



18 Sat7 pm. Willy’s Bar&Grill- Live music with STAMINA band.  hguillermo.willy@gmail.com– 6241325419
19 SunPiano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. 1:00 PM. Angela Zanevsky
19 SunS.N.A.P. spay & neuter clinic at Cancha.  Registration at 8.  Pre registration DIF. – kathyp1210@yahoo.com
21 TueLos Barriles Wine & Tequila want to invite you to Ladies Poker Tuesday’s 4 – 7 pm – casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com
22 WedRotary Membership Meeting 8:30 am La Playa
23 ThuSocial At Beans And Rice 5pm
24 FriMovie Night Laguna Park 7 pm “Ford v Ferrari” – jeyers@rogers.com
25 SatRotary Ice Cream Social at Noon at Zopilotes in San Bartolo
26 SunSake Bomb, Thai One On. Pop-up Thai 10 course tasting extravaganza in Los Barriles. More info to follow soon. – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
29 WedRotary Membership Meeting 8:30 am La Playa – screed10@gmail.com



a. Pepi lost on the water his Mako 140 kiteboard Thursday afternoon Jan 16​. ​Name on it: Thierry Damilano +52 (624) 1664 190 or contact Graeme  Power +52 (624) 2436113 t.damilano@mac.com / gpower@telus.net



a. My books recently received coverage in the La Jolla Light. I will include a link where you can order them. Also available on Amazon, etc: https://www.lajollalight.com/art/books/story/2020-01-15/la-jolla-stars-in-new-suspense-novel-from-self-published-author https://store.bookbaby.com/book/donuts-are-meant-to-be-eaten​   ​Thanks, ​ ​Alex Cook – alexander1cook@gmail.com

b. if you left your house keys with jim and chris white please contact us and make arrangements to pick them up.  our house is sold and what keys are left will be destroyed.  thank you 142-8067 – 2nbaja1999@gmail.com

c. Windows 7 has reached “end of life”.  Your computer will still run as always but it will no longer receive security updates and patches.  The Microsoft free antivirus will no longer be supported or updated!  That means your Windows 7 computer will be at rick to intrusion and hacking going forward.  In reality, as long as you proceed with caution you may be fine.  Don’t open attachments in emails.  Don’t click on links in emails, be extremely careful where you download anything.  I’m not sure I would use it for banking.  Here is an interesting article:  https://www.pcworld.com/article/3513998/windows-7-is-dead-how-to-stay-as-safe-as-possible-after-the-security-updates-stop.html


a. Does anyone have the name and contact information for the person responsible for Fideicomisos at the Bancomer Mercantile (Banorte) in San Jose del CABO?  A name & phone number would be appreciated. creaghday@gmail.com

b. Anyone going to Costco next week that could pick up a case of wine for movie night? Thanks – stevemirassou@gmail.com


a. Alanon meetings Monday and Thursday 10:00-11:00 am in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.  Call 141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for directions or information. – sheilafluf@yahoo.com

b. Lord of the rings horseshoe tournament on saturday jan. 25th. respond to calientejones@hotmail.com if interested, we will cut off signups at 20 players. – calientejones@hotmail.com

c. Hello beautiful souls! You are invited to join us for a 5-night spiritual retreat, Soul of the Heart Retreat, in Los Barriles, B.C.S. Mexico. April 17th – April 22nd, 2020. Restore, rejuvenate, and find peace, joy and relaxation. If you are reading this, you need this! Soul of the Heart Retreat will be held at a boutique resort located on the beautiful white sandy beach of the Sea of Cortez. Daily yoga, meditation, spiritual workshops. All meals are included. Airport transfers included. Day passes available for locals. Please contact us for more info shawnadronen – at – gmail.com or kiminbaja – at – gmail.com  More info here:

d. Yard Sale Costa Brava R.V. Park Bigjim #26 Sat. 25th​ ​Gate is open at 8am till 12. Parking out side Rods/Reels & misc.


a. The Community Market is in full swing as we hit mid season .​  ​It’s been a busy year and we appreciate all the support – with all that support we have grown into one of the best markets in the East Cape so come one come all to the Community Market – Saturday 9am- 1pm ​  ​At the Parque La Laguna See you at the Market!

b. Millie’s Kitchen: Lemon meringue tarts, Toffie Blondies, coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate(Gluten Free), Pecan tarts, chocolate crinkle cookies, and BBQ pulled pork sliders(homemade sauce & bread). Can’t get to the market you can order millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com.

c. East Cape Guild Monte Carlo Tickets on sale at Community market this Saturday and at Homes and Land office. Don’t miss the hottest ticket in town, buy your tickets early. – KAPLOTKIN@AOL.COM

