
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2019  –  #3039



MAY 2019

25 Sat Cortez Rescue PUP-UP & Mini Market<10-12pm. info@cortezrescue.org #3035


a.  Copied from LB Delegacion FB page:  Google translation//The New Baseball Field is already taking shape in What will be the New Sports Unit of the Los Barriles Delegation, a commitment from our Major Ruben Gregorio Muñoz Alvarez ??⚾️ with the first stage ready – (baseball field) We started with the Cape of the East Tournament 2019.

b.  Last evening 161 scholarships were awarded to qualified proud students.  Go to FB East Cape Guild to see photo.  I was unable to load the pic to the BPE.

c.  Monday, I’ll have fresh Jumbo Shrimp Catch of the day. Come from Magdalena Bay “Fresh Guaranteed” only a few kg so if u have a special event or just dinner call me. As your server…Carlos Hernández 624-133-4566


a.  Have 4 Charles Wysocki and 3 Home Town puzzles will trade for new-to me!  Marsha/141-0169. Good condition, please!

b.  House cleaner needed. Some English preferred. Recommendations and references appreciated. bajalynda315@gmail.com
624-124-8351, 624-355-8192, 907-315-9967

c.  Is there anyone in LB that wants a real beehive that is in my lime tree or removes them?  Gaylekeh@sbcglobal.net

d.  Anybody want to play golf? Looking for a golf partner. I play in the 90s to low 100s and I’m not intimidated by those who play better or worse. Contact Fred at fgreen@jps.net.

e.  We are looking at replacing 5 large glass doors approx sliding glass door size in our casa and our looking for recommendations on window contractors in the area. Thanks Dave  Davidbell9925@gmail.com


a.  Country of The Bad Wolfes by James Carlos Blake. The story of three generations of the Wolfe family, centering on two sets of identical twins, and ranging from New England to the heart of Mexico before arriving at its climax at the Rio Grande.

b.   Amigoland by Oscar Caseres

c. A WASP’S BRIEF FLIGHT, Sheron Linn (Local author), Women’s Airforce Service Pilots, Amazon, Paperback, 900 pgs

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:   Patio furniture in Los Barriles— tables, chairs, sofa, etc. Please e-mail me with photos and prices.

b.  Wanted:  Large vacuum seal bags for sale? Large enough for kites. Kitemomma@yahoo.com 624-160-1203


a.  Café LA summer hours; Breakfast and Lunch, 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., Monday – Thursday.  (Up Delegacion Road)


a.  Beginning this week, new yoga classes with Megan at 8am at Healing Winds!  Start your Mondays with Gentle Vinyasa (60min), a slow flow style class that emphasizes integrating mind, body, and spirit.  Roll into mid-week with Breathe & Flow (75min), focusing on breath and awareness, this class weaves asana, pranayama and meditation. ~Namaste~ bajachakra@gmail.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  FREE battery operated doorbells. Extra l batteries included. sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com or 123-8071

b.  1996 Suburban 300 with 180k miles.  Super machine, captains chairs, infinite space, and ice cold AC.  Runs awesome and hauls tons of beer.  harry@olillo.com

c.  1989 28 ft motor home  Ford jamboree  8k obo In Los Barriles  sdohm@msn.com

===THE END===