
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2022 — First Edition. Second edition will be later today!

Note: PLEASE shorten the notices. All that is necessary is Who, What, Why, When and Where + contact info. Save the emojis and adjectives for other publications. This bulletin board is a simple, no frills, quick read newsletter that is mailed to over 4,600 addresses. Keep It Short, Simple and Sweet.

===========CALENDAR for OCTOBER ===========

21-FriBookstore 9:00 to 11am in Highway 1 Storage across from Arco electrical supply past the Repsol Station bajajoanna@gmail.com
22-Satintro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
23-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
23-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
25-TueBisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-ThuEast Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
29-SatHalloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Satintro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-SatHalloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-SunDaylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
31-MonHalloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo is open 11:00-6:00 Tuesday-Sundays, Closed Mondays. Delivery to LB Weekly. Reservations and more info, contact us at: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Whatsapp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
  2. I lost my men’s blue Olukai flip flops on the beach just north of La Playa Tuesday evening. If you’ve spotted them please let me know on lbbajabiz@gmail.com
  3. Lost on Sunday 10/16 — (this is a long shot) one small hearing aid.  At smokies or lil chapitos or else where.  If found, please call or text Wayne Wagler at 206 673 0324 – waynewagler@icloud.com
  4. Kay Mundt’s introductory Spanish class will be offered again Nov.15 to Dec.16, with two classes per week. This is the most basic course in Los Barriles, designed for real beginners. It covers the power verbs that will allow you to speak Spanish in sentences by the second week. Hear Spanish spoken by a local, with grammar explained by me. – kay.mundt@gmail.com
  5. Saturday Oct 28th Xochitl Registered Nurse will be in Los Barriles offering various facial rejuvenation treatments. Botox, Sculptra for collagen production, Juverderm Fillers, lasma Replacement Platelets, Liquid Threads and vitamin enriched IV drips. Free consultations to discuss which treatment is best for you. For appointments or more information contact Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  6. East Capers Magazine is out on the streets!  And online!  Go to www.eastcapearts.com and either scroll down on the home page or go to the East Capers Magazine page.  Find out what is going on and what happened while you were gone in the East Cape in this first issue of the  2022-23 season.  Welcome back everyone!
  7. The woman that contacted me about plumeria cuttings, i lost your phone #. If you still need some i will cut for you. Thx Tony – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com
  8. Can anyone recommend a Mexican gardener who wants more income? We need a reliable worker 3 days a week (M-W-F?), 2 to 4 hours, who speaks some English. Any recommendations?BajaRoncho@mac.com
  9. Wondering about Open Mic’s this year. Saw Tiki Bar Thursdays posted earlier.…..,, – windskipper1@gmail.com
  10. Many of you might know me as Yoga Sarah of the Yoga by the Sea classes, and the energetic vinyasa classes at Yoga Garden. But what you may not know is that I work extensively with injury recovery, mobility therapy, and chronic pain and illness. To find out more, go to https://losbarrilesyoga.com/injury-and-mobility-yoga-can-help/ or contact me directly.  losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com
  11. Be HEALTHY this year and enjoy this beautiful place even more.  THINK about how you drink. It is possible for many people to modify their drinking to healthy levels. Most stop, or reduce their drinking through making a series of decisions, not because of crisis. How does alcohol use FIT with your goals for health, happiness, and contribution to your family and community?  Behavioral, harm reduction approach to addictions treatment, and relapse prevention. I spent over 25 years working with leaders in the field.  Inclusive of motivational interviewing, and mindfulness training.   Learn what works. Contact Dr. Kim Barrett, Consejo Los Barriles 624 150 8611  barrettkimberly808@gmail.com. Services por donación


  1.  Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. Dress up your pooch & come join the fun. Don’t have a pooch? That’s ok, Come out & enjoy the parade. Bring chairs, line the street & hand out treats for the pups & kids. It’s the 1st annual & we are so excited, there will prizes for best costumes & giveaways. – info@cortezrescue.org
  2. Buena Fortuna Gardens (1999~2022) Is open! 11 acre organic Reserve at the entrance of La Ribera. Botanical Garden Tour and Gourmet Brunch with Kitzia Kokopelmana at 11 am Fri and Sat. By Reservation only buenafortunagardens@gmail.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18NfPSnwuhI&t=11s
  3. DON’T WAIT OR YOU MAY BE TOO LATE — 7th Annual TASTE OF EAST CAPE — Saturday December 3rd – 6pm at Laguna Park — Set aside Saturday December 3rd for our Rotary’s most popular event of the year, TASTE OF EAST CAPE. As many as 18 local restaurants are preparing specialties capable of breaking your Taste buds beyond belief. Each contribution of $50 supports a wide variety of community programs by Club Rotario Los Barriles. Help us support your neighbors and at the same time, enjoy live music, a silent auction, and a wide range of the best cuisine East Cape has to offer. The party kicks off at 6pm on December 3rd in Laguna Park, Los Barriles. Don’t miss out on specialties from Amigos Bar, Buena Vista Resort, Can Doo, El Minero, Fish Market, Greens Catering, Joe’s Deli/Bakery, La Casita, La Playa, Maria’s Café, Panchos, Pizzeria Don Roberto, Rice and Beans, San Antonio Pizza, Smokey’s Cantina, Sweet Peas, Tio Pablo’s, and finish with Zopilotes to top off the evening. The Taste sells out every year, and when the tickets come in, any not spoken for are always snapped up. Get your name on the list soon or you may not get any at all. All proceeds go to local youth, healthcare, and education. Email Ken Phillips at bajadays@aol.com for answers or to secure your place at the table.
  4. See you at our 1st Groovy Night at Pizzeria Don Roberto on October 29th, starting at 6 pm. We will have Live Music with Alvert & Chelo and 2×1 glass of wine. Contact us for reservations at (612) 153-9430 – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  5. Witches of East Cape Paddle 3rd ANNUAL!! October 30th 8am (note the clock change!) We’ll meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location next to Amigos Bar (formerly El Gecko). We will leave right at 8am, so come early!
  6. Come play with the Ukulelianos del Cabo Este, no experience necessary, although we LOVE those who do have it too! We are gearing up for our 2nd season! We have a binder with songs that we play from which you can download from the files on our FB group page. We play on Mondays @3pm at Hotel Los Pescadores starting 11/7. More info bajadevi at gmail 
  7. Piano Concerts on Sunday’s, 12:30 PM. Take a scenic Sunday drive to historic El Triunfo BCS and sample best pastries in the world – for those who are not afraid to fall into the vice. Because you will eat and eat and eat till you pop! Where: Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room at Bar-Restaurant El Minero, 2nd floor. Limited number of seats. Please reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  For 15 years (2003-2018) CAN-AM-MEX Law firm / Firma Jurídica provided legal counsel to more than 850 clients, 90% regarding real estate situations; some clients who bought are now selling thus requesting our services and new buyers are seeking our help. Thus, I am now officially reopening the law firm with a new team to provide expert legal service / proper protection in a property sale or purchase. Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne, LL.B., D.D.N. Info: 011 52 612 348 9793       can-am-mex2022@hotmail.com
  • ==the end===