
Note: Had a little glitch. Could have posted your notice twice or not at all! If yours is missing please resubmit.




15-Sat TONIGHT!!  SweetPea’s Tiki Bar and Grill Los Barriles reopens 4:00pm! sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
17-Mon Yin Yoga with Deborah 9:30am @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
19-Wed Yoga Nidra Meditation with Deborah 4pm @ Sukhasana Studio, Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
20-Thu Bisbee’s Los Cabos Off Shore https://bisbees.com/Tournament
20-Thu Yoga for Men @ Sukhasana Studio, 11am Drop-ins welcome. – blissocean@gmail.com
21-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11am in Highway 1 Storage across from Arco electrical supply past the Repsol Station bajajoanna@gmail.com
22-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
25-Tue Bisbee’s Black and Blue Tournament Cabo. https://bisbees.com/Tournament
27-Thu East Cape Guild Scholarship Meeting -11am La Playa Restaurant All welcome – kaplotkin@aol.com
29-Sat Halloween sale at El Toro y La Luna – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
29-Sat intro to pickleball october saturdays at tres palapas 8 – 9 am https://tinyurl.com/introtopickleball – info@trespalapasbaja.com
29-Sat Halloween party at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6:30 PM live music and dancing with Stamina reggae band. Email for reservations: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
29-Sat Wine Pairing October 29th Choccolat & Mexican spirits losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com
30-Sun Wine & Tequila Taste 1pm losbarrileswinebar@gmail.com Will learn about wines, tequila, Mezcal.
30-Sun Daylight Saving Time Mexico (USA is Nov.6th)
31-Mon Halloween


  1. Capsforcancerbaja is holding a garage sale on December 18, 8am at the Cancha in La Ribera. All proceeds go to purchasing yarn for the volunteers who make caps , blankets and booties for children with cancer and heart disease, women with cancer, 3 orphanages and CRET a rehabilitation center for over 900 children. Contact  Annette iikaiser@frii.com (Coming down? Good time to bring some good second hand grandkids clothes. XX BPE Cheryl)
  2. This summer in the Las Brisas neighborhood SAPA was replacing some water lines and dug up buried lines of Telmex.  Since these lines were put in by the developer and not Telmex, Telmex will not make the repairs as they are considered illegal and also SAPA will not take responsibility for the same reason.  The only way to have this repaired is for the Telmex customers whose lines were cut to pool together and pay privately for the repair.  If you have been affected by this and are up to the task you can contact your neighbors and Beto at LB property services across from Smokies.
  3. Anyone know of someone in town that can repair eyeglasses? contact mike at: 9thinc@ gmail.com
  4. Yoga Garden re-opens on November 14th!  Check out our website: yogagardenbaja.com for the new schedule. Questions?  Contact jackiereeves1002@gmail.com 
  5. Is there a men’s anti-aging clinic in La Paz…specifically, for TRT? There are many in the U.S. and other countries, but google is coming up with nothing in La Paz. Ideas appreciated. kirkendall@hotmail.com
  6. Cafe de Dylan is open! Smoothies, Frappes, Iced Lattes, Milkshakes + Tasty Home Baked Treats + Internet + Espressos, Lattes, Cappuccinos, Americano. Mornings: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm & Afternoons: Mon+Wed+Thu 4:30pm-7:30pm. Location: Plaza Buenos Aires, Calle Antonio Verdugo. Follow Cafe de Dylan on IG and FB. See you soon! dylancota97@gmail.com 
  7. AIRPORT Service & Property Mgmt. Promoting the excellent services of LB’s highly rated husband & wife team: Isabel & Octavio +52 624 121 4970. ~Isabel helms Airport transfers + ~Octavio Property Management, SJD transfers and singular job requests  deborahlayton2012@gmail.com
  8. For Rent: CHRISTMAS WEEK AVAILABLE – Dec 19 – Dec 27 – 3 Bedroom Casa with Private Pool, Rooftop, Amazing views, 10 min to town, walk to beach…see listing for pictures. Message Courtney to book direct – courtneyharreld@hotmail.com https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/41130051?guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=a6c2122a-a701-4424-b73f-092a3faa9163 
  9. lasix hypokalemia Is There Any Medication I Can Take That Does Not Have Hot Flashes As A Side Effect – dypeexive@topmailonline.xyz
  10. Fried Chicken Friday at Maria’s is back! place your orders at 6241410511. – pris.cafemaria@gmail.com
  11. Hi, I am looking to rent a room somewhere quiet so I can do an online 10 day retreat this winter from December 26-Jan 4 (will require wifi).  Ideally somewhere modest and inexpensive, and ideally meals offered or a small kitchenette available.  I have been practicing meditation and doing silent retreats for 12 years.  I won’t be a bother to you, please don’t plan on being a bother to me!!!!  Silent retreat, so I will not be watching TV, talking, listening to music etc.  Just meditating and watching instructional videos. – lee.moorer@gmail.com
  12. Does anyone know of a notario that speaks English here in Los Barriles? Or that comes to LB to do legal things? sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com 
  13. Wanted SUP.  I am an enthusiastic paddleboarder wanting to buy a hard paddleboard here in Los Barriles or nearby.  If you have one to sell please reach out to me via Facebook (wayne wagler) or text or cell 206 673 0324.  I am 6’1” / 215 lbs, so it needs to the full sized.   gracias.
  14. Looking for a working atv with e shifting. 6241132614 – cabopulmo@gmail.com
  15. Looking for someone to paint a mural on our rv…doesn’t have to be too intricate…will be in LB mid November – bajanana22@gmail.com
  16. Looking for a pet friendly mid term rental/ house sitting arrangement, we are open to all options that are available in Los Barriles or Bueno Aires. November-January with possibility of extending would be great. We have dogs that are well are behaved and never left alone for long periods of time. Please contact +52 612-348-0275 with any availability. – braiden.jacobsen@gmail.com
  17. Wanted 2 gently used SUP We would pick up, LB, La Ribera, San Jose, or anywhere in between Please contact Teresa US Cell 612-363-0856 teresa@stonebrookfence.com 
  18. Dog sitter . If you need to travel I take care of them at your house or mine. – cristal2566@gmail.com
  19. LOST! Black and blue Akona scuba dive bag between the beach in front of Amigos Bar and Calle Fenix inBuenos Aires between 2-4pm today on 10/6. If found, please contact Pierce at ccooleywork@gmail.com or 916-293-1307.
  20. Alanon meetings resume in the Serenity Garden ( Spa Buena Vista). Thursday, Oct. 9. 10:00 am-11:00 am.   Alanon approved literature only.  Meetings will be every Thursday at the same time as above. For directions or information please call 624-141-0267 or 619-889-2779.  The only requirement is that you have a friend or relative who is an alcoholic.
  21. El Toro y La Luna Halloween sale at both stores Los Barriles & la Ribera. All merchandise on sale *exept tile and sinks. Raffles, free appetizers and margaritas. Saturday october 29th 10 am to 4 pmSee you there! – eltoroylaluna@prodigy.net.mx
  22. We are OPEN!  Our team at Salt+Cotton Eco-Boutique has been working hard to source new, sustainable clothing and gifts and we are super excited to show you what we have found!  Come on in and check out your familiar favorites and new treasures. We are open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-3pm, located next to Ronival Real Estate on the previously named Calle Costa Brava. – saltcottonbaja@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  blank
  2. 6 Walkie Talkie Radios – 75 https://post.craigslist.org/manage/7544964143?action=display&go=display – info@jameslaker.com
  3. 40” TV with surround sound plus tv stand 200 coconuts https://bajasur.craigslist.org/ele/7544761099.html?lang=en&cc=us 
  4. Adidas’s pickle ball court shoes Mens size 12 used once new condition 85 clams – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  5. Like new 2009 Hyundai Santa Fe ,6 cylinder , automic, cold AC, clean inside and out, Low miles and nationalized with clean title.  see at bajasur.craigslist.org/wan/d/hyundai-2009-sante-fe/7545608644.html call 612-200-2020
  6. 2021 Polaris Ranger, XP1000, 84 H.P. 3 seater, 750 Miles. Like new. 760-518-9646 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2021-polaris-ranger-xp-seater-750-miles/7545763560.html 
===the end===






3-Thu East Cape Guild General Meeting 11am at La Playa Restaurant. kaplotkin@aol.com
3-Thu Art Exhibit at Los Barriles Wine & Tequila https://bit.ly/3rCoNOw – losbarrileswine@gmail.com
4-Fri Live Music with “UK Dave” Friday at 6pm at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill! Email for reservations:sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com
4-Fri Art Exhibit at Los Barriles Wine & Tequila https://bit.ly/3rCoNOw – losbarrileswine@gmail.com
5-Sat Piano Concert/BBQ buffet in picturesque “Le Jardin”, SAN BARTOLO, at 2:00 pm. Reserve your spot at eventsbaja@gmail.com
5-Sat Live Dinner Music with Jeanette Grittani at Pizzeria Don Roberto – 6pm to 8pm, reservations at 612 153-9430 – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
5-Sat Singing for Fun, vocal workshop at the Yoga Garden, 1 to 2:30pm. – jgrittan1@gmail.com
5-Sat Live music STAMINA Band, 6-9 pm- Willy´s bar&grill Reservations 6241325419 – hguillermo.willy@gmail.com


  1.  still looking for my ranger hard top.  lost between lighthouse condos, la rivera and los barriles.  flew off while towing on trailer.  reward…tom 612 701 7992 t mobile phone gohman1@hotmail.com 
  2. Lost Turquoise blue leash with a pink handle on it attached to a choker collar,   if found please call 970-379-5294…they’re very hard to fine here in Cabo and I would love it back.  I lost it near Rancho or south of playa.  thank you – scronenberg1@gmail.com
  3. Armstrong mast cover for 28” mast.  Maybe blew away from my truck at north beach?  Cheers – gs1ifx@yahoo.com
  4. Sea-Specs, prescription, black. Hopefully they washed up around Exotikite. – scoot.smythe@gmail.com


  1.   Gracias to the 60 community members plus 11 volunteers who brought in their rinsed/crushed/sorted recyclables to the RECYCLING Center’s “first Thursday” in March. These contributions help keep a huge amount of trash out of the local landfill which in turn keeps our community and planet clean and safe! For more information about the RECYCLING program, please check out our website at https://www.eastcaperecycling.com


  1.  anyone have a recommendation for an experienced house painter – wilkccet@outlook.com
  2. Anyone flying up to the U.S  that could drop a small birthday gift in the mail.  It is a necklace for my mom. chicaconchita@gmail.com
  3. Looking for advice on where best to donate used clothing and bedding. Thanks. – marionswan2@gmail.com
  4. Anyone coming south through San Diego?  We have two folding, single person boat seats we need brought down to Los Barriles from San Diego. Thank you!  katieleasalazar@icloud.com
  5. Would anybody know where I can get new tire sensors reprogrammed? – watson.carol1@gmail.com
  6. When is bookstore open? geneabrams121@aol.com


