


2-Wed Recycling in El Cardonal 9-11am In La concha next to sub delegados office marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
3-Thu East Cape Recycling 9-11am at Baja’s Resort at East Cape –
4-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
4-Fri Art Show, Hotel Los Pescadores 4p-8p


a.  The state of Baja California Sur has the second highest testing rate in the nation, per 100,000 habitants, but it also has the second highest infection rate in the nation, only second to Mexico City.  The governor, although himself recovering from COVID19, has emphasized that his government believes in science, follows WHO guidelines for testing, testing and more testing. As of November 20th, the state of Baja California Sur has the lowest mortality rate per COVID infected patient in the country. This is all good news, however as a third wave of cases is expected in Mexico we still need to be extremely cautious.


a.  Desperately  looking for Lost Dentures between Smokey’s Bar and play on Norte RV Park Sunday call my November 29th. Reward – timhortinsguy@gmail.com


a.  Baja Al-Anon meetings will resume on Mondays and Thursdays at the serenity garden in Spa Buena Vista at 10 am.  Call Karina 624-141-0806 or Sheila 141-0267 for more information. – bajakarina@gmail.com

b.  Santa and Lazy Daze (LD) desperately need your help this Navidad. LD will be doing it’s annual Christmas Toy Drive with the addition of a 2nd community in Campamento. With Covid hurting so many this year, it is more important than ever to give back to the children.

For those who are Covid concerned and may not want to shop, we have a donation jug located on the bar at LD. Santa’s elves are more than happy to do the shopping for you. All cash donations must be received by 12/12, giving the elves time to shop. All toy donations must be received at LD by 12/19. With plans to visit 2 communities we will need lots of help from our caring community in forms of donations, toys and bikes. The elves will be sorting the toys into 2 locations on Monday, 12/21. Santa and his elves will be delivering to Campamento on 12/22 by truck….then on 12/23 to Los Barriles by atv or side x sides.  More details regarding the organizing and deliveries to come. All friends of LD, LB and surrounding communities welcome to come help sort and deliver! The more elves the merrier! Santa, his elves and Lazy Daze thank you for your continued support and love.  For additional info please contact Mrs. Claus  at emabaja23@gmail.com

c.  Dear Friends, Our world is at a crossroads. In 2020, we experienced the most devastating pandemic in a century and a global recession. This has had a big impact on our ability to have our fund raising events. In the past we have been able to fund 100% of eligible students. We need your help to be able to meet this goal for 2021/2022 school year.

For 24 years, the East Cape Guild A.C. has pursued a bold vision for an educated community. We support the students of the East Cape to provide High School and College scholarships.  Our work—and the impact we make on our community would not be possible without your financial support.  Please consider donating to the East Cape Guild. This is tax deductible. Visit http://bit.ly/35MgfXx to donate and select East Cape Guild.

You can also support the Guild by attending Holy Mole Lunch/Dinner and Silent Auction on December 20th 12-6 @ Tres Palapas, Meal Tickets at $15 or 300 Pesos Tickets sold at Tres Palapas on Saturday December 5th, 11 -3. – kaplotkin@aol.com

d. BEWARE OF ANY CREDIT CARD CHARGES MADE TO MERCHANTS WHO USE BANORTE AS THEIR BANK.  I paid two medical bills with my USA credit card–One to a doctor in Los Barriles, the other to H+ Hospital in San Jose.  Both charges were made thru Banorte Bank, and Banorte charged me double for each charge.  Charges to this credit card made thru other Mexican banks have not been a problem–ONLY THOSE CHARGED THRU BANORTE BANK HAVE BEEN DOUBLED.

e.  Great mechanic in LB the week of Dec. 7. Will fix your ATV, auto, generator, jet ski, etc. Work guaranteed, references available. Call or what’s app 612-153-7374 for appt. Jose Martin Del Campo – bajaannie@gmail.com


a.  If you are traveling to the US in December, could you take with you 3 small boxes of thyroid meds and mail them to me? Payment, of course! – homeomarlene@comcast.net

b.  Contact info for local kid’s Christmas collection.  Thank you – billblatch@aol.com  Lazy Daze Beach Bar is accepting all toy donations

c.  Would anyone have information about traveling into LB from the USA with household goods?
Can we do that ourselves, or do we need to hire someone to move us into Mexico? If the latter, any referrals?
Thank you! – karenvjames161@gmail.com


a.  Edge of the Sea Gardens will be at Maxico Friday Nov 4th from 9am to 11am.  We have lots of good tomatoes, chilies and greens…plus tomato cages for pick up or order and a full compliment of bone meal, epsom salts and neem oil!  Plus this week I will have straw mulch to mulch your gardens!  Not many sale chances left…don’t procrastinate your winter garden! – kke@edge2.net

b.  Apron Lady will have her items at this Saturdays Market.  I have new creations and just got more fabrics and I can now take custom orders for King size pillowcases!    To get in time for Xmas, you must order your cases by Saturday .  I also have some new fun masks.  Come check out the market as it is a safe outdoor environment with COVID rules strictly followed.  See my new selections on my site at www.apronladylb.weebly.com –

c.  Gift Show   Thursday, December 10th, 10am – 2pm.  Since we can’t have big shows, we are having a mini one – spread out in three locations.  All showing outside, with homes in the LB area and not far apart.  Come get your gifts for others and yourself!  Get that shopping done early in a stress free and COVID protected environment.   Artists include:  Steven King, Way Cool Clothing, Victorias Sunny Dresses, Elizabeth Perkins, Apron Lady, LB Chocolates, Rancho Laventa, Kelly’s Jewelry and Turtle merchandise.  More details to follow.   You must wear masks to shop.  Questions?  jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Looking for both a small and large nice mountain bikes, like Santa Cruz, Specialized, Trek, etc. Nice full suspension bikes. – dmoore6300@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  My dog needs help getting on/off the bed. Does anyone have ramp/steps that they are not using ?   624 141 0408 – bajabear@mac.com

c.  Wanted:  ford 1985 f-250 parts. riokerry22@gmail.com

d.  Wanted:  Looking for a used, but nice, king bed frame with dresser if possible. Price I am willing to pay depends on the style and condition. Spa – los barriles – 4mgordon@gmail.com

e.  Wanted:  Looking for new or used Kite bags cheap or free. – genevievestpierre79@gmail.com

f.  Wanted:  Is there anyone else than Marcelino to pay a home visit for computer help – i cannot get his attention and have a serious computer issue needing major attention since last week – tessabarriles@gmail.com

g.  Looking to borrow or buy an imperial (not metric) architectural scale.  If you can spare one or know where they can be had, please contact sandyhayes50@gmail.com.


a.  https://bajabytes.com/2020/12/01/wahoo-its-december/


a.  Tai Chi starts December 8th, every Tuesday, 11am at Yoga Garden.  To get more info about the benefits of Tai Chi, please write back to me.  Many of you have read about the new studio guidelines for safety during this pandemic, so here is just a brief review…  12 maximum participants ensure your safety and pre-registration is recommended.  A sanitizing station will be set up for your use along with a temperature check, maximum airflow and a heavy-duty air filter. The eight week session is free, and a suggested charity donation will be 1000 pesos, or 50 USD.  100% of the funds will be donated to the East Cape Recycle Program.  Please bring your own water, and contact me to register or if you have any questions.
Email  hansheld@gmail.com   Yours in good health,


a.  Kiteboard: New Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. 600 jumps Email for pics – sherielliott@shaw.ca

b.  BRM Cloud kite with bag. 10.4 d.  Great kite that is in as new condition.  700 tacos. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com

c.  North Rebel 10m, North Rebel 8m, one North trust bar. Older 5 line gear, all in good shape. Good kites for learning, make an offer. Kochucove@yahoo.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  fan palms  for sale you come dig them take them take them home and  plant app 8 ft tall   125  us cocos  need a flat bed or a pick up  will help  loading – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b.  Fresh Flowers Everyday at Baja Blooms!  We are located in Los Barriles on highway across from Molina’s Hardware. Our storefront is bright fuchsia..You Can’t Miss It!  Our Hours are 9-4 Monday-Friday. Come See Us!! – bajablooms@gmail.com

c.  Leaky roof?  Don’t wait until the next rain storm to get it fixed.   Baja Roofing.  Local. Free estimates. Quality products.  References. Professional. – bajasynergy@gmail.com

d.  Joels  palm trees and desert  plants  royal  palms   coco  palms   fan palms   4 ft   to  30  ft   joel  delivers  and  plants  please app. only  laribera  top sois  mixed  with goat manure   have crane for rent – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for a 1 to 5 months rental for 2 people, no partying, no smoking, no pets. With kitchen, King or queen size bed close to the beach



12/11 arrive 2:30 1 person tim@northwavesails.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Incredible desert varnish,  will stain rock, soil, concrete to beautiful natural colors.  bajasur.craigslist.org/mat/d/permeon-desert-varnish-rock-stain/7238854588.html       772-281-8833 – captainscott34@gmail.com

b.  High-performance e-bikes. Teresa’s Tours is selling 3 of our gently used Bulls Monster ES tour bikes.  Low miles, hours, and under 10 charging cycles each.  All three in excellent condition. Recently completed a diagnostic test.  3,250 American sand pebbles each. – – kkindred63@gmail.com

c. Top soil  goat manure mix  30 . us cocos  per yard  come get it while its hot  will deliver for  4 yards or more  for a few dollars more  we deliver – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

d.  Lightly used Coleman inflatable portable spa. $450 bubbles – casalarue@gmail.com

e.  4 yr old, queen coverlet, with shams. Blues, gray, cream colours. 50 sheets. contact: gwenbathgate@gmail.com

f.  Patio Heater, 7 ‘high, uses 20 lb propane tank which is not included. $ 50 rays. View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7239479224.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

g.  Brand new Equipale leather table 42 inch diameter. Still in wrapping. only 100 tacos call 624-137-7721 – palapapaul@gmail.com

h.  2 – 340 gm R12 air conditioner refrigerant. 8 cool blasts each.  Little Chief smoker. 25 smokes. – glenmilner@telus.net

i.  Presto 23 Quart Pressure Canner and CooKer with 13 boxes of jars and lids. 175 preserves. View at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7240009911.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

j.  hurricane protection aluminum panels – 3 sets – including top and bottom rails
75″ wide x 105″ tall – 700 cocos
39″ wide x 105″ tall – 300 mangos
189″ wide x 94″ tall – 1500 papayas
6241410390 – escapeartist55@aol.com

k.  2 inch foam mattress topper.  Slightly narrower than queen size.  Medium density.  50 dreams.  Scuba flippers, Mens 9ish and Ladies 7ish, 5 flips each.  Queen size air mattress, never used, sorry no pump. 10 sleeps. – daxbuddy1@gmail.com

===THE END===




2-Wed Recycling in El Cardonal 9-11am In La concha next to sub delegados office marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
3-Thu East Cape Recycling 9-11am at Baja’s Resort at East Cape –
4-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
4-Fri Art Show, Hotel Los Pescadores 4p-8p
6 Sun Holiday Art Show   Is this still on?


a.  Hello, lost my maui jim sun glasses on the sand trails just south of hotel Los Pescadores.  You would have come across them saturday morning nov 28.  500 peso for having found them.  Just drop off at hotel Pescadores, Patti’s place.  Thank you – Michael.Tom.Hudson@gmail.com


a.  RECYCLING is Thursday, December 3rd, 9.00am – 11.00am at Baja’s Resort at East Cape.  Please bring clean & sorted recyclables.  Use this link to find out what we can accept:
Covid precautions will be in place: wear a mask, maintain 6 feet distance whenever possible and wash your hands at the spigot next to the recycle center.
Your donation ($5 US/$100 pesos is the minimum suggested amount), helps cover the transportation of processed recyclables to La Paz.
Our program’s success is due to the generosity of volunteers. One hour/month of your time is all we ask 🙂 – info@eastcaperecycling.com

b.  Starting Jan 4th, Spanish Group Classes with Paulina! Limited to 4 students per class,taking proper Covid precautions in an open location in Los Barriles.  Save your spot for my group classes and immerse yourself in the Mexican culture and Spanish language. 20+ years experience teaching Spanish. !Ven y aprende español este 2021! – spbaja5@gmail.com

c.  It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of open mic at la fogata. we will keep you posted as to a new start date. thank you all for the support. la fogata itself is still open.


