
EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


03 FriThe Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
05 SunPiano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum.  Angela Zanevsky. at 1:00 pm. 200 pesos
08 WedEast Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
09 Thu10am to 1pm Open Houses with Homes and Land of Baja
10 FriTap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 FriFull Wolf Moon
10 FriMovie Night Laguna Park


a. lost my kiteboard on dec. 30/19. surfboard style. litewave dv8. red and white. please contact vela at  hotel playa del sol or email me at paulsommerville@shaw.ca

b. Red lost wiener dog/ dashound has been wandering in front of our house on the beach all day – soleiarutter@gmail.com

c. Found red and white kiteboard floating in Buena Vista on Dec 30.  Text 5037085334 with details if it is yours. – scottschlechter@gmail.com

d. Please return my Corona flip flops removed from the beach in Spa Buena Vista 10am- noon on 1/2…not valuable, but they’re mine…. – matthew@mcn.org


a. Bonjour I’m Pepi and came to Kite surf  in Los Barriles with friends from Vancouver BC. My contribution to the community is a You Tube Channel where I post videos to promote the work of the voluntary from Los Barriles.  shorturl.at/bcguU  – 3 videos on line this year: East Cape Recycling https://youtu.be/NHjUjOuY9lI, Barriles Area Trail Stewards https://youtu.be/qJM2b_dFRWI, Los Barriles Farmers Market, christmas 2019 https://youtu.be/qkPDfhcr6KM.  If any body is interested to have a video to promote volunteer work for Los Barrilles community you can contact me: t.damilano@mac.com

b. It’s 2020! A great year to focus on creating positive habits to keep our precious Sea of Cortez free of plastics and protect your desert and mountain environments. Make the choice – commit this year – make 2020 the year you focus on recycling as a life habit. This new decade is pivotal to our home planet’s health. You have the power within your own life habits to make a difference. Whatever it takes, just start. Crush your aluminum cans, smash your plastics, breakdown your cardboard. Bring them on ‘First Thursday’ between 9 am and 11 am and we’ll help you the rest of the way. East Cape Recycling Center at Baja’s Resort at East Cape across from the Modelorama. Focus, it’s 2020! – combertheresa@hotmail.com

c. Hola Amigos! I have two spots open for my first tour to the Pacific coast. Dates are Jan 6th to 8th. January is the best month to catch Snook and Curvina. Join us for this adventure to Rancho La Aguja. The tour has a cost of $350 dlls per person and is an all inclusive deal: transportation, meals, drinks and tackle. Its a soft camping experience as we have all the services available (bathroom, electricity and kitchen). For more information you can call me at 624-122-5019 or by email at felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com

d. BajaNight Sky – Friday Night 1) Sirius, brighteststar in the sky, is rising in the SE at 8 pm. Can you find Betelgeuse, the redstar at Orion’s shoulder above Sirius? It is a variable star, 2.5 times fainter now than three months ago. 2) TheQuadrantids Meteor Shower peaks around 1 am tomorrow morning. It is famous forlong, bright, exploding meteors. There should be a few Friday evening. 3) Haveyou seen the Southern Cross?  At 6 am fora few weeks, it sits low directly in the south.  For more January star gazing click here. Tom at BajaNightSky@gmail.com

e. Trying to get two or three of Chiropractor Dr. Robert Smith’s prior patients together so we can go down to see him the week of January 5th.  He still charges 100pesos and a comfortable ride down and back $25.  We would leave in the morning and be back by 1pm.  Pick you up and return you to your home.  We could possibly go once a month if it works out for everyone. – erlablink@gmail.com

f. Rotary Interact Kids collected gifts for underprivileged children. Thank you to all who gave toys for Christmas on December 21st. In just a couple of hours at the Fountain our Rotario Los Barriles Interact Club collected over 200 gifts and a more than $1,000 usd cash to brighten up the holidays for families in need. Congratulations, Los Barriles and all of East Cape for sharing what we have with those who have not. – screed10@gmail.com


a. Has anyone had recent experience ferrying a US plated vehicle from Mazatlan to La Paz on a Visa Temporal?  Also any recent ferry experience while traveling with pets (larger dog) would be super helpful.  :),  Thank you!! – barrileschente@gmail.com

b. Does anyone have any suggestions for technical support for a Macbook Air?  Thank you.

