

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

15 SunPiano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. December 15 at 1 pm. Angela Zanevsky. 200 peso. – eventsbaja@gmail.com
15 Sun5:30pm Celebration, Open House and Dedication of New Sanctuary at East Cape Christian Fellowship. Located on paved road between Tio Pablo’s and Delegation offices. Refreshments to follow
16 Mon5:30 La Concha—DJ, Dancing, Food, High School Fundraiser info: http://bit.ly/35yAZC8 – kaivalyapada@gmail.com
17 TueCapsforcancerbaja is meeting 9 am at Annette’s iikaiser@frii.com
17 TueCapsforcancerbaja is meeting at 4 pm in La Ribera at Providencia restaurant.
17 TueCancelled Fish printing art class by Sherry Duncan. 8mm8bella8@gmail.com or 818-453-0746


a.  None


a. Suzie’s Consignment….30% Off Storewide…Sunday 9:00  –  3:00 – suziesconsignment@gmail.com

b.  Cancelled on Tues. Dec. 17th Fish printing art class by Sherry Duncan. 8mm8bella8@gmail.com or 818-453-0746

c. Take 10 to 25% off everything! We’re making room in our warehouse! So we’re offering the best ever prices in all our wine&tequila, great saving for you this xmas!  Los barriles wine & tequila bar presents sip&shop this december 21th 4-7pm with our special guests paula jo jaconeta art designer, lawrence jaconeta tatto art, victoria’s sunny dresses & joyeria y bolsos frida’s. Next to the spa in hotel palmas de cortes. Enjoy a free glass of sparkling wine in our way to say Thank you and Merry Christmas! – casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com


a. Driving down from ca in january.  has anyone driven the route from san felipe lately?…haven’t been since march and wondering how the road is.  any info appreciated.  also anyone interested in caravaning?  leaving tahoe jan 6 – ellendavis@ellendavis.me

b. Can anyone tell me if the guy at Thriftys still arranges for a rental car deal one way from airport to LB & if not, is there anyone who does? – lindakroeker@gmail.com

c. Does anyone know of a reliable source for stripping and refinishing an older Saltillo tile floor? – Jimharrison2@msn.com

d. Any suggestions for who to use for one day kayak trips out of La Paz?  Thank you. – jwiley427@gmail.com

e. Does anyone know source for goat milk (to make yogurt)?  Scj3@comcast.net

f. Does anyone know what happened to a Mooring ball that was just off of Verdugos RV park about 100’ foot off the beach.


a. Art day December 18, 8:30-?  at Kitty McGee’s casa ph. 124-8029.  Come join the fun, all kinds of things to do. – ksmcgee@psci.net

b. Give Toys For Our Kids – Saturday, Dec 21st, 3 to 6 pm at the Fountain. Interact Club of Los Barriles, along with help from Club Rotario Los Barriles, are having their annual Toy Collection for the less fortunate kids of all the East Cape communities. These are gifts for children who otherwise would not otherwise receive a  present at Christmas time. Bring your toys for the Gift Drive to the Los Barriles Fountain on Saturday afternoon from 3pm to 6pm December 21st. This is our chance to show how generous our community really is. Toys for either girls or boys will be accepted. If you don’t have a toy, cash donations are also welcome as Rotary members will be driving to Cabo to purchase Santa’s favorites. Thanks in advance for your generosity and your help for the neediest kids of the East Cape. Help make sure no child is forgotten this year. – screed10@gmail.com


a. None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Looking for a small 4×4 suv or hatchback style car, 4 cyl, good running, appearance not important, prefer years 2005 and older.  Suggestions welcome  hansheld@gmail.com

b. 48-54″ round table top – erlablink@gmail.com

c. We are in search of a used cell phone that works on At&t service.  Iphone or Samsung doesnt really matter.  Just need it for temporary use as we are taking a cell to get repaired in the US – mclift29@yahoo.com

d. Need by February 4×4 car or SUV. Jeep Explorer Blazer Suburban Tahoe Subaru or what ever. Needs to be good condition A/C preferred. – jhenvy@yahoo.com


a. None


a. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo has the flavours to “Satisfy your Sweet Tooth” come on up and enjoy the “Award Winning” Handcrafted Treats. Lots of Choices, Dairy Free Options and So Much More! Daily Specials and 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com


    Come and celebrate Chrismas with us this December 25 and to receive this December 31 a new year we Will have karaoke and a Delicious and special dinner.  cost $550 MXN – lahornilla2015@gmail.com
    1st COURSE
    Roasted pear and blue cheese salad with tamarind vinaigrette.
    2nd COURSE
    # 1- Seafood Lasagna
    # 2- Meat Lasagna.
    1st COURSE
    Cilantro Cream
    2nd COURSE
    # 1- Stuffed pork loin
    # 2- shrimp with mango chutney
    Créme brûlée

  2. Join Chef Anton at Del Sol Cafe for his unique twist on a traditional German Christmas feast.
    Join us at Hotel Playa Del Sol starting at 6pm on Tuesday & Wednesday, December 24th & 25th for this one of a kind “Taste of Germany”. $45 pp including tax.  Call Playa Del Sol at 624-141-0212
    https://vanwormerresorts.com/web-special/188/christmas-dinner-at-del-sol-cafe – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com