a.  Does anyone need a vehicle driven to the Phoenix area? I have driven the Baja 40 times. You pay for the gas and I’ll drive it for free. Bob @ 624-142-8063

b.  Calendar shows a Holiday Art show on Dec 6th.   Still happening?   Any other information? filetnrelease@gmail.com


a.  Art Show – Colin Harivel and Pam Hilburn will be displaying their works of art at Hotel Los Pescadores Dec 4.  4pm to 8pm.  A drawing will be held for discounted art work pricing, etc.  Glass of Prosecco for the guests will be provided as well as botanas. They are both very accomplished at their trade.  We hope you can come and enjoy the afternoon. – contact@fisheastcape.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  travel trailer 5th wheel king pin tripod stabilizer.  Contact Brian.   neener61@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  looking for any leads to finding the framing guy. san jose? santiago? los barriles? steven7eking@gmail.com 

c.  Wanted:  stationary bike or indoor bike trainer stand for bicycle – lbsweet38@gmail.com


a.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  Thanksgiving leftovers don’t last forever.  Here’s my menu for next week to give you a break from cooking  *Vietnamese mint salad – a refreshing slaw mix  * 3 bean medley – a satisfying stew * Melanzane Parmigiana – Italian eggplant bake *   Orders will be ready for collection in town on Wednesday 2nd December.  For more info or place an order email: simplylosbarriles@gmail.com   Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  Are you one of the people here who don’t know that there is a chiropractor in town who can help you with your pain and discomfort, usually without wrenching you into a pretzel? Dennis O’Brien uses a highly effective soft-touch method that has helped me a lot. So I’m helping him get the word out. The soft-touch method is only one of many ways he can help you. Don’t waste time being in pain if you don’t have to. Talk to him: 970-799-7068 (WhatsApp too). – Jennifer Flower – alighton@me.com


a.  In LB for the winter, assorted used and new Northwave sails for sale along with new Takuma WingRide wings and foil boards. Email us for what we have. – northwave@northwavesails.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Salt+Cotton NEW ARRIVALS!  This week arrivals from our independent designers in Baja.  Dresses and skirts from Todos Santos and tunics, sweatshirts and pants from San Jose.  Also in stock, organic essential oils from the the Baja Mandala farm in Todos Santos.  We celebrate local, Mexican, small businesses by buying local, sustainable products and supporting fair trade for artisans.  We are open 9am-3pm, Tuesday-Saturday or by appointment.  saltcottonbaja@gmail.com

b.  dish receiver  for long term lease  loaded  all channels  east coast feed  for networks   all movie channels except hbo – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

c.  Mail Boxes Los Barriles is your one stop resource to ship down darn near anything you may need from the USA.  We rent mail boxes, move households of furniture and can deliver your vehicle from anywhere to or from the USA to Baja.  We are very happy to help you with registering your vehicle in South Dakota, quick and easy.  Take a peek: mailbaja.com or give us a call at 624-151-5530 Mx 3102-272-9500 USA  Terry and Judith are at your service with a big happy smile to see you. – mailbarriles@gmail.com

d.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers. Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

e.  Valdez outfitter is ready for this hunting season for all of those hunters in the area, we have morning dove hunts locally, we also have package for duck hunt in los mochis sinaloa, for information or availability and prices please contact esaul valdez at esavalmar@gmail.com or call him at 624-129-6525 –

f.   PALO BLANCO PEST CONTROL- Call us out We’ll keep the bugs out!!  Nick Castro (6242114815) (6241378657) (6241219566)  Paloblancopestcontrol@gmail.com  We are located in La Ribera We’ll bug you.

g.  LB GPS Trackers ONLY $99 (includes installation) and Get a GPS tracker for your ATV or side by side!… easy to use! Real time tracking on your Phone or your computer… set and alarm and the GPS tracker will call your cellphone if someone starts the engine of your ATV or side by side.   Email lbgpstrackers@gmail.com for more info

h.  ExotiKite Kiteboarding Wind Report | November 22-28 | The week started off in the upper teens on Sunday but dropped off Monday/Tuesday as the clouds rolled in and seas calmed.  Fishermen were happy to get out in tranquil seas with wahoo and dorado being the catch of the week!  Wednesday and Thursday the winds returned in the upper teens.  The overnight offshore flow began Thursday evening, promising and delivering high winds Friday and Saturday as gusts reached mid-20’s.  This week looks windy almost everyday, with a possible dip mid-week.  ExotiKite Kiteboarding is open everyday, 9am-5pm.  Contact us to schedule your kiteboarding, wingfoiling or foilboarding lessons.  WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948 Email info@exotikite.com



Hi, I am looking to caravan down to LB sometime in the next week or two. My preferred Crossing would be at Mexicali where we could meet up and then spend the first night in San Felipe. I preferred to drive no more than five or six hours each day. If interested please contact me Ron Solomon at rshi5@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Porter-Cable Plate Joiner – Model 557 Type 1. Like New. With Biscuits 200 tacos. see at: bajaur.craigslist.org/tls/d/porter-cable-plate-joiner/7237774811.html judelar1@gmail.com

b.  Miscellaneous Bakeware, all for 30 degrees, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7237948630.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

c.  Presto 23 Quart Pressure Canner and CooKer with 13 boxes of jars and lids. 175 meals, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7237961098.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

d.  Nuwave Induction Cooktop , 50 pots, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7238001957.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

e.  Cuisinart Pressure Cooker, like new with instructions, 50 dinners, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7238008695.htmlcurtain.1988@gmail.com

f.  KitchenAid Mixer with grinder / shredder / slicer / strainer attachments – 400 cakes, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7238023871.html – curtain.1988@gmail.com

g.  X-Large Pyrex Bowl, Ladles, Mixing Bowls and Spoons – 35 lumps for all – curtain.1988@gmail.com

h.  14 ft Duroboat, no leaks, older 25 hp Evinrude 2 stroke, beach launch cradle and small older trailer. Finishing some electrical upgrades but email if you want to have a look. $2800 pesca.
Penn fathom master 600 downrigger, no cable.  25 casts. – glenmilner@telus.net

i.  Free: Epson 220 Magenta and Cyan cartridges. Unopened.  Pam@HomesAndLandOfBaja.com

j.  New Jeep soft top with frame and windows for 2013 wrangler.  500. What’s app 970-379-7803.  Never used. – scronenberg1@gmail.com

===THE END===



28-Sat Thanksgiving Season Pickleball Tournament @ Tres Palapas – trespalapasactivities@gmail.com
30-Mon Full Beaver Moon
2-Wed Recycling in El Cardonal 9-11am In La concha next to sub delegados office marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
3-Thu East Cape Recycling 9-11am
4-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1


a.  Found in San Bartolo arroyo 1 week ago: Tail light assembly Dennis 970-799-seven 068 – densaidyes@aol.com


a.  Just a reminder that it is illegal to dump in the arroyos. Today I took pictures of a silver truck driven by a man with a pony tail and a woman, dumping a hug pile in front of my house. If anyone knows them please remind them…. My whistling and waving was ignored. – julesinspace@hotmail.com

b.  Dra. Lauren Miranda – gynecologist will be this Saturday at the East Cape Health Center, we still have a couple of spaces available. Save yours at eastcapemedical@gmail.com or call us at (624) 124 8203

c.  From Eastcape Medical:  We haven’t posted in a while bc our community has done an incredible job of working together to slow the spread of COVID-19. Most businesses are requiring masks be worn, hand gel used and temperatures be taken before entry. Many local residents are choosing to stay home and socially distance. However, with more and more people arriving from abroad, cases are rising.

There ARE active cases in our area.  We urge everyone in our community to continue to take precautions to avoid contracting this virus. We all understand, with the holidays here, how hard it is to make the decision to keep socially distant, but this sacrifice, this relatively small inconvenience, will save lives. It’s time we reassess the risks we are willing to take, not just with our own lives, but with the lives of others.
Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!


a.  Anyone know who to get to repair a Penn Reel. Clicker stuck. Penn Squall 60LD- panthony51@sbcglobal.net

b.  Has anyone had cataract surgery in La Paz or Los Cabos by a doctor you would recommend? Please call, text, or email Carol 6241281197 cazz1956@outlook.com. Thank you

c.  Wondering if anyone has found a reputable rental car company that does bargain rate long term rentals, 4 to 5 months, oldies but goodies, that kind of thing, without the crazy, loonie, runaway insurance charges? – whitetmp@aol.com

d.  Anyone renew us passport in san jose at pamilla?  how long does it take and what do you to take with you. thanks – butchandterrihazel@gmail.com


a.  5th year for this special event to make it merrier for our local families. These folks are the least affluent in our town. These gifts are wrapped and delivered right before Christmas when the ‘chicken in every basket’ is given to the the parents. Looking for more gifts for the 30 families that are part of the reg. food deliveries each week. Dolls, sports equipment and things for teenage girls. There are about 90 children. We have only about 20 items at this time. Chapitos has lots of stuff for kids if you did not have room to bring stuff down from the states. Thank you and you can e-mail me for where and when sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com.  624-124-8071 or 818-453-0746

b.  Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, Nov.29 at 1 pm. Angela Zanevsky.
Entry fee: 250 pesos. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com


a.  Thank for all your support last saturday.. I will be there again this saturday with more of the same. Look forward to your visit. – bertyellen@gmail.com

b.  Come and see the Apron and Pillowcase Lady at the LB market on Saturday!  And if you can’t make it down to the market, you can shop online at www.apronladylb.weebly.com – shop online and I can make curb side pick up available if needed.  Don’t miss out on getting your holiday shopping down with one of a kind gifts!   Questions?   jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Urgently needed! Flight or driving escorts for adopted pups needing to get to their forever homes. Going home for Xmas or have family down that would like to get a pup North with them? Please mail for more details, it is so easy & so rewarding! – info@cortezrescue.org

b.  Wanted:   I’m looking for a volunteer who has the technical savvy to help me better understand how to manage my Facebook pages for a small charity. I’m pretty technical myself, but the way these pages act sometimes leaves me baffled! I need help. Harriet Purkey – purkeybh@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Side by Side  2 Seater Only w/Power Steering w/Low Hours & Clean contact rkbaja@yahoo.com


a.  https://bajabytes.com/2020/11/24/bahia-asuncion-mossbacks-arrive/


a.  Drawing and Painting class Wednesday 11 to 12 am  experience is not required the size of the class is limited, few spots, for more info contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com –


a.  BRM Cloud d 10.4. As new with bag.  Light wind session saver.  700 sessions. – gs1ifx@yahoo.com

b.  Vintage Mistral Screamer 50 Tacos.  Vintage HiFly high wind board 50 tacos.  FREE old sails, booms, masts, universals, helmets – alex.mitkus@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Metal storages for rent at Juanito’s Garden/Los Barriles hotel.  One size 5′ x 10′ other 5′ x 12′
For more information please call: 624-141-0024

b.  Natural & Organic personal care products Tooth paste fluoride free, shampoobar, & repellent to protect against mosquitos and other insects  100% natural,  if interested in to know more about this products please contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com –

c.  Jacques Cousteau’s aquarium is alive in the Sea of Cortez. The seas are flat and the winds calm. Let us find the perfect day to bring your family on boat for an incredible day on the sea. You can do it all! Some early morning fishing – the dorado and wahoo bite are on! A few early whales have arrived and we saw them yesterday PLUS a whale shark! That is a rare gift. Mask fins and snorkel to visit the undersea world at our Baja’s Awesome Secret Snorkel Spot. Enjoy a picnic lunch on board or go into the Bay of Dreams for a delicious lunch. BEST.DAY.EVER is what we are told and we know how to make it AWESOME! Too Awesome accommodates up to 10; Awesome accommodates up to 9. Fresh fruit smoothies and donuts to start your day. Be Awesome! Experience the Sea of Cortez! theresa@bajasawesome.com 624-14-10231

d.  Horseback riding on the shores of the Sea of Cortez is the thing of sweet dreams. And then riding a seahorse is a whole other level! Whatever your dreams, Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides will meet them! Advanced rider and want a galloping ride? Awesome! First time rider and want a gentle guide and a kind horse? Awesome! Grownups out the arroyo or little ones riding in the arena, Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides has earned Trip Advisor’s #1 rating and we will earn yours too! Giddy up and Be Awesome! Theresa@bajasawesome.com, 624-14-10231

