
Merry Christmas!

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

27 FriCreate and awe inspiring book, Bookbinding workshop 11 to 2pm at Tres Palapas Pickleball, info xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
29 SunWINE&PIANO Concert with Angela Zanevsky. 1:00 PM. El Triunfo Piano Museum.$200MXN. – eventsbaja@gmail.com
31 TueTai Chi at Yoga Garden, postponed today,
02 ThurRecycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
08 WedEast Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com


a.Lost silver necklace Sunday evening the 22nd, somewhere in town, or out towards Playa Norte, with sentimental value.  Silver snake style chain, 18 inches long. please email if found! $10 award for finding as well. – dag.johnsrud@colorado.edu

b. Will the lady that borrowed the silver, Mexican earrings for the Fashion Show, please return them to Copper River Designs Jewelry store on Costa Brava St.?  I’m sure they just got overlooked during the bustle but I have the display card for $99 US waiting to be restocked.  Best regards, Christine Rogers  624-141-0014 casa,  206-669-1675 US cell, 624-117-5401 Mexican cell.

c. Lost oar for a skeeter boat, if found please contact Jamie at (503) 730-3808 Thank you – neal_nj@hotmail.com


a. A recent article in the Mexico News Daily warns that Pemex is unable to meet the deadline of Dec 31, 2019 for full conversion to Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD). However, competitive stations like Esso and Repsol actively advertise on their pumps that their diesel is ULSD, so there is always an option to choose a different supplier.I have been the go-to guy on this subject since 2008, having done numerous lab tests of Mexican diesel over the years. I haven’t received a single verifiable report of sulfur in fuel problems since April of 2018. NOT A SINGLE ONE all last winter, and none again so far this winter !My best guess to explain this is that Pemex has enough ULSD from it’s recently converted refineries to supply most or all of the retail sector gas stations across the country, but is still supplying LSD to marine customers, as well as some large wholesale and non-road users.  I have had my own 2019 GMC Sierra Duramax down in Los Barriles since October with not even a hint of a problem. The Baja has been 100% ULSD since mid-2018, and there is presently no reason to believe that LSD will start being distributed here again.Ted White at whitetmp@aol.com

b. Bonjour I’m Pepi and came to Kite surf  in Los Barriles with friends from Vancouver BC. My contribution to the community is a You Tube Channel where I post videos to promote the work of the voluntary from Los Barriles.  shorturl.at/bcguU  – 3 videos on line this year: East Cape Recycling https://youtu.be/NHjUjOuY9lI, Barriles Area Trail Stewards https://youtu.be/qJM2b_dFRWI, Los Barriles Farmers Market, christmas 2019 https://youtu.be/qkPDfhcr6KM


a. Has anyone had issues with their newer diesel trucks because of a lack of ultra low sulphuric diesel fuel?  Any solutions? – drinkleg@rogers.com


a. Come Paddle with Fiona!! Free Stand Up Paddle Clinic plus Q & A with 2x SUP World Champion Fiona Wylde. ​  ​Dec. 26, 9:00-11:00am at Vela at Playa Del Sol.  Available to all ages and all levels, from beginner to advanced. ​  ​If you have a paddle board, bring it. If not Vela will provide boards and paddles. – ellenwylde@icloud.com

b. WINE&PIANO Concert with Angela Zanevsky.​  ​Date: Sunday, December 29 at 1:00 PM.​  ​Place: El Triunfo Piano Museum​ ​Admission: $200 MXN. Tickets available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com

c. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception.​ ​FIPCAM AC Foundation  our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – jocelynglezg@hotmail.com

d. Come and dance ROCK N roll  at la playa restaurant.  Thursday 26th with the band gatos pardos from la paz  at 7:00pm. Make your reservation 6121319336 – evegarcot@hotmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Does anyone in  this area (Los Barriles, Buena Vista, La Reviera, ect.)  repair sewing machines?
bajabums@gmail.com or 141-0318

b. Looking for shower curtain, prefer narrow. Does anyone have 1 to sell or know where to buy closer than Cabo? sellerjazz@yahoo.com

c. Looking for 6 QT pressure cooker in very good condition with all parts intact and functional – Omigog@gmail.com

d. Hi I am looking for an RV, Motorhome/camper, please let me know if you have one for sale, my e mail is caroline_sail@yahoo.co.uk, or tel +1 805 515 8961, thank you Caroline

e. Wanted cheap kayak or canoe ​ ​Los Barrilles – markspowell62@gmail.com

f. Our family of four are looking to share the cost of a Chata Day trip on the Awesome  on Monday December 30.  There is room for four more (8 in total).  For more details on the trip check out www.bajasawesome.com  contact me by email:  camasmtn@gmail.com


a. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort!  Jennifer Wiley, PT is offering therapy on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1: 00 for 40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  December special:  20% discount for all (32 per visit).   Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com. – Happy New Year!


a. Slingshot 14m Rally in mint condition.  Light blue canopy with a black leading edge and struts.​  ​The bar and lines look brand new.  Its an amazing light wind kite.  650 launches – spielmann444@gmail.com

b. Moses T22 strapless foilboard, full carbon​ ​$600 – czekvlad@gmail.com

c. ocean rodeo, mako, 150cm with straps, barely used 450 swells – tferrick@gorge.net


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11  Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Dr Dennis,  our East Cape Chiropractor, will be in the office  on Monday  and Friday this Christmas week and closed on Wednesday. 970-799-7068.   densaidyes  at  aol.com  Happy Holidays to all on the East Cape

b.Hello, there are works of furniture​.  ​Custom carpentry workshop and under design​.  ​Furniture, closets, in general. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/lbs/7043580661.htmltomascruz97@hotmail.com

c. joels palm trees and desert plants   royal palms.coco palms.  fan palms. phoenix palms  any sise delivered and planted.  have a large crane move any thing or trees. – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced​ ​https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7030640936.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

b. 32’ travel trailer, EUC, 2 slides, spacious bedroom with queen bed, sofabed in living room, new awning, roof resealed every 2 years, new interior LED lights. Email for photos and viewing. $13,500.00. – gwenbathgate@gmail.com

c. Now available Baja Santa’s sleigh! He no longer needs it. White on white with lots of chrome! 65 VW Buggy, Clean as fresh snow and ready to roll. New tires, brakes and battery.  1600 cc Engine has only 200 miles. Only 4,000 gift cards.  casaalbright@gmail.com

d. Original Levi sherpa jacket, like new size L. 50 tacos. Email Dick at bajadickfierro@hotmail.com

===THE END===