

Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE

According to Lic. Carlos Mendoza Davis – Governor of BCS, we are in yellow light, which means: 50% capacity and social activities are allowed. Please keep precaution, wear your mask and wash your hands.


a.  ¡Ven y aprende españo este otoñol!!!!!!  This is your chance to dive into fun, engaging and effective courses supported by a method designed for adult students. Come and get expert instruction from a native Mexican with 20+ years of teaching experience.  Contact me for more information:  Paulina – spbaja5@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Electric edge cutter jebeddy2012@hotmail.com

b.  Wanted:  Small to mid sized motor home  rancholaventa1@me.com

c.  Wanted:  Treadmill in very good condition. – dbrohmer@epiqglobal.com

d.  Wanted:  Seeking a good quality, good condition couch/bed. this could be a day bed or a  pull out couch that is comfortable and in good condition. willing to pay for something in suitable condition. no junk please. will pick it up if it’s reasonably close to LB. – elizabetter111@gmail.com

e.  Wanted:  I am looking to rent 2 kayaks from Oct. 31 to November 6th.  We will be staying near Cardonal.  Thanks Mike – mconrey1@msn.com


a.  Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal  Resort – Taco Tuesday
Pork Carnitas / Brisket/ Sirloin Steak/Tempura Fish and much more…
Get your favorite Taco for only $35.00 pesos/* Discounts do not apply
Join us from 4 to 9 pm – Happy Hour from 4 to 6 pm
Remember to drive down to our restaurant parking
For Reservations or Takeout orders Call us: 6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  Our Thirsty Thursdays are here!  Buena Vista  OceanFront & Thermal Resort.. (Spa Buenavista)Remember to drive down to our parking lot near to our Restaurant Bar Navegante  – Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm – Special dials 4 a 9 o cerrar
Margaritas $80.00 pesos
Beer $40.00 pesos

•Our Rock Stars
$180.00 pesos
•Your own style
$140.00 pesos
Choice of 5 Toppings
1 Protein+ 2 Dairy + 2 Veggies
*Discounts do not apply – susettes13@hotmail.com


a.  Vinyasa Flow Series with Sarah at Yoga Garden – Mondays 8am – 6 week series –
For those of you who have been in this Monday cool-kids club before, you can expect the same energetic, well rounded vinyasa flow. This season Yoga Garden has asked that we offer our classes in a series format. This means we get to work together progressively through the major regions of the body and develop body intelligence to build strength and flexibility. Each session will be different, and it is going to be awesome!

Registration is required, please email losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com as soon as possible to reserve your spot.
www.losbarrilesyoga.com for details
Session 1: Nov 16th – December 26th
Session 2: January 4th – February 13th
Session 3: February 15th – March 27th – losbarrilesyoga@gmail.com


a.  Vela Baja Adventure Sports : Re-opens November 15th
Vela Baja offers lessons and rentals for Kiteboarding, Windsurfing, Foiling, Stand-up-Paddling, Mountain Biking. For more info visit www.velabaja.com or email velabaja@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  compost from santiago. free delivery 6241554036

b.  Healing Winds Holistic Center: Home for the heart, body, mind and soul.
Architecture & Design Consulting, Engineering, Graphic Design,
Acupuncture, Yoga, Taekwondo – In Studio Classes are available.
All Offerings by appointment kindly adhere to Covid-19 Safety Protocol. www.healingwinds.space

c.  Aeroburro your Local mail and package service welcomes back all our winter friends for another season . We have mail  service for just  6 months , the vacation plan or full time yearly service. From a one time package to a boat full of parts. Need meds no problem, A South Dakota car registration or renewal? Come and see Paul at Plum Loco,,Call 624-137-7721 mx 605-550-4952 US or see at www.aeroburro.com – aeroburo@live.com

d.  Los Cabos Full Service Storage Facility, conveniently located next to the Los Cabos International Airport. Providing both residential and commercial clients the solution to storing their goods in Los Cabos. All units are drive up with easy access with extra-wide, asphalted driveways.  info@sjstorage.com – https://www.sjstorage.com/ – (624)146-1390

e.  Realtors, Vacation rental Services, Building contractors and other Los Barriles business’s.
Serving Los Barriles and the East Cape,  Virtually Sold Photography’s services can help improve your marketing exposure and get more clients.  Check out the website for more information
https://www.virtuallysoldphotography.com – neil@virtuallysoldphotography.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Longtime local (winters) senior, nonsmoking, nondrinking, great references looking for two week rental  beginning November 17th while I get my place together. – thomwdavis@gmail.com



