
Status Update:  Cheryl is doing very well with her recovery.   I expect her to be back in a few days.  She is amazed and appreciative of all the support and well wishes she has received!


8 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. at 1pm. Angela Zanevsky. Admission: 200 peso
10 Tue Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
10 Tue Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
11 Wed Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
11 Wed Full Cold Moon (11th or 12th?)
11 Wed Full moon hike! info@teresastours.com
11 Wed East cape guild monthly meeting @ 11:00 Triny’s – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
11 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
11 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
12 Thu Jeanetti Spaghetti performing at Joe’s Pizza in Mercado La Costa 6 – 8pm
12 Thu Dia de Guadalupe-watch for walkers on the road


a. On December  5 in La Ventana, 2 people in a burgundy Ford Escape sport,  Stole my black 9 m core xr5 from back of our Jeep.  Not 24hrs later they ditched the Ford Escape and went into a friends property and stole the keys to our truck. And exchanged there Ford Escape for our. 2007 Grey f150 4door pickup.  We managed to track the cell phone that was in truck and it was found at a pawn shop  in La Paz. We believe that the culprits are 2 gringos 40-50 years old. There is a sticker on tailgate that says “no bad days “.  It has Ontario license plates. And the fenders and rocker panels  are painted black.  They are after market black towing mirrors on it  as well. If you see this truck please be cautious and just contact police. Truck is insured and as we would love our truck back.  Please do not take any risks. This is a list of all items missing shin bronq burgundy kite board , a north kite pump ,core kite pump .9m black xr5 core kite , car seats for our children   . – justiceskate@gmail.com

b. Lost a walkie talkie inside a bag please if you fine then, Contact Dante@kiteboardingbaja.com  Thanks


a. Postponed!!  Baja Beach Boutique….2nd Annual Holiday Party & Sale bajabeachboutique@gmail.com

b. In march, 2017, i sold a gray hobie outback with a custom seat to a guy that  i believe lived in the cabo pulmo area. i am back in lb and have the original seat if you still want it. robbie – rkreveg@hotmail.com


a.  Is anyone coming down soon who could bring me some supplements and a few small items? I could have them shipped to you by Tuesday or Wednesday. I’m having health problems and could really use them. Thanks! Jennifer alighton@me.com

b. We are looking for people to play bridge with two excellent bridge players when they visit Los Barriles December 29-January 3. – brantdyer@mac.com

c. Need to get an emergency brake cable down to Los Barriles from the LA área. I’ll get it to you. Small pkg. Ed ebodaken@gmail.com 626-372-1177.


a. Sound healing with Tibetian signing bowls and a vegetarian lunch by the beach Sunday 8th November at YogaGraden, Los Barilles. A finnish yoga teacher and a raw food chef holding a relaxed and fun event for the locals to come and relax and enjoy with!  For any questions and reservations, please email me – maija.kujala@gmail.com


a.  FIPCAM foundation and BAYVIEW restaurant invite you to our great DINNER PAIRING WITH CAUSE! Enjoy us next saturday 14 at 5:30 pm. Part of the collected will be destined to MEDICAL-SOCIAL DAYS next JANUARY 12, 2020 at Los Barriles! Tickets will be for sale at: – FIPCAM office located at Plaza Médica La Paz, Av. Constituyentes local 3 125 4114 – BayView Restaurant at Los Barriles Reservations number: 6243589121. Come, have fun and support this noble cause! Cost $ 1000 pesos per person 4 course dinner with selected wines – maru@vanwormerresorts.com

b. Join us for our first full moon hike of the season. Meet at Mision Buena Vista 5pm. Hike leaves at 5:30pm Sharp. $400 pesos includes a headlamp rental (limited first 10) and trail snacks. Please RSVP at info@teresastours.com.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Still need some gifts for the children of the ‘Feeding the Hungry’ recipients. There are about 30 families and they each have 3 to 6 children. These toys are given to the kids at the same time that the parents get the ‘chicken’ Christmas food baskets. 124-8071 Sunni at Juanito’s Garden/Los Barriles hotel  or sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com

b. Air conditioner  wanted  110   6000 btu or bigger.   newer if possible – cantrel.knowlesbeckyz1@gmail.com

c. Dog crate: medium sized. Looking to borrow  from now until the 16th (or any of that time) for a foster pup craving a safe space. Thank you! – jeanhindley@gmail.com

d. Craniosacral therapy – Please let me know if anyone is offering this –  Kitemomma@yahoo.com 624-160-1203

e. Recently moved to L.B. for the winter season.  Looking for a simple bicycle to use as commuter to town.   I am 5’7″.  Thank you. – jwiley427@gmail.com

f. Looking for 10 or 15 hp. two stroke, good running order – jerryshannon39@gmail.com

g. Looking for a Queen size box spring. I have the mattress, just need the box spring  Contact at : anitarossovich@ yahoo.com


a. None


a. None


a. Dr Dennis is back, now working in the Yoga Garden, (formerly in Char’s clinic).Light Force Chiropractic is just one of the services provided.  I also use Cold Lazer, Clinical Nutrition and Kinesiology to help people with a wide variety of health issues such as Arthritis, Asthma, Allergies, Low Energy, Gastrointestinal distress, Sleep issues, Muscle Cramps,  Weight Loss, Immune dysfunction and much more.  Contact me for a Free Consultation. densaidyes@aol.com  970-799-7068


a. North Nugget kiting surfboard. 5 ft 2 ins blue. No dings, good condition,  quad fin, two north straps. I’m just too tall, heavy and unskilled for this fun little board. 350 American footstraps or peso equivalent. Cash. Ian.  feelih@gmail.com or +52 6242385480

b. Kiteboard reel leash Oceanis brand. Never used or fitted. 60 American kiteloops. +52 6242385480 or feelih@gmail.com

c. Used kiteboards – cheap!  Slingshot Misfit 136 twintip like new and Slingshot Pit 5’6” surfboard with pads and straps good condition see on bajasur CL posting # 7023239689 Sam – build14u2@aol.com

d. New Cabrinha kite leash $25 – New Dakine Kiteboard cap with ear flaps $15 – New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $610 jumps.  Email for pics sherielliott@shaw.ca

e. looking for kite surfboard. i am in Los Barriles for one more week. – anicklabonville@sbcglobal.net

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 10 Tu  4:30 from sjd  to los barriles 2 people will share $ – tahoeclassiccars@yahoo.com
12 11 We Arrive 2:05pm 1 male 1 bag mwasson@gmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 16 Mo Terminal 1 Arrive 4:45 1 person – michael.w.mcpherson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
12 18 We Arrive 1:30. 1 person + 2 small bags. Scott, however, contact wendycswan@gmail.com.
12/22 Sun arrive 2:20pm 1 to LB Greg @ gtmellon@gmail.com, 707-845-4177
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu  Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com


12 11 We Leave LB at 8:15am 1 person, 1 carry on.  route_sixtysix@hotmail.com


12 16 Mo Leaving lb around 10:00 am. contact robbie. – rkreveg@hotmail.com
12 16 Mo Leaving airport 1:30 to 2:00pm: 3 persons: robbie – rkreveg@hotmail.com

CARAVAN –  Looking for a car/truck to drive north.  21 years experience driving the Peninsula. I will share expenses for a ride also.  Soon is best for me. Scott – encinalito@protonmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Hello to all my friends and costumers!  Baja Spa its offering gift certificates whit the 10% off for this holidays.  New location next to tacos El Viejo plum palapa up stairs!  And if you have credits from last season its time to come and get it!  Stop by and say hello. amparoensenada@yahoo.com 624 160 64 37

b. The original salon and barber in LB, Salon Naty! Stop in for a haircut, trim, mani/pedi, or more! Located behind Willy’s, up the road to Cafe Maria. Look for the little green plaza with fountain. 121-7871 – NatySalon0506@gmail.com

c. Unique handmade accessories made with a combination of vintage and modern materials. Available as sets or individually these one of a kind necklaces, bracelets, anklelets, earrings, hat bands and more make original and beautiful Christmas gifts at very reasonable prices. To view items (in person or photos) contact Cazz Creations in Los Barriles at 624 128 1197 or cazz1956@hotmail.com

d.  Dry Home.   Happy Home.  Seal the water out.  Free evaluation and estimates. References. – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

e. Guitar Lessons: beginner, intermediate, advanced. Composing Tips: add interest to your tunes. Contact Dave Love in LB for course details & refs: dulcecasitas10@gmail.com ; text/call (624)213-3445

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Small casita on the ocean  needs a little work will trade for rent   peaceful  quiet call   858   261 8689   dish network  available – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b. Beachfront Rancho Leonero. Turn-key, has it all, including great rental history! https://youtu.be/WXHzuFpthno and see the details at https://www.flexmls.com/share/2u1WX/Casa-Verde-S-N-East-Cape–  Email me for more! – Linda@HomesandlandofBaja.com

c. 50 X 200 mtr lot in Buena Vista.  Ideal for storage units or a home.  $89,000 canicas

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 6′ TV Satellite dish. Fiberglass dish with base. Good for Dish Network service. Two available. 150 tamales each. – ricktyrer@hotmail.com

b. Only one trip from Canada to Los Barriles full Aluminium construction spare tire.Don’t want to take it home.Contact Finn by email  finn.volke803@gmail.com https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/flatbed/7024117278.html?lang=en&cc=us

c. Full set clubs Rh with bag Taylor Made 360s rifle shafts newer grips all in good cond. 350.00 strokes. Chuck usa 408-595-0056 – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

d. 12 foot AB-RIB, on trailer with spare, new custom cover; no motor  $800 or B/O – jerryshannon39@gmail.com

e. 4 good nice  paddle boards , paddles, portable rack , uv cover 3000 paddles for all .more details  paulandsally007@gmail.com

f. I have an HP 2020 printer I would like to sell. It’s like new and comes with a half used ink cartridge plus a brand new one. $65. Please email me if interested: debrabyes@gmail.com

g. Garden Tractor 150 tilled rows-95’ Forerunner 3.0 diesel us plates 6k,s-Get around town bicycle 75 whatever’s. – rancholaventa1@me.com

h. ’99 Olds Bravada (Chevy Blazer), AWD, runs great, new brakes, radiator, tires and more. Cold AC, SD plates, perfect for Baja, a few quirks but great shape. $2000 US tacos – cookies@skaggsfamily.org


