Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Check out the Valentine Section below!

13-Tue | Live Music at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar with the DB Brothers 6pm-9pm. Reservations recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com |
14-Wed | VALENTINE’S DAY – Check out the all the fun and good eats in the special section in each BPE. |
15-Thu | SweetPea’s presents live music with Baja Barney and the Strays! Music starts at 6:30pm and reservations are recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com |
16-Fri | The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books and jigsaw puzzles so come and check things out. Highway Storage Facility north of the Repsol station 14- The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books, so come check things out. Highway Storage Facility north of the Repsol station. |
16-Fri | Needlefish and The revolving Door LaPLaya Restaurant. This will be good with Big Jim, Jeff Heintzman, Ted Matzen, Jon Cryparski, Ryan Kallas, Barney and Chris Connelly with Tom Sherry drumming.. Reservations 612-131-9336 |
16-Fri | Opening Night! Baja Shakespeare 7pm The Addams Family Fiesta at Hotel Palmas de Cortez |
16-Fri | Baja Wing Fest at Hotel Playa de Sol . Starts 10:30 and goes all evening! |
17-Sat | Community Market – Loa Barriles – Park Laguna, behind El Viejo’s Restaurant. 9-12 lbcommunitymarket.weebly.com |
17-Sat | Garage Sale Power tools, hand tools, fishing gear, hot tub, golf cart, and other goodies. Buenos Aires Casas RV. Section 1. Turn on Datil across from Jimmy’s. Starts at 8 am. |
17-Sat | Third Edition Chef’s Night & Mingle at Buena Vista Resort! Our guest chefs: Edgar Roman, showcasing his contemporary Mexican cuisine & Volker Romeike, with his Asian fusion. Also our now traditional cooking class with Chef Susette at 4:30pm. Food stations open at 5pm. RSVP: 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx |
17-Sat | Baja Shakespeare 7pm The Addams Family Fiesta at Hotel Palmas de Cortez |
- Lost a rust coloured shawl at Smokey’s Saturday night, 6:00 p.m. darsmith333@gmail.com
- Lost on Feb 12- mast cover for Armstrong foil. 33” gray with blue stripes. Black inside, Velcro closure. Somewhere down wind of North beach and Buenos Aires. I appreciate it if you see it, I’ll come get it from you. Cheers Mike gs1ifx@yahoo.com
- Kite surf board lost in sea down around Palmas De Cortez Hotel or further south has a mural of a woman in a bikini if found please contact @ diblcat@shaw.ca
- Lost between Smokey’s & Willy’s on Saturday, a large orange/rust/multi coloured shawl. Reward offered for return. dndsbigadventure@gmail.com
- If you have reserved tickets for the Barbie Movie on Valentine’s Day evening and cannot make it PLEASE let me know asap! Thanks so much for supporting the Cursos de Verano, local kids’ summer program jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
- Tuesday feb 13 & wed 14 TH Valentines Surprise Discounts El Toro y La Luna La Ribera and Los Barriles Handmade hacienda style furniture, home decor, lamps and more Visit us and select your favorite items & gifts for your valentine You can win from 5, up to a 20% discount off your total purchase. Looking forward to your visit Tere and collaborators Cel :6241001991 eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
- Treat your sweetie to Valentine’s Day at Tio Pablo’s! We will be open to the public in addition to our Guild event. V’day Specials: Prime Rib 820, Filet Mignon and Panko Shrimp 600, Spring Rolls $220, NY Cheesecake 160. Full menu also available. Sit by our cozy fireplace or next to our lovely waterfall. Romance is in the air at Tio’s this Wednesday!
- Diabetic scanner needed! Does anyone have the blue Libre 2 scanner my sister could use for 1-2 weeks. Bought sensors at Costco, app won’t work, clinic scanner wrong model! Is there anyone who can us out? Lisa and sister Jo ldm3035@me.com
- I have a 2-3 lb, med sm size box, electronics, that I’m trying to get down, will send to you and buy you a drink, or two. captainscott34@gmail.com
- Looking for the lady I spoke with at the Saturday market about the safety pin earing.
