

March 2025
Days of the Week
Time of Day

Taco Tuesday Sweetpeas Tiki Bar

Live Music Uk Dave

Tai Chi

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Tai Chi for beginners at Wellness Center chris.schraefel@gmail.com

Cribbage Tournament

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cribbage tournament at Hotel Pescadore gkruse421@gmail.com

Auzzie Mark and Friends

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at Playa del Sol


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7:00 to 9:30 Tuesday nights at Willy’s

East Cape Fellowship

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Spanish East Cape Christian Fellowship. We are located on Delegation Road

Alcoholics Anonymous

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Rancho Buena Vista, upstairs. Open meeting

Pool Tournament

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Weekly Pool Tournament – Sweetpeas Tiki Bar

Al-anon Meetings

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in the private Serenity Garden at my house in Spa Buena Vista. Not affiliated with Hotel Spa Buena Vista. Call or text 619-889-2779 for information or directions.

yoga garden Unleash your inner dancer!

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Join us for a fun, musical evening of freeform movement. No experience needed—just let loose and dance like nobody’s watching! pbucheli72@gmail.com

  1.  Found credit card at intercam bank -Pier Yves call 360-207-9081
  2. Lost March 15, black Cabrinha kiteboard. Lost during Vela lesson, brought to shore downwind of Playa del Sol by good Samaritan. Picked up almost immediately by someone in small grey SxS. Please return to Vela, or reply to daxbuddy1@gmail.com, and I will pick up. Thanks
  3. I lost my credit card yesterday when I was around town. It’s from RBC VISA and it has my name on it Pier-Yves Nepton, please if you found it email me py.nepton@hotmail.com
  4. Tomo Evo Surfboard left on beach at shoreline between Costa Brava and Don Pepe Saturday March 15. dede@dedebacon.com 530 545 3407 Dede Bacon (all information written on board).
  1.  Please – I have a group of hungry, skin and bones, cows at my house in Baja Martires. Several are pregnant, and there are new babies. Every year we receive donations to buy alfalfa. Please contribute. No politics, just suffering creatures. We can meet you at the hay truck near the Repsol, come to you, or you can drop off at Ruth Rundquist realty. Thank you!! Kim 415 264 8624
  2. All Pickleball people, students and clients at Yoga Garden and shoppers at Joe’s Market…know this now- you can easily PARK your car in the big dirt lot across from Parque de la Laguna…the new owner has given us all permission to park there until he starts construction. This will greatly help with the parking problems we all encounter in this area. The neighborhood above this area will be happy if we all park there and keep the streets more open for easy access. Thank you for doing this!!
  3. Attending Open Mic Night this past Wednesday, at the new venue, it dawned on me that very few people know what this weekly gathering has contributed to the community. I think it was 16 years ago, when Big Jim Gray and Bob Farmer began the open mic program at the old Roadrunner Cafe. In lieu of trying to divvy tips they decided to make all the proceeds from the tip jar go to the Guild to further the education of local kids. As you enjoy the music, which has reached new highs, pay homage to the dedication of time and effort put forth over that time period, and continued today through the efforts of Big Jim and the cadre of musicians that give up their time and talent. Over the years they have provided educational scholarships to hundreds of local kids. Thanks Big Jim and crew!
  1.  Looking recommendations for a moving co. to move six rooms of furniture from Boulder Colorado to Cabo San Lucus Mx. Thank you ertdd2000@aol.com
  1.  march 18th at playa del sol restaurant its taco tuesday and auzzie mark and friends entertainment. music starts at 6 pm
  1.  Old, unwanted windsurfing masts in any condition. elablink@gmail.com
