

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


07 Tu– Board Meeting 9:00am La Playa
07 TuBoard Dinner To Welcome Governor & Asst Governor; Include Interact Board And Members; Arrive La Playa 6:00 Pm
08 WedMembership Meeting With Governor 8:30am La Playa
08 WedEast Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
08 WedSinging for Fun vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani, Yoga Garden, 3 to 4:30pm, jgrittan1@gmail.com
09 Thu10am to 1pm Open Houses with Homes and Land of Baja
09 ThuSocial At Monolo’s BBQ 5pm
10 FriTap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 FriFull Wolf Moon
10 FriMovie Night! “Knives Out” 7 pm Parque Laguna supports recycling – jeyers@rogers.com


a. Lost…RZR aluminum skid plate, about 3×2 ft x1/4 inch probably in La Trinidad arroyo between Santiago and la Ribera  ctoc99@hotmail.com.

b. Missing:  the Sunset edition of ” The Sea of Cortez”, hard back book that lives on the table in Yoga Garden.  If you have borrowed this book from our table, please return it. Thanks, much appreciated! – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

c. Lost my orange and white Ocean Rodeo 150 way out yesterday. Hoping one of our friends in Buena Vista might come across  it! Thanks. 587 224 8five95 – sudlowi@telus.net

d. This dog was found way to the chapel, if someone recognizes please call at 624 154 5247


a. Basic Spanish for Beginners will run from Jan. 14 to Feb. 14.​  ​This is a power verb course, which gives a shortcut to communication.​  ​Learning some Spanish is good for your brain, your heart, and your ​ ​self-reliance with authorities. Hear Spanish spoken by our town librarian, with grammar explained by me, Kay Mundt – kay.mundt@gmail.com

b. Looking for known & trusted Notario to handle property transfer.. The lot is in Buena Vista and all prior paperwork was complete.. should be fairly easy transaction..Thank you for help.. – STACEY_STACK@HOTMAIL.COM

c. Several of Chiropractor Dr. Robert Smith’s patients are going to his office in Cabo Friday morning for appointments from Los Barriles.  We have room for one more person.   He is not taking any more new patients.  You must be a prior patient.  Comfortable ride and excellent driver $25.US and 100 pesos to Robert for his excellent adjustments.  We should be back by 1pm.  Must know by Wednesday noon to schedule appointments. – erlablink@gmail.com


a. Wanted to know if someone can recommend pet friendly hotels in Ensenada. And any new laws as to returning pet thru us entry border? jmper020@verizon.net

b. Does anyone know the Dentist Sam his phone number ? Please reply swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

c. Can anyone tell me how the # 5 is from San Felipe heading south? – Michael.Tom.Hudson@gmail.com


a. Our first Monday of 2020 is here everybody!​ ​See you all this January 6th at 6:30pm ​ ​With a night special show with professional dancers! ​ ​You know you can’t miss it! They will teach you how to dance salsa, bachata,  Merengue and much more! ​ ​Let’s get some moves!!!​ ​Book your reservations: 612 131 9336 – evegarcot@hotmail.com

b. They are coming back!!!!,​ ​thursday 9th january at 6:30pm ​ ​you cant miss this band from la paz.​ ​“GATOS PARDOS “​  ​Come and dance ROCK N roll 70,80,90,s​  ​Make your reservation 6121319336​ ​La playa restaurant – evegarcot@hotmail.com

c. January 2020
Updated Schedule Of Events
Jan 1st – New Year’s Day — No Meeting
Jan 7th – Tuesday –– Board Meeting 9:00am La Playa
Jan 7th – Tuesday –– Board Dinner To Welcome Governor & Asst Governor; Include Interact Board And Members; Arrive La Playa 6:00 Pm
Jan 8th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting With Governor 8:30am La Playa
Jan 9th – Thursday – Social At Monolo’s BBQ 5pm
Jan 15th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
Jan 22nd – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
Jan 23rd – Thursday—Social At Beans And Rice 5pm
Jan 29th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 La Playa – screed10@gmail.com

d. What goes great with a movie? PIZZA of course! This Friday is the first outdoor movie night of the season at Parque Laguna Community Park. ‘Knives out’ An edge of your seat mystery/comedy starring Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Christopher Plummer.  Pre-order your pizza from Joe’s Pizza for delivery to the park before the movie starts. Settle into your seat, feast and enjoy the film. Perfect!   10% of all sales will go to East Cape Recycling Baja.   Email us for our menu and to place your order: joeslosbarriles@gmail.com or call 624 130 2222

e. Experience Open Mic at La Fogata every Wednesday. Last week, our 1st Open Mic of 2020, was a great success. New faces and old friends performed beautifully. Join us as we make high school dreams come true. Happy hour is 4-6, sign up at 6 and music at 7. Reservations are a good idea. Call Norma at 624-177-2812