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2015 BRP Can-Am commander 800 R.  See craigslist post for more information:
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2015-can-am-commander-800r/7236797412.html – rockinrobin2@hotmail.com

b.  2015 Chevy Silverado 40,000 miles. 6’6″ bed, Silver, alum tool-box, rack, bed-liner, super clean, no dents. Crew cab.  Tons of pics and contact info Craigslist. located in La Ribera, Las Lomas. kellylou46@gmail.com

c.  Ocean Kayak, sit on top, 11′.  I can’t (shouldn’t) use it anymore due to sun exposure issues.  250 us paddles or 5000 mx paletas.  541-854-5303 or 624-141-0339.  Harriet – purkeybh@gmail.com

d.  SUP – Starboard 10′ x 34″ x 168L Whopper and paddle. 725. ontheseaofcortez@icloud.com

e.  California Board Company paddle board 12’ x 32”, wood veneer, with paddle, no repairs/dings 750 cocos – alex.mitkus@gmail.com

f.  FREE old mountain bike, fully rigid, good tires, rear rack – alex.mitkus@gmail.com

g.  Older Gary Fisher Sugar 3+ full suspension mountain bike, size large, almost new 2.35 tires. 200 tacos – alex.mitkus@gmail.com

===THE END===




28-Sat Thanksgiving Season Pickleball Tournament @ Tres Palapas – trespalapasactivities@gmail.com
30-Mon Full Beaver Moo


a.  Tomatoes, chilies, okra, Nappa Cabbage, Swiss Chard…these are just a few of the items available this Friday Nov 27 at Maxico en Los Barriles from 9 am to 11 am.  We will have Neem oil, Bone Meal and Epsom Salts.  Come check out our Tomato Cages available for special order! – kke@edge2.net

b. Surf Fishing Expeditions in the Pacific on some of the most panoramic and spectacular unspoiled beaches. 2 days of catching Snook, Jacks, Roosters, Sierra, and more. One of the most well respected Baja natives will guide you. Limit of 3 fishers per trip and only 2 trips per month, so don’t wait.  Good accommodations, great food, transportation and top of the line tackle are all included. January dates are 11th to 13th and 25th to 27th. February dates are 8th to 10th and 23rd to 25th. For more information, you contact me by email felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or call me at 624-122-5019.

c.  This Fri. the 27th, jose luis, the veggie man will make his return to spa at 7:30 am at the corner of la capilla rd in the south side in spa. he will have veggies, eggs, boleo, juices , tamales & empanads & fresh chickens. See you there !


a.  Need help from someone who knows how to work on a ZODAK blow up boat. The seams on the bottom of the boat have started to delaminate and open up. Needs to be glued. Contact Fred at fgreen@jps.net.


a.  Join us at La Fogata for Open Mic on Wednesdays. Dinner and drink specials. Music at 7pm. All health protocols are active. Call Norma for reservation at 624-177-2812


a.  Carmen’s at the community market, see you Saturday and enjoy our delicious smoothies and frappes also enchiladas, cinnamon rolls, banana and pumpkin muffins. If you want pre-order call me or send me a message 6241298383 karmenskafe@gmail.com

b.  Don’t forget THANKSGIVING is Tomorrow!! We are Still Taking Orders Today!!
Baja Blooms is located on highway across from Molina’s Hardware.. Our Florist is fuchsia/bright pink. You can’t miss it!! – bajablooms@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Anybody know where I can buy used golf club sets? – jwits2981@yahoo.com

b.  Wanted:  Looking for a Stand up paddle board for surfing waves – not bigger than 140 liters – zevbeckerman@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  looking for an electric trolling motor. steven7eking@gmail.com –

d.  Wanted:  I’m looking for an english speaking computer “Mac” expert that can come to my casa in the Los Brisas area and work on my computer. My SanDisc is not reading properly for photography and I have a message reporting a malware issue. chrisllewellyn0211@gmail.com.

e.  Wanted:  Looking for a paddle board to buy – timhortinsguy@gmail.com


a.  Taco Tuesday Dinners. These have been getting excellent reviews and the atmosphere is always great.
Our newest offering is Thirsty Thursday where we are featuring Stuffed Baked Potatoes!  Please wear a mask when you come.  Thank you all.  Buena Vista Resort  (for us locals—Spa Buenavista Hotel) •Taco Tuesday • from 4 to 10 pm.  Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm

b.  Restaurant “La Terraza” (Hermans place)  Mexican food & grill.  Open 5:00 – 10:00.  Reservations 6241912060 – amanda_riley03@hotmsil.com

c.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo is open Thursday-Sunday 11:00-5:30. We also delivery to LB on Tuesday and Friday. Light lunches served in the restaurant. 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. Eat Dessert first! A special dessert being served on Thanksgiving Thursday. Email: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
Phone/Text/WhatsApp: MX- 612 134 1002- Fb/Instagram: zopis.sanbartolo


1.  Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $15 USD! Place your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, whatsapp 6121586762 or through our Facebook page @CafeMariaRestaurant –

2.  Tio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Dinner…To Go!
To discourage crowds, Tio’s dining areas will be closed for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving Dinner—along with Tio’s full menu—will be available for take out at the To-Go Window, where we will be enforcing safety protocols. $300 pesos (including tax) for Tio’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner served in two large containers. Walk up or order ahead starting at 3 PM on Thanksgiving Day: 624-141-0340. Happy Thanksgiving! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

3.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com

4.  “ beans and rice tako bar is having its annual thanksgiving dinner on thursday nov. 26th. corn soup, oven-roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, asparagus, garlic bread and pumpkin pie, for $25 usd. to make a reservation, call to 624-147-5849 / 624-124-8339, email to beansandrice.barriles@gmail.com or contact them on its fb page “

5.  Traditional Thanksgiving Buffet at the restaurant at Hotel Villa Del Faro. Turkey, gravy, stuffing. More fixings than you can imagine. Choice of apple pie, pumpkin pie, cheesecake. And more…Reservation required. Villadelfaro.net – rental@villadelfaro.net

6.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, for reservations 624-165-5798 or trinys.info@gmail.com –

7.  Restaurante Navegante at Buena Vista Oceanfront & Thermal Resort (Spa Buenavista) No matter what our circumstances we can find a reason to be thankful!  Our Chefs will take you on a delicious culinary experience.
•Our Menu•
-Pear, Brie & Leek Soup
-Butternut Squash & Green Salad
-Baked Macaroni & Cheese
-Dill & Red wine roasted beets
-Rustic mashed potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes
-Roasted glazed baby carrots or roasted parmesan green beans
-Sliced smoked Turkey leg or Sliced Turkey Breast , stuffing and gravy
-Pecan Pie or Pumpking Pie
$35 usd per person.  A Thanksgiving On-The-Go is also available. Delivery Service (extra charge)
Info & Orders Whatsapp: 624-1650347
RSVP Required/ Limited Sitting – susettes13@hotmail.com

8.  Los Barriles Wine & Tequila has put together 2 different Thanksgiving 6 packs with turkey and festivities in mind, but this special is for everyone to take advantage of, American or not!   ‘Thankful for Mexico’ 6 Pack Special (Casa Medero is Mexico’s oldest winery): $ 2000 pesos.  ’Thank You For Travel’ 6 Pack Special with international selections (and with the hope that travel returns to normal ASAP): $2500 pesos.  To see the list of wines in each package as well as images, visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WineBar2    losbarrileswine@gmail.com


a.   Last Week! Get a hydrating facial PLUS a manicure for only $79 USD at Spa Vida. Book your appointment at spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com 

b.  Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis.  All autoimmune disorders.  Now accepting new patients. Innovative solutions.  Get relief now.  Free consultation.  Call +1-424-319-0808 – bajahealthzone@gmail.com


a.  Kiteboard: New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40.  2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins.
Dakine Kiteboard travel bag.  Has never been in the water. 600 jumps  Email for pics – sherielliott@shaw.ca

b. Blade 17M fat lady with bar and lines – only used a few times – need to get rid of it. – zevbeckerman@gmail.com

c.  Naish wing surfer wing with windows s25 only used a few times 5.3M
700 – zevbeckerman@gmail.com

d.  Slingshot 11m rpm with bar lines, 175 clams, cabrina 9m switchblade with bar lines 100 clams,
Still have some sails 4.5, 5.2 & 5.4,  35 clams each – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

e.  2019 moses t38 carbon foil board-board only-with or without straps-used 3 months-2 small repairs with carbon on the rail. 500 foil jibes- charlieogletree@gmail.com –

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Salt+Cotton is Open 5 days a week! New shipment this week of dresses from Tulum and hats and bags from our leather artisans in Oaxaca.  Come on in Tuesday-Saturday 9am-3pm.  To schedule a private shopping experience email saltcottonbaja@gmail.com.

b.  Baja Blooms is a new florist in Los Barriles!  We are located on highway across from Molina’s Hardware.
Dont forget to order your Thanksgiving Flowers!! Saludos! – bajablooms@gmail.com

c.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  .free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles
W.catymoreno86@gmail.com –

d.  12 foot  cocos  ground to top of leaves  would fit in back of a pick up  flat bed better  yu come and dig them  take home and plant   160 u.s.  cocos  for 1     some royals – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

e.  Give your palms and trees new “haircut”.  Professional, bilingual, reliable and clean. Please see my FB page Mr. Palmero for more references and pics from my previous jobs. https://www.facebook.com/Mr-Palmero-112770267159848/.  Price for palm trimming from 150 pesos (just trim) or from 250 pesos (including collecting debris), tree trim from 300 pesos, palm cut down from 600 pesos – price depends on difficulty. I’m looking forward to meet you and give you your personalized quote.  Ivan Cell + WhatsApp 624 192 4597 – ivanmartello@gmail.com

f.  Top soil goat mix delivery south  of laribera mimimum  5 meters.   All types of agave  royal palms  fan palms  cactus come dig them up or delivered  trinidads – annabeckz1@yahoo.com



Arrive Friday 27 @2:50 ~ 1 person dj cell 510.406.2966

Arrive Sunday 29 @2:50 2 people terry cell 510.774.4038

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2008 Chevy long bed pickup. 4 door extended cab, long bed with liner and locking cover, SD registration, 5.3 L V8 (327c.i.), runs great, good tires, great a/c, good body with minor bumps and scrapes. 7000 rides. Gerry Smith 624-164-6663 <gsmith@usc.edu>

b.  2018-19 Rad Bike with 850watt hub in great shape.  Rear seat suspension & back rack with pack & tools
Reduced to 1500 pedals / yotalleyho@me.com –

c.   Roof rack to fit jeep wrangler 2 door , probably years 95 and newer. Took off 98 jeep. 175 clams – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

d.  3 Wheel Tricycle – 7 speed, Barbosa brand, less than 6 moths old, only ridden 5 times, 250 pedals, view at bajaur.craigslist.org/for/d/wheel-tricycle-speed/7236467548.htmlcurtain.1988@gmail.com

e.  Dorm size refrigerator for sale, bought on sale for 3999, took out of the box and threw away cardboard. Can’t return it Then we decided we wanted freezer that size instead. Anyone want to trade or need a small but good space refrigerator let me know. – jodypyper@yahoo.com

===THE END===


Business Directory is up and running….Check out the ‘Repeats Weekly’ calendar.


