

The gentlemen from La Paz were in town yesterday with a truck full new street signs. Calle Don Pepe is now 5 de Mayo! Does this mean we need to change all our legal papers?



13-Sat TODAY…Vita’s Art+Fashion Gallery Boutique will be open just for one day Saturday, 10 am to 2pm with great discounts!!! Don’t miss it! – vitaolenich@gmail.com
18-Thu VENUE CHANGE Alanon meeting Spa Buena Vista 10-11am. Spa BV, #6 Calle Estrella del Mar. South of hotel. 624 141-0642 Approve literature only. Newcomers and old timers welcome
19-Fri Summer round robin every friday @trespalapas 6-8pm sign in now! – jenetha93@gmail.com
21-Sun National Senior Day, USA
25-Thu VENUE CHANGE Alanon meeting Spa Buena Vista 10-11am. Spa BV, #6 Calle Estrella del Mar. South of hotel. 624 141-0642 Approve literature only. Newcomers and old timers welcome
26-Fri Summer round robin every friday @trespalapas 6-8pm sign in now! – jenetha93@gmail.com


  1.  Hello, to inform you that the Piscis restaurant will have a new schedule starting on August 15, from 7 am to 5 pm. Until further notice, thank you very much for your understanding. We wait for you. 
  2. Satueday Aug 13th Botox Party, Juverderm Fillers, Fibroblast Treatments, Glutathione or Vitiamin C enriched IV drips. Limited spaces, kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  3. Looking or one more person for the mailbox. Another person has now dropped out and she needs a replacement. sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com
  4. wanted: 7¼” circular saw. dave love 624/229-9231 dulcecasitas10 a t gmail 
  5. anyone traveling to LB from the states arriving before september 15th – please contact tessabarriles@gmail.com a lightweight amazon order, 8.5 x 6.22 x 3.02″ 15.17 ounces
  6. Spanish Lessons Mexican Style Online by zoo. One hour, private lesson, one on one. Learn the language, culture, traditions and slang. Visit our site www.askamexican.mx or send me an email. 
  7. Vita’s Art+Fashion Gallery Boutique will be open just for one day August, 13th, Saturday, 10 am to 2pm with great discounts!!! Don’t miss it! – vitaolenich@gmail.com
  8. Water Leaks in Your Home.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170 or email.  Stay Dry! – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Three 56 in fans I replaced , work well about 8 year old only 25 full moons each, call 624-137-7721 or palapapaul@gmail.com 
===the end===