12-Oct – 12:30; 1person 1 bag+ 1 kite bag going to LB, willing to share a taxi or pay gas gcfreefly@hotmail.com

30-Nov – 2:30; 2 persons, share a shuttle? chrisblarsen59@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2002 Lexus RX 300 suv  Registered in South Dakota.  All weather tires with less than 100 miles on them.  176,000 miles, runs great,  AC,  multiple CD player.   $2,200 rides  916-223-2073 – loretta_hitch@yahoo.com

b.  Hobby/boutique chicken coop and run with a dozen, 1 year old, laying hens. Automatic watering systems x 2. Auto feeders, extra parts. 10 nests with easy access lids for egg collecting. Pictures don’t show the finalized coop, it has trim in place. Ready to be painted red with white trim or left natural as is. Over $3000 invested in materials. Looking to move it, make me an offer. Will consider trades. We want a playground for our little kids in place of this. strat89 -(@)- hotmail or 624-119-8640

c.  Vizio 55 inch smart tv. bought 12-7-18 from soriana hiper in san jose for 550 shows.
tv works perfect but my blue tooth hearing device requires a optical output on the tv and this one does not have it. sell for 300 shows. first call takes it. 626 215-5978 – johnpaulson_2000@yahoo.com


===THE END===



Where to get COVID testing:  East Cape Health Center and H+ are the places to go with realistic prices and results in 48 hours.   East Cape Health Center charges 6500$ pesos (some of this helps replace PPE supplies).



7-Wed Recycling in El Cardonal, 9-11am, at the Concha behind the Subdelegada’s office, Questions? marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
16-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1 – bajajoanna@gmail.com
23-Fri Tuna Shoot Out registration at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 4pm-8pm
24-Sat Tuna Shoot Out at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 7am-4pm – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com
25-Sun DayLightSavingTime – Mexico move clocks back one hour. (not border tow



a.  El Toro y La Luna, welcome our friends and clients back to the East Cape, we will be open for businness on Monday the 5th.  We been sanitized and will do every month for our and your safety.   Respecting social distance and the use of a mask while we are helping you choosing your home goods.   Looking forward to see you, with your mask on…

b.  From the Delegation:  October has arrived and with it, the return of many foreign resident friends who have adopted Cabo del Este, and in particular Los Barriles as their second Home.  The season of more tourists in our area begins, which is very beneficial for the economic life of our community.  The #covid19 continues with us and we are learning to live with it … this is why your solidarity, respect and empathy is very important to continue with the protocols of healthy distance, mouth covers use in closed and crowded places and if you consider appropriate, to take a few days of isolation if you think you have some risk of contagion.  2020 is very different for everyone, but together #HagamosComunidad to make every day a better day.  Welcome home Atte. Luis Enrique lucero meza Delegado Municipal de Los Barriles. 2018-2021.

c.  Hola amigos surfcasters, my Nov 10th to 12th is sold out, thank you for your support amigos. I still have 2 openings for the Nov 17th to 19th. This is my 3rd winter season taking people to the Pacific north of La Paz to Rancho La Aguja (that is not a mexican cattle ranch by the way) but thats where we camp. This is a surf fishing expedition of 4 sessions targeting: roosters, snook, curvina, jacks and some other species that can be caught in that region. I supply transportation, meals, tackle if necessary and we spent 3 days fishing on 20 miles of isolated beaches. If you are trying to increase your experience fishing from the beach join me for this 3 days enjoying the area.
For more info felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or call me 624-122-5019 or visit my website www.felipevaldezsportfishing.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  It’s that time…we are outfitting Cortez Outreach Center(Mini Cortez)and we are looking for household furnishings and items. Do you have furniture and housewares you are looking to donate or sell cheap?
Whatcha got?   We may need it!  We can pick up or it can be delivered/dropped off. Thank you! – info@cortezrescue.org