  1.  The Apron Lady has some new Men’s cut aprons in our fun fabrics!  Come and check out the new cut and see the other things I have.  See you Saturday at the market from 9am – 12 at Laguna Park! – jandcinthebaja@gmail.com
  2. March 13th East Cape Guild Scavenger hunt/dinner/dance Tickets on sale at Homes and Land and Community market. Limited number of ticket so buy now. – kaplotkin@aol.com
  3. Piano Concert on Sunday, March 6,12:30 PM. Take a scenic Sunday drive to historic El Triunfo BCS and sample best pastries in the world – for those who are not afraid to fall into the vice. Because you will eat and eat and eat till you pop! Location: Margery’s Victorian Style Tea Room at Bar-Restaurant El Minero, 2nd floor. Admission: $15 – Reservations at eventsbaja@gmail.com 
  4. One Day Open Studio -Sat.  March 5, 10:00 – 4:00 at Casa Cuatro Vientos, La Ribera, Calle Luisa Carballo.  Follow the signs. Across from Mini Super Corona. Ceramics and mixed media art by local artists, Danilo and LaLa Ribera. – laribera2004@yahoo.com
  5. Tickets on sell at Homes and Land and Saturday market for March 13th Guild Event. Limited tickets so buy early. Scavenger Hunt Teams of 1-4 people. Turn in ticket for wrist band and hunt list between 12:00-1:00 at Baja Properties. You can take as long  or short as you want, Scavenger list items must be returned no later than 5:00 @ Tres Palapas.  Appetizers/cocktails 4:00-5:00 Dinner – 5:00-6:00 (vegan options) LIve Band  with our own Lucy Darling singing – 6:00 – 9:00. Come join the fun and support high school and college scholarships for our East Cape Children. – kaplotkin@aol.com
  6. Live music STAMINA Band Saturday March 5th, 6-9 pm. Willy’s Bar&Grill come and enjoy with us! for reservations 6241325419 – hguillermo.willy@gmail.com


  1.  I am looking to buy a kyack trailer to pull behind a side by side. I would also like any recommendations on a person who could build at trailer like this. Thank you! – jamie@sonrayserviceteam.com
  2. Looking for some medium , large beautiful shells for an art project ( conch shells etc) tanyagosurf@yahoo.com
  3. I’m looking for a mountain bike r29, any year but in great condition – trasvinafidel@gmial.com


  1.  Baja Bottomfish Booming https://bajabytes.com/2022/03/01/baja-bottomfish-booming/


  1.  Live Dinner Music with Jeanette Grittani at Pizzeria Don Roberto – Saturday 05th, 6pm to 8pm, reservations at 612 153-9430 – donrobertopizzeria2021@gmail.com
  2. Don’t miss Cafe Maria’s fried chicken Friday! Place your orders at 6241410511. – pris.cafemaria@gmail.com
  3. Special live music on Monday Nights with UK Dave at SweetPea’s Tiki Bar & Grill 6pm. Reservations for Burger night and live music: sweetpeastikibar@gmail.com


  1.  East Cape Christian Fellowship, where our faith is never on vacation.  Solid biblical teaching of the Word of God.  Everyone is welcome to come and worship, and fellowship in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Greatest verse in the Bible?  John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”.  Services every Sunday at 9am, Spanish services every Tuesday at 6pm. – nickeynova69@gmail.com
  2. Dr Dennis, LB’s Happy Chiropractor, is in the office in Yoga Garden on MWF or other times by appt.  We treat a variety of health issues using safe, gentle and natural methods.  Text: (fastest) 970-799-70six8.  Email:  densaidyes at aol.com
  3. Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation with Tehroma at Plaza Buenos Aires (previously known as Healing Winds). Vaccination required. A few spots are open. Online booking and more info available here: https://www.ubldesigns.com/book-online –
  4. Chair Yoga starts next week at Plaza Buenos Aires (previously healing winds) Increase flexibility and strength Chair Yoga invites you to find mobility in a way that is soft and gentle but also safe, supportive and beneficial. Monday and Thursdays at 9.30am  All Welcome. To register please text/call/whatsapp to 612 111 2765 or email blissocean@gmail.com
  5. Yoga for Men. Starting up this Tuesdays. There are a couple of spots available. Focusing on the lower back and hips. Increase flexibility and range of motion. Low Intensity ~ no experience necessary. Tuesday and Fridays @ 11am at the old Healing Winds Studio now called Plaza Buenos Aires. (Antonio Verdugo SN colonia centro) Starting March 7.  For more info and registration please email blissocean@gmail.com or WhatsApp on 612 111 2765 


  1.  Cabrinha Switchblade 14m kite. Good condition, includes bar, lines and pump. Great for those light wind days. 6200. – robells56@gmail.com
  2. 6m V2 ozone wasp wing with windows Perfect condition Please contact for more info Bresski55@yahoo.com
  3. BRM Cloud 8m.  Strutless bliss: Next best thing to a session saver short of an e-foil ;^). D2E, both bridles. Excellent condition. 500 palm fronds. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com
  4. New, Cabrinha, Clrosswing x3, 5m Ozone, Wasp v2, 5m 10 hours used Ozone, Wasp v1 – gaborvagi@gmail.com
  5. Moses 1100 front wing……495 waves – lesterdon@comcast.net
  6. 103 liter starboard hyper nut windsurf foil board , Tuttle box , not track system ,  999 waves takes it. Can call or text 306 220 0037 – mfdwd@shaw.ca


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Gray Whales and Espiritu Santos Adventure – Mar. 7 – 10 – 4 days – $795.00 USD per person – solo travellers welcome. Last trip of the season for the gray whales. Includes: Transportation at pick points in Cabo, Los Barilles, Todos Santos and area, accom., breakfasts, lunches and one evening dinner. Whale watching, Espiritu Santos Island snorkel, naturalists and more. – info@panterra.com
  2. Salt+Cotton has NEW arrivals!  Dresses, flowy pants, and Turkish cotton kimonos have arrived from the Yucatan Peninsula just in time for the warmer weather!  Also real gemstone necklaces and earrings from our super talented friends at ‘Primrose’.  Come on by and see what’s fresh!  7 days a week | 9am-3pm | saltcottonbaja@gmail.com –
  3. Babysitting in Los Barriles! I’m an experienced babysitter with (local) references. Need a morning to play pickleball, an afternoon to kitesurf, kid free happy hour? I’m here to help spend time playing with your kids. – charlotte.extraordinaire@gmail.com
  4. experienced caregiver available for as needed, part-time, full-time or live in. memory care experience, cognitive impairment, dementia/alzheimers, non ambulatory, medication aide certified, daily activities, bathing, grooming, dressing, cooking, feeding, shopping, fingerprinted, LB references available.  contact: iamstandingstrongnow@gmail.com 
  5. Would you like to speak the local language? This Spring Enroll in My Spanish Classes! Specifically Tailored for Adults. Beginners Level 1 class Starts March 7th – April 1st M/W/F from 9-10 or 10-11 am. Zoom and private one-on-one classes are also available! Please contact me for more info: – spbaja5@gmail.com


NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1.  22-23 winter rental required Nov-April. 1 or 2 bedrooms, location Los Barriles north to Las Brisas  2 retired adults. Local long term references available. – gpower@telus.net


  1.  Seeking ride from SJD to Los Barriles Tuesday March 14- arrive 10:05am 1 cool person, 2 bags. – seaofbien@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  palmettos and coco palms in pots .  Aprx 7’.   2 miles south puenta pescsdero hotel. jeanaburnaugh@yahoo.com 
  2. Men’s size 10 Sketchers shoes.  Black in box never worn. $30 runs. Susan at jumpsue@gmail.com 
  3. 2009 Gary Fisher Presidio Cyclocross/Gravel bicycle, size L. True Temper CrMo frame, SRAM Rival 2 x 10, carbon fork and levers,  Shorty 4 canti brakes, Bontrager wheelset with Schwalbe tires, Perfect, as new condition. 1450 cranks. bri.wallace@gmail.com –
  4. 23” Panga for sale 150 Hp Mercury optimax /w 120 Hours on it Outriggers Trailer Cover for boat and motor 2 Deep cycle batteries Radio Anchor Safety equipment included 9500 casts – brentgeneroux@hotmail.com
  5. NIKE all white court shoes, Women’s size 7.5, barely used. 35 pickle balls. – lynnmirassou@gmail.com
  6. Epson multi-functional printer from Costco. Bought 3-4 months ago  included an extra set of printer ink. Paid 310 and asking for 200 prints. – sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com
  7. Jet Ski Kawasaki 2017. Excellent condition, very well maintained. 72 Hours. Comes with trailer fabricated to tow long distances, waterskis, Garmin GPS, tow ropes and anchor and chain. – johnslau4@yahoo.com
  8. 2 rad mini’s like new condiction Many extras, front and rear racks Locks, extra tires and tubes car carrier – pedromooney@yahoo.com
  9. Hobie Tandem Mirage Outfitter, pedal Kayak. 2 x Pedals, 2 x paddles, beach wheels. Boca del Alamo or trailered to LB for viewing, delivery. 1250 clams. shonawadsworth@gmail.com 
  10. ac/dc mobicool fridge 100 cold ones – nancypopham@outlook.com
  11. Counter height bar stools. Pine Natural Color. Box Cushion included. 60 sits each. – bajabliss2038@gmail.com
  12. Moving Sale….great selection of decorative items, outdoor decor, and more. No Furniture. By appointment only, first come first appointment. Masks required. Email: shirtpro10@hotmail.com –
  13. 2006 Suzuki DR650 dual sport. Approx 12k miles. Many extras and essential mods. Registered in Washington state. Email for details. 4200. – robells56@gmail.com
  14. i have moving boxes and packing supplies, all sizes… free! i live in La Ribera. call or whatsapp message me. us cell # 512-738-0401 – 710mitzi@gmail.com
  15. Two Yamaha 450 Kodiak ATVs.   Excellent condition very low mileage.  3300 rides each. Also aluminum ATV trailer 600 rides. – bigwave42@gmail.com
  16. ADCO 36 ft. X 10 ft. RV or trailer cover. Aqua Shed Polypropylene and Tyvek. Perfect condition and only used once. 135 sunny days. bajalynda315@gmail.com US cell 907-315-9967 
  17. 2006 Polaris Sportsman, fuel injected 800. Original owner, great condition. New fuel pump, seat cover and battery. Very fast and dependable. Camo, bumpers, winch and trailer hitch. Comfortable 2 up seat. Paid $12,000 US new. Asking 5,900 fast rides. bajalynda315@gmail.com US cell 907-315-9967
  18. LG refrigerator replacement filter LT800P. Save 200 tacos. 3 filters, 700 tacos. bajaannie@gmail.com. Mex cel 612-170-4157. US 928-208-4573. 
  19. Great gmc sierra 1500, 5.3 only 145k miles, well maintained https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2001-gmc-sierra-1500-extra-cab/7441362966.html – feelih@gmail.com
  20. Honda 90 trail https://bajasur.craigslist.org/mcy/d/honda-90-trail/7450755990.html?lang=es&cc=mx – feelih@gmail.com
===the end===





