

Sad News: Long ago Spa Buena Vista resident Al Torres passed away on Easter Sunday with his wife of 67 years by his side. Al lost his battle with various cancers in Vacaville, Ca. He is survived by his wife Louise, 3 daughters , 5 grandchildren, brothers John (of BuenaVista) and Bob. Their time here was 1994 to 2005. He enjoyed fishing the Sea of Cortez with the East Cape Anglers, riding on his quad, attending TGIFridays, and all the social activities here on the East Cape. He will be missed. Al, descanso en paz. 


5-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
5-Fri Kids Movie and Pizza night is this Friday April 5th from 6-10PM at Wonderland for Kids. Parents enjoy an evening off while you kids have a fun filled night with crafts, pizza and a movie. We will be watching Lilo and Stitch. Available for ages 3+; 500 pesos/child. Normal daycare hours Monday-Friday 8-5pm ages 1-8. For information or to reserve your child’s spot contact: 624-110-5946; wonderland@losbarrilesdaycare.comhttp://www.losbarrilesdaycare.com
5-Fri SweetPea’s presents Stamina Reggae/Rock band with special guest Daniel Costello on Saxophone. Music starts at 6:30pm reservations recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
6-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
6-Sat Todos Santos with the 2024 Historic Home Tour. 18 homes, 6 hotels/inns, 2 municipal buildings, the Mission Church, and a Sugar Cane Processor. Tickets via Eventbrite, El Tecolote Bookstore or the day of the event at the Cultural Center, our starting point, on the day of the event. Ticket prices are $20 USD or $300 MX Pesos. info@palapasociety.org
6-Sat Willy’s— Live music with Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco. 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Delicious food menu and drinks! willy’s bar&grill. Resv. 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com Second curve going north next to Joe’s deli.
6-Sat SweetPea’s presents live 70s, 80s & 90s dance music with the Under Covers. Music starts at 6:30pm reservations recommended: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
7-Sun World class Piano Concert at El Triunfo. 12:30 pm. Enjoy a world class Piano Concert by a Forbes featured Angela Zanevsky, formerly three-time Champion of the World in pianistic arts. Location: Margery’s Tea Room. 500 MXN/$30 USD. Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com
4-Thu Recycle! Entrance is across from the Modelorama on Calle 20 de Noviembre, next to the bike shop & Caleb’s Cafe https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/
7-Sun Rojo Domingo at Hotel Los Pescadores – come enjoy a family style meal and meet your neighbors! Starting 5pm. Email Patty at contact@fisheastcape.com
8-Mon Solar Eclipse: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/
8-Mon Total Solar Eclipse in the desert See it from city free lights & enjoy the glamping of the new way to camp. A whole new experience. Limited space available. Visit & book in advance http://www.panterra.com
13-Sat LAST LB Community Market this season 9am
17-Wed 3rd Anniversary of Pizzeria Don Roberto. 6pm Featuring Los Chicharrones Live, cocktails and great surprises for this day. Admission with reservation at 612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
19-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
23-Tue Full Pink Moon
23-Tue No Fuss Garage Sale at Lazy Daze
  1.   East Capers Magazine for April – May is available online at www.eastcapearts.com in full color!   Find it on the East Capers page or the lower front page.  Print version is delayed until April 6 due to the Semana Santa holiday!   Enjoy the last issue of this season!!!     www.eastcapearts.com
  2. The Bookstore would love your jigsaw puzzle donations, bring on Friday April 5th or April 19th. For special pickup contact: Bajajoanna@gmail.com
  1.  Is anyone going to the states that can mail a letter for me. All stamped and ready to go. Thanks, Elizabeth Perkins , edesignsbaja@aol.com or 425 900 8544
  2. Where can I buy a 12V quad battery in Los Barriles for my Yamaha Raptor 660? erlablink@gmail.com
  3. Calgary Flight Angel needed to take an 8 month old medium sized puppy, Lainey, to Calgary. This is a Cortez Rescue that we have been fostering for the last month but she needs someone to escort her to Calgary. teresa@stonebrookfence.com
  4. Need someone to check out a washing machine, it is leaking some oil or grease at the bottom.
  5. realtor who you liked powerhookertackle@gmail.com
  6. Looking for quotes on constructing a standard 3 bay septic tank in Colina del sol subdivision at an existing house, sewer lines already exist, Liebschmark@gmail.com
  1.  Dive into tranquility under the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Join us on April 8th, 4pm, at Sukhasana Studio for an enchanting Sound Bath experience. As the celestial bodies align, immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of our sound bath, designed to harmonize body, mind, & spirit. This unique event, set against the backdrop of a solar eclipse, promises to be a profound journey of relaxation & renewal. Elevate your inner harmony and connect with the cosmos. Book now for an unforgettable afternoon. Link for tickets https://www.yogawithdeborah.com/event-details/solar-eclipse-sound-bath
  2. Yard sale. Saturday April 6th 8am-12 noon. No early birds! Household items,bar stools, light Fixtures.many miscellaneous items. Agua de La  Costa . Take beach road north to the first left, approximately1 mile, onto Calle Pedregal , then the first right onto Calle Lado de Ladero. Blue house on right.
  3. Kids Movie and Pizza night is this Friday April 5th from 6-10PM at Wonderland for Kids. Parents enjoy an evening off while you kids have a fun filled night with crafts, pizza and a movie.  We will be watching Lilo and Stitch.  Available for ages 3+; 500 pesos/child. Normal daycare hours Monday-Friday 8-5pm ages 1-8.  For information or to reserve your child’s spot contact: 624-110-5946; wonderland@losbarrilesdaycare.comwww.losbarrilesdaycare.com
  4. Mark you calendars. April 23rd is the Lazy Daze No Fuss Garage Sale. Those that have items to donate please bring day of event at 9am. Sales to start at 10am. Also as you are cleaning out your cupboards to leave Friends Supporting Families will have a bin for non perishables. All food and items not sold will be donated to DIF. So, see you on the 23rd ! It’s also Taco Tuesday.
  1.  Millie’s Kitchen: Sugar free,GF chocolate/chocolate chip cookies, toffie blondies, GF coconut macaroons, lemon meringue tarts,pecan/cinnamin twists at the Sat market 9-12.    millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com
  1.  Looking for a 6509-8500W generator with combined 120/240 plug-in to run basic household appliances during summer.      Daneastman6@gmail.com
  2. A new 12 volt battery for my 2005 Yamaha 660 quad. erlablink@gmail.com
  3. House Cleaner Wanted – Palo Blanco neighborhood 3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom teresa@stonebrookfence.com
  4. Looking for small house La Ribera area prefer in town powerhookertackle@gmail.com
  1.  Bisbee website link for 2024: https://bisbees.com/Tournament/BisbeesBlackAndBlue/Categories%20%20Fees%20%20Awards

“Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. 11:00-6:00 Thursday-Sunday. Delivery to LB weekly. Lots of Flavours, Dairy Free and Vegan Options. Whatsapp/Tel: 612 134 1002 zopilotes.sb@gmail.com

