

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


10 FriFull Wolf Moon
10 FriMovie Night! “Knives Out” 7 pm Parque Laguna supports recycling – jeyers@rogers.com
15 WedMembership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
15 WedEl Cardonal Recycling, 9am-11am Questions? marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
16 ThuPop Up Recycling at Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides, 9-11 a.m. – info@eastcaperecycling.com
17 FriThe Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
17 Fri6pm New Orphanage Fundraiser ‘Party With A Purpose’ at Jeff Haycock’s Info:
19 SunS.N.A.P. spay & neuter clinic at Cancha.  Registration at 8.  Pre registration DIF. – kathyp1210@yahoo.com
22 WedMembership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
23 ThuSocial At Beans And Rice 5pm
24 FriMovie Night Laguna Park (more info to come)
29 WedMembership Meeting 8:30 La Playa – screed10@gmail.com
31 FriSocial at Smokey’s 5pm – screed10@gmail.com



a. Yard sale, Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of January.  We will open at 0830 and run till 2:00 both days.  Thank you  NO EARLYBIRDS PLEASE!!!  14 years of stuff.  Small refrigerator, small appliances, household stuff, food stuff from the pantry, clothes, fishing gear, 40” Samsung smart tv, something for everyone.  North of town in Buenos Aires turn left at Jimmy the quad guys shop.  Stay on the dirt  road, go past the road to Hotel Los Pescadores, make no turns follow the signs.  cftlet@msn.com

b. We Need a washer repair man or repair company referral for our Samsung washer. Hopefully in LB, but in SJ or CSL, any info appreciated. bajaabuelo@yahoo.com

c. Dr. Pamela Herrera Ophthalmologist and Dr Arturo Macias Retinal / Vitreous Specialist  will be at the East Cape Health Center next Sat Jan 18th / Dr Emmanuel Rodriguez Pediatrician will also be with us next Fri Jan 24th,  save your appointment at our front desk or call us at  624 124 8203.  Our annual health screenings for the local schools are about to start, volunteers are welcome, more info at eastcapemedical@gmail.com

d. End of Life for Windows 7 will happen on 14 January 2020 after the last security update is posted.  After that date, you will no longer receive security updates leaving your Windows 7 system vulnerable to Hacks.  There is a free upgrade to Windows 10:   https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=799445 thecomputerguy@usa.com

e. Surfcasters, I have one spot open for next Tour to the Pacific Coast, this one is from the 15th to 17th Of January. This tour is 3 days – 2 nights – 4 sessions of surf fishing. Join us go have fun fishing on isolated beaches trying to catch snook, short fin corvina and more. Let me guide you and help to improve your skills to fish the beach. Tour is good for beginners and better. We soft camp at Rancho La Aguja where we have all the services. For more info contact me at felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or 624-122-5019 Felipe Valdez Sportfishing www.felipevaldezsportfishing.com


a. Received request from local young lady for someone to teach her English!  Anyone out there other than those teaching Spanish??? – rjmoranbaja@hotmail.com

b. Any recommendations in El Rosario for pet friendly. Thanks jmper020@verizon.net

c. Looking for contact # for rental ad #180 , no contact number, email or website included on their ad. – jeanmcculloch4@icloud.com

d. Have 05 Dodge Ram 5.9 diesel with P0336 code on.  Replaced Crankcase Position Sensor, code still coming on.  Can anyone reference a mechanic that will know how to repair or troubleshoot problem? – dantana@ureach.com

e. Los Barriles area beach launch a 20′ skiff, any info or locations would be appreciated. No ramps in the area? I normally launch at Muertos. Thanks bk – elskel@aol.com

f. Does anyone have the link for the Los Cabos Municipality to pay property taxes and can they be paid on line with a U.S. credit card? gaillynnweaver@aol.com


a. Revolving Door will be playing at LaPlaya on Friday Jan 10th.. Come on out and dance with us…. Don’t forget to try the food at LaPLaya, one of the best paces to eat in Los Barriles… Reservations are recommended for dinner… LaPlaya is right on the beach next to ExotiKite… music starts at 7:00

b. Saturday 11 January. Willy’s Bar&Grill live music with Los Chicharrones Duo at 7pm. Come and enjoy with us!​ ​Reservations and info. 6241325419 – hguillermo.willy@gmail.com

c. Cancelled –  Friday Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa joeslosbarriles@gmail.com