===THE END===




06 Fri the bookstore 9-11:30 am. highway one storage – across from el arco electrical, past Resol gas
06 Fri Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
06 Fri Celebration of Life for Dog Trainer Tracey. Pot Luck-Must RSVP emma@bajakennelclub.com
06 Fri New Date EastCapeHealthCenter Grand Opening 4pm BPE#4004
07 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
07 Sat Taste of East Cape https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/
8 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. at 1pm. Angela Zanevsky. Admission: 200 peso


a. Lost pair of ladies red framed prescription glasses. They were in a Mexican made red plaid checkered case. Lost near Plaza Puebla. – jeanmcculloch4@icloud.com

b. To the nice person who found my neoprene booties on the beach…Your Kochu@yahoo.com email isn’t going thru.  Do you have a contact number or can you email me?    sampsonje@gmail.com


a. I am looking for a place to rent a couple of Kayaks for fishing. My brother and I are looking for excuses to get out of the house –  Dec 24th – Jan 2nd.   nothing fancy –  sit ons –  just fooling around locally near shore.  Can anyone direct me where I could find them for rent?  I am driving down,  but that’s a long ways to haul a couple of plastic boats.   thanks carl johansson – birdbrain13@gmail.com

b. Let’s talk if you’re looking for someone to handle your social media, or to build and manage your website  / Personal Costumer Service / Priscilla Durán,  Native Spanish Speaker and English Spoken from Los Barriles. / pris.ecmedia@gmail.com

c. Take advantage of Spa Vida’s holidays promos! first you can get a 90 minutes hot stones massage with 10% discount or a Pedicure and a Facial for only 75 usd. You can make your appointment through FB, or spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com, phone: 624 141 0834

d. Hi BPE, I tried to return a message to kochu@yahoo.com and emails returned. The post was for Booties found at playa Norte on wed 3rd dec. I would love them back, please lets meet. Thanks – gcfreefly@hotmail.com

e. We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new Polaris Ranger 500 side by side that we will raffle off during Smokey’s 11th Annual Super Bowl Bash!!!!! That’s right …… a freaking side by side! Tickets are only $25 USD / $500 MN. As always, if you buy 4 tix, we’ll throw in an extra 2 tix bonus …….. mostly because we like you! Need not be present to win but we’d sure love it if you were! View your new Polaris Ranger at Smokey’s and get your dang tickets. YOU CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY!


a. Where can you buy good cuts of meat in LB ?  Looking for brisket, pork belly, etc for grilling. Is there a butcher in the area anymore? – sanferrick@aol.com


a.  FIPCAM foundation and BAYVIEW restaurant invite you to our great DINNER PAIRING WITH CAUSE!  Enjoy us next saturday 14 at 5:30 pm.  Part of the collected will be destined to MEDICAL-SOCIAL DAYS next JANUARY 12, 2020 at Los Barriles!   Tickets will be for sale at: – FIPCAM office located at Plaza Médica La Paz, Av. Constituyentes local 3 125 4114 – BayView Restaurant at Los Barriles  Reservations number: 6243589121.  Come, have fun and support this noble cause!  Cost $ 1000 pesos per person
4 course dinner with selected wines – maru@vanwormerresorts.com

b. Join us for our first full moon hike of the season.  Meet at Mision Buena Vista 5pm.  Hike leaves at 5:30pm Sharp.  $400 pesos includes a headlamp rental (limited first 10) and trail snacks. Please RSVP at info@teresastours.com.


a. El Trunifo Art Festival is Sunday, December 8th from 10am – 4pm.  Come to El Trunifo for a day of entertainment, food and shopping.  Questions:  creazonya1@gmail.com

b. Truly a night for appetites at the Taste of East Cape! Pull on your shoes, dress up just right, grab your baby and come sampling and dancing tonight! The Fifth Annual Taste of East Cape is back at Laguna Park in Los Barriles. The bar opens at 5PM Saturday night, December 7th, and guests will start pouring in, pun intended. Take ten tastes you select from fifteen of our finest chefs, plus a beverage, a coffee, and a dessert. Revolving Door will keep your toes tapping all the time you’re sampling. But come early. There’s only a few left and only available at the Pargue. https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/. – screed10@gmail.com


a. BELLA…BELLA….. BELLA…. BELLA …. FARMER’S MARKET in LOS BARRILES – Roasted Leg – Pork Sausages Roasted Pork Loin – Spicy Lamb Sausages – Barbecue Chicken – Chicken a la Orange – Quiche – French Pate – Almond Cake(GF) – Brownies(GF) – French Apple Pastry – Chocolate Cake – Gateau a l’Orange – bertyellen@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Looking for a used Ipad in good condition or some one in the states who would bring a new one down to me.. I will have it delivered to your door…. Big JIm….need it for my music 206-915-9189 US cell or blireef@yahoo.com

b. Old windsurfing masts. Kochucove@yahoo.com

c. Looking to set up home cross fit gym with a full set of weights and equipment.  Does anyone have any rigs, weights, dumbbells, kettle bells, or other equipment that they are no longer using?  Alternatively, does anyone know of a place in Cabo where I could purchase?  Any help appreciated. – tsfischer@icloud.com

d. Wanted used toilet, needed for construction workers on our build site. gwenbathgate@gmail.com

e. Please help transport 2 small kittens to victoria bc canada. ready for their trip to their forever home dec 6! they would need an in cabin transport. all expenses covered. they would be delivered to airport in mexico. picked up at airport in victoria. please help get these 2 home for xmas!  thank you kim – kimafogarty@hotmail.com


a. Last Week’s Awesome Sportfishing Fish Report: Dorado, dorado, dorado, striped marlin, blue marlin.  Short-billed spear fish. Twelve miles north east, billfish released. All female dorado released. Even half days are productive as the fish are within reach. Calm days are best and we forecast those with accuracy for a week in advance. Be Awesome, come aboard. Visit www.bajasawesomesportfishing.com or call 14-10231.


a. By popular demand, Tio Pablo is now cooking his Famous Prime Rib on both Thursdays and Sundays! Come to Tio’s this Thursday after 5 PM and sink your teeth into a tender, Certified Angus Prime Rib steak! Served with fresh veggies and your choice of mashed potatoes and gravy, baked potato, french fries, or rice.
$24.95 – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

b. Stop by Cafe Maria this Sunday and enjoy our delicious Mexican Combo Special: a shrimp chile relleno, cheese enchilada, beef tostada, rice, beans and guacamole! You can order to go: 14 105 11 – pris.cafemaria@gmail.com

c. 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Great location, great service, great sweet treats! Stop by after the Piano Concert in El Triunfo. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturdays. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook-zopis.sanbartolo


a. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com


a. Healing Winds is open! We and grateful for your presence while roadwork continues. You are welcome to park next to Prisa store paint store before walking a half block to HW. There is kindness everywhere and in unexpected inconvenient circumstances, like the gentleman who helped my mom carry her bike over the piles of dirt so she could come to yoga this morning. This, like everything, is temporary and it changes. Minute to minute. Day by day. I feel overjoyed when I see people walking by to Energym next door and through open doors here. Life is an adventure! Especially in developing and rural areas like Baja…Gratitude abounds! tehroma@healingwinds.space 

b. Dr. Alma Vasquez will be in Los Barriles Saturday December 21st. offering treatments such as Botox, Juvederm Fillers, and Radio Frequency Skin Tightening. Through continual education and training, Dr Alma has spent the summer learning  with top MX Plastc Surgeons PBSerumSmooth Collagenase Therapy. Targets fine lines similar to one of the ways burns are treated in Spain. If you would like more info email me. New line of Physician Strength Skin Care.  For info/Appts kwmx3@yahoo.com.  report to Salon Blue 2.  Starting a preventative skin care programs in your early 40, preserves your youthful  appearance years beyond


a. New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $610 jumps.  Email for pics sherielliott@shaw.ca

b. Like new Bare Force 4/3 Metalite size large men’s wetsuit. Been worn only a few times. See Los Barriles FB page for pics.  150 warm rides. 624 132-7932 Located in Verdugos RV park. – davegee@shaw.ca

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 10 Tu  4:30 from sjd  to los barriles 2 people will share $ – tahoeclassiccars@yahoo.com
12 11 We Arrive 2:05pm 1 male 1 bag mwasson@gmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 16 Mo Terminal 1 Arrive 4:45 1 person – michael.w.mcpherson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
12 18 We Arrive 1:30. 1 person + 2 small bags. Scott, however, contact wendycswan@gmail.com.
12/22 Sun arrive 2:20pm 1 to LB Greg @ gtmellon@gmail.com, 707-845-4177
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu  Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com



12 16 Mo Leaving lb around 10:00 am. contact robbie. – rkreveg@hotmail.com
12 16 Mo Leaving airport 1:30 to 2:00pm: 3 persons: robbie – rkreveg@hotmail.com

CARAVAN –  Looking for a car/truck to drive north.  21 years experience driving the Peninsula. I will share expenses for a ride also.  Soon is best for me. Scott – encinalito@protonmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Dear customers, Cerrajería Fred’s – Lock & Key has updated phone numbers: 624 234 5760 or 624 224 8438
Sr. Fred or Luis at your service in all the eastcape area. Residential locksmith,  Car, house or safe openings,
Key duplicates, Keys with chip And more. Give us a call!Gracias. – gvelasco0923@gmail.com

b. Are you planning a Christmas party for work colleagues, family or friends? Concentrate on having fun and let us do the work for you. Joe’s Pizza is a great venue and La Catrina Taproom & Bar will keep your thirst at bay. Or let us deliver for free to your party place.  Contact us on joeslosbarriles@gmail.com to find out we can help make your party a success.

c. Mercado La Costa: Eat, drink, shop and relax in the heart of Los Barriles. We have everything to look after you from top to toe, inside and out! Enjoy shopping and eating in our enclosed courtyard or watch the world go by on our deck out front. www.facebook.com/MercadoLaCosta

d. 10  to 12 ft cocos  from ground to top of the leaves  strong and vibrant   bring your truck  will dig them  up and load in your truck   for u to plant   or we can bring them to yu   150   cocos .  180 if we plant and deliver – cantrell.knowlesbeckyz1@gmail.com

e. East Cape Tackle – For the entire month of December 2019.. All Accurate reels conventional and spinning are now between 15% – 20% off.

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Laribera  corner lot for sale  all new houses  nice view. property values good and getting better   mountain view and ocean   app  25  by30    35.000 palms – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

b. LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION, 1 bedroom Casita in Buenos Aires neighborhood available for the winter. Contact thea@ctcak.net

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Boat ‍trailer heavy duty single axel with rollers https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bpo/7032381055.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

b. Correction: Mr. Heater,30,000 BTU, NEW in box with attachments  –   bajasur.craigslist.org/app/d/mr-heater/7031605263.htmlcjonhi@aol.com

c. mountain bikes full suspension ! specialized stump jumper , large, 600 cocos , women’s opus size small, 600 rides, great rides email if want more details ! – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

d. 30 ft Rexhall Motorhome.  Engine does not run. Perfect to sit on your construction lot.   AC, built in VAC, Fridge.  jeffinbaja@gmail.com   $3800 rides   Can be seen at Captain Nemo’s Landing.   https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7032516775.html

e. Mobicool 37 L cooler DC  includes AC adapter 150 cold ones – nancypopham@outlook.com

f. Lenovo Yoga 2 11 Gently used and factory restored, original box 4G 500GB 11.6 display windows 101800 Mx tamales ccholder55@gmail.com

g. 3 tennis rackets restrung Wilson graphite composite including 4 tins brand new balls & cases reduced 75 clams for all – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

h. 2012 Yamaha TW200. Only 925 miles, perfect condition, always garaged. 3,500 fun days. bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 624-142-8260

i. Kuat NV 2.0 2″ receiver mount bike rack. Holds 2 bikes, Xlnt condition. Retails 689, here in LB for 500 pedals. bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 624-142-8260

j. Slime for 2 ATV tires 20 treads. Slime for 4 bicycle tires 10 flats. Or all for 25 plugs. Pat 624-132-9967 – pro.ogilvie@gmail.com

k. New holland 2000 watt generator. – Electric start. 10 hours of use. 300 pulls – gcwhite44@gmail.com

l. 1987 Jeep Wrangler – good mechanical shape, runs well, needs some love and attention. 4.2L 6cyl, Toyota std transmission, low-wear 17″ tires. Extras: full-size spare, soft top, tow bar, back seat.  SD plates and title. 5000 arroyo rides. jake@edge2.net

m. 2007 Bravo cargo trailer 8 ft wide 16 ft long 7 ft high. 2800 pulls- 360-207-9081 – 7donjam@gmail.com

n. 12 foot valco, 9.9 merc 4 stroke, galvanized trailer with beach wheels. ez launch beach wheels with spare parts. new boat cover, life jackets, oars, rod holders, spare prop, quality boat seats, plus more.624-178-8380  la ribera – stargazer1@telus.net


