
Wednesday, November 20, 2019  –  #4004

  I do hope everyone is aware of the 96 listings onthe  Rental Page for the East Cape.  Located on the ribbon above.  Take a few minutes and learn the search feature.

Also, The BPE is almost cleaned up but I do need a couple more days.  If your ad/notice has not been published, please re-submit.  The town is busy, I’m busy and the BPE is very busy.  Lastly, for some reason hundreds of you are having the gmail BPE go into your spam folder.  Working on this problem.
Good night!



20 Wed Club Rotario Los Barriles Membership Meeting 8:00am La Playa Restaurant
20 Wed Casita Cielo rental open house, 5 – 6 pm, Baja’s Resort at East Cape
20 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norma 624-177-2812
21 Thu Recycle LB 9-11 at Awesome Beach Rides. $100ps donation  eastcaperecycling.com #4003
21 Thur Feeding the Hungry Fashion Show at La Playa 4pm Harriet purkeybh@gmail.com
22 Fri Open Houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am-1pm
22 Fri Baja 1000 Starts Ensenada http://score-international.com/raceinfo/2019-schedule/
23 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
23 Sat Piano Concert at El Triunfo 1 pm. Artist: Angela Zanevsky. 200ps – eventsbaja@gmail.com
23 Sat “Dinner  on  the Beach” Hotel Buena Vista. Dinner 7pm esavalmar@gmail.com 624 129-6525
23 Sat Rancho Leonero last BBQ ribs of the season. Resv.Please recepcionrancholeonero@gmail.com


a.  Lost – single key on thebeach near Geckos Restaurant.  If found please contact Hotel Los Pescadores.  624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com


a.  National Holiday today, 11/20.  Día de la Revolución.  I have to apologize, but I’m guessing there is a parade.

b.    Bike/Hike trails…Calle Facíl and Don   Frito are the two trails fenced and posted with no trespassing signs.  The other trails are all still open.      jenniferrayor@gmail.com

c. We really like and appreciate our friends and locals but we have to restrict parking to people coming to:   1) Homes and Land    2)  Information Center   3)  Pizza Gourmet
We have been happy to provide free parking for years for the stores and restaurants that aren’t providing parking for you, but now LB is a lot more crowded. Sometimes it may look like you can just run in and go to other stores for even two minutes but you can’t. The lot fills up in minutes then the Pizza restaurant and Homes and Land can’t even park in front of our own offices. Thank You for understanding from all of us at Homes and Land and the Pizza Gourmet San Antonio.

d.  There is a 50-50 chance tonight of a dazzling meteor storm, according to NASA. Earth will only be in the debris path of a long-period comet for about 15 minutes. If Monday evening skies are clear, watch low on the eastern horizon between Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and Procyon, a star to its upper left, between 9:15 and 10 pm. While you are waiting, see if you can identify the 6 constellations of the Winter Circle. Sirius and Procyon are at two of the corners.      Tom at BajaNightSky@gmail.com


a.  Is  Rancho Leonaro doing the all you can eat ribs on Saturday  nights? hugrp@comcast.net

B.  Need contact info for Abraham airport taxi guy – lindakroeker@gmail.com

c.  anyone willing to take two children’s sweaters north and mail to laura benward in california in time for christmas gifting – please contact tessabarriles@gmail.com or 624 113 1403

d.  We are looking for a baker in LB or close-by. Our grandson is turning 2 and we want a construction-themed cake and cupcakes – cwilddelano@gmail.com

e.  Can someone please help me get in touch with the people who sell organic soil for vegetable gardening in Barriles or San Bartolo? +1-415-310-0777  Call, text or email   Karen – karensgoldman@comcast.net

f.  I am traveling for the first time via auto from the Tecate border crossing to my home in Los barriles and am looking for travel advise. my first stop is to be Ensenada and then?? I have heard Guerro Negro would be daytime doable route but then…. all advise is appreciated!! – davewohl@midco.net

g.  My new tomato plants got washed out in the weekends rain if anyone has any spares I will be happy to purchase   624-151-1644 or  bbprentice@yahoo.com

