


2-WedRecycling in El Cardonal 9-11am In La concha next to sub delegados office marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
3-ThuEast Cape Recycling 9-11am at Baja’s Resort at East Cape –
4-FriBookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
4-FriArt Show, Hotel Los Pescadores 4p-8p


a.  The state of Baja California Sur has the second highest testing rate in the nation, per 100,000 habitants, but it also has the second highest infection rate in the nation, only second to Mexico City.  The governor, although himself recovering from COVID19, has emphasized that his government believes in science, follows WHO guidelines for testing, testing and more testing. As of November 20th, the state of Baja California Sur has the lowest mortality rate per COVID infected patient in the country. This is all good news, however as a third wave of cases is expected in Mexico we still need to be extremely cautious.


a.  Desperately  looking for Lost Dentures between Smokey’s Bar and play on Norte RV Park Sunday call my November 29th. Reward – timhortinsguy@gmail.com


a.  Baja Al-Anon meetings will resume on Mondays and Thursdays at the serenity garden in Spa Buena Vista at 10 am.  Call Karina 624-141-0806 or Sheila 141-0267 for more information. – bajakarina@gmail.com

b.  Santa and Lazy Daze (LD) desperately need your help this Navidad. LD will be doing it’s annual Christmas Toy Drive with the addition of a 2nd community in Campamento. With Covid hurting so many this year, it is more important than ever to give back to the children.

For those who are Covid concerned and may not want to shop, we have a donation jug located on the bar at LD. Santa’s elves are more than happy to do the shopping for you. All cash donations must be received by 12/12, giving the elves time to shop. All toy donations must be received at LD by 12/19. With plans to visit 2 communities we will need lots of help from our caring community in forms of donations, toys and bikes. The elves will be sorting the toys into 2 locations on Monday, 12/21. Santa and his elves will be delivering to Campamento on 12/22 by truck….then on 12/23 to Los Barriles by atv or side x sides.  More details regarding the organizing and deliveries to come. All friends of LD, LB and surrounding communities welcome to come help sort and deliver! The more elves the merrier! Santa, his elves and Lazy Daze thank you for your continued support and love.  For additional info please contact Mrs. Claus  at emabaja23@gmail.com

c.  Dear Friends, Our world is at a crossroads. In 2020, we experienced the most devastating pandemic in a century and a global recession. This has had a big impact on our ability to have our fund raising events. In the past we have been able to fund 100% of eligible students. We need your help to be able to meet this goal for 2021/2022 school year.

For 24 years, the East Cape Guild A.C. has pursued a bold vision for an educated community. We support the students of the East Cape to provide High School and College scholarships.  Our work—and the impact we make on our community would not be possible without your financial support.  Please consider donating to the East Cape Guild. This is tax deductible. Visit http://bit.ly/35MgfXx to donate and select East Cape Guild.

You can also support the Guild by attending Holy Mole Lunch/Dinner and Silent Auction on December 20th 12-6 @ Tres Palapas, Meal Tickets at $15 or 300 Pesos Tickets sold at Tres Palapas on Saturday December 5th, 11 -3. – kaplotkin@aol.com

d. BEWARE OF ANY CREDIT CARD CHARGES MADE TO MERCHANTS WHO USE BANORTE AS THEIR BANK.  I paid two medical bills with my USA credit card–One to a doctor in Los Barriles, the other to H+ Hospital in San Jose.  Both charges were made thru Banorte Bank, and Banorte charged me double for each charge.  Charges to this credit card made thru other Mexican banks have not been a problem–ONLY THOSE CHARGED THRU BANORTE BANK HAVE BEEN DOUBLED.

e.  Great mechanic in LB the week of Dec. 7. Will fix your ATV, auto, generator, jet ski, etc. Work guaranteed, references available. Call or what’s app 612-153-7374 for appt. Jose Martin Del Campo – bajaannie@gmail.com


a.  If you are traveling to the US in December, could you take with you 3 small boxes of thyroid meds and mail them to me? Payment, of course! – homeomarlene@comcast.net

b.  Contact info for local kid’s Christmas collection.  Thank you – billblatch@aol.com  Lazy Daze Beach Bar is accepting all toy donations

c.  Would anyone have information about traveling into LB from the USA with household goods?
Can we do that ourselves, or do we need to hire someone to move us into Mexico? If the latter, any referrals?
Thank you! – karenvjames161@gmail.com


a.  Edge of the Sea Gardens will be at Maxico Friday Nov 4th from 9am to 11am.  We have lots of good tomatoes, chilies and greens…plus tomato cages for pick up or order and a full compliment of bone meal, epsom salts and neem oil!  Plus this week I will have straw mulch to mulch your gardens!  Not many sale chances left…don’t procrastinate your winter garden! – kke@edge2.net

b.  Apron Lady will have her items at this Saturdays Market.  I have new creations and just got more fabrics and I can now take custom orders for King size pillowcases!    To get in time for Xmas, you must order your cases by Saturday .  I also have some new fun masks.  Come check out the market as it is a safe outdoor environment with COVID rules strictly followed.  See my new selections on my site at www.apronladylb.weebly.com –