29-Fri Spa Annual Chowder Cook 4pm chirolady2@gmail.com
30-Sat 4pm Tequila Tasting at LB Wine & Tequila. Info: http://bit.ly/3iQtpuC – losbarrileswine@gmail.com
1-Mon Holiday for Constitution Day
2-Tue Ground Hog Day
3-Wed El Cardonal recycling at the Concha next to the Subdelegado’s office. Questions? Marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
4-Thu East Cape Recycling 9-11am


  1.  I got tested on 1/26 (I suggest making an appointment) at East Cape Health Center (across from Chapito’s) in LB. Rapid test, $60, results emailed in 2 hrs. No problems traveling to USA the next day but you should allow extra time at airport for check in (whether you are checking bags or not). Safe travels! – tammylbelk@yahoo.com
  2. Join the Baja Al Anon Zoom meeting every Thursday from 10-11. Email bajagecko@gmail.com for code and password


  1.  Is there someone driving to los barriles from B.C. that could take a laptop to our Mexican nieto?  I could have it shipped to you.  It was a Xmas present but of course couldn’t go but would love to get it to him.  Thanks in advance,  please reply to Sharon Errington 250-247-8409 – freelife13@shaw.ca
  2. Vehicle transport north – Anyone need a vehicle taken back to the states?  We’re looking to drive a vehicle north in February, direct trip from Los Barilles to the US, no dilly dallying.  Flexible departure dates/ logistics.  Could deliver to California or Oregon.  Safe and experienced Baja drivers.  Thanks. – blumjonathan@gmail.com
  3. Is there a grocery shopping service that is recommend to use to purchase our vacation groceries for February? – ssusanandrew@aol.com
  4. Anyone know of someone that can repair Oxacan rugs?  I have a few that are unraveling. – lindajlewis@gmail.com


  1. ALL NEW TEQUILA TASTING & EDUCATION at Los Barriles Wine & Tequila Saturday, January 30th from 4-6pm. 7 Tequilas (4 premium), 4 agave based liqueurs, personal charcuterie plate, $800 pesos. The tasting & education will be guided by Cabo Unico distillery which produces small batch, handmade, artisan tequila. Reserve your socially distanced, outdoor table today by emailing losbarrileswine@gmail.com For more info visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/836993220200438 


  1.  Turtlely Cool-Everything Turtles & more…has hoodies in & lots of other items. Come by on Saturday to our Community Market & have a look. We continue to take orders, mobile shopping & even curbside shopping. With our Pandemic we have made these options possible for you. Email or call an if us Volunteers & we will ensure your orders are filled. Please don’t forget to wear your mask, we have them available also. Turtle hugs, Kareema – kjrjones2007@gmail.com
  2. German sausages Saturday in Los barriles. At the old bus station across from the barrels From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Schusselmaus2000@yahoo.de


  1.  Need to borrow a laptop charger for an hp zbook. Will compensate. thanks, scott – saibner@comcast.net
  2. Estoy buscando Shop vac 8 _10 gallons. – isabelaguilarcota1602@gmail.com
  3. Looking for a small collapsible dog drinking dish to use on hikes.  New or used.   Brian     neener61@gmail.com 
  4. Looking for a small, comfortable recliner for our small living room, in good condition. – bajagecko@gmail.com
  5. Want: WMFG Kite Pump hose replacement. Please let me know if you have one you would be willing to part with. Thanks. – blumjonathan@gmail.com
  6. Want: golf clubs – men’s left handed. – geoduran123@gmail.com
  7. Want: enclosed cargo trailer. – geoduran123@gmail.com
  8. Want: Smaller size TV/VCR in good working condition, looks not important. – dkgbaja@gmail.com


  1.  https://bajabytes.com/2021/01/26/wahoo-while-windsurfing/


  1.  Craving for a sweet snack/breakfast? Every friday my mom and me make delicious homemade panquequis, stuffed gorditas and mini hotcakes! we deliver to your home, ask for different toppings available, order now to my e-mail or whatsapp 6241614665 – jaqueline.valladaresg@gmail.com
  2. Cafe Maria Restaurant – Join us this Friday for our Fried Chicken Special! Enjoy Maria’s delicious fried chicken served with cabbage salad, mashed potatoes, and gravy! We recommend you to place your orders in advance at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com or call us 6241410511. Thank you!! –
  3. Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home. It’s cold outside. Make sure you keep yourself fueled. * Salmon & dill fishcakes * Spanakopitia – delicious spinach & feta parcels* Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday 3rd February. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles –


  1.  Looking for a place to get your nails done? Come visit us in Jazz’s nails, where we offer excellent service and have acrylic nails, pedicures, manicures, gelish, etc. contact me to my E-mail or to 6241214970 – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com
  2. The perfect Valentine’s Day includes a ??????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? . We are already taking appointments, don’t forget to save your place. – spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com
  3. Dra. Lauren Miranda – gynecologist will be next Saturday, Feb 06th at the East Cape Health Center, we still have a couple of spaces available. Save yours at eastcapemedical@gmail.com or call us at (624) 124 8203 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Hey! hope you’re having a great time in los barriles. We are offering airport or any uber ride service here, we also have car rentals with daily rate! – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com
  2. Baja Blooms is Excited about Valentines Weekend!! Please Pre-order your Valentines Flowers Early!! As we are a Small Florist, and We Want to Accommodate Everyone in LB who Wants Flowers for Valentines Day!!! We Already have alot of Valentines Day Orders!! If you Want to Secure Flowers For Valentines Day, Pre-order ASAP!!! This Would Help us Tremendously!! Thank you so Very Much!!! – Bajablooms@gmail.com
  3. Hello, my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance. W.catymoreno86@gmail.com 
  4. EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com
  5. ANNOUNCEMENT: I am joining Nancy and the rest of the team at Baja Properties. We promise to give you the best personal customer service. We are available for you anytime, unless we are playing Pickleball or at the beach. paul@bajaproperties.com  480-861-9231


NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1.  Looking for house sitting (or nominal rent) gig starting Feb 3 for a month. Can arrange (and pay for) house open/close, cleaning, windows, power wash, light maintenance. 60 something, non-smoking with small (12 kg) dog – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  2. Semi retired couple here for two months willing to house sit and pet care. Very good references and current home owners iN California – dharmiclife@earthlink.net


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Brand new “Stearns” life vests (extra large) bought from Costco but never used, still have seal on them asking $60 for all three, photos available from bajajim1234@yahoo.com or phone Mex cell 624-121-6930,
  2. solar panels. 2-12 volt 100 watt 60 cocos each. 1- 12 volt 180 watt 110 cocos. 2-24 volt 250 watt 150 cocos each. all are in good condition. thanks – ckgarv@cox.net
  3. Morey mach 2 boogie/body board with leash, 20 waves – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  4. Board Rax double, portable travel surfboard rack 20 waves – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  5. 12″ Professional tile cutter, 25 cuts, 624-141-0549 – bntjones2005@yahoo.com
  6. Men’s M Hyperflex Access 2mm spring suit.  New, worn once.  Central Los Barriles.  60 reaches. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/mens-hyperflex-shortie/7269060596.html – daxbuddy1@gmail.com
  7. Pickle ball paddletek graphite composite 4 months old 75 clams also women’s size 9/10 shortie used once seadoo brand 75 clams – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com
  8. Large Area Rug.  Approximate 91”x65”.  60 clean carpets. See pictures and description on Craigslist Baja California Sur, Furniture.   Located Los Barriles.  bajabums@gmail.com –
  9. Complete rooftop setup for Dish TV.  2 Dish’s and switch for H/D.   Works perfect.  275 pictures.   See picture on Craigslist, Baja California Sur, General.  Located in Los Barriles. bajabums@gmail.com
  10. Minivan for sale! 2002 Toyota Sienna, 6 cyl, US plates, 195k miles, rebuilt engine, offers tons of comfy room to new owner. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2002-toyota-sienna-minivan-us-plates/7269075500.html – xhf5r5je0kii@opayq.com
  11. Shade cloth.  15 ft. x 30 ft.  Green with grommets approx. 24″.  Brand new.  125 sombras. – pinepal@sbcglobal.net
  12. Honda XR600R in great shape. 2,000 clams or prefer 40,000 tacos – tcbusa@live.com
  13. 2019 Interstate Victory 16’ x 7’ tandem axle cargo trailer like new with 2 new spares. Has e-track with attachments. 6000 tows https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/d/enclosed-cargo-trailer/7261941692.html – rhbjr54@gmail.com
  14. Ghost 29er Hardtail Dropper post, ergonomic grips, Terry seat, Maxxis High Roller II tires, clip/flat combo petals 1000 cocos – kevinbajabus@gmail.com
===the end===




  1.  Lost blue yeti water bottle with stickers. – justiceskate@gmail.com
  2. Lost baseball cap that says papa – briodrake@gmail.com


  1.  We have had Jordon of CaboBrick Domes to two jobs for us. He built a beautiful outdoor fireplace with a brick wall to stop the wind. It has spiral design chimney. The second job was rebuilding an indoor fireplace to help it burn with out smoking up our house. He added a spiral design chimney. He was on time. He kept his work area clean and was very meticulous keeping the dust controlled when working inside the house. He can be reached at www.cabobrickdomes.com or on his cell 624 127 2778 . If you are interested in seeing his work you can email me.
  2. East Capers Magazine is working on their Feb/Mar 2021 issue.  If you want to advertise, please contact us immediately.  If you have an article to submit, please do so.   Deadline for submission is Jan 20, but you must notify us right away so we can reserve space.  If you have questions, contact us at eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com
  3. A huge thank you to the 70+ members of our community who brought in their recycling today!  We would also like to thank the Tai Chi & Yoga Garden participants who generously donated to the Recycling Program. Those of us who sort & stomp, appreciate that you are helping process & separate your recyclables, making our work go more smoothly.  Each week it seems there’s something new to learn about what is/isn’t accepted in La Paz for processing but the Recycling volunteers see how much stuff is being kept out of the landfill with everyone’s participation – we thank you and our planet thanks you!  eastcaperecycling.com 

    ¡Un gran agradecimiento a los más de 70 miembros de nuestra comunidad que contribuyeron a los esfuerzos de reciclaje de hoy! También nos gustaría agradecer a los participantes del Jardín de Tai Chi y Yoga que generosamente donaron al Programa de Reciclaje.
    Aquellos de nosotros que clasificamos y pisoteamos, apreciamos que esté ayudando a procesar y separar sus materiales reciclables, haciendo que nuestro trabajo sea más fluido. Cada semana parece que hay algo nuevo que aprender sobre lo que se acepta o no en La Paz para su procesamiento, pero los voluntarios de Reciclaje ven cuántas cosas se mantienen fuera del vertedero con la participación de todos.¡Te agradecemos y nuestro planeta te agradece! (Disculpas por los errores de traducción) – info@eastcaperecycling.com
  4. Have you noticed the new warning labels on snacks and processed foods in Mexico? Here´s the explanation: https://www.eastcapehealthcenter.org/post/good-news-for-food-labelling-in-mexicoeastcapemedical@gmail.com


