

Sad News…….Especially for us 20-30 year plussers, Jim Cunningham got into his Rhino Mobile (I think that was the name) with the angels at the wheel and took him on the big trip. Marilyn said he had a short bout with an aggressive cancer and passed November 6th. To be clear, his Baja tux was worn at Guild events with “tux shorts” and flip flops! Jim and Marilyn moved up north a few years ago. Love, BPE Cheryl


Whoa……..The SIGNaTHON is taking off! All the non-profits are sending me notices for everyone to go and vote for them so to simplify, TODAY! please go to Ronival RE office on Costa Brava Street and vote for your favorite non-profit so they can get some money. 4-8pm at Ronival RE office Costa Brava Street.


Sorry, I think I sent out the last BPE Twice.



22-TueSIGNaTHON 4-8pm Ronival office Costa Brava St.. Los Barriles Signathon – meet the region’s non-profits and sign-up / vote for your favorite. More info to come. enicholson@ronival.com
22-TueGuild regular meeting. La Playa Restaurant. All are welcome! 11am
23-WedThanksgiving Turtle Release will be on 7:15am, NOT on Thursday, day of Thanksgiving. We will have a few items for donations. Turtle nursery at beach just south of Amigos Bar Restaurant. (Formarly Geckos, North Beach)
23-TueTuesdays at SweetPea’s 5pm-9pm. Email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
23-WedBingo at The Wine Bar at Palmas, Wednesdays from 1-4pm. Cash prizes. Free snacks and drink specials. Reserve a seat @ 624-122-4177 – tishthespy@hotmail.com
23-WedOpen Mic. La Fogata. Dinner starts 6:00. Music by 7:00. Music, food, drinks, dancing, let us brighten up your night. Norma 624-177-2812 – skuekert@yahoo.com
23-WedTres Palapas neighborhood welcome 4 – 5 complimentary mini-margs & snacks – info@trespalapasbaja.com
24-ThuThanksgiving USA
1. Tio Pablo’s traditional buffet ……also available To Go: 624-141-0340 after 4pm.            Sorry, NO reservations
2. Cafe Maria’s is taking orders for Thanksgiving Special Dinner !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $30USD! Place orders at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, or 6241410511
24-ThuAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or info 624-141-0267. or 619-889-2779 Newcomers always welcome.
25-FriBlack Friday at Vita’s, guaranteed discounts, secret offers, champagne – 10am to 5pm vitaolenich@gmail.com
25-FriLive Music & Dancing with Stamina at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
26-SatMixed Bag Yoga QiGong with Sue Cathcart Yoga Garden 8-9am – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
26-SatSinging for Fun, vocal workshop, at the Yoga Garden, 12:30-2pm. Contact jgrittan1@gmail.com
26-SatCommunity Market 9am to noon – Laguna Park
26-SatKaraoke at La Fogata 7-10pm. Free popcorn, drink specials and funfunfun! – tishthespy@hotmail.com
26-SatPlay Name That Tune Music Trivia for fun and prizes! Sweetpeas Tiki Bar. – sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
27-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
27-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
28-MonUkulele Jam Mondays 3pm @Hotel Los Pescadores, 1st time players come @2:45 bajadevi@gmail.com
29-TueTaco Tuesdays at SweetPea’s 5pm-9pm. Email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
29-TueLazy Daze no fuss garage sale to benefit Toy Drive. See BPE#4473 – emabaja23@gmail.com
30-WEDOUTLET -VINTAGE SALE at Vita’s, all proceeds go to charity 10AM-5PM- vitaolenich@gmail.com
30-WedBingo at The Wine Bar at Palmas, Wednesdays from 1-4pm. Cash prizes. Free snacks and drink specials. Reserve a seat @ 624-122-4177 – tishthespy@hotmail.com
30-WedOpen Mic. La Fogata. Dinner starts 6:00. Music by 7:00. Music, food, drinks, dancing, let us brighten up your night. Norma 624-177-2812 – skuekert@yahoo.com
30-WedTres Palapas neighborhood welcome 4 – 5 complimentary mini-margs & snacks – info@trespalapasbaja.com
30-WedParade of Homes/Poker Run 9:30 -2:00 East Cape Guild Scholarship – kaplotkin@aol.com Tickets Homes&Land. 9:30-2pm BPE#4468


