
MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 24, 2020  –  #4053

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24 MonFlag Day in Mexico
24 MonFun Run/Walk sponsored by BATS see post for details #4049 – tdsimmler@netscape.net
25 TueReal Estate Seminar-4.30pm-6.00pm. RSVP. emma.nicholson@kwmexico.mx
26 WedAsh Wednesday-Services at the Catholic Church on the highway 10am & 6pm
26 WedRotary membership meeting; La Playa Restaurante 8:30am
27 ThurOpen Houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am to 1PM
27 ThurJeanetti Spaghetti performs at Joe’s Pizza, Mercado La Costa. – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
28 Fri5:30 Plant-Based in Baja Group vegan potluck Vista Del Mar, Buenavista johnmerryfield@aol.com
28 FriMovie & dessert-Yoga Garden 7pm.’20 Feet From Stardom’ -$500ps, all funds go to Guild Scholarship Fund.
29 SatCommunity Market LB Laguna Park 9am to 1pm.
29 SatRummage & Bake Sale, La Ribera, La Cancha, 9:00am-1:00pm No shopping before 9:00am – huxleydk@gmail.com
29 SatRancho Cacachilas special dinner.  https://www.ranchocacachilas.com/upcoming-events/flavors-of-baja-sur-dinner-february
29 SatCarnival Parade. If you’re in the parade meet LB fountain 4:30pm screed10@gmail.com


a.  In response to the postings of Sat 22 Feb regarding ambulance service and how to contact. For 20+ years it’s been my mission to improve emergency services and make available a comprehensive health clinic with diagnostic equipment and laboratory,  tools to help make a quick diagnosis for rapid treatment. For emergency care and pre-transport stabilization, just a few important comments to make your emergency transport safe; the ambulance should travel with basics like Oxygen, IV access, cardiac monitor, medications and medical support who can provide treatment during transport to a facility of your choice.
{See next EastCapers for more information}.
We have little control over the 911 that goes to general dispatch in La Paz, who then contacts our local police who then calls the ambulance. Another option is our community ambulance and volunteers: their phone numbers are said to be available night or day Ismeal 624-178-6884, Beto 612-348-2173 Rigo 624-178-6172 Luis 624-122-1870 Ariceli 624-159-5575. Unfortunately, out of the 5 ” paramedics” only 2 are certified, 1 RN, Luis with good experience. A year ago the community was given a new beautiful van type ambulance that is well equipped and is supposed to be parked across the street from Quadman and Can Doo ATV rentals.They charge gas and stipend. The recent confusion may come from a “different  ambulance”  parking there with a hospital name, also seen roaming the streets looking for a “transports” to their hospital in SJ. Unfortunately 4 of our trusted volunteers are also taking turns driving this ambulance to supplement their income. Emergencies are being redirected to their facility that may not be in your interest nor your first choice at a very high premium.
After meeting with the Delegado to solve this problem I discovered I am only one voice to him. Please help to support my initiative with your ideas, concerns, opinion or experience by calling or email Luis Enrique Lucero Meza lluceromeza@gmail.com 612-159-1878.  As our community grows so does our need for improved infrastructure like fresh water, good roads, and schools for education. We all deserve to have access to emergency services and a well equipped medical /dental facility that is accessible to all.   Help in our efforts to make a permanent  solution towards better communication, rapid emergency response and personal choice of your medical destination. Positive changes help to build confidence in where we choose to call home  Contact: Char at East Cape Health Center at Plaza Libertad 624-124-8203/ emergency line 624-160-1997 charlene.wenger@gmail.com cell 624-157-0081
Medical: 624-124-8203 eastcapemedical@gmail.com Dental: 624-141-0375 eastcapedental@gmail.com
Please note: Our East Cape Rig is a private ambulance, fully stocked with the essentials and full tank of gas. We are available for transport only if you leave from our clinic, to your hospital of choice. One of our physicians will accompany you. Call our emergency line 624-160-1997 and arrange to meet in the clinic to stabilize your emergency and we will arrange transportation. – charlene.wenger@gmail.com