  1.   Yoga with Tehroma and much, much more! https://www.ubldesigns.com/
  2. L’BEAUTOX Botox Treatments Saturday April 6th  with Xochitil registered Nurse and licensed Medical Esthetician.  L’BEAUTOX Botox results  start to appear after 24 hours and can last longer. For appointments conveniently located in Los Barriles contact Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  3. Could you use a lift? Be inspired by Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber’s fascinating talk, “Your Astonishing Light.” The Sunday talk at the Spiritual Light Center is inspired by two amazing souls… The Master Teacher Jesus, who said, “You are the light of the world,” and the Sufi poet Hafiz’s beautiful statement: “I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the Astonishing Light of your own Being.”  Come join us, you’ll love it! Also, uplifting music with Tish, and guided meditations, coffee, tea and cookies! A place for likeminded folks that feel spiritual but not religious. Come and be ins pattieweber1@gmail.com
  4. I am a clinical counsellor from Whistler BC who spends 3 months of the year in Los Barriles. At this point in my life I care more about what I give than what I get. In this vein, I deliver wellness gatherings in Whistler. They involve a wellness presentation, for  a half an hour, followed by a social gathering. This connects us to all kinds of amazing, new people right here where we live. The topics that I deliver are “ Attaining  the Self Love that we all Desire and the Practice of Mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness allows us to live a life with peace and intentionality. Both topics are brenda@whistlercounsellor.com
  1.  5 Neil Pryde sails: 4.2 Alpha, 4.7 Alpha, 5.2 Expression, 5.7 Expression, 6.2 Hellcat.  2 Powerex skinny carbon masts: lengths 400 and 430. 2 Starboard windsurf boards: 96L Kombat and 80L Pure Acid.  Unused / still packaged Neil Pryde MXT power base (fits both boards) and 4 more unused located in the U.S. that could ship. 3 Neil Pryde RDM MXT mast extensions up to 34cm: . Rig winch that works with these extensions. 1 pair unused soft racks. Contact wendycswan@gmail.com com U.S. 619.708.1789 if interested and to discuss prices. I and all gear (except 4 extra bases) are currently in LB.
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Private Spanish Lessons Online and Recorded Program. Learning another language is something that benefits the person who learns it. Knowing a second language makes things easier for you in every way, especially if you live in a Spanish speaking country like Mexico. At Ask a Mexican we teach you the language, slang, grammar, culture and traditions of the country. Whether you have a particular reason or not, in our private classes we focus on you and what you need, so no matter your level we can help you. If you prefer to learn on your own, choose our recorded program.  www.askamexican.mx
  2. Partnership Proposal for Airbnb and Hotels. If you have an Airbnb or a small hotel we would like to work with you. We are a couple of Mexican Diving Instructors with more than 18 years of experience, we are located in La Ventana this place has an incredible marine life and coral reef in Cerralvo Island. We offer Snorkeling and Scuba Diving tours to true sea lovers. We want to offer our services to your guests so they can enjoy another activity during their stay and of course we offer commission. Your airbnb will also be included as a lodging recommendation on our website. www.krakendivers.com
NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1.   looking for a long term rental.  Either 6 months or 1 year. Must be furnished, accept 1 small dog, no vicious animals, a place to garden, no party scenes and close enough to beach.  Up to 1,000 US dollars per month.  Everything must be in working order.  margowilson8@icloud.com
  1.  I want a ride to and/or from todos santos or pescadero this weekend april 6-8 from los barriles.
  2. Going to pick up friends on Thursday, 12:15 arrival time, leave at 11:30 LB. Can take up to 5 down, and return with a few back. tmccally@gmail.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  2006 Dodge Ram 3500 5.9 Cummins full load leather interior trim. Registered in Canada 200000 miles To much to list for new parts. Beautiful truck chrisblarsen@icloud.com
  2. Retractable screen door Phantom Unseen new in box opens left 50 opens 624 124 8294 lobosweett@gmail.com
  3. 2006 Johnston outboard 15HP. Great condition + tank, fresh tune. Very Quiet 2,000 clams
  4. Printer died!! Ink cartridges not needed 564xl printer ink. Black and color. One new  box hp ink. One box premium ink. cartridge, 9 black, 4 yellow, 4 red, 4 blue.  30 copies or obo. mxbough@gmail.com
  5. Wyze surveillance camera system for whole house–6 cameras. Brand new, never used. 390 Cocos.
  6. 27″ LED TV with Roku Streambar and voice activated remote control. Connect to the internet and stream your favorites  2000 pesos or $120 usd. WhatsApp 250 7011978
  7. Free plants.  I have some mother-in-law plants and a few purple ground cover plants that need a home and friend!   I also have a smaller neem tree (6+’ tall right now) that will is available but will need to be dug up.  jandcinthebaja@gmail.com
  8. 1964 Willys Jeep. All stock Replaced exhaust manifold, head gasket, spark plugs, rebuilt carburetor. New tires, bikini top, battery and tires. Mileage unknown. If interested in this classic baby call JR at 1 (520) 248-5019 Asking 4k usd rrodriguez8@mac.com
  9. 17 ft aluminum tracker boat great condition, live bait tank, electric trim, with trailer , extension for hauling out , 40 hp mercury engine , 8000 lures o.b.o.   831 8189766
Weekly Repeats
Every MONDAY —Ala-non meeting 10-11am Serenity Garden Spa Buena Vista. 619-889-2778 or 624-141-0267 for more info or directions
  —LB Ukulele Jam 3pm at hotel Pescadores, on FB Ukuilanios delCabo Este
Every TUESDAY —AA Meeting 8:30- Hotel Palmas de Cortez on the deck, Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —BINGO! Every 3rd Tuesday (not weekly) at The Wine Bar in Palmas 1-4pm. Cash prizes, drink specials and lots of fun all in support of SNAP clinic.
  —Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Lazy Daze 2-4 pm
  —Taco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort!! Delicious classic and author tacos! Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
  —Every Tuesday it’s Taco Tuesday at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! All tacos $50 pesos: Steak, chicken breast, fish, shrimp or veggie. 5pm-8pm. Happy hour 4pm-6pm. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
  —Pickleball Happy Hour TuTu Tuesdays! nfo@tresplapasbaja.com http://www.trespalapasbaja.com or at the pro shop
Every WEDNESDAY —Community Women’s Bible Study 10am. Info Anne at 624-124-8575 or 209-770-3802, synkowicz2@gmail.com
  —Club Rotario meets Wednesdays @ Tico’s Restaurant in Palmas de Cortez Hotel @ 8:30 am. Open to all Rotarians and prospective members. info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org.
  —Mindfulness with Horses! 8-9am, an hour of grounding, meditation and mindfulness – you have to experience it to understand!! Limited to 6 – call to reserve 949-683-6924 or http://www.HumansAndHorses-Baja.com Location: Cuadra San Alberto, Los Barriles
  —Pescadero Al Anon Meeting: Wednesdays, 11am-12pm, under the palapa at Las Casitas Verdes de Eden in Pescadero. Email alanonpescadero@gmail.com for more information
  —Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional families meeting Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. Hotel Palmas De Cortez, north patio under palapa.
  —AA Meeting 4pm Rancho Buena Vista Hotel. Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —OPEN MIC @ La Fogata. Dinner and drink specials starting at 6pm, music at 7pm. All acts, local and visiting, welcome.
Every THURSDAY —Ala-non meeting 10-11am Serenity Garden Spa Buena Vista. 619-889-2778 or 624-141-0267 for more info or directions
  —Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Maxico 10am-12
  —Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort. BBQ ribs, stuffed potatoes, organic chicken, and more! We also have vegan options available. Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
  —Thirsthy Thursday is Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
Every Friday —AA Meeting 8:30- Hotel Palmas de Cortez on the deck, Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill live music & dancing with Stamina Rock & Reggae Band 6:30pm-9:30pm reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  Karaoke 6-10pm at The Wine Bar at Hotel Palmas. 2×1 drinks
Every SATURDAY Community Market Park Laguna 9am-noon
  Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Mini Cortez (Don Pepe)10am-12
  —Saturday Market face painting with Tish starting November 11 from 9-12. Some of the proceeds going to Friends Supporting Families to feed the hungry in Los Barriles
  Cortez Rescue is at Community Market – dacebob@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  —San Jose del Cabo market 9am-3pm. Entrance is on Ave. Centenario.
Every SUNDAY  
  —East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
  —Piedra Angular church services behind repsol gas station 10 am every sunday prayer 7 pm
  —Spiritual Light Center, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. At the Hotel Playa Del Sol, at the upstairs Sol Y Mar restaurant – pattieweber1@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  —Argentina Empanadas at Mango Bakery. 11-6pm Next to Candoo. See BPE# 4618
  —AA Meeting 4pm Rancho Buena Vista Hotel. Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
WhatsApp/Tel: 612 134 1002
  —Tio Pablo’s Bar & Grill serves its delicious, slow cooked Prime Rib every Sunday from 3:30-10 PM. All other menu items also available. Dine In or To Go: 624-141-0340.
  –Santiago sunday market ,10 am to 1. Local crafts ,food and produce . Held at the Parque de Ecologico
===the end===





Note: I really want to encourage people to ask on the BPE for recommendations for a builder, pool repair, yard work, etc. I have never allowed bashing of anyone’s services on the BPE but by asking for recommendations you may also receive a negative note directly from someone explaining a nightmare they experienced.




30-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
30-Sat Willy’s–Live music with Jurassic Rock. 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Delicious food menu and drinks! Willy’s bar&grill. Resv. 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com Second curve going north next to Joe’s Deli.
30-Sat Volleyball – Don Pepe Beach. Go to FB -LB Delegacion page for info.
30-Sat Singing for Fun vocal workshop, once more with feeling at the Yoga Garden, 12:30 – 2pm. Last session of the season. Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com
30-Sat Pizzeria Don Roberto presents Los Chicharrones band Live. 6 pm. Reservations required at: 612 1539430 pizzeriadonroberto2021@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
31-Sun Easter Egg Hunt & Music all day! Dodos Santos and Mango Bakery. Hunt starts 9am. North LB just north of Iguanas Market. BASKETS FOR KIDS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN
31-Sun World Class Piano Concert a El Triunfo. 12:30 pm. Angela Zanevsky, First prize winner of San Remo Classical and Franco Alfano Prize. Location: Margery’s Tea Room. Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Dinner at Tio Pablo’s is going to be delicious! Citrus-Glazed Ham with Scalloped Potatoes and Grilled Veggies $300, Prime Rib $820, Asian Spring Rolls $140, New York Cheesecake $120. Flowers are blooming in all our outdoor seating areas and spring is in the air. See you on Easter Sunday at Tio’s!