b.  Wanted:  Looking to purchase a vehicle in Los Barriles or the surrounding area—preferably 4 wheel drive—that is licensed in South Dakota. – skypilot97031@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Palapas Ventana needs another shuttle driver.  Hiring driver of 12 pax Toyota HiAce Van to Cabo & La Paz airport & tours.  Some english required.  Must have Federal TIA Airport License  Interested? email jimena@palapasventana.com

d.  Wanted:  I’m in need of a traveler willing to take an area rug to LB sometime in October coming from the Portland area.  Will help with fuel.Thanks! – lgaerisch@gmail.com


a.  Finatic went offshore for tuna on 9/29/2020. hooked 7-8 tuna but only landed 4. trolled another hour and released 4 sailfish.  great day on the water.  completely calm 🙂 everyone was happy – hradec7@aol.com


a.   Joe’s Pizza Club: We are looking forward to welcoming you back to another season in Los Barriles!  And another season of enjoying the finest Italian fare at Joe’s Pizza – from pepperoni and mushroom and vegetarian pizzas to locally sourced fresh salads and meatball spaghetti. This year we are excited to launch Joe’s Pizza Club. For just $500 US for the year, you will exclusively get an array of benefits including
1. $50 US additional credit to your account for any food, beverages or drinks
2. No additional delivery charge on deliveries to your house
3. One extra small margarita pizza with one choice of topping for every order you make
4. Free bottle of Coca-Cola or Diet Coke with every order
5. Special discounts and promotions UNIQUE to Joe’s Pizza Club members
Or… for just $250 US for the year, you will get:
1. $25 US additional credit to your account for any food, beverages or drinks
2. One extra small margarita pizza with one choice of topping for every order you make
3. Special discounts and promotions UNIQUE to Joe’s Pizza Club members

The credit will apply to ANY food or drink item ordered either to eat-in or for delivery.  For some of you who make big orders for family and friends, this is the initiative for you! And, better yet, if you pay before October 7th, you get an additional $15 US added to your credit giving you $65 US to spend for the $500 US package!  For the $250 package, you will get $5 US extra giving you $30 US credit to spend. Send us an email to joe_lapaz@yahoo.com and a big welcome back from all at Joe’s Pizza.

c.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  This week’s dishes  * Vietnamese mint salad  *Falafels – Middle Eastern chickpea patties  *Creamy zucchini soup*     Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  7th October. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  East Cape Home Health services: grocery delivery, housekeeping, gardening, companion care, home health aide, nursing care, and more!  Email us today: info@EastCapeHomeHealth.com

b.  Yoga Garden will open for the upcoming season on November 16th. Go to our website:  yogagardenbaja.com to read about the safety protocols and see the class schedule for the first 6 week session.
Please email Jackie at jackiereeves1002@gmail.com with any questions or concerns you have…see you soon!

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Need your roof sealed?  Let us get done right.  Local.  American run. 10 Year product.  Free estimates.  Lots of local references.  Baja Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

b.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.   Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

c.  Complete Home Care.   Experienced American contractor.  Repair of all phasets of homes.  Electrical.  Plumbing. Roofing.  Scuppers.  Paint and wall repair. Interior and exterior walls cracks.   Free estimates. – rockymtncantera@hotmail.com

d.  Natural & Organic personal care products Tooth paste fluoride free, two flavors mint and calendula/hinojo, protects gums, antibacterial, cicatrizant.  Shampoo Bar,  Rosmary for dark hair, Camomile for blonde hair, Super rich, natural ingredients gently clean the hair and scalp without stripping away natural protective oils. 100% Natural repellent with essential oils & herbs combined for natural protect against mosquitos and other insects.  I have tried, this products just love it! if interested  please email me xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com

