
Late Tuesday afternoon, February 21, 2023

Note: Oh my, I received so many precious responses to “fishing”. Reminds me of the old BPE days when I knew almost everybody and every email was “no jokes, no rumors, no opinions, no venting and no whining just fun facts about the original purpose of our beloved East Cape. My first trip to La Paz was l986 where I met my David because our Dads fished the Baja together out of San Diego for years. I could go on and on but KISSS, keep it Short, Sweet and Simple! All those floating devices on the horizon, reported 60 to 70 had a ball fishing for mainly yellowtail. Thank you for all the responses and LOVE! BPE Cheryl

PS We had misty sprinkles most of the day!


16 to 21 Carnival La Paz, BCS
21-Tue Taco Tuesday at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 5pm-8:30pm. Happy hour 4pm-6pm. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
22-Wed Ash Wed (for info, Easter is Sunday April 9th)
22-Wed Open Mic La Fogata every Wed. 624-177-2812 – skuekert@yhoo.com
22-Wed Sorry for the confusion. Bingo is back on Wednesdays at The Wine Bar at Palmas. 1-4. Help the SNAP effort, free snacks, 2×1 drinks and cash prizes!. What more could you ask for. – tishthespy@hotmail.com
23-Thu Guild Scholarship monthly meeting @ Trinys 11am
23-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am. Alanon approved literature only. Newcomers welcome! The only requirement is that you have a relative or friend that has a problem with alcohol. 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
23-Thu Live Music with Big Jim & Miles 6:30pm at SweetPea’s. Grilled steak special & full menu available email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
23-Thu Live music and dancing Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco.6:30pm-9:30pm- Willy’s bar&grill. Resv.6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
23-Thu Thirsthy Thursday is Asado Night at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
24-Fri Mexican Flag Day. Uphill foot race 7:30am at base of Flag Hill.BV. BPE #4513
24-Fri Fantastic $15 Friday Burger Night at Tres Palapas Pickleball live music and dancing, tickets 624-142-8189 info@trespalapasbaja.com
24-Fri Every Friday live music & dancing with Stamina 7pm-10pm at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill. Reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
24-Fri MOVIE NIGHT – ‘GLASS ONION’ 7 pm at Parque Laguna. Beer, wine, popcorn, and treats available for sale. Chairs can be set up any time after 5 pm. $150 peso donation supports kids summer camp, Curso de Verano
25-Sat Community Market
25-Sat Singing for Fun with Jeanette Grittani at the Yoga Garden, Everyone welcome. 12:30-2pm jgrittan1@gmail.com
26-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
25-Sat Ultimate frisbee 4 pm every Saturday at Playa Gaviota in Buena Vista. All ages and levels welcome! – ryannmj@gmail.com
26-Sun World class Piano Concert, El Triunfo. Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12. 12:30pm. Resv.eventsbaja@gmail.com See BPE# 45 for more info.
26-Sun Monte Carlo Night Tickets on sale at Homes & Land and Feb 11th Community Market – East Cape Guild Favorite Event
27-Mon Cribbage 1pm Baja Sunrise RV Park, across from Pemex BV.$240ps buy in.
27-Mon Ukulele Jam Mondays 3pm @Hotel Los Pescadores, 1st time players come @2:45 bajadevi@gmail.com
27-Mon Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am. Alanon approved literature only. Newcomers welcome! The only requirement is that you have a relative or friend that has a problem with alcohol. 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
28-Tue Taco Tuesday at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 5pm-8:30pm. Happy hour 4pm-6pm. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
28-Tue Taco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort, Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
  1.  LOST – possibly from the back of an ATV – tenor Kala ukelele in a padded beige/black case.  Travelling between East Cape RV and Buenes Airies RV this evening (Feb. 20th) between 6:00-6:30pm.
  2. Found in Palo Blanco:      remote control for a dog collar.   Describe it and it is yours  970-799=7068  or densaidyes@aol.com 
  1.   Current Update for Mike (Flojo) Cilensek in the GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/46df3217
  1.  Does anybody know a computer shop that works on Apple Mac Air. tia – lelandmbmah62@gmail.com
  2. Anyone driving down to LBarriles from Washington or Oregon with room for some household items: 2 tires; small raft; small storage bins with kitchen items;…….we will assist with gas. – rballbob@yahoo.com
  3. Anyone returning to USA, mail heart monitor in pre-packaged posted box at any mail box in States.  Will bring to you. Will pay 1/2 gas to SJD airport.  Call 619 212 6006 or email danmail@runbox.com.