c.  Gift Show   Thursday, December 10th, 10am – 2pm.  Since we can’t have big shows, we are having a mini one – spread out in three locations.  All showing outside, with homes in the LB area and not far apart.  Come get your gifts for others and yourself!  Get that shopping done early in a stress free and COVID protected environment.   Artists include:  Steven King, Way Cool Clothing, Victorias Sunny Dresses, Elizabeth Perkins, Apron Lady, LB Chocolates, Rancho Laventa, Kelly’s Jewelry and Turtle merchandise.  More details to follow.   You must wear masks to shop.  Questions?  jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Looking for both a small and large nice mountain bikes, like Santa Cruz, Specialized, Trek, etc. Nice full suspension bikes. – dmoore6300@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  My dog needs help getting on/off the bed. Does anyone have ramp/steps that they are not using ?   624 141 0408 – bajabear@mac.com

c.  Wanted:  ford 1985 f-250 parts. riokerry22@gmail.com

d.  Wanted:  Looking for a used, but nice, king bed frame with dresser if possible. Price I am willing to pay depends on the style and condition. Spa – los barriles – 4mgordon@gmail.com

e.  Wanted:  Looking for new or used Kite bags cheap or free. – genevievestpierre79@gmail.com

f.  Wanted:  Is there anyone else than Marcelino to pay a home visit for computer help – i cannot get his attention and have a serious computer issue needing major attention since last week – tessabarriles@gmail.com

g.  Looking to borrow or buy an imperial (not metric) architectural scale.  If you can spare one or know where they can be had, please contact sandyhayes50@gmail.com.


a.  https://bajabytes.com/2020/12/01/wahoo-its-december/


a.  Tai Chi starts December 8th, every Tuesday, 11am at Yoga Garden.  To get more info about the benefits of Tai Chi, please write back to me.  Many of you have read about the new studio guidelines for safety during this pandemic, so here is just a brief review…  12 maximum participants ensure your safety and pre-registration is recommended.  A sanitizing station will be set up for your use along with a temperature check, maximum airflow and a heavy-duty air filter. The eight week session is free, and a suggested charity donation will be 1000 pesos, or 50 USD.  100% of the funds will be donated to the East Cape Recycle Program.  Please bring your own water, and contact me to register or if you have any questions.
Email  hansheld@gmail.com   Yours in good health,


a.  Kiteboard: New Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. 600 jumps Email for pics – sherielliott@shaw.ca

b.  BRM Cloud kite with bag. 10.4 d.  Great kite that is in as new condition.  700 tacos. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com

c.  North Rebel 10m, North Rebel 8m, one North trust bar. Older 5 line gear, all in good shape. Good kites for learning, make an offer. Kochucove@yahoo.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  fan palms  for sale you come dig them take them take them home and  plant app 8 ft tall   125  us cocos  need a flat bed or a pick up  will help  loading – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b.  Fresh Flowers Everyday at Baja Blooms!  We are located in Los Barriles on highway across from Molina’s Hardware. Our storefront is bright fuchsia..You Can’t Miss It!  Our Hours are 9-4 Monday-Friday. Come See Us!! – bajablooms@gmail.com

c.  Leaky roof?  Don’t wait until the next rain storm to get it fixed.   Baja Roofing.  Local. Free estimates. Quality products.  References. Professional. – bajasynergy@gmail.com

d.  Joels  palm trees and desert  plants  royal  palms   coco  palms   fan palms   4 ft   to  30  ft   joel  delivers  and  plants  please app. only  laribera  top sois  mixed  with goat manure   have crane for rent – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for a 1 to 5 months rental for 2 people, no partying, no smoking, no pets. With kitchen, King or queen size bed close to the beach



12/11 arrive 2:30 1 person tim@northwavesails.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Incredible desert varnish,  will stain rock, soil, concrete to beautiful natural colors.  bajasur.craigslist.org/mat/d/permeon-desert-varnish-rock-stain/7238854588.html       772-281-8833 – captainscott34@gmail.com

b.  High-performance e-bikes. Teresa’s Tours is selling 3 of our gently used Bulls Monster ES tour bikes.  Low miles, hours, and under 10 charging cycles each.  All three in excellent condition. Recently completed a diagnostic test.  3,250 American sand pebbles each. – – kkindred63@gmail.com

c. Top soil  goat manure mix  30 . us cocos  per yard  come get it while its hot  will deliver for  4 yards or more  for a few dollars more  we deliver – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

d.  Lightly used Coleman inflatable portable spa. $450 bubbles – casalarue@gmail.com

e.  4 yr old, queen coverlet, with shams. Blues, gray, cream colours. 50 sheets. contact: gwenbathgate@gmail.com

f.  Patio Heater, 7 ‘high, uses 20 lb propane tank which is not included. $ 50 rays. View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7239479224.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

g.  Brand new Equipale leather table 42 inch diameter. Still in wrapping. only 100 tacos call 624-137-7721 – palapapaul@gmail.com

h.  2 – 340 gm R12 air conditioner refrigerant. 8 cool blasts each.  Little Chief smoker. 25 smokes. – glenmilner@telus.net

i.  Presto 23 Quart Pressure Canner and CooKer with 13 boxes of jars and lids. 175 preserves. View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7240009911.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

j.  hurricane protection aluminum panels – 3 sets – including top and bottom rails
75″ wide x 105″ tall – 700 cocos
39″ wide x 105″ tall – 300 mangos
189″ wide x 94″ tall – 1500 papayas
6241410390 – escapeartist55@aol.com

k.  2 inch foam mattress topper.  Slightly narrower than queen size.  Medium density.  50 dreams.  Scuba flippers, Mens 9ish and Ladies 7ish, 5 flips each.  Queen size air mattress, never used, sorry no pump. 10 sleeps. – daxbuddy1@gmail.com

===THE END===