

22-FriThe Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on the Highway north of LB.
23-SatCancelled – Community Market
28-ThuFull Wolf Moon
29-FriSpa Annual Chowder Cook 4pm chirolady2@gmail.com
30-SatTrue Stores – Yoga Garden – bajacamilla@yahoo.com BPE #4195


  1.  This morning (Monday Jan 18) about 9am I left my sandals by a rock on the beach in front of Looney Loop while I walked for an hour. When I returned they were missing. They are sturdy but non-descript cheap brown leather sandals that fit me perfectly. If you picked them up by mistake or thought they were abandoned, please let me know. Thanks, Randy. – randallfordmd@gmail.com


  1.  Willing To Drive Your Vehicle North In April May! – 2 snow birds wintering in baja sur will be migrating back north in April- May. Available to deliver you vehicle anywhere along the route! Preferably all the way to BC Canada. Peter Obstfeld, peterokelowna@hotmail.com, 624 226 9453, Canada
  2. Unfortunately, this happened to me at the Pemex just north of the airport exit.  The guy tried to tell me that one of my $500 bills was a $50 and I needed to give him more money.  I went ballistic on him, raising my voice and yelling in English and Spanish for him to bring his boss to me right now.  He decided he didn’t want the hassle and gave it up.
  3. That gas station has a rep for this kind of thing. (unsigned)


  1.  Anyone driving down that could bring a large can of Dri-Lube (black and orange can I think?)  It’s sold just about anywhere except Baja.  erlablink@gmail.com
  2. Does anyone know where to buy a small eucalyptus tree in the area?  Contact me with suggestions. bajagecko@gmail.com
  3. Does anyone know if the Border Patrol will require a recent Covid test when crossing the border going north? If so, I don’t know how this would work, unless the traveler would get the test near the border, then wait for the results. I have a email into ICE, but don’t really expect a response. – sschatzl@sdsu.edu
  4. Can anyone recommend a boat painter. Also need someone to do minor cosmetic fiberglass workwaterman5113@yahoo.com
  5. Any small lots in Buena Vista for less than 30 K? – chicaconchita@gmail.com


  1.  Looking for rear new motocross tires 18′ wheel Whatapp 8056027490 I’m in Los Barriles – bigwavekiterepair@gmail.com
  2. Looking for books Master and Commander series #7-8-9-11-13-15-17&21. Call612-865-2162,Clayton. Spa aera – clayton67@frontiernet.net
  3. Looking for a bbq or grill. Please email mehowell993@gmail.com 
  4. 12 foot 10 inch Klamath alum. boat – victor@victormaus.com
  5. Wanted – beach umbrella/sunshade. Mine must have blown down to Cabo!!   Brian.  neener61@gmail.com


  1.  All classes at Yoga Garden are postponed until further notice. Stay tuned and we’ll let you know when they will resume. Our first choice is to extend Session 2. Questions:   jackiereeves1002@gmail.com 


  1.  Promotion 3mm Hooded Vest size M/L.  60 splashes. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/promotion-hooded-vest/7262957739.html
  2. 5’4 slingshot screamer with bag.300 clams    435 691 5052.  like new – nip84061@yahoo.com
  3. New Gath, Gedi helmets, S, M, L various colors Coastguard approved…160 shell – gaborvagi@gmail.com
  4. New DaKine, Vega seat harnesses, S,M, L, XL Best warranty on the market 160 hook – gaborvagi@gmail.com
  5. ExotiKite Kiteboarding Wind Report | January 10-17 |WIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNDDDDDDD!!!  The week culminated with day 15 of windy, sailable days.  We had the peak of the week Wednesday with late afternoon breezes in the mid-20’s and 4-5ft swell.  Everyday happy students and kiters made their way to the water to enjoy the steady wind conditions.  Unfortunately, it looks light the end of the north wind streak is here as a storm hovers from the south mid-week.  Forecast is calling for clouds and wind, however, it might be kiteable on the East Cape.   We will have the jet ski in the water for foil lessons this week.  Contact us if you would like to see what the foil fuss is all about!info@exotikite.com |  WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  EastCapeRoofing. Discounts for work scheduled during the dry cool season of Jan and Feb. Credit Cards Accepted. Local American run roofing specialist. Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers. Free estimates and many references. 624-227-1170. Chuck eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com
  2. Photo and Video Service for Airbnb, VRBO and for sale listings. Quick turn-around and great rates. (624)267-7213 Website: luxury3dimaging.com – luxury3dimaging@gmail.com 
  3. LB Chocolate Shop is gearing up for Valentines Day!  It is time to start planning for the ultimate and original chocolate for your loved ones.  Sonia is creating Valentines specials and can do special order combinations also.  You can get your chocolate fix at Joe’s Deli (they go fast) and at the Saturday Market (when it returns).  Contact Sonia at 624-121-9252 (text, call, whatsapp) or email lbchocolateshop@gmail.com




THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  1988 Suburban.  See Craigslist https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/car-for-sale/7263190535.html
  2. Very clean 1999 4wd Suburban. $3250 Costco runs. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/wd-suburban-1500/7261579445.html 
  3. hobie 17 with trailer 2100 chilies. very nice 1994 with almost new jib and main sails and trailer. i’ve used them only 3 times. it comes with wings and the trampoline is in great condition. the boat has been kept under cover and the sails and mast have been kept in the garage. all the rigging is in great shape. this hobie is ready to sail! 6241686647https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/hobie-17/7263091885.html
  4. 1993 dodge ram 350 van beach buggy. 3400 tomatillos. new fuel pump, spare tire, ball joints, battery, and more. 6241686647 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/dodge-ram-350-van/7262978507.html 
  5. boat trailer and free boat. 1400 clamatos  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/boat-trailer/7262954196.htmlDieter 6241686647 
  6. double axle cargo trailer. 13’3 feet to inside of bullet nose. back loading ramp and side door. excellent condition 3800 pulls. Located in La Ventana contact me for more info and pics – rondmohr@hotmail.com
  7. HP Pavillon Notebook AMB 11 Dual core processor 2,3 GHz. 64 bit Windows 7 2.74 RAM Comes with carrying case, keyboard, and HP wireless printer. Laptop works fine. Printer starts up but says it needs new ink cartridge. Will not spilt up. 2000 ps https://bajasur.craigslist.org/sys/d/hp-pavillon-notebook/7262985051.html
  8. Goodyear Wrangler 265/70 R17. Quantity of 3. Lots of tread left. I don’t know the mileage on them. 2000 pesos or 400 each – bell.mexico@gmail.com
  9. Handheld Garmin GPS model 60csx. Like new.  150 Waypoints. Contact bajadave46@gmail.com or 624-158-4971
===the end===