2-Tue Baby Shower for Chloe/Lacks Family Band. 2pm. Blue gate directly lt. Willy’s. Will be a basket for cards and/or money gifts.
5-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
6-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
6-Sat Todos Santos with the 2024 Historic Home Tour. 18 homes, 6 hotels/inns, 2 municipal buildings, the Mission Church, and a Sugar Cane Processor. Tickets via Eventbrite, El Tecolote Bookstore or the day of the event at the Cultural Center, our starting point, on the day of the event. Ticket prices are $20 USD or $300 MX Pesos. info@palapasociety.org
4-Thu Recycle! Entrance is across from the Modelorama on Calle 20 de Noviembre, next to the bike shop & Caleb’s Cafe https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/
7-Sun Rojo Domingo at Hotel Los Pescadores – come enjoy a family style meal and meet your neighbors! Starting 5pm. Email Patty at contact@fisheastcape.com
8-Mon Solar Eclipsehttps://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/
8-Mon Total Solar Eclipse in the desert See it from city free lights & enjoy the glamping of the new way to camp. A whole new experience. Limited space available. Visit & book in advance http://www.panterra.com
  1.  “Thank you Steve for taking the 3 San Bartolo pups into foster care!  We are also grateful for the response and doggy rescue network!”
  2. LOST: my Ontario drivers licence. Name: Noel Lomer. If found, call 613-118-1578 or email. Thanks!!
  3. lost my purple Yeti cup at the beach in spa.  I really would really appreciate getting it back…muchas gracias mdjoanis@gmail.com
  1.   Thursday, APRIL 4th is RECYCLING!  9-11 a.m. at Baja’s Resort at East Cape. Recyclables should be rinsed & flattened, small as possible por favor! Plastic separated into clear, opaque-milky & colored (with tops removed), aluminum & tin separated from one another. REMINDER: NO paper/paperboard (bundled corrugated cardboard only), NO glass. Please refer to our informative website for info: https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/recycling/ Your 100p donation/household/month makes transporting these recyclables to La Paz possible. Gracias for keeping our community and the East Cape clean & safe!
  1.  Looking for a summer house sitter for our new home in Los Barriles. Excellent local references required.  May thru Sept. kochucove@yahoo.com
  2. Need a vacuum cleaner repair person. bellowen1946@yahoo.com
  1.  Chloe and Daniel of the Lacks Family Band are having twins and we are hosting a shower for Chloe, Tuesday, April 2nd at 2 PM through the blue gate directly left from Willy’s.  Please join us for fun, food, and games! There will be a basket for cards and/or money gifts.
  1.  Looking for a kitesurf board in the 5’ +/- length and 20-25 liters. Anyone have something laying around collecting dust? Please let me know if you have something to part with! charliekoelling@gmail.com
  2. Does anyone have a starter for a 2004 Polaris sportsman 600 (oem #4013268) I could buy, mine just quit. rshi5@yahoo.com
  3. Look for a trailer hitch 2 inch ball mount. rshi5@yahoo.com
  1.  Tio Pablo’s Bar and Grill is celebrating Easter Sunday, March 31st, with a special menu. Baked ham with citrus-ginger glaze and scalloped potatoes, prime rib (every Sunday), and New York cheesecake. Our full menu is also available. Order our famous pizza, hot wings, BBQ ribs, fried chicken or anything from our menu TO-GO and pick it up at our convenient take-out window. Call 624-141-0340.
  2. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Easter Hours: 11:00-6:00 Thursday-Friday. 11:00-4:00 Saturday and Sunday. Sundaes on Sundays. Deep Fried Ice Cream on Sat and Sun. Reservations Recommended. WhatsApp/Tel: 612 134 1002 zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
  1.  L’BEAUTOX Botox Treatments Saturday April 6th.  L’BEAUTOX Botox results will appear sooner and last longer. For appointments with Xochitil registered Nurse and licensed Medical Esthetician contact Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  2. Join me for a transformative week of Yoga and Meditation! Dive deep into relaxation and strengthen your practice in unique settings. Mon 11am: Coed Deep Stretch at Sukhasana Studio. Tue 8am: Beachfront Yoga & Sound Meditation at Buena Vista Resort. Wed 9am: Meditation with Horses at Cuadra San Alberto. Thur 9:30am: Yin Yoga at Sukhasana Studio. Fri 8am: Beachfront Yoga & Sound Meditation at Buena Vista Resort. Embrace serenity and wellness with Deborah. Drop-ins welcome! For more info text /WhatsApp +52 612 111 2765 or visit https://www.yogawithdeborah.com/ for more info
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Bajaship.com and Mail Boxes Los Barriles are at your service for all of your shipping and transport needs. Terry Curtis  – Tel Mex 624-151-5530 US 619-272-9500, mailbarriles@gmail.com     Serving the community delivering medications as well since 2018 even during the pandemic.  We are 100% at your service.
  2. Journey To The Sea Of Cortez – Apr. 11 – 15 – Cruise Only – Trip Highlights: 5 days/4 nights on board the MV Adventure, snorkelling, hiking/beachwalking, kayaking, wildlife viewing, stargazing, guest researchers. Includes: (all prices quoted in USD), onboard accommodations, meals, beverages and daily activities. Monies received for this trip will be donated to our research projects at pects.org.
    $995 USD pp limited space ☞ https://panterra.com/expedition/natural-history-and-wildlife-expedition-2/, Whatsapp +52 612 205 6879, La Paz info@panterra.com (Footnote: I have no knowledge of Panterra trip so this is not a direct recommendation but I need to say, back in the day, we had a troller boat (with a shower and queen bed!) slipped in La Paz and would go up into the Sea for weeks at a time. It’s an amazing experience. The fish, birds the islands…. truly amazing! I even saw a blue-footed booby. There used to be trips out of San Felipe but now I have no clue if they still do. bpeCheryl)
  3. Need help with Property Closing and Escrow Services in Baja? Contact The Settlement Company. Mexico’s Premier Closing & Escrow Pioneer. Ensuring Efficient and Ethical Real Estate Transactions Since 1991. Call: +52 (612) 123-5056, +52 (624) 142-2006 or visit: https://settlement-co.com
  1.  Looking for a ride from the airport to Los Barriles on Wednesday April 3rd. Arriving from Vancouver on West jet at 12:30pm. One person. wenditallon@gmail.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  12 x 7 new heavy duty cargo trailer – dual axle. 5600 lb payload, ramp door and side door. 7000 obo
  2. 1979 Honda 90 trail bike. Hasn’t run for years. Stored in bodega. 600 rides.      Electric powered 2 person kyack 750 rides. La Ribera. Sjb721@yahoo.com
  3. WIND/WATER: Old school windsurf board 12’ good condition 100 greenbacks sjb721@yahoo.com
  4. 1976 14′ Crestliner aluminum boat. Boat/motor in very good condition trailer needs painting. 3200 coconuts Or Best Offer. Spa Buena Vista 624-137-7656. Craigs list https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7731581788.html?lang=en&cc=us
Weekly Repeats

Note:  If you’re going north for the summer PLEASE cancel your Weekly Event.  Thank you.

Every MONDAY —Ala-non meeting 10-11am Serenity Garden Spa Buena Vista. 619-889-2778 or 624-141-0267 for more info or directions
  —LB Ukulele Jam 3pm at hotel Pescadores, on FB Ukuilanios delCabo Este
Every TUESDAY —AA Meeting 8:30- Hotel Palmas de Cortez on the deck, Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —BINGO! Every 3rd Tuesday (not weekly) at The Wine Bar in Palmas 1-4pm. Cash prizes, drink specials and lots of fun all in support of SNAP clinic.
  —Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Lazy Daze 2-4 pm
  —Taco Tuesday at Navegante Restaurant in Buena Vista Resort!! Delicious classic and author tacos! Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
  —Every Tuesday it’s Taco Tuesday at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! All tacos $50 pesos: Steak, chicken breast, fish, shrimp or veggie. 5pm-8pm. Happy hour 4pm-6pm. sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
  —Pickleball Happy Hour TuTu Tuesdays! nfo@tresplapasbaja.com http://www.trespalapasbaja.com or at the pro shop
Every WEDNESDAY —Community Women’s Bible Study 10am. Info Anne at 624-124-8575 or 209-770-3802, synkowicz2@gmail.com
  —Club Rotario meets Wednesdays @ Tico’s Restaurant in Palmas de Cortez Hotel @ 8:30 am. Open to all Rotarians and prospective members. info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org.
  —Mindfulness with Horses! 8-9am, an hour of grounding, meditation and mindfulness – you have to experience it to understand!! Limited to 6 – call to reserve 949-683-6924 or http://www.HumansAndHorses-Baja.com Location: Cuadra San Alberto, Los Barriles
  —Pescadero Al Anon Meeting: Wednesdays, 11am-12pm, under the palapa at Las Casitas Verdes de Eden in Pescadero. Email alanonpescadero@gmail.com for more information
  —Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional families meeting Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. Hotel Palmas De Cortez, north patio under palapa.
  —AA Meeting 4pm Rancho Buena Vista Hotel. Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —OPEN MIC @ La Fogata. Dinner and drink specials starting at 6pm, music at 7pm. All acts, local and visiting, welcome.
Every THURSDAY —Ala-non meeting 10-11am Serenity Garden Spa Buena Vista. 619-889-2778 or 624-141-0267 for more info or directions
  —Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Maxico 10am-12
  —Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort. BBQ ribs, stuffed potatoes, organic chicken, and more! We also have vegan options available. Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
  —Thirsthy Thursday is Asado Night (Everything grill!) at Buena Vista Resort – Dinner 5:30-9 pm. Happy Hour 4-6 pm at Pescador Bar. RSVP 6242280165 – restaurant@buenavistaresort.mx
Every Friday —AA Meeting 8:30- Hotel Palmas de Cortez on the deck, Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill live music & dancing with Stamina Rock & Reggae Band 6:30pm-9:30pm reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  Karaoke 6-10pm at The Wine Bar at Hotel Palmas. 2×1 drinks
Every SATURDAY Community Market Park Laguna 9am-noon
  Cortez Rescue Pup-up at Mini Cortez (Don Pepe)10am-12
  —Saturday Market face painting with Tish starting November 11 from 9-12. Some of the proceeds going to Friends Supporting Families to feed the hungry in Los Barriles
  Cortez Rescue is at Community Market – dacebob@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  —San Jose del Cabo market 9am-3pm. Entrance is on Ave. Centenario.
Every SUNDAY  
  —East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
  —Piedra Angular church services behind repsol gas station 10 am every sunday prayer 7 pm
  —Spiritual Light Center, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. At the Hotel Playa Del Sol, at the upstairs Sol Y Mar restaurant – pattieweber1@gmail.com
  —Rancho LaVenta wine tasting and tour. Km 144.5 10 km North of San Bartolo. Noon to 5pm Hey 1 Hiking and pool 400 peso per person. Whatsapp 6121568947 – rancholaventa1@me.com
  —Argentina Empanadas at Mango Bakery. 11-6pm Next to Candoo. See BPE# 4618
  —AA Meeting 4pm Rancho Buena Vista Hotel. Info Christina 624-100-3259
  —2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
WhatsApp/Tel: 612 134 1002
  —Tio Pablo’s Bar & Grill serves its delicious, slow cooked Prime Rib every Sunday from 3:30-10 PM. All other menu items also available. Dine In or To Go: 624-141-0340.
  –Santiago sunday market ,10 am to 1. Local crafts ,food and produce . Held at the Parque de Ecologico
===the end===





Semana Santa, Photo courtesy of the Gringo Gazette! Do you think it was taken here?

