
SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020  –  #4038

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

January 2020

25 Sat Horseshoe Tournament-Lazy Dze 1pm. $250 buy in. calientejones@hotmail.com
25 Sat Revolving Door Plays @ La Playa 7pm
25 Sat El Gecko – Jeff,Roberto and Diane(Dedos de Mantequilla) 4-6 pm – jeff@jeffheintzman.com
25 Sat Willy’s bar&grill Live music! Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco. 7 pm.- Res. 6241325419 hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
26 Sun Piano Concert by Angela, El Triunfo Tickets at door
29 Wed Rotary Membership Meeting 8:30 am La Playa – screed10@gmail.com


a.  Found, washed ashore, a dry bag. If it’s yours, please email a description of the contents. – carolludgate@gmail.com

b.  Found Martin Mckaughan phone and bank card Playa Norte RV Park
Manager Ulises Omar Montano  Cell 624 175 3645 – ulisesomar09@gmail.com

c.  Found:  red CitiBanamex “transfer Banamex” card on the steps of Yoga Garden on Wednesday morning (1-22)/  I can’t read the signature on the back of the card.  contact:  jackiereeves1002@gmail.com to claim


a.  To everyone who has a FTD contract (Fideicomiso) with Banorte and do not have a number…or other issue.
The most important is that the contract was registered at the registry office (Registro Publico de la Propiedad y Comercio) in La Paz. To find out if it was the first thing is to look on the last page of the contract, a stamp should appear indicating in which volume and under which number and, on what day and year it was registered; along with the contract there should be a page indicating that it was also registered at the land office (Catastro).
Also, Mr. Picket, who was for many years the bank rep. used the services of a certain person who was not at the time a “Notario Publico” but a “corredor publico” who falsely claimed he could do FTD contracts…this is not to be ignored since he was not authorized by the government at that time.
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne
CAN-AM-MEX LAW FIRM  can-am-mex@hotmail.com         612 348 9793

b.  Please beware of credit card fraud. We all know the risks using our cards here. Yet it catches all of us.  I have only used my card at Costco and at our local gas station, Reposol, this year.  Shortly after filling my tank, my card was used to attempt a purchase on line at Target ($342).  I have no other evidence of where the number was obtained but lets say I am less suspicious of Costco.  I am in the process of trying to get a new card sent to me here


a.Has anyone ever stayed @ the Vagabundos rental house in Loreto? Is it an easy access to the town? what places to eat & things to see do you advise? I am renting the house in February and even though I lived in Mexico for 35 years, I have never been there. Is it safe for women alone? Airport transportation? etc…thanks,Eileen – leenykat@yahoo.com

b.  recommendations for a local dentist for teeth cleaning – shirtpro10@hotmail.com

c.  Anyone driving a big truck down that could bring 2 bikes?   Will compensate!

d.  Looking for contact email or phone for Butch at Playa Bueneventura.  Please pass on to daxbuddy1@gmail.com

e.  Does anyone know if La Paz has an online paper like the BPE but strictly for La Paz?  If so please post to the BPE Gracias

f.  Looking for table tennis players. – solglas@pacbell.net

g.  If you are getting ready to replace your old living room or patio furniture,  Hotel Los Pescadores is interested in purchasing it from you. – contact@fisheastcape.com

h.  Wanted:  SUP foil wind wing. Anything considered. – tburgiss@yahoo.com

i.  I am looking for the carnaval parade schedule for La Paz Feb 2020.


a.  El Cardonal Recycling, Wednesday, February, 5th , 9-11am at La Concha . Questions? marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com or 1-510-350-6336

b.  Blues for Hunger is returning to Hotel Los Pescadores – Feb 7 –  This is a great blues band that tours baja playing at no cost to raise canned goods for families in need.  They are a lot of fun and we hope to see youMusic starts at 5pm – Reservations are recommended – Non Perishable Items accepted at the door. – contact@fisheastcape.com