===THE END===

4012 – 120419


05 Thu Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
06 Fri the bookstore 9-11:30 am. highway one storage – across from el arco electrical, past Resol gas
06 Fri Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
06 Fri 5:30 La Concha—DJ, Dancing, Food, High School Fundraiser info: http://bit.ly/35yAZC8 – kaivalyapada@gmail.com
06 Fri Celebration of Life for Dog Trainer Tracey. Pot Luck-Must RSVP emma@bajakennelclub.com
06 Fri New Date EastCapeHealthCenter Grand Opening 4pm BPE#4004
07 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
07 Sat Taste of East Cape https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/
8 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. at 1pm. Angela Zanevsky. Admission: 200 peso


a. Neoprene booties found on playa Norte on wed morning. Kochu@yahoo.com

b.Lost Kiteboard. Red, white and blue Bliss twin tip. Call phone number on board or 303 898-1742. Reward. Thanks.


a. A big Thank You to all the Merchants who helped support the East Cape Guild Paella Party Night with donations. It was a successful event and the children of the East Cape will benefit. Also thanks to all the volunteers who worked to make the event a success.

b. Chris & Pat you won Raffle Basket #3 at the Holiday Art Show last Sunday!!!   Your email address did not work, so please contact us so we can get you your basket!!  Email –  eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com

c. Dr Hugo Aguilar, Urologist, and Dr. Emmanuel Rodriguez pediatrician, will be this Friday 06th at the East Cape Health Center, for more info, details or to ask for an appointment please call to our front desk: 624 124 8203

d. East Capers Magazine December/January Issue is available now in print around the East Cape, and online at www.eastcapearts.com   To help them go further, when you are done with the magazine, return it to a rack so others can enjoy it!   For more information email eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com

e. Merry Christmas everybody!  It’s that time a year again that we collect toys for all of the children here in Los Barriles and surrounding areas.  Sometimes Santa just can’t make it to these homes so we do.  Anything is appreciated, these children get pretty much nothing.  When you bring the toys in to Lazy Daze please do not wrap them.  We sure appreciate all of your support as you have done in the past Christmases.  See you at Lazy Daze and thank you in advance.


a. I am looking for the lady who crochets and sells things at the Saturday market and last Sunday at the Holiday Art Show.  I need to get something.  Please email me at  lauriebeth1121@hotmail.com

b. Does anyone know where I can get dragon fruit Cuttings or seeds? – philiplarsen44@yahoo.com


a. The revolving door band will begin it’s season at LaPlaya restaurant on Friday Dec 6th… Show the band some love and show up to dance!   We will start around 7:00…. Come early and have dinner, the food is great… Band includes  JEFF Heintzman on guitar, Kelly Partland on guitar, Big Jim on bass and Jerry Boswell  doing the percussion.. See you there…..

b. I’m the President of the Parents Association for the preparatory school here in Los Barriles. I learned that a new high school is close to getting funding and approval to be built in Los Barriles and that 70 students from San Bartolo, LB, El Cardonal and Buena Vista only get to attend school in the afternoons right now because there’s no space otherwise and that they’d like to extend classes into the evening except there is no lighting. So – we are holding a fundraiser at the Can cha on December 16th, 2019 at 5:30pm. There will DJ and dancing and food and fun. The goal is to raise $85000 pesos. Tickets / donations can be made /purchased from Smokeys ExotiKite Kiteboarding Restaurant & Bar La Playa LB Property. Please support this great community and these wonderful kids.  Alex Rochin

c. For the next 3 Saturdays (12-7,14 and 21st.) Rodrigo will be at Yoga Garden from 11am-2pm to add tinsel to your tresses. Jules will be giving free laser foot assessments for her new product: Aline insoles, and Jackie will provide all you need to make your own Mala type bracelet.  Reservations are required for Rodrigo’s Hair Tinsel and Jackie’s Mala bracelet sessions.  contact:   jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

d. Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, December 8 at 1pm. Artist: Angela Zanevsky. Admission: 200 peso. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com

e. Thursday 12th December 6 – 8 pm Jeanetti Spaghetti is performing at Joe’s Pizza in Mercado La Costa.   A well known local talent she skillfully accompanies herself on guitar, performing an eclectic repertoire in English and Spanish. Come and enjoy something different with dinner.  www.facebook.com/joespizzalosbarriles


a. SATURDAY DEC 7TH GET YOUR PLACE AT THE TASTE   Hurry and find your place at our Fifth Annual Taste of East Cape at Laguna Park in Los Barriles. Saturday night, December 7th, the bar opens at 5PM and guests start pouring in, pun intended. Sample ten tastes you select from fifteen of our finest chefs, plus a beverage, a coffee, and a dessert. Revolving Door will keep your toes tapping and all the time you’re sampling you’ll be dancing. But hurry – we’re sure to run out of tickets. Get yours now at the Los Barriles Saturday Market, Homes & Land, LB Property Services, Baja Properties, Coldwell Banker, Bahia Real Estate or from any Rotary Club member. https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/.

b. East Cape Health Center grand Opening, Friday Dec 06th, starting at 4:00 pm, come and celebrate with us this happy day while enjoying a tour through the new facilities! – pris.ecmedia@gmail.com

c. The Community Market is off and running after surviving the last bout of rain – the park will be back to normal. Parking will back and we look forward to the holidays at the market – it’s a great Saturday morning adventure for out of town friends and family. Grab a coffee , get some breakfast / lunch , fill your fridge with all the tasty treats and do your holiday gift shopping – The community market is every Saturday from 9am – 1 pm at t. Parque la Laguna.  See you at the Market !

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Looking for someone interested in leasing a dish receiver.  Lease  year  around 1 friend on  acc  8 years  sat 129  you need a sat dish  all channels  networks  50 coco a mo/. – cantrell.knowlesbecky@gmail.com


a. None


a. Great daily specials at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook-zopis.sanbartolo

b. Thursday, Dec. 5 – 2 for $25 at Hotel Los Pescadores.  Share an appetizer and get 2 Entrees for $25US. Reservations recommended.  624 12 18786.

c. Satisfy your taco cravings with Maxico’s Thursday promo. Taco for $1 dollar or 20 pesos. Bucket of beer (8 bottles) for 200 pesos.  Every Thursday from 9am to 8pm at Tres Palapas – info@maxico.mx

d. Stop by Cafe Maria to enjoy the Thursday delicious special! Green Sauce Shrimp Enchiladas, served with rice and green salad plus a drink!! Special price! order to go: 14 10511

e. Joe’s Pizza – We don’t just serve great pizza. We have pasta, salads, burgers, chicken wings and more! It’s all available for takeout or free home delivery.  Our light bites menu is available from 11am – 6pm and our main menu is available from 2 – 10pm.  Find us in Mercado La Costa or call 624 130 2222 for takeout or free home delivery. www.facebook.com/joespizzalosbarrilesjoeslosbarriles@gmail.com


a. New happy hour deals at Tres Palapas!  From Dec 9 happy hour half-price play starts at 3pm (Monday to Friday). And starting from Dec 14, Saturdays will be all day happy hour days (100 pesos drop-in).  Gather your family and friends for an afternoon of Pickleball fun and visit us. – info@trespalapasbaja.com


a. Booms:  Chinook aluminum boom 135-185.  25 jibes – Chinook carbon boom 135-185.  250 jibes sarah.plotkin@gmail.com

b. Kiteboard reel leash Oceanis brand. Never used or fitted. 60 American kiteloops. +52 6242385480 or feelih@gmail.com

c. North Nugget kiting surfboard. 5 ft 2 ins blue. No dings, good condition,  quad fin, two north straps. I’m just too tall, heavy and unskilled for this fun little board. 350 American footstraps or peso equivalent. Cash. Ian.  feelih@gmail.com or +52 6242385480

d. FREE foil clinic with Ian Sanders from ExotiKite Kiteboarding!  This Sunday, December 8th, join Ian to talk about all things foil.  He will cover basic foil handling and equipment, and more advanced topics such as transitions, wave riding and strapless.  Join us this Sunday at 9:30am in front of ExotiKite and come with questions for a clinic relevant Q&A afterwards. Other questions or to book lessons, contact us at losbarrileskiteboarding@gmail.com

e. 2016 North Rebel 10M bar/lines, 400 ballyhoos – justinritts@hotmail.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 10 Tu  4:30 from sjd  to los barriles 2 people will share $ – tahoeclassiccars@yahoo.com
12 11 We Arrive 2:05pm 1 male 1 bag mwasson@gmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
12 18 We Arrive 1:30. 1 person + 2 small bags. Scott, however, contact wendycswan@gmail.com.
12/22 Sun arrive 2:20pm 1 to LB Greg @ gtmellon@gmail.com, 707-845-4177
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu  Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com



CARAVAN –  Looking for a car/truck to drive north.  21 years experience driving the Peninsula. I will share expenses for a ride also.  Soon is best for me. Scott – encinalito@protonmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. COPPER RIVER DESIGNS JEWELRY STORE is located on Costa Brava Street downtown Los Barriles next to Mailboxes. We have a huge inventory of wide selection of styles including gold,silver,precious gemstones , pearls, vintage and way more!   Come on by! Take advantage of our great discounts.  Monday to Friday 9-4 & Sat 9-1

b. San Jose Park N Fly is a new world-class Airport Parking Facility located just across the Los Cabos International Airport!  Don’t miss our grand opening promotion (ends Dec 15, 2019): Reserve now and park your vehicle with us for only $1 USD/day! ☞ https://www.sjparknfly.com/ – info@sjparknfly.com

c. TK Builders and Design and its Local Team are at your service offering General construction and Design services, we take any type of projects from refurbishing to building from scratch, painting, or palapas. Give us a call to talk about your ideas, all of our quotes are non-cost. Once we agree on a budget, there will not be sudden changes. Contact info: tk.buildersanddesign@gmail.com / 624 125 2360

