
Dear Restaurants! I will start a Thanksgiving page in November. Send in your delicious info.




October 2022

27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
27-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
28-Fri Capsforcancerbaja meeting 4pm at La Providencia Restaurant La Ribera. iikaiser@frii.com
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Groovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo on Sunday, Oct.23, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
30-Sun Witches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am and arrive at Playa del Sol Hotel approx 8:30. bajadevi@gmail.com
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween
31-Mon Halloween celebration! Come and go thru the Tunnel with your Kids. Candy and tequila free 5pm to 7pm Hotel Palmas next to tennis courts. – losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-Mon Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org
01-TueDay of the dead parade (5pm) and festival at the cemetery (6pm) – priscilla@losbarriles.life
03-ThuAlanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
06-SunDaylight Saving Time USA
06-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
06-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
06-SunIron Man 6th edition in Cabol, http://www.ironman.com/im703-los-cabos
07-MonUkulele Players Group Mondays 3pm @Hotel Los Pescadores starting bajadevi@gmail.com
08-TueFull Moon Beaver and or Snow


  1.   Our Cowboy Felix said goodbye this summer to Los Barriles and his beloved horses at Baja’s Awesome Beach Ride. When Orthopedic Dr Cardenas warned Felix his unstable spine would no longer tolerate being a full-time professional horseman, Felix made the hard decision to end his horse career. It was a heartbreak. For 3-1/2 years Felix deftly cared for horses and humans with love, thoughtfulness, kindness, and security. Under his tutelage many local kids learned to ride, especially during the free month-long summer camp we offered when the kids were sidelined from Covid. Many of these kids keep riding and learning the joys, and responsibilities, of riding horses. Awesome “Horse Lovers” from all over the world rode through the woods, the arroyos, beaches and into the Sea of Cortez enjoying the ‘view between the ears’. Countless visitors swung into the saddle and experienced our beautiful Baja from the back of a horse. Most especially, everyone enjoyed their time with Felix. Our horses, our community and his riders loved Felix. We have said goodbye for now, but not forever, as Felix is just over the hill in La Paz. 


  1.  need recommendation for a mechanic to work on my polaris ranger. don bare  dhbare99@yahoo.com 624 141 0234
  2. Is there any truth to a rumor that a marina will be built in Los Barilles? – syslo@msn.com
  3. Is anyone interested in joining me driving down to Los Barriles (my vehicle) ? I’m flexible on the departure date; preferably sometime in the next couple weeks; from Portland, Oreg. – rballbob@yahoo.com
  4. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced seamstress needed for alterations? I have many pickleball skirts and tank tops that need hems or other alterations. – wildflowercat@gmail.com


  1.  Celebrate Halloween weekend with us at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! Saturday night October 29, live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band 6:30 PM till 9:30 PM. We encourage you to dress up!! We’ll have a costume contest with prizes! Monday, October 31, hang out on our dog friendly patio to watch the puppy parade and hand out candy to the kids. Reservations recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


  1.  Wanted: Full size refrigerator.  I live in Todos Santos and will need it delivered to El Litro RV Park. – lapazgreywolf@yahoo.com
  2. Looking to purchase a quad. Email me. Thank you. – sandybeggs@shaw.ca
  3. Wanted: Day of spa at home. Promotion for 4 or more people. Please call 624 12 89875 or 624 23 47571. – spamarcortez18@gmail.com


  1.  Singing for Fun sessions begin again Saturday, Nov 19, 12:30pm till 2pm, indoors at that Yoga Garden. Come join others in a safe, enjoyable environment, engaging in activities to free your voice and share making music with others. 150 pesos per session. Contact jgrittan1@gmail.com 
  2. Hello! I’m Yoga with Sarah. I have been teaching yoga in Los Barriles for over six years and am excited to start the season! Flexibility is one of the greatest results of a regular yoga practice. If you have ever felt that you are not flexible enough, read on to see how yoga can help! https://losbarrilesyoga.com/i-am-not-flexible-enough-for-yoga/ 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Mountain Bike Tours El Triunfo: https://picopalatours.com/?utm_campaign=vv_newsletter_20221026&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter
  2. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Premium Handcrafted Ice Cream, Delicious Desserts and So Much More. Large Shaded Terraza with Lots of Seating. Groups Welcome. For Reservations or more info: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com – WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002. Delivery to LB Weekly. Open: 11:00-6:00 Tuesday-Wednesday 11:00-7:00 Thursday- Sunday. Closed Monday. Nos Vemos!
  3. Your Local Hot Pink Florist is Open 10-5 Mon-Friday!! We Have Also Opened a Gift Store Inside Our Florist. We Look Forward to Seeing You! Thank You All!! 1469-777-0086 Or bajablooms@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Wind thing: 2022 Duotone SLS 12m Dice new. 2022 Duotone M click bar used one season.  1800 smiles – justiceskate@gmail.com
  2. 2006 Yamaha Grizzly 660 4×4.  4800 American Wahoo.  glw74r@gmail.com (805)748-5475 (Facetime or text only) 
  3. 10′ Achilles RIB. 15hp Merc 2-stroke like new.  New gas tank.  Oars.  Launch wheels.  2000 American Wahoo glw74r@gmail.com (805)748-5475 (Facetime or text only) 
===the end===




FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2022 – It’s coming…..all weekend!

Reminder: When sending in a notice: Who, What, Why, When and Where!



To see upcoming months, click the Calendar button above on the ribbon.


28-Fri Capsforcancerbaja meeting 4pm at La Providencia Restaurant La Ribera. iikaiser@frii.com
29-Sat Annual Halloween sale Saturday 10am to 4pm on all merchandise at El Toro y La Luna in La Ribera and Los Barriles Raffle, free margaritas and soft beverages, appetizers.
We have posted our sale list on facebook
29-Sat Intro to pickleball October Saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Groovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-Sun Las Brisas neighborhood off of Agua de la Costa on Calle de Pedregal. 10am A sign will be on the corner of Agua de la Costa and Calle de Pedregal. Your bomberos will be there to pick up some much needed equipment donated by the Rescue Fire Department in Rescue, California.
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo on Sunday, Oct.23, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
30-Sun Witches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am and arrive at Playa del Sol Hotel approx 8:30. bajadevi@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween
31-Mon Halloween celebration! Come and go thru the Tunnel with your Kids. Candy and tequila free 5pm to 7pm Hotel Palmas next to tennis courts. – losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-Mon Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1. The wind has arrived and ExotiKite Kiteboarding is opening its doors!  We offer lessons beginner to advanced, so whether you have always been curious about kiteboarding or you are experienced eager to hone in new skills, let our professional and skilled instructors help you reach your goals safely and successfully!  Contact us to book your kiteboarding or wingfoiling lessons today!  +1 541 380 0948 US | +52 624 165 2612 MX info@exotikite.com 
  2. Baja Blooms Will Have Cempasuchil  For Día de los Muertos !! We are a Full Service Florist! We Also Have a New Gift Store Inside Florist! +52 6241514362 +14697770086 or bajablooms@gmail.com 
  3. Hola, we are a couple of Dive Instructors who lived here for a long period of time, now we are moving but, before we go, we want to do some diving and snorkel. So, we are offering private and snorkel and dive tour before we leave, for a really good price, because that will be our way to say good bye to Baja, so, if you have visits and you want to do any ocean tour contact us, we can adjust the tour for you, so we all can enjoy the beautiful ocean – krakendivers@gmail.com
  4. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR BOOK LOVERS: Las Terrazas Hotel & Restaurant in El Cardonal is pleased to announce the opening of a great new lending library!  Located in the special events room adjacent to the front door of the restaurant.  You are welcome to come and browse while enjoying your favorite beverage or meal! And, please do not hesitate to donate any books that are in good condition, as most of us really appreciate a “good read”! 
  5. Tickets on sale now at Homes & Land East Cape Guild Parade of Homes/Poker Run. November 30th 9:30 -2:00. 6 homes, 6 cards, play best of 5 cards at last house – Prizes for best  3 hands. Silent Auction, food, drinks and lots of fun!  Sold out event last year – kaplotkin@aol.com
  6. Can anyone share if the Immigration office is now in La Paz or Cabo? Do we call to schedule an appointment for permanent residency, and how long has it taken to get one? Many thanks. – paula.asikainen@icloud.com
  7. Anyone that can work on a Yamaha power water, gas engine 31000 psi. New gas, new plug, cleaned unloader valve. Mike – mikeabbott123@msn.com
  8. Anyone out there that can help setting up StarLink. – adiosagain@outlook.com
  9. Wanted someone to start Starlink router and program 4k tvs for youtube etc apps from same.  eljdds@gmail.com 
  10. SweetPea’s is open for our second season with all your favorite entrees and appetizers and of course tropical drinks! We’re located on Calle 20 de Noviembre at the intersection of Costa Brava. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com 
  11. Tenor Enrique Astorga is offering a concert on Sunday November 6th at 13:00 hours at Teatro de la Ciudad in La Paz. The program includes opera arias, zarzuela, Italian and Mexican songs and mariachi. Tickets are available online entutaquilla.com and at the theater. Tickets cost $400 and $500 pesos. Free tickets available for high school students groups (limited seats) contact Margarita Chiapa at 6121271469 if you are interested. 
  12. Wanted: Used metal-framed bed, double/full size. Antique rather than modern. East Cape area. The Tackle Shop in La Ribera, six 2 four, one 3 zero, zero zero 77. Mattress or not, ok. – bajatackle@gmail.com
  13. I have a wasp nest in my palapa. Is there an Exterminator in the Campimento /Los Barriles area? – bkjorgensen@yahoo.com
  14. Wanted: ISO any kind of enduro over 500cc please email tierco70@gmail.com 
  15. Wanted: . Used travel trailer 20’ + to buy while we build our dream house. Buying some property north of Mulege Sea-tac@msn.com 