28-Sat Thanksgiving Season Pickleball Tournament @ Tres Palapas – trespalapasactivities@gmail.com
30-Mon Full Beaver Moon


a.  Found on the beach roughly in front of Don Pepe a women’s viewpoint watch.
Email me to pick it up. – llstra58@gmail.com


a.  Positive Recommendation:  I took an art class from Xochitl Rivera recently.  She is a gifted art instructor with skill in multiple mediums and the ability to calibrate her teaching to your level.  Also, she has a very pleasant studio set up.  Take a class from her, if you are an artist!

b.  East Cape Health Center Announcement:  Welcome Back to all of our dear friends of East Cape, we missed you over this long hot summer. Thank you for supporting our clinic with donations and by using our medical, dental, lab X-Ray services. Get a “real” physical exam with “Passport to Health” a great bargain for our preventative program ( 36 element lab test including stool and urine analysis/ CXR/ EKG/ Ultrasound/ review of all the labs and hands on physical, referral to specialist if necessary. Much more comprehensive than most exams in the US, our program surpasses any Medicare visit.   Check out our website for details:  wwweastcapehealthcenter.org
– Flu shots available in the clinic make sure you have this years flu strand.  Please contact the clinic by calling 624-124-8203 or email eastcapemedical@gmail.com.
– We keep close watch on the covid stats, seems we are in the orange which means businesses can function. BUT, please always remember to use your masks in public, they are highly recommended to keep yourself, your family & friends safe. Testing for rapid plasma and PCR covid available in the clinic.  If you are without an insurance make a plan to cover yourselves in Mexico, US or globally.  I highly recommend you make an effort to investigate our programs, please email eastcapehealthcare@gmail.com for quotes for International annual, short term travel policies and we now offer medical coverage with the TravelMedEvac policies up to 100K and air evac to your home of record. Covers Covid or any other infectious disease. Please inquire for more information Char 624-157-0081 or email: charlene.wenger@gmail.com  Happy Thanksgiving for all to enjoy.

c.  Thank You  Protection Civil. We had a minor emergency last week with our neighbor. We called Ismael 624-178-6884. We told him what was going on and we requested Luis be in the ambulance.  They appeared in about 10 minutes.. We had Ismael, Luis and Beto..Luis took over instantly,  checked my neighbor over very carefully..Explained what was needed. They needed to transport him to a Mexican Clinic  for over night observation and stitches..Thank You Luis E. Villavicencio.. Luis was with my neighbor when we brought him home the next day. Luis has been over every day for follow up care..  Luis is now taking over Home-care.  If anyone needs home care, or just someone to come draw blood. Please give Luis a call. So many know him…He is a nurse (15 yrs) paramedics, first responder.. He has been so gentle and kind with my temperamental neighbor.. Thank You Ismael and Beto for your professional care..  Luis 624-315-6678 624-122-1870 ( WhatsApp)


a.  Anyone driving down from or thru San Diego Want to pick up a used Hobie Kayak for me. Will pay 400$ US. The boat is Heavy, Probably 150#. I will pay the seller. – panthony51@sbcglobal.net

b.  Does anyone know of a person who does rug binding in Los Barriles or the surrounding area?  bajabums@gmail.com or (624)141-0318  or (541) 306-4209

c.  Is anyone coming from the US that would bring a pair of hearing aids that are desperately needed.  I can have them mailed to you (from Bend Oregon).  bajabums@gmail.com  541-306-4209 or

d.  Who do you contact for a booth at Saturday Market? rkbaja@yahoo.com

e.  Hi.  I’m up in Canada and Covid is shutting down many restaurants,  bars, exercise facilities,  etc.  Wondering how things are down there.   We can’t cross the borders but we can fly – missing the Baja! – Julyaknopp@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Looking for a few musicians interested in Covid safe jam/practice/learning sessions. Looking for others who take Covid safety seriously. We would play in the daytime open air, extra well-spaced apart and keep the numbers small. Bill, kochucove@yahoo.com 

b.  Wanted:  looking for a car to rent for the month of December  $600 Gina 1-610-703-4305 – ginanicol123@gmail.com


a.  Millie’s Kitchen:  November 25, Wed I will have Tofffie Blondies, Lemon meringue tarts,coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate,pecan tarts, dinner rolls and pumpkin pie available. Contact me at millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com


1.  Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $15 USD! Place your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, whatsapp 6121586762 or through our Facebook page @CafeMariaRestaurant –

2.  Tio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Dinner…To Go!
To discourage crowds, Tio’s dining areas will be closed for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving Dinner—along with Tio’s full menu—will be available for take out at the To-Go Window, where we will be enforcing safety protocols. $300 pesos (including tax) for Tio’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner served in two large containers. Walk up or order ahead starting at 3 PM on Thanksgiving Day: 624-141-0340. Happy Thanksgiving! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

3.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com

4.  “ beans and rice tako bar is having its annual thanksgiving dinner on thursday nov. 26th. corn soup, oven-roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, asparagus, garlic bread and pumpkin pie, for $25 usd. to make a reservation, call to 624-147-5849 / 624-124-8339, email to beansandrice.barriles@gmail.com or contact them on its fb page “

5.  Traditional Thanksgiving Buffet at the restaurant at Hotel Villa Del Faro. Turkey, gravy, stuffing. More fixings than you can imagine. Choice of apple pie, pumpkin pie, cheesecake. And more…Reservation required. Villadelfaro.net – rental@villadelfaro.net

6.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, for reservations 624-165-5798 or trinys.info@gmail.com –


a.  BRM Cloud kite. 10.4 D.  Light wind session saver.  It’s been out of the included bag 4 times and is in excellent condition.  700 single digit sessions saved. (say that 3 times, fast) – gs1ifx@yahoo.com

b.  If anyone needs a newer windsurfing sail, Tim from Northwave will be coming to LB 12/2 – tim@northwavesails.com

c.  | ExotiKite Wind Report | The upcoming, holiday week looks similar to last week set up: light to no wind early week and picking up later in the week and through the weekend forecasting high teens Wednesday-Friday and building over the weekend in the low 20’s.  We offer lessons for all levels of kiteboarding, wing foiling, kite-surfing, & foilboarding!  Also check out our no-wind activities of tow-in foilboarding, stand-up paddleboarding, and snorkel rentals. We are open 7 days a week 10am-5pm.  Happy American Thanksgiving everyone! – losbarrileskiteboarding@gmail.com

d.  Duotone Foil Wing 4M with 115-175cm boom at La Ventana. New on November 6, 2020. Like-new condition.  Includes a wrist leash. – cvchandler@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Have good leaks? We can get you sealed up before the next rain. Local. Lots of references. New 10 year product. Free estimates. Let me come take a look.  Baja Kevin Baja Roofing – bajasynergy@gmail.com

b.  Los Barriles Wine & Tequila has put together 2 different Thanksgiving 6 packs with turkey and festivities in mind, but this special is for everyone to take advantage of, American or not!   ‘Thankful for Mexico’ 6 Pack Special (Casa Medero is Mexico’s oldest winery): $ 2000 pesos.  ’Thank You For Travel’ 6 Pack Special with international selections (and with the hope that travel returns to normal ASAP): $2500 pesos
To see images of the 6 packs visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WineBar2
> losbarrileswine@gmail.com 

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2015 Chevy Silverado 40,000 miles. Silver, alum tool-box, rack, bed-liner, super clean, no dents. Crew cab.  Tons of pics and contact info on Craigslist. located in La Ribera, Las Lomas. – kellylou46@gmail.com

b.  2008 Nissan Titan King Cab, 4×4. Low miles, 12,000 Ducks
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2008-nissan-titan-king-cab-56-liter/7234139598.html – bajagecko@gmail.com

c.  2007 Jeep Wrangler , 46,000 original miles! AC, Automatic, newer tires. 13,000 clams – heiketash@gmail.com

d.  Heavy Duty 2-burner outdoor cook stove. Like this one but but older and built stronger. Deep fry 2 turkeys at once. Oh boy. 30 turkey feathers. https://www.amazon.com/Camp-Chef-EX60LW-Explorer-Outdoor/dp/B0006VORDY/ref=asc_df_B0006VORDY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=194884170462&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15366396838660123048&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9059136&hvtargid=pla-312838039347&psc=1 – robbieflatt@gmail.com

e.  Men’s clothing items-sport jackets (42R); (large jackets, vests, western shirts). Pants 34/length 32; western style felt hats; casual long and short pants. Because of COVID 19… call for appt.  624 130 0231 – rjmoranbaja@hotmail.com

f.  Engine hoist in LR. 900 obo lifts. 624 1300231 – rjmoranbaja@hotmail.com

g.  Phillips 32′ Curved HD Monitors new in the box, VGA, HDMI & Display Port connectivity.  Have 5 available @ 340 clicks, 2 or more less clicks.  too-hip@hotmail.com 624-151-5530

h.  Acoustic guitar with nylon strings. 100 songs. For more info: palomacota05@gmail.com or whatsapp: 624-355-2653

i.  2017 Polaris Ranger 1000 XP

j.  night sky manual telescope for star watchers.  300 et call home.  Price firm – pborchers@ctylightssign.com

k.  New utility trlr 12’x6.6′. Rear ramp. Less than 2k miles. Spare tire. 1875 tows. Not enclosed. See on CL. – johnnoyb@gmail.com

l.  Mexican tile for sale –
Americana hand molded tile, 4″ x 4″, beige, 110 pieces – 75 US tiles.
Americana hand molded tile, 4″ x 4″, off white, 300 pieces – 200 US tiles.
Mixed Mexican tile, 4 1/4″ x 4 1/4″, field (green, yellow, beige), and decorative, 280 total pieces – 210 US tiles.
Mexican quarter round trim, 4 1//4″, (24) blue, (27) green – 25 US tiles
Los Barriles – Wendy – bwsexton@hotmail.com, 624 142 8164 casa

m.  Tile for sale – Interceramic Alaska 12 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ floor tile, Blanco Polar, 122 sq ft, 200 US tiles; Cobre Canyon (terracotta) 40 sq ft, 70 US tiles. Los Barrriles – Wendy – bwsexton@hotmail.com, 624 142 8164 casa

n.  Samsung 22″ Monitor/TV Model T220HD with Remote.  Works good.100 Shows.    judelar1@gmail.com

o.  Mountain bike for sale 20 inches giant anthem 2 Great condition 350 pedals – yvesgadbois@hotmail.com

p.  01 Ford Escape runs great, need & news + 2,000cocos aprx120k miles 54184o6463 Crglist ad Photos – ehomes1@gmail.com

q.  Samsung Smart microwave/convection oven.  Has several functions to use.  50 turntables alnsheri@gmail.com

r.  Arctic Cat Side-by-Side – 2006 Prowler 650 XT H1
New battery, Good tires, winch with remote control, under hood storage, diff lock, protective cover.
US $4250.  See on Craigslist bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/arctic-cat-side-by-side/7234889618.html – gordonandjoy@gmail.com

s.  Week-long Garage Sale. Email ontheseaofcortez@icloud.com for List of Items, and Directions.

===THE END===




Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE



a.  Santa and Lazy Daze (LD) desperately need your help this Navidad. LD will be doing it’s annual Christmas Toy Drive with the addition of a 2nd community in Campamento. With Covid hurting so many this year, it is more important than ever to give back to the children.

