
You can now post your event/meeting on the BPE Calendar!! Simply click on the Calendar Post on the menu bar.

Days of the Week
Time of Day

Al-anon Meeting

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in the private Serenity Garden at my house in Spa Buena Vista. Not affiliated with Hotel Spa Buena Vista. Call or text 619-889-2779 for information or directions.

Taco Tuesday Sweetpeas Tiki Bar

Live Music Uk Dave

Tai Chi

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Tai Chi for beginners at Wellness Center chris.schraefel@gmail.com

Cribbage Tournament

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cribbage tournament at Hotel Pescadore gkruse421@gmail.com

Auzzie Mark and Friends

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at Playa del Sol

East Cape Fellowship

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Spanish East Cape Christian Fellowship. We are located on Delegation Road

Pool Tournament

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Weekly Pool Tournament – Sweetpeas Tiki Bar

Al-anon Meetings

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in the private Serenity Garden at my house in Spa Buena Vista. Not affiliated with Hotel Spa Buena Vista. Call or text 619-889-2779 for information or directions.

East Cape Tackle Seminar

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“Introduction to beach fishing the East cape area with a special welcome to beginners.” Plaza del Pueblo Local #15. Please bring a chair.

yoga garden Unleash your inner dancer!

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Join us for a fun, musical evening of freeform movement. No experience needed—just let loose and dance like nobody’s watching! pbucheli72@gmail.com
  1.  Lost ( Dakine brand) black wallet at Hotel Palmas de Corte on Saturday night. If found, please contact l_freudman@hotmail.com.
  1.  From the delegation: Attention warning: To the colonies corresponding to garbage collection, it is informed that for reasons of unemployment by the Union; garbage collection on March 10 is suspended. we apologize for any inconvenient matter..
  2. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream is available at “La Tienda” (Modelorama) in Spa Buena Vista. Lots of Flavours, Regular Full Dairy, Lactose Free and Vegan Options. Delicious Whipped Cream and “Zopis Bolis” (Icy Popsicles) we Will Satisfy your Sweet Tooth!  zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Saludos, 
  3. House-Sitter/pet-sitter – (FREE Service!) Retired Banker living in San Diego is willing to House/Pet-Sit for you. You pick me up I learn your needs ( Feed the animals) take you back to the airport pick you up when you return. Minimum 2 weeks. Doing this 10+ Years. References in Boca del Alamo, Elias Calles, Los Barriles, Todo Santos and Cardonal. I fly to you at no fee to you! Require Internet & Air in the bed room. Ted Lemanowicz, tlemanowic@sbcglobal.net, 760-216-2982
  4. CAN-AM-MEX Law Firm / Firma Jurídica, since 2003, we resolved Real Estate problems for 898 Clients. Internationally recognized as experts in international real estate matters. The first meeting is totally free during which time we study and provide an opinion on the case. To reach us one can phone us at +52 1 612 348 9793 or send us an e-mail at can-am-mex2022@hotmail.com
  5. On Feb. 3 2025 this post appeared in the BPE: I will be driving to Los Barriles around March 15. If anyone needs anything ,let me know. bordertowncarros@gmail.com I’m having problems getting a response from this person after sending a package. Wondered if anyone else took advantage of this offer? WhatsApp 775-690-2916. Thanks. colesmith925@gmail.com
  1.  I’m looking for someone who can help with vertigo—maybe a physical therapist or someone experienced in treating it. Any recommendations? mikejetmore@gmail.com
  1.  All tickets for Vita’s Boutique FS at Rafaellas coffee & tea room for April, 5th are SOLD. But, we received many requests and I am trying to figure out, if we have more people interested to come see Show we can offer second date next day, Sunday, April, 6th, 3pm. Please, let me know if you are interested to come join us on April, 6th, 3pm Thank you! My WhatsApp 624-110-6992 Or vitaolenich@gmail.com
  2. March 11th Its Auzzie Mark and Friends at Hotel Playa Del Sol.  Taco Tuesday Special and live music starts after 6 pm.
  3. Grupo Tortuguero will be having our End of Season Sale at the Arts Festival in La Ribera this coming Sunday March 16th 10-4pm. Everything turtles & more on sale
  4. Live Music, Wednesday 3/12, Cactus Restaurant with the “ShoreBreak” band 5:00-7:00. Enjoy dinner, and conversation with friends with upbeat music, pleasant harmonies, and great songs you’ve like not heard in awhile. windskipper1@gmail.com
