MOTTO # 1: Straight from the horse’s mouth. No jokes, no rumors, no opinions, no venting and no whining. Just the facts for all of us who live and play in Baja.
JUNE 2021
18-Fri | Bookstore 11am Highway 1 Storage across from the new Arco electrical supply past the Repsol Station – |
20-Sun | Father’s Day – Mexico, USA & Canada |
24-Thu | Full Strawberry Moon |
- Saturday June 12th Botox. Juverderm fillers, micro blading and shading for Brows. BB face and lip coloring. Xochitl is accepting Appts via Kelly ; Zadwyn facial rejuvenation professional is at Salon Blue each Tues and Wednesday as well as Monica professional BB facial and lip coloring. Soon available at Salon Blue Spray Tanning.
2. “Can anyone recommend someone who can review closing documents on a couple lots I’m buying in LB” Thank you
3. Buyer Beware, Dish Receivers w/Hard Drives are faulty and will not record as advertised. These are usually Dish 722k sold as remanufactured units, also shipped with no remote controls –
4. US Notary Services – Is there a California Notary in town that can Notarize docs for a client selling a California property and e-deliver to escrow in Cali? They would prefer to not have to go to Cali. Thank you! –
5. Mindfulness & Restorative Yoga with Tehroma. Thursdays @ 4:00pm on the Patio above Galeria Los Ángeles. Imagine a calm mind and a body that moves with grace and ease. Props: thick yoga mat + blanket + block (bolster is optional).
Please email to reserve your spot:
6. Anyone coming down in the next few days/weeks that could bring a very small part and CV boots for my Rhino? I can have the part fedx’d to you. –
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short! Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
- Bike..Motive “GroundPounder”, small frame (15″) 26 inch wheels, 3 x 7 Shimano Drivetrain. For a Youthor Small Adult. 1000 tamales or 624 142-8011
- free: 1 case classic pebble style 12″ x 12″ floor tile – home depotwater distillerwood bar stool serviceable for work garage –
- Side by side 2010 Kawasaki Teryx Good tires, just tuned up at Candoo 4,800 ballyhoo –
- Professional elect., Tile cutting saw. 3000 Mexican riles. –
- Gregor, 15 foot aluminum boat, no leaks, beach wheels, trailer and 20 HP 4 stroke Honda O/B, 200 hrs. Spare parts, in La Paz, Must sell, 3699 American lures or equivalent sardines.
===the end===