For those who are Covid concerned and may not want to shop, we have a donation jug located on the bar at LD. Santa’s elves are more than happy to do the shopping for you. All cash donations must be received by 12/12, giving the elves time to shop. All toy donations must be received at LD by 12/19. With plans to visit 2 communities we will need lots of help from our caring community in forms of donations, toys and bikes. The elves will be sorting the toys into 2 locations on Monday, 12/21. Santa and his elves will be delivering to Campamento on 12/22 by truck….then on 12/23 to Los Barriles by atv or side x sides.  More details regarding the organizing and deliveries to come. All friends of LD, LB and surrounding communities welcome to come help sort and deliver! The more elves the merrier! Santa, his elves and Lazy Daze thank you for your continued support and love.  For additional info please contact Mrs. Claus  at emabaja23@gmail.com

b.  FiberTech Internet Store Will become a toy drop off point for the children on the east cape, We will be collecting collars, leashes & Donations for SNAP!!

c.  The Care Hub for Alexa.  Amazon has just released a Skill for Alexa that can help you passively monitor loved ones.  It requires an Echo device at your home and your loved ones home with separate Amazon accounts.  The Skill does not spy on your loved ones but will monitor their normal Echo activity for dramatic changes.  It also directs calls for help to you first.  Link:  https://www.amazon.com/Alexa-Care-Hub/b?ie=UTF8&node=21390531011

d.  Dog documents at border.  We crossed into MX at Mexicali East.  I asked if they needed papers for our 2 dogs. Inspector said they didn’t need any papers (not even rabies) and there was no health inspection of them either.  Whole thing took 10 min – jwits2981@yahoo.com


a.  We’re in Cabo Pulmo. After 25 years in DISH from USA, service has degraded. Can anyone share what satellite TV service works for you in East Cape? Were hoping to use a Mexico based service with English channels. Contact info for services would be appreciated. Betsy Stoll. – betsybstoll@gmail.com

b.  Has anybody got a 3d printer or can tell me about them? – melntrace.livingthedream@gmail.com

c.  I have an LG air conditioner that need repair.  Does anyone know a reliable AC repair man in the LaRibera/Cabo Pulmo area? – jwits2981@yahoo.com

d.  Is anyone coming down next week who can bring a small package for me? Thank you.
Pam@HomesAndLandOfBaja.com • 624-177-1358 • 951-742-3182


a.  Buen Fin or Black Friday? You are lucky, you are in Mexico! You can have both!!!  I will be happy to see you at Victoria’s Sunny Dresses two Fridays November, 20th and November 27th, 9am to 4pm.  I will have an incredible discounts for all inventory, secret deals, special prizes and gifts!  Due the current health protocols, make sure that you reserve your entrance time and wear you mask.  Call or WhatsApp me for reservation 624-110-6992 or send a msg FB or email vitaolenich@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  I am looking for a small single person kayak or sit-on/surf ski 8-10 feet max. – thesaltwaterdoctor@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Need a second hand chest freezer -must be water tight or able to be made so with silicone – doesn’t need to be fancy but must work – – thesaltwaterdoctor@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Seeing reverse osmosis systems expert to troubleshoot a new Applied Membranes system at my home on the East Cape (5km south of El Cardenol). System runs fine for about 48 hours and then the main pump overheats plus there is some issue with the float device in the RO water pila. Vendor can’t send an engineer onsite due to COVID travel restrictions from the US. Lonn on WhatsApp +1 650 219 7764 or email below. Thank you. – ltj65folly@gmail.com


a.  http://bajabytes.com/author/thatbajaguy/


a.  Remember, Friday is Chile Relleno day at Vianeys Restaurant on the main road across from Rey’s market in La Ribera.  Spoil those taste buds with this perfect dish by Sylvestre!  All other menu items are available, also.  Open for breakfast beginning at 8:30AM. – blondface@yahoo.com

b.  Dinner at the restaurant at Villa Del Faro.   Beautiful cuisine. Menu changes daily.  Fresh fish from the Sea of Cortez our specialty. Reservations required. Check us out at villadelfaro.net – rental@villadelfaro.net

c.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  Thanksgiving week is almost here!   To help with your holiday meals everything on the menu this week can be served as apps, mains,snacks or sides.  *Woodland pasties. Mushroom & nut pate deliciousness! * Broccoli mac’ncheese, the grown up  mac. Add bacon & onion for something extra * Sweet potato soup with warming  Indian spice *   Orders will be ready for collection in town on Wednesday 25th November ready for Thankgiving feasting on Thursday.  For more info or place an order email: simplylosbarriles@gmail.com   Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles

d.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo is open Thursday-Sunday 11:00-5:30. Delivery to LB every Tuesday and Friday. Light Lunches offered Daily. Order your Ice Cream now for your Thanksgiving Dessert. Lots of Flavours available. 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. Email: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com
Phone/Text/WhatsApp: MX-612 134 1002-US/CAN: 011 52 1 612 134 1002


1.  Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $15 USD! Place your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, whatsapp 6121586762 or through our Facebook page @CafeMariaRestaurant –

2.  Tio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Dinner…To Go!
To discourage crowds, Tio’s dining areas will be closed for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving Dinner—along with Tio’s full menu—will be available for take out at the To-Go Window, where we will be enforcing safety protocols. $300 pesos (including tax) for Tio’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner served in two large containers. Walk up or order ahead starting at 3 PM on Thanksgiving Day: 624-141-0340. Happy Thanksgiving! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

3.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com

4.  “ beans and rice tako bar is having its annual thanksgiving dinner on thursday nov. 26th. corn soup, oven-roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, asparagus, garlic bread and pumpkin pie, for $25 usd. to make a reservation, call to 624-147-5849 / 624-124-8339, email to beansandrice.barriles@gmail.com or contact them on its fb page “

5.  Traditional Thanksgiving Buffet at the restaurant at Hotel Villa Del Faro. Turkey, gravy, stuffing. More fixings than you can imagine. Choice of apple pie, pumpkin pie, cheesecake. And more…Reservation required. Villadelfaro.net – rental@villadelfaro.net

6.  Traditional Thanksgiving dinner @ Triny’s Campestre, includes the traditional Mama’s baked turkey, with all the traditional sides: Dressing and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, caramelized autumn squash and sweet potatoes, creanberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipping cream. All that for only $25USD we also cater your party, for reservations 624-165-5798 or trinys.info@gmail.com –


a.  Garage clean out !! Slingshot RPM , 11m kite and bar/ lines 175 clams, Cahbrina 9m switchblade with bar and lines , 125 clams. Windsurfing sails Neil Pryde combat 4.5, 5.2, 5,4 and Ezzy wave 5.5, – 35 clams each. Assorted booms 10 clams each or free with sail purchase. – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

b.  2019 moses t38 carbon foil board-board only-with or without straps-used 3 months-2 small repairs with carbon on the rail. 500 foil jibes-charlieogletree@gmail.com –

c.  North Rebel 2018 kites. 8M 500 tacos , 7M 450 tacos. No bar available. – ricktyrer@hotmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Lighthouse Storage.  Overcrowded?  Storage with the best!  Storage 39”x13”x13” / 12m x 4m x 4m (with electricity)  Commercial premises 19”x13”x13” (with electricity and toilet)  Quality and security are not
expensive, they are priceless!  Located north highway 1, next to Repsol Gas station 624 125 4915 – pieromartello110@gmail.com

b.  royal palms   app 12 ft ground to top of leaves   very green  and vibrant   yu come dig them up  will fit in back of pick up   take them home and plant – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

c.  San Jose Park N Fly is a new world-class Airport Parking Facility located just across the Los Cabos International Airport! Whether you need to park only for a few days or for several months, booking at San Jose Park N Fly you will get stress-free airport parking.  Reserve online in just a few steps! https://www.sjparknfly.com/ – info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915

d.  Hey there!  Hope you’re having a wonderful time in the baja. I’m Isabel and I would like to offer you our awesome snorkeling and scuba diving tours in Cabo Pulmo!  If you’re interested please contact us for more information. – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for 2 bdrm place for 3 months-March- june. We have great local references. Walking distance to beach – no airbnb plz – mdjoanis@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  HP Lazer Jet P1006 Printer No ink cartridges to buy, prints in black & white Not wireless.  My loss is your gain, I bought a new Chromebook, and its not compatible. 35copies (624) 141-0318 or (624)306-4209 – bajabums@gmail.com

b.  2003 gmc sierra 2500 6.6 duramax diesel extra cab super clean!  jurassicrockrey@gmail.com

c.  4 Brand New Atv tires 25x10x12, and 25x11x12 350 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

d.  Professional Vintage Pilates Reformer With Mats And Tower – solid maple frame, excellent condition. The full function of a Reformer, Mat Station and Tower, all in the space of a Reformer. Details and photos at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/916960248470448/permalink/1792844834215314/?sale_post_id=1792844834215314 – burgin.holly@gmail.com

e.  Older Cannon Scanner. In very nice condition. Works well. Includes booklet and disc. FREE to good home! – bajakittykat@aol.com

===THE END===


The Business Directory is having issues right now.  Hope to have it back up and running soon.



20-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
28-Sat Thanksgiving Season Pickleball Tournament @ Tres Palapas – trespalapasactivities@gmail.com
30-Mon Full Beaver Moon


a.  We are delighted to launch the new TOURIST website visitbarriles.com designed to help showcase the best of our town and region in order to support our great tourist service providers at this difficult time.  Hopefully it will help to match your family, friends and visitors to the wealth of activities so that their stay this time is incredible! If YOU provide a tourist service or product (not rentals or accommodations), and you’re not already on the site, please email visitbarriles@gmail.com and the team will make sure that you are included.  Thanks everyone and feel free to share away!  http://www.visitbarriles.com. Thank you also to Ronival Los Barriles for their sponsorship of the initiative.  Without it this project would not have happened.

b.  The Los Barriles Community Market will be opening this Saturday ! We are all so excited to celebrate our tenth year anniversary ,and while things will be a tad different we’ll be there !  9 am-1pm Sat Nov 21at the Parque la Laguna.  Your favorite food and produce vendors will be there along with several artists as well – we’re starting small to guarantee a safe environment and will follow all mandatory covid guidelines. Masks required to enter , social distance while in line , and sanitize , sanitize ,sanitize !!!  We are so fortunate to have the great space the park provides and with a little extra attention to the rules we will have a great Market season! Remember Opening Community Market this Sat Nov 21 9 am -12pm at the Parque la Laguna  See you at the Market!

c.  Want to let everyone know that El Jardine Hotel in San Quintin has had their email hacked.  When making a reservation 2 months in advance we were emailed back saying the only room available was $150 and then were sent a booking voucher to pay.  The voucher wanted bank account information.  We became suspicious as this has not been the way Carmen has ever done business.  We called her and let her know.  She did have our rooms we requested and said they never charge up front for their rooms, they only ask for the CC number to hold the reservation.  So, we would recommend calling for your reservation instead of online. – haberae@gmail.com

d.   These are the doctors who visit the East Cape Health Center, please contact our front desk at 624 124 8203 for more information:
– Dra. Ileana Ortiz – Radiologist and breast ultrasound specialist , she is at the clinic on Thursdays or Saturdays.
– Dr. Emmanuel Rodriguez – Pediatrician, he is at the clinic 2 or 3 Fridays a month.
– Dra. Lauren Miranda – Gynecologist, she is usually once a month at the clinic. Next visit is on Nov 28th
– Dr. Luis Cardens – CIFO Physical Therapy is in the clinic every Friday, call him directly for appointments 624 142 2 3311.  Let us know if there is a specialist that you would like to see at our clinic! www.eastcapehealthcenter.org


a.  where can i get my teeth cleaned  and whitened  in los barriles   thanks – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

b.  Does anyone know how or want to start up a Baja Pony Express in San Jose Del Cabo? – pjedge@hotmail.com  (Do not call it the Baja Pony Express)

c.  Is anyone going to the states soon? I have a few letters that need to be mailed. 408-206-1650 email smlicari@gmail.com

d..  How does one get in touch with light house storage? – tsullivan0158@gmail.com

e.  Please forward any recommendations for pet-friendly hotels with secure parking all the way down Highway 1. We’re gonna look like the Beverly Hillbillies when we drive down with two chihuahuas and a cat, so secure parking is very important. THANKS, Diana, The1DianaMorgan@yahoo.com

f.  Anyone coming to Los Barilles can bring a small package of mask ties from
Eugene, Oregon. – kjrjones2007@gmail.com


a.  Edge of The Sea Gardens will be selling vegetable starts this Friday November 20th at Maxico Restaurant in Los Barriles.  Hours are 9am to 11.  Great selection of Tomatoes, peppers (hot and sweet), to many types of veggies to list!  Come check it out! – kke@edge2.net


a.  Don’t forget to order your Thanksgiving flowers at Baja Blooms!  Baja Blooms is a new florist , in Los Barriles,  located on  highway.  Baja Blooms has fresh flowers daily !!! – bajablooms@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Computer speakers. – shkl2001@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  A jogging stroller at La Ventana. – cvchandler@gmail.com


a.  La Pitahaya is now selling Simply Soups  Available in 1 or 1/2 litre tubs.  Wholesome & Tasty * Freshly made in LB * No additives or air miles * Low sodium * For more info email simplylosbarriles@gmail.com

b.  Carmen’s menu for this Saturday, chiles rellenos, tortilla soup, cinnamon rolls and banana bread.  Make your orders and pick at noon between Layla Salón and Fred’s locksmith on main street in Los Barriles. 6241298383 karmenskafe@gmail.com

c.  FRIED CHICKEN this Friday at Cafe Maria! Mashed potatoes and cabbage salad for $180 pesos! place your orders at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com or call us 6241410511.  We are taking orders for Thanksgiving, entire dinner and dessert for $15 USD.