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. To the person e mailed  me yesterday  left no address or phone no   lot in laribera – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. GE under sink water filtration system with two filters, faucet.  25 gulps.  sarah.plotkin@gmail.com

b. 16 ft kayaks Aquaterra , Sea lion got 2 – zerobugs1@gmail.com

c. Mr. Heater, NEW in box, 3,000 BTU, with attachments – 200 hot tamales or best offer bajacraigslist  post id: 7031605263 – cjonhi@aol.com

d. Two new kayak paddles still in the package, never used.  About 86 inches with adjustable pitch.  25 strokes each or both for 40. – spaceglider169@gmail.com

e. 10 x 6 New Utility Trailer 2,500. coco’s – watson.carol1@gmail.com

f. Skyline topper 50.coco’s – watson.carol1@gmail.com

===THE END===





03 Tue Tai Chi starts at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, 8 weeks, see BPE 4003 info: hansheld@gmail.com
03 Tue Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
04 Wed 5:30pm . 1hr Salsa Dance Class with Neil at Yoga Garden. All welcome
04 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
04 Wed El Cardonal Recycling 9:00 – 11:00 am marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
04 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
04 Wed Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani. Yoga Garden 3 to 4:30pm.  jgrittan1@gmail.com
05 Thu Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
06 Fri the bookstore 9-11:30 am. highway one storage – across from el arco electrical, past Resol gas
06 Fri Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
06 Fri 5:30 La Concha—DJ, Dancing, Food, High School Fundraiser info: http://bit.ly/35yAZC8 – kaivalyapada@gmail.com
06 Fri Celebration of Life for Dog Trainer Tracey. Pot Luck-Must RSVP emma@bajakennelclub.com
06 Fri New Date EastCapeHealthCenter Grand Opening 4pm BPE#4004


a. Found Lezyne bike multi tool on Scotty’s trail barrilesareatrailstewards@gmail.com


a. Art day every wednesday starting december 11,8:30am. at Kitty McGee’s casa. ksmcgee@psci.net

b. Any issues crossing border south at tecate or San Ysidro recently  thanks – shirtpro10@hotmail.com

c. Call Gardenia Duran from East Cape Legal Services if you need any Legal assessment, or have any migratory business, property management needs, or if you’re looking to solve any issue for a while with no success. phone 624 128 4624 / gardeniaduran@hotmail.com


a. Driving to Lapaz from Victorville Ca. in the Hi Desert and taking my 90lb pit big boy. wanted to ask folks that have taken pets if there’s anything weird that we should know in leaving and returning into the US. I do know about the requirements for dogs with items on net and will be having an exam done 15 days before leaving and current on vac’s anything else? just want to hear from folks as to any tips and how easy or hard is it. Thank’s! – jmper020@verizon.net


a. SATURDAY DEC 7TH GET YOUR PLACE AT THE TASTE   Hurry and find your place at our Fifth Annual Taste of East Cape at Laguna Park in Los Barriles. Saturday night, December 7th, the bar opens at 5PM and guests start pouring in, pun intended. Sample ten tastes you select from fifteen of our finest chefs, plus a beverage, a coffee, and a dessert. Revolving Door will keep your toes tapping and all the time you’re sampling you’ll be dancing. But hurry – we’re sure to run out of tickets. Get yours now at the Los Barriles Saturday Market, Homes & Land, LB Property Services, Baja Properties, Coldwell Banker, Bahia Real Estate or from any Rotary Club member. https://losbarrilesrotaryclub.org/.

b. East Cape Health Center grand Opening, Friday Dec 06th, starting at 4:00 pm, come and celebrate with us this happy day while enjoying a tour through the new facilities! – pris.ecmedia@gmail.com

c. Therapeutic mandalas workshop at healing winds saturday 14 of december 1pm to 4pm – dianagizer@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Help Techsters !    My I-phone 5 randomly tells me there is no SIM card, when if fact there is one in there.  When this happens, the phone does not work.  YouTube says to pop the Sim Tray open, and put it back in.  This works only  temporarily.   Any ideas?  densaidyes  at  aol.com

b. I’m looking for indoor plants and/or clippings of Colius, Wandering Jew, and Spider plants, as well as any indoor plants that grow rapidly and have vines that crawl. Please contact Charlie Hampton @ 624 230-9841 and I will come pick them up. Thank you, Charlie (formerly of Charlie’s Chocolates)


a. Join Cafe Maria to enjoy our Seafood Combo Special: wrapped in bacon with mango sauce shrimps and coconut shrimps, served with a baked potato and caesar salad !  you can order to go: 14 105 11 – pris.cafemaria@gmail.com

b.  We invite you to the pictorial watercolor sample of the Artist Amado Colado this Friday, December 6 at 5 pm at Pizza Gourmet San Antonio.  Make your reservation at 6121775806

c. Tuesday Dec 3- Asian comida at Hotel Los Pescadores.  Reservations recommended. 624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com


a. Slingshot, Simulator foilboard new 600  – Levitaz, Bionic foil new including custom BU board cost over 4000 selling for less than half  – DaKine, Vega, Vision and Fusion seat harness new 160 – Gath, Gedi helmets 160 – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM

b. Northwave zx-9, 5.2, vg condition – Chinook long carbon skinny extension. Starboard Evo wave board, 86 ltrs. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/windsurf-gear-los-barriles/7019528738.htmlgwandsh@gmail.com

c. New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $610 jumps  Email for pics sherielliott@shaw.ca

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 10 Tu  4:30 from sjd  to los barriles 2 people will share $ – tahoeclassiccars@yahoo.com
12 11 We Arrive 2:05pm 1 male 1 bag mwasson@gmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
12/22 Sun arrive 2:20pm 1 to LB Greg @ gtmellon@gmail.com, 707-845-4177
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu  Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com


12/23 Mon LB to airport 1 person 1 bag, Jocelyn, kawish59@hotmail.com (I might have missed the time on this)



Looking for a car/truck to drive north.  21 years experience driving the Peninsula. I will share expenses for a ride also.  Soon is best for me. Scott – encinalito@protonmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Aeroburro, Your local mail and package service has our 6 month vacation plan or full time bi weekly mail service. Packages from Amazon to a whole house done fast and professional . Need help with registration in South Dakota , Come and see Paul at Plum Loco, call 624-141-0520 www.aeroburro.com

b. Safe, exciting and fun adventures are underway at Teresa’s Tours.  Hiking trails are incredible, MTB and e-biking tours good to go.   Let’s do this. Teresastours.com  Info@teresastours.com

c. Wolf Property Management – East Cape (since 2008) – (El Cardonal, Punta Pescadero, Los Barriles, Buena Vista, Spa BV, Rancho Leonero, Playa Colorada) // Property Maintenance, Repairs, Home Inspections, Vacation Rentals, Long Term rentals, ATV rentals, Taxi/Van services, Car Rentals, Massages, home and pool building, plumbing/electrical projects, septic, irrigation systems, Remodeling Projects, Whale watching and Island tours, Sportfishing, Catering, Insurance services, official distributor for Sodastream tanks exchange & machines, Info.Website: www.wolf-pm.com // E-mail: info@wolf-pm.com   US Phone: (858) 222 3539  Local office phone: (624) 124 81 71

d. Compost and Potting soil from Santiago. free delivery. $240. Pesos per bag. 6241554036 or irisleonides@yahoo.com.mx

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Lot  app  25 by 25   good view  high rent district   clean papers – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b. 2 BR/2 bath La Ribera home 4 sale by owner. Fully furnished.  Large palapa porch, beautiful outdoor shower, washing machine. Water tank (pila) on roof + city water + 100 gal. propane tank.  Approx. 1/2 mile from beach.  Photos on Craigslist:  bajasur.craigslist.org/reo/d/reasonable-baja-home/7030874238.htmljosephbonifer@yahoo.com

c. BAJA HOME for sale In Spa Buena Vista, EastCape, near Los Barriles,  “Casabelle,” with WIFI, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, fenced yard, covered parking, bodega, a minute walk to the beach,washer/dryer, air conditioning every room, great outdoor covered patios upstairs and downstairs, flowers, fruit trees. Fully furnished, turn key. 250,000 rocks, discounted 25,000 pebbles! Call Bill at (530) 306-1910 or email WONNORTH@pacbell.net.

d. NIETO GENERAL MAINTENANCE  Offers the services of installation of marble,granite, tile,roof sealing,painting,fine details and all kinds of maintenance in general.free budget in the Barriles and surroundings.send me an email and I will attend you.  W.catymoreno86@gmail.com

e. Beachfront Home Price Drop! This one has it all, and a new lower price. – Carlene https://tinyurl.com/BeachfrontDelfinCarlene@HomesandLandofBaja.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7030640936.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

b. HP 2020 printer..like new!  Comes with 1/2 ink cartridge plus 1 brand new one.  $65 prints.  debrabyes@gmail.com

c. Rh taylor made 360 irons and bag. Clubs grips in good cond. Driver woods inc. 2 tight lie clubs inc. 360.00 swings.  Chuck usa 408-595-0056 – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

d. Dog crate, petmate,, petporter 2 good condition, 24x27x36. 1100 kibbles 624  156 2897.  la  ribera – ctoc99@hotmail.com

e. polaris ranger sxs 2010, with 2 new tires good shape,4000 rides 624  156 2897. la ribera. – ctoc99@hotmail.com

f. 8 foot pocket tender 650 bananas! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7030764633.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

g. 12 foot inflatable 200 bananas! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7030773612.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

h. 4 new built e-bike kit bikes for sale.   Mongoose Fat Tire, Luna Mini Cyclone motors, 48v advanced batteries.  Need some tweaking to make them fully go. 950 avocados each   See add here.   .https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/bike-kit-bikes-for-sale-need-tweaking/7030894001.htmlbajasouls2012@gmail.com

i. 12 ft. AB inflatable on trailer with custom cover, no motor $900. or B/O   ph; 612-238-3194;  Los Barriles


===THE END===





03 Tue Tai Chi starts at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, 8 weeks, see BPE 4003 info: hansheld@gmail.com
03 Tue Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
04 Wed 5:30pm . 1hr Salsa Dance Class with Neil at Yoga Garden. All welcome
04 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
04 Wed El Cardonal Recycling 9:00 – 11:00 am marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
04 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
04 Wed Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani. Yoga Garden 3 to 4:30pm.  jgrittan1@gmail.com
05 Thu Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
06 Fri the bookstore 9-11:30 am. highway one storage – across from el arco electrical, past Resol gas
06 Fri Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
06 Fri 5:30 La Concha—DJ, Dancing, Food, High School Fundraiser info: http://bit.ly/35yAZC8 – kaivalyapada@gmail.com
06 Fri Celebration of Life for Dog Trainer Tracey. Pot Luck-Must RSVP emma@bajakennelclub.com
06 Fri New Date EastCapeHealthCenter Grand Opening 4pm BPE#4004


a. I lost my prescription sun glasses on Friday 29 in the community marking, blue with black frame.  Please if If anyone has them, you can contact me at the following email Dross8249@aol.com

b. Quad found – bellowen1946@yahoo.com


a. RECYCLING NEWS! Thursday, December 5th, 9-11 a.m., bring your sorted recycling materials to our center at East Cape Casas & RV Resort and join your friends and neighbors in helping our town.  It is very helpful if people pre-process their materials beforehand so please have your plastic prepared with tops removed from all bottles (bring the caps with you to recycle also) and all material crushed as small as possible.  One of our smiling VOLUNTEERS will help you sort your stuff into the proper bags. Please check our website for directions and information about what we accept and how to prepare it:  www.eastcaperecycling.com.    We are still a 100% ALL VOLUNTEER group and can always use more volunteers and donations to support what we do.  ONE hour of your time is all we ask!  Bring a hat, gloves, and a smile (cold water provided, please bring your own cup/bottle).
Thank you from East Cape Recycling for caring to keep our community and our planet safe and beautiful!


a. Anyone driving north to LA area or thereabouts?  Trying to get a stereo receiver up there to have it repaired.  Ed 142-8061; – ebodaken@gmail.com


a.   If you do not see your post please use this link to submit, https://www.thebajaponyexpress.com/wp/post-to-the-bpe/.

