
Thursday, January 23, 2019  –  #4037

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


23 Thur Open House Baja Homes and Land 10am to 1pm
23 Thur Duo Guitar @ Wine & Tequila 5-7pm  casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com
23 Thu Social At Beans And Rice 5pm
24 Fri Movie Night Laguna Park 7 pm “Ford v Ferrari” – jeyers@rogers.com
25 Sat Rotary Ice Cream Social at Noon at Zopilotes in San Bartolo
25 Sat Horseshoe Tournament-Lazy Dze 1pm. $250 buy in. calientejones@hotmail.com
25 Sat Revolving Door Plays @ La Playa 7pm
25 Sat El Gecko – Jeff,Roberto and Diane(Dedos de Mantequilla) 4-6 pm – jeff@jeffheintzman.com
25 Sat Willy’s bar&grill Live music! Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco. 7 pm.- Res. 6241325419 hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
26 Sun Piano Concert by Angela, El Triunfo Tickets at door
29 Wed Rotary Membership Meeting 8:30 am La Playa – screed10@gmail.com


a.  Lost in ocean off North Beach/El Geco-Red Protec helmet.   maddogsinbaja@gmail.com

b.  Lost master card credit card at the BanNorte cash machine January 21st. – camasmtn@gmail.com


a.  Sad News:  Rick Adams, long time part time resident of Santa Maria.  Married to Elfrieda Adams, and father to Rod Adams and wife Danea Adams, passed away peacefully on the drive from the airport to Los Barriles.   Rick enjoyed spending time at Hotel pescadero, Lazy Dayz, and Rancho Pescadero for happy hours.  He spent his spare time fishing, tinkering around the property in Santa Maria, and watching sports.   He will be missed by many but never forgotten. Always had a smile on his face and really enjoyed the community of expats and locals in his adopted part time home in Los Barriles for the last 20 years.  Thank you all for the outpouring of thoughts and condolences.   Rod and Danea Adams – rod@wci-gc.com

b.  Sad news + help needed for dogs:  Long time resident of Los Barriles, Dave Ward, passed away Tues., Jan. 21, 2020, after a short illness. He leaves behind his 2 white Jack Russells, Strider an 8 yr. old male and Arie a 1 yr. old female for whom good homes are sought. please contact Carol Dunbar at 624 128 1197 for more information

c.  My fideicomiso has no reference number on it and since Odille, Banorte has been unable to locate it even though annually I give them all my receipts and a copy. Recently they hired a person to deal with this issue. I am not alone. Now they will actively pursue creating a number for it in their system. Apparently Jorge Pickett in La Paz created this problem for many Fideicomisos many years ago.
The contact person is Ivan Rodolfo Cordoba Avila. +52 624 146 9017
His office is on the ground floor in the same building behind the bank. He was very helpful. He also speaks good English

d.  Be careful with the cleaners you buy here in Los Barriles. El Arco sells a pink aluminum cleaner in quart and gallon plastic bottles. It yields amazing results BUT  this stuff contains hydrofluoric acid and is one of the most toxic chemicals to humans as it is absorbed by the skin and even in small quantities is highly dangerous. A burn from hydrofluoric acid needs immediate medical attention and very specific treatment otherwise it can be life threatening. – feelih@gmail.com


a.  Is there anywhere in LB someone can print/ scan / copy documents? – itscubatime@yahoo.com

b.  Have rail; looking for others with rails to go riding.  Jjnedlin@gmail.com

c.  Someone to work on a 2.4k  Onan generator.  patmac1959@hotmail.com

d.  Looking for a good electric guitar blues player to jam with blues harmonica player at open mike. – dyeagssv@gmail.com


a.  La Ventanas annuaL art show fundraiser is happening on Valentine’s Day this year .  Interested in participating as an artist, musician and/or volunteer ? Contact emilyphilbrick@gmail.com

b.  All hunters, 3 more weeks for dove season be over, great shooting right now, if you still want to do some dove hunting let me know, only a few days available, contact me at 624-129-6525 or esavalmar@gmail.com



Every Monday 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
9:30am – Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds
Every Tuesday Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Los Barriles Wine & Tequila want to invite you to Ladies Poker Tuesday’s 4 – 7 pm – casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com
LRC dice game every Tuesday at La Playa Restaurant, 5.30 pm. Bring 5 peso coins and meet new people. No skill required!
Hotel Los Pescadores – Cena de Asian – Ramen, SpringRolls, PotStickers, OrangeGlazedRibs and more
Every Wednesday Barre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Singing for Fun, . Yoga Garden. Wednesdays, 3 to 4:30pm. – jgrittan1@gmail.com
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
9:30am- Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden
11-am- Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Thursday 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
8am and 9:30am- Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds – AnnalisaV@gmail.com
Hotel Los Pescadores – Two for $25 – Choose one appetizer and any 2 entrees for $25 – Chicken Piccata, Grilled Pork Chops, Cioppino and more.
Every Friday Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
11:00am– Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Saturday LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
8am- Movement, Mantra and Meditation w/Sue or Jackie at Yoga Garden
9:30am- Slow Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
Every Sunday Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.   Wanted:  Keyboard sitting around unused? Mine has bit the dust. – dyeagssv@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  a bike trainer (I know- who would have that!) to borrow to help me strengthen my knee (starting in about 2 weeks). – luvsahorsetoo@yahoo.com

c.  Wanted:  Your trash my treasure, want wooden chest, short dresser or something i can rehabilitate to put on my deck to hide bird food etc, doesnt have to be pretty. – carol.brundage2@gmail.com


a.  Saturday January 25th will be the last sales day for Edge of the Sea Gardens at the community market.  So now is the time to get  your annual flowers and veggies if you haven’t already!  I have bone meal and epsom salts for fertilizing Citrus, Palm and Plummeria.  Thank you for your support it has been a very fun market season!