Every Monday 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
9:30am – Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds
Every Tuesday Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Los Barriles Wine & Tequila want to invite you to Ladies Poker Tuesday’s 4 – 7 pm – casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com
LRC dice game every Tuesday at La Playa Restaurant, 5.30 pm. Bring 5 peso coins and meet new people. No skill required!
Hotel Los Pescadores – Cena de Asian – Ramen, SpringRolls, PotStickers, OrangeGlazedRibs and more
Every Wednesday Barre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Singing for Fun, . Yoga Garden. Wednesdays, 3 to 4:30pm. – jgrittan1@gmail.com
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
9:30am- Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden
11-am- Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Thursday 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
8am and 9:30am- Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
9AM or 10:10 AM Strength Training at Healing Winds – AnnalisaV@gmail.com
Hotel Los Pescadores – Two for $25 – Choose one appetizer and any 2 entrees for $25 – Chicken Piccata, Grilled Pork Chops, Cioppino and more.
Every Friday Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
11:00am– Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Saturday LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
8am- Movement, Mantra and Meditation w/Sue or Jackie at Yoga Garden
9:30am- Slow Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
Every Sunday Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Women’s water helmet to fit hat size 7. – omigog@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  kayak cart. – rshi5@yahoo.com

c.  Wanted:  swim fins mens size 8.5/9 – smd4902@gmail.com

d.  Wanted:  inflatable paddle board prefer between 32-34 inches wide and 10-11 feet long – smd4902@gmail.com

e.  Wanted:  pickleball paddle up to $35USD – smd4902@gmail.com

f.  Wanted:  hitch mounted bike rack – scott.commonenergy@gmail.com

g.  Wanted:  Used 2015 to 2019 Honda Pioneer 700, 4 seat, good condition triplej@frontier.net

h.  Wanted:  4×4 ranch truck, boat launch truck. 3/4 or 1 ton. Cosmetics not so important, but mechanically sound. Tony.  casa 624-142-8183, cell 624-158-1445 (no message capability). capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com


a.  baja’s grahttp://www.wonews.com/Blog.aspx?ID=4660&AuthorID=96087&t=BajasGrayWhalesanoffseasonadventurey whales…an offseason adventure

b.  yellows explode In san quintin


a.  Casa Las Flores Restaurant (at Tres Palapas) will open its doors January 25, Saturday, 6PM with a special 4 course dinner (for 600 tacos). The opening dinner is available for maximum 30 guests, if you would like to join us, please make your reservation via e-mail at info@maxico.mx – info@maxico.mx


a.  Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! Come and see. talleyho9@msn.com

b.  Everyone is invited to attend services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We begin each Sunday at 9 AM and our church is located on the paved road from Tio Pablo’s to Mx. 1 about 300 yards on the Tio Pablo side of the post office in Los Barriles.  The message this Sunday is titled: “You Can Take it With You,” from Mark 16:9-20 and Matthew 28:16-20.  Come early and enjoy good fellowship, coffee and snacks. – renotarich@gmail.com

c.  Botox, Juverderm Fillers,  Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, PBSerum firming injections, medical strength skin care products. Saturday February 22nd. Salon  Blue 2.  For appts. or more info contact Kelly  kwmx3@yahoo.com

d.  Kundalini yoga at the Yoga garden, every Sunday 9 – 10:15.  All levels welcome.
Classes include stretching, a yoga set, deep relaxation and a meditation.  Come
experience the yoga of awareness.  – spielmann444@gmail.com

e.  Conscious Energy Breathing Class, every Tuesday 10:00 a.m. with Cristina Gafta at Metztli Climbing Gym, Plaza del Pueblo #15, Los Barriles.  Connect with your true nature, heal, bring joy, harmony and unleash your true potential.  cristina.gafta@gmail.com, Facebook: Breathe Me Home, Cell: +52 624 161 3084

f.   Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort.  PT for over 24 years.   Appointments available Mondays and Thursdays 9:00-1:00. Email Jennifer to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com

g.  Creative Workshops for kids. Every Friday 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Metztli Climbing Gym, Plaza del Pueblo #15, Los Barriles. e-mail: metztlibcs@gmail.com, Facebook: Metztli climbing, Cell: 624 192 4597