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Refrigerator, standard size, used, for single Mexican woman. Dave dulcecasitas10 AT gmail.com

b. I  am looking for a great place to buy either a new or used washer dryer that is stacked at a reasonable price.  Contact Richard at  buckhornranch@comcast.net

c. Small to medium microwave oven​ ​Good shape please.​ ​Chuck usa 408-595-0056 – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

d. Looking for good working used gas ore electric washer/dryer, 624-124-8509 – fastcat2325@gmail.com

e. 10-12′ center console hard bottom inflatable. ​ ​prefer: aluminum bottom, 4 stroke & trailer. for beach launching. what do you have? – robincrist@gmail.com

f. Exercise Bike for post knee replacement exercise. Buy, borrow or rent!  624 164 8152 nancyjstibbard@gmail.com

g. 4 Metal bar stools with backs. 28″ high. – gcwhite44@gmail.com


Every Monday8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
9:30am – Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds
Every TuesdayTai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Los Barriles Wine & Tequila want to invite you to Ladies Poker Tuesday’s 4 – 7 pm – casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com
LRC dice game every Tuesday at La Playa Restaurant, 5.30 pm. Bring 5 peso coins and meet new people. No skill required!
Every WednesdayBarre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
9:30am- Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden
11-am- Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Thursday10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
8am and 9:30am- Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds – AnnalisaV@gmail.com
Every FridayBall Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
11:00am– Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every SaturdayLB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
8am- Movement, Mantra and Meditation w/Sue or Jackie at Yoga Garden
9:30am- Slow Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
Every SundayBilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services



a. Join us for Strength Training Classes at Healing Winds.  All levels welcome  Mondays two classes—9AM or  10:10AM  Thursdays, two classes—9 AM or 10:10 AM  Questions? Contact  AnnalisaV@gmail.com

b. Do you have aches and pains, but want to stay active?  Let me help educate you on how to keep doing what you love.  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort.  PT for over 24 years.   Appointments available Mondays and Thursdays 9:00-1:00. Email Jennifer to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com –

c. Everyone is welcome to attend services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet every Sunday at 9 AM.  Our church is located on the concrete road from Tio Pablo’s to Mex. 1 about 300 yards on the Tio Pablo side of the post office in Los Barriles.  The message this Sunday is: “It’s Never too Late,” from Mark 15; 42-47.  Come early and enjoy coffee, snacks and good fellowship. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. 2018 North Rebel 10M – 800 kiteloops. ​ ​2018 North Rebel 8M – 700 downloops​  ​Lightly used, great condition​ ​mlamay@whidbey.net

b. not wanted:  l/s, short leg size 8 Promotion wetsuit, l/s size 10 black exo top, Dakine shorts harness size 8 with j-bar slider hook all for 70 sand dollars.  dilindy@hotmail.com

c. not wanted: size m ion and mystic men’s waist harness, barely used with assorted slider bars, 40 jumps each.  knotwindy@gmail.com

d. ISO: I’m looking for a beginner foil board complete set up. Ideally the popular Alien Air, Hover Glide, and flight school mast system. I live in LB but I’m happy to drive up to La Ventana for the right set up. Thanks! – zackbones@gmail.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/20 arrive 3pm – 1 person 1 bag – sarah.plotkin@gmail.com
1/22 1 person 1 bag .. arrive 3:00 p.m. – dmsholding@earthlink.net
1/25 3:45, 1with 2bags,share taxi? – 79suechee@gmail.com
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net
2/11 Two arrive  SJD at 2 pm  want to share a van to LB for up to 6 riders total. – dgbinns54@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/28 Wanted Ride: 2 persons/2 LG bags + carry-ons. LV LB by 10am – pe8972@telus.net

Rides Offered

1-25 sjd to lb Sat leave by 2 pm room for 1 with bag – lauraborialis@gmail.com
2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Javier’s car wash & details: washing, waxing, vacuuming & inside details and other detailing service… Come and see whit us!!… Cellular 6242119084 (Javier) – isabelaguilarcota1602@gmail.com

b. FiberTech Internet & TV Office Phone 624-358-2900 Open and Staffed   Mon-Fri. 9 to 4 Urgent service calls Pako 624-168-3281 or FiberTech1@yahoo.com

c. EAST CAPE VIDEOS    1000’s of movies to choose from, including all Academy Award Best Picture nominees. Watch for 3 Coco’s, own for 5 Coco’s (or 60 & 100 tacos) ALL MOVIES BEFORE 2017, OWN FOR 5 COCO’S.  I have a list of all of my movies, just come by and pick one up at East Cape RV Resort Space 28 or Contact me at 624-158-4971 or bajadave46@gmail.com

d. Hi, My name is Gregorio I am offering my services of marble installation, tile, roof sealing, painting , fine details and maintenance in general , free budgets in Barriles and surroundings. Send me an email and I will attend you. W.catymoreno86@gmail.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Looking for rental for next year. 1bdr one bath, for 2 months (January/February) Thanks – cblarsen@shaw.ca

b. Homes and Land of Baja wants to thanks Joe’s Deli for for donating TWO gift certificates for the last two Open Houses.    One winner is Steve Rinaldi  and the other is Jimmy Elliott.   Please come in to Homes and Land of Baja office to pick up your certificates.  Thanks Joe! – kaojaa@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Two (2) Sevylor inflatable two person Tahiti K79 kayaks. Includes 5 paddles, pump and 4 inflatable seats. Excellent condition. Only 75 paddles for everything. 541-954-4026 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7057421328.html?lang=en&cc=us – jrpotter@me.com

b. 40 in vizio flat screen tv. purchased from smokey’s after the super bowl 3 years ago. works perfectly, really, but does nor support roku. paid smokey’s 400,    it can be yours for $150  624-142-8943 or 303-619-3286 – r.deutschmann@comcast.net

c. 12 foot valco boat, 9.9 mercury 4 stroke ob, galvanized tit trailer with oversize beach wheels,ez launch beach wheels with spare parts. new boat cover, life jackets, rod holders, oars, spare prop, quality boat seats, plus more. phone 624 178 8380 la ribera – stargazer1@telus.net

===THE END===