th Salon Blue 2.  Dr. Alma has been in practice for over 25 years helping people to look and feel better. For appts or more information contact Kelly kwmx3@yahoo.com

 AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.

Mar 12 Tu   Arrive 1pm Wanna share cab  Txt deb 510.406.2966 (no luggage) Paul Broder   rbroder76@gmail.com
Apr 01  Arrive, 10:40am. I person,maybe 2 bags.  If can find a ride I will load up 2nd suitcase with dog supplies. cjmathews58@gmail.com

                  East Cape to Airport – none

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. RENTER Special, TV & INTERNET Checkup, The way it works, Prior to the client’s arrival we will go to the property test TV & Internet to ensure it is working. The fee for this service is 25 US. This will only be available in an area from the top of Las Brisas hill to La Capilla. If problems are found and we can repair it while there you have saved a 45 US service call and unhappy renter. Contact willdopako@gmail.com Gerardo (Pako) Leal www.eastcapeinternetpako.com

b.  San Jose Storage, conveniently located next to the Los Cabos International Airport. Providing both residential and commercial clients the solution to storing their goods in Los Cabos. All units are drive up with easy access with extra wide, asphalted driveways.  info@sjstorage.com – https://www.sjstorage.com/ – (624)146-1390

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Tracker/Suzuki Sidekick, prefer removable soft/hard top  cobblestonedevelopments@shaw.ca

b.   1996 enclosed Cargo Trailer   call Len 624 124 8582

c.  samsung air conditioner  window type with remote   175 tamales  831 8189766  tonymelendrez@gmail.com

d.  Truck/Van cover. 237 x 76 x 61 inches. Suitable for vehicles up to 19 3/4 ft.long.  UV treated and water repellent polypropylene.  New in box 50 cars…Brian 124-8027 or bri.wallace@gmail.com

e.  Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot -6500    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/car-hauler-trailer-2008-patriot/6817601491.html

f.  Liquidation of 3 ceiling fans…all work perfectly…50 coconuts each… blireef@yahoo.com … pictures upon request….  blireef@yahoo.com

g. Brand new Men size 9 Propet slide leather sandals. $30 walks.  Bajajoanna@gmail.com

h.  Fridge/Freezer. L.G. White. 26″ by 69″. New computer board. Perfect for your Casita or as a garage fridge!  100 ice cubes. 4lawkerr@gmail.com

i.  Bosch stainless dishwasher. Very good condition. Gas. 200 clams. Ketchumbaja@gmail.com

j.  Hard top fiberglass for Jeep YJ. Selling for a friend and should fit 1993 newer or older. Tinted glass and rear wiper.  100 shades  bajastayfish@hotmail.com

k.  Kenneth Acoustic-Electric Guitar ,Brand New ,Plays Great -Sounds Great ,Built in Tuner 2,500p 612 154 7475 SJDC    larcar4@hotmail.com

===THE END===