  1.  Looking for a two place mountain bike rack that fits into a 2 inch hitch receiver triplefire123@gmail.com
  2. Looking for older (20+years) vehicle to launch a Super ponga from the beach. Surburban, expedition, Tahoe, older 3/4T pickup or equivalent. Needs 4WD, Posi rear end. Prefer small V-8s. No diesels. Looks are secondary. Need strong runner. Call 206 734-1077 email bajamark1@comcast.net
  3. I’m looking for someone to help me make a web site. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks   Bob Shearer 360-600-7216
  4. Looking for a set of Golf Clubs, right hand. If anyone has a set to sell? 1daledoug@gmail.com
  5. Looking for a Smart TV for my casita, i.e. connects to wifi. Preferably around 46 to 50 inches. Ph # 509 939 3790 jsmith2082@aol.com
  1.  Therapy massage at your house by Lilia Carreón. Swedish, deep tissue, Sport, stretching. If you need to work on some issue or just relaxation, contact me. I will be happy to help you. I have good recommendations. I’m able to go any town around. Liliacarreonminjares@gmail.com +52 612 2126582
  2. Dr Dennis, LB’s Happy Chiropractor, is in his office in Yoga Garden to help You get Back in Action and Stay in Action. For appointments text (fastest) 970-799-7068 or email: densaidyes@aol.com
  1.  2015 Naish Trip – 10 and 12m, strutless kites, great for the foiling on low wind days. See pics and detailed description on CL: bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/naish-trip-kites-10-and-12/7822209775.html – email windude5@telus.net
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Baja Blooms, your local, hot pink Florist is open Tuesday-Saturday 10-4. We are located up on the highway across from Molinas Hardware Store. We have a Boutique inside florist, which features 3 local artists work! We sell Greeting Cards for every occasion! Thank you for your Support, LB!!! Bajablooms@gmail.com
  2. Free pick-up available for donations. Clothes, shoes, small appliances, books, housewares, food. We will deliver to the charity of your choice. Consignment option also available. Thanks to all who have donated (BPE works!) danastites@gmail.com
  3. Excellent mobile mechanic in LB Friday March 14. Car,truck,ATV,generator,jet ski etc. Work guaranteed,references available. Will come to you. English spoken. Call for appt. No What’s App, please. Jose Martin Del Campo. 612-153-7374 Mx cel
  4. Want clean healthy looking skin? Try the HydraFacial treatment at KellyinBaja. Effectively removes built up dirt, grime and oils trapped in your pores. Leaves your skin super clean and hydrated. Book your treatment today with Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com or message me on WhatsApp 52 624 242 0558
NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1.  Looking for a house to rent for one week in February 2026. Prefer on or very near the beach. Seven quiet non smoking women svgurp@gmail.com
  2. Seeking affordable rental unit for 1 Canadian woman. April & May 2025 only. Pls WhatsApp 12508828909 cristalscheer@icloud.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  (2) 8’x8′ garage doors. Steel frame with parota wood exterior. 400 tamales for the pair. bajachardo@gmail.com
  2. Used Gaint Boulder mountain bike. Everything works, 50 spokes Wdconsulting4@gmail.com or 541-55-8688
  3. 2013 Can-Am Commander 1000 XT Power steering, hard top, winch, half windshield, rear screen, fitted storage cover, Super Bee sticker $9,900 wash runs ($198,000 arroyo zooms) ken.woodward@gmail.com
  4. 11 brand new rolls of new rubber passive solar heating pads for heating swimming pools. See on www.h2otsun.com 968 US swims for all captainscott34@gmail.com
    • sta rite 3 hp pool pump, used but hardly, basically like new. Can be used for water features also. 300 US swims
  5. All like new—–small whirlpool fridge $175 shells, water dispenser $90 shells, soda stream complete with cylinder and bottles $80 shells 624-314-1875 jdbrreed@gmail.com
  6. 1 year old 600 litre pila, as new. Located in Buenos Aires. Perfect for an RV setup or extra tank. What’s app 250-490-7268. $50 gallons gwenbathgate@gmail.com
  7. 5 bulb chandelier $80 lights if interested i will send pictures 509 9813838 Jlandsmhart@yahoo.com
  8. Share Dish Network account with two others. Premium channels with Redzone, movies, etc. 45 clams/month 760 274 4128
  9. 12’ Apex RIB 15hp Suzuki and beach trailer reduced to 2200 bananas WhatsApp 13108501466 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7829396773.html?lang=en&cc=us cabosn@verizon.net
  10. Fifth wheel Holiday Trailer https://bajasur.craigslist.org/rvs/d/fifth-wheel-holiday-trailer/7824597975.html fredstuwe1@gmail.com
===the end===