
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023


18-TueCancelled!  Bingo 1-4pm at The Wine Bar at Palmas. A/C, free snacks and cash prizes$$$ – tishthespy@hotmail.com
18-TueTaco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort, Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
19-WedClub Rotario Breakfast 8:30am Tico’s at Palmas Hotel. No rsvp required. info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org
19-WedPup-Up Wednesday: MiniCortez 10-12
20-ThuLadies Only Tournament registration 5:30pm-7:00pm at Hotel Palmas De Cortez
20-ThuAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
20-ThuThirsthy Thursday is Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
21-FriLast day to take leaders2give.org’s survey about charities. Click the link to begin: https://bit.ly/3PYzlnP
21-FriLadies Only Tournament Day 1
21-FriPup-Up Playa Del Sol 3-5
21-FriKaraoke at Hotel Palmas Wine Bar 6-10pm. Bring your friends – tishthespy@hotmail.com
22-SatLadies Only Tournament Day 2
22-SatPup-Up MiniCortez 10-12
22-SatDinner on the Beach every Saturday at Buena Vista Resort! Live music under the stars. Delicious menu: Bbq ribs, smoked organic chicken, fettucini alfredo with shrimp and more! We also have vegan options. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
24-MonAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon

  1. As So Many of You know I am a Dog Lover. At this Time One of the Five has Been Adopted so there are Four Males to Be Adopted. I have Funded Everything that Has Been Needed to be Done, so Looking for People Interested in Taking One into their Lives and Treat it like it’s part of Their Family. All of My Information can be found on the BPE under Dog Grooming. Thanking You in Advance for Helping Me.
  2.   FINALLY! The lending library in El Cardonal at Las Terrazas is open again … after a lengthy remodeling project. All are welcome to come and browse, borrow and donate! While you’re there, might as well enjoy a beverage or a meal!
  3. Looking for a reputable auto stereo repair and installation shop recommendation in San Jose del Cabo. Thank You. – billfishbob95@gmail.com
  4. What should we do?! Our non-profit is in a critical period of growth which includes expanded responsibilities. Why? Because we are building a children’s home to serve families throughout BCS…and so much more. So, we are taking a fresh look at our goals and structure moving forward — AND WE NEED YOUR INPUT — We want to know what’s important to you regarding the charitable activities you support because let’s face it …all charity-based non-profits exist because of the people who support them. Click the link to take the survey: https://bit.ly/3PYzlnP  Thank you, Adam info@leaders2give.org 
  5. Reservations are now open for our Marlin Run tour in Magdalena Bay! The dates for this incredible tour are October 14th and October 28th. -Departure is from La Paz at 6am.
    -Cost $6000 pesos per person
    -Includes: Transportation La Paz-Mag Bay-La Paz, full snorkel gear, guide, lunch.
    -Payment by Paypal. For more information and reservations, visit our website www.krakendivers.com/marlinmigration 
  6. House and Pet sitter available! Excellent references available! – shanarogalski7@gmail.com
  7. Looking for sea glass and strange shells or other cool stuff to use to make candles. You know,……… in case the lights go out. – brettcarl50@gmail.com
  8. Sign up for our program “The whole Enchilada” and start speaking Spanish! Includes: Program with videos, audios, readings, games, grammar, conversations and more. 24 one-hour private lessons, so you can clear up all your doubts. Cost: One-time payment of 10,352 pesos. Sign up and check the details directly on our website. www.askamexican.mx/spanishlessonsbook-online
===the end===