 Note #1: The most important thing I remember from my Journalism class, Mrs. Smith, Lincoln Jr. Hi, Santa Monica, was you MUST address the 5 W’s when writing. Who, What, Why, When and WHERE! Also, I hereby appoint every participant of the BPE to be a Proofreader and report any errors to me. Thank you, bpeCheryl

Note #2: Just read the FB LB Delegacion, no garbage pick-up today, Thurs. Will resume on Monday


MARCH 2024

28-Thu I verified Intercam Bank is closed today, Thursday and tomorrow.
28-Thu SweetPea’s presents The Under Covers a great cover band of 70s, 80s & 90s rock & dance music
29-Fri 10a to 5pm – Vita’s Boutique 20% OFF SALE and Champagne at vitaolenich@gmail.com. Calle 20th of November across from La Fogata Restaurant
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
30-Sat Willy’s–Live music with Jurassic Rock. 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Delicious food menu and drinks! Willy’s bar&grill. Resv. 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com Second curve going north next to Joe’s Deli.

APRIL 2024

5-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
6-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
6-Sat Todos Santos with the 2024 Historic Home Tour. 18 homes, 6 hotels/inns, 2 municipal buildings, the Mission Church, and a Sugar Cane Processor. Tickets via Eventbrite, El Tecolote Bookstore or the day of the event at the Cultural Center, our starting point, on the day of the event. Ticket prices are $20 USD or $300 MX Pesos. info@palapasociety.org
Recycle! Entrance is across from the Modelorama on Calle 20 de Noviembre, next to the bike shop & Caleb’s Cafe https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/
8-Mon Solar Eclipse: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/
8-Mon Total Solar Eclipse in the desert See it from city free lights & enjoy the glamping of the new way to camp. A whole new experience. Limited space available. Visit & book in advance http://www.panterra.com
13-Sat LAST LB Community Market this season 9am
17-Wed 3rd Anniversary of Pizzeria Don Roberto. 6pm Featuring Los Chicharrones Live, cocktails and great surprises for this day. Admission with reservation at 612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
19-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
23-Tue Full Pink Moon
23-Tue No Fuss Garage Sale at Lazy Daze
  1.  Found set of keys on the beach between LaCapilla and Sharky’s Tuesday 26th early morning.  Call 801-430-2050 US cell.
  2. hoping someone has found a missing kitefoilng board slingshot. last seen heading to spa area. its actually a friends board Richard Dustin. please contact either of us if you locate it thanks. paulgranger@shaw.ca. Lost at sea yesterday at South beach, Slingshot Dwarfcraft 3’6″ Kite foil board Orange/white and Green with foil. Contact details on board.  Last seen escaping towards  BV. Richard 624-238-8353
  3. Lost my passport, Hans Hartmann hansi111@icloud.com
  4. Anyone out there who can foster or want 3 pups that were tossed out in the San Bartolo arroyo Tuesday afternoon? The puppies are 100 yards from paved road in the San Bartolo arroyo near the White House (not the dogs living there). Asked Cortez Rescue – no response…. The puppies are very shy and scared – we are taking them food and water. They run and hide but then come out and gobble up the food. We have 4 older dogs, 7 is too many! Anyone able to foster or adopt them? Text or WhatsApp 1-541-980-6510 Stan & Dev

  1.  I am looking for referrals for a property manager in LB.  I would like to start renting out my place 8 or 9 months a year.  I am going to be down in early May and would like to set up meetings while I am there.  Please email me at discoveredparadise@gmail.com.
  2. Are you flying from SJD to YVR?  There are some very sweet little dogs looking for escorts that can take them in cabin to their forever homes.  There are also some bigger dogs that need to fly in cargo.  It costs nothing and someone will meet you at both airports—-so easy and helps a dog get to their waiting family.  Please spread the word and send me an email at jkshellard@hotmail.com if you can help.  Thank you
  3. Looking for seaofbien@gmail. Please email me at dorbaja@hotmail.com. Have a tabletop bar-b-que, with rotisserie, for sale. Stainless steel, like new.
  1.  Hi Girls! It is last Friday of a month coming up!!! Let’s have some fun! Champagne Friday and 20% OFF for EVERYTHING at Vita’s Boutique Friday, March 29th, SALE all day! Champagne after 2pm Please, cash only vitaolenich@gmail.com
  1.  Wanted: Narrow crown stapler wanted to borrow or buy. Building a quicky palapa…thanks! Dieter
  2. Wanted: Muffler for Honda 2001 foreman 450 es neilkayser@gmail.com
  1.  Millie’s Kitchen: Candy for Easter, New orleans Pralines, rocky road fudge, lemon meringue tarts, almond tart, pecan tarts, GFcoconut macaroons,toffie blondies,oatmeal/raison cookies, sugar free choc/chocolate chip cookies,BBQ pulled pork sliders.  millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com
  2. It is getting close to the end of the market season and Apron Lady is having a multiples sale.  More you buy, the more you save.  I also have a sale basket with pillowcases, pillow covers, bottle covers and yoga mat bags at huge discounts!  Come and check it out and get some great bargains before we are done for the season!!!    jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

  1.  Bilingual Church Service, La Ribera: Easter Sunday worship service,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo Iglesia. Greetings & welcome. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile driving by Reys Mercado (on right). Then go two more blocks, turn right at the Santa Victoria sign, one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered living joyously in the marvelous Love of our Lord Jesus! Come and see! Questions? Telelphone 624-237-4661 or  Email: bajavictorynews@gmail.com
  2. Therapy massage at your house by Lilia Carreón. Swedish, deep tissue, Sport, stretching. If you need to work on some issue or just relaxation, contact me. I will be happy to help you. I have good recommendations. I’m able to go any town around. Liliacarreonminjares@gmail.com +52 6122126582
  3. Solutions Clínica de Belleza:   Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. Are you having issues with your skin? Pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. .My treatments are clinically based and will target your specific needs. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products.  Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Certified Permanent Makeup Artist since 1998. For more information visit my website Www.solutionsdebrlleza.com email: permsolutions@aol.com for an appointment
  1.  Beginner to intermediate wing board and foil setup. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/wing-foil-board-setup/7731026387.html
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  LAVAWERAS at Playa Norte.  we LOVE the new location, come & check it out. 1km N past the arroyo at PLAY NORTE. same great service, we wash/dry/fold for you.  and NOW, we have self serve washers and dryers for YOU to use. Open at 7am, coffee capuchino, Tea, refrescos snacks & cookies. call for pickup. 612 136 9679
  2. Los Barriles Adventure Rentals is now open  at Baja Sunrise RV Park across from the Pemex. We specialize in discounted weekly and monthly rates. Pricing changes daily depending on availability, stop by to get our best price.Call Dave +1-808-785-4123 or Mike@LosBarrilesAdventureRentals.com
  3. Baja Blooms Received Fresh Flowers Today!!! We Open Tomorrow, Wednesday 10-4
    +14697770086 bajablooms@gmail.com
  4. Free Donation Pick Up Available.  Delivered to charity of your choice – local school/church, DIF, orphanage, Cortez Rescue and more.  No donation too big or small.  Household, clothes, furniture, tools/construction, office supplies, musical instruments, non-perishable food.  Consignment also available.  Thanks to all that donated (BPE works!). danastites@gmail.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  New High Sierra Hydropack back pack.  Has water bladder.  New and never used – just stored!   Black color.  Still has tags on it and water hose still has original new covering on it.   20 good hikes  jandcinthebaja@gmail.com
  2. 2018 3500LB 12ft flat deck trailer with loading ramp. Garage kept. Well maintained with greaseable bearing bearing buddies. Tire covers. Good tires. 2200 tows bajastayfish@hotmail.com
Weekly Repeats – Click Weekly up on the Ribbon/Opening Page
===the end===





The Calendar of Events for Semana Santa is on the FaceBook Page – Delegacion de Los Barriles




26-Tiue Live music, 6:30pm from The SoulFire Project. Corner of Fenix and El Torote (Across from Play Norte). Bring a chair, drinks of your choice and a tip for the band.
26-Tue Auzzie Mark & Friends playing great music on the patio at SweetPea’s starting at 6:30pm. It’s also Taco Tuesday! Reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
26-Tue Karaoke Tuesday in Willy’s bar&grill 6:30pm to 9:30pm! Let’s have fun! Reservations: 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
27-Wed Puppeteer Playhouse presents the traditional folk song, “Bully Boy” at the last open mic this season at La Fogata. Resc. 624-177-2812
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
28-Thu SweetPea’s presents The Under Covers a great cover band of 70s, 80s & 90s rock & dance music
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
30-Sat Pizzeria Don Roberto presents Los Chicharrones band Live.
30-Sat Pizzeria Don Roberto presents Los Chicharrones band Live. 6 pm. Reservations required at: 612 1539430 pizzeriadonroberto2021@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
31-Sun Easter Egg Hunt & Music all day! Dodos Santos and Mango Bakery. Hunt starts 9am. North LB just north of Iguanas Market. BASKETS FOR KIDS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN
31-Sun World Class Piano Concert a El Triunfo. 12:30 pm. Angela Zanevsky, First prize winner of San Remo Classical and Franco Alfano Prize. Location: Margery’s Tea Room. Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com