h.  we have a white substance coming up thru our cement floors.  we had floors stripped and resealed, but is coming back.  any suggestions? Diane wrig@bctonline.com

i.  To remove a black bee hive  In la ribera1300311  mccurdybeatriz@gmail.com 
(There are two bee keepers listed in the Directory…..under bee keeper)


a.  Join an Ethical Tour in San José del Cabo to benefit the local community

b.  East Cape Health Center Announcement – Due to a much needed tropical rain storm we had to re-scheduled our Grand Opening. Please help us celebrate our   new facilities with a guided tour and Sparkling white or red wine on Friday Dec. 6 @ 4pm
Meet the physicians who will be coming from H+ and get to know their specialities.
Hope to see you then, East Cape Health Center, 624-124-8203 / 624-157-0081 – charlene.wenger@gmail.com

c.  15th anniversary of Club Rotario Los Barriles – open invitation to all on Monday, Nov 25th from 5 – 7 pm at La Cancha in Los Barriles. Join us to celebrate our 15th Anniversary in Los Barriles. Come see where we came from, where we’re going, and how much fun contributing to our community can be! Grab your neighbor or a friend or two for free cake, cookies, champagne and soft drinks. Pass the word and we’ll see you there. – screed10@gmail.com

d.  Make your date for the Taste of East Cape! Don’t be late! Everyone’s talking about The 2019 Taste of East Cape, December 7th at Laguna Park in Los Barriles. What began as a good idea has matured into one of the great date nights of the season. The Taste of East Cape pits the best of our East Cape chefs against each other and we all come out winners. You get ten tastes of your choice from fifteen restaurants, plus a beverage, a coffee, and a dessert, and just to sweeten up your evening you can swing your sweetie to the  Revolving Door.  Tickets now at the Los Barriles Saturday Market, Homes & Land, LB Property Services, Baja Properties, Coldwell Banker, or from any Rotary Club member.  https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/ – screed10@gmail.com

e.   We having a ‘Celebration of Life’ for our lovely Tracey on Friday December 6th.(Tracey from the Barkery and Los Barriles Dog Show and dog training fame).  It will be a Pot Luck at Casa Brisas from 12pm – 2pm…. a chance to tell stories, read a poem or two and toast Tracey in her next dog-filled life.   It is RSVP only.  emma@bajakennelclub.com if you are coming, and we can then share directions with you. Thanks everyone….

F.  Recycling Pop-Up Collection Day! Thursday November 21st from 9am to 11am – NEW LOCATION – In front of Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides (just north of La Casita restaurant.) Recycling is growing here in Los Barriles and we’re excited to try out a new collection place and more frequent dates.  Please bring your recyclables already sorted & crushed/flattened and your $100 peso donation. More info ronline: eastcaperecycling.com

g.  By hiring this tour you are contributing and supporting a Community Project that is rescuing local identity thru education.    In this 1.5 hour city tour, we will walk 1 mile around the old town sightseeing and learning in a fun storytelling way about the history and legends; how the ‘Pericu’ tribe lived, the conqueror Hernán Cortés, the Pacific pirates, the Mission church, the battle in the square, famous celebrities and more… send us an email if you would like to support: info@CaboCityTours.com

h.  I’m not sure of the translation but here is a link to the LB Delegation’s first Sushi contest.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.    Wanted: Propane fridge needed for my trailer!   Doesn’t need to be AC as well.
Nancy nancypopham@outlook.com, 624 175 6539

b.  Wanted:  Propane refrigerator/freezer in good working condition. Kochucove@yahoo.com


a. Rancho Leonero last BBQ rib night of the season on Nov Sat 23rd.  All you can eat buffet   Reservations please 6241410216 or recepcionrancholeonero@gmail.com


  1.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, please email for reservations dannycastellanos610@gmail.com

