

Make note: EAPE Medical EMERGENCY PHONE IS: +52 624 160 1997 More on this topic next issue.



November 2024

21-ThuTonight! Los Gatos Pardos Live Music at Pizzeria Don Roberto Los Barriles. A gastronomic experience, authentic Italian with an atmosphere full of friends. Reservations: 612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
23-SatCommunity Market 9-12
23-SatBaja Shakespeare try-outs for Feb. 2025 shows. Hotel Los Pescadores (Buenos Aires) 11am-1pm. See BPE #4693
23-SatSoft-opening of the John Gullo Home for Children in El Cardonal. Ribbon cutting at noon followed by open house until 4pm. Visit https://www.leaders2give.org/news/can-you-make-it for details and to RSVP!
23-SatSinging for Fun vocal workshop, first session, at the Yoga Garden, 12:30 to 2pm. Contact: Jeanette Grittani, jgrittan1@gmail.com or Whatsapp +52-624-217-6513
23-SatLive music with Damiana & Ruben. 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Delicious food menu and drinks! Enjoy with us! willy’s bar&grill. Resv. 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com Second curve going north next to Joe’s deli.
23-SatLive music at Taqueria Pelapapitas (across from Smokey’s parking lot) with Jeanette Grittani aka Jeanetti Spaghetti. Eclectic repertoire in English and Spanish. 6 to 8pm. Reservations: 624-124-8263
24-SunEcstatic dance, a joyful celebration of free movement and music that allows you to express yourself and connect with others in a supportive community. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555654283200
25-MonSignathon 2024-3rd Annual Non-Profit Showcase 4-6pm rrehome@ronival.com or WhatsApp 1-503-949-1487
27-WedOPEN MIC! La Playa. Drink & dinner start 6pm. Music 7pm. tishthespy@hotmail.com See BPE #4690
28-ThuThanksgiving USA
28-ThuTraditional Thanksgiving Buffet at Maria’s! Buffet style! Enjoy all your favorite holiday dishes without the fuss. at 5 PM @ Cafe Maria Restaurante Reservations: Call 6241410511
28-ThuTio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Buffet Dinner. 3:30-9pm. Adults $400, Kids under 12 $200. No reservations unless you’re a party of 15 or move. To-Go orders at the takeout Pizza window. 624-141-0340
29-FriBlack Friday at Vita’s, vintage outlet sale
30-SatComminity Market 9-12pm
30-SatEast Cape Tackle – Black Friday Sale. 10amto-2pm – Plaza Del Pueblo Local #15. > Right as you come into town on your left hand side
  1.  I believe I left visa debt card in ATM at  Banco BBVA ON Nov 14 or 15/24. Keith Hartley
  2. LOST AT SEA – Black, red and white LP foil board w Lift mast and foil. Lost near the boats late on Sunday Nov 17. We would sure love to get it back! If you find it please email us, we will take you to dinner or whatever sounds good to you. perennialjoy@gmail.com
  3. When passing in our fishing boat, we found a kayak and two paddles drifting free on Saturday 16th. If you’re missing your kayak and paddles around the Agua de la Costa / Tres Palapas area, please contact me russel.robertson@me.com to identify them and arrange a return.
  4. FOUND! Mask & snorkel. Identify to reclaim your way back underwater! makomarkos@yahoo.com
  5. Lost on beach near Spa small 6 inch green plastic lid for Honda Rincon cubby.
  1.  Get your Taste of East Cape Fundraising Gala Tickets @ Saturday Market, Homes & Land offices, Vita’s Fashion & Art Boutique & Aquamarine Gift Store. The Taste is on Sat. Dec. 7 @ 5:30 pm @ Laguna Park. Individual Tix $1,000 pesos or $50 USD.  Premium Table (of 8) Tix $9,000 pesos or $450 usd. Questions? info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org.
  2. Tickets for the Community ATV Fun Ride for Charity on Dec 14 can be bought from #32 Baja’s Resort at East Cape from 0900 to noon on market days.  The Resort is located next door to the Market and is accessible via a gate between the two.  The main entrance is to the resort is next door to the bicycle shop  Full info about the ride can be found at www.AtvFunLosBarriles.com
  3. We at Aeroburro have mail for Theresa S. Witt. We hope you are in Los Barriles, If your here please come to Aeroburro at Plum Loco , next to El Viejo Taqueria or email a Aeroburro@live.com
  1.  Los Barriles name origin: does anyone know if the folklore about pirate treasure in buried barrels is the actual origin of the town’s name or if that’s just a story for tourists? I’m writing a book, so I want to get it right. Clarefrank1000@gmail.com