  2. Looking for a place to store our Quad (2m x 3m) with a cover plus some camp items (tent, canopy, rug, etc), and spare set of ATV tires April through November. Please let me know if you or someone you know has space. Thanks in advance, Tom. mail@the-shore.net
  3. Wanted- 400 series Kennel to transport our dog on a Alaska Air flight. 36”x25”x27” 50-70lb nigelh2o@gmail.com
  4. LAVAWERAS LAUNDRY is looking for part time help. flexible hours, 3 times a week, saturday 8 – 2.
  5. This is a fun place to work, great environment, whatsapp Annie for more info. +52 612 136 9679 cobesa2013@gmail.com
  6. I’m hoping to find someone who is driving to BC towards the end of April to take a small musical instrument- smaller and lighter than a guitar. I will be flying and am maxed out on carry on thanks Jeff jheintzman94@gmail.com
  7. Looking for large travel trailer or 5th wheel with slides for site. Budget is tight at $13-14k. If you don’t want to store it or drive it back, give me a shout. Thanks dhbigelow63@gmail.com
  8. I have one guest looking for a ride to the airport this coming Friday March 21, need to be at airport by 10 am. Happy to pay, share gas etc. If you are heading that way pls contact Cornelia at +1 617 6765401. Thanks!
  1.  St. Patrick’s Day is this Monday! Come celebrate at Tio’s! We will have our famous Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner with Creamy Irish Potatoes, Roasted Carrots, Mustard, and a shot of Green Tequila for $320 pesos. Dine In or for Pick Up at our Pizza Window: 624-141-0340. See you on Monday at Tio Pablo’s!
  1.  Thank You to all of the students that attended the Mat Pilates+ and Chair Pilates classes with me this season.   Moving together is all about connection, intention, and meaningful progress combined with fun and we proved that in every class.  Wishing you health, continued success in your movement practice, joy and a magical summer until we meet again.  sefiheld@gmail.com
  2. Eastcape Health Center is now on Instagram! Follow us to stay connected! We continue to improve for you! Now we have a new space to express ourselves and stay closer to our patients. Through this channel, you can request quotes, learn about our services, stay updated on our news, and maintain more direct communication with us. Follow us and be part of our community! https://eastcapehealthcenter.org/so/80PMBQwa4/c?w=8j_lkT2axEYGGa-xDkb1aD5QrzbPxEaSv934XSX14CA.eyJ1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW5zdGFncmFtLmNvbS9lYXN0Y2FwZWhlYWx0aGNlbnRlci8iLCJyIjoiYjgzNGU0MTItYjc2My00ZWEzLWE4ZTYtZDFkYmY2NmE2NWM0IiwibSI6Im1haWwiLCJjIjoiOTNlYjg1MzAtNWJlNy00NGFlLTg5ZmMtMTdiZTY1OWRiNTBiIn0
  3. Dr Dennis, LB’s Happy Chiropractor is in Yoga Garden to help you get Back in Action and Stay in Action. Appointments: text or WhatsApp (fastest) 970-799-7068 or email: densaidyes@aol.com
  4. Take a look at our website: Yogagardenbaja.com and click on the new GALLERY tab. You will see many beautiful photos of some of our amazing classes offered. These wonderful photos were taken by Julie Shipman.
  5. Therapy massage at your house by Lilia Carreón. Swedish, deep tissue, Sport, stretching. If you need to work on some issue or just relaxation, contact me. I will be happy to help you. I have good recommendations. I’m able to go any town around. Liliacarreonminjares@gmail.com +52 6122126582
  1.  Ozone V3 wings 3.6 – 4.3 – 5.0 all wings are in good shape. I would prefer to sell as a package however would entertain selling individually. If purchasing all three, I will throw in a V2 – 6.0 wing. 300 rides each or 800 for the lot. michaelwatts7755@gmail.com
  2. Slingshot Slingwing V4 4.0m, w/ Bag, Wrist Leash & Two Handles!!! 375 pumps. nigelh2o@gmail.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  LAVAWERAS LAUNDRY at Playa Norte. Self serve washers and driers, or Full Serve, we do for you – washed, dried outside smelling fresh and clean, folded and bagged ready for pick up. Pick up and delivery, we sew and iron. open every day from 7.30am. english y español. +52 612 136 9679
  2. Ocean Safari Adventure in La Ventana! Swim alongside dolphins, sea turtles, and vibrant marine life in the crystal-clear waters of Baja California Sur! Our Ocean Safari is a one-of-a-kind experience where you’ll explore the ocean in its purest form—wild, free, and unforgettable. Ready for adventure? www.krakendivers.com