b.  If the BPE is landing in your spam/junk folder follow these instructions to create a filter so that the BPE’s land in your Inbox.  The first set of instructions apply to gmail users.   Scroll down the page to find instructions for yahoo, hotmail, and outlook.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Small, 4-7 HP outboard (2 or 4 cycle) motor in good condition for a 10′ aluminum boat.  captainscott34@gmail.com or 772-281-8833


a. It took a village http://www.wonews.com/Blog.aspx?ID=4642&AuthorID=96087&t=ItTookaVillagethatbajaguy@gmail.com

b. Baja Billfish Strong As Yellowfin & Wahoo Vie For Second https://www.bdoutdoors.com/baja-billfish-strong-yellowfin-wahoo/thatbajaguy@gmail.com


a. Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services vcabo2002@msn.com

b. Restorative Nidra every MONDAY.  This gentle class will tap into your inner calm with supportive, restorative postures followed by a short, guided meditation. Leave feeling  relaxed and tension free! Join me Monday at 5pm at Yoga Garden. – bajachakra@gmail.com

c. Check our website:  Yogagardenbaja.com for the December schedule…a few new classes for the month of December.  Hans is offering his Tai Chi class series on Tuesdays beginning Dec. 3rd at 10:30am and Neil is teaching Salsa on Wednesdays beginning December 4th. at 5:30pm.  And of course all of the favorites taught by Sefi, Megan, Emily, Sarah, Jeanette and Jackie

d. Dr. Alma Vasquez will be in Los Barriles Saturday December 21st. offering : Botox, Juvederm Fillers, and Radio Frequency Skin Tightening. Through continual education and training, Dr Alma has spent the summer learning  with top MX Plastc Surgeons PBSerumSmooth Collagenase Therapy. Targets fine lines similar to one of the ways burns are treated in Spain. If you would like more info email me. New line of Physician Strength Skin Care.  For info/Appts kwmx3@yahoo.com.  report to Salon Blue 2.  Starting a preventative skin care programs in your early 40, preserves your youthful  appearance years beyond

e. Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani (aka Jeanetti Spaghetti). Simple activities and songs to expand your voice and enjoy singing with others in a safe, supportive environment.  At the Yoga Garden, Wed, Dec. 4th, 3 to 4:30pm. Suggested donation 100pesos. jgrittan1@gmail.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 10 Tu  4:30 from sjd  to los barriles 2 people will share $ – tahoeclassiccars@yahoo.com
12 11 We Arrive 2:05pm 1 male 1 bag mwasson@gmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu  Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com



CARAVAN – none

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Baja Bach Boutique would like to thank you all for making our Black Friday/Sidewalk Sale such a awesome day!  Be sure to put Dec. 10th on your Calendar for our 2nd Annual Holiday Party & Santa’s Special Sale. Thanks again and have a great day! – bajabeachboutique@gmail.com

b. New Arrivals at Salt+Cotton just in time for early holiday shopping!  New yoga leggings, sports bras and rompers as well as more from our fantastic designers in Guadalajara.  Open 9-3, 7 days a week.  Located next to Mailboxes Los Barriles on Calle Costa Brava. – saltcottonbaja@gmail.com

c. Buying or selling a home.  Flat fee roof inspections.  Comprehensive report. Complete roof water proofing also available – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

d. Rancho Leonero Bar is staying open!! – Come and try our tasty snack menu – Everyday from 12 to 8 pm – recepcionrancholeonero@gmail.com

e. joels palm trees and desert plants for sale  royal palms full grown 20 ft tall coco palms – 15 ft  fan palms  10 footers plumarius white or red – phoenix date palms.  we plant and deliver or you come dig them up and take them home and plant – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Beautiful Condo on the water in Los Barriles could be yours! For sale by owner.  Mar Y Sol #403 is a 2 bed / 2 full bath. Also includes a 10×20 garage. Turn key option.   3rd floor views are unbelievable! Super clean and upscale everything.  Low HOA fees and top notch management.
For price and pics email:  move4moore@yahoo.com

b. Charming One Bedroom One Bath Casita for Sale Baja’s Resort at East Cape $85,000

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Brands new atv and side by side tires and rims – 25x8x12- 25x10x12- 550 coco’s – 25x10x12- 25x11x12 -600 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

b. 10′ Quicksilver RIB inflatable, professionally gone through for leak repair, with oars, no trailer, 600 waves.  Tohatsu 9.9 (15 HP) 2 stroke outboard motor, very good condition, 800 strokes.  Buy as set 1,300 strokes
captainscott34@gmail.com 772-281-8833

c. Polaris 425 magnum quad, 2×2, 4×4, good tires maintained and garaged, 1800 clams /OBO,  cjonhi@aol.com bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/quad/7029648535.html

d. For sale new steel garage doors never installed 9ft wide 12 ft high 700 sea shells obo 624-141-0476 – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com

e. 1113 jazzy mobility scooter new needs battery 950.00 smiles – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com

f. 4 burner Bosch stove and oven (propane). Apartment size. 100 meals. Photos available via email. – dede@dedebacon.com

g. Firman 4550 portable generator. 120 volts.  Dual fuel (propane or gasoline).  Less than 10 hours running time, like new. 650 powers.  Jiminbaja@gmail.com

h. Used one game .. Electrum Pro PICKLEBALL Paddle..  wonderful paddle.  Paid 140.00 usd – first 70 serves in gets it – paulandsally007@gmail.com

i. 14’ zodiac inflatable,25 hp Nissan motor,trailer,canopy. 1500.00 floats. Has leak on bottom of boat. Needs to be repaired. Casa 624-142-8255 – johnlaloe@gmail.com

j.  Paul Clark your email did not work for a reply on the horse trailer – tahoehookup@yahoo.com

k. Mexican Christmas trees view outside 60 barracuda blvd – tessabarriles@gmail.com

l. Coby 32” flatscreen tv with remote. 65 US shows. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/ele/d/tv-32-flatscreen/7030301599.htmlbevans3999@gmail.com

m. Christmas tree with lights.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/hsh/d/christmas-tree/7030294329.htmlbevans3999@gmail.com


===THE END===


REMINDER TO PLEASE USE THIS LINK TO POST TO THE BPE.  You will find on the ribbon bar above or under the Menu for phones or tablets.


30 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
30 Sat East Cape Guild Paella/Dance Party 5:30 Billie Brady’s house Tickets @ Homes & Land


01 Sun Holiday Art Show at Colina del Sol http://www.eastcapearts.com
01 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. December 1 at 1pm eventsbaja@gmail.com
03 Tue Tai Chi starts at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, 8 weeks, see BPE 4003 info: hansheld@gmail.com
04 Wed 5:30pm . 1hr Salsa Dance Class with Neil at Yoga Garden. All welcome
04 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
04 Wed El Cardonal Recycling 9:00 – 11:00 am marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
04 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812


a. Found Lezyne multi-tool on Scotty’s trail. barrilesareatrailstewards@gmail.com


a. We all need emergency #s for LB police, water (SAPA), and electrical problems (CFE).  phil.dubois@comcast.net  (we do have the I.C.E. page, although  i did not see SAPA listed.  All updates are appreciated)

b. On behalf of Capsforcancerbaja we want to thank the many people who donated generously for our rummage sale . Please note…December 21 at the La Ribera Concha 8 am. Contact iikaiser@frii.com

c. Observed late at night: Between 1:30 and 2:30 am on Nov 29, a truck and a pedestrian  with a flashlight proceeded at least two times very slowly and quietly through the streets in Santa Maria including the beachfront street. They stopped outside a number of gates and went into at least one empty lot as though they were searching for something. – residenteSantamaria48@gmail.com

d. Need Cat Trap.. have 3 Siamese cats frequenting our yard. Need to trap them as they are going to multiply any day and then what ????. Any info appreciated…..Gracias, bajaabuelo@yahoo.com


a. None


a. Commencing 5:30pm Weds 4th December – Salsa Dance Class with Neil at Yoga Garden. Come and join this fun class. Everyone welcome, beginners, couples, singles, male and female. No previous experience required. The class will focus on Salsa but also cover Chacha, Bachata and Merengue. For more info contact Neil via “Los Barriles Salseros” facebook page. Admission $100MXN per class.Please note: no heels or black soled shoes.

b.Baja Night Sky for Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings:  There are three “evening stars” and a waxing sliver-of-a-crescent-moon setting in the southwest Friday night. Saturn is just to the right of the crescent moon’s upper horn. Venus is the brightest of the three planets and just below Saturn. Jupiter is just below Venus. Saturday, these four luceros will be more or less equally spaced from the moon down to Jupiter as darkness falls. Catch this incredible display between 5:45 and 6:45 pm if we have clear skies. Tom at BajaNightSky@gmail.com


a. First of the Season! Fresh Smoked Yellow-tail and other smoked fish at the community market. Stop by our booth and try a sample. We also have Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, Mango Chipotle sauce, real vanilla beans and beautiful blouses and dresses from Puebla. See you there Larry and Paty – jackpotchartersbaja@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Lost a kayak paddle somewhere.  Looking to borrow or purchase a paddle, new or used. – maddogsinbaja@gmail.com

b. Looking for the person that had the post on a 2009 Rino for sale and if you still have it – easylifehd51@gmail.com 

c. Looking to borrow or buy 4 outdoor camping or white resin plastic chairs  Jan 4 – 11.  Thanks in advance. Susan – susan.spurr@fcitravel.ca

d. Looking for a reliable 4×4/SUV to get around baja. Minimal budget around $3,000. Cash in hand. – llstra58@gmail.com

e. Is there anyone in town that works on Apple computers? – tresmangos@gmail.com

f. Looking for double or queen size bed and mattress in good condition. We are in Los Barriles. – anicklabonville@sbcglobal.net

g. Wanted manual downrigger for tin boat in good and working conditions   Pablo.  (moodyoctopus@yahoo.com) 624 177 0587


a. None


a.  2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday at “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Great Flavours of Handcrafted Ice Cream and Dairy Free Sorbet. Delicious Desserts and so much more. Left side of the Hwy, heading north- just past the second tope below the phone booth, stop by after the piano concert in El Triunfo! A “Sweet” way to end a perfect day! 10:30-5:50 Sunday-Friday-closed Saturdayszopilotes.sb@gmail.com
Like us on Facebook-zopis.sanbartolo


a. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com

b. All are invited to attend church services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We begin each Sunday at 9 AM and our location is on the paved road between Tio Pablo’s and the post office about 300 yards from the post office.  The title of this Sunday’s message is: “Who’s Your Jesus? How do You Worship Him?” This week we also celebrate communion.  Come early for coffee, snacks and good fellowship.