  2. Anyone drive to Santa Rita hot pools lately? What is the condition of the road?
  3. Looking for half day fishing excursion for two visitors. Some time before nov 22 svgurp@gmail.com
  4. Looking for some one who can help us with the process of completing application. For an RFC number. rpsnowpro@gmail.com
  5. I am seeking an IT professional to help troubleshoot my Starlink “disconnected” internet connection. Jim@jckcpa.com
  1.  The SIGNathon Non-Profit Showcase 2024 is happening on Monday November 25th, from 4-6 PM on Costa Brava in front of the Ronival office! Join us to connect with our amazing local non-profits, learn about their impactful work, sign up to volunteer, donate, and vote for your favorites—the top three with the most votes will share $5,000 USD! Last year, hundreds of attendees enjoyed wine, beer, Mango Bakery treats, and the chance to support our community. Don’t miss this inspiring event! Contact rrehome@ronival.com or WhatsApp +1-503-949-1487.
  2. To all hunters, hunting season is open, Valdez Outfitters offer dove hunts in the area, if you are interested please contact us by e-mail esavalmar@gmail.com or whatts app 624-129-6525
  3. Lazy Daze and Santa want to invite you to our annual Christmas Toy Drive Pig Feed. December 13th at Lazy Daze. Tickets start going on sale starting next Monday the 25th at Lazy Daze after 10am.
    Games, raffle, silent auction and the chicken game starts at 2 on the 13th with dinner at 5pm.
    For every toy bought in you get an extra raffle ticket. Thank you for you support. Mrs. Claus.
  4. Los Gatos Pardos Live Music at Pizzeria Don Roberto. A gastronomic experience, authentic Italian with an atmosphere full of friends. Thursday, November 21 – 6 pm Reservations: 612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  1.  Wanted: Cast iron pan- 14”+ reeseanddieter@aol.com
  2. Looking for Oceanus kite board reel/leash. ikitebcs@gmail.com
  3. Wanted: VW dunebuggy wheels, aluminum reeseanddieter@aol.com
  4. Wanted: Smaller size weight bench with or without weights pat.witt@gmail.com
  5. If anyone has any books in French they no longer need we’re interested in keeping, please let us know. rypmusic@gmail.com
  6. Wanted: San foil/moses foil mast, non-kraken 70-80 cm range. junkmail3@ector.ca
  1.  Tio Pablo’s will be serving our annual Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet on Thursday, November 28th, 3:30-9 PM. $400 adults, $200 kids under 12. No reservations please, unless you have more than 15 people. Full Thanksgiving Dinner also available for takeout at the Pizza window. 624-141-0340.
  2. Join us for a Traditional Thanksgiving Buffet at Maria’s! This year, we’re serving up a delicious Thanksgiving feast, buffet style! Enjoy all your favorite holiday dishes without the fuss. Thursday, November 28th at 5 PM @ Cafe Maria Restaurante Reservations: Call 6241410511
  1.  Pickleball or Crippleball ? You have a choice! Don’t let injury get in the way of your joy. Come get balanced, aligned and functioning well. Our office is located inside Yoga Garden. Jules Harris. Advanced Certified Rolfer.Structural Integration and BodyMind Method. Call/text/whatsapp 970-375-7067 And Dr Dennis O’Brien. Chiropractic and Natural medicine. Text 970-799-7068
  2. The stomach flu has been making it`s way through town the last few weeks and it`s still going strong! If you want to get over the flu quickly our home health nurses can come to the rescue with an IV hydration to get you feeling better. email: info@EastCapeHomeHealth.com or 624-184-6953
  3. The Barriles Wellness Center in Plaza Buenos Aires has openings for exercise and wellness instructors. There`s a lot of interest lately in dance classes, pilates, and group activities. If interested please email info@EastCapeHomeHealth.com
  4. Singing for Fun vocal workshop. Come sing and play in a safe, supportive, beautiful space at the Yoga Garden. Lift your voice with others in sound and song, exploring, expanding and expressing through improvisational techniques and simple tunes. Leave with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. 200 pesos per session. Saturdays 12:30 to 2pm. Contact: Jeanette Grittani, jgrittan1@gmail.com or Whatsapp +52-624-217-6513
  5. Thai Massage is deeply rejuvenating and beneficial. Reduces the effects of stress on body, mind, spirit. Increases flexibility, mobility. Improves posture, blood circulation, organ function, breathing. Balances energy and inspires inner calm, grounding, centering. Experience tranquility and inspiration from the moment you walk into the courtyard garden. https://www.ubldesigns.com/thai-massage-with-tehroma By appointment. Contact Tehroma via WhatsApp +52-624-145-2750 tehroma.lask@ubldesigns.com
  6. TAI CHI  24 Form, Classic Taoist style. Starts Dec 3rd, Tuesdays 11:00am at  Yoga Garden, Los Barriles  (Google it for location or info)    Email to hansheld@gmail.com.    This is an 8-week, non-competitive class for all levels, gentle exercise for women and men.   Improves balance and well-being.    How much does it cost?       Suggestion is that each student donate 1,000 pesos for the entire 8-week program.  This is a donation class, both Yoga Garden and the Tai Chi group say 100% of the fees will be donated to the East Cape Recycle initiative.
