

As we settle into the 22/23 Season, I must ask that exercise classes and pickleball events be listed on your websites. I will try to post the websites on each BPE. Of course, this excludes any super special events, I’m talking about routine weekly classes, etc. My other request is please, everyone needs to be a proof reader and contact me if I made a mistake!

For schedules go to:

Exercise – Sukhasana Studio https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex

Exercise – Yoga Garden – yogagardenbaja.com  Opening Nov. 14th

Exercise – Kelly email kellyinbaja@gmail.com

Exercise – Yoga with Sarah www.losbarrilesyoga.com

Exercise with Deborah – www.yogawithdeborah.com 

Pickleball – trespalapasbaja.com



25-Tue Bisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
27-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
28-Fri Capsforcancerbaja meeting 4pm at La Providencia Restaurant La Ribera. iikaiser@frii.com
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Groovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo on Sunday, Oct.23, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
30-Sun Witches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am and arrive at Playa del Sol Hotel approx 8:30. bajadevi@gmail.com
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween
31-Mon Halloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-Mon Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1. Need repairman to repair or replace the ice maker in my admiral side by side refrigerator/freezer. vista del mar in buena vista – dhbare99@yahoo.com
  2. The Homes & Land of Baja Kick-Off Pickleball Tournament is in Los Barriles at Tres Palapas Pickleball November 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20.  This event is well attended internationally and is the premiere pickleball event in Mexico and the top global Destination Pickleball Tournament.  Presently the event is featuring a 65,000 paddle payout in the 5 Open Divisions with payout rising daily.  This is a wonderful event for our community to experience the explosion of popularity in pickleball and all its FUN!  Whether you play pickleball now or enjoy watching the social activity everyone is welcome!  Join us at the Cafe for breakfast or the Taco, Grill & Bar with happy hour 3 – 5.  Competitors entries close soon, sign-up https://tinyurl.com/kick-offtournament Details https://tinyurl.com/kick-offdetails – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  3. Neighbours Welcome Wednesdays! Begins soon with a complimentary mini-marg & tapa reception 4 – 5 pm on Wednesday afternoons.  Join us and say hi! – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  4. Anyone going to LB in the next week who could bring down a Hobie 12 ft. Kayak from Lake Tahoe northern Calif area. Glad to chip in for gas.  Ron – rshi5@yahoo.com
  5. Design and Construction of Cabo Este helps you fulfill your dreams of having a home in Baja, we help you with the design of your house, we carry out the paperwork for building permit we also present detailed budgets for the work to be carried out, with which you will be able to take better control of your construction expenses and avoid surprises. We also have a property to develop ready to design and build. contact: https://www.tdccaboeste.com/ 
  6. Property Management services. Care of your property & bill payments, concierge service, transportation, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning, support and guidance, general services and more… The Turtle PM Solutions – Octavio Esponda & Isabel //  info- 624 184 0170 or theturtle.pm@gmail.com and espondalomeli@yahoo.com.mx 
  7. Piano, Cello, Violin or Bass lessons. University trained teachers. La Paz. – boyle0352@gmail.com
  8. The Sausage Lady! This Saturday oktober 29 I will be coming down to Los Barriles to deliver your orders.(i can only come when i have enough orders) Please make your orders yakii2503@hotmail.com or call me 6121204530 by Friday noon and I bring your orders I will have Regular brats, Spicy brats, spicy brats with cheese,chicken curry brats,smoked chicken brats,English breakfast sausage,nürnberger(breakfast sausages,mettenden(peperoni sticks,Italian 
  9. Concert with tenor enrique astorga in la paz, variety of music: italian and mexican songs, opera arias and mariachi, free tickets for high school students (limited) contact machiapa@yahoo.com.mx sunday november 6 at 13:00 teatro de la ciudad. 
  10. Back by popular demand – East Cape Guild Parade or Homes/Poker run. November 30th 9:30 -2:00
  11. Six homes, 6 cards, play best of 5 cards at last house – Prizes for best  3 hands. Silent Auction, food, drinks and lots of fun!. Tickets available Nov. 1st at Homes & Land and November Community Market Days – kaplotkin@aol.com
  12. Wanted: adjustable weight bench – steve.archung@gmail.com
  13. Habla Español? New Group classes for adults at any level, coming to Los Barriles. Learn, have fun and meet the local community! Zoom and private one-on-one classes are also available! Visit my site for upcoming group classes dates: www.spanishpaulina.com/ Level 1 November 7-Dec 9 – M/W/F 9-10 am – Level 2 November 8-Dec 15 – T/Th 10-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com
  14. The Cafe at Tres Palapas Pickleball is open daily at 7:30 am, Taco Grill & Bar open with a great menu for breakfast, lunch, snacks, the perfect margarita and an almost all drink happy hour 3 – 5 – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  15. Last year when we crossed into Mexico at Mexicali the custom folks spotted my chainsaw, 3000W generator and some tools. Even though we were towing our travel trailer and told them we were bringing everything back home with us, we ended up having to pay a tax. We will be crossing the border this year in about two weeks. How do I avoid paying this tax? Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks! – dkbabineau@gmail.com
  16. Does anyone know a James Charles? Purchased a bag he owned from Segundo Harry’s and found photo negatives from a trip he took a long time ago. Hoping him, or a family member is known. – scubagirl12@outlook.com
  17. Learn about our food, our culture, our country but above, all…Learn our Language. Spanish lessons Mexican style: 1 hour lesson online by zoom. Private one on one. Mexican teacher. Subscribe directly on our site www.askamexican.mx


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  eBike 1800 US rides. Very good condition, lots of extra parts. Whatsap 624 132 9967  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/ebike/7539369341.html 
  2. 6 lifejackets. Most brand new, never used. (5- up to 95 kg & 1- up to 75 kg) – 75USD https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/lifejackets-6/7547554566.html
===the end===