  1. Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Cardio, Strength, Mindfulness Meditation. November & December Sukhasana Studio schedule is here! romalask03@gmail.com  https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex 
  2. Saturday October 29th Xochtil,  Licensed in Medical Esthetics will be in Los Barriles. Botox, Juverderm Fillers, Fibroblast Skin Tightening Treatments,  Sculptra Collegen Fillers, and Vitamin Enriched IV Drips  kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  3. Sukhasana Studio https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex
    Yoga Garden – yogagardenbaja.com Opening Nov. 14th
    Kelly – kellyinbaja@gmail.com
    Yoga with Sarah www.losbarrilesyoga.comExercise –
    Yoga with Deborah – www.yogawithdeborah.com Pickleball – trespalapasbaja.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  2018 RZR 1000 XP4 Turbo . Contact Heather, jandhmotors@outlook.com, 624 266 7279 Whatsapp  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2018-polaris-rzr-1000-xp4-turbo/7550671806.html
  2. 14 meters of fake grass…brand new  200 shells – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  3. WIND STUFF: 4.2, 5.5, & 6.2 northwave featherlight sails. 120 jibes each. bill at 253 219 5327 – billophoto@aol.com
===the end===





As we settle into the 22/23 Season, I must ask that exercise classes and pickleball events be listed on your websites. I will try to post the websites on each BPE. Of course, this excludes any super special events, I’m talking about routine weekly classes, etc. My other request is please, everyone needs to be a proof reader and contact me if I made a mistake!

For schedules go to:

Exercise – Sukhasana Studio https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex

Exercise – Yoga Garden – yogagardenbaja.com  Opening Nov. 14th

Exercise – Kelly email kellyinbaja@gmail.com

Exercise – Yoga with Sarah www.losbarrilesyoga.com

Exercise with Deborah – www.yogawithdeborah.com 

Pickleball – trespalapasbaja.com



25-Tue Bisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
27-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
28-Fri Capsforcancerbaja meeting 4pm at La Providencia Restaurant La Ribera. iikaiser@frii.com
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Groovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo on Sunday, Oct.23, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
30-Sun Witches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am and arrive at Playa del Sol Hotel approx 8:30. bajadevi@gmail.com
30-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
31-Mon Halloween
31-Mon Halloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-Mon Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1. Need repairman to repair or replace the ice maker in my admiral side by side refrigerator/freezer. vista del mar in buena vista – dhbare99@yahoo.com
  2. The Homes & Land of Baja Kick-Off Pickleball Tournament is in Los Barriles at Tres Palapas Pickleball November 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20.  This event is well attended internationally and is the premiere pickleball event in Mexico and the top global Destination Pickleball Tournament.  Presently the event is featuring a 65,000 paddle payout in the 5 Open Divisions with payout rising daily.  This is a wonderful event for our community to experience the explosion of popularity in pickleball and all its FUN!  Whether you play pickleball now or enjoy watching the social activity everyone is welcome!  Join us at the Cafe for breakfast or the Taco, Grill & Bar with happy hour 3 – 5.  Competitors entries close soon, sign-up https://tinyurl.com/kick-offtournament Details https://tinyurl.com/kick-offdetails – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  3. Neighbours Welcome Wednesdays! Begins soon with a complimentary mini-marg & tapa reception 4 – 5 pm on Wednesday afternoons.  Join us and say hi! – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  4. Anyone going to LB in the next week who could bring down a Hobie 12 ft. Kayak from Lake Tahoe northern Calif area. Glad to chip in for gas.  Ron – rshi5@yahoo.com
  5. Design and Construction of Cabo Este helps you fulfill your dreams of having a home in Baja, we help you with the design of your house, we carry out the paperwork for building permit we also present detailed budgets for the work to be carried out, with which you will be able to take better control of your construction expenses and avoid surprises. We also have a property to develop ready to design and build. contact: https://www.tdccaboeste.com/ 
  6. Property Management services. Care of your property & bill payments, concierge service, transportation, gardening, pool maintenance, cleaning, support and guidance, general services and more… The Turtle PM Solutions – Octavio Esponda & Isabel //  info- 624 184 0170 or theturtle.pm@gmail.com and espondalomeli@yahoo.com.mx 
  7. Piano, Cello, Violin or Bass lessons. University trained teachers. La Paz. – boyle0352@gmail.com
  8. The Sausage Lady! This Saturday oktober 29 I will be coming down to Los Barriles to deliver your orders.(i can only come when i have enough orders) Please make your orders yakii2503@hotmail.com or call me 6121204530 by Friday noon and I bring your orders I will have Regular brats, Spicy brats, spicy brats with cheese,chicken curry brats,smoked chicken brats,English breakfast sausage,nürnberger(breakfast sausages,mettenden(peperoni sticks,Italian 
  9. Concert with tenor enrique astorga in la paz, variety of music: italian and mexican songs, opera arias and mariachi, free tickets for high school students (limited) contact machiapa@yahoo.com.mx sunday november 6 at 13:00 teatro de la ciudad. 
  10. Back by popular demand – East Cape Guild Parade or Homes/Poker run. November 30th 9:30 -2:00
  11. Six homes, 6 cards, play best of 5 cards at last house – Prizes for best  3 hands. Silent Auction, food, drinks and lots of fun!. Tickets available Nov. 1st at Homes & Land and November Community Market Days – kaplotkin@aol.com
  12. Wanted: adjustable weight bench – steve.archung@gmail.com
  13. Habla Español? New Group classes for adults at any level, coming to Los Barriles. Learn, have fun and meet the local community! Zoom and private one-on-one classes are also available! Visit my site for upcoming group classes dates: www.spanishpaulina.com/ Level 1 November 7-Dec 9 – M/W/F 9-10 am – Level 2 November 8-Dec 15 – T/Th 10-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com
  14. The Cafe at Tres Palapas Pickleball is open daily at 7:30 am, Taco Grill & Bar open with a great menu for breakfast, lunch, snacks, the perfect margarita and an almost all drink happy hour 3 – 5 – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  15. Last year when we crossed into Mexico at Mexicali the custom folks spotted my chainsaw, 3000W generator and some tools. Even though we were towing our travel trailer and told them we were bringing everything back home with us, we ended up having to pay a tax. We will be crossing the border this year in about two weeks. How do I avoid paying this tax? Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks! – dkbabineau@gmail.com
  16. Does anyone know a James Charles? Purchased a bag he owned from Segundo Harry’s and found photo negatives from a trip he took a long time ago. Hoping him, or a family member is known. – scubagirl12@outlook.com
  17. Learn about our food, our culture, our country but above, all…Learn our Language. Spanish lessons Mexican style: 1 hour lesson online by zoom. Private one on one. Mexican teacher. Subscribe directly on our site www.askamexican.mx


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  eBike 1800 US rides. Very good condition, lots of extra parts. Whatsap 624 132 9967  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/ebike/7539369341.html 
  2. 6 lifejackets. Most brand new, never used. (5- up to 95 kg & 1- up to 75 kg) – 75USD https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/lifejackets-6/7547554566.html
===the end===




FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2022 — First Edition. Second edition will be later today!

Note: PLEASE shorten the notices. All that is necessary is Who, What, Why, When and Where + contact info. Save the emojis and adjectives for other publications. This bulletin board is a simple, no frills, quick read newsletter that is mailed to over 4,600 addresses. Keep It Short, Simple and Sweet.