5-Fri The Bookstore 9:00am to 11:00 am, we are loaded with good books so come check things out. We are located in the Highway Storage Facility north of the Reps
6-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
6-Sat Todos Santos with the 2024 Historic Home Tour. 18 homes, 6 hotels/inns, 2 municipal buildings, the Mission Church, and a Sugar Cane Processor. Tickets via Eventbrite, El Tecolote Bookstore or the day of the event at the Cultural Center, our starting point, on the day of the event. Ticket prices are $20 USD or $300 MX Pesos. info@palapasociety.org
Recycle! Entrance is across from the Modelorama on Calle 20 de Noviembre, next to the bike shop & Caleb’s Cafe https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/
8-Mon Solar Eclipse: https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/
8-Mon Total Solar Eclipse in the desert See it from city free lights & enjoy the glamping of the new way to camp. A whole new experience. Limited space available. Visit & book in advance http://www.panterra.com
  1.  Samsung phone returned thank you everyone skaggsksthy@gmaik.com
  2. Our grandkids lost our only key to our quad last evening….somewhere on the beach from in front of La Playa restaurant to the north beach access off Looney Loop.  In case anyone finds it….it would sure help us out to get it back.  It’s a single key in a black casing.  Thanks in advance if you find it!         burnsinbaja@gmail.com or +1 907 632 5535  Don or Lynn Burns
  1.   Sorry to say I did not receive one note regarding personal experiences renewing a US Passport from Mexico. Here is the US website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/outside-us.html bpeCheryl
  1.  Puppeteer Playhouse presents the traditional folk song “Billy Boy”, La Fogata, Wed. Open Mic Night. 3/27, at 7:00 pm skuekert@yahoo.com
  2. Karaoke Tuesday in Willy’s bar&grill Tuesday March 26! From 6:30pm to 9:30pm! Let’s have fun! Reservations: 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
  3. Dodos Sandos and Mango Bakery Easter Brunch: Join us this Sunday, March 31st for good food, music and fun! No reservations required. We will be posting our special brunch menu this week! In food park Buenos Aires, next to Las Iguanas market. At 9:00 am there will be an Easter Egg Hunt & bouncy castle for the kiddos! Parents sit back and enjoy good food & music! We’ll see you there! BASKETS FOR KIDS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN
  4. Third Anniversary of Pizzeria Don Roberto! April 17th. Los Chicharrones band live, free pizza and many surprises. Reservations required at 612 153 9430 pizzeriadonroberto2021@gmail.com
  5. Experience Easter in a uniquely Empowered way. Be inspired by Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber’s fascinating talk, “Mystical Easter” this Sunday @ Spiritual Light Center. Betrayal, Drama, Metaphysical Miracles, Renewal, New Beginnings…. Sounds like a great movie. Actually, it describes a Metaphysical Spiritualized Easter experience. Come join us Sunday! Also, uplifting music with Tish, and guided meditations, coffee, tea and cookies! A place for likeminded folks that feel spiritual but not religious. Come and be inspired! Sundays: 11-12, Hotel Playa del Sol. Questions: pattieweber1@gmail.com
  1.  In search of a BBQ. If you have one you’re not using I’ll buy it. seaofbien@gmail.com
  2. Looking for a thin wall 36mm socket to be able to remove chainring on Giant e-bike..Buy or borrow
  3. Wanted: shipping container or toy hauler rlwbuilders@gmail.com
  4. Wanted: 4 Seater Golf Cart. Used in good shape or new. todd@lifeguardpress.com
  1. “Zopilotes” will be open Thursday-Sunday for Semana Santa Week. Due to a power outage today, Tuesday March 26th, I am unable to make ice cream until power is restored. See everyone Thursday! Please accept my apologies.  WhatsApp/Tel: 612 134 1002  zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
  1.  Beginner to intermediate wing board and foil setup. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/wing-foil-board-setup/7731026387.html
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.   Baja Blooms Will open this Tuesday with Fresh Flowers from 10-4. Our Contact info is +1469777-0086
    And +52562-392-3421 or Email bajablooms@gmail.com Our Gift is packed with new items and we continue to have greeting cards
  2. Discount on Our Recorded Spanish Program for Beginners. March 50% Off Our Full Recorded Program for Beginners with the coupon Third Anniversary. Learn at your own pace and from anywhere. Purchase it directly on our website https://www.askamexican.mx/spanishcourse
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Dodge 1500 air suspension bags – front and rear from 2013 truck. Front original, rear new (left) or 1 year old (right).  A spare is important. daneastman6@gmail.com
  2. Professional style Pasta Machine. Marcato 150 Atlas pasta machine.  6 Attachments: Lasagna ,Ravioli ,Cannelloni, Linguini, Pappardelle & Trenette. The Set.  All New in Boxes. (less than 1/2 Amazon price)  4500 meatballs contact: flojomike@gmail.com –  call: (624)142-8011
  3. Immaculate 2006 5th Wheel NuWa Hitchhiker LSII 30+ ft., three slides, new flooring, very clean! Located in Rocas RV Park in Los Barriles. Housewares included. Long or short term lease space available at very reasonable rates if desired or move it to where ever. Storage available for $60 month so can ne stored reasonably for next season. Turnkey! Please DM +1 250 755 5172 Whatsapp or email gmacca52@gmail.com for showing. asking 18K OBO
  4. 2006 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie 5.9 cummins diesel leather interior full loaded with all the options. Anderson hitch Registered in Canada. 200000.miles To much to list ! Beautiful truck . chrisblarsen@icloud.com
  5. Camper Van bn2018 Ram Promaster.  bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/camper-van/7730920582.html (This is a ***** ad! bpeCheryl)
  6. Big Red Portable Air Tank, 11 gal. Model # T88011  700blows  / Dremel Rotary Tool, 400 series XPR with attachments 750 twists    flojomike@gmail.com   (624) 142-8011
  7. (5)   10Inch, Carbide Tip Saw Blades  100rips each  /  GONI Pneumatic Nailer/ Stapler with nails and staples, Model 641 500shots—   flojomike@gmail.com   (624)  142-8011
  8. Bosch Cordless Drill  Model GSR 14.4-2   450 bits  /  Makita 10Inch Miter Saw (chop box) Model #LS 1000  600cuts contact: flojomike@gmail.com  (624)142 8011
===the end===




SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2024

Photo courtesy MoonGiant.com. See the worm?


Get ready for Sunday night’s celestial show! A penumbral lunar eclipse is on the horizon, promising a subtle yet captivating sight in the night sky. The eclipse starts at 11:53 p.m. CDT on Sunday evening in USA, Canada and Mexico. This is a long eclipse, with the point of greatest eclipse occurring more then 2 hours later at 2:12 a.m. CDT on March 25th. As the Earth’s shadow partially covers the Moon, expect a slight dimming of its surface. For more details and a list of upcoming eclipses, click below.



March – 2024

24-Sat Live music Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco! Willy’s bar&grill 6:30pm to 9:30pm Don’t miss it! Let’s Rock and Dance! Delicious food menu and specials drinks!
24-Sat PIZZA GOURMET SAN ANTONIO Sunday, March 24, live Cuban music and Sea Food Paella! Come and have fun. Resv.@ 6121775806
25-Mon For reservations 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
26-Tiue Live music, 6:30pm from The SoulFire Project. Corner of Fenix and El Torote (Across from Play Norte). Bring a chair, drinks of your choice and a tip for the band.
27-Wed Puppeteer Playhouse presents the traditional folk song, “Bully Boy” at the last open mic this season at La Fogata. Resc. 624-177-2812
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
29-Fri Banks Closed – Good Friday (need to verifly)
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
  1.  Super chill, cute puppy found near Tres Palapas. Maybe 4 mos. old, black with salt & pepper paws & white tip tail. Pics avail. Mixed breed. clarefrank1000@gmail.com 2nd post Adorable lost puppy needs to find her family! She’s black with spotted paws and a white chest blaze, and she’s wearing a yellow collar with no contact info. Please email me at clarefrank1000@gmail.com.
  2. Lost Samsung phone in front of Palmas de Cortez / bonfire Thursday night March 21 . Reward   Call Kathy Skaggs  624 -160-3644
  3. Lost bank card @ BBV on Saturday kimafogarty@hotmail.com
  1.  Your experience renewing your US Passport from Baja Sur in the past year or so.. Cheryl Blazerblazer@gmail.com
  2. Looking for a Ride Share, from Los Barriles or Todos Santos, the first week of May. I can assist with Gasoline and driving. I am Responsible and Respectful Woman. Contact me ( +1-808 280 0070 ) ( 333bluerain@gmail.com) Thankyou, Sonja
  1.  Looking for a good running evinrude etec 90 with controls. Please, no project motors. bigmur2009@hotmail.com
  1.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. 11:00-6:00 Thurs-Sunday.  Handcrafted Ice Cream, Dairy Free and Vegan Options. Delivery to LB. WhatsApp/Tel: 612 134 1002 zopilotes.sb&gmail.com Don’t forget to enquire about our cooking classes. Spaces available for April.  Saludos,  Chila 
  2. Foodie alert!  New cafe open Sundays 8-4 – Km 145 Mexico 1  between San Bartolo and San Antonio – just past the Agua Blanca bridge going toward LaPaz at the San Antonio de la Sierra junction.  Authentic and delicious Rancho food!  “To Go” orders only for now – plenty of parking.  See you there