c. I’m in need of a passport photo.  Can anyone recommend a place that produces them?  Thanks. kleeg2016@yandex.com

d. Water outages in LB – is there any notice?​  ​Ours has been out almost 12 hours this time.  It goes out about weekly for a couple of hours, but this is nuts.  Any idea if this was a planned outage, and if so, how do mere mortals know when the outage schedule is?
Tnx – daxbuddy1@gmail.com


a. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception. FIPCAM AC Foundation our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – Contact: Maru@Vanwormerresorts.com 

b. A Spanish class for beginners will be held from Jan. 14 to Feb. 14. Learning some Spanish is excellent for your brain, your heart, and your self-reliance. This series is limited to 10 people. Hear Spanish spoken by our local librarian, with grammar explained by me, Kay Mundt. – kay.mundt@gmail.com

c. Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 1:00 pm. Artist: Angela Zanevsky, the Laureate of International Piano Competitions. Admission: 200 pesos. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com


a. Edge of the Sea Gardens will be attending the LB Market on Saturday Jan. 4th with a whole new selection of tomatoes, flowers, herbs and other veggies.  There are lots of varieties and the starts are huge!  Additionally, if you are needing bone meal and epsom salts for your veggies, citrus trees or palm trees I will have that also!  Thank You! – kke@edge2.net

b. Fresh Smoked Yellow-tail and Smoked Yellow-tail dip this Saturday at the Community Market. We also have Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, Strawberry Jam, Salsa Verde, Vanilla beans and Baja Art cards. Hand made Blouses from Puebla. See you there, Larry and Paty – jackpotchartersbaja@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Hola! I am in need of a 2020 calendar. One with large squares that I can write on. dolphina1cyndi@aol.com 624 166 5852 Mex. cell

b. wanted car or suv. 2006 or newer please in good condition. air conditioning a plus. – jhenvy@yahoo.com

c. Looking for mid size, 4×4, affordable vehicle.  Hit a cow on my drive down in November and probably won’t get my car back till the end if the season if I do.  Thanks! – justiceskate@gmail.com


a. Gentle Yoga 55 + with Janet, returns Friday, Jan. 3, at 11 a.m., at the Yoga Garden. Discover the benefits of yoga for the body and the spirit at any age. New to yoga? This is a perfect starting class. Class continues Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. – jampaulson@gmail.com

b. I’m here for you! Members and non-members welcome. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com – Happy Healthy 2020!!

c. Kundalini Yoga is back at the Yoga Garden.  Every Sunday from 9 – 10:15am.  Classes include stretching, a yoga set, deep relaxation and a meditation.​ ​Its a great way to start your day – spielmann444@gmail.com

d. Everyone is invited to attend services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet every Sunday at 9AM.  This Sunday is communion Sunday and the main message will be from the Book of Mark. Our church is located on the paved bypass road up the hill from Tio Pablo’s about 300 yards before you get to the post office in Los Barriles.  Come early and enjoy coffee, snacks and good fellowship. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. Santa let you down so time to treat yourself. Full carbon Slingshot  Hypermiler board and Lift foil. 1100 American zooms.https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/foil-kiteboard-all-carbon/7040895732.htmlfeelih@gmail.com

b. Used 12m Naish Trip kite w/bar & lines, good condition  325 waves  triplej@frontier.net

c. 12m North Rebel kite, no rips or leaks, never been repaired. Comes with 24m lines and North trust bar. 350 tacos – sudlowi@telus.net