  1.  Moving sale. 10 years accumulation from boodocking down at Los Frailes. A little bit of everything. Tools,sporting goods,fishing gear. See craigslist garage sales for complete list. In the arroyo at Los Frailes which is 5 miles south of Cabo Pulm on the coast road. Saturday February 25 from 9-2 – hoffy30@hotmail.com
  2. Baja Shakespeare’s HAMLETTE AND EGGS tickets on sale at Homes & Land of Baja, M-F, 9-3pm.  Tix still available for March 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17.  500 pesos. Also enjoy a delicious Mexican buffet before the show. 500p.
  3. The Chicharrones will be playing at La Playa Restaurant this coming Saturday, February 25, beginning at 6:30 p.m.  Reserve your table early.
  4. Friday is last day to buy tickets for Monte Carlo Night which is on Sunday, Feb 26th.  Come join the fun and help put our local kids through high school and college! 
  5. PIZZERIA DON ROBERTO PRESENTS: JEANETTE SPAGUETTI — Come and enjoy an enchanting evening with live music by Jeanette Spaguetti and authentic Italian cuisine by Chef Alessandro Cioffi. Saturday, February 25th 6:00pm Resv (612) 153 9430 – carolifestyle92@gmail.com
  6. TLIVE MUSIC WITH ALVERT & CHELLO AT PIZZERIA DON ROBERTO. Thu 2/25. The best hits of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and authentic Italian cuisine at Los Barriles. Reservations: (612) 153 9430 Across from Los Barriles fountain,
  7.  East Cape Guild Monte Carlo Night – Don’t miss out on the fun – Come for Mexican dinner, Cocktails, Play Black Jack, Craps, and enter raffles for prizes. Win gift corticates, pictures, paintings and more with your winning chips.  5:00 – 9:00
  8. Sorry for the confusion. Bingo is back on Wednesdays at The Wine Bar at Palmas. 1-4. Help the SNAP effort, free snacks, 2×1 drinks and cash prizes!. What more could you ask for. – tishthespy@hotmail.com
  9. World class Piano Concert at El Triunfo. Dates: February 26, March 5, March 12.
    Time: 12:30 pm. This will be a special concert, the Laureate of International Competitions, Champion of the world Angela Zanevsky will be playing 1.5 hour piano concert.
    The tickets are $25 USD per person. Hurry, limited number of seats. Location:
    Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room https://g.page/museo-ruta-de-plata?share
    Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com 
  1.  Looking for a rear seat for Quad in decent condition. kimbeau@earthlink.net
  2. does anyone have fly tying equipment and material for a beginner to start with for sale? – robertc@reganconst.com
  3. Wanted: Toddler booster seat with tray, for dining. – gcwhite44@gmail.com
  4. I’m looking for old pieces of lamina for my chicken house. It has a leaky roof. Will trade you for a rooster, or two.  A guaranteed wake up call. barrettkimberly808@gmail.com
  1.  Visit Honey Bunny coffee and bakery 7:00 am till 7:30 pm Monday-Saturday. Delicious pastries/ dessert everyday. decaf drinks are available. come try our sandwiches and our thin crust pizza for lunch, birthday cakes availables. km 111 carretera transpeninsular next door to asm hurricane shutters up on the main highway. Look for the pergola. phone 5519337602
  2. Thursday night at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30pm live music with Big Jim & Miles and grilled steak special. USDA beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes & sautéed veggies $450.00. Full menu also available. Reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmaill.com
  1.  Dr Dennis, LB’s Happy Chiropractor, is back at Yoga Garden on MWF.  In practice for 31 plus years, he treats a wide variety of conditions besides neck and back pain.  He also provides  treatment for asthma, allergies, gastrointestinal issues, hormonal imbalance, skin conditions, migraines, immune deficiency  and symptoms of menopause, just to name a few. If you would like to set up a free 10 minute consultation or a regular appointment you can text at 970-799-7068 (fastest), or email   densaidyes@aol.com
  2. Tatoo Removal with YAG Laser with Xochitl registered nurse and licensed Medical Aesthetician Saturday March 11th kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  1.  Armstrong HA 925 front wing.  As new, no scratches. Cover and hardware included.  750 waves. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com
  2. cabrinha mantis wings 02 version with windows 4 mt, 4.5mt & 5mt. low use. please contact for pricing in los barrilles – bresski55@yahoo.com
