

Note: I’m having a problem with the program that “controls” the BPE and at present is is total control of me!! I’m sure I’m not receriving your notices. Please submit….Sorry! BPE Cheryl



27-MonBarre Class; 8am Bring your own 1-3 lb dumbbells. Sukhasana Yoga Studio
28-TueTotal body strength: 11am. Bring your own 1-2lb dumbbells. Sukhasana Yoga Studio
28-TueTaco Tuesday Buena Vista Resprt 5:30 to 9:30 pm, Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm at Pescador Bar. 624-228-0165 or restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx RSVP Is required, Outdoor limited sitting. We continue with all the Covid Protocols Drive down to our parking lot near our restaurant.
29-WedYoga for Hikers 8am with Tehroma. Drop-ins welcome. Plaza Buenos Aires (formerly Healing Winds). romalask03@gmail.com
29-WedPup Up Wednesdays at Maxico 9:30-11:30 info@cortezrescue.org
29-WedRestorative Yoga with Tehroma. 5:30pm Plaza Buenos Aires (formarly Healing Winds) romalask03@gmail.com 
29-WedRotary meetings, summer schedule, every 2 weeks, June 15. At the Wine and Tequila bar. 9am visitors welcome. – smadabob53@gmail.com
30-ThuBarre Class; 8am Bring your own 1-3 lb dumbbells. Sukhasana Yoga Studio
30-ThuAlanon meeting Spa Buena Vista 10-11am. Question/directions 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779. Approve literature only. Newcomers and old timers welcome
30-ThuThirsty Thursday dinner 6-9:30. Asado Night Navegante Restaurant. Buena Vista Resort.Domestic $80/Beeer $40 w/dinner. Ribs, smoked organic chicken & more. 624-228-0165 or restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx RSVP Required , Outdoor Limited sitting/Drive down to parking.

July 2022

1-FriThe Bookstore 9-11am located in the Hwy 1 Storage-Across from El Arco Electrical, before the Blue Little Costco store. Feel free to contact for directions. – bajajoanna@gmail.com
7-ThuRecycle in Los Barriles eastcaperecycling@gmail.com


  1.  Lost beautiful turquoise hand cut and hand made necklace today.  I had lunch at La Playa, went in Chapitos and the pharmacy next to BBVC bank.  Hoping it will be found and returned.  Magnet clasp.  Please call 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 if found.  Reward. 
  2. I know this subject has been beaten to death but. I was mailing my Fido to Chicago. I’m down here for a wile. Are there any HSBC banks taking payments here in Los Cabo’s. Thanks Tony (I’m going to have replies come to the BPE for this question. bajaponyexpress3@gmail.com and I’ll post the answer. Cheryl)
  3. 2022 Ladies Tournament — July 22 and 23 https://www.vanwormerresorts.com/tournaments-page/178/ladies-only-fishing-tournament
  4. Please note that there will be no Yin Yoga @ 9.30am or Yoga for Men @ 11am on Monday the 27th.  See you on Thursday.  Gracias Deborah – blissocean@gmail.com
  5. we need a rental for 4 months. january february march and april 2023. 1 bedroom 1 bath . we have los barriles references – adiosagain@outlook.com
  6. *************************see below


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  1979 Suzuki samurai soft top Laribera . xtra tires & wheels tow bar receiver hitch cargo basket runs great 3500 or best offer – ronmunn@tds.net
===the end===