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. 32′ or larger 5th wheel trailer with slide outs. American title. – billophoto@aol.com

b. Study Spanish with Paulina on 2020!!​  ​Level 1 February 3-28  M/W/F 9-11 am​  ​Level 2 February 11-March 13 T/Th 9-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com

c. Looking for a travel trailer or RV, must be in good livable shape and over 28 feet long.  Anything in the 5,000 to 10,000 sleeps range considered. – ranpar01@hotmail.com

d. Futon couch. – dbsims@sbcglobal.net

e. 26 year old local looking for a job, can do alot of things, very polite, friendly, can speak english, and of course spanish. Thanks in advance. – juliancastroisais@gmail.com

f. Is there anyone driving down to Los Barriles that could bring a couple of bags or more of Tragger pellets any combination, – easylifehd51@gmail.com

g. Sling for shoulder. Like what you might get from the doctor if you broke your clavicle or after shoulder replacement or rotator cuff surgery. – bajacarlita@gmail.com

h. Does anyone have a cheap set of headphones they want to part with.  The speaker on my laptop died.  Looks like a pin jack same as microphone input.  No earbuds please. – thomwdavis@gmail.com

i. Does anyone have or know where I can get salvaged RV or trailer windows? The kind that slide open. tishthespy@hotmail.com


a. Tired of Turkey and Tacos – Tuesday at Hotel Los Pescadores – Asian. Ramen, Egg Rolls, Schezwan, Orange Glazed Ribs and more – Reservations Recommended. 624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com

b. Come on up to “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. We have the flavours to Satisfy your Sweet Tooth” 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook-Follow us on Twitter- zopis.sanbartolo – zopilotes.sb@gmail.com


a. “Singing for Fun” vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani (Jeanetti Spaghetti). Spring into the new year with song.  At the Yoga Garden, Wednesday, Jan 8th, 3 to 4:30pm.  Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com

b. How can I help you?  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com – Happy Healthy 2020!!

c. Monday 13, 10:00 to 1:00 at Tres Palapas, Linocut workshop, design, carve, print and take home your creation printed on paper, this one is dedicated to Sea Life, living in Baja in the aquarium of the world, who doesn’t feel inspired… join us let flow your creativity make something beautiful! For more info reserve your spot please contact me xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com


a. ISO ladies mediumish new/lightly used kiting seat harness. – nancymcgrew@gmail.com

b. 2018 North Neo’s in great condition​ – ​6 meter like new 700 coco’s​ – ​8 meter like new 800 coco’s​ – ​10 meter very good condition 900 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

c. Slingshot, Simulator foilboard new 600  – Levitaz, Bionic foil new including custom BU board cost over 4000 selling for less than half  – DaKine, Vega, Vision and Fusion seat harness new 160 – Gath, Gedi helmets 160 – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM

d. Ozone, Wasp 4 m wing used 8 times with small repair 600 or new 800 wing-thingy – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/10, leave by 1pm, 1 person, 1 carry-on bag sarah.plotkin@gmail.com
1/14 leave LB around 10:00 am 1 person, 1 carryon – thefrizwiz@yahoo.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. This New Year ExotiKite Kiteboarding would like to thank all of the local residents who refer their family and friends to us by offering 15% off our 2hr taster lesson!  A memorable experience for all of your guests. We offer local discounts for all of our lesson packages.  Please contact us at kiteboarding@exotikite.com or call +1 541 490 8399 and we will happily assist you with booking your lessons.  Happy New Year! –

b. We at Salt+Cotton would like to wish everyone a very joyful New Year!  We continue to bring you high quality, locally made, sustainable gifts and clothing, receiving new shipments weekly! Stop on in and check out what we have to offer.  Open 9am-3pm, 7 days a week.  Located next to Mailboxes LB on Calle Costa Brava. – saltcottonbaja@gmail.com

c. drip drip.  Let’s get your roof sealed while the sun is out.  Free Estimates.  Lots of references. Baja Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

d. East Cape Roofing.  Specializing in.  waterproofing homes.  Top quality products.  Experienced installers. References.  Free estimates. Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Over Crowded?…Storage with the best!​ ​Lighthouse Storage​- ​39x13x13 ft Indoor storage​ – ​19x13x13 ft Commercial premises​,  ​Quality and security are not expensive, they are PRICELESS!​ ​Located north highway 1, next to Repsol Gas station​ ​mobile phone 624-125-4915 – pieromartello110@gmail.com

b. Don’t miss the Homes and Land of Baja Open Houses this week January 9, 2020, form 10am to 1pm.      Studio Six,  Casa Delfin in Santa Maria, Whispering Dove and our newest listing, Casa Solmar.   Maps will be ready Thursday am after 9am.

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – 2″ coupler, galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. One trip from BC Canada to bring quad, no longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist:  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7050287244.html?lang=en&cc=us –

b. Ford F-150, 2003, excellent condition, 5,500 obo see ad on Craigslist. ​ ​https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/7050758158.htmlcasablancainbaja@gmail.com

c. New Atv tires only 400 coco’s​ – ​Side by side tires only 475 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

d. 23′ chris craft , 305 tpi inboard, volvo out drive, on tandem trailer 3000 clams 624 171 0031 – ferngary@yahoo.com

e. washing machine, good condition 100 washes.   2 metal camper saw horses, 22″ hi X 48″ wide 20.00 lifts
624-171-0031 – ferngary@yahoo.com

f. 22′ Sea Kayak by Nimbus, Skana model.  5 cockpits, 3 for cargo, 2 for people.  Rudder pedals in rear passenger compartment.  All Kevlar, only weighs 80 pounds. Includes 2 carbon fiber paddles and spray skirts.​ ​Holds a ton of gear.  206 734-1077  624 182-2989. See craigslist add.   bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/22-sea-kayak/7051056596.htmlbajamark1@comcast.net

g. California King size platform bed and mattress. 200 US Sheets.    Large Brinkman BBQ with propane cannister, 100 US Burgers.  12’X12’ pop up Gazebo with screen, new in the box 100 US mosquitos.  cftlet@msn.com or US phone 541 661 2146

===THE END===