  3. Moses silente carbon foil on arribba board with foot hook.low aspect wings with covers-perfect beginner board. 600 tacks   624 one three six nine five nine two. pics on request – gcfreefly@hotmail.com
  4. package deal: cabrinha’s switchblade 10m 2015, switchblade 12m 2015, switchblade 6m 2010, drifter 7m 2013, race 16m 2014. never damaged! full package $500 loops. – bradleary@sbcglobal.net
  5. Sailworks 6.0 Retro sail, like new, used 7 times with carbon mast and boom.   275 jumps. text  970-799-7068.      densaidyes at aol.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Do you love Los Barriles and its people? Maybe is time to learn the local language? Enroll in my Spanish group classes for the upcoming months. More than 25 years teaching and interpreting Spanish in Los Barriles. Learn quickly at your own level in dynamic classes. Message me for more info, or check my website Spanishpaulina.com Level 1 Course March 10– 31st M/W/F 9-10 am. www.spanishpaulina.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  2016 kawasaki teryx4 800. 10,450 miles. 725 hours custom suspension/custom roll cage/off road lights/pole holders 14,900 rides. email for pics – steve.archung@gmail.com
  2. 2003 Buick Rondezvous  C X,  4 dr  sedan F.W.D.   excellent condition .  Full load of options.B.C. registration.   5500 hub   caps   624 171 0031.   ferngary@yahoo.com 
  3.  13′ Livingston boat,  25 hp  yamaha 4 stroke motor,  custom trailer with extra wide tires for beach launching.  4000 dorados.   624 171 0031     ferngary@yahoo.com 
  4. Generac    5000   generator,   on wheels   10  hp.   B &  S   engine in excellent condition   300 pulls   624 171 0031     ferngary@yahoo.com 
  5. Husky 3 ton jack stands. 5  of them 400 Jack’s each or 1800 Jack’s for all. – vikkibailey12@gmail.com
  6. Bike Pedals Crank Bros Stamp 1 Red NEW NIB 40 https://www.crankbrothers.com/products/stamp-1-large?variant=13553650729056       mojo5779@gmail.com
  7. Coleman airbed cot queen size. 78” x 59” x 22”.  Only used about 5 times. Like new condition with storage bag. 200 sleeps Text 624-242-0465 or email jumpsue@gmail.com 
  8. Mountain bikes- Rockhopper small and large- need spokes-75 spins each. Rubbermaid ATV dump cart/flat bed trailer #566261BLA – 65 loads.
    Tote-n-stor 25 gal portable waste tank-65 runs. – bajasail@att.net
  9. Hisense Chest freezer 7ft.brand new. https://hisense.com.mx/fc70d6bwx
    7200 mx Call Oscar 612-213-0973
  10. Gregor 16 new $$ 8700 clams 2017 boat & trailer & 25hpr outboard with 100 hrs hook 7 plotter & sounder custom seats Bimini rod holders many extras turnkey for fishing – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  11. Moving Sale – the Yellow bug is for sale! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/canam-outlander-max500/7591359805.html?lang=es&cc=mx
  12. 2017 pro lite travel trailer, 17’8”, 1995 lbs. easily towed by small SUV sleeps 5, fridge,stove,microwave, flush toilet, shower. Very good condition. Contact me for photos. 20,000 tows. Makes an ideal guest accommodation. – peterlittle46@icloud.com
  13. Haibike SDURO e-bike, located in Los Barriles.  2,000 pedals.   bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/haibike-bike/7591474413.html 
  14. Like new! 2018 kawasaki teryx 800cc low miles only 1891miles. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2018-kawasaki-teryx-like-new/7591629765.html 
  15. Metal scissor stairs for truck camper. 3 steps high. WhatsApp for pics. +52 624 225 1313. 50 clams. – shaktirisingyoga@gmail.com
  16. iphone 1, Black, 128 GB memory, 6.1”screen size, cable included,Used in excellent condition, No SIM card included 10,000  Mexican mangos or 550 American potatoes
  17. I have a very nice couch it is a dark blue gray. No stains no rips. 175 cusions. – vikkibailey12@gmail.com
  18. Specialized women’s Ariel bicycle.  Excellent on paved or dirt surfaces.  Premium aluminum frame.  Size S, 27.5 wheels.  Like new.  600 pedals.  Shirley at 624 129 2836 or shirleyandroy@gmail.com Email if you would like a picture 
  19. 2001 Suzuki 400 drze original owner. runs perfect . needs tires 2100 clams  Jon 907 299 4684 los barriles – jonheidi2@yahoo.com
  20. Bicycle rocky mountain full suspension. Excellent good quality tires, puncture-proof tubes. Old (10 years)but works and rides perfectly. 350 trails. – kindmario@gmail.com
===the end===