e.  FiberTech Internet & American Security, Have joined to create a simple source for local parts and service, Offering nearly all of your needs for home entertainment and home security!  contact support@fibertechinternet.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Canadian couple, Looking for a 1 bedroom with kitchenette in town with in walking distance to everything for a fair price. Must include all the essentials.  Dates are from Nov30-March31/21 Thanks Chris and Deb from Canada – chrisblarsen59@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  5th wheel camper 32 foot available 11/29 9000 shells – darrenzamzow@gmail.com

b.  Homelite electric lawn mower. Good Condition 1000 Pesos.  kcsherrill@live.com

c.  Have a 1992 Holiday Rambler Aluma Lite 5th Wheel  4000 clams
Located in Abreojos, Baja Del Sur.  Can figure out transport? – GPL040579@gmail.com

d.  Giant Talon E-Mountain Bike – SMALL Frame – 29 inch “standover height”
ALMOST NEW: ridden a few times but bike too large for me in single track conditions
Long-lasting battery with smooth power delivery – great for uphill climbs, easy to adjust how challenging it is to pedal.  Be kind to your knees with pedal assist! – creationsinwood@sbcglobal.net


===THE END===



Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE



16-Fri Bookstore 9:00 to 11:00 am, located in Highway Storage across from El Arco on Hwy 1 – bajajoanna@gmail.com
23-Fri Tuna Shoot Out registration at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 4pm-8pm
24-Sat Tuna Shoot Out at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 7am-4pm – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com
25-Sun DayLightSavingTime – Mexico move clocks back one hour. (not border towns)


a.  None


a.  Kindergarten Needs Picture Books –  LB kindergarten is looking for picture books. Geared to new readers or non readers.  Words in English is fine.  So raid your grandchildren’s books before you come and let’s fill the shelves at the kindergarten!!  Questions?  Contact eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com  Thanks from Asociacion de Artes!

b.  I had many fellow BPE readers ask me to let them know what I came up with regarding emergency medical evacuation insurance.   The one company that was recommended the most was TravelMedEvac. It is available through a number of agents or direct. I believe our own East Cape Health supports that. From what I can see no insurance will cover an emergency evacuation flight back to the USA if you have Covid or test positive for Covid. – robbieflatt@gmail.com

c.  VisitBarriles.com** We are excited to announce the creation of a new visitor website for our region called visitbarriles.com – launching soon!  The website is the first of its kind to support the area and is designed to help people appreciate the sheer number of wonderful things that we have to offer.  The idea is that it will help to signpost your friends, family and tourists to a wealth of visitor activities.  It will feature everything from horse riding, bird watching and hiking to wind sports, yoga and diving & snorkeling. We are including suppliers of over 23 categories on the website so that people can contact providers of these activities directly.  If you have a business that provides any of these services, then please email us at visitbarriles@gmail.com. WE ARE INCLUDING EVERYONE FOR FREE! The site will receive marketing support ensuring that your business is seen far and wide. Let’s help our wonderful community to safely get back on its feet together!  (23 categories: Yoga, Bird watching, Mountain biking, Swimming with whale sharks (La Paz), Whale watching – locally and further afield, Hiking – locally and including Sierra de la Laguna, wind sports, Diving and snorkeling, Off-road excursions, Fly fishing and sport fishing, Culture and cultural events, Pickleball, Rock climbing, Horseback riding, Golf, Ocean adventures e.g. boat trips, Chilling by the sea, Couples mini breaks, Sup boarding, Friends and family mini breaks, Places to stay, Places to eat, Volunteering and Beauty / spa.  Thanks everyone!  The VisitBarriles Team (Emma, Cindy, Daniel)

d.  Further on the satellite radio. The one that works is a Stratus 7. You can purchase on Sirius XM. It comes with antenna. It is a Sirius radio. I have 3 and they all work fshrldy@me.com


a.  Question for Canadian snowbirds, has anyone had luck driving down from Canada yet, if so what was the procedure, how did you navigate the border restrictions.  I’m sure I’m not the only one asking this question. – rjdakabulldog@gmail.com


a.  None


a.  None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  None


a.  No fish?


