

Note #1: This is a link to the FaceBook page for Dylan. Yes, a long link!


Note#2: Watch for catch up issue tomorrow, Saturday morning.

Note #3: Check out the Weekly Repeats at the end. Send me your info and/or corrections. BPE Cheryl




3-FriThe Bookstore 9:00an to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books and jigsaw puzzles so come and check things out. Highway Storage Facility north of the Repsol station.
3-FriBurger & Live Music Nite at Tres Palapas, Alex N Froy specials! 380 pesos, veg & diet restricted options . Reserve 624-142-8189 or info@trespalapasbaja.com
4-SatLive Music! Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco in Willy’s bar&grill. Saturday November 4th. 6:30pm to 9:30pm. For reservations 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
5-SunDaylight Saving Time USA & CANADA. Set clocks back one hour
8-WedCapsforcancerbaja meeting4 pm, La Ribera Restaurante Providencia. Membership is free. If you require transportation contact Annette at iikaiser@frii.com
10-FriVeterans Day Observed USA
11-SatVeterans Day US
11-SatLB Community Market 9-noon. First day of 23/24 season
  1.  Lost kite board on 10/30/23 cabrinha pineapple colors. Thanks 9708460199 – carrollzamzow@gmail.com
  2. Lost- Binoculars dark green, maybe in a black soft case, brand Swarovski. Last seen Saturday October 28th on the beach in La Ribera East of Playa Colorado, Thanks. TCDalton33@hotmail.com 
  3. Lost cabrina twin tip yesterday… possibly ended up in Spa BV. Red with pineapples and name/ phone. Please call if you found it. Thank you – carrollzamzow@gmail.com
  1.   DYLAN MATEO SANCHEZ VARGAS NEEDS US! See the big link above.
  2. East Capers Magazine is available Online!  Go to www.eastcapearts.com and scroll down to the magazine link or go to the East Capers Magazine page and the link is also there.     You can also get it in the print version at locations around Los Barriles and La Ribera.   Questions?   contact eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com    Sorry for the delay everyone! 
  1.  Nov 16 – 19  Mexico’s largest pickleball tournament & community event featuring players from Sweden, S. Korea, Latin America, Canada, the United States and all over the globe as they compete for 100,000 added cash peso payouts.  This record-setting pickleball event generously sponsored by Homes & Land Of Baja and hosted by Tres Palapas Resort will be as exciting to participate in as it will be to watch!  Come & cheer on our home town faves & Mexico’s best on Championship Sunday!  Open to the public daily. Tournament registration www.trespalapasbaja.com / info@trespalapasbaja.com 
  2. Veggie Sales Begin! Friday November 3rd from 9am to 12pm. At screen house on road to La Colina…right hand side as your head west. Inventory is limited to start but we have tons of tomatoes and inventory will change and grow over time. Please no special requests…come shopping!
  3. Jimmy Buffet Tribute Party/Fundraiser for Ethan!  Friday November 17, 2023 12p – 6p Lazy Daze.  Chicken Poop game starts at 12p, music starts at 2p, raffle, silent auction! Our favorite bartendar and friend, Fernando’s son, Ethan, needs surgery.  An issue from birth, now that he is 15, it must be done NOW.  A specialist doctor from Texas is scheduled for January!!!!  We are going for 150,000pesos (approx. 8800us)!!!  See you at Lazy Daze! 
  4. Pickleball invites community and neighbours for a very exciting season at Tres Palapas Pickleball!  What’s new!
    Wed – TEAM Tecate Night 6pm cheer your team on!
    Thurs – 4 pm Matches & Margi’s – the perfect social pickle
    Thurs – Paddle Battle 6 pm, restaurant & bar open
    Friday – Burger Nights with Alex N Froy 380 pesos, happy hour 4 – 6pm, live music
    Sunday  – DUPR Ladder League 8 am & 12 pm starts!
    New beginner, intermediate lessons as well as pro-series winter training, exhibition & tournaments.
    www.trespalapasbaja.com     624-142-8189     @trespalapasresort    info@trespalapasbaja.
  1.  Wanted fishing net for  boat to buy $ swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  2. Looking for a small table top or floor artist type easel for frame about 15” x 15.  Gracias, Jean – jeanmcculloch4@icloud.com
  3. Wanted: Hard top for 2005 Jeep Wrangler TJ. – kochucove@yahoo.com
  1.  Kelly’s Exercise classes Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:15 am ~ 8:15 am bring yoga mat, light hand weights. More info  kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  2. Botox Party Saturday Nov 18th –Xochitil registered Nurse and licensed Medical Esthetician will be in Los Barriles offering Juverderm,  Hollywood Carbon Peel,  PRP Facials,  Fibroblast Skin Tightening,  Laser treatments and IV drips. Appointments kellyinbaja@gmail.com or Whatsapp 624 242 0558 
  3. New offering at the Yoga Garden in November. Qigong – Moving Meditation. Synchronizing the breath with flowing movements helps quiet a busy mind. Qigong is known for it’s calming effects, and practice improves coordination and balance. This four week class will introduce an energizing morning routine and a relaxing evening routine. Mondays at 2:00. Donation – kay.mundt@gmail.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Wonderland for Kids Daycare is opening November 6th. We offer short term and long term care for ages 1-8; Monday-Friday 9-5.  At our spacious indoor-outdoor facility we fun program including art, games, music, free play, sports, snacks, naps and much more! We will also be offering Friday night movie/ pizza night from 6-10 pm for kids ages 3 and up so parents can have a night off. Located on the upper bypass road, find us on google maps. Contact +1 404 583-4154; 624 110-5946; wonderland@losbarrilesdaycare.comwww.losbarrilesdaycare.com
  1.  Ride to airport needed Wednesday Nov 8 leaving LB 10am one person one bag.
  2. L Barriles couple need a ride from airport this Tuesday at 4pm; will pay your expenses;  …..Jessie & Robert – rballbob@yahoo.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  2017 Yamaha VX Deluxe Waverunner. These are amazing machines. 3 seater, highly dependable, low maintenance, and fast with loads of features. Nearly new with less than 20 hours. Always garaged, new battery, EZ loader trailer included. Needs nothing but a new owner that will actually use it. Serious inquiries only, do not need to sell. 9500 waves or Peso equivalent, obo. – nickeynova69@gmail.com
  2. Great around town and highway smooth ride…2000 Mercedes E320 great condition , new tires 2K shells – jillbenyo@yahoo.com
  3. Klamath 14 ft aluminum boat w/ 15hp Honda, Bimini top and trailer w/ baja wheel. 3000 us burritos. – jnaylo@gmail.com
  4. End unit L shaped  suitable for large TV books ect solid wood 5 ft 10 inches both sides & 33 1/2 high excellent shape 200 clams also yoga mat 20 clams email for pictures swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
Weekly Repeats
Every MONDAY—Monday Night Football specials at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! All beef hotdog & a beer $80 pesos or USDA handmade hamburger & a beer $220 pesos. The game (and sound) will be on inside. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com Ends the end of December
Every TUESDAY—Taco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort!! Delicious classic and author tacos! Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
Every THURSDAY—Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort. BBQ ribs, stuffed potatoes, organic chicken, and more! We also have vegan options available. Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
Evert FRIDAY—SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill live music & dancing with Stamina Rock & Reggae Band 6:30pm-9:30pm reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
Every SATURDAY—Community Market – Los Barriles 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
—Dinner on the Beach Buena Vista Resort! Live music under the stars. Delicious menu. We also have vegan options. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
—San Jose del Cabo market 9am-3pm. Entrance is on Ave. Centenario.
—East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
—Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services
===the end===