Workshops List / Listado de talleres:
24 / Enero / January – Alebrijes / Pedro Linares Fantastic Creatures
31 / Enero / January – Ojo de Dios / God’s Eye (Huichol heritage)
7 / Febrero / February – Papalotes / Kites
14 / Febrero / February – Cofre de la Amistad / Secret chest for a friend
21 / Febrero / February – Mascaras de Carnaval / Carnival Masks
28 / Febrero / February – Atrapa Sueños / Dreamcatcher
6 / Marzo / March – Instrumentos Musicales / Musical Instruments
13 / Marzo / March – Arte con Hilos / String Art
20 / Marzo / March – Macetas / Pot Decoration
27 / Marzo / March – Piedras de Colores / Rocks Painting
3 / Abril / April – Pescados de Papel Mache / Fish Paper Mache
10 / Abril / April – Huevos de Pascua / Easter Egg Decoration
17 / Abril / April – Móvil para Colgar / Hanging Mobile
24 / Abril / April – Pulseras y collares / Bracelets & Collars Bijoux
1 / Mayo / May – Arte en Madera Reciclada / Driftwood Art
8 / Mayo / May  – Bolsa de Manta / Blanket bag Decoration
15 / Mayo / May – Carillón de Viento / Wind Chime
22 / Mayo / May – Estampado de playeras / T-shirt print
29 / Mayo / May – Arte con Plastilina / Plasticine Art
5 / Junio / June – Lampara / Lamp (Popsicle stick art) – metztlibcs@gmail.com


a..Wanted:   60cm Cabrinha foil mast, from years 2017-2019. jpm008@gmail.com

b.  New and used 4m Ozone,  Wasp available  600 to 800 cocos – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM

c.  5’5” directional kite surfboard. excellent shape. comes with pad,straps and fins.
ready to rip.  300 jibes. – bfader47@yahoo.com

d.  cabrina drifter 9m , bought 2018, perfect condition used 12 times, 600 cocos – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

e.  Dakine LS Rashguard XL Black New w/ tags 20
Dakine Boardshorts 34 Black New w/tags 20
Neil Pryde 2mm Shorty wetsuit XL  New 70 – mojo5779@gmail.com


From SJD to the Eastcape

1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net –

2/4/   Arrive  14:20 Westjet, 2 people 2 bags – freelife13@shaw.ca

2/11 Two arrive  SJD at 2 pm  want to share a van to LB for up to 6 riders total. – dgbinns54@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/28 Wanted Ride: 2 persons/2 LG bags + carry-ons. LV LB by 10am – pe8972@telus.net

2/4  leave lb at 10:30 1person, 2 bag share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com

2/6  Leaving 10am for a 12:30 flight and arriving SJD 2/12, 3:30pm. Have room for 3 plus gear both ways. I will be leaving my truck at one of the park and fly lots. – jeffdavies500@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Any-Time Driver:  Great prof local driver Max: 011 52 624 160 5225— clean ride w/comp’d bottled water  SJD-LB-SJD.  txt or call speaks perfect English/Spanish.  Open to ride sharing ~seats 8
Much gracious !! – deborahlayton2012@gmail.com

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Hi, my name is Gregorio I am offering my services of marble installation, tile , roof sealing, painting, fine details and maintenance in general, free budgets in Barriles and surroundings. Sen me an email and I will attend you.  W.catymoreno86@gmail.com

b.  Learn about Mexican culture, customs, make new friends and enjoy the benefits of speaking and understanding Spanish!
Level 1 Feb 3-28 M/W/F 9-11 am
Level 2 Feb 11-March 6 T/Th 9-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a.  Rental Wanted:  Canadian teacher looking for a small casita or apartment to rent from mid April to mid May.  Preferably in town (los barriles) or close to stores and beach.  t katpro2000@hotmail.com

b.  Rental Wanted:   a bedroom to rent or a casita in los barriles. From jan 29th till feb 18th. – daronturbo@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  desktop computer 2016 Mac great condition – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com

b.  2003 Trophy  with 2006 Johnson 225 HP 4 stroke 860 hours. KING Salt water trailer, metal outriggers, new radio, fish finder, batteries, hydraulic trim tabs. Great shape, quiet, Very dependent. 13,500.00 5099813838 – jlandsmhart@yahoo.com

c.  12 gal gas water heater and humane animal trap. both new in box la ribera – gdsmith1949@yahoo.com

d.  Music Books with melodies, lyrics, and simple chords.  Three books have about 200 well-known songs each in key of C.  Fourth book has over 1,200 well-known songs in multiple keys.  Can email a PDF of song titles.  15 songs each for the smaller books, 40 tunes for the large one.  DeeClarke11@gmail.com

e.  2018 Kawasaki Teryx 4 seater, Like new 295 miles, 30 hours. Lee 760-518-9646

f.  Weight distribution hitch 10,000# comes with bars, bar brackets and sway control 175 safe tows.  6241327932 or davegee@shaw.ca

g.  Just in time for SuperBowl.  55″ Sharp HD TV.  Excellent condition. 275 TDs.

===THE END=e.  =