Mondays 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Tuesdays 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Thursdays 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Fridays 3PM Explore & Restore at Yoga Garden


a. New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $610 jumps Email for pics sherielliott@shaw.ca

b. ExotiKite Kiteboarding is offering a free kiteboarding clinic this Sunday, December 1st.  We will be talking about right of way on water, in the waves, and when leaving and coming in to the beach.  There will also be a Q&A after the clinic.  Join us Sunday at 9am in front of ExotiKite Kiteboarding.  losbarrileskiteboarding@gmail.com

c. Neo Duotone 2019 Kites 10 M and 12 M. Like new – barely used (5 times?).  Cannot kite this year so I am selling.  850 knots each. – william8979@gmail.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com



CARAVAN – none


BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. 1 dish reciever for lease  activated on my acc.share the bill   all channels    1 friend 8 years on this acc with me – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b. Camper spot in laribera for lease  full hook up  elec water  wi fi  no kids  1 dog ok   200 a mo. pay half the bills  long term please private – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

c. If you are looking to build, expand or make any changes at your home, give a call to Tk Builders and Design, GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND DESIGN; all of our quotes are non-cost, let’s talk about your ideas! Contact owner Luis Morales, 6241252360 / tk.buildersanddesign@gmail.com / www.tkbuildersanddesign.com / FB @tkbuildersanddesign

d. Fabricating welding shop in San Bartolo, CNC plasma  computer cutting from graphic designs ,cut  plate up to half inch. , HD hinges, door hardware,Security  Doors, arched, windows ,Gates, Signs,   MovieStar cell 624 12 80046     Telcel 612 15 11911 Email santana@hughes.net

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. None

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 2017 Honda Pioneer 500, 200 lightly driven miles. Like new. $8995. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2017-honda-pioneer-500-like-new-200/7028459996.html?lang=en&cc=usLeeramage7@gmail.com

b. 65 VW Buggy; rebuilt 1600 cc engine has only 200 miles. New tires, brakes and battery. Super clean with lots of chrome. Always garaged. Hurry won’t last long. 5,000 green backs.  Cell 624-165-8177. Photos on request – casaalbright@gmail.com

c. Rh Set of golf clubs and bag taylor made 360s rifle shafts. Clubs and grips in very good cond. 350.00 balls.  2 Adams tight lies included.  Chuck usa# 408-595-0056 – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

d. 12 foot tin boat with 9.9 hp Evenrude with galvanized trailer 16 hundred bananas! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7028599120.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

e. 14 foot Barnett pocket sailer 750 bananas! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7028607928.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

f. 2 horse extra tall horse trailer fully enclosed!  2 thousand bananas!  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/atq/7028614432.html?lang=en&cc=ustahoehookup@yahoo.com

g. 3 tennis rackets Wilson Hammer Spalding graphite Kennex pro compostite plus 4 cans brand new balls sealed first 100 clams takes all contact swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

h. Elite – stationary bike turbo trainer – perfect condition like new 50 spins 624 142 8018 or ntcdev@aol.com  buenos aires

i. Portable vhf marine radio 65 channel with charger new cond. 50 dorado. In LB lambethderek@gmail.com

j. (1) Beautiful set of Pepper dishes with serving bowl, platter, s&p, and more.  Matching Margarita glasses bonus.  100 jalepenos(2) Metal patio set-needs a little paint with new umbrella  100 mangos   Request pictures.   bajakittykat@aol.com



===THE END===


PLEASE NOTE:  This issue contains all posts submitted via https://www.thebajaponyexpress.com/wp/post-to-the-bpe/


29 Fri Baja Beach Boutique…Black Friday Sidewalk Sale..
29 Fri “Leftovers” Poker Run More info soon….save the date!!
29 Fri Open houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am -1pm
29 Fri Mercado La Costa Black Friday Sale
30 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park
30 Sat East Cape Guild Paella/Dance Party 5:30 Billie Brady’s house Tickets @ Homes & Land


01 Sun Holiday Art Show at Colina del Sol http://www.eastcapearts.com
01 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. December 1 at 1pm eventsbaja@gmail.com
03 Tue Tai Chi starts at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, 8 weeks, see BPE 4003 info: hansheld@gmail.com
04 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
04 Wed El Cardonal Recycling 9:00 – 11:00 am marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
04 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
05 Thu Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
06 Fri 5:30 La Concha—DJ, Dancing, Food, High School Fundraiser info: http://bit.ly/35yAZC8 – kaivalyapada@gmail.com
06 Fri Celebration of Life for Dog Trainer Tracey. Pot Luck-Must RSVP emma@bajakennelclub.com
06 Fri New Date EastCapeHealthCenter Grand Opening 4pm BPE#4004


a. Here’s a Shout Out and a big Thank You to all the people who helped make the 2019 Feeding The Hungry Fashion Show a big success!  The presenters showed us fabulous fashions, many of the businesses in town contributed gifts for the raffle and silent auction, and La Playa restaurant did a fantastic job of being the perfect venue with great service, delicious food, and a runway out to the beach for the models!  Wow!
One reminder:  We had one raffle prize that wasn’t picked up.  Red ticket 125055.  Ceramic Elephant pot and a set of small storage drawers with ceramic fronts.  Did you forget to pick it up?   Show us your matching ticket and it’s yours.  Otherwise we’ll save it for next year.  purkeybh@gmail.com See you at the next show!

b. Hola amigos, Due to a cancellation, I have one spot available to my Pacific Surfishing tour, were we spend 2 nights camping on an isolated beach north of La Paz. This tour is next week Dec 3rd to Dec 5th. This tours are all inclusive I take care of meals, drinks and tackle. This a soft camping experience as we stay on Rancho La Aguja with basic services: bathroom, shower, eletricity and security.  If you would like to come send me an email or give me a call.   Felipe Valdez Sportfishing 624-122-5019 felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com

c. For solutions to the BPE Spam issue look at this link, https://www.thebajaponyexpress.com/wp/2019/11/27/bpe-and-spam-folder/


a. Edge of the sea gardens will not be attending the market this saturday, november 30th.  we are waiting for the next round of starts to get bigger.  thanks for all the support, i will let you know when the babies are ready! – kke@edge2.net


a. Is anyone playing American mah Jong in LB this year. – gwenbathgate@gmail.com

b. When does Seguro Popular come to LB ? Date & time ?please – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

c. Does any one know contact info for a dentist besides east cape in LB? – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
(check the Business Directory)

d. Is anybody headed to the states soon who could drop a letter in u.s. mail for me? – beastofburden62@gmail.com


a. Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, December 1 at 1pm.  Angela Zanevsky, virtuoso and prodigy.  Admission: 200 peso.  Reservations: eventsbaja@gmail.com


a. “ Leftovers “ Poker Run Friday Nov.29 8:30-12:30. Registration at Hotel Los Pescadores in L.B. ends at noon Thursday Thanksgiving Day. Come join the fun.billfishbob1@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Bodega for rent in or near spa Buena Vista area. Long term. – casabdwood@yahoo.com


a. East Cape Health Center Announcement – Friday 29 Nov from 11-2 – Dr. Tom Vasileff Orthopedic Specialist
Providing orthopedic evaluations and recommendations
**Save the date 6 DEC @ 4pm for Grand Opening
Char 624-157-0081 (**rain sensitive) – charlene.wenger@gmail.com

b. Healing Winds/Centro Holistico is open year round, offering a variety of therapeutic treatments (Physical Therapy, Reflexology, Acupuncture, Thai Massage, Reiki, Private Yoga) + Yoga & Fitness classes + Gift shop (note cards, original art, handmade journals, yoga props and more!) + a peaceful central courtyard. Offerings vary according to the season. www.healingwinds.spacetehroma@healingwinds.space

c. Tai Chi 24 Form, Classic Taoist style, Starts Dec 3rd, Tuesdays 10:30am at YOGA Garden, Los Barriles     Click for more info   https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2204683129824273&id=1668946580064600&comment_id=2208282892797630&notif_t=comment_mention&notif_id=1574710488583064&ref=m_notif
This is a non-competitive class for all levels, women and men.   How much does it cost? Class is postponed during Dec 24 and 31, and the eight week program is FREE, however we suggest that each student donate 1,000 pesos.  All funds are donated to East Cape Recycle initiative.  EMail to  hansheld@gmail.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


11 28  Th  Arrive 8:30am Terminal 1 , Jocelyn  kawish59@hotmail.com
12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com




a. I’m traveling through Tecate border station on the 29th of November with a final destination of Los Barriles and would love the “road” company of anyone else going that direction. My travel days are open, after Thanksgiving. – davewohl@midco.net

b. Tentatively departing Los Barilles alone with 10 year old husky mix (people friendly) November 29th. Dates flexible. Looking to possibly caravan to the boarder. 30 yo male – Rhugginsj@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Mattress Wholesale Spring Air. American, Mexican and Hotel sizes. Quality and Service. Get a free Quote now!. Call 6241856000 Pablo – pablovan32@hotmail.com

b.  Black Friday SALE at Victoria’s Boutique at Mercado La Costa, Friday 29th, 11am to 5pm. We will have rack with 300 and 500 pesos clothes, discounts, Champagne all day!

c. Mail Boxes Los Barriles wishes everyone good luck this Black Friday & Cyber Monday.  The crowds can be tough, call us if you need back up, Terry Gray Curtis Tel 624-247-3203  mailbarriles@gmail.com  mailbaja.com

d. Fabricating welding shop in San Bartolo, CNC plasma  computer cutting from graphic designs ,cut  plate up to half inch. , HD hinges, door hardware,Security  Doors, arched, windows ,Gates, Signs,   MovieStar cell 624 12 80046     Telcel 612 15 11911 Email santana@hughes.net

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 2017 white Lark cargo trailer. Single axle,used only once to bring down toys. Has been used for storage ever since , kept under cover.  3400 loads ph. 624-108-0830

b. Rigid Inspection Camera. Extends to 15 ft.  Underwater or wherever. 200 Looks.  624-165-9031  Monte

c. 2017 Keystone Outback, king bed rear slide, 2 door fridge, 3 burner stove, 2forward bunks, plus additional sleeping space for kiddies on dinette and pull out couch. 24,000 American tows. 624-108-0830

d. 2017 RZR mag wheels/tires, Dirt Commander 27X9X12- front 27X11X12- rear. 60%+-  $425 flats. Email for photos. – cole@e-snrg.com

e. Mountain bikes ! specialized stumpjumper full suspension  size large, 600 clams.   opus full suspension, ladies size small, 600 rides – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

f.  4 seat / custom buggy for sale.  200hp Subaru engine, mint condition. 24” of travel. Leave all UTV’s in the dust!  Must See! Call     Gunnar +1-940-205-1907 – gunnarwilliamson@gmail.com

g. New Hyundai 6,000 watt (120V-240V) portable (electric start) gasoline generator (Model HYE 6000) for sale. Only used 24 hours during the last storm 6 weeks ago.  Purchased from Armando Molino’s hardware store for 30,000 coconuts.   It will run AC unit, fridge, freezer, lights, water pump, TV & PC ‘s. Will offer 25% discount which will include delivery, 50 feet of cable, hookup to main panel & test run.  Please call Jim on cell 624-121-6930.

h. 2019 NORCO Sight VLT 1 Electric Mountain Bike  Mint Condition, top of the line https://youtu.be/YO6hq0DRWKk  6000 Canadian snowflakes – freedom.bm@gmail.com

i. 12 foot valco boat, 9.9 mercury four stroke, galvanized tilt trailer with oversize wheels. ez launch beach wheels with spare parts. new boat cover, life jackets, oars, rod holders, spare prop quality boat seats, plus more.2400 sierras. la ribera  phone 624 178 8380

j. 14’ zodiac inflatable,Nissan 25 hp motor,trailer,canopy,$3500.00 floats.https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7027501738.html?lang=es&cc=mx – johnlaloe@gmail.com

k.  Pivot Mach 5.5 mountain bike. In LB until Dec 1. https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/2686489/wilkez@shaw.ca

l. Honda recon atv,5 speed manual transmission,runs good,2 wheel drive. Casa 624-142-8255 us cell 714-292-3708 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/7028083369.html?lang=es&cc=mx

m. Boat for sale, 1000 ballyhoo,  check out craigslists post. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bod/d/ultra-skiff-boat/7028083321.htmljustinritts@hotmail.com

n. Oak dining table with 6 chairs and extra leaf, measures from 66 inches to 90 inches with leaf, $180 US OBO. Oak bookcase/storage unit with adjustable shelves, $165 US OBO.  Can forward pictures at request.  jandal309@hotmail.com


