4141 — 08202020

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21 FriBookstore 9-11am Hwy One Storage past Repsol station. Bajajoanna@gmail.com
26 WedClub Rotario Los Barriles Cabo de Este -Zoom Regular Membership Meeting-Every Wednesday morning-9:30am Baja time-Meeting ID: 323 530 1047-Password: Rotary-https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3235301047?pwd=N0wyNHlFdlV5UGsrdGU3V1A1YW9XUT09



a.  Here is a link to COVID cases in BCS.   You will find LB on page 22 of the Peace municipality.  For those using cell phones it’s easier to read if you rotate your phone.  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE

b.  Posted on Facebook by Eastcape Health Center:  ⚠️ According to La Secretaria de Salud, these are the East Cape communities with COVID-19 active cases:

??? ?????:
– Buenavista: 2 active cases
– La Ribera: 2 active cases
– Las Casitas: 1 active case
– Miraflores: 3 active cases
– Santiago: 1 active case

?? ???:
– Los Barriles: 6 active cases
– San Bartolo: 4 active cases

It is important to have in mind that these are the cases confirmed by La Secretaria de Salud, there are more cases that have been confirmed by private labs and are not part of La Secretaria de Salud counting, there are also people who don’t develop symptoms yet, and haven’t been identifyed.

?So far the most common symptoms are headache, fever and hard breathing, if you have any of them or if you’ve been around someone who has tested positive, please stay at home in isolation for the time needed.

? If we all work together we can help this pandemic to not have devastating results in our communities, remember that by doing so you are taking care of your community, your friends, neighbors, and your family.

Soon, we’ll be able to hug again, until then, keep social distance. ?


a.  ??? ??????? ? ???????: Spanish sentence that shows courtesy and respect to other people, its pronunciation is “con pear me so” and it’s used in the following situations:

When you get in or get out of a place, like a classroom
When you walk between two or more people

The most accurate translation to “Con Permiso” in English is “Excuse me”, but not in every case ?.

When someone tells you “Con Permiso”, the proper answer is “Propio” which is a kind of “no problem” in Spanish.

So, who is ready for another lesson? ‍

?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????, ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ??????? ???.??????????????.??? – spbaja5@gmail.com


a. I need some advice regarding customs, shipping items, changing legal residence from one state to another, when one plans to be in Baja most of the time. There are probably additional question categories that I haven’t identified yet. Please contact me if you have any input, positive, negative, warnings and recommendations. Thanks in advance. The1DianaMorgan@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Food dehydrator. Preferably cheap. Thanks.  makomarkos@yahoo.com

b.  Wanted:   A seven passenger van or mini van for purchase. Should be in decent shape, with everything working, under 200K miles. Budget is $5000 (us) or less. Pictures appreciated of the inside and out. Contact Elizabeth via email. – elizabetter111@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Anyone driving down from Spokane to Los Barriles that would be willing to bring a box of handmade hats which have been donated to capsforcancerbaja . We make and donate caps, blankets etc to Children and adults with Cancer, orphanages and children at the Rehabilitation center all in La Paz.  Please contact Kay at

d.  Wanted: need 1 25x8x12 atv tire. good used or new. gracias capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com 6241581445c 6241428183h


a.  Dinners by Crystal from El Pirata.  Gourmet food  in the safety of your home.  Special for Friday, Saturday and Sunday Night.  Delivered to your home.  Please place orders by 2pm day of delivery. All Covid safety followed.

Arrachera Fajatias with guacamole and  baked potatoe.  $240MX or $12USD

Pasta Marinera with seafood, side salad and garlic bread.
$240MX or $12.USD

Brochetas(Kabobs) marinated with Arracherra, Chicken and Shrimp with BBQ sauce and white rice.  $240MX or $12USD

All cooked on open mezquite wood grill.

Crystal Diablo Margaritas.  $120MX or $6USD

Delivery from 5 to 9pm.

Contact Crystal at What’s App  624 184 8682
Or email to DinnersbyCrystal@hotmail.com


a. Announcing: Tres Palapas, the pickleball resort just north of Los Barriles, will be opening for business on September 2 for the season. Come and get your exercise and have guaranteed laughs on the pickleball courts in an outdoor, warm and safe environment. Visit the Tres Palapas website to see the many options for participation. For questions contact Elizabeth at the email address listed. – elizabetter111@gmail.com

b. Relax at Spa Vida with a Body Scrub treatment! Enjoy it at a special price!! only $60 USD (book it before Aug. 31st) spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Are you in town or getting ready to come back and need a haircut or color? Rodrigo is here and Salon Blue is open!  Call 624 151 4777 to schedule your appointment! – danabnsb@yahoo.com

b. Leaky roof?  We can fix it. We seal roofs!   Free estimates and lots of references. Email me today  Baja. Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

c. Scheduling for post rain roof sealing. Free assessment and bids.  References.  Top quality products and installers.
Chuck 624 227 1170 – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 2018 Kawasaki Teryx 4×4, Electric Power Steering, Super Clean, Windshield, Side Mirrors, 316 Hours, 12,800 Cruises         rkbaja@yahoo.com 

b. Heavy duty trailer, 2” ball, tires are 16 ply truck, Used to carry sand rail.
What’s up 1510 962-0555 pictures – casadamato1@gmail.com

c. 2005 AWD SUV, New Engine just installed, Good tires, Stereo ,towing package. Great mid size SUV, call  or text 624-137-7721 or email nosaynada@gmail.com 5500 raindrops see at


===THE END===