  1.  The Apron Lady will be at the Saturday Market this Saturday. Come and see some new fabric designs. If you did not get the gift you wanted this holiday season, then come and buy one yourself!! Happy New Year everyone! See what we have at www.apronladylb.weebly.com jandcinthebaja@gmail.com
  2. Bella…I will be at the Farmer’s Mkt Saturday happy to see you.. – bertyellen@gmail.com
  3. Fresh Smoked Yellow-Tail and smoked Yellow-Tail Dip. Paty’s new homemade sugar free Fig Jam, and Fig Chipotle Sauce, her original Pepper Jelly, Pineapple Habanero Pepper Jelly, Salsa Verde, and Vanilla beans from Veracruz. Also Baja Art cards and Handmade Mexican blouses. See you there. – jackpotchartersbaja@yahoo.com
  4. Tues, Dec 12, 6pm — WINE PAIRING DINNER at the Bay View Restaurant in Hotel Palmas de Cortez, Hosted by Los Barriles Wine & Tequila. Allow our Sommelier to lead you through a 4 course wine pairing adventure of the senses in the best oceanside restaurant in town. $1100 pesos. Seating limited. Great for vegetarians and meat eaters alike! View the menu & get more info here: http://bit.ly/2JWMFcU Make your reservations today: losbarrileswine@gmail.com 


  1.  Seeking trailer for Hobie Cat Wave (15′ long x 7′ wide) that can also be used as general trailer for hauling. In Los Barriles area. Lonn. +1 650-219-7764 – ltj65folly@gmail.com
  2. Natural stone bathtub. Roughly 68″ – 72″ in length and 26″ – 32″ wide. Ideally white or creme color. Super ideally rough cut exterior. Lonn. +1 650=210-7764 – ltj65folly@gmail.com
  3. Need USA notary for 2 documents. John 7142923708 or johnlaloe@gmail.com 
We get this question a lot! There are no advertised US Notaries working in Mexico. I believe it is against the law. There are online notaries or make an appointment at the Consulate.


  1.  Cafe Maria Restaurant – Join us this Friday for our Fried Chicken Special! Enjoy Maria’s delicious fried chicken served with cabbage salad, mashed potatoes and gravy!  Place your orders at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com or call us 6241410511 


  1.  Our local treasure, Dennis O’Brien, DC, chiropractor, is on the warpath against the virus and for your health. He has some great ways to help you custom-design your strategy to improve your immune function and overall well being. If you are concerned about the growing numbers of cases in the area and want some tools and skills for getting healthier in 2021, talk to him. He’s very sensitive to the needs of people with comorbidities like diabetes and heart disease. Call or What’s App  970-799-7068. – densaidyes@aol.com
  2. Just because your loved one is in perfect health doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider in-home care. Some of our non-medical home-care services include: errands and shopping, light housekeeping, meal preparation, companionship, and personal care. info@EastCapeHomeHealth.com


  1.  New reel leash, $59 jumps. – glenmilner@telus.net
  2. Ride Engine Harness 2018 Small, w/8”Slider Bar. 75Clams 541.490.1997 or – nigelh2o@gmail.com
  3. Best Spark Series Twintip kiteboard with bindings.  137×40 cm.  $50 – maddogsinbaja@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Sirius XM radio portable 12v BattBoombox, w/Antenna & remote. No A/C adapter provided, misc adapters. 50Tunes – nigelh2o@gmail.com
  2. Fishing boat available. 14 ft no leaks, 2 stroke motor. Beach launch cradle, and small trailer. $2800 US or OBO. Located in Los Barriles. – glenmilner@telus.net
  3. Pearl Izumi Bike Shoes,X-Alp Enduro IV,  size 42 / US 8/ 8.5, SPD compatible, (2 Velcro + 1 Ratchet strap)  A Condition, 50clams Text 541.490.1997 or- nigelh2o@gmail.com
  4. Yard sale  jan 9th and 10th. 8 am(no early birds) in Buenos Aires. follow the signs just passed the first arroyo by can doo quad rentals. leaving mexico! fishing rods, lots of household items small appliances, a honda quad, tools, and lots more!! – wtd9@yahoo.com
  5. Free century plant clones rooted in water 5″ tall ready to go in the ground.  erlablink@gmail.com 
  6. SUZUKI Sidekick  1996  good condition located in LB  contact- Craigslist or 1zzy1153@gmail.com —https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/7258495487.html?lang=en&cc=us –
  7.  have 75 Danielle  Steel books.  39 hardback and the rest are paperback.  1 US grapefruit each or all of. Them for 50 grapefruits.  Casaninarosa@yahoo.com  or 624-141-0803.
===the end===




  1.  Re the new Canadian government order which applies to everyone requesting entry in Canada after Jan. 6 2021: It is required that before been permitted to board the airplane one must present a certificate that one had a test indicating NEGATIVE. This test must be dome within 72 hours before departure time.
    Once arriving in Canada each person will be required to show the results of the test to the official at the airport, the passenger will be asked to indicate the destination (hotel, residence or other place; in the event that the officer considers that the answer does not meet his criteria the passenger will be detained at a government facility.
    The ones who pass this screening are obligated to quarantine for 14 days. Very heavy fines will be applied to anyone who does not comply.
    To get the required test:
    *Laboratorio Salud & vida
    *La Paz: 612 122 4237
    *Los Cabos: 624 143 0041
    *Constitución: 613 132 4394
    One MUST Request an appointment minimum 24 hours ahead; Results will be avail. Within 2 working days. – jebeddy2012@hotmail.com

    FROM EASTCAPE HEALTH CENTER: We have just heard the news about the new mandatory test requirement for entering Canada. We understand this is very inconvenient for those traveling by air. However, as medical professionals, we understand why the Canadian government is implementing these rules. We understand that in Canada, medical care is free most of the time. Unfortunately, the Mexican government has not subsidized the PCR tests. ???? ??? ???? ????????? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ??? ???????. ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?,??? ?????. ?????? ???? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??????.
    The Canadian government is asking for a negative PCR test less than 72 hours before arrival in the country. At the moment, we are not sure how the government or the airlines will enforce these rules. ??????????? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ??-?? ?????, ?? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????-???????? ?-????. This assures that the sample is sent off for processing as soon as possible. ????? ??? ???? ? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????, ?? ??????? ???? ???? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ?????????? ???. If you would like to make an appointment for a PCR test or any advice on testing or travelling, ?????? ???? ??: ???-???-????
  2. ALERT: This applies to all who are to travel to Canada starting today Jan. 6 2021: Google https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories – jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  3. Wolf Property Management’s exclusive partnership directly with SodaStream has been in the works since 2018. Recently, we made great strides in tackling logistics and the SodaStream supply is here! Tanks are already stocked at Joe’s Deli, with even more tanks and machines arriving at the Wolf office in Los Barriles. Keep an eye out for more locations to come! SodaStream is a counter top carbonation machine that lets you make your own fresh sparkling water, reducing single use plastic and glass. Read our latest newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/a3ca2f4f671d/sodastreambaja – h@wolf-pm.com


  1.  Any blood donors out there?  Need some for a friend in La Paz – chicaconchita@gmail.com


  1.  Bella will be at the Farmer’s Market Saturday.   Come visit. – bertyellen@gmail.com


  1.  4Runner or similar SUV wanted for growing family! Need 4×4 please.  ~10k budget. – mrholmes@gmail.com
  2. Anyone know where I can get CBD oil down here . There was a person selling it at the community market last year but not this year. Thank you. – robbieflatt@gmail.com
  3. Marine vhf radio, not handheld preferably standard horizon brand. thank you. casa 624 142 8183, cell 624 158 1445. – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com
  4. Good used reasonably priced suv wanted. prefer 4×4 but not necessary. need by mid february. – jhenvy@yahoo.com
  5. ISO a good quality inflatable couch and/or chair. – kochucove@yahoo.com
  6. Need an Operational printer with ink, garden tools, wheel barrel, operational metal detector, outdoor table with 4 chairs, shade cloth aka sombra, cookie baking sheet and 9×12 glass baking dish. Thank you – wonder1@sbcglobal.net


  1.  https://bajabytes.com/2021/01/05/triple-digit-stripers-dazzle-at-cabo/


  1.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home. Different dishes available each week for collection in town on Wednesday mornings.  To be added to my weekly menu mailing list and for more info, email: simplylosbarriles@gmail.com   or follow me  on Facebook @simplylosbarriles –
  2. Saturday night special at the restaurant at Hotel Villa Del Faro! On the beach, 1/2 hour south of Los Frailes. Dinner is $40 if you mention this ad. Reservations required.   Check us out at www.villadelfaro.net.


  1.  We have a ??? ?????????? visiting the clinic this month! Dr Roberto Lopez Konschot – ????? ????????? ??????? ???????. He is infamous in Craniofacial procedures to correct deformities due to congenital malformation, trauma, removal of suspicious lesions, and consequences of aging. His years of training highlights his expertise in ???????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?????? ???????, ?????? ??????????????, ??????????????, ??????????? ???? ?????????, ??? ???? ??????????????. We are lucky to have him visiting the clinic for consultation next Monday, Jan 11th, contact our front desk for more information and/or for appointments at 624 124 8203 – eastcapemedical@gmail.com


  1.  Today’s special deal with Vela Baja ; 11 meter Cabrinha Chaos ,9 meter chaos and Bar .800 clams  ! Kites are like new! Twin Tip Spectrum 144/43 new 400 clams . – peterpaulboot@gmail.com
  2. 5M Duetone Wing with boom and leash, 450 coconuts – zgwind@aol.com
  3. Live current wind speed is available on the Vela Baja local weather station in Los Barriles. Check it  out and  enjoy! https://velabaja.com/weather/ – velabaja@gmail.com
  4. Slingshot UFO , 9m , New , 1,000 cocos, – nkbeveridge@gmail.com
  5. Kites not wanted: used in good shape Ozone Enduro V2 7m & 8m, Enduro V3 10m.  new Enduro V2 9m, Hyperlink 9m.  More info at 503-559-5538 or – knotwindy@gmail.com
  6. 2021 Naish Pivots. 8&10m plus bar New. Never taken out of the bag. 3500 retail Make me an offer – waterman5113@yahoo.com


