
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 – Hurricane Kay Day!
It’s now 2:30pm LBT and we have a strong brisk breeze, surf’s up, cloudy skies, no rain, seagulls and pelicans on the shore scavenging along with a few sight seers cruising the beach. Wondering if we’ll get more rain. BPE Cheryl



  1. Does Roku work for smart TV? Or is there another option? Proving you have decent internet connection. Thanks! – pat.witt@gmail.com
  2. East Capers Magazine is getting ready for the new 2022-23 season.  We are looking for articles of your Baja adventures, activities and events of your service club and other things of interest to those of us in the East Cape area.  Deadline is September 25th! If you are an advertiser, and you want to continue your ad, or want to be a new advertiser, please let us know right away so we can reserve your spot!    Deadline is September 25. Contact us at   eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com –
  3. Looking for a 3 month rental – single story, walking distance to the sea, LOVE Buena Vista!  Great local references!  March – June.  We can go somewhere else for Samana Santa if already rented!  No airbnb or vrbo but will pay security deposit! – mdjoanis@gmail.com
  4. Does anyone know of a mattress store that sells king adjustable beds like SleepNumber? – jbarrilesj@yahoo.com
  5. Hoping I can find someone to transport four large suitcases to Los Barriles. These are donations of clothing/ shoes, school supplies plus Christmas gifts for local  LB community . We are located close to Hood River, but can meet around Seattle or Portland, too. Hoping someone can take all. I would pay if someone has room to take all four. Thanks so much! – nwthings13@gmail.com
  6. bajasunrise r.v. park & partners in los barriles are looking for investor (s) 3 corporate shares are left for sale for upcoming development for information call jorge bremer (624)1455769 or e mail jbremer69@hotmail.com
  7. Has anyone installed Starlink locally-LB-BV?   Myspamalot3@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Nice 12ft aluminum boat 15hp 4 stroke Yamaha motor and trailer 4000 us trips or best offer – amstutzjim@gmail.com
  2. 16ft aluminum boat 25hp electric start motor trailer 30;000 Mex. Fishes – amstutzjim@gmail.com
  3. Free – one roll of Sailrite fiberglass cloth. I don’t know how long but its a decent sized roll. – charleeni@hotmail.com
  4. Free – 6 kite pumps, NOT Duotone pumps – various models.  Take them all or none. – charleeni@hotmail.com
  5. New 6’x12′ Enclosed Utility Trailer. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/6×12-new-enclosed-trailer/7529817373.html Call Matthew at +526121060718 
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