Please get in touch with me. 624 171 0031
- Needlefish and The revolving Door are getting together for a concert at LaPLaya Rest. Friday 2/16. This will be good with Big Jim, Jeff Heintzman, Ted Matzen, Jon Cryparski, Ryan Kallas, Barney and Chris Connelly with Tom Sherry drumming.. This is going to be fun with lots of dancing and good music from all these old time Baja people. Reservations 612-131-9336
- Garage Sale Saturday February 17. Power tools, hand tools, fishing gear, hot tub, golf cart, and other goodies. Buenos Aires Casas RV. Section 1. Turn on Datil across from Jimmy’s. Starts 8am
- Tickets going fast for the best event of the year! Songwriters Concert March 2nd 5:30 @ Palmas de Cortez Food by Umi, Don Robertos, Tio’s and Mango Bakery – Tickets @ Ronival & Saturday Market kaplotkin@aol.com
- Baja Shakespeare proudly presents The Addams Family Fiesta at Hotel Palmas de Cortez. Tickets are available for 6 performances Feb 16, 17, 18 (matinee),21, 23, 23. Tix are 500 pesos or $25 available at Homes & Land of Baja. Dress to impress for this very special party, then stop for your photo op before the curtain rises at 7pm. Bar opens at 6. Come in costume and we’ll treat you to a yummy confection and make a donation to Friends Supporting Families in your honor. We also support local nonprofits with a 50/50 raffle every performance. Don’t miss out on the highlight of the 2024 season! ssegal34@yahoo.com
- Please come join us as we have our Fly Tying sessions for the winter season East Cape Tackle ….Plaza del Pueblo local #15 Thursday February 15 , 2024 10 am – 12 pm We will be putting new twists on old designs, and general discussions Please remember to bring a chair We look forward to seeing you there….
- This Thursday 2/15 SweetPea’s Tiki Bar will host a fantastic band from The Gorge in Oregon. “Bootleg Barney & The Strays”! Dance music all night long. Roots Rock, Blues, Reggae and super fun Country numbers. Reservations recommended sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
- Celebrate love with a Five Course Dinner this Valentine’s Day at Kitzia s Cozina Botanika, our new Restaurant area Nestled within Buena Fortuna botanical garden in La Ribera. A unique and serene dining experience with poetry and live music. Embrace enchantment and gourmet delights, each dish a masterpiece of flavor and color. Main course fresh fish baked and wrapped on Hoja Santa and herbs. Reserve your spot for an unforgettable evening in nature’s heart. By reservation only. Open at5.30 pm buenafortunagardens@gmail.com Whatsapp 6241471086
- Doggy speed dating with Cortez Rescue at SweetPea’s on the patio. 3pm-5pm happy hour 2×1 drink specials. Email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
- Valentine’s Dinner at Tio Pablo’s presented by the East Cape Guild! An amazing night of dinner and dancing! Tickets are limited so get yours early! Tickets may be picked up at Homes and Land of Baja as well as Baja Properties. $75 USD / 1300 pesos. For reservations of 4 or more please contact Lizz Ogletree at +1 832 372 0230 or lizzogletree@gmail.com. Come dance the night away!
- Yoga Garden presents The BARBIE Movie! A benefit showing for the kids’ summer program:Cursos de Verano. Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th. Desserts by Mango Bakery at 6pm. Movie starts at 7pm.400 pesos per person. Only 30 tickets will be sold. Wear your best Barbie and Ken outfits! Book soon as we always sell out at our benefit events. Jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
- Valentine’s Day at Pizzeria Don Roberto, 5 pm. Live Music with Alvert and Chello. Special Valentine’s menu; vegan and vegetarian option. Complimentary bottle of sparkling wine per couple. Reservations: 612. 153. 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
- Valentine’s day open mic at La Fogata. Wednesday, February 14. Dinner specials are- 1. A shrimp party of 2 coconut shrimp, 2 breaded shrimp and 2 garlic shrimp with baked potato and your choice of tortilla soup or corn chowder 500 pesos. 2. Grilled fish in tin foil with vegetables, rice and choice of tortilla soup or corn chowder 400 pesos. Drink specials to be announced.
- Baja Blooms Will Be Closed Valentines Week 12-17th. If You would like an Early Tropical or Early Rose Arrangement,as Early Valentines Vase, or Wrap/ Ramos…we are taking Limited orders 7th, 8th and 9th. Saturday We Will Be at Saturday Market. We Appreciate Your Support and Understanding!! +52562392-3421/ +1469777-0086 Bajablooms@gmail.com
- Grupo Tortuguero Valentines Raffle. A beautifully hand crafted charcuterie board designed & created by Dony Olachea. And once again, compliments of Joe’s Deli will create a presentation of their deli foods. Come see us at the Sat. Market & at Lazy Daze on Fri. Feb. 2nd & 9th from 11:30 – 2pm. The draw will be announced Sat. Feb. 10th. We will contact by phone & BPE. Our Team Volunteers Sharon & Mike, Val, Celeste, Sharolyn & myself Kareema will have tickets available. Contact any of us. kj2014turtlelycool@gmail.com
- Looking for 2 door under counter refrigerator/freezer – good condition. Also, small microwave – prefer 700 watt. mikejetmore@gmail.com
- stand up paddle wanted (just the paddle gracias) kevinbajabus@gmail.com
- Looking for a lightly used, portable generator. ~5000-8000 running watts. Daneastman6@gmail.com
- Coming in the next issue!
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short! Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
- Coming in the next issue!
===the end===