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Hey there! We’re offering Uber ride service to the airport, san lucas, la paz or any other town and we also have car rentals, e-mail us if interested and we’ll answer you ASAP! – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com
  2. Baja Blooms ,the New Pink Florist of LB, Opens Thursday, January 7th for 2021!!! We Look Forward to Serving You!! We Really Enjoy Bringing Fresh Flowers to Our Sweet Town of Los Barriles!!! – bajablooms@gmail.com
  3. Hello, my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  W.catymoreno86@gmail.com 
  4. STUDY SPANISH WITH PAULINA! Make the most out of your extra free time and learn Spanish with a curriculum designed for adult learners! February small groups  held in an open space /private lessons in person or on Zoom. – spbaja5@gmail.com
  5. Hola Jazz’s Nails now in Los Barriles, I have Pedicure, Manicure, gel application, female hair cut, waxing, hair straightening, Acrylic nails and male hair cut, all our service with appointments please send a message for email or our Facebook page Jazz’s Nails gracias – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com
  6. New hours for “Zopilotes” in San Bartolo. Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-5:30. Closed Mondays. Light lunches, Great Desserts, Delicious Handcrafted Ice Cream. Lots of Dairy Free/Vegan Options. Either by Road or Arroyo, “Zopilotes” Is well worth the trip. See you in San Bartolo. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Phone/Text/Whatsapp: 612 134 1002 FB/Instagram: zopis.sanbartolo
  7. Short- & Long-Term Airport Parking in Los Cabos!  San Jose Park N Fly is a new world-class Airport Parking Facility located just across the Los Cabos International Airport! Whether you need to park only for a few days or for several months, by booking at San Jose Park N Fly you will get stress-free airport parking. Reserve online in just a few steps! ☞ https://www.sjparknfly.com/info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915 –
  8. Xochital registered nurse for 18 years and owner of XO Spa and clinic will be at Salon Blue Saturday January 23rd offering Botox, Fillers, Micro needling, BB Glow y BB Lips. For Appts contact Kelly. kwmx3@yahoo.com 
  9. Masala CHAI all natural ingredients,  flavorful and aromatic blend,  is really good! for the true Chai lovers  100g 250g 1 kilo we deliver in Los Barriles order your chai. https://www.facebook.com/masalachai.mx/   order your chai we deliver in Los Barriles. Happy new year all the best to everyone! masalachai.mx@gmail.com 


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Maxxis Bighorn ATV Tires 3.0 brand new 29/11/14 (2j 29/9/14 (2) 600 rides firm – dbdickau@shaw.ca
  2. Zugu Case  Ipad case. Thin Protective Case for 11 Inch iPad Pro 2020 (2nd Generation) – Ultra Thin Protective Case – Wireless Charging for Apple Pencil – Handy Magnetic Holder and On / Off Cover (Black) $40 – bellinbaja@gmail.com
  3. Ezybox water pump for systern or pila.   This pump will deliver a constant 50 pounds of pressure without the need of a captive air tank.  The pump turns on when a water valve is open.   This includes the very expensive stainless wall hanging bracket.   It’s brand new in the box.  800 tacos    ( lesterben1@yahoo.com )
  4. Jeep Wrangler 2013 factory soft top never used with windows and frame, 500.00. – zgwind@aol.com
  5. Brand new microwave, 50 zaps https://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/d/brand-new-microwave/7256802386.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com
    b. Brand new jumbo pool noodles, 3.5″ diameter.  7 floats each https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/jumbo-pool-noodles/7256807214.html 
    c. New Sporti brand neoprene webbed swim / water aerobic gloves. 9 strokes per pair. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/sporti-swim-water-aerobic-gloves/7256810463.html
    d. Used yoga mats.  50 mexican warrior poses each.  Numerous mats from which to choose. – 
  6. 14′ x 6’4″ utility trailer, $1200    three good tires + 2nd spare tire mount.  hand crank foot w/wheel, la ribera. 14’1″ x   6’4″ interior,  2’6″ height. craigs list post id 7525863974.html under trailers. la ribera – bajawill@gmail.com
  7. Wooden carved frame, bought from el torro y la Luna many years ago and never used. Outside dimension 34” wide by 29”. Inside is 24 3/4” wide by 15 1/4”. 15 mirrors,  jrlester@live.com or 406 599-3274
  8. wing ozone wasp v1 4m –  new – unused – green color 700 cocos. WhatsApp: +420 602 443 354 – p.krishot@centrum.cz
  9. Quality Serta queen/king size electric blanket. New 2020, never been out of the plastic. Dual controls, 10 heat settings, auto off. 85 warm nights. 541-306-4209 or 624-141-318 – mcgiverswife@gmail.com
  10.  2 wet suits:  one full body length with farmer john top, 95 dives.  One full top, 60 snorkels.  Both 7mm.  Both for 140 covers.  wilkccet@outlook.com     text 970 879 2140 
  11. New Hampton Bay Lucerna Indoor 52″ Deluxe Ceiling Fan, Satin / Nickel finish / frosted glass. Ideal for large rooms.  45 spins – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
    b. Durable rebound fiber glass paddle for paddle boarding.  In like new condition. Picture available.  65 strokes 
    c. Super light and very responsive Enduro reflex full carbon paddle for paddle boarding. In great condition, picture available. 135 strokes
===the end===




5-Tue Taco Tuesday Buena Vista Resort 4p-10p
6-Wed Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
6-Wed Drawing and Painting class 11 to 12 pm. xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
6-Wed Recycling in El Cardonal , marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
7-Thu East Cape Recycling 9-11am at Baja’s Resort at East Cape – info@eastcaperecycling.com
7-Thu Thirsty Thursday Buena Vista Resort. Happy Hour 4p-9p
7-Thu Baja AlAnon Zoom meeting every Thursday at 10:00 am. Contact
bajagecko@gmail.com for Zoom ID and Password.
8-Fri The Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on the Highway north of LB.
9-Sat LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com


  1.  Found on NYE by the water store. OshKosh children’s size 2 pink with fleece interior jacket. – jonesn4baja@yahoo.com


  1.  ALERT: Any one going back to Canada read the new rules: https://www.canada.ca/en/transport-canada/news/2020/12/pre-departure-covid-19-testing-and-negative-result-to-be-required-for-all-air-travellers-coming-to-Canada.html – jebeddy2012@hotmail.com
  2. We are asking all of our FiberTech clients to use the following. New FiberTech Internet Contact Information For Service Calls or New Service support@fibertechinternet.com Office Phone 624-358-2900
  3. S.N.A.P. wishes everyone a Happy New year.  In the age of COVID-19 for 2020, we were unable to have open sterilization clinics, however, we are proud to announce the total of dogs and cats fixed during this isolated time; From January 2020 to January 2021, our year end total is 612 pets that will not be participating in delivering unwanted puppies and kitties.  This program is FREE for the Mexican community and paid for by your donations.  A heart felt Thank You to everyone who helped make this happen either through your donations of financial support or donating hundreds of collars and leashes for the pets.  A special Thank you to Dr. Cristobal who worked tirelessly throughout the year preforming all these surgeries for S.N.A.P.  There are too many to mention personally, but we are truly blessed by your generosity in funding these surgeries which are expensive.  Please help us continue with our spay and neuter program with your financial support for 2021.. Please contact Kathy Ice by email kathyp1210@yahoo.com or Silvia Masis.    Thank you! 


  1.  Need someone to take an envelope with a document up north to Denver – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  2. Is anyone making the Costco run? I need dog food! Thanks! – alexander1cook@gmail.com
  3. Anyone going up north to mail a letter ? – tanyagosurf@yahoo.com


  1.  Thank you to everyone that was so very generous with their gifts for the less than fortunate people here in LB. You have made the children very joyful to get the many many gifts this year. Everyone out did themselves this year with so many toys. One lady even made a lot of blankets and baby caps. Sharing is caring. – sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com


  1.  Anyone have any extra Jars for pickling ? I will purchase if needed. Mike – 9thinc@gmail.com
  2. Wanted… looking to purchase dumbbells sets 10lbs, 20 lbs, 25 lbs and 30lbs contact Annette iikaiser@frii.com
  3. Wanted – men’s large spring/shorty wetsuit.    Brian.    neener61@gmail.com 
  4. Looking for organizations that need volunteer help. I have plenty of time on my hands and want to get involved. Thanks waterman5113@yahoo.com


  1.  mike’s lab foil board with spotz foil, 1600 tacks, jnaylo@gmail.com 
  2. womens dakine pant harness, 36″, 75 us kite loops. – jnaylo@gmail.com
  3. impact vest, large, black, front zip, 40 papas, jnaylo@gmail.com –
  4. ExotiKite Kiteboarding Wind Report | December 27- Jan 3 | This seasons typical pattern held this past week with light winds early week and picking up later in the week.  Big swell and gusty winds welcomed wind seekers New Year’s Eve before the clouds rolled in New Years Day giving the night owls a day off.  Saturday the winds picked up again to high teens and small swell creating perfect learning conditions.  The week ahead is forecasted to switch it up and remain windy, but cloudy, early week, becoming lighter, and warmer, towards weeks end. Contact us for kiteboarding, wingfoiling and foilboarding, and stand-up paddleboarding lessons and rentals. info@exotikite.com WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948 –


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Happy New Year from Baja Blooms!! We will be closed for a few days..Baja Blooms Will Reopen on  Thursday, January 7th!! Thank you!! – bajablooms@gmail.com
  2. Aroburro, Your local Mail and package service wishes everyone out there in Ponyland a Happy New Year. If your in need of Medication, mail or a house hold of items come and see Paul. From just a one time letter to full time mailbox service we do it all. In Need of South Dakota title change, No Problem. So come to Plum Loco, see us at www.aeroburro.com or call 624-137-7721, Most of all Happy New Year – aeroburro@live.com
  3. Wishing you a Happy New Year from Salt+Cotton Eco-Boutique. Our collection of beautiful clothing and gifts are purchased with the intent of being kind to the earth.  We make a conscious choice to locally source eco-friendly and sustainable products. Stop by and see whats new!  We are open Tuesday-Saturday 9-3 | CLOSED Sun/Mon. Also available for private shopping experiences, contact Megan at saltcottonbaja@gmail.com.


NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1.  February – April. looking for studio, condo, or apartment in Los Barriles. with wifi. around 500 mangos per month. anything out there? gracias. – rijn.maher@gmail.com


 Ride Wanted– 1/12 3pm Airport to LB-2 peeps – bobsmithna@icloud.com

Ride Wanted– 1/13 1:00 pm Airport to LB-2 pers. wiltonlandscaping@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1.  Hydrotech landtamer  aka bravo-beach rooster assault vehicle- amphibious – 6 wheel -nissan 4cyl 390 hours- priced to go 1200 la ribera craigs list post – bajawill@gmail.com
  2. 2005 1121 Lance CabOver Camper. 11 1/2 Excellent condition!! 1 Slideout, Solar, air conditioning, tons of storage! 15,000. Travels. bajasur.craigslist.org 503-591-9652 – bobsantesson@aol.com
  3. 2 Monster E-Bikes ( 1 man 1 woman size ) for shells – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  4. Men’s Fat Tire Bike 500 shells – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  5. Whirlpool Stacked Washer/Dryer. In perfect Condition. 12 yrs old but with only 1 years use for vacation home. Orig. handbook. Set for propane use.  200 George Washingtons. Photo on request. – blumvictor@gmail.com
  6. Ghost 29er Hardtail Dropper post, ergonomic grips Many extras 1000 cocos – kevinbajabus@gmail.com
  7. 2008 Dodge Caliber  in very good condition with 52,500 genuine miles Surplus to my requirements 5750 George Washington ono  contact Jimmy Smith 6242294169 or email cervezajimmy@gmail.com
  8. 2019 CANAM Maverick, 215 miles, like new condition. Upgraded tires, 1/4 windshield, roof, horn. Amazing power to weight. 13,995 delivered. Lee, 760-518-9646 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2019-canam-maverick-trail-800-like-new/7250294553.html?lang=en&cc=us – leeramage7@gmail.com
  9. Starboard SUP paddle, Enduro reflex carbon paddle, super light and very responsive. In great condition.  145 strokes – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
  10. Starboard SUP paddle.  Durable rebound glass paddle in like new condition.  70 strokes – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
  11. Custom board rack to store SUP’s, surf and kite boards in your garage. Stores 2 full size SUP’s horizontally off the floor and has lots of room for all your other boards and paddles vertically.  145 surfs – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
  12. Boat 14′ gregor,15 hp 2 stroke evinrude (runs great),trailer and accessories 2,000 tunas , picture on request John  907 299 1480 or buckrate@yahoo.com
===the end===




6-WeRecycling in El Cardonal, marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
7-ThEast Cape Recycling 9-11am  at Baja’s Resort at East Cape – info@eastcaperecycling.com
8-FrThe Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on the Highway north of LB.


