
Note: Wow!  That was quick!  We met our fundraising goal for Martin over the weekend, as such no more donations are needed.  What an amazing community we have.  Thank you! – mclift29@yahoo.com

EVENTS CALENDAR –  To view Weekly Calendar, place your cursor on the word calendar above on the ribbon and the weekly calendar will appear.  Click….

12 WedRotary membership meeting; La Playa Restaurante 8:30am
12 WedEast Cape Guild Monthly Meeting Feb 12th @11:00 @ La Playa – welcome all – kaplotkin@aol.com
12 WedArtist Studio Tour 10 to 4pm Tics $ BajaProperties. eastcapearts@gmail.com
12 WedCapsforcancerbaja meeting 9 am at Annette’s home iikaiser@frii.com
12 WedSinging for Fun, Yoga Garden, 3 to 4:30pm – jgrittan1@gmail.com
12 WedCapsforcancerbaja is also meeting in la Ribera 4pm at Restaurant Provedencia.
13 ThuOpen Houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am to 1PM
14 FriVALENTINE’S DAY– Do check out all the V Day events below!
14 FriLa Ventana’s Annual Art Show- Friday, February 14th  emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
15 SatWilly’s Bar&Grill presents live music Los Chicharrones 4 members, bass & guitar solo. 7 pm. Res. 6241325419 hguillermo.willy@gmail.com


a.  Large white glasses with prescription sunglasses, Lost Saturday maybe at the market, if found call 124-8582 – yv.camp@gmail.com

b.  Lost: My quad key was picked up from the Yoga Garden, 9:30 a.m. yoga class with Jackie, on Monday, Feb. 10. If you attended that class please look to see if it got caught up with your stuff. It is a single key attached to a “beaded pink pig” keychain. 624-147-9856 or racioppac@gmail.com

c.  Lost. Cabrinha Switchblade kite bag near Exotikite on ~Feb 8th.  Black bag with red trim for 9M kite. – chris.tulley@gmail.com


a.  What is this?  It was given to our friend last week and she did pay the $360ps. Cheryl  bajaponyexpress3@gmail.com

b.  Answer – The Vagabundos rental house is located on the cross streets of Pino Suarez and Benito Juarez. Approximately three blocks from the Malecon, two blocks from the Loreto Mision and three blocks to shopping and restaurants. A few recommendations for places to eat near the rental house – Orlando’s, Café Ole, Restaurant Mezzaluna, Mita Gourmet, and the restaurant at the La Mision Hotel. Things nearby – San Javier Mision, Nopolo Loreto Bay, and Whale Watching. For safety, the rental house is in a gated complex with eight units in total. Transportation from the airport is provided by taxi. The local Taxi and Tour Guide contact information is included in the package mailed to you from the Vagabundos office. Vagabundos del Mar – shawna@vagabundos.com

c.  For the third time this year I encountered off leash aggressive dogs on local trails.  The trails are no longer vacant and are not places for us to let our dogs run loose if they have any tendency to run up and act aggressive towards people or other dogs.  Please use your leashes!  I now have to carry a stick and hate to think I will need to use it on animals because their owners are not responsible and able to keep the dogs under control. – barrilles@yahoo.com

d.  The following doctors will be at East Cape Health Center this weekend:  Dra Iliana Ortiz Breast Ultrasound Specialist  and Dr. Emmanuel Rodriguez, Pediatrician Friday 14 Feb 2020 / Dr Juan Carlos Arriola, General Surgeon Friday 14 Feb for surgical questions or information on Gallbladder / Pancreatic or Liver Disease (if anybody has a surgical question, this consultation can be followed by an ultrasound consultation with dra. Ortiz) / Dra. Karen Miranda OB/GYN coming Saturday 15 Feb 2020 / Dr. Luis Cardenas will be coming every Friday starting this week — Appointments can be made at our Front Desk or by calling 624 124 8203 – eastcapemedical@gmail.com

e. From a reader:  I was on the toll road today 2/10/20 and it was still $91 pesos from Cabo to the airport


a.  Is there anyone in the States that could bring down a very small parcel when they come to Los Barriles?  It is a thermostat for my Yamaha Raptor Quad that didn’t make it in time for me to bring.  It can be shipped from my home in Colorado immediately. – erlablink@gmail.com

b.  do you need a hand with your social media or website? let’s talk pris.ecmedia@gmail.com

c. Is there a certified dermatologist that comes to Los Barriles?  Not a botox injector!  If not, can one in La Paz be recommended? – erlablink@gmail.com