===THE END===


PLEASE NOTE:  This issue includes ALL posts made through the website.  If you have sent post requests directly to Cheryl’s email they will not appear.   I apologize for the inconvenience.  Sheri   



27 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
27 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm.Music 7pm. Resv. Norma 624-177-2812
28 Thur US Thanksgiving
29 Fri Baja Beach Boutique…Black Friday Sidewalk Sale..bajaplaya53@gmail.com
29 Fri “Leftovers” Poker Run More info soon….save the date!!
29 Fri Open houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am -1pm
29 Fri Mercado La Costa Black Friday Sale
30 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
30 Sat East Cape Guild Paella/Dance Party 5:30 Billie Brady’s house Tickets @ Homes & Land



a.  Our 2009 Polaris quad was stolen sat. evening from street near Tio’s rest.in LB.  A dark red 550 XP, front/back storage seat, with 4 spoke shiny wheels, front green basket.  Picture on facebook Everything Los Barriles website.  Please contact us at 624-124-8292 or 001- 970-946-0290  REWARD – triplej@frontier.net


a. This is in response to my question earlier about good windows.  I am pleased to say that we went with ASM in LB and are very pleased.  Their newest European style is great.  For the first time we experienced a rain storm with no leaks (from windows).  Very reasonable, professional and timely. – angieatroutman@gmail.com

b. Local trails are being worked on daily for the enjoyment of hikers and bikers. We are extremely fortunate to have master trail builders to create and maintain this wonderful system.  Please generously contribute to keep them viable and enjoyable for all… and pass along the word. Here is the link for donations: https://www.trailforks.com/region/los-barriles/karma/?did=10995barbara.murphy319@gmail.com

c. The collection box for the Spanish language reading books for school age kids is at Mercado la Costa (Joe’s Pizza) right by Victoria’s Boutique.  Please pick up some reading books for the school kids – k – 12 when you are  out and about.  Help the Asociacion de Artes rebuild the libraries of the East Cape area schools.  Questions, contact eastcapearts@gmail.com

d. Come and study Spanish! Paulina is back!!!.This is your chance to dive into fun, engaging and effective courses supported by a method designed for adult students Expert instruction from a native Mexican with 20+ years of teaching experience. Level 1 Jan 6-31. Level 2 /Jan 7-Feb 6 – spbaja5@gmail.com


a. Spa anybody work on Harley’s? – easylifehd51@gmail.com


a. “ Leftovers “ Poker Run less than a week away. Friday Nov. 29, 8:30a.m.-12:30.  Registrations end on Thanksgiving Day.  Registration and course details at Hotel Los Pescadores in Los Barriles. Come join the fun! billfishbob1@yahoo.com

b. Only 15 tickets left for the East Cape Guild Paella/Dance Party.  Tickets sold through Wednesday, Nov. 27th
at Homes and Land.  Help support scholarships for the children of the East Cape and buy your tickets before
we sell out. – kaplotkin@aol.com

c. Holiday Art Show at Colina del Sol in Los Barriles (north of downtown) is December 1st 10am – 3pm – that is this Sunday!   Enjoy great artists, food vendors and a beer garden.  Janet has been working really hard on creating fantastic raffle baskets full of great stuff!  She also has some silent auction items – lots of great holiday presents!!!  For complete details go to www.eastcapearts.com   The show is after the rain storm, so come on out and cure your cabin fever!!! – eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com

d. Join us at the Concha on Friday, Dec. 6th, 2019 at 5:30pm for DJ, Dancing, Food and Fun! The goal is to raise $85000 pesos to get lighting at the junior high school for the high school students (who attend school there after school hours until their own school gets built.) Tickets can be purchased from Los Barriles Wine & Tequila, Smokeys, La Playa Restaurant, LB Property and Madereria La Palma. Please support these wonderful kids who are the future of our community. For more info visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/742315029579668/ – kaivalyapada@gmail.com


a.  I forgot

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Looking for one of the local painters that has the talent of making concrete beams appear to be wood. Please email recommendations to Dennis: bbgjake@yahoo.com

b. In search of training kite to buy rent or borrow… kochucove@yahoo.com

c. Looking for wood pellets for my treager  or someone that is going to Costco and would pick some up for me, spa buena vista thanks kevin – easylifehd51@gmail.com

d. Working flat screen TV.  Email or phone plow45@hotmail.com, 624-121-9208.

e. Looking for a Hobie Craft Fishing Kayak  Please call Don Erickson @ 6241229524


a.  None



  1. Mom’s Thanksgiving Dinner @ Hotel Los Pescadores Nov 28 – 2 Seatings starting at 4:30pm
    Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Sautéed Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Candied Yams, Creamed Cauliflower, Biscuit’s and Pumpkin Pie.  Reservations:  624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com

  2.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, please email for reservations dannycastellanos610@gmail.com

  3.  Thanksgiving in Manolo BBQ. Smoked turkey breast stuffed with cheese. November 28th. From 5 pm. book at 6241584320

  4. Announcing…Tio Pablo’s 29th Annual Thanksgiving Buffet
    Come enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving feast at Tio’s!
    Roasted Turkey with Homemade Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Creamy Green Bean Casserole with Crispy Onions, Candied Yams, Waldorf Salad, Pumpkin Pie
    Adults $12.95, Kids $6.95 (Tax not included. All other menu items available.)
    Plenty of extra seating will be available in the new Side Bar area! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

  5. Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! whole dinner, DRINK & DESERT included on the price, only $295 pesos! SAVE MONEY on your THANKSGIVING DINNER by making your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com or whatsapp 6121586762


a. Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop
Yoga Garden Saturday November 30, 11:30am-2:30pm
500 mexican down dogs

The practice of Trauma Sensitive Yoga is aimed at all people (women and men of any age) who are interested in starting a body practice focused in Trauma Healing.  This model was developed in 2003 at the Trauma Center in Boston, MA.  It is considered an adjunctive therapy to psychological therapy.  There are scientific studies that have proven that it is effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder and complex trauma.
About the teacher… Krystal Perez is a Puerto Rican traveler who lives in Mexico.  She studied sociology and social communication, working for more than 10 years with women victims of gender based violence and sexual abuse.  Krystal studied Vinyasa and Ashtanga Yoga in Marbella, Spain.  In 2019 she was part of the first Latino cohort of Trauma Sensitive Yoga.  She is also part of the Prison Yoga Project in Mexico.  Most of her effort is in her project “Arme: Narrativa Psicocorporal” where she works involving the practice of Trauma Sensitive Yoga and Psychological Therapy in Mexico and online.  Contact email krystal.perez111@gmail.combajarent@gmail.com

b. Singing for Fun, vocal workshop, with Jeanette Grittani.  Simple songs, sounds and activities to open, expand and enjoy singing with others in a supportive environment.  This week includes a special Thanksgiving ditty for dinner.  Yoga Garden, Wed, Nov. 27, 3 to 4:30pm. Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com

c. By popular demand, starting on December 2, we’ve added a second Strength Training class at Healing Winds. Join us on Mondays and Thursdays at either 9:00-10:00 am OR for the second class from 10:10-11:10–same mornings. These classes are geared to all levels of fitness. Remember, Strong muscles=Strong Bones! Questions? AnnalisaV@gmail.com


a. 11 m Cabrinha Drifter kite with bar  No repairs, no leaks, crisp.  300 spins.
6 m Cabrinha Switchblade kite with bar.   No repairs, no leaks, crisp.  200 spins
Adjustable Cabrinha bar 50 spins – shirleyandroy@yahoo.com

b. Neil Pryde High Hook flotation vest.  New, size XL with adjustable side gussets.  70 floats
Mystic impact vest.  As new 50 floats – shirleyandroy@yahoo.com

AIRPORT RIDES -Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


11 27 We  1:10 share taxi booked for LB at 2pm skeillor5894@gmail.com
11 28  Th  Arrive 8:30am Terminal 1 , Jocelyn  kawish59@hotmail.com
12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com




a. I’m traveling through Tecate border station on the 29th of November with a final destination of Los Barriles and would love the “road” company of anyone else going that direction. My travel days are open, after Thanksgiving. – davewohl@midco.net

b. Tentatively departing Los Barilles alone with 10 year old husky mix (people friendly) November 29th. Dates flexible. Looking to possibly caravan to the boarder. 30 yo male – Rhugginsj@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Dr Dennis O’Brien, Chiropractor and Natural Health Consultant is back in LB starting Tues. Nov 26 at Yoga Garden just West of Laguna Park.  Call or text 970-799-7068, or email  densaidyes@aol.com.

b. The rains are still coming.  Stop the leaks now!   Free Estimates.  Great pricing.  8 year warranty. Lots of references. Ask around town.  Baja Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

c. Hi, my name is Gregorio Nieto I am offering my services of marble installation, tile, roof sealing, painting, fine details and maintenance in general, free budgets in Barriles and surroundings. Send me an email and I will attend you. W.catymoreno86@gmail.com

d. Come on up to “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. Great Location, Great Service, Great Ice Cream. Left side of the Hwy. heading north, just past the second tope- below the phone booth. Lots of flavours of creamy handcrafted ice cream and dairy free sorbet. 10:30-5:30 Daily, closed Saturdays.
zopilotes.sb@gmail.com  Like us on Facebook/zopis.sanbartolo

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Tahoe couple available for house-sitting through March and possibly April. I am a retired contractor who can take care of plumbing, electrical, and other issues if necessary. Lisa and I adore dogs, cats, and all pets, and we can also take care of your garden and landscape. We are willing to pay for our own utilities and are flexible with exact dates. References provided upon request. Contact Robbie at rkreveg@hotmail.com or 52-349-686-2558 (MX).