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo Arrive 1:00, 2 people richvelasquez@gmail.com
1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com
1/6 arrive 2:15pm 1 person 2 sm bags to LB share/pay gas – kitinjim@me.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  
1/15 flight is at 2pm, 2 persons 1 bag – rregbert@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Joels palm trees and desert plants 10 ft tall ground to to top of  leaves 150 cocos  you come dig them up  can fit in pick up trailer better fan palms 6 ft 100 cocos sercas 75 cocos agave cactus 30 cocos we also deliver and plant the big trees – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.mountain bike full suspension, opus lace 26″ ,  women’s small , sram components, like new, 600 cocos – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

b. 2005 Sprtsman 800 Razor, 2 seater,mint condition, 400 miles 5,500 rides – bajasun@aol.com

c. F/S 2017 Kawasaki Mule, 2 bench seats,​ ​new condition, power steering, 800 hours 7,000 rides,  bajasun@aol.com

d. 2015 Ford F150 Platinum trim, manufactured and then imported from Dearborn Mich, now with Mexican plates and 35,000 miles.  Call Jim in LB 624-121-6930 or bajajim1234@yahoo.com

e. 2008 ultra lite travel trailer. 23′ + 6′ extension at rear, making it 29′.  Good condition with two queen beds.​  ​listed on craigs list: link.  https: // post.craigslist.org/u/pbxcbsys6hg6ds6q3ricq/zmcpybillophoto@aol.com

f. Penn International 80ST 2-speed, factory refurbished–like new.  400 fish.  Kenmcdowell38@yahoo.com

g. 22 ft panga, 90HP 4 stroke Mercury 2002, Bimini top, Center console, Marine Radio, GPS, pumps, bait tank, Fish Finder Trailer, Mexican Papers.11,500 Green Frogs or best offer, Oscar 6241512929pikuchito@hotmail.com.

h. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – 2″ coupler, galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. One trip from BC Canada to bring quad, no longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7047946820.html?lang=en&cc=us

i. Seeds anyone? I have 12 brand new Heirloom tomato seed packets from Annie’s Heirloom Seeds…I bought way too many for my garden space.   Will sell for one tomato each.  Assorted kinds, ready to plant.  lynnmirassou@gmail.com.   624-124-8242 –

j. 14 ft custom trailer Georgia made 2018. Kept inside and used to bring home items down. Heavy duty springs and custom wheels. Hauls 4×4 razor 4 seater. 8000 clams – mikewagnon4@gmail.com

k. 2013 yamaha kodiak 450 quad, low kms ,excellent condition, 6200 rides,  624 225 3755, randrew3@shaw.ca

l. kahuna paddle boards ,sup  touring , blow up ,12′ long , new condition , includes bag ,with rollers / backpack , 3 pc carbon paddle , repair kit ,2 stage pump ,leash , fin  850 strokes, 624 225 3755,, cj1795@shaw.ca

m. Two light-duty dirt bikes. High end, very trick, very torquey. Pro-rider quality.
https://advrider.com/motoped-is-it-a-dirt-bike-moped-or/  3k cocos new. No reasonable offer refused. Jeff 142-8978 or jrd1415@gmil.com

n. Slime Sealant & Tire Repair – 1 gallon bottle, unopened, enough to do all four ATV tires. Prevents and repairs flat tires. Includes a pump to insert the Slime. 29 pumps. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

o.TV wall mount by Perlesmith. Brand new; still in box. Lockable mount for RV use. Full motion articulating arm with swivel. Holds 23″ – 43″ TVs weighing up to 77 lbs. Asking 35 programs. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

p. 2003 26ft panga diesel for sale, fully equipped! immaculate condition. photos email jonanthonynaihe@yahoo.com

q. Onix Pure 2 pickleball balls. 6-pack. Orange. Brand new; never used. Still in box. 15 dinks. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

===THE END===