1.  Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $15 USD! Place your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, whatsapp 6121586762 or through our Facebook page @CafeMariaRestaurant –

2.  Tio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Dinner…To Go!
To discourage crowds, Tio’s dining areas will be closed for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving Dinner—along with Tio’s full menu—will be available for take out at the To-Go Window, where we will be enforcing safety protocols. $300 pesos (including tax) for Tio’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner served in two large containers. Walk up or order ahead starting at 3 PM on Thanksgiving Day: 624-141-0340. Happy Thanksgiving! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

3.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com

4.  “ beans and rice tako bar is having its annual thanksgiving dinner on thursday nov. 26th. corn soup, oven-roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, asparagus, garlic bread and pumpkin pie, for $25 usd. to make a reservation, call to 624-147-5849 / 624-124-8339, email to beansandrice.barriles@gmail.com or contact them on its fb page “


a.  Jazz’s Nails is offering all November the following promotions: Gelish applications in hands and feet 200 polish, pedicure 300 polish, female hair cut 150 polish , face depilation with waxing 200 polish, hair straightening 200 polish, all our service with pre-citae please send me a message for email or send a message our page in Facebook Jazz’s Nails Gracias – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com

b.  Drawing and Painting class every Wednesday 11 to 12 am  experience is not required the size of the class is limited, few spots, come and have some fun, for more info contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com


a.  Cabrinha Trigger 6’3” strapless surfboard. Good for learning directional riding and working on transitions. $150 windy days.  blumjonathan@gmail.com

b. Practically new SailRite Ultrafeed Zigzag Model No. LSZ-1 commercial grade sewing machine.  Email for pictures.  800 stitches OBO.  b2jborg@gmail.com

c.  Slingshot Drarfcraft 4’6″ board with 2017 Lift foil with standard Osprey  front wing. 1100 jibes. 624-160-1203  kitemomma@yahoo.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  My name is Isabel. Me and my family are starting our own business an I would like to offer you the following services: ATV/UTV RENTALS, POLARIS, RAZORS, with great details! For more information contact us and we’ll attend to you as soon as possible. Thank you. My phone number is: 6241214970 – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com

b.  have crane for rent  need trees moved  or we sell  full grow  cocos   royals  bring them for you and plant – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

c.  Dr Dennis, LB Chiropractor for the past 20 plus years, is back and taking appointments in his office at the Yoga Garden.  Please text or WhatsApp at 970-799-7068, or email:  densaidyes at aol.com

d.  Xochital registered nurse for 18 years and owner of XO Spa and clinic will be at Salon Blue Thursday November 19th offering Botox, Fillers, Micro needling, BB Glow y BB Lips. For Appts contact Kelly. kwmx3@yahoo.com

e. Get a GPS tracker for your ATV or side by side!… easy to use! Real time tracking on your Phone or your computer… set and alarm and the GPS tracker will call your cellphone if someone starts the engine of your ATV or side by side.  Email lbgpstrackers@gmail.com for more info

f.  Natural & Organic personal care products Tooth paste fluoride free, shampoo ba, & repellent to protect against mosquitos and other insects  100% natural,  if interested in to know more about this products please contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com –

g.  Los Cabos Full Service Storage Facility, conveniently located next to the Los Cabos International Airport. Providing both residential and commercial clients the solution to storing their goods in Los Cabos. All units are drive up with easy access with extra wide, asphalted driveways. info@sjstorage.com – https://www.sjstorage.com/ – (624)146-1390

h.  STUDY SPANISH WITH PAULINA!  Make the most out of your extra free time and learn Spanish with a curriculum designed for adult learners! I’m a native speaker with 20+ years of experience teaching and translating. All classes are online with Zoom. – spbaja5@gmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for a Reasonably Price Vacation Rental ( $500 to $650 a Month From Mid January or late January..early February ( 3 to 4 Weeks) l am Flexible.   Since l am a Responsible, Home Owner I can say..l will Treat your Rental as l would my own Home/ House, with Honor and Respect.  My name is: Sonja Evelyn Kalckar  ( 808 280 0070 ) Soneyaluz@live.com 

b.  G’day,  I am a French Canadian who has just found work in Los Barriles. I am looking for a flat/room for rent from Thanksgiving to the beginning of April!?
Send me an email!!!! 🙂 Cheers Gabby – gibe13@yahoo.ca

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Gmc Acadia Denali 2013 clean.low mileage. mexican plates. jurassicrockrey@gmail.com.

b.  22 foot Trophy Bayliner, walk around deck, cutty cabin, head, 140 4stroke Suzuki outboard with many hundred hours to go. Lots of extras, need installing. 11000 fishing trips. tishthespy@hotmail.com

c.  Starboard 10′ Whopper SUP 750 waves; SUP USA 12′ 675; SUPATX CFA paddle 150; Epic Gear Paddle 75; Wilderness Freedom 15 kayak w/ 3 paddles 300. Discount for more than one item. ontheseaofcortez@icloud.com 142 8002.

d.   Smart Sumergeble pump, 120 volts, for potable water cistern, provides 50 PSI shuts off if no water; Like new, made in Italy.
2. Liquid level wireless sensor, new.
3. 4″ ABS fittings

e.  For sale hide-a-bed (double) inflatable air mattress bed. In good overall condition. 145 – sherryhuva@gmail.com

f.  3 Honda quads: two 2007 ES 3050 cocos ea, one 2015 Manual 3700 cocos. Heather jandhmotors@outlook.com
624 155 2270 @jandhmotors on Instagram for photos –

g.  Available: Men’s Western Wear items: Sport Jackets (42reg); Casual Jackets (Lg); Vests (Lg); Western cut shirts (16-34); pants (waist 34/length 32); Western Hats (brown felt and black felt); men’s casual long pants and shorts   Because of Covid 19)… call ONLY FOR APPT …. 624 130  0231. – rjmoranbaja@hotmail.com

h.  Mountain bike for sale great shape Giant Anthem 2 20 inches frame
350 pedals – yvesgadbois@hotmail.com

i.  Thule Summit cargo roof box. Fits any vehicle with a rack. Black. Comes with hardware. $200 ceviche. blumjonathan@gmail.com

j.  2018-19 Rad Bike only 1100 miles / 850watt hub. bake rack with pack and suspension seat included
1600 pedals (624) 141-0003 / yotalleyho@me.com

k.  2020 Patriot Utility Trlr. 12’x6.6′ – 1875 tows. See on CL. Less than 2k miles – johnnoyb@gmail.com

l.  1988 Suzuki Samurai, 3000 Dorado’s – justinritts@hotmail.com

m. 2 sets of ladies snorkel gear.  9 jigsaw puzzles(6 Ceaco) complete, nice. Large Hurricane Vase. – bajakittykat@aol.com

===THE END===



20-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
30-Mon Full Beaver Moon


a.  lost credit card last Saturday.  Bank said last activity at Campestre which is correct.  If found please email me to identify. – corngoodcu@gmail.com

b.  Help please! My friend  Samantha lost her wedding ring in the sand  and she needs to borrow metal detector. She knows the 4 foot area it is so it shouldn’t take long to find it. Please call her if you can help. Mex cell (624) 129 7975. Thank You, David Lokey – davidlokey@me.com


a.  FiberTech Observing Revolution Day  Closed Monday, Nov 16, 2020 – support@fibertechinternet.com


a.  Do you have space in your garage or shed for my kite gear Dec 5 – Dec 23.  3 kites, 2 boards and associated gear.  Needs to be out of the sun and any potential rain.  All reasonable offers considered.  Beer, Wine, cash, and Karma offered.  Thank you! – chris.tulley@gmail.com

b.  Does anyone know of a qualified audio visual tech that could work on a complicated home theater system? – captainscott34@gmail.com

c.  Help !!!  The charger for my Lenovo Think Pad E490 laptop got wet and doesn’t charge. Does anyone have a charger I could…Buy, rent, or use ?? I am desperateand appreciate any help available   Please call Ruth 624-142-8011 bajafoo@hotmail.com   Thank You Thank You….


a.  March 2021 13 – Sat  Taste of East Cape dinner and silent auction;  5 – 10pm  Club Rotario Los Barriles – screed10@gmail.com

b.  La Fogata is pleased to announce Open Mic to resume on Wednesday November 18. Seating is by reservation only (624- 177-2812) and health protocols will be in place for all. Temp at the door, hand wash/sanitizer stations, distance seating, mandatory masks (including the performers) and no dancing. It will be a different experience than our usual Open Mic but an enjoyable evening of music, non the less. Dinner and drinks specials. Music at 7pm


a.  Wanted:   Does anyone have the brush type tool used for cleaning an RV hot water heater tank I could buy or borrow? – thomwdavis@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Looking for an iPhone. Must be unlocked or be able to be unlocked.  Preferably a 6S or newer.  Davegee@shaw.ca –


a.  Restaurant “La Terraza” ( Hermans Place) Mexican Food & Grill.  Open 5:00 – 10:00. – amanda_riley03@hotmail.com

b.  Sunday Night is Prime Rib Night at Tio Pablo’s!  A generous cut of slow-roasted Certified Angus Beef® served with creamed spinach and your choice of baked potato, mashed potatoes and gravy, french fries, or rice.  $600 pesos (tax included)  After 5 PM Every Sunday Night –

c.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.   A couple of favourites this week  *Falafels – Middle Eastern herby chickpea patties  * Indulgent beef lasagne – made with rich Bolognese slow cooked in red wine*    Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning 18th November. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles

d.  Namaste LB friends, Get ready to send your for Friday 20th Indian Food Deliveries, free Dessert with every order.  Variety in Vegan options available.  Call or msg Jean 624 2180810 or Nasreen 624 1083727 https://photos.app.goo.gl/1e8p8gjhxVLMowCm7  Thanks and Regards Your Indian Chef, Raj Kothapalli Namaste India Restaurant


1.  Enjoy Cafe Maria’s delicious THANKSGIVING SPECIAL DINNER !! ENTIRE DINNER & DESERT for only $15 USD! Place your reservation at pris.cafemaria@gmail.com, whatsapp 6121586762 or through our Facebook page @CafeMariaRestaurant –

2.  Tio Pablo’s Thanksgiving Dinner…To Go!
To discourage crowds, Tio’s dining areas will be closed for Thanksgiving this year. Thanksgiving Dinner—along with Tio’s full menu—will be available for take out at the To-Go Window, where we will be enforcing safety protocols. $300 pesos (including tax) for Tio’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner served in two large containers. Walk up or order ahead starting at 3 PM on Thanksgiving Day: 624-141-0340. Happy Thanksgiving! – gkgilbert10@gmail.com

3.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com


a.  Tai Chi starts December 8th, every Tuesday, 11am at Yoga Garden
To get more info about the benefits of Tai Chi, please write back to me.

Many of you have read about the new studio guidelines for safety during this pandemic, so here is just a brief review… 12 maximum participants ensure your safety and pre-registration is recommended.  There will be no drop-in guests and you are moving with your “bubble” of fellow students for the eight week sessions.   Please wear your mask at all times when participating at Yoga Garden.  You should enter through the Moon Gate and exit through the North side double doors.   A sanitizing station will be set up for your use along with a temperature check, maximum airflow and a heavy-duty air filter. The eight week session is free, and a suggested charity donation will be 1000 pesos, or 50 USD.  100% of the funds will be donated to the East Cape Recycle Program.