d.  looking for someone going up to la ventana from barriles in the next few days that can bring a gopro to me – danielamoroz1@gmail.com

e.  Looking for one or two local workers to help build a dog run on my property.  Preferable with experience pouring concrete slabs and with some welding knowledge/experience/connections.  Email with recommendations please! – danielwcoburn@gmail.com


a.  Feb. 13 from 5-7 PM join clinical sexologist and host of the popular sex education show Sexplanations for a night of sex Q&A. Location: Playa Central in La Ventana – docsexology@gmail.com

b.  Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani.  Sing with friends in harmony. Yoga Garden, Feb 12, 3 to 4:30pm. – jgrittan1@gmail.com


a.  Tickets are on sale for Baja Shakespeare’s 20th production, “A Baja Chorus Line” at Homes and Land of Baja.  Plenty of tickets available for 6 shows:  Opening March 6, Saturday 7, Sunday Matinee 8, Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 & Friday 13 (Closing Saturday 14 is sold out).  Shows begin promptly at 7pm, Sunday Matinee at 1:30pm.  Our theatre is located at Hotel Buena Vista Beach Resort (Spa).  Ticket prices remain the same at $20 or 400 pesos. If you are out of town, contact Anne at Will Call:  nanatembden@ymail.com or (624) 141-0314.  For Hotel specials, hortencia@hotelbuenavista.com or (624) 142-0099.  Avoid disappointment, get your tickets to this highly entertaining show today!

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Outdoor rugs or woven grass mats, etc. in good condition. – erlablink@gmail.com



(1)  Valentine Day Dinner; Caprichos Restaurant at Rancho Buena Vista. Beautiful view, on the Beach. Live music starting at 5:30. Dinner special by Chef Paul. Full regular menu and full bar

(2)  SWEET DISCOUNTS  at El toro y La Luna  La Ribera / Los Barriles Stores.  Friday the 14 , Valentine’s day!!  9 till 5 .. with your purchase there is  a 5 to 30 % draw.  Candles and equpales 40 % off.  See you friday

(3)  Bring your darling love to a Valentine’s day special Chinese Buffet at La Fogata. Friday February 14. Drink specials all night. $15 per person

(4)  Valentine Day Dinner at Caprichos Restaurant at Rancho Buena Vista.   Chicken Breast Caprese , or full food and bar menu available. Music by the beach with Mary Kleinsorge and group. 5:30 . – pverdugo2584@gmail.com

(5)  Manolo’s BBQ up on the highway south side. 6-10 pm . Live music, played by Placido. Rib-eye, t- bone and brisket. Drinks and dessert 35 usd for couple. Reserve 6241584320. Manolosbbq@yahoo.com

(6)    The Revolving Door will be playing at La PLaya on Valentines Day.. This will be the last revolution for the Doors for a while at least … They have had a great run of music in Los Barriles. Come on out for a great meal and dance party at LaPlaya… They will be joined by Ted Matzen. Ted was an Original Needlefish and long time part of the music scene in Los Barriles and Hood River… This is gonna be fun, lets give them a  great farewell!!!  reservations for dinner are a good idea…contact Evelyn at LaPlaya…

(7)  Join us at Cafe Maria this Valentine’s Day and enjoy a delicious meal in the company of your significant other, your friends or yourself. This year the special dinner is a SEAFOOD COMBINATION (Coconut Shrimps, Mango Sauce Shrimps, and Breaded Fish Fillet), served with a potato salad and Ceasar Salad on the side, dessert, and A DRINK are included too $290 Regular Menu will be open. RESERVATIONS ARE WELCOME at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com or whatsapp 6121586762

(8)  Los Barriles Wine & Tequila team presents Valentine’s Wine Pairing Dinner this February 14th at 6:00 pm at Bay View Restaurant. The Menu will be create to pair fantastic delicious Wine. You’ll Love this! Make your reservations by email: casadevinos.losbarriles@gmail.com