===========CALENDAR for OCTOBER ===========

21-FriBookstore 9:00 to 11am in Highway 1 Storage across from Arco electrical supply past the Repsol Station bajajoanna@gmail.com
22-Satintro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
23-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
23-SunPiano Concert in El Triunfo, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
25-TueBisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-ThuEast Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
29-SatHalloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Satintro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-SatHalloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-SunDaylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
31-MonHalloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo is open 11:00-6:00 Tuesday-Sundays, Closed Mondays. Delivery to LB Weekly. Reservations and more info, contact us at: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Whatsapp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
  2. I lost my men’s blue Olukai flip flops on the beach just north of La Playa Tuesday evening. If you’ve spotted them please let me know on lbbajabiz@gmail.com 
  3. Lost on Sunday 10/16 — (this is a long shot) one small hearing aid.  At smokies or lil chapitos or else where.  If found, please call or text Wayne Wagler at 206 673 0324 – waynewagler@icloud.com
  4. Kay Mundt’s introductory Spanish class will be offered again Nov.15 to Dec.16, with two classes per week. This is the most basic course in Los Barriles, designed for real beginners. It covers the power verbs that will allow you to speak Spanish in sentences by the second week. Hear Spanish spoken by a local, with grammar explained by me. – kay.mundt@gmail.com
  5. Saturday Oct 28th Xochitl Registered Nurse will be in Los Barriles offering various facial rejuvenation treatments. Botox, Sculptra for collagen production, Juverderm Fillers, lasma Replacement Platelets, Liquid Threads and vitamin enriched IV drips. Free consultations to discuss which treatment is best for you. For appointments or more information contact Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  6. East Capers Magazine is out on the streets!  And online!  Go to www.eastcapearts.com and either scroll down on the home page or go to the East Capers Magazine page.  Find out what is going on and what happened while you were gone in the East Cape in this first issue of the  2022-23 season.  Welcome back everyone! 
  7. The woman that contacted me about plumeria cuttings, i lost your phone #. If you still need some i will cut for you. Thx Tony – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com
  8. Can anyone recommend a Mexican gardener who wants more income? We need a reliable worker 3 days a week (M-W-F?), 2 to 4 hours, who speaks some English. Any recommendations?BajaRoncho@mac.com 
  9. Wondering about Open Mic’s this year. Saw Tiki Bar Thursdays posted earlier.…..,, – windskipper1@gmail.com
  10. Many of you might know me as Yoga Sarah of the Yoga by the Sea classes, and the energetic vinyasa classes at Yoga Garden. But what you may not know is that I work extensively with injury recovery, mobility therapy, and chronic pain and illness. To find out more, go to https://losbarrilesyoga.com/injury-and-mobility-yoga-can-help/ or contact me directly.  losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com
  11. Be HEALTHY this year and enjoy this beautiful place even more.  THINK about how you drink. It is possible for many people to modify their drinking to healthy levels. Most stop, or reduce their drinking through making a series of decisions, not because of crisis. How does alcohol use FIT with your goals for health, happiness, and contribution to your family and community?  Behavioral, harm reduction approach to addictions treatment, and relapse prevention. I spent over 25 years working with leaders in the field.  Inclusive of motivational interviewing, and mindfulness training.   Learn what works. Contact Dr. Kim Barrett, Consejo Los Barriles 624 150 8611  barrettkimberly808@gmail.com. Services por donación


  1.  Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. Dress up your pooch & come join the fun. Don’t have a pooch? That’s ok, Come out & enjoy the parade. Bring chairs, line the street & hand out treats for the pups & kids. It’s the 1st annual & we are so excited, there will prizes for best costumes & giveaways. – info@cortezrescue.org
  2. Buena Fortuna Gardens (1999~2022) Is open! 11 acre organic Reserve at the entrance of La Ribera. Botanical Garden Tour and Gourmet Brunch with Kitzia Kokopelmana at 11 am Fri and Sat. By Reservation only buenafortunagardens@gmail.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18NfPSnwuhI&t=11s
  3. DON’T WAIT OR YOU MAY BE TOO LATE — 7th Annual TASTE OF EAST CAPE — Saturday December 3rd – 6pm at Laguna Park — Set aside Saturday December 3rd for our Rotary’s most popular event of the year, TASTE OF EAST CAPE. As many as 18 local restaurants are preparing specialties capable of breaking your Taste buds beyond belief. Each contribution of $50 supports a wide variety of community programs by Club Rotario Los Barriles. Help us support your neighbors and at the same time, enjoy live music, a silent auction, and a wide range of the best cuisine East Cape has to offer. The party kicks off at 6pm on December 3rd in Laguna Park, Los Barriles. Don’t miss out on specialties from Amigos Bar, Buena Vista Resort, Can Doo, El Minero, Fish Market, Greens Catering, Joe’s Deli/Bakery, La Casita, La Playa, Maria’s Café, Panchos, Pizzeria Don Roberto, Rice and Beans, San Antonio Pizza, Smokey’s Cantina, Sweet Peas, Tio Pablo’s, and finish with Zopilotes to top off the evening. The Taste sells out every year, and when the tickets come in, any not spoken for are always snapped up. Get your name on the list soon or you may not get any at all. All proceeds go to local youth, healthcare, and education. Email Ken Phillips at bajadays@aol.com for answers or to secure your place at the table.
  4. See you at our 1st Groovy Night at Pizzeria Don Roberto on October 29th, starting at 6 pm. We will have Live Music with Alvert & Chelo and 2×1 glass of wine. Contact us for reservations at (612) 153-9430 – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  5. Witches of East Cape Paddle 3rd ANNUAL!! October 30th 8am (note the clock change!) We’ll meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location next to Amigos Bar (formerly El Gecko). We will leave right at 8am, so come early!
  6. Come play with the Ukulelianos del Cabo Este, no experience necessary, although we LOVE those who do have it too! We are gearing up for our 2nd season! We have a binder with songs that we play from which you can download from the files on our FB group page. We play on Mondays @3pm at Hotel Los Pescadores starting 11/7. More info bajadevi at gmail 
  7. Piano Concerts on Sunday’s, 12:30 PM. Take a scenic Sunday drive to historic El Triunfo BCS and sample best pastries in the world – for those who are not afraid to fall into the vice. Because you will eat and eat and eat till you pop! Where: Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room at Bar-Restaurant El Minero, 2nd floor. Limited number of seats. Please reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  For 15 years (2003-2018) CAN-AM-MEX Law firm / Firma Jurídica provided legal counsel to more than 850 clients, 90% regarding real estate situations; some clients who bought are now selling thus requesting our services and new buyers are seeking our help. Thus, I am now officially reopening the law firm with a new team to provide expert legal service / proper protection in a property sale or purchase. Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne, LL.B., D.D.N. Info: 011 52 612 348 9793       can-am-mex2022@hotmail.com
  • ==the end===





MOTTO # Straight from the horse’s mouth. No jokes, no rumors, no opinions, no venting and no whining. Just the facts for all of us who live and play in Baja.




23-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
23-Sun Piano Concert in El Triunfo, 12:30 PM. Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reserve your seat at eventsbaja@gmail.com
25-Tue Bisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
27-Thu Alanon meetings in the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. We use only use Alanon approved literature. Directions or information 624-141-0267. Newcomers always welcome.
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Groovy night at Pizzeria Don Roberto. Rock and Roll with Alvert &Chelo. – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
30-Sun “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo offers 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002
30-Sun Witches of East Cape Paddle IIl -meet in front of the new Yoga With Sarah location/Amigos Bar, formerly known as El Gecko, north beach, come early we’ll leave at 8am .
31-Mon Halloween
31-Mon Halloween parade party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill stats at 5pm. Reservations for patio seating recommended. Email sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com –
31-Mon Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. – info@cortezrescue.org


  1. So this happened yesterday!!!! The x-ray was purchased for dr Cristobal Cosio !!! Hemoglobin machine and chemicals to be purchased Monday. Dr is using his own money for clinic retrofit for all machines. All monies are to be used for machines to have a NEW complete veterinary laboratory. We love you, Dr!!! We went for 10k and ended up with $18,656. What a community!!!
  2. Anyone have experience with deep vein thrombosis surgery……continuous blood clot from upper inner thigh to ankle?  I would like to know what to expect afterwards as I will be taking care of myself. – erlablink@gmail.com
  3. Anyone going to LB in the next week who could bring down a Hobie 12 ft. Kayak? Glad to chip in for gas. rshi5@yahoo.com   Ron – rshi5@yahoo.com
  4. Celebrate Halloween weekend with us at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! Saturday night October 29, live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band 6:30 PM till 9:30 PM.  We encourage you to dress up!! We’ll have a costume contest with prizes!  Sunday, October 30, we will have dinner specials for you to try, vegetarian and vegan options too!  Monday, October 31, hang out on our dog & kid friendly patio to watch the puppy parade and hand out candy to the children. We will have a costume contest for the kids & pups with prizes too! Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com 
  5. Need info on someone who can move 3 palm trees about 15’ to 18’ high! – 1fishnrod@gmail.com
  6. Someone  to please, please mail my voting ballot before Nov. 8th,  it does not need postage. – toniinbaja@gmail.com
  7. Would like someone to take professional photos of my property – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  8. I do not remember the name of the people who sold me the oxygen machine earlier this year. No problems, just have a question about it. Please reply to me if you are the people. sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com 
  9. New to the area?  We can help you! Rentals, Tours tarajanes1@yahoo.com 
  10. Rental Assistance available with us!  We can help you get acquainted with our area and help you find a rental! tarajanes1@yahoo.com 
  11. BAJA BLOOMS ,your local full-service Florist and Gift Shop, is Open in 2 days,  Fresh Flowers and More!! Hours are 9-5 Mon-Sat. This Year We Have Added Gift Store in Our Florist..We look Forward to Seeing You !! THANK YOU ALL!!!! – bajablooms@gmail.com
  12. Lost Phone, here’s what to do and fast. Yes, I know it won’t happen to you but here is what you need to have handy when your friend loses their phone. The moment you realize you have lost or misplaced your phone, go to a computer, ipad or phone. Search for “Find My Iphone” or “Find My Android”. In case of an Iphone, you will need your “Apple ID or Icloud ID”. For Android users you will need your Gmail, Samsung account info. I would suggest that you have that information handy. If you lose your device, time is important. As long as you have mobile data and a charged battery, your phone can be located. If someone finds your phone and plugs it into a charger, you may still be able to find it. If you can’t find the device, that site will allow you to “brick” the phone to protect your data. BTW, everyone should have their devices passcode protected or FaceID or Fingerprint.