  1. Found this girl up on the Buena Vista trails today. No collar but well cared for pup, maybe 4 months old. Very sweet thing looking for parents or new owner. bajachardo@gmail.com +1 435 640 0219 624 142 8260
  2. Found:  backpack in first arroyo on 1/1 early morning.  if you lost yours somewhere between the road and the waterfalls, please call and describe and we will make sure it is returned.  503-318-8869 or 503-705-0540 – rachel.cantu94@yahoo.com
  3. Lost:  iphone in 1st arroyo on 12/31 evening at the bonfire gathering up near the waterfalls.  reward if found and returned.  call 503-318-8869 or 503-705-0540 rachel.cantu94@yahoo.com
  4. Lost buoy  it’s orange in color  and belongs to sea ray if found call 6241428974 or return to memo’s boat yard across from chapito express.thanks


  1.  Bienvenidos 2021!  Let’s begin the New Year with a big recycling effort to dispose of excess holiday debris, along with the usual recyclables, at Baja’s Resort at East Cape on Thursday, January 7th, 9-11 a.m. Did you know that simple wrapping paper (give it the “crunch test” by squishing it) can be recycled but foil or glitter-decorated paper cannot?  Tissue paper cannot be recycled; it is often made from already recycled material and can’t be further processed. * New for 2021, please separate your plastics into 3 categories:  Milk and milky style containers, Clear plastics, Colored plastics and lids. 

    Bring your crushed/rinsed plastics, aluminum, metals & cardboard/paper broken down and bundled (sorry, no glass) and a $100 peso donation/household. Volunteers are always welcome…ONE hour is all that we ask. Bring a hat, gloves, and a smile. 

    Join us in keeping our community and planet safe and beautiful while keeping ourselves safe by wearing a mask, social distancing and frequent hand washing while at the Recycling Center as the risk of covid contagion persists.  https://www.eastcaperecycling.com/ – info@eastcaperecycling.com


  1. Recommendations of someone that fixes inside car issues ( broken handles, etc ) – chicaconchita@gmail.com
  2. Anyone know where to get an air filter for a Honda 300 cc? Need # 40102 Please send responses to john@westviewmarina.com
  3. Do they do Covd19 tests @ airport before you fly out ?or in LB ? – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com


  1. Wanted good wi-fi signal booster for motor home – melntrace.livingthedream@gmail.com
  2. I am looking to buy a paddle board, if you have one please send me an email,  thank you – mgentile2469@gmail.com
  3. Wanted: enclosed cargo trailer. 5X8 —- 6X10 excellent condition. – bajamx@frii.com
  4. Dumbbells- pairs of: 10lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs, 30lbs  Contact Annette @ iikaiser@frii.com
  5. Anyone have a bathroom scale or electric room heater?  erlablink@gmail.com
  6. Looking for a desk as well as a wetsuit top 1.5 – 2mm, men’s size M of L. Turner.james.ca@gmail.com 


  1.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home. I wish you all a wonderful evening welcoming the new year and I look forward to seeing you in 2021. Here is my first menu for the year. * 3 Bean Medley * Chinese hoisin  tofu noodle salad – It will surprise you! * Orders will be ready on Wednesday 6th January 9.30 – 10 am for collection in town. You can also pick up something Simply Soup-er from the fridge at La Pitahaya. For more info and to place orders email: simplylosbarriles@gmail.com   Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles –
  2. “Zopilotes” in San Bartolo is bringing in the New Year Deliciously! Light lunches, Wonderful Desserts, “Award Winning” Ice Cream! Don’t forget our 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday.  Our new winter hours are Tuesday-Sunday- 11:00-5:30. Closed Monday. Delivery to LB every Tuesday and Friday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.comPhone/Text/Whatsapp: 612 134 1002/ 011 52 1 612 134 1002Facebook/Instagram: zopis.sanbartolo


  1.  Kudos to Dr Gonzales and the team at east cape health.  excellent care and follow-up.  thank you! – judypdx@msn.com
  2. Solutions Clínica de Belleza: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s hoping for a healthy and prosperous 2021. Push 2020 behind us!
  3. It’s time to pamper yourself and take care of your skin. I’m open now and scheduling appointments. I am taking all sanitary precautions to insure my clients and my safety. The clinic will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products. Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Gift certificates available For more information and other services that I offer please visit my website. Www.solutionsdebelleza.com call Connie at (624)141-0422 or email: permsolutions@aol.com 


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1.  Happy New Year.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers. 18 years experience.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170. – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com
  2. Healing Winds – Home for the Heart, Body, Mind & Soul. Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Graphic Design, Yoga & Meditation, Taekwondo and Acupuncture. Experienced, knowledgeable, professional, mindful and compassionate.  www.healingwinds.space Email: tehroma@healingwinds.space & WhatsApp 624-145-2750 
  3. Rústica gallery it’s whole selling  all the arts and weaving from cooper canyon, just this week come get what You want 612 1202673 – dr.fishcenter@yahoo.com.mx


Ride offered: LBS to California rapido – headed north on Jan 6th, leaving early, plan to arrive in LA by the 7th PM. Crossing in Mexicali. Sharing gas costs. One seat available – kyle.dambrosio@yahoo.com –


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1. Tilesaw available with stand. This is a “Target” with a strong 1.5 hp motor complete with a water bath, pump, stand. Suitable for 12” tile. 250 roosterfish. – johnboyjrb@gmail.com
  2. Custom made King size reversible duvet cover, matching curtains for glass slider, pillow shams and dust ruffle. $100 sueños for everything. Email me at permsolutions@aol.com. Or call Connie (624)141-0422
  3.   Free 30-40 agave plants rooted in water (roots about 2″ long) and ready to be put in the ground,  erlablink@gmail.com
  4. Hummingbird Fish Finder & Chart Plotter.   250 Fishies https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bpo/d/fish-finder/7254615757.html?lang=es&cc=mx – onthebeach10@msn.com
    b. 2007 Yamaha T8PXR 8HP High Thrust Kicker Motor, Remote controls & Transom mount. 1300 Kicks https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bpo/d/fish-finder/7254615757.html?lang=es&cc=mx
    c. Generac (B&S) 5500 Watt “Storm King” Generator, 10 HP Motor. Runs good.  250 Pulls https://bajasur.craigslist.org/app/d/5500-watt-generator/7254661905.html?lang=es&cc=mx 
  5. heavyweight quality o’neill full length women’s medium wetsuit, also lighter full flex swim shortie women’s small to give away – please contact tessabarriles@gmail.com –
  6. 2004 YAMAHA Warrior 350cc ATV… 6 speed manual + reverse. Runs great!. Brand new carburetor. Wheel spacers. Recently changed spark plug, oil and filter. 35,000 mxn rides. Mx cellphone  6121009820 email pponchobr@gmail.com 
  7. 12 ft aluminum fishing boat, no motor, but comes with oars. 500 rows https://bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/7255561902.html?lang=en&cc=us – clay.t.dickson@gmail.com
  8. Heavy Duty 36″ H K Porter – Bolt Cutters  75 cuts – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
    b. Milwaukee sawzall reciprocating saw 50 blades
    c. 2 – Work Force 28″ folding saw horses – 35 supports
    d. 4 – 5 gallon rigid hard plastic water storage containers – 40 preps
  9. 1997 Suzuki Sidekick.  Good condition https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/1997-sidekick-4wd/7255895872.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com
  10. A variety of 2 to 10 pound hand weight pairs.  Approx. 25 pairs from which to choose.  Each pair for 1 US rep per pound.  Example: 1 pair of 2 lb weights equals 2 US reps. Mexican reps also accepted at 20:1. – patricklauderback@yahoo.com

***the end***



Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE


  1. Dear community,   This week the clinic will remain closed from the ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??????? when we will return to our regular schedule, we will be available for emergencies only. Our staff has been working extra hard this year to keep the clinic safe and have earned time with their family. ?? ???? ?? ? ??????? ????????? ?????? ???? ???-???-????.  We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you a Happy and Safe New Year.   Sincerely,  Charlene Wenger President and Founder
  2. Come join us for some fun Volleyball (non-regulation), at Lazy Daze, M,W,F starting at 9am until we’re too tired! – tmccally@gmail.com
  3. Recommendation:  We are sharing with our friends and neighbors in the BPE the work of Gregorio, who has advertised here for his services.  We wish to let you all know our experience with him.  We had two tile projects done by Gregorio, one indoors which included floor trim, and the other outdoors which included an artistic tile selection from Toro y Luna.  He is prompt in his response to give a bid, comes to the job when he says he will, makes good use of time and does beautiful work.  He has all the tools he needs, is dependable and reasonable.  We give him a hearty recommendation if you need work done with tile, granite, maintenance, painting.  Gregario Nieto, contact: w.catymoreno86@gmail.com 
  4. I am trying to contact Bernadine who purchased 2 tomato cages from me at Maxico Restaurant on my last sale day. I do not have the correct email address. Please email me at kke@edge2.net. Thank you, Kristine at Edge of the Sea Gardens.
  5. leaders2give is a California registered 501(c)(3) non-profit currently supporting 5 intiatives from La Paz to Los Barriles: *New Creation Kids Orphanage, *El Cardonal Children’s Home, *East Cape Health Center, *East Cape Guild, & *Feeding The Hungry (past intiative: *Los Barriles Food Bank.)  Time is running out to make charitable contributions to help you receive maximum tax advantages for 2020. (Speak to your financial advisor to learn how you can defer or reduce taxes by donating to our tax-exempt Organization.)

