
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022

NOTE: (CNN) May’s full moon will have stargazers seeing red.The moon will glow a scarlet color during this year’s first total lunar eclipse on Sunday — a stark contrast to its ordinarily milky white sheen.A partial eclipse will begin at 10:27 p.m. ET Sunday, with the total lunar eclipse starting at 11:29 p.m. ET, according to EarthSky. The total eclipse will end at 12:53 a.m. ET Monday, and the partial eclipse will end at 1:55 a.m. ET Monday, the site said.

  • A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon, Earth and sun fall into alignment, with the moon passing through Earth’s shadow, according to NASA. When the moon passes through the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow, called the umbra, it’s known as a total lunar eclipse, the space agency said.

Of course there are a dozen other websites that explain what will happen. 


14-Sat Classical Piano/BBQ at the blossoming ” Le Jardin”, San Bartolo. Saturday, May 14, 2:00 pm. Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com
14-Sat Wine Tasting Party & Live Music by Alvert & Chelo performs at Pizzeria Don Roberto at 6 pm. Reservations at 612 153 9430 – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
14-Sat Latin guitarist Daniel Medina while enjoying a lovely al fresco dinner on our shaded patio. Music from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
15-Sun Full Flower Moon + Lunar Eclipse
15-Sun Pescado Merkado. Pink Floyd Full Moon Party. 9-11pm hutchinson59@gmail.com (3 dog corner next to Joe’s Deli)
16-Mon Yin Yoga – 9.30am – Plaza Buenos Aires. All Welcome blissocean@gmail.com
16-Mon Yoga for Men – 11am – Plaza Buenos Aires. blissocean@gmail.com
17-Tue Yoga with Sarah at Playa del Sol. All levels welcome, no registration required. – losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com
19-Thu Yoga with Sarah at Playa del Sol. 9:30am . All levels welcome, no registration required.
19-Thu Open Mic Night at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30pm! Email for reservations:
20-Fri The Bookstore 9-11am located in the Hwy 1 Storage-Across from El Arco Electrical, before the Blue Little Costco store. Feel free to contact for directions. – bajajoanna@gmail.com
20-Fri music & dancing with STAMINA Reggae Band at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 7pm-10pm! Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
21-Sat SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill presents Latin guitarist Daniel Medina 6:30pm-8:30pm dinner show on the shaded patio. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


  1.  Puppy 3 mons old snowflake mix of english Shepard &husky. White blue eye. Just fixed. Out the repsol área Oxxo. Someone pick It up. If you see him contact 6241571362 or email vcabo2002@msn.com 
  2. Lost purse, Mexican colors. Vagos? Bypass road? Jenn Anderson. Reward. Call US cel 608-469-3100 Mx cel 612-170-4157 Mx cel 624-158-1445 – jennifer.anderson.pt@gmail.com


  1.  With so few charity rummage sales, my donations are starting to pile up. Any suggestions on how to find good homes for gently used household items and clothing? Pam@HomesAndLandOfBaja.com
  2. Could East Cape  Medical please inform community of when covid testing is no longer required for travel to US ?
  3. Looking for a wooden door repair service. – chrisllewellyn0211@gmail.com
  4. We are looking for an experienced air conditioning service. – chrisllewellyn0211@gmail.com


  1.  Wanted: Pickup truck 4×4 cab and 1/2 automatic up to 9000 US624-151-1644 bbprentice@yahoo.com
  2. Wanted: Car seat for 1-year-old, and a booster seat for a 6-year-old. – kay.mundt@gmail.com
  3. Wanted: bamboo fencing rolls – ricotravels@gmail.com
  4. Wanted: Composter bin – realsolkoch@gmail.com


  1.  Pescado Merkado. Pink Floyd Full Moon Party. Beer Buckets for $160.00. Big Margaritas for $150.00 This Sunday May, 15th from 9:pm till 11:pm – hutchinson59@gmail.com


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

  1.  If you are looking for a specialist providing water solutions, you need to call ANZA Los Cabos. Now they are providing their services in the entire East Cape Area. Call them at (624) 123-4838 if you need installation or maintenance for water purification systems, Home Water Treatment Systems, or pool maintenance. administracion@anzaloscabos.mx 
  2. Storage for rent in Spa. 15x15x40 with secure doors, cameras. Available 6-15-2022. jkechter@outlook.com for pricing and photos. 702-595-6131


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  2015 BRP Sea-Doo Spark in excellent like new condition.  Includes trailer and custom 6’ extension bar for easy launching and retrieval.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/brp-spark-sea-doo-with-yacht-club/7483444854.html
  2. Honda Recon 2002, handles well, foot shift. 2 wheel drive. Always garaged. Will send fotos. 1200rides/good offer. Bajajoanna@gmail.com
  3. 2004 Big Bubba 16 x 8 enclosed utility trailer located in Buena Vista.  3500 US clams. – gandsh56@gmail.com
  4. 1989 Shamrock Stalker 26 ft with 210 Cummings engine.  Ready to fish.  Garaged.  20k sardines. Email for pictures. Eastcaper@icloud.com.
===the end===