
Dear Restaurants! I will start a Thanksgiving page in November. Send in your delicious info.




October 2022

27-ThuEast Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
27-ThuAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
28-FriCapsforcancerbaja meeting 4pm at La Providencia Restaurant La Ribera. iikaiser@frii.com
29-SatHalloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Satintro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-SatGroovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-SatHalloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-SunDaylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo on Sunday, Oct.23, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
30-SunWitches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am and arrive at Playa del Sol Hotel approx 8:30. bajadevi@gmail.com
30-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
31-MonHalloween celebration! Come and go thru the Tunnel with your Kids. Candy and tequila free 5pm to 7pm Hotel Palmas next to tennis courts. – losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
31-MonHalloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-MonHalloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org
01-TueDay of the dead parade (5pm) and festival at the cemetery (6pm) – priscilla@losbarriles.life
03-ThuAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
06-SunDaylight Saving Time USA
06-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
06-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
06-SunIron Man 6th edition in Cabol, http://www.ironman.com/im703-los-cabos
07-MonUkulele Players Group Mondays 3pm @Hotel Los Pescadores starting bajadevi@gmail.com
08-TueFull Moon Beaver and or Snow


  1.   Our Cowboy Felix said goodbye this summer to Los Barriles and his beloved horses at Baja’s Awesome Beach Ride. When Orthopedic Dr Cardenas warned Felix his unstable spine would no longer tolerate being a full-time professional horseman, Felix made the hard decision to end his horse career. It was a heartbreak. For 3-1/2 years Felix deftly cared for horses and humans with love, thoughtfulness, kindness, and security. Under his tutelage many local kids learned to ride, especially during the free month-long summer camp we offered when the kids were sidelined from Covid. Many of these kids keep riding and learning the joys, and responsibilities, of riding horses. Awesome “Horse Lovers” from all over the world rode through the woods, the arroyos, beaches and into the Sea of Cortez enjoying the ‘view between the ears’. Countless visitors swung into the saddle and experienced our beautiful Baja from the back of a horse. Most especially, everyone enjoyed their time with Felix. Our horses, our community and his riders loved Felix. We have said goodbye for now, but not forever, as Felix is just over the hill in La Paz. 


  1.  need recommendation for a mechanic to work on my polaris ranger. don bare  dhbare99@yahoo.com 624 141 0234
  2. Is there any truth to a rumor that a marina will be built in Los Barilles? – syslo@msn.com
  3. Is anyone interested in joining me driving down to Los Barriles (my vehicle) ? I’m flexible on the departure date; preferably sometime in the next couple weeks; from Portland, Oreg. – rballbob@yahoo.com
  4. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced seamstress needed for alterations? I have many pickleball skirts and tank tops that need hems or other alterations. – wildflowercat@gmail.com


  1.  Celebrate Halloween weekend with us at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! Saturday night October 29, live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band 6:30 PM till 9:30 PM. We encourage you to dress up!! We’ll have a costume contest with prizes! Monday, October 31, hang out on our dog friendly patio to watch the puppy parade and hand out candy to the kids. Reservations recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


  1.  Wanted: Full size refrigerator.  I live in Todos Santos and will need it delivered to El Litro RV Park. – lapazgreywolf@yahoo.com
  2. Looking to purchase a quad. Email me. Thank you. – sandybeggs@shaw.ca
  3. Wanted: Day of spa at home. Promotion for 4 or more people. Please call 624 12 89875 or 624 23 47571. – spamarcortez18@gmail.com


  1.  Singing for Fun sessions begin again Saturday, Nov 19, 12:30pm till 2pm, indoors at that Yoga Garden. Come join others in a safe, enjoyable environment, engaging in activities to free your voice and share making music with others. 150 pesos per session. Contact jgrittan1@gmail.com 
  2. Hello! I’m Yoga with Sarah. I have been teaching yoga in Los Barriles for over six years and am excited to start the season! Flexibility is one of the greatest results of a regular yoga practice. If you have ever felt that you are not flexible enough, read on to see how yoga can help! https://losbarrilesyoga.com/i-am-not-flexible-enough-for-yoga/ 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Mountain Bike Tours El Triunfo: https://picopalatours.com/?utm_campaign=vv_newsletter_20221026&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter
  2. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Premium Handcrafted Ice Cream, Delicious Desserts and So Much More. Large Shaded Terraza with Lots of Seating. Groups Welcome. For Reservations or more info: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com – WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002. Delivery to LB Weekly. Open: 11:00-6:00 Tuesday-Wednesday 11:00-7:00 Thursday- Sunday. Closed Monday. Nos Vemos!
  3. Your Local Hot Pink Florist is Open 10-5 Mon-Friday!! We Have Also Opened a Gift Store Inside Our Florist. We Look Forward to Seeing You! Thank You All!! 1469-777-0086 Or bajablooms@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Wind thing: 2022 Duotone SLS 12m Dice new. 2022 Duotone M click bar used one season.  1800 smiles – justiceskate@gmail.com
  2. 2006 Yamaha Grizzly 660 4×4.  4800 American Wahoo.  glw74r@gmail.com (805)748-5475 (Facetime or text only) 
  3. 10′ Achilles RIB. 15hp Merc 2-stroke like new.  New gas tank.  Oars.  Launch wheels.  2000 American Wahoo glw74r@gmail.com (805)748-5475 (Facetime or text only) 
===the end===