


28-ThuFull Wolf Moon
29-FriSpa Annual Chowder Cook 4pm chirolady2@gmail.com
30-SatCancelled! True Stores


Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE


  1.  The Community Market will be back in action Jan 30We are respecting protocol but miss you all! Thanks for your patience and we’ll see you soon at the Market !
  2. Plans fell through for getting Meds for My Fur Face-Bella for her vision, so if anyone is coming down soon that I could have them sent to asap.  Thanking You in Advance for your help.  vickieaheaps@gmail.com or US Cell 801-694-2178
  3. From East Cape Health – Canadian friends: If you have a CONNECTING flight to Canada, your PCR test has to be 72 hours from the time your flight leaves the US for Canada. For example, if your flight from Cabo leaves at 10am but your connection leaves Houston at 7pm, the PCR test has to still be valid for your 7pm flight. ⁣
    Let’s say you have a flight scheduled to leave on Wednesday at 9:30am. If you take your PCR test on Monday at 9:30 am, leave Cabo Wednesday at 9:30am (48 hours later) you may not have your PCR test results yet. You will need an antigen test to get on the plane for the US, receive your PCR test results mid-flight, in time to board your 7pm flight.⁣ Please plan accordingly. We are doing our best to accommodate everyone’s needs but we cannot take responsibility for missed flights. Our PCR tests have to be scheduled from 9:00-10:30 in the mornings and results take 24-72 hours. Thank you for understanding
  4. Yoga Garden has gotten the green light to Re-Open to continue Session 2 on Monday, January 25th. – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com


  1.  looking for suggestions on a contractor to add a bathroom to our casa. – carol.brundage2@gmail.com


  1.  TRUE STORIES a benefit for The Guild rescheduled to February 20th


  1.  I am looking for a set of golf clubs…Dean – sanosrf@gmail.com
  2. Looking for a dryer, a small chest freezer and a recliner. Contact Regina at 624-141-0627 or bajaregi@gmail.com 
  3. looking for a source of pipe tobacco.  looked at numerous “smoke” shops in san jose but none carry pipe tobacco.  will be staying here for two more months. – geoduran123@gmail.com


  1.  ExotiKite Wind Report | January 17-24 | It’s baaaaaaack! After a windless, cloudy and rainy week, the wind is back this week with force!  Starting Sunday in the high teens it is projected to peak Wednesday with over 6 ft swell and gusts in the high 20’s.  Forecasted to come down late week only to come back again Saturday. To book your kiteboarding, foilboarding or wingfoiling lessons contact us atinfo@exotikite.com or call +1 541 380 0948.


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Aloe Spa. Located across Bancomer on Main Street. Express Pedicure 250 cocos. Appointments 624 243 3489.With Mary  or Jessy
  2. Baja Blooms is  Reminding LB that Valentines Day is less than a month away!!Please  Pre-order your Valentines Day Flowers! Thanks and We Look Forward to Serving all of your Floral Needs!! – bajablooms@gmail.com
  3. It might be a bit early!  Chocolates are being made for Valentines Day!!  Orders on my email and we will arrange pick up or delivery!!  Orange rind in dark chock, caramel, sponge toffee, lime spice bitesize, plus custom requests!! Strawberry dip trees with all above in quality dark chocolate!! Also fruit designs in dark chocolate.  Anyway let’s talk!! Cakes pies lava cakes etc, you name it I make it!! – trishchalmers@me.com
  4. Yoga Mat Bags are now available from the Apron Lady.  Protect your mat from the elements when you are not using it.  Check out the fabric varieties at www.apronladylb.weebly.com  I can meet you if you want one before the market returns. 
  5. We offer our shopping service at costco, we make purchases every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays to deliver in lb the next day, we have 3 years of experience in this business, any interested party please contact 6241299219 or email: autofasttrip@gmail.com – autofasttrip@gmail.com
  6. ExotiKite Kiteboarding swag is on sale now!  We are making room for new t-shirt and sweatshirt designs so need to clear out the old inventory.  All t-shirts are 2 for $600 pesos and sweatshirts are 2 for $1200 pesos!  Come on by our beach shop and check out our hats, shorts, buffs and rashguards as well. Open everyday 9am-5pm. – losbarrileskiteboarding@gmail.com
  7. Salt+Cotton Eco-Boutique is now open 6 days a week!!  We are open 9am-3pm Monday-Saturday, CLOSED SUNDAY.  Pop on by and see why shopping locally made, sustainable clothing and gifts provides unsurpassed quality AND can save you money! – bajachakra@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  consul,small propane fridge/ freezer.works great,clean, and well maintained’ 6500 icicles – casarakose@gmail.com
  2. Free! Wrist or Ankle weights. 2 pair–4 weights total–2 pounds each. Like on this link, except they’re gray not blue: https://www.ebay.com/i/324442111915?_ul=MX&chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 – bajacarlita@gmail.com
  3. Zamp Portable Folding 230W solar system with case and built-in controller (12k pesos), plus ProWatt 1000W Sine Wave inverter (5k pesos) and ProWatt SW Auto Transfer Switch for keying the inverter output into your domestic AC wiring (1k pesos). All like new, barely used. Great for RVs. – bbear@well.com
  4. New steel bodega doors 9ft wide 12ft high never installed 700 sea shells obo. – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
  5. Baker’s Rack with glass shelves $150 shelves. Rev a shelve shelves 7 units $200 slides – bajavalentine@gmail.com
  6. Spare tire/wheel for Razor. 25x11x12 on black spoke Razor rim. Good tread.50 rides. txt 541-546-4416. – johnnoyb@gmail.com
  7. TV ceiling mount. Black fo 25″ – 27″ tv. 20 shows. Txt 541-546-4416 – johnnoyb@gmail.com
  8. UNSEEN brand retractable screen door. White, fits 60″ – 81″ h x 22″ x- 36″ wide.75 slides. New in box. Txt 541-546-4416 – johnnoyb@gmail.com
  9. Body glove 3/4 wet suite used once excellent shape xxl 55 clams also 6500 office jet wireless printer 7 new extra cartridges 55clams – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  10. Solar Power Station – Bluetti AC200 – 2000W – 1700kWh – $1800usd.  See Baja Sur Craigslist in Electronics for details.  New, in box.  Ordered an extra.  Emergency Power Backup! Located near SJD airport ~ foodington27@hotmail.com
  11. Round 84 inch area rug brown and tan in great shape. Picture available via email. Cash or venmo $75. – smgohman@gmail.com
  12. yamaha wr450f 2003. 1950 kick starts. have title. cycle is in los barriles.  see bajasur.craigslist.org/mcy/d/yamaha-wr450f-2003/7267171817.html – nbouwes@gmail.com
  13. dirt bike gear. near new size 7 and 12 boots- 50 heel clicks each pair. jerseys, padded pants (XL), chest guard, helmets make offer. see bajasur.craigslist.org/mpo/d/dirt-bike-gear/7267178232.html – nbouwes@gmail.com
  14. Not wanted two 30 amp surge protectors for an RV. 75 surges for each. – rockinrn@mymts.net
===the end===