d. Piano Concert. Sunday, January 12 at 1:00 pm. El Triunfo Piano Museum. Artist: Angela Zanevsky, the Laureate of International Competitions. Admission: 200 peso. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com

e. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception. FIPCAM AC Foundation our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – Contact: Maru@Vanwormerresorts.com 

f. Reminder:  S.N.A.P. is having a spay and neuter clinic on Sunday, Jan. 19 at the Cancha.  7 a.m. morning shift and 11 a.m. afternoon shift.  All volunteers welcome. This clinic is sponsored by The Book Store.  Thanks! – kathyp1210@yahoo.com


a. Last 2020 East Cape Calendars for Sale at Saturday (January 11) Community Market.  These calendars were sponsored by local businesses and all proceeds go the East Cape Rotary funding local projects.  They are bilingual and have Mexican, US and Canada holidays.  Requested donation is 12 USD or 200 Pesos. – jplotkin@jcplaw.com

b. Millie’s Kitchen: Lemon Meringue tarts, Toffie Blondies, chocolate dipped coconut macaroons(gluten free),
Pecan Tarts, BBQ pulled pork sliders(homemade bread & sauce) available Saturday CM in LB

c. Edge of the Sea Gardens will be attending the Saturday LB market with our veggie and flower starts.  The usual suspects will be attending plus eggplant and nappa cabbage!  See you there! – kke@edge2.net

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. i am looking for an antenna for a sirius radio, anybody out there with one to spare?​ ​thank you – timatkins183@gmail.com

b. Looking for a cement mixer – wtd9@yahoo.com

c. a bar refrigerator undercounter. Just needs to work well. 141-0422 – crazyconron@aol.com

d. I’m a 6’1” guy looking for an e-bike, I’m in Los Barriles. – rick.stonehouse@gmail.com


a. Everyone is invited to attend worship services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet at 9 AM every Sunday.  Our church is located on the paved road that takes off from Tio Pablo’s about 300 yards before you get to the post office in Los Barriles.  The message this Sunday from Mark 16:1-8 is titled “An Empty Tomb for Empty Lives.”  Also featured this Sunday is our missionaries Tim and Rebecca Wicks and their children David, Aaron, and Eleanor.  Come early for coffee, snacks and good fellowship. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. Enjoy a Sunday Brunch at Maxico Restaurant and Bar (Tres Palapas) from 9 AM to 1 PM including​ ​coffee, juice, fruit plate, pan dulce, omelette, beans and potato sides. – info@maxico.mx

b. Football Playoff’s Hotel Los Pescadores – Saturday and Sunday – Food and Beverage Available and parking too!!! – contact@fisheastcape.com

c. Thursday Jan 9 – 2 for $25 – Share an appetizer and order 2 entrees from our menu for only $25 – contact@fisheastcape.com


a. Tres Palapas is now open Sundays between 8AM and 1PM. Enjoy the half-price drop-in and the new Sunday brunch offer of Maxico restaurant. – info@trespalapasbaja.com

b. Dr Dennis, our local Chiropractor and Natural Healthcare Doctor, is in on M-W-F and some Saturdays by appointment;  970-799-7068 or densaidyes  AT aol.com      Conveniently locate in YOGA GARDEN –

c. How can I help you?  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com


a. North waist harness size large in good shape, 50 rides ​ ​And…DaKine seat harness (shorts – style), large, 30 rides​ ​kochucove@yahoo.com

b.Slingshot Misfit 136 twintip kiteboard.  Seldom used due to switching to surfboards.  Like new 275 clams.  See bajasur CL post #7052485417. Sam – build14u2@aol.com

c. 5’2″ Slingshot Screamer surfboard. Good shape, no dings. 250 tacks​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com or U.S. 435-640-0219  MX 142-8260

d. 5’6″ Slingshot Celeritas surfboard. Great shape. 250 gybes​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com or US 435-640-0219 MX 142-8260

e.2018 North Neo (10 meter) like new 900 coco’s – 2018 North click bar, like new 375 Coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/11, 4pm, have private shuttle booked. willing to share ride to LB. –chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/10, leave by 1pm, 1 person, 1 carry-on bag sarah.plotkin@gmail.com
1/14 leave LB around 10:00 am 1 person, 1 carryon – thefrizwiz@yahoo.com
01 11 Sat  Leave at noon  Suzanne suzanneadams00@gmail.com