  1. We have 1 ticket $50, for sale,  for the Taste of Lost Barriles.  iikaiser731@gmail.com
  2. Found prescription sunglasses on the beach just south of Rancho Buena Vista. – tigger86334@yahoo.com
  3. I lost my dog she was at callejón costa brava los barriles her name is pixi she is a 3 months old she has a collar, she is a Bélgian malinois gracias 6242410478 
  4. Who does upholstery work in town? Scott@scotthedrick.com 
  5. Santa and Lazy Daze want to remind you that our 2nd Annual Christmas Toy Drive Pig Feed is December 9th. You can purchase your tickets at Lazy Daze. We will have a raffle, chicken poop game and music by Pepon. Plus the joy you will feel knowing you have helped Santa and his elves purchase Christmas gifts. Will have tickets at the Thanksgiving Day dinner at Spa as well. Santa and Laze Daze want to remind you that our 2nd Annual Christmas Toy Drive Pig Feed is December 9th. You can purchase your tickets at Lazy Daze. We will have a raffle, chicken poop game and music by Pepon. Plus the joy you will feel knowing you have helped Santa and his elves purchase Christmas gifts. Will have tickets at the Thanksgiving Day dinner at Spa as well. Mrs. Claus.
  6. Lazy Daze is hosting a Christmas Toy Drive garage sale on November 29th from 11-3.  We are looking for the community to help donate their slightly used items. All proceeds from the sale of these items will go to buy Christmas toys for the children. Please bring items to Lazy Daze  on the morning of the 29th at 10:30.  No sooner please. If you have any tarps to donate as well it would be appreciated. Thank you Santa and the elves
  7. Join Sue Cathcart for a special gentle Yoga/QiGong class this coming Saturday, 11-26 8-9am at Yoga Garden. She is a fabulous guest instructor and all donations will go to our Guild Scholarship Fund. – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
  8. Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani at the Yoga Garden. Come have fun exploring and expanding your voice, sharing tunes and harmonies with others. Saturdays, 12:30 to 2pm. 150 pesos per session. Contact jgrittan1@gmail.com 
  9. Wanted: 12 volt 3 cubic feet fridg./frezzer 612 348 9793 or jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  10. Looking to borrow & or rent 2 booster seats for 3 1/2 & 5 1/2 yr. old & high chair.
    +1 52 612 203 5928 whats app or messenger. – kjrjones2007@gmail.com
  11. Looking for a Thule roof box. Other brands ok. – sponholtz@gmail.com
  12. Wanted: Large Capacity Washing Machine.  Newer preferred. Duh. – cybutler@hotmail.com
  13. Looking for wet suit womens small…..1 or 2 piece Full body–no shortie  pat.witt@gmail.com

***** BAJA BIZ *****

  1. Are you going away for the Holidays? Do you need someone to watch your 4 legged furbaby? Look no further. Jaye McBride dogsitter extradonare. WhatsApp Jaye McBride #775-224-5388
  2. Baja Blooms is Excited for Thanksgiving!! We are Still Taking last minute Orders. Please Order Today to Secure Your Flowers!! Thank You for your Support LB!! 1 469-777-0086 whatsapp, text or calls..


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1. Beautiful Piano to giveaway, would you like to have it or refer someone who likes to play? I am moving into a smaller apartment and won’t have a need for it. thewatson8901@gmail.com
  2. 2 TLD w/rods, 2 2spd AVET w/rods, 3 PENN reels, various lures, weights, fishing stuff, all must go. I’m in Cabo. Call Tom – tomsreeljoy@bellsouth.net
  3. Great little dingy with beach wheels teak rails oars and new paint!  750 cocos – darrenzamzow@gmail.com
  4. rad rover 5 ebike. 4” tires with tannus armor inserts. good condition with 275 miles .1500 turns – billophoto@aol.com
  5. 2013 fat tire Yamaha TW200
  6. 1 used Hercules ST225/75R trailer tire. Load range E.  On a steel, 6 bolt wheel. In LV maincamp 140 revs. – cabaretesailor@gmail.com
  7. 2018 RZR 1000 Turbo 4 seat 4837 miles, 2019 Wolverine 2 seat 4772 Miles. Contact Heather for more info 624 266 7279 or jandhmotors@outlook.com 

***** WIND STUFF *****

  1. 2021 North Cross Kitesurf Board 5 foot for sale includes fins, straps and bag. Perfect size for a lighter weight kiter. 5’0’x18″21.5L. Straps or strapless. 650 jibes, niknas@gorge.net 
  2. Armstrong A Wing v1 4.5m. New this summer used three short sessions, in great condition bag included. 575 almonds. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com
===the end===