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. full set of Rt hand golf clubs and bag. taylor made 360. good grips rifle shafts in very good cond. 400.00 swings.  Chuck usa 408-595-0056. – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

b. 2 sit on top kayaks one is 7ft long $150.paddles.  One is 8ft long $200. Paddles. lambethderek@gmail.com

c. Standup paddleboard. New custom carbon Kevlar. 9’3”x32.5” Super light and stable. Details at Baja sur craigslist 7023239689 – build14u2@aol.com

d. Anyone with a nice king size bed set for sale? – flstorch00@gmail.com

e. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7000267157.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

f. 70 quart wise swing back cooler seat. as new , too big for my boat. 350 cubes La Ribera  624 178 8380 – stargazer1@telus.net

g. 2017 Honda Pioneer 700-4 Deluxe 4 seater. 225 miles, Like new! $3000 in upgrades! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2017-honda-pioneer-seater-like-new-225/7025073160.html?lang=en&cc=usLeeramage7@gmail.com

h. Jimmy Styks Blue Heron paddle board 4 years old .. good shape.  Very stable , wonderful board to use 800 paddles .. worth a look – paulandsally007@gmail.com

i. 2 Bruce anchors and 2 folding anchors – Large chain and rope over 100 feet each – 2 buoys.  175 waves for all.  Almost new Rule 1500 bilge pump and a used Rule 2000 bilge pump.  40 squirts for both. – glenmilner@telus.net

j. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7000267157.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

k.  Brand new Whirlpool Dryer Model 7MWED81HEDW – Electric dryer bought by mistake; had to take delivery in LB.  Never used.  Paid 999 clams, asking 800 clams. – tsfischer@icloud.com

l. iHome Airplay iW1, WFI Stereo speaker, 120 VAC, rechargable Battery, 40 speakers.  LB phone 624-132-9249 – oscarmduran@gmail.com

m. Fishing reels Daiwa sealine 400tt $40 casts Penn 330 GTi graphite $40 casts – glenmilner@telus.net


 ===THE END===




25 Mon 15th Anniversary Rotary. 5-7pm LB Cancha #4004
27 Wed Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
27 Wed Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm.Music 7pm. Resv. Norma 624-177-2812
28 Thur US Thanksgiving
29 Fri Baja Beach Boutique…Black Friday Sidewalk Sale..bajaplaya53@gmail.com
29 Fri “Leftovers” Poker Run More info soon….save the date!!
29 Fri Open houses from Homes and Land of Baja 10am -1pm
29 Fri Mercado La Costa Black Friday Sale
30 Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
30 Sat East Cape Guild Paella/Dance Party 5:30 Billie Brady’s house Tickets @ Homes & Land



a. Found – A silver ring was found in the dirt outside Site #15 at Baja’s Resort at East Cape (formerly known as East Cape Casas and RV Resort.)  Describe it further to claim.  Dee Clarke  DeeClarke11@gmail.com or 624-124-8201

b. Left Bancomer credit card in machine Tues morn. 19th. R Van Dyne. If found, Please give to Dorian at the Bank. Thanks – ruhdesb@gmail.com


a. East Cape Health Center Announcement
Due to a much needed tropical rain storm we had to re-scheduled our Grand Opening
Please help us celebrate our new facilities with a guided tour and Sparkling white or red wine on Friday Dec. 6 @ 4pm.   Meet the physicians who will be coming from H+ and get to know their specialities.  Hope to see you then, East Cape Health Center, 624-124-8203 / 624-157-0081 – charlene.wenger@gmail.com

b. What is a poker run? It is a group of people traveling in cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, or atvs who receive an envelope with a playing card inside at 5 checkpoints. At the last checkpoint everyone opens their envelopes and the best poker hand in each deck wins dinero. Simple. You do not need to know how to play poker. —— Come join the fun next Friday Nov, 29. Details and registration at Hotel Los Pescadores. billfishbob1@yahoo.com

c. Local trails are being worked on daily for the enjoyment of hikers and bikers. We are extremely fortunate to have master trail builders to create and maintain this wonderful system.  Please generously contribute to keep them viable and enjoyable for all… and pass along the word. Here is the link for donations:


a. Anyone in La Ribera interested in a regular poker game?  I have a nice table & chips and am looking for 6-8 people for a Texas Hold-em game. Cheers!  motoxxer@gmail.com

b. Does anyone know a seamstress in Los Barriles that could repair a pack strap? homeomarlene@comcast.net (check out the Business Directory under Sewing)

c. Where can I find kimchi and other fermented foods?   Thanks….Brian –  neener61@gmail.com


a. Tres Palapas is hosting the Tourkey Tourney this coming weekend (Nov 29th & 30th). Events includes mixed doubles (Nov 29th) and mens/womens doubles (Nov 30th). $25 for one event, $40 for two. If you need a partner then we can help you find one. Email Tres Palapas (court-director@trespalapasbaja.com) or visit the proshop to sign up!

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Can someone please help me get in touch with the people who sell organic soil for vegetable gardening in Barilles or San Bartolo? +1-415-310-0777 Call, text or email Gracias, Karen – karensgoldman@comcast.net

b.  We are looking for a baker in LB or close-by. Our grandson is turning 2 and we want a construction-themed cake and cupcakes – cwilddelano@gmail.com

c. Anyone willing to take two children’s sweaters north and mail to laura benward in california in time for christmas gifting – please contact tessabarriles@gmail.com or 624 113 1403

d. Trying to find out email or contact info for Abraham airport taxi guy – lindakroeker@gmail.com

e. Looking for builder in area with experience using Tri-D Panels.  Project in Buenos Aires.  Please respond to deacon.lori@gmail.com

f. Plastic patio chairs (2-4) & table .      Brian –   neener61@gmail.com


a. None




  1. Mom’s Thanksgiving Dinner @ Hotel Los Pescadores Nov 28 – 2 Seatings starting at 4:30pm
    Roasted Turkey, Gravy, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Sautéed Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Candied Yams, Creamed Cauliflower, Biscuit’s and Pumpkin Pie.  Reservations:  624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com

  2.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, please email for reservations dannycastellanos610@gmail.com

  3.  Thanksgiving in Manolo BBQ. Smoked turkey breast stuffed with cheese. November 28th. From 5 pm. book at 6241584320

  4. Announcing…Tio Pablo’s 29th Annual Thanksgiving Buffet
    Come enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving feast at Tio’s!
    Roasted Turkey with Homemade Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Creamy Green Bean Casserole with Crispy Onions, Candied Yams, Waldorf Salad, Pumpkin Pie
    Adults $12.95, Kids $6.95 (Tax not included. All other menu items available.)
    Plenty of extra seating will be available in the new Side Bar area! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com


a. Singing for Fun, vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani. Enjoyable, improvisational activities and simple songs to open, expand and express your voice in harmony with others.  Yoga Garden, Wednesday, Nov 20th, 3 to 4:30pm.  jgrittan1@gmail.com

b. Unwind from your day with Restorative Nidra at Yoga Garden.  We will start class with a series of calming, supported, postures to help the body let go of tension.  Then you will be led through a meditation that will allow your body to slip into a deeper state of rest.  Leave feeling refreshed and relaxed.  No yoga experience needed to fully benefit from this class.  Mondays at 5pm. bajachakra@gmail.com

c. Trauma Sensitive Yoga Workshop – Yoga Garden Saturday November 30, 11:30am-2:30pm – 500 mexican down dogs.  The practice of Trauma Sensitive Yoga is aimed at all people (women and men of any age) who are interested in starting a body practice focused in Trauma Healing. This model was developed in 2003 at the Trauma Center in Boston, MA.  It is considered an adjunctive therapy to psychological therapy.
Contact email krystal.perez111@gmail.com

d. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com

e. Everyone is invited to come to services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  The service on 11/23 begins at 9AM.  We are located on the paved road from Tio Pablo’s to the post office about 300 yards from the post office in Los Barriles.  The title of the message is: “Jesus and End Times,” from chapter 13 of the Book of Mark.  Come early and enjoy fellowship, coffee and snacks. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $600 jumps  Email for pics sherielliott@shaw.ca

b. Slingshot, Simulator new foil board, 620 green leaf – gaborvagi@gmail.com

c. Levitaz,  Bionic top of their line foil and BU custom board for sale in pristine condition. If you know what it is you know what is worth…email me for any further information – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM

d. Dwarfcraft 4’6 foil board w/naish thrust surf foil. i think medium wing. 70&55 cm masts.  great beginner setup. 1k thingamabobs – maxg@infowest.com

e. Lost November 23rd, Blue and White Ocean Rodeo twin tip Kiteboard. It should have floated up between Verdugo’s and the Palmas hotel.  Has my name on it. Ted Plombon – ted@advantageoneins.com

AIRPORT RIDES– Follow the format or please don’t bother!  For Taxis, go to the Business Directory.  And yes, we’ll all chip in for gas or chips and drinks! Example, a 2pm flight should say, leave LB 11am or sooner. YOU pick the time to leave. Send a note when you get a ride so the request can be removed.


11 27 We  1:10 share taxi booked for LB at 2pm skeillor5894@gmail.com
11 28  Th  Arrive 8:30am Terminal 1 , Jocelyn  kawish59@hotmail.com
12 09 Mon Arrive 2pm. 1  + 2  to LB. Wendycswan@gmail.com.
12 10 Tu  Arrive 1:15    2  people jasminegarrett@hotmail.com
12 11 We  Arrive 2:05 1+1 to LB   mwasson@gmail.com
12 17 Tu   Arrive 1pm. 1+2+kitty. To LB  ksbaja24@gmail.com




I’m traveling through Tecate border station on the 29th of November with a final destination of Los Barriles and would love the “road” company of anyone else going that direction. My travel days are open, after Thanksgiving. – davewohl@midco.net

BAJA BIZ  –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Joels palm trees and desert plants for sale. any type of palm trees any size delivered and planted or you come here and dig them up and take with you  app. only please plamarius red or white rorals cocos fan palms

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Very clean couple looking for a long term rental or house sitting from mid december through the end of march in the town of los barriles or surrounding areas. – annabueno2005@gmail.com

b. Permanent palapa and trailer at Martin Verdugo’s Rv park.  Asking $43,000 US  Email for appointment to view and/or information. glenmilner@telus.net

c. Charming for sale by owner with great location in the heart of Los Barriles.  2 bdrm/2bth, steps to the beach, shopping and restaurants!  Tropical resort setting offers a pool, hot tub, laundry facilities and easy walk to any place in town.  $78,000 USD  OBO. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/reo/7001740591.html?lang=en&cc=us or 206 321-4089 – gailia.collins@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!!  –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. blank

b. 2017 Kawasaki Tyrex 4 LE – Factory warranty – $10,000- usa cel. (503) 816 7515 – mx cel. (624) 168 6087
see quadman – quadmanlb@hotmail.com

c. 9.5′ RIB fiberglass hull Hypolon dinghy w/oars, no leaks.  600 strokes.  captainscott34@gmail.com 772-281-8833

d. 9.9 (15hp) tohatsu 2 stroke outboard motor, runs great.  800 props. captainscott34@gmail.com. 772-281-8833

e.  Flatbed trailer  8×12 aluminium construction.almost new,only one trip from canada

f. Ocean Kayak Prowler sit on top , rod holders . Good shape but used .. has paddle and seat. Photos , 400 swims – paulandsally007@gmail.com

g. White 1967 VW , roof rack good shape. 3000.00 turtles – paulandsally007@gmail.com

h. 200 watts used but perfect condition Sanyo solar panels 200 sunshine and charger controllers available 290 sunshine – gaborvagi@gmail.com

i. Modular single/tandem Kayak and 2 paddles. 3 modular pieces, easy to fit in car and move around. Red. 800.00 dips. Pls text (801) 243 9405. More details at:

j. Miscellaneous fishing lures, weights, wires and hooks. Rule1500 bilge pump new and used Rule 2000 bilge pump- $ 40 squirts for both – glenmilner@telus.net

k. 1991 chevy suburban 2500 3/4 ton, 4×4 114 k miles 350 tbi engine 4l80e transmission. 2.5 inch lift
285/75/16 bfg tires conferr roof rack new battery sepintine belt and mufflers 40 gal gas tank garaged and well maintained great shape great for towing text only 0017752335998 or cslysdal@gmail.com  3900 clams

l. power stroke generator 5000 running watts 250 brown outscall brian 624 1659031

m. 2002 chevy astro van all wheel drive 8 passengers 159000kms 2000 rides brian 624 1659031

n. 11/2 sta-rite pressure pump 1hp never used 200 waters. brian 624 1659031


===THE END===