Rides Offered LB to SJD

1/11 Ride offered Saturday  leaving 8:30 AM – czekvlad@gmail.com
2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. vacations are over. Dos Amigos upholstery tapiceria is back open for business. Located directly across from Repsol kilometer 111. Telephone 624-151-1644

b. Solutions Clínica de Belleza: Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. Are you having issues with your skin? Pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. I offer solutions to these problems with non invasive treatments. Not your typical resort facial. No fillers or Botox. My treatments are clinically based and will target your specific needs. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products. Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Master and Instructor Certified Permanent Makeup Artist since 1998. Gift certificates available For more information and other services that I offer please visit my website. Www.solutionsdebelleza.com call Connie at (624)141-0422 or email: permsolutions@aol.com

c. San Jose Park N Fly Special Offer – One-year parking in front of the Los Cabos International Airport for $575 USD plus IVA tax.​ ​https://www.sjparknfly.com/2020promo/ info@sjparknfly.com​ ​(624) 104-1915​ ​*Book now and start your year during the next 3 months.  *Promotion valid when booking in January 2020.

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Hola, I am looking for a small casita in Cabo Pulmo or possibly La Rivera, La Paz or Todos Santos or ?, from early February 2020 thru May 2020.  I am happy to take care of pets of any kind, or for anyone needing some care at home.   I am a semi-retired Canadian family doctor able to help with people with medical issues; an avid animal lover, and horse trainer, with lots of experience caring for cats, dogs, horses and many other critters.  I am quiet and respectful and have many local references.  Please contact me with any questions or possible options.  Gracias, thank you Jacqueline – jryan.vancouver@gmail.com

b. Lot in Bahia Residence, #16 at the south wall . the centre of LB . $75,000 water and power. septic or a hook-up to a sewage treatment plant. 250 724 5605 canada or 646 121 1902  leland or cindy – lelandmbmah62@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 2004 flatbed trailer. 13 ft x 6 ft. Very good tires. $900 – andyiversen@comcast.net

b. Pickup Truck: 2006 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4WD, tow/hitch, loaded, runs great.  SD Plates.  9K OBO.  Call Greg 941-241-6239. bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2006-chevy-silverado-1500-wd4/7051494256.html

c. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. No longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist:  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7050287244.html?lang=en&cc=us

d. For sale: 2015 Honda Pioneer 500, 4×4, like new condition, 561 original miles, Hard roof, windshield, horn, mirrors, cargo bed carrier, $7995

e. Standard Horizon HX 370S hand held marine radio with new battery pack. $75 beeps. – glenmilner@telus.net

f. Men’s Specialized Stump Jumper Large Frame​ ​Great condition  475 shells​ ​chicaconchita@gmail.com / 624-132-6893

g. iPHONES INK Cartridges location-El Sargento360-908-1953;  betsyinbaja@gmail.com
(1) iPhone X 64GB 725cocos (2) Battery Case for iPhone X/XS 100 cocos (3) 6s Model A 1633, 32 gb Gold, 475 cocos;  6s Space Grey(small screen crack upper right corner)375 cocos (4) 1 iPhone 5 Model A 1428 32gb white, At&t 100 cocos (5) 2 / LifeProof Battery cases 75 cocos ea (6) HP60 ink cartridges 2/Black 2/TriColor 40cocos

h. Samsung Blu Ray surround sound system. Older, but works fine. 25 tacos bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260

i. 2012 Yamaha TW200. Like new condition, always garaged, only 850 miles. 3,500 almejas​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260 –

j. Kuat NV 2.0 hitch mount bike rack. Used for one trip down Baja, perfect shape. 2″ receiver mount. 500 rides.​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260

k.  Ford Escape 2001, white  4wd  with 89,760 miles. 4,000 rides. 5099813838   John – jlandsmhart@yahoo.com

l. 2016 268rks 34 ft forest river vibe. Move in ready. 26,500 usd. – justice9275@gmail.com

m. Perfect Baja Truck​. ​Super strong – will never get stuck in the sand: New tires, ranch suspension, lifted​ ​Excellent condition 4,700 tires https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/perfect-baja-truck/7052757217.html?lang=es&cc=mxriokerry22@gmail.com

n. 1 set of Atv tires 25x10x12, 25x11x12 brand new 475 Coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

===THE END===