  7. I’m back in the studio for another glorious season! Rolfing is structural bodywork that helps your body become balanced. With better alignment comes better function, energy and ease. Whether you have a new injury or an old pattern that is limiting your joy of being in your body, Rolfing is an effective tool. MindBody Method Is “hands off” work that teaches you the connection between your body and mind, and the impact of thoughts and beliefs on your body. I’ll show you how to use this brilliant connection to increase satisfaction in your life. Call/Text/WhatsApp Jules 970-375-7067
  8. November 24 11:30-1pm yoga garden join us for ecstatic dance, a joyful celebration of free movement and music that allows you to express yourself and connect with others in a supportive community. pbucheli72@gmail.com
  9. Come experience a transformative, heart-centered yoga and wellness journey with me!
    Mon:11am – 12pm: Deep Stretch (Coed, Drop-In)  Barriles Wellness Center
    Mon: 4pm – 6pm: Kundalini Activation Transmission (RSVP Only)  Barriles Wellness Center
    Tues & Fri: 8am – 9am: Beachfront Yoga (Coed, Drop-In) Buena Vista Resort
    Wed: 5pm – 6pm: Functional Yoga (RSVP Only, Coed) Barriles Wellness Center
    Thu: 9:30am – 10:30am: Yin & Myofascial Release (Coed, Drop-In) Barriles Wellness Center
    Thu: 11am – 12pm: Yoga for Men (Drop-In) Barriles Wellness Center
  10. 10. Rolfing Structural Integration & MindBody Method. Rolfing is structural bodywork that helps your body become balanced. With better alignment comes better function, energy and ease. Whether you have a new injury or an old pattern that is limiting your joy of being in your body, Rolfing is an effective tool. MindBody Method Is “hands off” work that teaches you the connection between your body and mind and how to use this brilliant connection to increase satisfaction in your life. You will learn how your mental habits and patterns affect your body, your relationships and your choices.   Having more choice with your responses to life events, you will become more skillful in your relationship with others and with yourself.   Rolfing is “Navigating the complexity of being in a body in gravity with less effort”.  MindBody Method is “Navigating the complexity of being human with less effort”.  In person studio days at Yoga Garden: Tuesdays & Fridays. On-line & phone sessions are  Monday- Friday.     Call/text/Whatsapp for appointments. Also check out my website’s “logistice” tab for more info. (Baja pricing is different). Jules. Certified Advanced Rolfer & BodyMind Method Coach.     Call/text/WhatsApp 970-375-7067 EmbodiedPath@gmail.com www.EmbodiedPath.me
  11. blank
  1.  3m Ozone wing  Wasp V2 in great shape, no damages or repairs 300 usts  harneyvideo@gmail.com
  2. kanaha shapes macho kite foil board. 37”(94cm) gloss orange. complete with kanaha board bag and deck pad. incredible board and quality. excellent condition, small ding on corner. 675 tacks
    armstrong complete foil kit. a+ mast (100cm), cf800 front wing, cf300 stabilizer, tc60 fuselage and complete foil cover, travel bag, titanium fasteners and tools. excellent condition. 1450 gybes
  3. Windsurfing gear (reduced from past post as it is selling). 3 sails: 4.7, 5.7, 6.2. Two skinny carbon masts: 400 and 430. 5 mast extensions. Rig winch for these particular extensions. Starboard boards – 96L Kombat. 3 Unused / new MXT power base to fit this particular board  (plus 1 more in the States that could ship). Good condition. email: wendycswan@gmail.com if interested and to talk pricing / your offer.