Lost purse, wallet, ATV can all be located with some additional devices. Iphone “AirTags” and “Tiles” are little bluetooth transmitters that are used to locate any of the above devices. They transmit a continuous signal that can be picked up by any Iphone (for Airtags) or any phone that has the “Tile App” installed. That signal is relayed to the mothership and forwarded to you. In English, put it in your purse, luggage, ATV, etc and you will have a greatly increased chance of finding it. Users have reported tracking their lost luggage even when the airline can’t seem to find it. “Tile” makes a wallet (credit card) size transmitter. Personally I use both AirTag and Tile devices, they both work very well. thecomputerguy@usa.com


  1. looking for one or two used but in good condition mountain bikes. i am 5’2″ and husband is 5’11”. please email gabriellaeastman16@gmail.com
  2. A Mexican friend is in need of a vehicle.  Looking for a gringo owned compact, or subcompact car.  Must be USA licensed and in good condition not needing repair work.  Must have AC and an automatic transmission.  Phone 624-177-9881 Mexican cell, or 541-854-5303 USA cell. – purkeybh@gmail.com
  3. Does anyone know where one can buy a Daybed…or rent a Roll-Away? Gracias.  judelar1@gmail.com 
  4. Wanted: Sit on double kayak. If you also have paddles and life vests, that would be an great. – almuelhoefer@gmail.com
  5. Looking for a beginner foil setup mast and foil have the board already – sdohm1@gmail.com
  6. Wanted: ATV with electric shifting. 624 113 2614 – cabopulmo@gmail.com
  7. Wanted: Portable oxygen machine that your family does not use anymore. sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com 
  8. In need of two tall camp/beach chairs.-karenvjames161@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  2007 green  honda crv  4wd 2nd owner .  85,000 miles. regularly service at cabo honda dealer. Asking 6000.00 . available for possession on November 4th. – harczoj@gmail.com
  2. Barely used new twin Sealy mattress with box spring and built in frame. From Costco. 280 coconuts https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7544778575.html?lang=en&cc=us
  3.  CPAP Machine for sale, slightly used with unopened accessories. 175 coconuts https://bajasur.craigslist.org/hab/7548661979.html?lang=en&cc=us –
  4.  basically new, 450 Dual Sport 2022 Husqvarna Motorcycle to upgrade to a 690 Dual Sport Husqvarna. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/mcy/d/2022-husqvarna-dualsport-450/7547493191.html 
  5. Paddleboard For Sale – 125 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/paddleboard/7547584002.html 
  6. 16’ Mexican panga,consoles, radios, depth & fish finder.  Bimini top, 85 hp Yamaha & trailer.  4500 tunas or make offer.  Ron 624 137-7420 – kehla1@yahoo.com
  7. Samsung Galaxy E 9.6 tablet Powered by android. 5×8″ 110 cocos – ericalancon@yahoo.com
  8. 2006 Ford F150. 5.41L 3V Triton V8 engine. Extended cab, long bed & camper shell. Bought specifically to haul a load of household goods down from N. Cal. No longer needed. Runs great. Clear title. Yours for 4000 dusty trips. jillcosta@sbcglobal.net 
  9. 3.1 CF two door refrigerador / freezer, GALANZ make, brand new in box. 110 volts info jebeddy2012@hotmail.com – jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  10. atv italika 2019. 150 cc. 1200 macaronies 6241571361 – vcabo2002@msn.com
  11. Garmin echo 200 new in box never used  624 100 3039 https://fishfindersjudge.com/garmin-echo-200-review/ 200 US fish  or 4000 mexican pescado  in Spa Buena Vista 
  12. Full size, brand new Acer Chromebook with cover just bought in the states. Too large for my needs. 200 texts. bajabumbrownie@hotmail.com.
===the end===





Exercise Classes: There is something for everyone. This info is also in the BPE Directory. Please, all instructors send your info and/or proof read the existing.

  1. Sukhasana Studio – Tehroma and instructors https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex
  2.  Yoga Garden with Jackie and instructors  http://www.yogagardenbaja.com/ 
  3. YOGA with Sarah www.losbarrilesyoga.com
  4. Hikes   kkindred63@gmail.com
  5. Kelly’s Exercise classes kellyinbaja@gmail.com
    1. Monday/Wednesday/Friday  7:15 am – 8:15 am  Intermediate to advanced Monday and Wednesday 10:00am – 11:00am. Beginners to Intermediate
  6. blank




17-Mon Yin Yoga with Deborah 9:30am @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
17-Mon La Playa Restaurant: Re-opening today! Hours: 8:00am to 10:00pm (daily)
19-Wed Yoga Nidra Meditation with Deborah 4pm @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
20-Thu Bisbee’s Los Cabos Off Shore https://bisbees.com/Tournament
20-Thu Yoga for Men @ Sukhasana Studio, 11am Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
21-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11am in Highway 1 Storage across from Arco electrical supply past the Repsol Station bajajoanna@gmail.com
22-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
25-Tue Bisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
31-Mon Halloween


  1. Casa Bonita Home Décor, Km 17.5 across from the Grand Velas.  We just received new sofas and recliners from Palliser!  Now taking custom orders for La-Z-Boy, any style and fabric!  The order will be placed in November for delivery in January or February.  Our patio is filled with lots of great outdoor furniture and flowerpots.  We also carry Down & Down Alternative comforters, pillows, bedding.  Stop by on your way to Costco for a great cup of coffee while you are shopping.  Open 9-5 Monday – Saturday.
  2. lost boys Jurassic park backpack. Has dinosaurs on it with orange trim. Please text 6241 1980 96 – ocho26@hotmail.com
  3. Gary Graham’s fishing report: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqooQ0wXYL8S9p9Gby_Nr9tGUNzAbw
  4. Bajasunrise r.v. park & partners in los barriles are looking for investor (s) interest paying corporate shares for sale for upcoming development for information call jorge bremer (624)1455769 or e mail jbremer69@hotmail.com
  5. Vela Baja: Re-opening November 15th. Judging by advance bookings it’s gonna be a busy season – so book soon to avoid disappointment. velabaja@gmail.com
  6. Compost from Santiago. Free delivery and twenty years experience in Los Barriles. 6241554036 or irisleonides@yahoo.com.mx.
  7. It’s been an awesome start to fall fishing! Baja’s Awesome Sportfishing would be proud to have you onboard for the best fishing of the year. All the pelagic game fish are in the East Cape waters right now. We’ll make it an awesome experience on the Sea of Cortez. And we always start your day with our famous fruit smoothies! Book now with Trip Advisor’s #1 rated charter company www.bajasawesome.com theresa@bajasawesome 624-14-10231 
  8. Just two RV sites are available for this winter at Baja’s Resort at East Cape. The best RV experience inside the beautiful, verdant, six-acre living park. Call now to reserve your winter stay. In the heart of town, 1000 feet to the beach, pool, hot tub, great bathrooms, friendly community. www.bajasresortateastcape.com/RV  theresa@bajasawesome.com  624-14-10231
  9. Todos Santos: Join the birthday party for Ashbolt Stewart at PokeLoko Sat. Oct. 22nd 7pm. 612-220-5942
  10.  “Internet Solutions”. They gave me the best alternative STARLINK & I am not looking back. If you need assistance, please, I highly recommend them, 612 159 0306 Guillermo.
  11. Need groceries delivered to your home? California Ranch Market is a one-stop-shop for a wide range of American food brands that you’ll struggle to find in any other grocery store in Mexico. Stacked with exquisite food products and edibles that are organic, gluten-free, keto, Non-GMO, and more. Shop at https://californiaranchmarket.com/ and enjoy free delivery to your home, villa, or hotel (Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, Touristic Corridor, and Puerto Los Cabos).
  12. San Jose Park N Fly offers you the best airport parking rate! Only $5 USD per day for uncovered & $8 USD per day for covered parking! Stress-free airport parking. Reserve online in just a few steps! ☞https://www.sjparknfly.com/ – info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915 
  13. Do you require your own transportation while visiting the San Jose areas? I can help. Good, older, reliable, affordable “burros” (vehicles) for rent. Pickup/dropoff /meet at/near SJD airport. Weekly, monthly rates includes MX. insurance. Private supplier accepts USD/pesos cash, Paypal, Xoom . No waiting, lines, hassles, paperwork, hidden costs. Must be 21. Please, serious enquiries with your October/November dates and needs. Email to nobaddaysincabotony@hotmail.com 
  14. Looking for a reliable dog and/or house sitter for this winter.  we take about a 10 day trip at Christmas and one or two other short trips during the winter season.  cristal2566@gmail.com, if you read this, I’ve emailed you twice with no response, we’d like to talk to you.  All others can email bajamark1@comcast.net or call 206 734-1077. Mark 
  15. SAVE THE DATE! November 30th Back by popular demand – East Cape Guild Parade or Homes/Poker run 6 homes, 6 cards, play best of 5 cards at last house Silent Auction, food, drinks and lots of fun! – kaplotkin@aol.com
  16. Yoga Garden re-opens for the fall/winter/spring season on Nov. 14th.!  Go to yogagardenbaja.com  to see the schedule.  To avoid any confusion, you will notice that some of the classes are being held in “Session” format, much like we have been offering for the last 2 seasons.  However, most of our class offerings are again “Open for drop-ins” without pre-registration.  Just show up!  Questions?  Jackiereeves1002@gmail.com 
  17. is anyone going to the states soon, i have a small package that needs delivering pat – pro.ogilvie@gmail.com
  18. Looking for recommendations for contractors that build pickle ball courts! – darrenzamzow@gmail.com
  19. Panchos Cafe is Open new location across Bancomer Atm Machine @panchosbaja. – josefinabaja@gmail.com
  20. Looking for ride to los Barillas Monday, October 24 flight comes in 230 I live in the first container house and can offer a home-cooked meal – brendaeinstein@gmail.com
  21. Sun. Oct. 23rd 3:30 pm. One person 3 bags. Rideshare to LB – kitemomma@yahoo.com
  22. Looking for inside storage for Honda Pioneer around mid Dec-end of Jan . kristenwagler@yahoo.com
  23. NEED A RIDE TO SAN DiEGO? Can leave any time between mid-Nov. to week before Christmas. Stopping in Guerro Negro 2 days whale watching w/friends. Pass thru Tecate & drop off anywhere in SD area. 1/2 on gas. sheronmedina@yahoo.com 
  24. Wanted love seat & recliner in good quality shape or couch to buy – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  25. Looking for Jeep, Sandrail, Dune Buggy or Razor. Reasonable price. – ricksandersca@gmail.com
  26. Hola! Habla Español? New Group classes for adults at any level, coming to Los Barriles. Learn, have fun and meet the local community! November 7-Dec 9 Level 1 M/W/F 9-10. November 8-Dec 15 Level 2 T/Th 9-10. Zoom and private one-on-one classes are also available! Visit my site for upcoming group classes dates: www.spanishpaulina.com/
  27. Looking for a road bike with clip pedals for my wind trainer.  I’m 6’3″ so need a tall one.  Bill, whatsapp 624-242-2320 