  1.  Dr Dennis, LB’s Happy Chiropractor, will be in the office on MWF at Yoga Garden until April 15. If you need gentle chiropractic, cranial sacral work,  cold laser, Whole Food Supplements, heart graphs or anything else, please call to schedule Sooner rather than Later, as appointments are going fast.  Text: (fastest)  970-799-7068 or densaidyes@aol.com
  1.  Brand new never use set of Mystic kite surfing Adjustable Footstraps – 40 jumps. See picture on the CL: bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/mystic-kite-surfing-adjustable/7729955664.html. – email windude5@telus.net
  2. I’m wondering if anyone has a kite harness they would  be willing to loan, rent , sell..I am used to a shorts/seat harness but could adjust..32″ waist..I wasn’t expecting  this much wind and its the one piece of gear I don’t have stored here..I’m here till the 1st finn@kedesigns.com
  3. 5 m Duotone Echo wing for wing foiling. The price includes the aluminum boom as this is the model which has a boom instead of handles. 275 Bananas. Pictures on the CL:  bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/5m-duotone-echo-wing-for-wing-foiling/7729956427.html – email windude5@telus.net
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Tourists and visitors to the Los Cabos area:  Do you need your own transportation? Accepting bookings for March/April. Good, older, reliable, affordable “burros” (vehicles) for rent. Pickup/dropoff /meet at/near SJD airport. Daily, weekly, monthly rates includes MX. insurance.  No waiting, lines, hassles, paperwork, hidden costs/fees/tax/timeshare bs. Must be 21+. Please, serious enquiries with your dates and needs. Email to nobaddaysincabotony@hotmail.com
  2. Whale Watching &.Snorkel Tour March 29th
    It looks like this Friday, March 29th we will have excellent conditions for Whale watching and snorkel at Cerralvo Island, so, join us to this amazing tour. Includes :5 hours tour, water, soda, guide, video and snacks( fruit, granola bar, chips) Contact us for reservations. www.krakendivers.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.   Toyota Highlander 2005 automática, 165 000 miles, 6cilinders  50000usd, 90000 pesos, call 5635757642 ulises
  2. Costzon Built in Commercial ice maker, hold 33# of ice. Lightly used $200 ice cubes
     https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HI3BYBA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 krbeutner@gmail.com
  3. 14 ‘ aluminum boat . 30 hp johnson 2 stroke 100 to 1 mix tilt trailer , fishin buddy fish and depth finder , and more . billyjackbrass@yahoo.com
  4. 14’ Lund w20 hp Mercury, ezload trailer, live well, bilge pump, rod holders, garmin fish finder, fresh oil & filters. 84,000 launches yentnalady@gmail.com
  5. Costzon Built in Commercial ice maker, hold 33# of ice. Lightly used $200 ice cubes
     https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HI3BYBA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 krbeutner@gmail.com
  6. 1to 10 Full River DC400-6 batteries at an unbeatable price. These batteries have been meticulously maintained, used for only 5 years, and are still under warranty. Condition: Used (Excellent) Original Purchase Price: $1200 each Current Price: 500 shells each contact email if interested at stayincabopulmo@gmail.com
  7. 2007 Chev White Avalanche 2×4 Black leather everything works. 89K  5000 Shells please email if you are interested at stayincabopulmo@gmail.com
  8. 2001 Red Chev 4×4 c1500 Suburban 200k. Paint fade Runs GREAT!! 2000Shells
    email if interested at stayincabopulmo@gmail.com
  9. 2001 black Ford f250 XLT v10 Crew Cab long bed 2×2 130K runs great needs muffler welded. 3500 shells. email stayincabopulmo@gmail.com if interested
  10. RV air conditioner. Blower works but needs service to make it cool better.  Older model that served well, being replaced by new one.  Free to a good home. pinepal@sbcglobal.net
===the end===






22-Fri BAJA BEACH BOUTIQUE is liquidating our inventory. – 50% – 70% off all items.  -Friday 10:00 – 3:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 3:00. Located in Plaza del Pueblo behind Can Doo Restaurant. Cash Sales Only please.
22-Fri FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE!! 7 PM. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, is a 2023 American spy action film. The seventh movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, will continue Cruise’s tradition of putting increasingly jaw-dropping, death defying stunts into each one of these action flicks
23-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
23-Sat Singing for Fun at the Yoga Garden. All welcome. Two sessions left. 12:30 to 2pm. Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com
23-Sat BAJA BEACH BOUTIQUE is liquidating our inventory. – 50% – 70% off all items.  -Friday 10:00 – 3:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 3:00. Located in Plaza del Pueblo behind Can Doo Restaurant. Cash Sales Only please.
23-Sat Art in Bloom a Collaborative Art Auction and Dinner. Tickets $600p at Homes and Land of Baja. 5:30 to 8:30pm crescentmoonlosbarriles@gmail.com
23-Sat SweetPea’s presents Los Chicharrones! Come dance to this great band. Reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
23-Sat Join us for The Lack Family Band on Saturday March 23. Dinner at 6 music at 7pm at La Fogata. Put on your dancing shoes!
24-Sat Live music Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco! Willy’s bar&grill 6:30pm to 9:30pm Don’t miss it! Let’s Rock and Dance! Delicious food menu and specials drinks!
24-Sat PIZZA GOURMET SAN ANTONIO Sunday, March 24, live Cuban music and Sea Food Paella! Come and have fun. Resv.@ 6121775806
25-Mon For reservations 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
27-Wed Puppeteer Playhouse presents the traditional folk song, “Bully Boy” at the last open mic this season at La Fogata. Resc. 624-177-2812
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
29-Fri Banks Closed – Good Friday (need to verifly)
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
  1.  Found: car keys on Ford fob, in San Bartolo arroyo very close to the Palo Blanco entrance.
    970-799-1331, US or Whatsapp.
  2. Found;  13 keys on a lanyard 50 mtrs. S. of Km marker 107.   43dillond@gmail.com
  1.   Club Rotario Los Barriles thru the generous donations of it’s members & the community, has installed Starlink at the Los Barriles Library & Tech Center as well as laptop computers & printer, thru member Matei Craciun & his company TruTech. Our community now has access to free high speed internet to do all the things that many of us take for granted. Available to everyone during library hours.  Thank you Matei, our members and the community who donated laptops, printer, Starlink equipment & the monthly fees to keep it operational.  Questions? Contact us: info@losbarrilesrotaryclub.org
  2. From the entire cast and crew of Baja Shakespeare to our wonderful East Cape community, a huge thank you for making our 24th year a great success. Our amazing volunteers, our 50/50 raffle partners and oh, those cookies! To all the folks at Palmas, Homes & Land of Baja, and Hotel Los Pescadores, thank you for your support. Many thanks to the BPE and ELB for advertising our show. . It’s because of all of you that Baja Shakespeare is able to bring live theater to Los Barriles. We can’t wait till next year!
  1.  can anyone recommend a nice dog friendly hotel in Tecate? Don’t mind paying for quality.
    mark     bajamark1@comcast.net,  206 734-1077, 624 125-8100
  2. Wanted responsible person or couple-to house/dog sit in Los Barriles this summer. Start date flexible but likely beginning/mid April. Local references preferred. Let’s chat. seaofbien@gmail.com
  3. Are real estate commissions negotiable? Has anybody had an appraisal done by photos? Rumor: Seller pays tax on real estate commission. True or false? Thanks, any info appreciated. fordcoop@comcast.net
  4. Several people recently posted their favorite manicurist on Everything  Los Barriles.  Please send me contact information for the person next to Maria’s and the person next to the paper store on the dirt road.  Thanks, mcgiverswife@gmail,com
  1.  Puppeteer Playhouse presents the traditional folk song “Bully Boy”.  Last Open Mic at La Fogata, March 27.  624-177-2812 skuekert@yahoo.com
  2. Pizzeria Don Roberto presents Los Chicharrones live. Saturday, March 30 at 6 pm. Reservations required at: 612 153 9430. donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  1.  Bella at the Farmer’s Market this Saturday 8 to 12.  Now able to take credit cards. Come for her great organic food. bellaabitbol@gmail.com
  1.  Wanted responsible person or couple-to house/dog sit in Los Barriles this summer. Start date flexible but likely beginning/mid April. Local references preferred. Let’s chat. seaofbien@gmail.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  GRINGO GROCERIES (Los Barriles). – East Cape Health Plaza (Next to laundry). Mon-Fri 9-6
    Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5. Supplying 100’s of hard-to-find US/Canadian healthy foods and personal products. Now supplying Applegate Deli Meat, Bacon & Organic Butter! Not only are we the lowest pricing in town, but the lowest in Baja. No price gouging here! Plus, a large selection of products currently on sale at only 50 or 100 Pesos! Come check us out. Look forward to seeing ya and saving you money on your favorites! See us here: https://www.facebook.com/GringoGroceries
  2. Coming up, new RV park and storage, Will provide every service one needs in an RVPark including Security cameras, Also RV Storage. 5 minutes from La Paz airport, less than 10 minutes from Walmart-Sam’s Club and Home Depot. Reserve now, 25% off regular prices for first 10 RV’er 612 348 9793, jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  3. Camp Ceseña By Panterra – Grand Opening! Includes: (all prices quoted in pesos) • Breakfast/Dinner • Comfortable memory foam beds in spacious 4, 5 and 6m glamping tents • Comfortable eco bathrooms/showers • Sunrise and hike • Late afternoon hike • Sunset and stargazing • $1500 pesos pp per night dbl occ – min. 2 night For Reservations Contact: Whatsapp: +52 612 205 6879 https://panterra.com/expedition/grand-opening-april2024/ info@panterra.com
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  RV site for rent yearly in El cardinal bodega and out door bathroom laundry gated parking ocean view
  2. Honda 3000 generator very quite 700spots fitzspainting@gmail.com
===the end===