(9)  DINNER w/ OPTIONAL WINE PAIRING – Join us at the Bay View Bar and Grill @ Hotel Palmas De Cortez for a night to remember!  A wonderful menu created by Chef Salvador Shanchez.  There will also be an optional Wine Pairing available for those who would like to sample some fine wines with their dinner.  Couples will enjoy a fantastic dinner while enjoying the most romantic setting in Los Barriles.  $35.00 usd pp
+$20 usd to add Wine Pairing.  Tax included/gratuity not included
For Reservations, please call 624-141-0044 – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com


a.  Starting Feb. 11, the Yoga Garden will offer Gentle Yoga 55+ with Janet on Tuesdays, as well as Wednesdays and Fridays. Classes run from 11 a.m. to noon. Build strength, flexibility and balance in a supportive environment. Perfect for beginners. – jampaulson@gmail.com


a.  Ion Radar seat harness, XL, excellent, like new condition, 80 tacos. Ion Vertex waist harness, L, fair condition, 35 tacos. – ricktyrer@hotmail.com

b.  Looking for a surfboard. Between 22 and 25 litres. 5’3″ to 5’4″. Small to medium wave board. – scoot.smythe@gmail.com

c.  2016 ocean rodeo prodigy 9.5m 250 waves – scoot.smythe@gmail.com

d.   am looking for foot straps for an older Ocean Rodeo Mako board.  Mine have bitten the dust.  Anyone have an old Mako in their garage gathering dust?  Pat Hannigan 206 799 3030 – p.m.hannigan108@gmail.com

e.  2018 North Neo 10 meter great for all these lite wind days, in perfect condition. 800 coco’s
North click bar 24 meter lines 350 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com


From SJD to the Eastcape

2/21 Fri arrive SJD 2:55pm Share my taxi van to LB  Leaves SJD 3:30p deborahlayton2012@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD Airport

2/28 Fri leave LB @11:00a to SJD Intl text 510.406.2966 deborahlayton2012@gmail.com

3/5,noon, 1person, 2 bags,share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com

3/13.  Want to share a cab to SJD airport? Leave LB around 11AM. 1 person, 2 bags. weber_05 AT hotmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

2/24 from SJD to Eastcape – 2 persons arrive 2:55pm.  Want to share a van?  wmrailton@yahoo.com

Any-Time Driver:  Great prof local driver Max: 011 52 624 160 5225— clean ride w/comp’d bottled water  SJD-LB-SJD.  txt or call speaks perfect English/Spanish.  Open to ride sharing ~seats 8


a.  We are planning to drive to Los Barriles the end of the second week in February and looking for anyone who might be interested in meeting in San Diego and caravanning to Los Barriles. Timing is somewhat flexible. – zgwind@aol.com

b.  Hola, I live here in Cabo and need a ride up to the States, either California or Arizona or further, my destination is Idaho. 1 person + 1 dog, share gas. Anytime in March. Thank you and Kind regards Andi – tap24hinfo@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Metal Storage building for rent at Juanito’s Garden– 5′ wide x 10′ deep.  141-0024  or  lindainbaja@hotmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  CanAm air filter and cleaning kit. K & N High flow air filter # cm-8012. K & N Air filter cleaning kit # 99-5000. New 40 Rides for both. Contact pro.ogilvie@gmail.com    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/canam-air-filter-and-cleaning-kit/7073112713.html?lang=es&cc=mx

b.  30 inch TV. Includes Amazon fire stick. TV has USB and HDMI ports. 100 greenbacks. Email ssegal34@yahoo.com

c.  TV satellite dish, 6’ diameter. Includes base and support arms for LNB. 150 tamales per dish. Two available. – ricktyrer@hotmail.com

d.  1998 Dodge Caravan, excellent condition and well maintained, Canadian Registered, 180,000 miles, new tires, seats 8, sliding doors on both sides, rear seat is removable, beautiful paint- always garaged. Driven a few seasonal months/year. Racks, DVD player, nice stereo. Located in LaVentana. Check out ad on Craigslist for photos and video. Please call Gregg to test drive @ US cell # 1-720-879-8065 – rich@richbaum.com

e.  2020 Big-Tex Atv trailer 6 x 12 with rear ramp. 3500 lb. axle, 2 spare tires.
2,000 coco’s. – mikeabbott123@msn.com

f.  ATV tires brand new 25x11x12, 25x12x12 425 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

g.  Two youth wetsuits, very good condition, to give away plus children’s fins and snorkel. Contact us by Feb 14. – jsivans@shaw.ca

h.  2012 Yamaha Zuma 125cc scooter, in great condition, gets 80miles a gallon great for running around to town and stuff. Highway legal.  1,500 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

i.  2012 Yamaha TW200, fat tire motorcycle. In perfect condition, always garaged, only 950 miles on it.
3250 rides. bajachardo@gmail.com,  +1 435-640-0219,  142-8260

===THE END===