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Shelving unit, wooden, collapsible suitable for craft sales and the market ( makes 8 shelves) asking 75 shelves, iikaiser@frii.com.com
  2. ebike https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/ebike/7539369341.html 
  3. MOVING SALE Everything must go. Tools, kayaks, SUP, outdoor furniture, art.  See just some of the photos on Craigslist. Lighthouse Point, just south of La Ribera. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/hsh/7546376196.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  4. Harmonium. Barely used. Practically new. The brand is Bhava from Old Delhi Music. 500 music notes (worth 800 music notes brand new). Great deal! Contact Tehroma romalask03@gmail.com 
===the end===




Attention, Important Notice!

On Sunday, October 16, garbage will be collected from all routes of this Delegation de Los Barriles, with the support of 2 collector trucks from the city of La Paz.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.



07-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
08-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
09-Sun Full Hunter Moon
10-Mon Thanksgiving Canada
14-Fri Vita’s Art+Fashion Gallery-Boutique will open a door for the new season! – 10am to 5pm vitaolenich@gmail.com
14-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
15-Sat intro to pickleball at tres palapas saturdays 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
15-Sat SweetPea’s Tiki Bar and Grill Los Barriles reopens 4:00pm! sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


  1. LOST! Black and blue Akona scuba dive bag between the beach in front of Amigos Bar and Calle Fenix inBuenos Aires between 2-4pm today on 10/6. If found, please contact Pierce at ccooleywork@gmail.com or 916-293-1307. Thank you
  2. Lost phone some where between Smokey’s and Playa Norte RV. Its a red Motorola G7 in a black case with white wear marks. You cant phone me but here is my email krypmando@xplornet.com Happy to provide a reward.
  3. tres palapas is now open for the season pickleball every day at 7:30 a.m., cafe, cappuccino, smoothies, *new taco & grill!* be happy pickleball at 3 pm and *new bar and happy hour 4-6*!   new tasting experience and all the pickleball you can eat!  we look forwarding to seeing you. – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  4. We have been house/pet sitting in BCS for 11 years. We have an opening of a few weeks in December (not the week of Christmas). So, if you need someone to care for your house and pets, maybe we can help you out. No fees, of course. We are recently retired homeowners, trustworthy, with lots of local references you can call directly. Thanks! – debhilgenberg@gmail.com
  5. I want to help the community with the internet problems, I know how to set up the Starlink service, wich is a high-speed, low-latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations. I’m available to answer all your questions about Starlink, whether it’s about Cardonal la Ribera or other nearby places. No need to be concerned because we can buy, receive, set and install equipment at any place you need. This is my Facebook page, which I just created. You can send me a message or call instead. If you could give us a like and a share, that would really help us out. https://www.facebook.com/internetsolutionslbinternetsolutionslb@gmail.com or Cell: +52 612 159 03 – internetsolutionslb@gmail.com
  6. Is anyone having problems with Telmex phone and internet up in the Las Brisas/Ridge area? A friend has just returned and does not have any service from Telmex. Others that are returning to the area may be finding the same problem. Please post any replies to The Pony. – renotarich@yahoo.com
  7. Is there a men’s anti-aging clinic in La Paz…specifically, for TRT? There are many in the U.S. and other countries, but google is coming up with nothing in La Paz. Ideas appreciated. – kirkendall@hotmail.com
  8. Anyone driving down from Denver with room to spare for a 6 foot room divider that collapses into 3 parts..very easy to store in a truck chicaconchita@gmail.com –
  9. Anyone know how to reach Fran, a longtime resident and Property manager? – djlim440@gmail.com
  10. if you need any painting done, i highly recommend jose owner of chepos painting. excellent work,awesome product. – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com
  11. Looking for someone to make a frame for a medium sized print I have. It can be funky and unique! chicaconchita@gmail.com –
  12. The Sausage Lady! This Saturday oktover 15 I will be coming down to Los Barriles to deliver your orders.(i can only come when i have enough orders) Please make your orders yakii2503@hotmail.com or call me 6121204530 by Friday noon and I bring your orders I will have Regular brats, Spicy brats, spicy brats with cheese,chicken curry brats,smoked chicken brats,English breakfast sausage,nürnberger(breakfast sausages,mettenden(peperoni sticks,Italian sausages (or ground), Polish sausage,wieners, liverwurst(pate),Smoked ham,ham,bacon,hummus,tzatziki,Homemade mustard.For order-Lasagna veggie meat or mixed (2 pieces sizes) Schnitzel(pork or chicken),meat patties 
  13. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo! So excited to be re-opening on Sunday Oct.16th. Come on up and walk across the brand new bridge. Lourdes, Dulce, Erika, Chila and Sweet Jazmin will be here to Welcome You. Deliveries to LB will start on Saturday Oct. 22nd. Order early! Nos Vemos! For Reservations or more info: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com WhatsApp/Tel: 612 13 41 002.
  14. Need groceries delivered to your home? California Ranch Market is a one-stop-shop for a wide range of American food brands that you’ll struggle to find in any other grocery store in Mexico. Stacked with exquisite food products and edibles that are organic, gluten-free, keto, Non-GMO, and more.  Shop at https://californiaranchmarket.com/ and enjoy free delivery to your home, villa, or hotel (Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, Touristic Corridor, and Puerto Los Cabos). – eshop@californiaranchmarket.com
  15. Cortez Rescue Presents: Halloween Pooch Parade 5pm starts & ends at SweetPeas. Dress up your pooch & come join the fun. Don’t have a pooch? That’s ok, Come out & enjoy the parade. Bring chairs, line the street & hand out treats for the pups & kids. It’s the 1st annual & we are so excited, there will prizes for best costumes & giveaways. – info@cortezrescue.org
  16. Piano Concerts on Sunday’s, 12:30 PM. Take a scenic Sunday drive to historic El Triunfo BCS and sample best pastries in the world – for those who are not afraid to fall into the vice. Because you will eat and eat and eat till you pop!Location:Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room at Bar-Restaurant El Minero, 2nd floor. Advanced ticket sales – $15- At the door – $19 Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com 
  17. Halloween Celebration!!  Wine Shop & Tequila Bar Hotel Palmas de Cortez  Next to Tennis courts Candy for Kids and tequila shots for Adults 5pm to 7pm. – losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
  18. !Hola! ¿Habla Español?   New Group classes for adults at any level, coming to Los Barriles. Learn, have fun and meet the local community!  NOVEMBER Level 1 class Nov 7-Dec 7 M/W/F  9-10 am  Level 2 class Nov 8-Dec 15  T/Th   9-10 am  Contact me for more information. – spbaja5@gmail.com
  19. Bisbee Offshore – We are looking for 2 anglers that want to share this experience of entering the upcoming Tournament October 20th – 23rd with us at just our cost as we own the boat. Email me if interested Teresa@stonebrookfence.com – 
  20. The Lack Family’s Chloe and Daniel are coming to LB for their honeymoon! We will be holding a wedding reception for them at East Cape Christian Church, Nov. 3 at 6:30. Please join us to celebrate! All are invited! – pjkara@yahoo.com
  21. The best date of the year — 7th Annual Taste of East Cape — Saturday December 3rd – 6pm at Laguna Park — Set aside Saturday December 3rd for our Rotary’s most popular event of the year, Taste of East Cape. As many as 18 local restaurants are preparing specialties capable of breaking your Taste buds beyond belief. Each contribution of $50 supports a wide range of community programs targeted by Club Rotario Los Barriles. Help us support your neighbors, and at the same time enjoy live music, an event and item silent auction, and a wide variety of the best cuisine East Cape has to offer. The party kicks off at 6pm on December 3rd in Laguna Park, Los Barriles. It’s no surprise that the Taste sells out every year so get your tickets soon or you may not get any at all. Watch this space for updates, or email Ken at bajadays@aol.com for answers or to secure your place at the table
  22. Wanting to buy a small, or compact, car for a needy Mexican lady. Must be USA licensed, dependable, and not in need of repair work. Contact Ben at Mexican cell, 624-177-9881, or USA cell 541-853-5303. – purkeybh@gmail.com
  23. Dog sitter . If you need to travel I take care of them at your house or mine. – cristal2566@gmail.com
  24. Hello fellow Sup-ers.  I am looking to rent a stand up paddle board for up to 2 months starting immediately.  Thanks and let me know. – rekendall@shaw.ca
