



06-Sun USA & Canada  –  Daylight Saving Time  – click clock back.
06-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
06-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
06-Sun Iron Man 6th edition in Cabol, http://www.ironman.com/im703-los-cabos
07-Mon Ukulele Players Group Mondays 3pm @Hotel Los Pescadores starting bajadevi@gmail.com
08-Tue Full Moon Beaver and or Snow
09-Wed Tres Palapas neighborhood welcome 4 – 5 complimentary mini-margs & snacks – info@trespalapasbaja.com
09-Wed Open Mic La Fogata!
10-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
11-Fri Karaoke at the Wine Bar at Palmas. 6-10pm. Free snacks and drink specials – tishthespy@hotmail.com
11-Fri Live Music & Dancing with Stamina at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
12-Sat GARAGE SALE, Buenos Aires Casas & RV Park Sections 1 & 2, 7:30-10am, no earlybirds!
12-Sat MARKET! MARKET! First of the season. Laguna Park behind Viejo’s. 9am to noon.


  1. Tickets for Poker Run/Parade of homes on sale now @ Homes & Land – $25 or 500 ps Join the fun and support the scholarship program for the children of the east cape. 6 homes, refreshments and playing card at each home, play the best 5 card hand for prizes!Silent Auction with amazing items! November 30th – 9:30 -2:00  kaplotkin@aol.com
  2. Save the Date! Sunday Dec.18th, “Zopilotes” Ice Cream in San Bartolo is Having their Christmas Posada. Traditional Tamale Buffet, Piñata, 50/50 and More! Music by Pepon (Rafael) Reserve your Ticket early. Space is limited. Tables will be available for people who don’t want the buffet. Everyone Welcome! Let’s Have a Party! Nos Vemos! zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
  3. Dr. Carlos Lopez – Urologist will be at the East Cape Health Center next Friday, Nov 11th. Contact us at (624) 124-8203  for appointments. – eastcapemedical@gmail.com
  4. The Round MOON GATE at Yoga Garden will be open on Saturday, Nov. 12th from 9am-12..the same hours as our first Saturday Market and we are right across the street.  Come in to say “HI” and have a look around. Classes start on Monday the 14th.  jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
  5. Does anyone know how to contact alleandro at Verdugo’s storage? I owe vehicle storage and need to contact them. – judieacox@gmail.com (copied from the BPE Directory: Alejandro Verdugo  141 0423  verdugostorage@hotmail.com  (Up on Delegation Street)
  6. Water Aerobics instructor wanted for small group – my pool – vivoenbaja@gmail.com
  7. Looking for a used trailer over 24’ we bought some property in San Bruno and need something to live in the next year. Would have to be able to bring up north past Loreto. Email me or call. I’m in San Bruno now. – sea-tac@msn.com
  8. I am looking for someone coming from the Hood River area to either Los Barriles or La Ventana who could bring me my 9 meter kite.  I forgot to pack it when I flew down.  I would be happy to reimburse baggage charge if necessary. – pilothannigan@yahoo.com
  9. Regarding Social Security and house employees I received these two websites: https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/bill-social-security-mandatory-domestic-workers/ and https://www.infobae.com/en/2022/04/08/what-are-the-requirements-for-a-domestic-worker-to-have-imss/
  10. Professional real estate and property photos based here Los Barriles, servicing all of BCS and internationally. giffidy.com contact info: giffidy@gmail.com
  11. Home made Sicilian style Gelato. Low sugar, no flavor enhancers, no eggs, fresh fruits. Made to order. 500ml/1L Ask for flavors available. Whatsup +52 624 179 8400 
  12. I need a home for a beautiful cat and a house sitter for a few months.  kene3@me.com
  13. AA Rancho Buena Vista, every Wednesday & Sunday, new time, 4:00 pm.
  14. Yoga by the Sea Classes begin November 8th at Playa Norte RV Park (next to Amigos Bar)!
  15. Classes are Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am November through June. Go to www.losbarrilesyoga.com for class descriptions and information about Yoga with Sarah.
  16. For the members of the community that reserved tickets for the “Taste of East Cape” you can pickup your tickets on Tuesday November 8th at Home and Land from 10am to noon. – bajadays@aol.com
  17. Open Mic starting Wed. Nov. 9 th at La Fogata.  Musicians are checking in and we are ready to play.  We hope to inspire and engage your music soul with a smile, foot tap, hand clap, a dance, a hum a long, or join in singing. Supporting the Guild Scholarship Fund, music, and local business. Music at 7. Reservations Norma 624-177-2812 – skuekert@yahoo.com
  18. I’m wondering if there is a whale watching business based in Los Barriles or close by. – barrydjpersonal@gmail.com
  19. SweetPea’s Restaurant & Tiki Bar is now open Tuesday’s – Saturday’sHappy hour 4pm-6pm. Dinner served till 9pm. Live music & dancing every Friday night. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  2018 Polaris RZR 1000 Turbo, 4 seater. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2018-polaris-rzr-1000-xp4-turbo/7550671806.html    24,000 fast & fun rides! Heather jandhmotors@outlook.com , whatsapp 624 266 7279
  2. 2016 CF Moto Force 500 ATV.  Very good cond runs great 3876 mi. Permamemt Montana plates & title.  4200 coconuts.  George 5419425746.  Pics on craigslist. 
  3. 1975 Honda TL 250 Trials bike. Runs beautifully. No electronics. Easy maintenance. Slowpoke rockclimber. 30 Km/h max. New rear twin shocks. Available end of November. Eleven hundred trials. Pics avail. – epudbi@hotmail.com
  4. 2 ocean kayaks, one cruiser scupper pro, and one play yak board. 200 clamatoes each – alsototemjunior@hotmail.com
  5. 1 dozen jigsaw puzzles 500 pieces each, only used 1 time. call for puzzle names. trade for FM 110v radio or 25 daddy deer. in SJDC. Peter 624-220-2301 – bajasurpk@gmail.com
  6. Pickel ball court runners new condition used once Adidas size 12 100 clams also Selkirk paddle Omni 100 clams new condition brand new in box 2000lb winch 100 clams – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  7. Beautiful fiberglass dingy mahogany rails. Recently reconditioned with oats. 900 fish- darrenzamzow@gmail.com
  8. Love seat/hide abed. 74” long. 40” deep. Soft. Comfortable. Sturdy. Burgundy, light green trim. $225 pillows. Text/email for pics. 720-231-9588. Jfkammer59@gmail.com 
  9. 6.5 retro,hpl boom, rdm mast 300 saludos, 5.5 retro too 150 saludos – alsototemjunior@hotmail.com
===the end===