    We actually have a very exciting opportunity until the end of this year! A very generous donor has offered to MATCH ALL DONATIONS raised for the El Cardonal Children’s home initiative, dollar for dollar, up to $10 000.  Thank you for all the support you have given over the past two years — YOU are the power behind this work and YOU make a difference!  Visit https://leaders2give.org to learn more and to donate today!  Contact: info@leaders2give.org –


  1. Any suggestions on long-term parking at the sjd airport – sdohm1@gmail.com
  2. It seems I’ve heard there’s a new shuttle in town from LB to sjd is that true thought I heard $40 – sdohm1@gmail.com
  3. Anyone know what the Covid case numbers are now in LB? Booked to arrive mid-January if all goes well…. – vswinton2@icloud.com  
    (I don’t think anyone knows the true numbers)
  4. I am experiencing electric outage, which in 2020 and through the summer with low resident occupancy has increased from weekly to daily and now several times per day, i live in agua de costa, is this happening throughout all of los barriles.  please reply if this is a common problem. eljdds@gmail.com 


  1. The Community Market is back !!  We are happy to start a Nee Year with you all this Saturday Jan 2 9am- 1pm at the Parque la Laguna  Same great market , new year!!  See you at the Market ! 
  2. Bella will be at the Farmer’s Market one way or another..Please support the vendors, they need help – bertyellen@gmail.com


  1. Wanted: outboard motor, 40-50hp four stroke, good condition. – morleyinmexico@yahoo.com
  2. Boat wheels similar to wheels that were sold by Larry Cooper as part of kit – bajaed@outlook.com
  3. Looking for an appliance repair person in Los Barriles – ricotravels@gmail.com
  4. Ex pat in la Paz with 32’ luhr Sportfishing boat looking for people to fish with. – tgoldston77@gmail.com


  1. https://bajabytes.com/2020/12/29/baja-says-goodbye-2020/


  1. Come and enjoy live music with “Gatos Pardos” this Thursday, Dec 31st 2020.  Starts 5:00pm  Make your reservation!  We recommend that you book in advance as we have limited space of guests due COVID-19 guidelines.  Happy New Years 2021  La playa restaurant 6121319336 – evegarcot@hotmail.com


  1. The 2nd Session of Ball Fusion and Mat Pilates starts on January 5th and 8th at Yoga Garden. Ball Fusion at 8:00 am; Mat Pilates 9:30 am and preregistration is recommended as there will be no drop-in participants to ensure your safety and masks are required. I still have some new 6ft. Flex Bands for sale to participants wanting a resistance challenge for their classes.  Lots of open air space, a heavy duty air cleaner and the entire East wall is open and the patio is always available for use along with a sanitizing station and temperature check. Kindly bring your own yoga mat and water bottle. Contact me to register or if you have any questions. Wishing you health, well being, friendship, love and happiness in 2021 and beyond.  sefiheld@gmail.com –
  2. The Second Session for Yoga Garden will start on Monday, January 4th.   If you have signed up for our second session, know that it starts this coming week and will run for 6 weeks.  All COVID protocols are in place and are enforced.  Please bring your own mat and water bottle.  Questions or concerns:   jackiereeves1002@gmail.com 


  1. Need some gear?  Vela Baja is currently offering a killer deal on used kite equipment.
    Cabrinha kites in a range of style  and sizes
    1 kite $350 2 Kites $600
    Kite bars $200
    Twintip boards $300
    Vela Baja, located at hotel Playa Del Sol
    Opening hours 9am to 5pm daily – velabaja@gmail.com
  2. For Sale Duotone Foil Wing 4M with 115-175cm boom. At La Ventana, New 11/6/2020 and like new. 350 wingbats. – cvchandler@gmail.com


  1. Free roof inspection.   Have leaks?  We are local.  Professional.  Lots of references. Great products.  8 to 10 year warranty.  Using WhatsApp 602 507 5317  Using Email. Bajasynergy@gmail.com –
  2. Stock up on your New Year\’s Eve necessities! 10% Off all Sparkling Wine, Mezcal & Tequila at Los Barriles Wine & Tequila, while supplies last. We have limited supplies of: Italian Rosé Spumanta Brut by Scarpetti; French Champagne by Moet, Laurent Perrier and Veuve; Spanish Cava by Rene Barbier; Mexican Espuma de Mar. Open everyday from 1 — 9pm except Jan 1st – losbarrileswine@gmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1. Oster 14 speed blender. 5 cup dishwasher safe glass jar. 50 smoothies – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  2. Cumbor queen size, double height air mattress, built in pump, flocked top, never used in box. 70 guests – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  3. Apple MagSafe Charger 85w
    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/sop/7254093024.html?lang=en&cc=us – keri737@gmal.com
  4. Quicksilver Wetsuit AG47 Medium 3/2mm
    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/7254093415.html?lang=en&cc=us – keri737@gmail.com
  5. Shiatsu Jade Heating Massage Chair
    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7254091308.html?lang=en&cc=us – keri737@gmail.com
  6. 1998 NuWa 32 foot Fifth Wheel 2 slides. $10,000 travels
    503-591-9652 https://bajasur.craigslist.org/rvs/d/1998-nuwa-32-foot-5th-wheel/7254678814.html 7254678814 – bobsantesson@aol.com
  7. New Hampton Bay, Lucerna Indoor 52″ Deluxe Ceiling fan, Satin Nickel finish / frosted glass. Ideal for large rooms.  55 turns – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
  8. Nexgrill 2-burner Portable Propane gas table top grill in Stainless steel.  55 burgers – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
  9. Brown indoor/outdoor large chair and matching ottoman. Sunbrella fabric. Great shape. in l.b.  50 tacos
    624-142-8943 – r.deutschmann@comcast.net


===the end===




  1. Lost a pink and orange Duotone Soleil board on 11-26-2020 in Los Barilles near Vela. – dylanvk@icloud.com
  2. Lost: a tan cloth zippered change purse that has “nothing is impossible” written on it. –lizzogletree@gmail.com
  3. Lost prescription sunglasses in the surf between Spa and LaCapilla. Dark blue frames. vancebriggs6@gmail.com 503-910-1304


  1. Wishing you all the best for the New Year!  What a year we have had! A time of unprecedented challenges for everyone.  Our fundraisers ended abruptly and with that our usual way of earning money to support high school scholarships. 

    If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that kindness and compassion have never been more important. It has taught us that the best way through the darkness is to look for the light — and if there is none, to make it ourselves.  I am continuously amazed by the thoughtfulness, positivity and joy you, the members of our community provide. Thank you for your donations to help the students of the East Cape with High School Education. Donations large and small matter. Education Matters..

     “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

    Donate (paypal.com)

    To contribute to the East Cape Guild that is tax deductible in the United States you can contribute to Leaders2Give, a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation under United States law, and request that the funds be applied to the East Cape Guild. Leaders2Give.org click on the donate button and then go to the “Use this donation for” drop down menu and select the East Cape Guild.  Please make sure to select the East Cape Guild on the drop-down menu. – kaplotkin@aol.com


  1. Is anyone leaving Vancouver Island travelling to Los Barriles BCS by mid January and would be willing to deliver a small envelope…gracias Jerry 250- 709-8224 – jerryshannon39@gmail.com
  2. Spotted a couple of birds I’ve been unable to identify help wanted – coltonlarbera@gmail.com
  3. Where can I find new winch’s to buy for trucks – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com


  1. TRUE STORiES: Looking for 7 to 9 people interested in writing/reading a personal True Story loosely based on the theme: LOST and FOUND for a benefit at The Yoga Garden. Tentative date is January 30th (depending on COVID updates). Stories will be 6-8 minutes when read aloud (about 800-1000 words). Email me if interested or if you have questions. EVERYONE has a story! (Audience will be limited in number and COVID safety protocol. will be followed). – bajacamilla@yahoo.com


  1. New Year’s Eve dinners listed here


  1. 13 foot Klamath aluminum boat with no leaks. – victor@victormaus.com
  2. Front Loading Under Counter Washer. 36 inches tall. – victor@victormaus.com
  3. Stout front bumper for Ford F-250, winch also..624 142 8183 – capt.tonyanderso@gmail.com
  4. Looking for storage space, anywhere between 250 – 500 square feet would do.  Could be a bodega, shared bodega, large shed, storage unit, etc.  Spa, Buena Vista, or LB.  thanks! – ranpar01@hotmail.com
  5. Looking for dirt bike gear: pads, gloves and boots size 10-11. Turner.james.ca@gmail.com
  6. Looking for a electric pottery kiln. building a ceramics studio in the pescadero area. – mark.knott@paceacademy.org
  7. Is there a native plant nursery around  looking for palo blanco and mesquite trees – coltonlaribera@gmail.com
  8. Tablet: minimum 3GB ram, 16GB memory;  or laptop. Looks not important. Dave Love Gracias. – dulcecasitas10@gmail.com
  9. 5×8-6×10 enclosed cargo trailer, excellent condition. – bajamx@frii.com
  10. Looking for a deep fryer. – wtd9@yahoo.com
  11. I am looking for some old used ceiling fans with light kits. ( Preferably outdoor ones). I do not care if they do not work.  If they are headed to the dump please message me instead. Casaninarosa@yahoo.com. Or 624-141-0803.
  12. Anyone got a good winch for sale to mount on my 4 runner ? – swampdonkeys86@gmail.com


  1. Tio Pablo’s Turkey Plate Special
    A healthy serving of Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Creamy Green Beans, Candied Yams, Cranberry Sauce while supplies last!  $150 pesos – gkgilbert10@gmail.com
  2. Restaurante Navegante At Hotel Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal Resort invites you:
    Taco Tuesday Dinners. These have been getting excellent reviews and the atmosphere is always great. We have a varied, super tasty and unique menu of tacos—most of which you cannot find locally. You won’t want to miss out on our taquitos—or rolled tacos. At $10 pesos each they’re a perfect way to Start your meal and tantalize your taste buds!  Remember, that we continue with all the Covid Protocols and safety measurements for the protection of our staff, guests and visitors. So … please wear a mask when you come.
    •Taco Tuesday • from 4 to 10 pm
    Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm
    For Reservations or Takeout orders
    Call: 6241650347
    Remember drive down to our parking lot near our restaurant.
    Join us in our new outdoor area
    RSVP Required. Outdoor limited sitting – susettes13@hotmail.com
  3. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo, would like to wish everyone all the best in the New Year. We continue to give thanks for your Love and continued Support. Looking forward to a Safe and Happy 2021.
    Hours for “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo this week.
    New Years Eve: 11:00-3:00/ Thurs.
    New Years Day: Closed/ Friday
    Sat.Jan.2: 11:00-5:30
    Sun.Jan.3: 11:00-5:30
    See you on Thursday! Light lunches, Delicious Desserts, 


  1. Last chance: Offering transformational workshops with a gathering of women who are committed to personal growth. Come on this journey with me to develop more confidence, contentedness and self love with other like minded women. You will learn strategies, tools and practices that will stay with you for a life time. The gatherings will be educational, interactive and fun. Forty years as a clinical therapist, working extensively with women, has inspired me to share what I know works.  Held  at a private home in Los Barriles.. Thursdays, Jan. 7,14 ,21,& 28., 10 am to 11:30am.Deposit of $50US returned upon completion.  Also private counselling sessions available for the winter.  To find out more about me see www.whistlercounsellor.com, or FB Whistler Counselling Services and Workshops  Register with brenda@whistlercounsellor.com.