  25. Can someone run for me to a quality painting contractorThank you! – waterman5113@yahoo.com
  26. Looking for love seat or quality sofa & recliner – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  27. blood donors with  type O negative needed asap – please contact tessabarrile@gmail.com –  624 262 -8197
  28. Looking for treadmill in good working condition please. – shonawadsworth@gmail.com
  29. Wanted 2 gently used SUP.  We would pick up, LB, La Ribera, San Jose, or anywhere in between Please contact Teresa US Cell 612-363-0856 teresa@stonebrookfence.com 
  30. the cafe at tres palapas is now open every day at 7:30 am for cappuccinos, americano, fresh smoothies and yummy treats. enjoy at tres or on the go. the new taco & grill fires up at 10 am and is also available every day. new flavours, new tastes and of course all the pickleball you can eat! – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  31. Sunday is Prime Rib Night at Tio Pablo’s! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com
  32. piedra angular church behind Repsol gas station barriles. Service every sunday 11 am. Come on celebrate with us. – vcabo2002@msn.com
  33. Kelly’s Exercise classes Monday -Wedneday-Friday  7:15-8:15 or  Monday and Wednesday 10:00 -11:00 – kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  34. doubles ladder league at tres palapas $5 plus drop-in fee sundays 8 – 11. beginner, intermediate, advanced and pro minimum 4 weeks play to be eligible for prizes. https://tinyurl.com/falldoubles – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  35. skinny singles league at tres palapas pickleball every wednesday 3 – 6 pm. $5 plus drop-in fee https://tinyurl.com/skinnysingles – info@trespalapasbaja.com
  36. Home Health: Spaces filling up for Thanksgiving and December. If you or your loved one needs a caregiver this season please let us know ASAP so we can reserve a trained, experienced caregiver for yor family: info@eastcapehomehealth.com 624-184-6953
  37. We are OPEN!  Our team at Salt+Cotton Eco-Boutique has been working hard to source new, sustainable clothing and gifts and we are super excited to show you what we have found!  Come on in and check out your familiar favorites and new treasures. We are open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-3pm, located next to Ronival Real Estate on the previously named Calle Costa Brava. – saltcottonbaja@gmail.com
  38. Are you a watersports lover looking for a new experience?  eFoiling is the newest craze, allowing you to fly over the water with relative ease using a battery powered board.  It is safe and fun for the whole family brought to you by ExotiKite Kiteboarding!  Contact us at eastcapeefoil@gmail.com or WhatsApp +52 612 117 8316 to book your lessons today! 
  39. Do you require your own transportation while visiting the San Jose areas? I can help. Good, older, reliable, affordable “burros” (vehicles) for rent. Pickup/dropoff /meet at/near SJD airport. Weekly, monthly rates includes MX. insurance. Private supplier accepts USD/pesos cash, Paypal, Xoom . No waiting, lines, hassles, paperwork, hidden costs. Must be 21. Please, serious enquiries with your October/November dates and needs. Email to nobaddaysincabotony@hotmail.com –
  40. San Jose Park N Fly offers you the best airport parking rate! Only $5 USD per day for uncovered & $8 USD per day for covered parking! Whether you need to park only for a few days or for several months, by booking at San Jose Park N Fly you get stress-free airport parking.  Reserve online in just a few steps!  https://www.sjparknfly.com/ – info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915
  41. AIRPORT Service & Property Mgmt  Promoting the excellent services of LB’s highly rated husband & wife team:  Isabel & Octavio +52 624 121 4970~Isabel helms Airport transfers + Octavio Property Management, SJD transfers and singular job requests  They’re a fabulous team! – deborahlayton2012@gmail.com
  42. Long shot….Looking for a 1 bedroom, bath & kitchen condo, casita, suite to rent for a month. Dates flexible but ideally January or part of, or February.  Within walking distance to playa & preferably in town. – susan.spurr@shaw.ca
  43. We’re a family of four (three year old daughter and a baby on the way) looking for a longterm rental starting in December. We’d like a three+ bedroom and 2+ bathroom, ideally with a garage and some yard space. We’re fine with furnished or unfurnished. Please let me know if you have anything that may be a good fit for our family. – info@julia-franzosa.com
  44. We would love to rent a place in LB.  Mid January until March 1, 2023  Would like to be in town, preferably two bedrooms. – angelafrench07@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  18 Polaris RZR 1000 XP4 Turbo, 24000 fun rides. 4800 miles, 4 seater, Bluetooth speaker system. Contact Heather 624 266 7279, jandhmotors@outlook.com –
  2. 2006 Yamaha Rhino 660 4×4 Camo and Trailer https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2006-yamaha-660-4×4/7539356862.html – queenginad@comcast.net
  3. 2008 Dodge Challenger see craigslist  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/dodge-charger/7536194579.html?lang=en&cc=us. Or trade for pick up – kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  4. brand new italika v200 motorcycle. only 292 miles. just bought but have to sell. all the bells and whistles and 2 helmets included. can be viewed on craigslist  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/mcy/d/2022-italika-200/7541989191.html – bajastayfish@hotmail.com
  5. Whirlpool Refrigerator Model WT 1870A, brand new stainless steel, still in original packaging and ready for pickup in LB. Top freezer and water dispenser. 504 L/18 cubic ft. 72” h x 28.5w x 32” d. $15,000 ice cubes or $775 clams. – debrasmolkin@gmail.com
  6. EBike, Giant Model Sedona DX – Bafang conversion 750 watt Motor – 16ah 52 volt Battery,Frame size up to 5′ 8” – Excellent condition,1800 rides, curtain.1988@gmail.com. View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/ebike/7539369341.html
  7. Duralast 400w Power Inverter – $75 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7543224803.html?lang=en&cc=us – info@jameslaker.com
  8. Water Pump For Sale – $75 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7543226678.html?lang=en&cc=us – info@jameslaker.com
  9. Queen metal frame, mattress and box spring for sale. 125 coconuts. Good condition and clean. Available for pick up after 10/17. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7542899818.html?lang=en&cc=us – 2tortugasbaja@gmail.com
  10. Micro wave for sale please see post for details https://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/d/everstar/7535390609.html – judgeart@gmail.com
  11. x box game system for sale great deal with lots of games. please see post for details https://bajasur.craigslist.org/vgm/d/box-1st-edition/7535390984.html – judgeart@gmail.com
  12. 1987 Suzuki samurai soft top for sale 3500$ obo runs good nice Baja rig la Ribera – ronmunn@tds.net
  13. 2007 Mercedes Benze C230 Sport, Like New, Low mileage, Great gas mileage, All electronics work, Great for those Cabo and La Paz runs. See at bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2007-mercedes-benze-230-sport/7536723072.html Call 624-137-7721 whatsapp or cell 5900 fun rides – palapapaul@gmail.com
  14. Lifetime Daylite sit on top Kayak. 1 person canoe boat with paddle Perfect for guest or fishing $350 USD – alylinscott@yahoo.com
  15. 16’ Mexican panga, consoles, radios, depth & fish finder. Bimini top, 85 hp Yamaha & trailer.  4900 tunas or make offer.  Ron 624 137-7420 – kehla1@yahoo.com
  16. Very nice 2 person kayak with new paddles & on trailer to move easily. Great condition. 700 clams or make offer. In La Ribera BSC – 710mitzi@gmail.com
  17. New Jeep Wrangler 4 door super nice softtop for 2018 or prior years heavy duty in box top of the line bestop softtop i will consider all offers in la ribera but can deliver to los barriles or within 20 or so miles – 710mitzi@gmail.com
  18. Nest security system. 4 cameras,solar panels with also. Great condition used only 6 months,in original boxes,all instructions etc live video & speakers. 800clams will consider all offers – 710mitzi@gmail.com
  19. Lowrance hook reveal 5 w/charger . Used on kayak 1 season . 150 sardines – jeanaburnaugh@yahoo.com
  20. Twin bed for sale w/ box spring. Very new,  barely used. 300 coconuts, see photos here: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7544778575.html?lang=en&cc=us – 2tortugasbaja@gmail.com
  21. Handrail for Bed – Medline standing assist bar with storage pocket – $25 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7544837004.html?lang=en&cc=us – 2tortugasbaja@gmail.com
  22. Solid wood 2 drawer file cabinet. 50 coconuts https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7544782648.html?lang=en&cc=us – 2tortugasbaja@gmail.com
===the end===




Note: I’m feeling the vibes of a new season. Question, is anyone having a rummage sale this season? A message to all event planners, do check the Calendar (ribbon at top of BPE page) so there will be no double booking of events. Not nice to step on toes! The overnight temps are trying to come down, it’s called Fall in Baja Sur or one sheet and maybe even a blanket close by. “Let the new season begin!”



