


20-Thu Ladies Only Tournament registration 5:30pm-7:00pm at Hotel Palmas De Cortez
20-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
20-Thu Thirsthy Thursday is Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
21-Fri Last day to take leaders2give.org’s survey about charities. Click the link to begin: https://bit.ly/3PYzlnP
21-Fri Ladies Only Tournament Day 1
21-Fri Pup-Up Playa Del Sol 3-5
21-Fri Karaoke at Hotel Palmas Wine Bar 6-10pm. Bring your friends – tishthespy@hotmail.com
22-Sat Ladies Only Tournament Day 2
22-Sat Pup-Up MiniCortez 10-12
22-Sat Dinner on the Beach every Saturday at Buena Vista Resort! Live music under the stars. Delicious menu: Bbq ribs, smoked organic chicken, fettucini alfredo with shrimp and more! We also have vegan options. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
24-Mon Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
25-Tue Taco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort, Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
26-Wed Club Rotario Breakfast 8:30am Tico’s at Palmas Hotel. No rsvp required. info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org
26-Wed Pup-Up Wednesday: MiniCortez 10-12
27-Thu Thirsthy Thursday is Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
27-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. 10-11am 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for info or directions. Anonymity is a spiritual foundation of Alanon
28-Fri Pup-Up Playa Del Sol 3-5
29-Sat Pup-Up MiniCortez 10-12
29-Sat Dinner on the Beach every Saturday at Buena Vista Resort! Live music under the stars. Delicious menu: Bbq ribs, smoked organic chicken, fettucini alfredo with shrimp and more! We also have vegan options. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx

  1.  Tomorrow, Fri. July 21 and Sat. July 22 is the Ladies Only Fishing Tournament. Kick off is 7am. https://vanwormerresorts.com/tournaments-page/178/2023-ladies-only-fishing-tournament
  2. SNAP Los Barriles and Cortez Rescue have teamed up this month to offer a bag of food for every dog that is sterilized.  During the first two weeks we have sterilized 108 animals  To put that in perspective our monthly average is 100 animals and we still have two weeks to go!  This has exceeded our expectations.  We are a donation based organization and if you would like to help us keep this going please consider making a donation this month.  PayPal: 4snaplosbarriles@gmail.com or through L2G for a US tax deduction: www.leaders2give.org/snap
  3. Hello, my wife and I are full-time volunteer ministers migrating to Los Barriles and are looking forward to contributing to the community. We are looking for a safe long-term rental, we have a tight budget. However, here in Northern California we are managers of a boutique 15-room hotel on the coast and are property managers for luxury properties also in Bodega Bay, CA. We would be open to working with someone a couple of days in exchange for rent. Please contact me for our verified online reviews on how hospitable and fun we are. I’ll send those right to you. — Tim Moore – tnsjws@gmail.com
  4. NOT WANTED: Ninja Intelli-Sense Kitchen System Blender Powerful 1200-Watt Motor Base with a Touch screen Display 72oz Pitcher 1250 tacos bellinbaja@gmail.comhttps://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/7638155477.html?lang=en&cc=us 
===the end===