Please bring your own water, and contact me to register or if you have any questions.
Email  hansheld@gmail.com   Yours in good health, Hans


a.  New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $600 jumps  Email for pics – sherielliott@shaw.ca

b.   Cool and cloudy weather this past week, November 8-14, brought light north winds and even a little rain!  Happy students got on the water Monday and Tuesday with gentle winds from the north at 12-16knts.  The clouds rolled in heavier throughout the rest of the week which kept both the land and water cool, halting any chance of a seabreeze to boost the very light El Norte flow.  The upcoming week is calling for north wind all week, with the clouds rolling out on Tuesday.  The warm water, light winds and uncrowded beaches make now the perfect time of year to try kiteboarding!  Our experienced, certified and professional instructors at ExotiKite Kiteboarding are ready to get you on the water!   Contact us at info@exotikite.com or WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Los Barriles Chocolate Shop is back at Joes Deli!!  You can buy my assorted bag chocolates at Joe’s Deli again!!!  LB Chocolate Shop is the original chocolates using Charlie’s  recipe’s I learned over the years as his employee, later purchasing the business from him.    Custom orders available!  Call, text or whatsapp  624 121 9292 – Sonia – sekai.sonia@gmail.com

b.  Salt+Cotton is now open Tuesday-Saturday, 9am-3pm.  New shipments are arriving weekly from all over Mexico!  As always, we curate a collection from independent designers using sustainable production process and materials.  Everything in our store supports another small business in Mexico.  Questions or to set up a private appointment contact: WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948 or saltcottonbaja@gmail.com

c.  Baja blooms is a new florist in Los Barriles – bajablooms@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Hobie Mirage Pro Angler 12′ long X 36″ across. 500 Pound capacity.  Only used twice for a photo shoot and I used it once.  All the Hardware is Perfect, has a live bait tank. All the built in tackle boxes have never been used. The tank needs a new battery for reasons I don’t know. I’ve had 2 back surgeries and it’s just too much for me. It’s an awesome and serious Kayak Beast. 3500.00 Paddles, or the equivalent in Pesos. You can email me at 9thinc@gmail.com. My name is Mike

b.  Fluke 189 rms true multimeter. Excellent condition w/case. 350 hooches firm.us 9282084573,Mex cell 6241581445,casa 6241428183. – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com

c.  Fluke 1587 insulation multimeter 1000v, excellent condition with case 450 ensuelos. C 6241581445, h 6241428183,us 9282084573. – capt.tonyanderson@gmail.com

d.  23 ‘Diaz Super Panga with a 115 hp Yamaha four stroke. 2330 hours. Has Lowrance HDS 9, Lowrance Carbon HDS 7, Lowrance auto pilot, hydraulic steering, Kenwood stereo, Standard Horizon VHF radio, Kodiack tuna tube, outriggers, Bennett trim tabs, Seadek flooring, 60 gallon gas tank, two bilge pumps, wash down pump and hose, LED lights, new electrical panel, two new optima batteries, sunbrella cover and comes with trailer with new tires and wheels.  25,000 fishes. – kcncolby@aol.com

e.  Men’s Dakine  –  large – impact vest/harness,  good condition. Like new. 25 floats. – glenmilner@gmail.com

f.  Golden yellow swag lamp, 20 flickers, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/swag-lamp/7230984590.html?lang=es&cc=mx – curtain.1988@gmail.com

g.  Multicolored swag lamp, 15 beams, view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/multicoloured-swag-lamp/7230988489.html?lang=es&cc=mxcurtain.1988@gmail.com

h.  Wire feed welder and hood, 120 tacks>>>https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tls/d/welder-for-sale/7230992046.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com

i.  Breville juicer https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/d/breville-juicer/7231290828.htmlkawish59@hotmail.com

j.  Women’s size 12 blue wetsuit, Jane style, no sleeves, zip front and legs. There is a zip up long sleeve jacket. Three ml,  great condition, $20 floats. – glenmilner@telus.net

===THE END===




15-Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. 1:00pm
20-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1
30-Mon Full Beaver Moon


a.  Lost spool for a Galvin fly fishing reel on the beach somewhere between Playa Norte and Don Pepe – steve.archung@gmail.com


a.  Dra. Lauren Miranda – Gynecologist will be at the clinic next Sat Nov 28, please contact us at 624 124 8203  for appointments. – eastcapemedical@gmail.com

b.  Used  my debit card  at the pemex  in laribera  charged  15.00 dollars  checked my balance 1 hour  later  two charges  made in  ca.    for 800.00 dollars  not mine  be careful  smart down here   wow – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

c.  Order your Thanksgiving butterball turkey from Rocio at La Pitahaya for 100 pesos + purchase price.   612 111 1621

d.  My husband and I were driving the quad that we rented on the beach to go fishing in Buenavista. All the friendly waves and smiles that we got last year turned  to scowls and angry looks. One guy had his 2 large dogs chase us. These dogs meant business- very scary. He made no attempt to call them off. Are we doing something wrong by riding our quads on the beach? – walidboxr@yahoo.com


a.  Is there a pediatric rheumatologist (for kids) is Baja California Sur?   I am aware there is rheumatologists for adults in La Paz and other areas but I am hoping to find one for kids. – genevievestpierre79@gmail.com


a.  Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, November 15th at 1pm.
Angela Zanevsky, the Laureate of International Competitions.
Seasonal passes are available at eventsbaja@gmail.com or at Aeroburro,Los Barriles

b.  You can help fund High School and College Scholarships for our local children by playing in the East Cape Guild Scholarship Shootout Pickleball Tournament or buying a lunch or dinner ticket for Holy Mole Feast on December 20, 2020. 3 levels of play with 40 in each group, Silent Auction and Lunch/Dinner  from 12-6
Sign up online @  https://www.signupgenius.com/.../60b044caeae2fa1fa7 – kaplotkin@aol.com

c.  Saturday Nov 14th Botox pop up Party  Salon Blue.  We have a new Registered Nurse coming from Hopsital H plus.  After several comments regarding Dr. Alma, I have listened to you and agree with your  comments.  So we have a new Technician coming in. No more watered down Botox. Affordable prices.   For Appts contact Kelly Martin. kwmx3@yahoo.com.

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  wanted small smart tv for a mex. family.   will pay for it! – ertdd2000@aol.com

b.  Wanted:   Someone to bring a  Duotone wing and two booms from Oregon to La Ventana soon. I’m offering $50. cvchandler@gmail.com –


a. Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal Resort  Taco Tuesday  Pork Carnitas / Brisket/ Sirloin Steak/Tempura Fish and much more…Get your favorite Taco for only $35.00 pesos/* Discounts do not apply.  Join us from 4 to 9 pm Happy Hour from 4 to 6 pm  Remember to drive down to our restaurant parking.  For Reservations or Takeout orders  Call us:6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo is now Open!  Restaurant hours are Thursday-Sunday 11:00-5:30. Sunday Nov. 15 is the first, 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday. We are also Delivering to LB every Tuesday and Friday. Please email to receive the Delivery Menu. Lots of Delicious Flavors of Handcrafted Ice Cream and Dairy Free Sorbet!  Email: zopilotes.sb@gmail.com– Facebook/Instagram-zopis.sanbartolo Phone/Message/Whatsapp-612 134 1002 or 011 52 1 612 134 1002

c.  Panchos Cafe/Restaurant.  Special of the month 3 shrimp /fish tacos plus jamaica water.  Only 99 .Located inside Mercado La Costa.  Next to Chapitos Supermarket.


a.  Yoga by the Sea | Every Tue & Thu 10am | at Hotel Playa del Sol
Join me for a refreshing outdoor yoga class twice a week! My teaching style is inclusive and fun, the view is excellent and everyone has a good time regardless of experience or abilities.
-No reservations necessary, space is limited (first come-first serve)
-Bring your own mat
-Zoom in from home by contacting losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com
For details and other class options go to www.losbarrilesyoga.com –

b.  Ball Fusion and Pilates are back at Yoga Garden for the Season.  There will be three six (6) week sessions offered with my first starting on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 17th, Ball at 8:00 am; Pilates 9:30 am and Friday, NOVEMBER 20th,  Ball at 8:00 am; Pilates 9:30 am.  Pre-registration is recommended and there will be no drop-in participants to ensure your safety and you will be moving with your “bubble” of fellow students for the six week sessions.  I have brand new 6ft. Flex Bands for sale to participants wanting a resistance challenge for their classes.  Please wear your mask when entering Yoga Garden through the Moon Gate and exit through the side double doors.  A sanitizing station will be set up for your use along with a temperature check. Please bring your own yoga mat and water bottle. Contact me to register and if you have any questions.  sefiheld@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

b.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  .free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles

c.  trees  for sale   planted and delivered  any type  ant sizes cocos   fan palms  pick out your trees  we  plant them for you  or you can come here dig  them  up  take them  home and you plant – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

d.  dish receiver  for lease  tear around service  all channels  networks  cinemax  starz  etc.    this is dishnetwork  i service only receiver  can help  for sattelite  dishes – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

e.  My name is Isabel. Me and my family are starting our own business an I would like to offer you the following services: ATV/UTV RENTALS, POLARIS, RAZOR, with cool details! For more information contact us and we’ll attend to you as soon as possible. Thank you. My phone number is: 6241214970 – theturtle.pm@gmail.com

f.  Natural & Organic personal care products Tooth paste fluoride free, shampoo bar & repellent to protect against mosquitoes and other insects  100% natural,  if interested to know more about this products please contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com

g.  Baja Roofing.  Let us seal your roof before the next storm.  Free estimates.  Lots of references.  Local.   8 year warranty.  Email me today!   Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.   Seeking 2+ bedroom rental furnished for 5 to 6 months starting December 1. – rockymtncantera@hotmail.com



Hello, my name is Isabel. We reside in Los Barriles and we are offering airport Uber service. We also offer car rentals. If you are interested in any service, send us a message and we will attend you as soon as possible.
contact information:  theturtle.pm@gmail.com isabelgr1106@hotmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Sofa,brand new,82” long,w/ hide-a-bed,grey fabric 500 US naps – panthony51@sbcglobal.net

b.  LG V20 Android phone. Unlocked.   64 GB (big storage). No scratches.  High cap battery.  UAG protective case.  Google it.  85 Dodos.  US cel 425-442-4764 – bajarefugee@gmail.com

c.  Hobie Mirage Pro Angler 12′ long X 36″ across. 500 Pound capacity.  Only used twice for a photo shoot and I used it once.  All the Hardware is Perfect, has a live bait tank. All the built in tackle boxes have never been used. The tank needs a new battery for reasons I don’t know. It’s an awesome and serious Kayak Beast. 3500.00 Paddles, or the equivalent in Pesos. You can email me at 9thinc@gmail.com. My name is Mike

d.  Woman’s farmer Jane wetsuit with long legs and separate jacket with front zipper. Like new condition. $20 swims.  Bicycle pump, 20 blasts. – glenmilner@telus.net

e.  2020 Patriot Utility trlr. Rear ramp. Less than 2k miles. See on CL. 1975 tows. – johnnoyb@gmail.com

f.  Twin mattress (Costco). Sheets and mattress pad.  Used 2 months last year. (Bought bigger).  160 good sleeps – bielatpamela@yahoo.com

g.  Roll top desk.
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/fuo/d/roll-top-desk/7229905837.html – gisele65@hotmail.com

h. Atv tires brand new, 25x11x12,25x10x12 350 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

===THE END===




Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE


a.  Found – Patagonia bucket hat w/chin strap on the beach in front of Lazy Daze. Pick it up next windy day, red Suzuki Samurai, same spot. – dawnritts@hotmail.com

b.  Lost: Purse and iPhone on coastal road to Punta Pescadero Hotel, Tuesday Nov. 10, approx 2:30 pm. Near the houses on the cliff, just a little south of the hotel. If you find it please call 624-166-5700 or email seefar0067@gmail.com. Thank you.