October 2022

07-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
09-Sun Full Hunter Moon
10-Mon Thanksgiving Canada
14-Fri Vita’s Art+Fashion Gallery-Boutique will open a door for the new season! – 10am to 5pm vitaolenich@gmail.com
14-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
15-Sat SweetPea’s Tiki Bar and Grill Los Barriles reopens 4:00pm! sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
20-Thu Bisbee’s Los Cabos Off Shore https://bisbees.com/Tournament


  1. Lost my wallet – Monday, October 3 – probably at Chapito Express or maybe the beach.  Brown leather wallet that contained a debit card, a Costco card and cash. Phone:  612 144 2170. – takedamoneyandrun@gmail.com
  2. The Los Barriles Community Market is happy to announce the first market Of the 2022-23 season on Saturday, Nov 12 from 9am- 12pm at the La Laguna Park. The Market will run EVERY Saturday from Nov 12 – April . All your favorite vendors will be there to kick off the season! We always look forward to seeing old friends and newcomers at the Saturday Market . Bring your shopping bag  and a smile. See you at the Market !
  3. Wanted: Experienced swim instructor. Immediate start for 4 weeks for 2 children 6 & 9yrs. old. Tuesday & Thursday, 5 to 6pm. Per session fee. Pool located in Vista Las Brises north Los Barriles. US cell 1+415-912-6621
  4. Hello, my name is Gregorio, I offer my service of installation of marble, granite, tile, waterproofing of ceilings, polishing of floors, painting, construction of concrete fences and all kinds of maintenance in general, free estimates in Barriles and surroundings. w.catymoreno86@gmail.com 
  5. Wanted: Searching for 20+ cacti, different varieties, small to medium in size. hpblatz@fiberpipe.net
  6. Looking for a rental for the two weeks of Christmas/New years 2022/23 for 4 people. 2 bedrooms and a kitchen please. Contact tishthespy@hotmail.com 
  7. Thanksgiving Adventure Getaway – 5 days – whale sharks, sea turtles, snorkeling, mining and more. Nov. 17 – 21 and 24 – 28. We’ll pick you up in Cabo and corridor on the morning of Day 1 and check into the Hotel Catedral for 3:00 pm. Enjoy a Welcome Dinner and start the adventure the following morning. Nov. 24 – 28 we have a special American Thanksgiving Dinner planned and prepared by a renowned local chef. $995 per person dbl occ. Hotel/Day Package. https://panterra.com/expedition/an-extraordinary-adventure-1/ 
  8. Hola special clients!  I have rare availability for in Home Chef dinners in Los Barriles in October.  I return from Mag Bay Reel Baja fishing lodge with Fresh seafood.  Fish, crab, scallops, and prawns. Limited openings October 13, 15 and 16 to 21.  Book now for amazing gourmet dinners in the comfort of your home.  Message to or What s App to 624-184-8682.  Salud  Chef  Crystal – dinnersbycrystal@hotmail.com
  9. October 14th, Friday, Vita’s Art+Fashion Gallery-Boutique will open a door for the new season! Grand Opening 10am to 5pm – all day Champagne, Gifts, Special discounts. Come and celebrate with us, meet your friends after summer and enjoy glass of champagne and new collection fashion clothing and new art! – vitaolenich@gmail.com
  10. Limited openings to water proof your home.  October 12th to 21st.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers. Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com 
  11. New Spanish Book Club opening for intermediate and advance levels! Groups are 2-5 people. A few spots open also for 1:1. Learn Spanish while analyzing a novel! Check out my social media as Spanish Online with Anne. – spanish.online.with.anne@gmail.com
  12. Wanted: Single ATV trailer / carrier in good condition. – hpblatz@fiberpipe.net
  13. Opps, date correction! Alanon meetings resume in the Serenity Garden ( Spa Buena Vista). Thursday, Oct. 9. OCTOBER 13TH 10am to 11am.   Alanon approved literature only.  Meetings will be every Thursday at the same time as above.  For directions or information please call 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779.  The only requirement is that you have a friend or relative who is an alcoholic. – sheilafluf@yahoo.com
  14. Need large metal screen door. hoping  robin is around. contact dan. 619 212 6006 whatsapp or email danmail@runbox.com –


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Oster Xpert Series Blender – $275 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/7541283273.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  2. Central air compressor 100.00 — 2steel bodega doors premo condition 9ft wide 12ft high 500.00 or best — Solor panels 45 watt new in box 150.00 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
  3. Rogue lap steel guitar with stand— Metallic red. 100.00—Laney amplifier 100.00 —Trumpet in case needs mouthpiece. 59.00 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
  4. Oyster Food Saver + Bags & Rolls – 250 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/7541273861.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  5. Schumacher Starter Car Motorcycle Inverter Camping 1200a – 250 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7541266907.html?lang=en&cc=us –
  6. 2014 Ford F-150 XL super crew pick up. 5.0 L engine. 50,000 miles. 4×4.. Raised head room topper and trailer brakes controller included. Extra wide side mirrors, included. Real clean. 28,000 USD. In Los Barriles – karenvjames161@gmail.com
  7. Boat for sale welded Gregor 13ft With stuff. 1974    2,500.00 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
  8. VW bug made in Mexico Mex plates 1998 all original  with factory air.  5,500.00 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
  9. Night owl 8 channel # 264 video security kit 75.00. GE 2door fridge  water and ice in door works good  for garage 150.00. 1HP well pump  new in box 150.00 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com
===the end===




FRIDAY, September 30, 2022

Looking like Orlene is bending to the east. www.eebmike.com



07-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
09-Sun Full Hunter Moon
10-Mon Thanksgiving Canada
14-Fri Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome.
(starting in October) – https://www.ubldesigns.com Every Fri.
15-Sat SweetPea’s Tiki Bar and Grill Los Barriles reopens 4:00pm! sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
29-Sat Wine Pairing October 29th Choccolat & Mexican spirits losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
31-Mon Halloween


  1. Blank
  2. October Schedule Sukhasana Studio with Tehroma: https://www.ubldesigns.com/sukhasana-studio-los-barriles-bcs-mex
  3. Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome. (starting in October) Fridays 11am,
  4. B
  5. Kelly’s Exercise fall class schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday  7:15 am – 8:15 am  Intermediate to advanced. Monday and Wednesday 10:00am – 11:00am. Beginners to Intermediate Strengthen, stretch ,tone and align posture.  As a trained dancer I have created my own program that will create   long lean shapely muscles, increase flexibility, agility and correct poor posture. Class cost is $200 pesos each and are held in the exercise salon at my home. Bring mat, water and very light hand weights.  For more information or directions email  kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  6. East Cape Christian Fellowship, where our faith is never on vacation!  Solid biblical teaching of the Word of God.  Satan is the father of lies and temptation, he hates us, and all that is good.  But as Christians, the Apostle Paul reminds us over 40 times in the Book of Ephesians, that we are in Christ, and He is in us.  Ephesians 6: 10-11 “Be strong in the mighty strength of the Lord.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand strong against the evil strategies of Satan”.  Everyone is welcome to come and worship and fellowship in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Services every Sunday at 9, Spanish services Tuesday at 6.
  7. Does anyone know the penalty of not having your RFC number before the end of the year? We won’t be in LB until January. – kkennedyhunt@hotmail.com
  8. Saturday, Oct 29 Halloween Party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill!  Live Music & Dancing with Stamina Reggae Band 6:30pm – 9:30pm. Costume contest and more… email for reservations sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com 
  9. The Sausage Lady! This Saturday october 1 I will be coming down to Los Barriles to deliver your orders.(i can only come when i have enough orders) Please make your orders yakii2503@hotmail.com or call me 6121204530 by Friday noon and I bring your orders I will have Regular brats, Spicy brats, spicy brats with cheese, Italian sausages (or ground), Polish sausage,breakfast sausages,wieners, liverwurst(pate),Smoked ham,ham,bacon,spicy lamb sausage,Homemade mustard.For order-Lasagna veggie meat or mixed (2 pieces sizes) Schnitzel(pork or chicken),meat patties. thanks 
  10. This is a YouTube link explaining RFC sent in by Emma Nicholson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lLcUvhHLgY&t=102s
  11. According to the Gringo Gazette this will be the last DayLightSavingTime clock reset. October 30th move the clock one hour back then Mexico will end the program. Of course, always keep an eye out for up to date info.
  12. Wondering if anyone has suggestions or recommendations for a Spanish class or Spanish immersion program happening in or around Los Barriles? Looking for a professional teacher or program to take my survival Spanish to the next step. – johnboyjrb@gmail.com
  13. Anyone driving down from Denver Colorado that could bring a room divider… it folds and is 6 foot high and 1 foot wide.  Easy to fit chicaconchita@gmail.com 
  14. Tio Pablo’s will have its first Prime Rib Night of the season on Sunday, October 2nd! See you there! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com
  15. Piedra Angular church   behind Repsol gas station barriles. Service every sunday 11 am. Come on celebrate with us. – vcabo2002@msn.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Schumacher Built 4 Chanrging Battery Charger – 50 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/schumacher-built-chanrging-battery/7538130660.html 
  2. Surf Boards – 100 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/surf-boards/7538312167.html 
  3. Lasko FBA 2521 Oscillating Fan, Premium Black, 16-Inch – $75 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/lasko-fba-2521-oscillating-fan-premium/7538314374.html 
  4. Fisher Price Little People – 150 (La Ribera)
  5. Champion Dual Fuel Generator – 750 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/champion-dual-fuel-generator/7538713375.html
  6. Duplo Lego for little hands – 250 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tag/d/duplo-lego-for-little-hands/7538714579.html 
  7. Ball Pit Balls (LOTS) – 50 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tag/d/ball-pit-balls-lots/7538715446.html 
  8. Little Tikes Hose Slide – 75 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tag/d/little-tikes-hose-slide/7538719943.html 
  9. Scott Burke Tabla Bodyboard 42” Boogie Krypton Rojo – $30 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/scott-burke-tabla-bodyboard-42-boogie/7538724384.html 
  10. Core Lighted 10 Persons Tent – 450 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/core-lighted-10-persons-tent/7538959703.html 
  11. 2008, low mileage HONDA RIDGELINE, fully equip. imported and local plates, All maintenance done as per the book, PRICED TO SELL 180,000 or equivalent in USD. 612 348 9793 jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  12. 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe, V6, Automatic, A/C, Interior and exterior in good shape. Runs well but needs a little mechanical work. 145k miles 1400 US – sbjs2121@msn.com
  13. Nice aluminum boat motor and trailer with top 12 ft 15hp Yamaha motor 4 stroke easy to launch from the beach 4000 fish – amstutzjim@gmail.com
  14. EBike, Giant Model Sedona DX Bafang conversion 750 watt Motor – 16ah 52 volt Battery – Frame size for up to 5’ 8” – Excellent condition and very clean – many extra parts 1800 rides View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/ebike/7539369341.html 
  15. Phonak V-70 312T Hearing Aids. Like new. Retails 3000+, asking 400 tones. For moderate to severe hearing loss. – ketchumbaja@gmail.com
  16. Polaris: bajasur.craigslist.org/wan/d/2018-polaris-razor-turbo/7540110620.html
  17. solid wood dining room table for sale. 250 turtles, pick up in los barriles. has some wear and tear but its very well made and sturdy. see pictures here: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7540228343.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  18. 2 armchairs for sale, light tan fabric, dark wood legs, great condition. 300 turtles. See pictures on craigslist https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/7540222202.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  19. ’18 Polaris RZR 1000 XP4 Turbo, 24000 fun rides. 4800 miles, 4 seater, Bluetooth speaker system. Contact Heather 624 266 7279, jandhmotors@outlook.com 
  20. 2006 Yamaha Rhino 660 4×4 Side by Side Camo and a Trailer https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2006-yamaha-rhino-660-4×4-alll/7539356862.htmlQueenginad@comcast.net 
  21. Free, a lot of fresh basil leaves. (not starts) BPE Cheryl bajaduck@bajaduck.com Bring a plastic bag.
  22. ===the end===