March – 2024

21-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship meeting, 9am Tico’s Restaurant Palmas de Cortez
21-Thu Ecstatic Dance:March 21 2024 -Yoga Garden – 5:30pm-7:30pm ecstatic dance is a form of dance in which the dancers, sometimes without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy. pbucheli72@gmail.com what’s app +1-408-621-1685
22-Fri BAJA BEACH BOUTIQUE is liquidating our inventory. – 50% – 70% off all items.  -Friday 10:00 – 3:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 3:00. Located in Plaza del Pueblo behind Can Doo Restaurant. Cash Sales Only please.
22-Fri FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE!! 7 PM. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, is a 2023 American spy action film. The seventh movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, will continue Cruise’s tradition of putting increasingly jaw-dropping, death defying stunts into each one of these action flicks
23-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
23-Sat Singing for Fun at the Yoga Garden. All welcome. Two sessions left. 12:30 to 2pm. Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com
23-Sat BAJA BEACH BOUTIQUE is liquidating our inventory. – 50% – 70% off all items.  -Friday 10:00 – 3:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 3:00. Located in Plaza del Pueblo behind Can Doo Restaurant. Cash Sales Only please.
23-Sat Art in Bloom a Collaborative Art Auction and Dinner. Tickets $600p at Homes and Land of Baja. 5:30 to 8:30pm crescentmoonlosbarriles@gmail.com
23-Sat SweetPea’s presents Los Chicharrones! Come dance to this great band. Reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
23-Sat Join us for The Lack Family Band on Saturday March 23. Dinner at 6 music at 7pm at La Fogata. Put on your dancing shoes!
24-Sat Live music Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco! Willy’s bar&grill 6:30pm to 9:30pm Don’t miss it! Let’s Rock and Dance! Delicious food menu and specials drinks!
24-Sat PIZZA GOURMET SAN ANTONIO Sunday, March 24, live Cuban music and Sea Food Paella! Come and have fun. Resv.@ 6121775806
25-Mon For reservations 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
29-Fri Banks Closed – Good Friday (need to verifly)
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
  1.  I lost a men’s size L wetsuit on the beach in LB between Vela and Exotic kite when it fell off my quad on Sunday evening March 17.  Reward for Return. chrisurbango@gmail.com
  1.   BAJA BEACH BOUTIQUE is liquidating our inventory.50% – 70% off all items.  Friday 10:00 – 3:00 and Saturday 11:00 – 3:00. Located in Plaza del Pueblo behind Can Doo Restaurant. Cash Sales Only please.
  2. Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses for the Eclipse on April 8th.  And yes, it will be almost a total eclipse here in lower Baja!  Asociacion de Artes is selling glasses to raise money!  Come and get yours at the Saturday Market with the Apron Lady or Vita’s Art and Fashion!  2 pair for 75 pesos or 4 pair for 125 pesos!!  Protect your eyes and help the schools and kids!!!!  Questions?  eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com
  3.  A group of volunteers has created this website Home – visitbarriles to help tourists and visitors navigate the amazing things to do in Los Barriles and the area.  It features anything and everything from kiting and fishing to volunteering and shopping. All you need to do is send this link to them http://www.visitbarriles.com and they can start to explore things to do on their vacation! (Site has been recently updated)
  1.  Candle making workshop offered. Sunday from 1-3pm. 1500 pesos for a 2 hour workshop. Includes all the materials to make your own beautiful gel art candle. Jack be Nimble candles. Great for children’s art project. Class is limited to 6 people. brettcarl50@gmail.com
  2. Join us for The Lack Family Band on Saturday March 23. Dinner at 6 music at 7pm at La Fogata. Put on your dancing shoes!
  3. Explore something new! Join the Full Moon/Solar Eclipse/Spring Equinox Sound Bath on Mon, Mar 25, 4pm at the Yoga Garden. A chance to set intentions and embrace new beginnings with an open heart. Experience ancient instrument frequencies in a unique Sound Meditation, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Open to all, no experience needed. A perfect opportunity for personal growth and deep relaxation. Details & tickets: https://www.yogawithdeborah.com/event-details/full-moon-lunar-eclipse Got questions? text on +52 612 111 2765 Deborah xo
  4. PIZZA GOURMET SAN ANTONIO Sunday, March 24, live Cuban music and Sea Food Paella! Come and have fun. Resv.@ 6121775806
  1.  looking for used trolling gear if someone has some they don’t use or want to part with. casavery5758@gmail.com
  2. We are looking for an RV. joshuamacklis@rocketmail.com
  1.  Could you use a lift today? Be inspired by Rev. Dr. Pattie Weber’s fascinating talk, “The Meaning of It All” this Sunday @ Spiritual Light Center. Discover answers that will empower your life! Also, uplifting music with Tish, and guided meditations, coffee, tea and cookies! A place for likeminded folks that feel spiritual but not religious. Come and be inspired! Sundays: 11-12, Hotel Playa del Sol. Questions: pattieweber1@gmail.com
  1.  Lift Foil Set – 32″ mast, 250 SurfV2 front wing and 50 Surf tail wing – excellent choice for a beginner or heavier person for either winging or kite foiling. 1100 turns. See pictures and the full description on CL: bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/lift-foil-beginner-set-for-winging-or/7729281731.html. Email – happy2foil@gmail.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Free Donation Pick Up Available.  Delivered to charity of your choice – local school/church, DIF, orphanage, Cortez Rescue and more.  No donation too big or small.  Household, clothes, furniture, tools/construction, office supplies, musical instruments, non-perishable food.  Consignment also available.  Thanks to all that have donated (BPE works!). danastites@gmail.com
  2. Hey nice people, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hermes, I am an experienced builder, I represent the Home building and Pools Company, we have built and remodeled several projects in Cabo and I would like to apply my knowledge of ideas and construction in the Los Barriles area. Call now at 624 358 5821 for a quote, plans or any design you need. Hermes Muñoz 
  3. Garden Doctor landscaping and landscape care.  Rafael Gonzalez.  612-198-4715
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  New 12’ x 7’ heavy duty cargo trailer.  Ramp door, man door, headroom, dual exiles.. 7000 obo.
  2. Caviness kayak paddle for sale. $25 cocos chrisblarsen@icloud.com
  3. 2006 Yamaha Rhino 450 side by side, 4WD. Sought after model. New back tires, recent tune up. Super reliable overhead cam 421 CC engine, independent four wheel suspension, switch between 2WD, limited slip 4WD and fully locked differential 4WD with the push of a button. 4500 mangos USD  For pics, check out the Craigslist posting https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/7719103214.html
===the end===






20-Wed Yoloxochitl Art Studio workshop. 10am-1om. Flowers, bees, dragonflies. Resv. xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
21-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship meeting, 9am Tico’s Restaurant Palmas de Cortez
21-Thu Ecstatic Dance:March 21 2024 -Yoga Garden – 5:30pm-7:30pm ecstatic dance is a form of dance in which the dancers, sometimes without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy. pbucheli72@gmail.com what’s app +1-408-621-1685
22-Fri FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE!! 7 PM. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, is a 2023 American spy action film. The seventh movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, will continue Cruise’s tradition of putting increasingly jaw-dropping, death defying stunts into each one of these action flicks
23-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
23-Sat Art in Bloom a Collaborative Art Auction and Dinner. Tickets $600p at Homes and Land of Baja. 5:30 to 8:30pm crescentmoonlosbarriles@gmail.com
23-Sat SweetPea’s presents Los Chicharrones! Come dance to this great band. Reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
24-Sat Live music Damiana Conde & Ruben Barranco! Willy’s Bar&Grill 6:30pm to 9:30pm Don’t miss it! Let’s Rock and Dance! Delicious food menu and specials drinks!
25-Mon For reservations 6241325419 or hguillermo.willy@gmail.com
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
29-Fri Banks Closed – Good Friday (need to verifly)
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
  1.  Lost Monday, March 18th between Las Palmas and Playa Norte….women’s light blue Scrappy wind helmet with attached Sea Specs glasses, green/black face mask and blue/white sun gloves. Would be very grateful to have these back. Thank you. teamgogiss@gmail.com
  2. Found ; Wind Kite board, found on the beach in Buena Vista. jcthommes@live.com
  3. Left my Slingshot bar on the beach by the volleyball courts , sure would love to get it back ! Beers and smiles for its return ! blcarlson2@gmail.com
  1.   Asociacion de Artes wishes to thank everyone that came out last Sunday to Festival de Artes – the 29th annual!  A great time was had by all, lots of folks got great raffles and silent auctions items, shopping, food and entertainment was great!  Thanks again to all the sponsors, volunteers and donators!   Special thanks to Ronival for their title sponsorship!    Another great festival in the books!
  1.  World Class Piano Concert at El Triunfo. Sunday, Mar 24th, 12:30 Pm – Take a scenic Sunday drive to a historic El Triunfo. Enjoy a world class Piano Concert by a Forbes featured Angela Zanevsky, the First prize winner of San Remo Classical and Franco Alfano Prize. Location: Margery’s Tea Room. Limited number of seats. Reservations are recommended. eventsbaja@gmail.com
  2. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. 11:00-6:00 Thurs – Sunday. Lots of flavours, Dairy Free and vegan.  We have an availability for cooking class on Tuesday March 26th. Contact me for for info. WhatsApp: 612 134 1002 zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
  3. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to watch Tom Cruise drive a motorcycle off a cliff.
    FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE!! MARCH 22ND, 7 PM. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, is a 2023 American spy action film. The seventh movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, will continue Cruise’s tradition of putting increasingly jaw-dropping, death defying stunts into each one of these action flicks. It is the sequel to Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) and the seventh installment in the Mission: Impossible film series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avz06PDqDbM
  1.  Festival de Artes shirts!!   There are still a few shirts left, so get your shirt!  You can get them from the Apron Lady at the Community Market this Saturday.   This was a good one, and so don’t miss your opportunity to have the donkey!!! Want to know sizes and colors – email eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com
  1.  looking for a 370cm skinny windsurfing mast. jheintzman94@gmail.com
  2. 13 to 14 Aluminum V hull boat fitzspainting@gmail.com
  3. wanted: 14 foot aluminum fishing boat, preferably with removable beach launch wheels. rsharries@gmail.com
  1.  2022 Duotone 3.5 D-Lab ready to ride.     500 jibes lesterdon@me.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Practice your Spanish with Stories! Now you can learn and practice your Spanish with our new set of stories with audio and translation in English ranging from A2 to C2 level. Includes 50 stories that you can read and listen to at the same time or just listen while driving or doing other activities, plus, with the English translation, you can check your level of understanding and learn new words. You can purchase it in our recorded programs on our website for only $200 pesos at the following link. https://www.askamexican.mx/challenge-page/spanishstoriesforstudents
  2. International Insurance for ExPats living full or part-time here in Mexico. Major Medical, Mexico only and Travel plans available. Choose your doctor and hospital. Excellent benefits. Protect your health and finances. Fly Me Home policy too. Don’t leave your health care to chance.  for information: eastcapehealthcare@gmail.com
  3. UTV and Quad Rentals-Best prices. Weekly/monthly +1-530-663-6095 Osoklose@gmail.com
    Contact us to reserve your ride today
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Brand new trailer tire rim white 8 lugs measurement 16/8/6.25”. 80 spokes chrisblarsen@icloud.com
  2. Beautiful, practically new Koblenz  standard size stove/oven available. jabernethy121@gmail.com
  3. ***Price Reduction***Immaculate 2006 5th Wheel NuWa Hitchhiker LSII
    30+ ft., three slides, new flooring, entire roof replaced in 2017 ($11K) very clean! Located in Rocas RV Park in Los Barriles. Housewares included. Long or short term lease space available at very reasonable rates if desired or move it to where ever. Storage available for $60 month. Turnkey! Please DM +1 250 755 5172 Whatsapp or email gmacca52@gmail.com for showing. asking $18K OBO
  4. Brand new trailer tire rim white 8 lugs measurement 16/8/6.25”. $80 spokes chrisblarsen@icloud.com
  5. 15FT Western Center Console Aluminum Fishing Boat  See info on craigslist link:    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7728521951.html?lang=en&cc=us
  6. Beautiful, practically new Koblenz  standard size stove/oven available. jabernethy121@gmail.com
Weekly Repeats