  2.  Thanksgiving in Manolo BBQ. Smoked turkey breast stuffed with cheese. November 28th. From 5 pm. book at 6241584320


a.  “Exotikite has your paddle boards for these glassy days on the beautiful Sea of Cortez.  No better way to experience all the wonders of the water! We also are offering paddle board yoga classes.  Email us today to reserve your time on the water losbarrileskiteboarding@gmail.com. See you soon !”


a.  New stand up paddle board. Carbon and Kevlar super strong and light construction for catching your first wave or cruising.  9’3” x 32.5” 995 Cocos. See details on bcs CL 7023239689 – build14u2@aol.com

b.  Wanted:  Training kite to buy or borrow. Kochucove@yahoo.com

c.  Kiteboard:  New set-up 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. 610 jumps. Email for pics

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


11 27 We  1:10 share taxi booked for LB at 2pm skeillor5894@gmail.com
11 28  Th  Arrive 8:30am Terminal 1 , Jocelyn  kawish59@hotmail.com
12 01      12 01 Su  Arrive 2:15 pm – have taxi booked to LB. Looking for 2-3 persons to split the cost? – windude5@telus.net
12 10 Tu     Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 11 We   Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com




BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. “Salt and Cotton Boutique is now open seven days a week.  Come by any day 9-3pm to see our beautifully curated collection of Mexican hand made pieces. FASHIN SHOW: we will also be presenting pieces at the “Feeding the Hungry Fashion Show” this Thursday at 4pm at La Playa Restaurant.  We are pre-selling tickets in the Boutique for $20usd or it is $25 usd at the door. hope to see you !”

b.  Come on up to “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Great Handcrafted Premium Ice Cream, Dairy Free Sorbet, Delicious Desserts and So Much More. Left side of the Hwy. Heading north, just past the second tope, just below the phone booth. 10:30-5:30 Sun-Fri- closed Saturdays.  zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
Like us on Facebook: zopis.sanbartolo

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. NEW-  OKUMA Metaloid 12ii 4 bearings Blue  – Trolling Reel 200 catches

b.  28 foot 1989 class c jamboree motorhome very clean good running low mileage new air conditioner lots of good stuff 8,000 or best offer Scott 360 643 3077 Los barrilla’s – sdohm1@gmail.com

c.  12 volt winch mount to your trailer, pull your tin boat right up on your trailer, no cranking anymore. 75 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

d.  2017 Keystone Outback trailer, rear king bed slide out, 2 door fridge, 3 burner stove, 2 forward bunks plus additional kid sleeping capacity on dinette and couch.It is here already . 24,000 US nights – thebirketts@gmail.com

e.  2002 Dodge SLT 1500 4 by 4 Shortbox. 5.9Lit V8. Leather interior, Good Condition, Runs Great. saintbart2010@gmail.com for more info and photos. 99,000 mex cocos obo.

f.  Hobie Kayak-Classic model with pedal drive, seat, paddle, and rod holder, 700 great catches.  624 141-0873 – bajajoanna@gmail.com

g.  2017 white lark cargo trailer, 14×6’, single axle, used once to bring down quad, motorcycle, stored under cover, 3,400 hitches.   Ph 624-108-0830 or    thebirketts@gmail.com

h.  2005 Nissan Xterra Off Road model, 87,750 miles, plenty of room for luggage and guests from the airport, great for Costco runs. We purchased a new car, so don’t need this one.  Local BV 141-0278,   US cell 408-772-1399.  or bajalorena@yahoo.com.  Located in Buenavista. Can be yours for 85,500 cocos.

i.  1995 Suzuki Quad looking for new home ,1000 scorpions.
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/1995-suzuki-quad/7022538245.html?lang=en&cc=us          sjbalkwi@telus.net

j.  Just like brand new, office chair. metal with white padding. Bought it and found I do not need it …….. so for 60 sittings it is yours   sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com 124-8071

k.  Wooden desk with keyboard pull out. On rollers. 27 wide and 21 deep. 35 uses
sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com or 124-8071

l.  dyna-glo 4 burner propane bbq. brand new, never used  220 burns. tank not included
124-8045  mmboughton@sbcglobal.net
===THE END===