


23-FriTuna Shoot Out registration at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 4pm-8pm
24-SatTuna Shoot Out at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 7am-4pm – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com
25-SunDayLightSavingTime – Mexico move clocks back one hour. (not border towns)


a.  None


a.  Answer to XM radio: Sirius/XM radio might be one company and go by one name, but there are two satellites and exclusive equipment. Either/both works down to La Paz, but south of that, only the Sirius signal works.  you must have a quality external antenna (not a dashboard antenna)

b.  Hey all you ex-pats in the neighborhood, you can still REGISTER to vote In the US General Election until October 13th. You would register in the State where you last had residence. You need the last address, a form of ID, and for most States a computer, printer, scanner and optional fax machine. Here is the link for voter assistance.  https://www.fvap.gov/guide


a.  Has anyone had experience creating an account with Intercam Bank on a tour visa?  I am hearing that after the check you open it clears, your funds will be available to withdraw from.  Any experience with this? – alpinegardener@gmail.com

b.  On Sept 14 I fostered a beautiful young dog–Sweet Baby James, I call him–but now I must unexpectedly leave Baja. I can return him to Cortez Rescue but it will break my heart, he’s been spoiled and happy. He is scheduled to be flown to a permanent home the U.S. some time soon. Is there anyone who can provide a comfortable temporary home? He is gentle, loving, playful and beautiful–soft brown fur and gorgeous eyes. He was the best dog at Cortez Rescue when I picked him. All food provided. – papamadre@gorge.net

c.  We are looking for someone driving down to Los Barriles area or somewhere near, from north of the Bay area that has room to transport some narrow closet doors for us. Since they are new so they are boxed for transport. Size: 82” tall by 15”wide by 3“ deep. Two other panels are 80” x 20” x 1”. Total wt is 180 pounds. will pay generously plus wine! – lynnmirassou@gmail.com


a.  See Calendar


a.  None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  I need a walker for an old person. – asuncion37@icloud.com

b.  Wanted:  looking to rent a garage large enough for a pickup and a side by side in spa – dadmobrad@verizon.net


a.  None


a.  Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal  Resort.  Taco Tuesday.  For Reservations or Takeout orders Call us:  6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  This week’s dishes  * Chinese hoisin tofu noodle salad – Tangy, nutty, sweet & salty. This dish converted a non tofu eater last time I made it. Give it a try. * Salmon & dill fishcakes * Leek & potato pasties – Moreish cheesy, leek, & potato parcels*     Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  30th September. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  The Swedish Massage is a relaxing therapy that helps to improve conditions such as back pain, bad blood circulation and, muscle tension. It helps the elimination of the toxins by stimulating the blood circulation. But overall, it helps to relax your body and your mind, reconnecting with your natural balance. Enjoy it with a Pedicure for a special price, only 80 USD! Book it before September 30th at spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com


a.  None

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles.
W.catymoreno86@gmail.com –

b.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for 1 bdr with kitchenette close to town for a 4 month rental.(Dec-March31.) Would be nice to have transport.  Monthly budget $1000 us. Thanks Chris Larsen – chrisblarsen59@gmail.com


From Airport:

Arriving Nov 15 at 2:25, 2 ppl, 2 bags. Looking to hitch a ride or share a shuttle.  – nancyhudson@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee

b.  Mountain bike
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/mountain-bike/7202285052.html – kawish59@hotmail.com

c.  2005 BMW X5 runs great and new  engine installed. AWD mid size SUV, clean, AC good tires tow hitch. Call 624-137-7721 or see at  bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2005-bmw-x5/7175439595.html 5250 coscto runs – palapapaul@gmail.com

d.  in la paz: small gas eng. ground tiller, pro. tile saw, 2 sumerg. pumps, varios abs 4″ fittings, new: 3 inside doors, 1 ext. front pine wood door, used 1 alu./glass comercial door. jebeddy2012@hotmail.com

e.  2001 chevy tracker 2 door soft top, new 2500 lb winch, good battery, and tires, heavy duty car cover. 52000 miles registered in South
Dakota. 5000 clams or best offer. – david.kalousdian@gmail.com

===THE END===