a.  I wish to thank all who responded to my request for info on garage door opener repairs in the Los B. area.  I emailed Cabo Garage Doors (San Jose) on Wednesday, explaining the problem.  Juan Carlos called me Thursday morning, wanting more info on the motor operator; he called me again that afternoon, wanting more specifics so he could be sure he had the right (LiftMaster) parts, and said he could “possibly” come up Saturday.  Saturday morning he emailed me and said he was on his way, and would here in about an hour.  He showed, and spent 3 hours in the air on a 10 ft. ladder, repairing the operator (it was a mess).  He then checked out and serviced the other door operator.  Excellent, competent and fast service!  And Juan Carlos speaks excellent English.  If any of you in Los B. Land need your door operators serviced or repaired, he’s the guy to call.  For routine service, he can do 8-10 operators per day; so if you’re interested, get a group together, and he will come up and do you all in one day.  Juan Carlos Leon, cabogaragedoors@gmail.com,  624-191-7000.  Again, thank you all for responding to my post.

b. Community Market update:  We are still working on permission for our opening date- as expected things are different this year so we are trying our hardest to get it right and open Nov 21.  This is our 10th anniversary year and we are as anxious as you are to see the market up and running!  We have always opened the week before Thanksgiving so we are still on track.  For now stay safe and healthy.  See you soon at the Market !

c.  East Capers Magazine is looking for your articles about adventures in the East Cape, your ‘world with Covid’ stories and other stories to enrich our life here in the East Cape.  Deadline is Nov 22nd, but you have to let us know you are submitting so we can reserve space.   Thanks for participating!   Email –   eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com


a.  I have a 2003 tracker tundra that’s 18′ long with a mercury 115 4 storks will this boat be a good choice for fishing no more the 5 miles off shore any input would be helpful thanks – cbi.dennis@gmail.com

b.  Are there any outdoor yoga classes in Los Barriles or Ventana this month? – alisongodlewski@gmail.com (check out http://www.losbarrilesyoga.com/)

c.  My propane Dryer runs but doesn’t heat. Has anyone used a appliance repairman that they would recommend?  If so contact information, please. (624) 141-0318 house. Cell(612)-173-7504 – bajabums@gmail.com

d.  Does anyone know where excessive equipment for use might be in the area?  Cycle, row machine stair step, elliptic, weights, etc. – blumvictor@gmail.com

e.  Does anybody know how i can track down the gal who sells clothing and accessories from Guatemala at the market? i would love to buy a few things. birdiebags@gmail.com

f.  Are there any restrictions or issues when flying to SJD concerning dry dog food?  Would like to bring a few bags for the princess. Thanks! Brian  neener61@gmail.com 


a.  Norma, of La Fogata fam, has been given the go ahead to resume Open Mic night. Can we do an informal poll?  How many musicians are in town as of now and how many of us town folk would like to attend again? All health protocols will be in place. Temp taken at the door, hand wash/sanitizer stations, mandatory mask use (including the performers) distance seating and no dancing. Please let Gil and I know if this is something you would like to see kick started up again. Contact me at tishthespy@hotmail.com

b.  Salsa Nights are back to La Playa!!!  Let’s welcome our first salsa night of the season this Monday, November 16 with live music from 6:30 to 8:30pm  In compliance with new Covid19 protocols, the number of participants will be limited that’s why we invite you to make reservations early.  We will refrain from dancing but will enjoy the good live music with the Cuban group Salsa, Bachata y Merengue.  We thank you for your understanding of this restriction but we need to comply with Covid19 protocols.  We are looking forward to seeing you!!!  Make your reservation  6121319336 6242416559

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Small refrig that works, does not need to be in great exterior condition but it needs to do a good job of cooling – skkordes@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Need letter (prepaid postage) dropped off in USA. Kindly contact Kareema at 612-203-5928 or kjrjones2007@gmail.com here in Los Barriles. Thank you.

c.  Wanted:  14 foot aluminium boat with bimini top and good engine of no more than 6 HP jebeddy2012@hotmail.com


a.  Come celebrate this November 20 at Geckos restaurant and have a great Mexican night
Special dinner, Mexican dish
1 stuffed chili
Chicken enchilada
Taco dorado
Accompanied by a national drink Margarita or beer
Cost $23 USD dollars
Reservations at tel.  6121976222
We are waiting for you, do not miss it. – rosy.ruiz20@hotmail.com

b.  Our Thirsty Thursdays are here!  Buena Vista  Ocean Front & Thermal Resort.. (Spa Buenavista) Remember to drive down to our parking lot near to our Restaurant Bar Navegante .  Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm
Margaritas $80.00 pesos
Beer $40.00 pesos
Stuffed Potato Night  From 4 to 9 pm

c.  Hello folks! we´re having a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday 26th of November over at bay view restaurant, inside the hotel palmas de cortez from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm. we´ll have:
-creamy corn soup
-stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables juliennes and corn bread.
-pumpkin pecan pie
all of this delicious dishes only for $35.00 us per person.  we hope to see you, have a lovely day
resv: 6241410839 or 6241410050 – carlosvw_92@hotmail.com

d.  Reservations open for November 14th , 2020
Join us ! Live music! Música en vivo!
Como ya es costumbre en #BuenaVistaResort los Sábados ya son de Dinner on the Beach. Ven y disfruta de las delicias creadas por nuestros chefs, ¡a la orilla del mar! #loscabos
Saturday night dinners starts at sunset
#eastcape RESERVACIONES REQUERIDAS  624 1650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

e.  Sylvestre at Vianey’s in La Ribera is now serving breakfast beginning at 8:30 AM.  His Huevos Rancheros are wonderful!  Come and enjoy the great food at Vianey’s. Located on Cabo Pulmo Road across from Tienda Rey. – blondface@yahoo.com


a.  Drawing & Painting class Wednesday 11 to 12 am  experience is not required at all, the size of the class is limited, few spots, for more info contact xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com

b.  Hola, Jazz’s Nails is offering all November the following promotions: Gelish applications in hands and feet 200 polish, pedicure 300 polish, female hair cut 150 polish , face depilation with waxing 200 polish, hair straightening 200 polish, all our service with pre-citae please send me a message for email or send a message our page in Facebook Jazz’s Nails Gracias – isabelgr1106@hotmail.com


a.  2019 moses t38 carbon foil board-board only-with or without straps-used 3 months-2 small repairs with carbon on the rail. 500 foil jibes – charlieogletree@gmail.com

b.  Practically new SailRite Ultrafeed Zigzag Model No. LSZ-1 commercial grade sewing machine.  Email for pictures.  800 stitches OBO.  b2jborg@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Baja Roofing. Your local professional roofing company. Free estimates. Quality work. We will get your roof sealed!  Email or WhatsApp 602 503 5317  Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

b.  Bodega available at Juanito’s Garden Storage facilities /Los Barriles Hotel
5ft wide x 10ft deep. For more information please contact: 624-141-0024

c. FiberTech Internet Expanding Service Techs and Service Vehicles, Our store(across from Homes & Land) will be carrying various TV parts and cables, antennas, receivers, TV cable amplifier, Dish Pro switches, Internet Extenders, Internet Antennas, Member Discounts – support@fibertechinternet.com

d.  Mail Boxes Los Barriles is at your service with mail, shipping, auto transport and household movements both South and North. See us at mailbaja.com or call Terry at 624-151-5530 Mex, 310-272-9500 USA. We can also help you with South Dakota registration. mailbarriles@gmail.com We are located on Costa Brava next to Salt and Cotton Boutique open 10am – 4pm, M-F.

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE




12/1 Tues Arv 2:00p ~ 3 folk to L Barriles contact deborahlayton2012@gmail.com  or text deb @  510.406.2966

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Skywatchers night sky high powered telescope new.  300 ETs call home.  Firm – pborchers@citylightssign.com

b.  Various fishing equipment Tom at bajabeerman@prodigy.net.mx
– AFTCO Flying Gaff Handle (Gold) with 6 inch Gaff. Includes Securing rope.100 clams OBO.
– JAK Wind-on Leader Making Kit. Never Used. 10 clams OBO
– 2 Fishing Rods, Diawa Interline. 100# 5′ 6”. 25 clams each.
– Custom Live Bait Casting Rod, 6’8” Lamiglass 100# Blank w/ 1 inch metal eyes and tip. 250 clams.
– Fishing Rod, Original Seeker 60#  5′ 6” Rod. 100 clams
– AHI Sabiki  6′ 10”  2-Piece Bait Rod. Never Used. w/Penn Jig Master Reel 50 clams
– Fishing Reel, OKUMA  T 30 Single Speed Lever Drag w/50# Spectre Backing. 50 clams.
– Rod and Reel Combo, Shimano Beastmaster 2-Speed w/ 80# Spectre Backing. 5′ 6” Diawa V.I.P. 100# Rod 150 clams OBO.
– 3 each Rod and Reel Combos, Shimano 50 2 Spd TLD LRS w/80# Spectre Backing.
Diawa 5′ 6” 130# Rod. 250 clams each, 700 clams for 3 sets.
– Rod and Reel Combo, Shimano 30 TLD 2 Spd w/50# Spectre Backing. w/Penn 7′ 60# Slammer Rod. 200 clams each, 350 clams for set.
– 2 Rods, 6′ 2” Custom Made, 100# All-Roller 100 Clams each OBO.
– Custom Made Rod, 6′, 80# 100 Clams OBO.
– Various Lures from bottom jigs to marlin trolling. 3 to 20 clams each, many are rigged with SS hooks.
– 12-pocket mesh lure bags. Used Condition. 5 Clams each.

c.  Snake Stopper Snake Repellent – 4lb unopened container 15 bites
2 new boxes – 50 LED holiday lights – clear bulb 13′ 3 presents each
TP Link wireless router, new in box 25 connections

d.  2015 Yamaha Viking – 6 full seats. lifted on 27” wheels. New tires, clutch, and belt.  4k miles, 12k fish – harry@dincpie.com

e.  2020 patriot utility trlr. 6.6′ x 12′. rear load ramp. 1975 tows. see on craigslist https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2020-utv-atv-trailer/7225428340.htmljohnnoyb@gmail.com

f.  Set if Pepper dishes with platter, margarita glasses and extras. 100 Jalepenos  624-130-0340 bajakittykat@aol.com

g.   Hobie Pro Angler 12′.  Only used twice for a photo shoot and I used it once.  All the Hardware is Perfect, has a live bait tank. All the built in tackle boxes have never been used. The tank needs a new battery for reasons I don’t know. It’s an awesome and serious Kayak Beast. 3500.00 Paddles, or the equivalent in
Pesos.  Mike  949-510-2775 or you can email me and text. – 9thinc@gmail.com

h.  House is sold and we have two cool vehicles for sale. 1967 VW (2500rides ) and Molinas custom built 2015 buggy. ( 12,000 rides ) – paulandsally007@gmail.com

i.  2001 Ford Escape SD plates current tags, 120,000 miles. Red, Some scratches,noises and alternator- not much charge? New battery before I left! Erin 54one 840646three What’s app 2k cocos – ehomes1@gmail.com

j.  Car top carrier is 36” wide x 48” long x 21” high. 20 boxes view at https://bajasur.craigslist.org/for/7228346971.html –curtain.1988@gmail.com

k.  Arctic Cat 2007 650 4WD Quad, excellent condition 4200 rides. b2jborg@gmail.com

l.  2001 Chevy Tracker 2 door soft top. 55000 miles, 5 speed manual 4×4 with 2 speed transfer case. Good air, tires, battery, cruise control.Has a new 2500 lb. winch, off road led lights, tow bar and trailer hitch. Just completely detailed. South Dakota registered.  WhatsApp 6121774741 call or text. – david.kalousdian@gmail.com

m.  1991 Gregor 15 foot with 2006 20 hp. Honda 4 stroke. Baja wheels, trailer, life jackets 2 swivel seats live well and rod holders. 4000 US clams or best offer. – david.kalousdian@gmail.com

n.  600 watt power inverter 30 amp.  Great for RVs, 25 cocos alnsheri@gmail.com  Also Samsung Smart Oven convection/microwave/fryer,  1.1 cu ft.  75 cookies have pdf manual.

===THE END===