  3. Web Design | Social Media | Digital Marketing. We create custom websites, manage your social media, and design digital marketing strategies to help your business grow in Baja California Sur. Stand out with a professional online presence that attracts the right customers. Take Your Business Online with Xolo Web Design. www.xolowebdesign.com
  4. Learn Spanish the Mexican Way with Ask a Mexican. From private online lessons to self-paced courses, we make learning Spanish fun and immersive! Practice with stories + audio, explore our blog, and join our cultural trips to Querétaro! Next trips: June – Jazz Festival; October – Day of the Dead www.askamexican.mx
NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1. Responsible couple looking for long-term (6-12+ months), 1-2 bedroom rental starting in October 2025. We’ve lived full-time in the LB area for nearly 3 years now and thus have experience with various elements of Baja home maintenance. We’re open to flexible lease agreements – with us periodically travelling while you come down to enjoy your LB home. Please contact Dan at daneastman6@gmail.com
  2. We would like to book from June 18th to 24th. 2 rooms would be perfect for our group of four adults.
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  2018 34-foot Windjammer Trailer. Has numerous upgrades and a Queen size bed. 34,500 coconuts. Short term site rental possible in Tortuga RV Park. Moving into a Casita. Call WhatsApp 624-358-9372 or farrells@shaw.ca
  2. Dakine board bag 50 or 1000
    • Dakine bike bag 50 or 1000
    • Ice making machine new from City Club 100 or 2000
    • Schlage matching door hardware, brushed nickel finish, 6 handles, 5 deadbolts, keyed alike. NIB Make offer
    • Arlo Video doorbell, used, free
    • soft close drawer slide hardware. 8 sets @ 22”, 6 sets @ 18”. Make offer
    • 2 IKEA upper corner cabinets, 1 IKEA 36” wide drawer. All free kochucove@yahoo.com
  3. EVolution D5 4 seater “golf cart” mrricks2@aol.com
  4. 1997 Chevy  Suburban 1/2 ton – 4 x4 Drive. White in Color with grey interior.  175,000 miles
    3,300 tires. Call Shaun at 1-208-481-0025 or come to the office at Baja’s Resort at East Cape, next to the Bike shop.  Look for the blue golf karts.  Registration is in Idaho
  5. 30 quart Colman cooler $15 cool ones
  6. Plywood Pieces: 3 pcs 15 to 18* wide by 48 to 55* long; 2 bigger pieces: 30 x 48 and 23 x 62
    Check them out, make offer wdconsulting4@gmail.com
  7. Metal Security and Screen Door. For details: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7834354670.html?lang=en&cc=us gorman@bendcable.com
  8. Turnkey living and ready to roll. A complete living space set up, two bedrooms, one bathroom, covered outdoor kitchen and living space with furniture. Sheets on the bed, towels in the closet, dishes, pots and pans, oven, microwave, washer, shelves all make this truly livable. Great way to have an affordable home, a temporary living space while building, or to move to an RV park for a seasonal set up. 30’ with slides remodeled Forest River Wildwood Travel Trailer 2006. $11,000 usd 1-208-481-0025 shaun@bajasawesome.com
  9. Kitchen dove exhaust fan. Info list at: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/kitchen-stove-exhaust-fan/7834360162.html gorman@bendcable.com
  10. 4 ft. Satellite dish with DISH receiver and remote. 200 channels or best offer located in Los Barriles. #624-142-8110 or sverige41@hotmail.com
  11. Enclosed Trailer 7×14, dual axle. Located in Los Barriles. Utah license plate. Current registration. Message for pictures. 5500 pulls obo seaofbien@gmail.com
  12. Vintage (that means quality made) Sears Craftsman Tap and Die Set. 9-52377 in hard case. SAE & Metric. 76 pieces. With Booklet. All original and in perfect shape. Like new. Similar sets sold for $300+ and shipping on E Bay. 260 Tools. jleemelter@icloud.com
  13. Landove Spotting Scope with Tripod. 20-60×80, like new. 125
  14. 2013 KTM XC-W450, perfect technical condition, extra parts incl. lowering kit for front fork, air filter, spark plug pprrbb0910@yahoo.com
  15. 8ft. table ,indoor outdoor,, 8 Home Depot outside colored chairs,,,,250,,legs obo,,,702 870 8702, grmkluk@gmail.com
===the end===