  4. 80 liter wing foil board,   https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/7802912433.html?lang=en&cc=us
  5. 4 Meter wing, new condition, see here https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/7802910118.html?lang=en&cc=us sjbalkwi@telus.net
  6.  a. CBRM Cloud kite bar – see pics on CL: bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/brm-cloud-connection-system-kite-bar/7802846918.html – email windude5@telus.net b. Naish board bag 7’4″ x 25″ – see pics on CL:bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/naish-board-bag/7802847446.html – email windude5@telus.net
  7. For trade, older model of Lift kite foil set- where fuselage is a separate piece. Excellent condition. See pics on CL:  bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/lift-kite-foil-set-older-style/7802845350.html – email windude5@telus.net
    For trade 4.8 m BRM Cloud kite – see pics on CL:  bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/boarding-maui-brm-cloud-48-kite/7802846372.html – email windude5@telus.net
  8. For trace, 2015 Naish Trip – 10 and 12m, strutless kites, great for the foiling on low wind days. See pics and detailed description on CL:bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/naish-trip-kites-10-and-12/7802299105.html  – email windude5@telus.net
    For trade, 2016 Naish Pivot kite – 6 m It was used strictly for foiling, no jumping and never left sitting on the sun. See pics on the CL: bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/naish-pivot-m-kite/7802299367.html – email windude5@telus.net
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Discover Aquamarine Boutique & Gift Store! Looking for the perfect gift? Stop by Aquamarine and explore our unique selection of jewelry, clothing, and personalized gifts. From customized balloons to stylish accessories, we have something for everyone. With new items arriving weekly, there’s always something fresh to discover.  Located at Plaza Chilayo #1, across from La Casita Restaurant.
  2. Salt and Cotton Eco-Boutique is OPEN 7.days a week 10am ~ 4pm. Handmade clothing that reflects your individual style. Browse our collection and stand out from the crowd!
  3. Painless Laser Hair Removal with the Soprano Titanium ICE. Faster treatment times, Effective on all skin tones, 10 ~ 15 % reduction each treatment.  Exclusively at KellyinBaja.  For appointments  kellyinbaja@gmail.com Whatsapp 52 624 242 0558
  1.  Looking to share ride from cabo airport to los barriles..sat nov 30…6pm. m-mcastle@sbcglobal.net
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  TRAILER 12 foot, enclosed, dual axel, electric brakes. Excellent condition. Registration certificate in hand. Utah plates. 7700 shells. See ad on CL https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7802744012.html
  2. 2017 Honda P-500 SxS, low miles, lots of extras, 8900 rides, https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2017-honda-pioneer-500/7803256803.html
  3. FREEZER: Whirlpool chest freezer. 300 liter capacity; 47″ x 28″ x 36″ h. Very clean, complete w/baskets, manual, key. Includes Koblenz voltage regulator (75 value). Total 375 frozen filets or Mex equiv.  624-142-82seven2 (landline); annfromfrance22@yahoo.com
  4. 2005 Ford Expedition; bevans3999@gmail.com
  5. Vsee TV black box. New, still in the box.  Get all the streaming channels, network channels, cable channels no monthly fees. $50 streams ikitebcs@gmail.com
  6. Snorkel set. Mask, dry snorkel, and flippers. Free! Email for photos. bajacarlita@gmail.com
  7. Shorty Wetsuit. Ladies size small. Free! Used but good condition. Email for photos. bajacarlita@gmail.com
  8. Dill seed for planting…i have extra. 0 green thumbs reeseanddieter@aol.com
  9. Two air conditioners. 4tons and 5 tons.pictures upon request. REASONABLE OFFERS WELCOME! For details call. 624-179-5347. acruzduarte@live.com
  10. Set of DeWalt tools like new Sawzaw Skil saw, drill, hammer drill, flashlight, four batteries and two chargers. 400 palms  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tls/d/dewalt-tools/7802771942.html
  11. 1998 Boston whaler Montauk https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/boston-whaler-montauk/7802761043.html
  12. 2001 Yukon 4×4. 210,000 miles. Runs/drives good. In El Cardonal. 90,000 Mexican tacos.
  13. Still have 8 Heavy Duty Plastic Milk Crates left..19″ L x 13″W  x 11″ D.  Great for storing heavy Tools, Parts and storage. Stackable.  8 pcs. @ 60 tacos each. call:  624 142-8011 or  flojomike@gmail.com
  14. 2018 27.5 Large Motobecane Hal E-boost full suspension E-MTB.  Shimano Steps 8000, 2 batteries,  Shimano Di2 Electric Shifting, Great condition. 1,500 switch backs alohageorge@hotmail.com
  15. Rheem propane instant water heater, with a power of 13 L / min.  250 us clams or best offer  contact harneyvideo@gmail.com
  16. 20′ Ocean Gregor center console.  Yamaha 115 HP.  Good condition.  2 excellent fish finders. Extended trailer for beach launch.  SD plates.  11,990 wahoos.  Christopher @ 971.563.9157
  17. Custom stand alone wardrobe cabinet  with shelves and storage like new 112”tall x 62”wide x24”deep high quality material and hardware $500 or best offer turdbuffer@gmail.com
  18. 2006 Toyota Highlander- British Columbia license plates BC resident sale only. 2 wheel drive, 240000km Just serviced, in good running order ICBC rate class 919 4500 US
    Phone what’s ap. 6049073452
===the end===