  3. Manolo’s BBQ #1 brisket angus. 250 USD (15-17 persons) #2 stuffed turkey 200 USD(18-20 persons.) #3 polled pork.150USD.(14-16persons)#4turkey breast 100USD (6-8persons ) more information 6241584320 or manolosbbq@yahoo.com


a. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort!  Starting next week, Jennifer Wiley, PT will offer PT on Mondays and Thursdays from 9-12 am for $40 per visit for non-members, $36 for members.  December special:  20% discount for all ($32 per visit).   Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com.
Quick bio:  I’m a native of Colorado.  Been visiting L.B. for over 15 years.  I’ve practiced physical therapy over 24 years, mostly in outpatient orthopedics,with advanced training in trigger point dry needling and Active Release Techniques.  I’d love to help you with your aches and pains

b. Salsa dance class with Neil. Every Weds 5:30pm at Yoga Garden. Class duration 1 hr, admission 100mx.
No previous experience required. Couples and Singles, Men and Women, Young and young at heart.
Great exercise, great fun, great music. – neilhowe36@gmail.com


a. Naish park 11 meter 2014 flown only 3 times, perfect condition 350 clams – tripp3867@comcast.net

AIRPORT RIDES –  Follow this Link


BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Travel MedEvac Emergency Air Evacuation – Travel MedEvac Insurance now has Global Insurance Policies to cover you in your worldwide travels, including our Mexico Only Plan to your home hospital, doctors, and healthcare network of choice. Get peace of mind with a flexible daily, semi-annual, or annual expat policy. Get your quote today: http://bit.ly/travelmedevacinfo.travelmedevac@gmail.com

b. Mail Boxes Los Barriles, yes we can carefully ship your furniture and entire or entire household to your front door from the USA.  We have a library of recent references you may speak with.  If you choose another company to work with, be sure to ask for at least 10 references and call them.  We are experts in the field, oh and we can certainly handle your packages and mail, just ask around and you       probably know some of our very happy clients.  Terry Gray Curtis at your service, 624-151-5539 mailbarriles@gmail.com —  mailbaja.com

c. Start the week with Magic.  “Magic Mondays” @ Teresa’s Tours, all pm tours are 20% off including the Bulls High-Performance e-bike tour open to everyone of all abilities if you can ride a mountain bike. More at info@teresastours.com.  “Magic Mondays” for a limited time. –

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Villas de Cortez – One bedroom furnished condominium available for rent. Magnificent views from fourth floor. Message me for details. Kcncolby@aol.com

b. One bedroom casita with large yard near beach and tres palapas for long term rental.  Inquire about time frame, price and pics.  Thanks – benballay@hotmail.com

c. Camper spot.  Store your camper, fenced secure 8 years here no problems, hook ups if you want to stay in it a few months a year cheap – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 97 gmc suburban in los barriles, 85,000 original miles, new battery, tires,shocks,brakes, white/leather, power windows door locks, a couple cosmetic issues, but a perfect Baja vehicle. clean idaho title. 6500 clams, gregbsv@gmail.com, 141 0465, 208 720 0250 –

b. mobicool ac/dc portable fridge, heats or cools. exc beer fridge 34 ltres 100 cold ones  nancypopham@outlook.com

c. 14ft Alaskan smokercraft 20 hp Yamaha oil injected long-shaft baja wheels oars padded seats vhf fish finder live bait tank 3750 dorado lambethderek@gmail.com

d. (2) 80 Gal. and (1) 65 Gal. new rheem fury electric hot water heaters; (3) new SunEarth solar domestic hot water collectors (not for pools). 400 ea. or discount for more than one. – ontheseaofcortez@icloud.com

e. 15 feet ocean kayak prowler trident 800 dorados 624 130 0137 la ribera – raymondrousselle@hotmail.com

f. Miscellaneous Penn and Daiwa fishing reels $40 fishies or rod/reel combo $70 fishies – Stand up “Planet Earth” bike pump $25 airs – Fishing lures, weights, and miscellaneous fishing equipment, must go, offers. – glenmilner@gmail.com

g. KTM XC250F  1950 Golden Rings   https://bajasur.craigslist.org/mcy/7038275267.htmlmojo5779@gmail.com

h. Surfboard . 8 Ft. Trifin Egg. 160 bottom turns . Email for photo and details – mojo5779@gmail.com

i. flat bed trailer,1500 lb carrying capacity!   Perfect for a side by side  contact Finn at finn.volke803@gmail.com https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/flatbed/7024117278.html?lang=en&cc=us

j. Donated to Capsforcancerbaja for online sale.
– 1 Meilen household digital scale (new) 10 caps.
– 4 new Prescision digital Utopia scales 10 caps each.
– Lap desk (like new) memory foam with USB light & mouse, deck phone holder 25 caps.
– Sercura fruit juicer, like new, electric, 20 caps.
Contact Annette @ iikaiser@frii.com

===THE END===