b. Having trouble dialing Mexican numbers on your T-Mobile phone? This is what works for me: 011 52 1 XXX XXX XXXX.  Works for both landlines and cell phones.   Sandy baja.bpe@gmail.com

c.  Great news for soda fans! Joe’s Deli is partnering with Wolf Property Management, the exclusive SodaStream dealer in BCS, to offer SodaStream machines and CO2 refills! So just stop into Joe’s Deli in Los Barriles for your SodaStream needs! Wolf will still machines and refills in the Plaza Libertad office, too! Stay Bubbly, friends! – Info@wolf-pm.com

d.  The Keller Williams Real Estate Seminar in Los Barriles on Tuesday 25th at 4.30pm is designed for both buyers and sellers! We have had lots of questions about whether it’s useful for sellers too. The answer is YES! Especially around appraisals and capital gains tax. Email emma.nicholson@kwmexico.mx to reserve your seat at the Hotel Palmas Cortez in their conference center. Wine, beer, sodas, water and small snacks provided.


a.  Is anyone down at Costco today?  need 3 boxes of chocolate. the big red ones. have the money, just no wheels. thanks contact coffeehighs@outlook.com.

b.  Seriously need to see Chiropractor Dr Robert Smith in Cabo MW or F.  Will pay for gas in exchange for ride.  Stops for errands, shopping , etc. OK. – erlablink@gmail.com

c.  Looking for someone coming to LB who would be willing to bring a snorkel mask down for me. I can ship to you in the states from amazon. – smd4902@gmail.com

d.  Need help looking for sleeping accommodations in Esmeralda for son & 10 yr grandson they will be spending all their days & meals with us but need a place to lay their heads at night as we don’t have any room..needs to be within walking distance of our place. – Bajanana22@gmail.com


a.  Yoga Garden Movie Benefit for The Guild Scholarship Fund on Friday 2-28  is Sold out..If you were lucky enough to get a ticket, we will serve chai tea and dessert at 6ish and the movie starts at 7pm.
If you missed out this time ,let me know and I could show it again early March.  jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

b.  Garage Sale, La Ribera 29 February at La Cancha, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, (no shopping before 9:00am). When driving into La Ribera, keep going straight on the paved road, past the Oxxo. Watch for yellow signs to turn right to get to the sale. To donate or volunteer contact Karen by email or at 624-219-7553.
All proceed go to Amigos De Animales in La Ribera. – huxleydk@gmail.com 


a.  One of the prettiest Kodak moments (besides the sunrise, sunsets, fish, ect) is on Don Pepe St., one block to whe east on right side.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:   Rent or buy 2 helmets 9 yr old and 12 yr old.  Also need life jackets for the two boys. 624-100-1085 or 624 227-5810  Thanks – dnybakken@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Truck shell to fit a 2004 Ford F-250 eight foot long bed. Must be in good shape, color not important. I have the tailgate. Looking for either a used one or info about a place to buy a new one down here. – ricktyrer@hotmail.com


a.  Fishing Baja (Norte) On Uncrowded Beaches


a.  Correction: “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop is open 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Saturday  is reserved for special events. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  my name is Gregorio I am offering my services of marble installation, polish floors, tile, roof sealing, painting, fine details and maintenance in general, free budgets in Barriles and surroundings. Send me an email and I will attend you W.catymoreno86@gmail.com

b.  Los Cabos Full Service Storage Facility, conveniently located next to the Los Cabos International Airport. Providing both residential and commercial clients the solution to storing their goods in Los Cabos. All units are drive up with easy access with extra-wide, asphalted driveways.  info@sjstorage.com – https://www.sjstorage.com/ – (624)146-1390

c.  Travel MedEvac Emergency Air Evacuation – Travel MedEvac Insurance now has Global Insurance Policies to cover you in your worldwide travels, including our Mexico Only Plans to your home hospital, doctors, and healthcare network of choice. Get peace of mind with a flexible daily, semi-annual, or annual expat policy. Get your quote today: http://bit.ly/travelmedevac

d.  I will answer for free, by e-mail or phone, any question on legal matters,
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne, CAN-AM-MEX Law Firm / Firma Juridica. – can-am-mex@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED & HOUSE SITTING NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 

a.  Rentall Wanted:  Full time year around rental. 1 or 2 bedrooms. 1 person, one dog. Excellent references. – tigger86334@yahoo.com