  1. Looking for a wing? Selling 4m Cabrinha Crosswing that was professionally repaired by Airtime. Great condition. 300 Wingdings – teamgogiss@gmail.com
  2. ExotiKite Kiteboarding Wind Report | December 20-27 | With what seems to be our typical pattern this season, the winds were light early week with an increased push Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Epic wind and wave conditions lined up for Christmas Day with more people on the water than we have seen all year!  More of the same this week, with no wind early week (perfect time to learn to foil behind a jet ski!!) and picking up to a rowdy, forecasted, mid-20’s on Wednesday.   Contact us to learn about our new wing foil package including 4 hours of instruction and 2 hours of jet ski foil skills lesson.  Happy New Year from our family to yours!  info@exotikite.com | +1 541 380 0948


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing
  1. Want to watch TV in US, Canada or anywhere in the world Free, Easy connection  See your favorite Movies Free, Come by Plum Loco, Ask Paul or call 624-141-0520 – palapapaul@gmail.com
  2. Stock up on your New Year’s Eve necessities! 10% Off all Sparkling Wine, Mezcal & Tequila at Los Barriles Wine & Tequila, while supplies last. We have limited supplies of: Italian Rosé Spumanta Brut by Scarpetti; French Champagne by Moet, Laurent Perrier and Veuve; Spanish Cava by Rene Barbier; Mexican Espuma de Mar. Open everyday from 1 — 9pm except Jan 1st – losbarrileswine@gmail.com
  3. Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  .free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles
  4. Los Barriles Mail & Shipping is at your service, so give us a jingle for anything you need moved, shipped, delivered or sent from or to the USA. We are working 24/7 to get your stuff to you asap and nobody tries harder to do so, thank you for the opportunity. Terry Gray Curtis, mailbaja.com tel Mex 624-151-5530 and 310-272-9500 USA mailbarriles@gmail.com


NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE
  1. Responsible and mature gal (over 60) looking for a rental in the Los Barriles area for 2-3 months.  Available as early as mid January 2021 and can stay through April.  Have lived in Los Barriles for 4 years and am very familiar with the area and local contacts.  Able to take care of plants/animals.  Looking for something between $500-$950 p/month (negotiable). – mister2_85@hotmail.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1. 33×22.5 Franke Stainless Steel sink.  Brand new. Brought wrong size down. Under-mount or surface mount. 325 washes – bajavalentine@gmail.com
  2. Matiz Chevrolet 2011 4 cil ,a/c  mexican 5 speed 103 mil km. Good conditions bougth It since new. 3000. Tacos  6241571361 vcabo2002@msn.com 
  3. Two Batteries for LG cel phone BL-45F1F.  One lightly used, the other new in sealed wrapper. Free to whomever can use them.  Bill Barbour – Casabarbour@gmail.com
  4. Gazebo or Free Standing Tub – 30 pebbles, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7252616352.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com
  5. Yakima Bike rack for 5 bikes, new condition. 275 pedals , view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bop/7252658593.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com
  6. 30 amp RV cord–25 foot. 25 charges. – bajacarlita@gmail.com
  7. New Terracotta flower pot 16″ height x 16″ diameter.  Has a metal detail on the outside.  55 plants – loveinbarilles@gmail.com
    b. Beautiful terracotta bird bath.  45 soaks –
    c. Tommy Bahama beach chairs, 30 clams each, 50 for both. –
    d. Werner 20′ extension ladder.  95 climbs –
    e. Spring Air posture comfort mattress, never turn style 52″ wide x 75″ long.  In great condition. 75 sweet dreams – 
  8. Classic white 1991 mercury marquis in good condition…Only 68k original miles.  on bajasur craigslist, ph 541-639-2293 – sierralar@hotmail.com
  9. 2009 Yamaha Rhino 700 SE, 5000 fun drives. 2 seats, new front tires. Jandhmotors@outlook.com 624 155 2270
  10. Norco sasquatch med fat tire bike, rockshox bluto suspension shimano xt  , guide rsc brakes Tannus inserts, spare tires and tubes 1500 spokes – rjdakabulldog@gmail.com


===the end===



  1. Lost my small Wreath Pin while shopping around town.(mkt. veg stand,) It is knit aprox. 2 inches,green with Small red bow. Very sentimental Pls. call 624 142-8011 or email to bajafoo@hotmail.com. Thx mucho. Ruth –
  2. Keys found on the beach near Callejon Don Pepe. jnaylo@gmail.com –
  3. Help!I  lost my mystic driver seat harness (s) today.  It possibly fell out of my side by side?  It has a red leash, stealth spreader bar and mystic knife holder  – teresalwheeler@gmail.com


  1. On behalf of our entire Awesome Family of Businesses, we want to thank you for honoring us with your confidence and trusting in us to provide you with awesome Baja experiences. We are proud to know you, proud to have you as our guests and clients, and proud to be in business in this beautiful, friendly, inviting pueblo located on the incredible shores of the Sea of Cortez. From whales tails to horses ears, from golf cart wheels to marlin thrills, to the green oasis at Baja’s Resort at East Cape that we call our headquarters, we thank you. And we wish you all the best that life can bring as we enter into a hopeful, awesome new year.  To you at the BPE! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do for our community, and especially for our businesses.  To Cheryl, GOBS of love to you my dear friend! 
  2. We at Plum Loco and Aeroburro wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday. We know this year has been hard on everyone and we expect that the new year will be better. Have a GREAT HOLIDAY – aeroburro@live.com
  3. Seasons greetings! On behalf of East Cape Health Center, we would like to thank you for your generous donations. Thanks to your help we can continue our mission of providing quality care to all the people in our beloved community.
    Our children’s program continues to grow with medical and dental services provided to the children who need it most in our community. We are also working on expanding our clinic and creating an ambulatory surgery center so we can meet the needs of everybody in the community with specialty services, right here in town.
    Thanks to all the donations we received this year we have been able to not only survive this pandemic that threatened to close our doors, but also to look toward the future and the growth of the clinic.
    All of our donors have a special place in our hearts.
    We wish you a happy and Covid-safe  holiday season.
    Sincerely, Charlene Wenger – CEO & Founder. – charlene.wenger@gmail.com


  1. Anyone having trouble crossing into Mexico by car with pets at Tecate.  Any information regarding traveling from Tecate to LB would be appreciated.  Want to cross Jan 3, 2021 taylor80442@hotmail.com
  2. Did anyone see a white light in the southeast sky about 6:30 am Wednesday morning. White light with a tail, maybe a comet?  Got some photos  and video. No idea what it was. Seen for about ten minutes then disappeared Would like some feedback. – butchandterrihazel@gmail.com


  1. BELLA Will be at Los Barriles at the old bus stop in front of the Barrels Saturday. Do not miss the BBQ never frozen organic chickens,. – bertyellen@gmail.com


  1. Wanted / ISO: Outdoor sofa, sunloungers, coffee table, other household items, etc.  Thanks!   – Joey – joeyanthonylee@yahoo.com
  2. Looking for a fixed bike for my knee rehab.nothing fancy.  Busco bicicleta fija para mi rehabilitación – liztapia70@hotmail.com
  3. Looking for women’s bicycle to buy. will be there january 30th. – qudo2747@msn.com
  4. Looking for one section of scaffolding to rent or borrow. 6241410080 Thanks!  maryjoevans_@hotmail.com
  5. Ramps to load a quad into a pickup.  Borrow, rent, or buy. – pinepal@sbcglobal.net
  6. Looking to purchase a used paddle board or single kayak! Contact Annette @ iikaiser@frii.com


  1. Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  It’s hard to think beyond Christmas dinner at the moment,  however here is my last menu for 2020 which will be ready for collection on the 30th December  * Indulgent beef lasagna, made with rich Bolognese slow cooked in red wine, layered with pasta and smooth white sauce * Tasty tater pasties, sweet potato, black bean and feta with a hint of rosemary.  Great anytime snacks, apps or sides. You can also pick up something Simply Soup-er from the fridge at La Pitahaya. For more info and to place orders email: simplylosbarriles@gmail.com   Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles – simplylosbarriles@gmail.com
  2. New Years Eve dinners listed here


  1. 100 litre or more wind foil board only wanted fine preferred – kevinbajabus@gmail.com
  2. Woman’s size 10/12 full super warm for the newly chilly seas 40 shells – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  3. 2020 13 meter Duotone Juice, perfect condition, super light wind kite. 1300 coco’s blue in color – mikeabbott123@msn.com


Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editin
  1. Xochital registered nurse for 18 years and owner of XO Spa and clinic will be at Salon Blue Wednesday Dec . 30th offering Botox, Fillers, Micro needling, BB Glow y BB Lips. For Appts contact Kelly. kwmx3@yahoo.com –
  2. Hello!! Baja Blooms, the hot pink florist in Los Barriles, will be closed December 25-28th..We plan to reopen the 29th with fresh shipment of flowers! Let’s Celebrate the New Year!! – Bajablooms@gmail.com
  3. East Cape Videos  Thousands of movies to watch or own on DVD’s. $3 to watch $5 to own (60 tacos or 100 enchiladas) Selling all movies before 2018 for $2.50 or (50 tacos) each. Located in East Cape RV Resort space 28 or call 624-158-4971 – bajadave46@gmail.com
  4. Surf Fishing Expeditions in the Pacific on some of the most panoramic and spectacular unspoiled beaches. 2 days of catching Snook, Jacks, Roosters, Sierra, and more. One of the most well respected Baja natives will guide you. Limit of 3 fishers per trip and only 2 trips per month, so don’t wait.  Good accommodations, great food, transportation and top of the line tackle are all included. January dates are 11th to 13th (SOLD OUT) and 25th to 27th (1 SPOT LEFT). February dates are 8th to 10th (2 SPOTS LEFT) and 23rd to 25th (2 SPOTS LEFT). For more information, you contact me by email felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or call me at 624-122-5019. www.felipevaldezsportfishing.com 
  5. Joels palm trees and desert plants  come to the farm pick out your  palm trees  3 ft to 30 ft. all delivered and planted top soil goat mix . for sale you come and load  600 cocos per meter ronlaribera@yahoo.com


THREE LINE LIMIT – Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.
  1. 2019 CANAM Maverick Trail, 215 miles, like new. 13995 US
    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2019-canam-maverick-trail-like-new-215/7250294553.html?lang=en&cc=us – leeramage7@gmail.com
  2. 2017 Honda Pioneer 500, 8995
    https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2017-honda-pioneer-500/7250827409.html?lang=en&cc=us – leeramage7@gmail.com
  3. Ordered 2 swing dresses in wrong size XL  one is black one in floral. 25 seams each rockinrn@mymts.net
  4. Well weathered copies of the hornblower saga in paperback – three out of the 11 in the series missing – – tessabarriles@gmail.com
  5. 150W halogen motion sensor security light. New in box, 20 mangos – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  6. Olea 8’2” longboard with leash and padded bag. 200 waves – alex.mitkus@gmail.com
  7. Badlands 2,000 lb. ATV /UTV winch.  Never installed.  Complete with manual.  60 tows or 1200 tacos. – bajarefugee@gmail.com
  8. 5 Bridgestone 15” tires with rims 5 hole. Less than a 1,000 miles on them 250 treads 307 388 2735 or 624 141 0066 – bajanorm52@hotmail.com
  9. dish 211 k new in the box receiver 120 cocos remote 20 cocos – annabeckz1@yahoo.com
===the end===