a.  A message from Dr. Mary, the chiropractor.  I’m arriving Friday, Jan 24, and be in Los Barriles for 4 weeks. :0)  Most reliable office hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays 2:00-4:00pm. I’m also available for special arrangements. Scheduling for Tuesday Jan 28, now.  970-275-3226 for calls, texts, or WhatsApp  drmary@drmary.net MX land line at my home(which is NOT at my office) is 624-141-0368 Here’s a link to the office map  https://bajamary.com/lb_map.html  Hasta Pronto!!

b.  Igly, 3rd generation masseuse at Spalmas de Cortez.  Modalities: deep tissue, pregnancy, Watsu, facials, body scrubs, fish therapy.  Wedding packages/family packages. Weekend specials from $49  Whatsup. 52 625 130 8894 – igly_huerta@yahoo.com 

c.  CBD Oil Los Barriles, BCS: 100% Natural & Safe 100% FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil). This is the Gold Standard finest quality & Made in Mexico. Relieves Chronic Pain, Aches, Anxiety, Migraines, Fybromyalgia, Diabetes and so, so much more. Please visit FB page for info and ordering. Peruse our educational library. https://www.facebook.com/cbdhealthlb/ or email cbdhealthlb@yahoo.com


a.   Go to http://www.exotikite.com/  for schedule of events


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/22 1 person 1 bag .. arrive 3:00 p.m. – dmsholding@earthlink.net

1-23 wed sjd to east cape leave by 5 pm room for 2 with bags – lauraborialis@gmail.com

1/25 3:45, 1with 2bags,share taxi? – 79suechee@gmail.com
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net –
2/11 Two arrive  SJD at 2 pm  want to share a van to LB for up to 6 riders total. – dgbinns54@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD

1-23 wed east cape to sjd leave by 11 am room for 2 with bags

1/28 Wanted Ride: 2 persons/2 LG bags + carry-ons. LV LB by 10am – pe8972@telus.net

2/4  leave lb at 10:30 1person, 2 bag share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com

2/6  Leaving 10am for a 12:30 flight and arriving SJD 2/12, 3:30pm. Have room for 3 plus gear both ways. I will be leaving my truck at one of the park and fly lots. – jeffdavies500@gmail.com

Rides Offered

1-25 sjd to lb Sat leave by 2 pm room for 1 with bag – lauraborialis@gmail.com
2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Do You want to keep the Bugs out of your house?!  Palo Blanco Pest Control can help you. Odorless Products, friendly with the pets but not with the -BUGS-.   Call Sam Trejo:  +5216241219566  Mxn cellphone  Email: Paloblancopestcontrol8services@gmail.com

b.  The Soda Stream is a compact, counter top, carbonation machine. With a press of a button, you carbonate your own water in a durable, reusable bottle. Then enjoy it as you would a Topo Chico, or add flavored syrups to make your own soda. You have a small CO2 tank that you exchange for a new one as needed (for most folks that’s monthly). Is it worth it? Yes! Save money, with the basic machines starting at around $80USD, a machine can pay for itself quickly. Save space, since you don’t need to store those 24 packs anymore. Save resources, as you refill and carbonate your own water, you save countless disposable bottles from the waste stream. And while some plastic recycling is available, glass is not. Ideally we all reduce the resources we use from the start. It’s a smart choice for so many reasons. Wolf Property Management and Vacation Rentals is proud to be part of the solution as the exclusive seller of SodaStream machines and refills in Los Barriles. Stop in to our offices in Plaza Libertad (next to East Cape Health) to purchase yours! 624-124-8171 info@wolf-pm.com

c.  Insurance services – Since 2008 Wolf Property Management has provided insurance services in Baja C. Sur but only extended this benefit to our clients only. Since 2018 we changed this policy and now we are open to the public in association with a major company with 45 years of experience in Mexico. Having trouble insuring your ATV, UTV, Razor, Polaris, Dirtbike? No problem, we can do it. Vehicles? Home, Condo, Villa, Boats insurance? or even Health or Life insurance? No problem if you are Mexican or an Ex-Pat. We have experience also in working with claims when needed. Free quotes. Doesn’t hurt to compare rates right? E-mail: info@wolf-pm.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/rvs/d/vw-class-winnebago-eurovan/7060658887.html – wolfanne27@gmail.com

b.  Brand new (wrong size tires), with factory stickers Yokohama Geolandar A/T G015 All-Terrain Radial Tire – 235/60R18 107H. In Los Barriles: 60 clams (brand new set of 4 were 850 clams). hardtrance9@gmail.com

c.  20′ x 40′ Black 70% Shade cloth.  Grommets all around on reinforced edge.  Used once to shade kiting equipment.  50 umbrellas.  lynnmirassou@gmail.com

d.   99 Dodge Ram 1500 2 wheel drive  Crew Cabin with Camper Shell truck done  126000 miles in good condition Offers in the region of  4250 George Washington Contact Jimmy Smith 624 2294169 or cervezajimmy@gmail.com

e.  16k short bed slider 5th wheel hitch in good condition. 350 tacos. – deacon.lori@gmail.com

f.  Collection of kids board books. Dr. Seuss and a few English/Spanish stories as well.    15 coconuts. – kristy.hammett@gmail.com

g.  Baby Bjorn Travel Lite Crib. 50 coconuts. Awesome travel crib, packs down smaller than a pack n play. – kristy.hammett@gmail.com

===THE END===