To See “Every Week”, main page, cursor Calendar, drop down “weekly repeats”

===the end===




MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024

18-Fri Banks closed – Birthday Benito Juarez
18-Fri Friday Karaoke at The Wine Bar in Hotel Palmas.6-10pm
19-Tue tishthespy@hotmail.com
19-Tue For the love of Baja/Blues for Hunger – Hotel Los Pescadores.  Bring a non-perishable food item. 4pm – No Cover – dining available. Reservations: contact@fisheastcape.com
20-Wed Yoloxochitl Art Studio workshop. 10am-1om. Florwes, bees, dragonflies. Resv. xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
21-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship meeting, 9am Tico’s Restaurant Palmas de Cortez
21-Thu Ecstatic Dance:March 21 2024 -Yoga Garden – 5:30pm-7:30pm ecstatic dance is a form of dance in which the dancers, sometimes without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy. pbucheli72@gmail.com what’s app +1-408-621-1685
22-Fri FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE!! 7 PM. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, is a 2023 American spy action film. The seventh movie in the Mission: Impossible franchise, will continue Cruise’s tradition of putting increasingly jaw-dropping, death defying stunts into each one of these action flicks
23-Sat LB Community Market 9am to noon
23-Sat Art in Bloom a Collaborative Art Auction and Dinner. Tickets $600p at Homes and Land of Baja. 5:30 to 8:30pm crescentmoonlosbarriles@gmail.com
23-Sat SweetPea’s presents Los Chicharrones! Come dance to this great band. Reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
25-Mon Full Worm Moon
28-Thu Banks Closed – Good Thursday (need to verify)
29-Fri Banks Closed – Good Friday (need to verifly)
29-Fri SweetPea’s presents the Lack Family Band. 6:30pm. No cover charge but a $200 peso deposit to hold your reservation which will a credit on your bill. Make reservations by email: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
31-Sun Easter Sunday
  1.  Left behind Slingshot bar just south of Don Pepe.  beers and smiles for the recovery  ! blcarlson2@gmail.com
  1.  Is energym only fitness Center in lb ? Would like better equipment and more higiene
  2. Is there a way to receive Amazon orders in LB from a U.S. Amazon account? Thank you.
  1.  Grupo Tortuguero will be having a Spring Raffle gift basket, a value of 2500p. Tickets are available during our Saturday markets & also Lazy Daze (Tues. Mar. 19th & 26th, Fri. Mar. 22nd & 29th from noon onwards). Winning ticket will be drawn on Saturday Mar. 30th. Your contributions help our hatchlings to the Sea of Cortez. kj2014turtlelycool@gmail.com
  2. Yoloxochitl Art Studio,  painting workshop , March  Wed 20th, 10:00 to 1:00   let’s get inspired by spring lets paint flowers insects, bees, dragonflies,.birds, join the class, let flow your creativity Reserve your spot xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
  3. Join us this March 23rd tour Whale watching+snorkel tour $3000 pesos, departure from La Ventana at 8am. Pelagic Snorkel and Isla Cerralvo. www.krakendivers.com
  4. Pizzeria Don Roberto presents Los Chicharrones Band Live. Enjoy chef Alessandro Cioffi’s authentic Italian cuisine in a family friendly atmosphere. Saturday, March 30 -6 pm . Doors open at 2:30 pm. Reservations at: 612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  5. 3rd Anniversary of Pizzeria Don Roberto Los Barriles. Wednesday April 17 – doors open at 2 pm
    Los Chicharrones Band LIVE Free pizza and lots of surprises! Reservations required at:
    612 153 9430 donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  1.  Looking for a day bed or a twin .  In good condition.  Outdoor furniture in good condition.
  2. My gas fireplace doesn’t work.  I need someone experienced who can fix it so I don’t wake up dead.
  3. Wanted: BajaBayruner, do not need motor or trailer. cortezfishing545@gmail.com
  4. ISO small RV trailer 24’ in decent shape.  Also small pickup (nothing fancy) but not a beater either in close proximity to Los Barriles. moonlight@gci.net
  1.  Dos amigos Sportfishing  25 ft super panga  Located in la Ribera metioned that you saw us in the bpe and you will get disc from us  Buddy012587@gmail.com +526241419782 cell 

  1.  Therapy massage at your house by Lilia Carreón. Swedish, deep tissue, Sport, stretching. If you need to work on some issue or just relaxation, contact me. I will be happy to help you. I have good recommendations. I’m able to go any town around. Liliacarreonminjares@gmail.com +52 6122126582
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Los Barriles Adventure Rentals is now open  at Baja Sunrise RV Park across from the Pemex. We specialize in discounted weekly and monthly rates. Pricing changes daily depending on availability, stop by to get our best price.Call Dave +1-808-785-4123 or Mike@LosBarrilesAdventureRentals.com
  2. Botox Treatments Saturday March 23rd with Xochitil registered Nurse and licensed Medical Esthetician. For appointments contact Kelly kellyinbaja@gmail.com
  3. Hello LB! Baja Blooms, your local, hot pink florist, will be open Mon-Sat 10-430. However, because of Thursday’s Holiday, Day of the Yellow Flower, Thurs, March 21. Our Hours Will accommodate! Wed 10-5, Thurs 830am-5. Día the Yellow Flower  expresses  Gratitude of Friendship and Family Members. Let’s Celebrate this Holiday With the Mexicanos, as we do for Day of the Dead! I have many gorgeous Yellow Flowers! Whatsapp +14697770086. Thank you LB for your support! Bajablooms@gmail.com
  4. UTV and Quad Rentals-Best prices. Weekly/monthly +1-530-663-6095 Osoklose@gmail.com
    Contact us to reserve your ride today
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  9×9 pop up (frame only). Wide enough to park your sxs under. Available at Verdugos RV Resort. 25usd, obo. srh899@duck.com
  2. Toyota FJ CRUISER 2007, V6 4WD, 163,745 miles, silver colour, 13,900 sea shells, located in Cabo Pulmo. Contact: cabocremin@yahoo.com
  3. 2006 Yamaha Rhino 450 side by side, 4WD. Sought after model. New back tires, recent tune up. Super reliable overhead cam 421 CC engine, independent four wheel suspension, switch between 2WD, limited slip 4WD and fully locked differential 4WD with the push of a button. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2006-yamaha-rhino-450-side-side-4wd/7719103214.html
  4. Set of golf clubs. Good condition 3000 clams.
    Spear fishing gear. Used ounce.  Cressi, fins, mask and snorkel, vest,spear gun .6000 coconuts
===the end===







Insert calendar

  1.   Banks closed for Benito Juarez‘s Birthday, Monday March 18th. Also March 28th Good Thursday and 29th for Good Friday. Plan ahead, ATM’s will probably run out of money!
  1.  Built-in barbecue/grill installer needed.  Remove old and install new 24 inch propane barbecue into outdoor island.  Who do you recommend?  Experienced person, please.  Sandy sansolo@efn.org
  1.  I’m looking to buy small exercise trampoline either used or please let me know if you’ve seen any in the stores in San Jose or Cabo. tcdalton33@hotmail.com
  2. We are looking for an RV. joshuamacklis@rocketmail.com
  3. looking 15/20 hp.outboard motor 2 or 4 stroke casavery5758@gmail.com
  1.  Bela will be at the Farmer’s Market this Saturday with her great oranic food.  Now able tay hi.o take credit cards. Come say

  1.  Professional therapeutic massages at home, deep tissue, relaxing and stretching sports, include hot stones and aromatherapy, Merlene cell: +526241549901 marlenrangel0985@gmail.com
Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  GRINGO GROCERIES (Los Barriles). – East Cape Health Plaza (Next to laundry). Mon-Fri 9-6
    Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5. Supplying 100’s of hard-to-find US/Canadian healthy foods and personal products. Not only are we the lowest pricing in town, but the lowest in Baja. No price gouging here! Plus, a large selection of products currently on sale at only 50 or 100 Pesos! Come check us out. Look forward to seeing ya and saving you money on your favorites!  https://www.facebook.com/GringoGroceries
NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Brand new, never used 1100/2200 lb. electric winch. 200 lifts. gndselway@hotmail.com
  2. Three thousand dollar Taylor 614-CE Best Offer.  kene3@me.com
Weekly Repeats

Insert here

===the end===