28-Wed Bingo every Wednesday 1-4 at The Wine and Tequila Bar in Hotel Palmas – tishthespy@hotmail.com
25-Sun Last day to bid on auction for El Cardonal Children’s Home Project https://e.givesmart.com/events/qpl/i/ – info@leaders2give.org
30-Fri Lazy Daze reopens with an all out fundraiser to buy Dr. Cristobal an X-ray Maching! See BPE #4443 for more info.


  1. Anyone want to recommend a good guide to take a group of us for a day hike into the local hills? – fsgavin@cs.com
  2. Tech Alert!  The new IPhone 14 series of phones does NOT have a Sim slot.  It contains an internal “ESim” programmable chipset to provide access for multiple cell carriers.  Your cell phone provider will provide the required download data.  You can have one cell phone for Baja, US and anywhere you may travel.  Phone numbers are still specific to your carrier.  You need to identify which carrier will use voice, text or data.  You can change those settings at any time. thecomputerguy@usa.com

3. Happy Autumn Equinox from Sukhasana Studio! The October schedule is full of classes: Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Cardio, Strength Training & Mindfulness Meditation. Check out our year-round, seasonal and new classes! Learn more about Sukhasana Studio, our experienced and caring instructors plus read class descriptions here: https://www.ubldesigns.com/yoga-meditation-fitness romalask03@gmail.com 

4. Dose anyone have a ring sizeing set I could stop by and use to determine my ring size. eljdds@gmail.com –

5. Save the Date – January 14, 2023 – SPAYghetti and No Balls Dinner and Fundraiser.  More information to come. – 4snaplosbarriles@gmail.com

6. Is anyone going to the US in the next week or so that can post a letter for me? It is stamped and ready to go. Thanks, Elizabeth Perkins 425 900 8544 or Edesignsbaja@aol.com 

7. Ditto! Stamped US mail ready to fly. BPE Cheryl bajaduck@bajaduck.com

8. Looking for used kiting gear in great condition: kite, board, lines, pump, harness, etc. Medium sized female. Gearing up to get back on the water this season!  romalask03@gmail.com  Tehroma

9. Need ride to airport Thursday Sept 29–Flight departs at 3:40. 1 person 1 carry on bag  randhopkinson1@gmail.com

10. Spanish Classes for Adults – Fall-Winter 2022-2023 – Learn Spanish, have fun and meet new people from our wonderful community! Visit my site for upcoming group classes www.spanishpaulina.com Facebook: Spanish Paulina 

11. We are looking for a teacher/tutor for our 6yr old daughter.  Someone that can help with Reading & Writing in both English & Spanish.  Hoping for 2 to 3 days a week, a couple hours a day, but open to your schedule.  We live at Lighthouse Point.  Please let us know, thanks.  Info@JamesLaker.com

12. Like to find out how the dish hopper Works in Baja do you need internet please respond – tahoeclassiccars1@gmail.com

13. Marlin Run- October 20th – 1 day-Magdalena Bay

14. Join this incredible safari to swim with Marlin as they hunt. On this tour we are sometimes lucky enough to see other marine life such as sailfish, sharks and sea lions. -Departure from La Paz 6am -5 hours tour in a panga -Local captain – -Certified guides -Return at 6:30pm (3 hours to Mag Bay by car) -Includes snorkel gear and bottle of water -250 usd  transportation included/ 200 usd no transportation -Payment by PayPal -Maximum 6 people Reservations krakendivers@gmail.com 

15. Spanish Lessons Mexican Style Online by Zoom-1 hour-One-on-one. Everyday more and more people from different places migrate and this makes the need to learn another language, either for work or simply to be able to communicate with more people. Spanish is one of the most used languages. Whatever your reason for learning Spanish is, we will help you to achieve your goal with our one-on-one private lessons. All of our teachers are Mexican and in the classes you will learn grammar, vocabulary, slang and culture of Mexico. We have different subscriptions. Sign up directly on our website or send me an email. www.askamexican.mx – askamexicanspanishlessons@gmail.com

16. Pink October is here and Tres Palapas Pickleball celebrates the women of our community.  We have 50% off select pink wear, men and women’s and will donate all proceeds to Pink October – info@trespalapasbaja.com

17. At California Ranch Market you’ll find the largest selection of certified organic, gluten-free, Kosher, and vegan products in Los Cabos. Shop online and enjoy FREE delivery to your home, villa, or hotel. Shop at ☞https://californiaranchmarket.com/ and enjoy free delivery to your home, villa, or hotel (Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, Touristic Corridor, and Puerto Los Cabos). We deliver all over the Baja! – eshop@californiaranchmarket.com

18 Visitors to the San Jose area, do you require your own transportation ? I can help. Good, older, reliable, affordable “burros” (vehicles) for rent. Pickup/dropoff /meet at/near SJD airport. Weekly, monthly rates includes MX. insurance. Privateer.  No waiting, lines, hassles, paperwork, hidden costs. Must be 21. Please, serious enquiries with your September/October dates and needs. Email to nobaddaysincabotony@hotmail.com 

19. If anyone is flying/driving from the states to La Rivera or LB in the next few weeks Larry from MikeStickers.com has some paperwork in an envelope he can ship to you to bring down. Please contact Larry at mail@mikestickers.com and he will explain what is it and who it need to go to in La Rivera.


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

  1.  Very nice 2013 Honda Rancher 420 ES https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/very-nice-2013-honda-rancher-420-es-2×2/7537928204.html 
  2. 6’x12′ Enclosed Utility Trailer for sale
  3. Asking 8000 US donuts. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/6×12-new-enclosed-trailer/7529817373.html Contact Matthew: 612 105 0718 
  4. 2014 Ford F-150 Platinum Series for sale. Asking 35000 US Cocos. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2014-black-ford-150-platinum/7537925961.htmlContact Matthew: 612 105.0718
  5. Cuisinart 14-Cup Programmable Automatic Coffeemaker – $75 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/cuisinart-14-cup-programmable-automatic/7538145607.html 
  6. Intex Queen Size Inflatable Mattress – $100 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/intex-queen-size-inflatable-mattress/7538147134.html 
  7. Coleman Grill Stove – $150 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/coleman-grill-stove/7538144063.html 
  8. Igloo MaxCold Latitude 62qt Roller Cooler – Aegean Blue – $50 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/igloo-maxcold-latitude-62qt-roller/7538139565.html 
  9. DJI Osmo Pocket Bundle with Stabilizer + Extendable Arm – $450 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/dji-osmo-pocket-bundle-with-stabilizer/7538139146.html 
  10. Kids Playground Set – $500 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/kids-playground-set/7538131142.html 
  11. Cressi Apache Speargun – $75 (La Ribera) https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/cressi-apache-speargun/7538130826.html 
===the end===