From SJD to the Eastcape – NONE

From the Eastcape to SJD Airport

2/28 Fri leave LB @11:00a to SJD Intl text 510.406.2966 deborahlayton2012@gmail.com
3/5,noon, 1person, 2 bags,share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
3/18  (Weds), leave Spa BV 10-1030, 1+1 – creationsinwood@sbcglobal.net
3/25. Leave LB at 10 am.  Want to share ? 2 people + 2 bags. Ssegal34@yahoo.com
4/8 – noon, from pickleball court. 2 people, 2 bags.  – karenvjames161@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2-25 Tuesday ride offered up to 3 people SJD to east cape leave by 4 – lauraborialis@gmail.com
Any-Time Driver:  Great prof local driver Max: 011 52 624 160 5225— clean ride w/comp’d bottled water  SJD-LB-SJD.  txt or call speaks perfect English/Spanish.  Open to ride sharing ~seats 8


a.  Hola, I live here in Cabo and need a ride up to the States, either California or Arizona or further, my destination is Idaho. 1 person + 1 dog, share gas. Anytime in March. Thank you and Kind regards Andi – tap24hinfo@gmail.com
b.   I’ve just spent my first winter in LB and will be heading home to Canada first week of March-ish. Wondering if anyone is driving north end of Feb/early March as I could fly home from San Diego or LAX if a bit of an adventure were possible. M – Michelle_m_richards@live.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  14’ alum.  boat, baja whls. tlr.,  15 horse, good cond., runs strong,  3500. us fish’s 970-596-1212. – tom@marshallville.net

b.  52” glass top patio table. Aluminum frame. 4 chairs. Sunbrella sling back. Good condition. 195 meals. blbresnahan@yahoo.com

c.  2013 travel trailer.  Sprinter by keystone great for rv site and can deliver . 20000 obo  646 246 5515  paul for more pictures – bmi.bartram@gmail.com

d.  Norco Range carbon mtb with Enve carbon wheels, medium, sram X0 components, good condition, los barriles, 2000 – katharine.carter4@gmail.com

e.  2 tickets on the 10:55 Eco Baja shuttle to the airport on March 12. Email
betsy_shepard@yahoo.com or call casa at 624-141-0487

f.  2015 Yamaha Viking – 6 full seats. lifted on big wheels.  Low miles, 12k fish – harry@olillo.com

g.  96 Suburban 1500 w 350 and 1/2 ton capacity. 180000 miles 4 captain chairs four wheel drive, 4K rides. – harry@olillo.com

h.  Professional Vintage Pilates Reformer With Mats And Tower – solid maple frame, excellent condition. The full function of a Reformer, Mat Station and Tower, all in the space of a Reformer. 3800 or best offer.

i.  1.- electric fence unit, very good to keep 4 or 2 legged animals out.
2.- portable tile cutting saw
3.- Exterior door, pine with glass  36″ x 84″
3.- Interior door, masonite, 31.5″ X 80″
jebeddy2012@hotmail.com or 612 348 9793 EDDY

j.  DUROBOAT (14′), Trailer with extended tongue for beach launching & 25HP Mercury 4-Stroke motor.  2600 lunches or 47000 tacos.  Call or text Jeff (US Cell) 36O-593-6787.

k.  Pelican kayak includes atwood  paddle, harmony seat,  and attachable wheels. excellent condition. wt 40 pounds,  9ft6in  295 strokes  shirtpro10  at hotmail.com for photos.  1 men 1women coast guard  approved zip life jackets 20 saves each 503 789 4754 – shirtpro10@hotmail.

===THE END===