a.   Hi everyone! Our Thirsty Thursdays are here! Buena Vista OceanFront & Thermal Resort.. (Spa Buenavista) At our Restaurant Bar Navegante  Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm  Special dials 4 a 9 o cerrar  Margaritas $80.00 pesos Beer $40.00 pesos  Stuffed Potato Night From 4 to 9 pm  Remember to drive down to our Restaurant parking Join us..
*Discounts do not apply – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  Are you planning some great adventure or activity? I think you might need some energy packed for the road.  Try our Dehydrated Goods (fruits, veggies and jerky), ask for your F*R*E*E sample bag! Please, check our FB page for more info https://www.facebook.com/metztligoods/  Looking forward to meet you and give you your free try.
Lucie & Ivan Metztli Goods – ivanmartello@gmail.com


a.  Yoga with Sarah Classes Begin November 3rd
Yoga by the Sea- Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am
at Hotel Playa del Sol (also available to join LIVE streaming!)
Welcome back Yogis! In honoring the health and wellbeing of our community, these classes will be limited to only 18 students per class. Please bring your own mat and props and we will work together to maintain healthy distancing. If you are staying safe at home, you can join the class via Zoom for a live broadcast.
Go to www.losbarrilesyoga.com for updates and information.


a.  None

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Looking to buy a particular quad, or just interested in what comes up for sale in a certain price range? Email me your specs and if a client decides to sell something that matches up I will let you know before I list it.
Heather – jandhmotors@outlook.com  Instagram @jandhmotors –

b.  Give your palms and trees new “haircut”.   Professional, bilingual, reliable and clean trimmer. Please see my FB page Mr. Palmero for more references and pics from my previous jobs. https://www.facebook.com/Mr-Palmero-112770267159848/  Price for palm trimming from 150 pesos (just trim) or from 250 pesos (including collecting debris), tree trim from 300 pesos, palm cut down from 600 pesos – price depends on difficulty. I’m looking forward to meet you and give you your personalized quote.   Ivan ivanmartello@gmail.com, cel 624 192 4597, WhatsApp +521 55 6710 2153

c.  Our team at the Salon de Cortez is looking forward in seeing our clients returning to Los Barriles for the winter season. We want to assure everyone that we are doing everything possible to take extra precautions
for our client’s safety and well being. In doing so, we decided to make changes to our appointment schedules. In response to the COVID pandemic and respecting social distancing, we are concentrating on creating more space for clients to receive their services comfortably in the salon.  For now we are will only schedule 2 pedicures at a time in the main salon space. We also have an additional space available upstairs for manicures and pedicures for clients that prefer to have more additional social distance. These appointments upstairs can be made with Nenna or Karem on request while scheduling.  A more social distance appointment with Viry for hair or nail services can be made on Monday. She and Karem will be the only providers present on that day.  Contact us for appointments by phone 124 8056 or e-mail salon.cortez@yahoo.com

d.  Tres Palapas Baja Pickelball Resort is open from 7:30am to 1pm everyday! Come play pickleball! The drop-in fee is half off the usual price until 15 October 2020.  The Café Cacti is now open at Tres Palapas from 8am to 1pm everyday! The Café Cacti offers espresso, lattes, amazing smoothies, breakfast bowls and super protein concoctions! No need to play pickleball, just come out your morning espresso or breakfast bowl! – trespalapasactivities@gmail.com

e.   Captain Nemo’s Landing is looking for a Camp Host.  Ideally, someone with an RV as you can park your RV on-site with hookups.  It’s a paid position varying on duties.  Of course, your rent, wifi, and utilities are included.  www.captainnemoslanding.com    jeffinbaja@gmail.com  760 274 4128

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  2-bedroom house or casita for year-round rental starting November.  Buena Vista, Los Barriles, Playa Norte.  Pet-friendly.  Contact: ghensinger@aol.com or 624 141 8064


From Airport

Oct. 10th ride from SJD airport to LB. One person two bags.  kitemomma@yahoo.com  Arriving 14:15

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Old fiberglass catamaran hull. . 6 1/2 ft x 15 1/2ft.  No mast, no rudders, no nada.   Free. – fishprintbaja@gmail.com

b.  2012 Honda Rancher, 2wd, foot shift, new tires, 3000 rides jandhmotors@outlook.com Instagram- @jandhmotors for photos Heather during business hours 624 155 2270


===THE END===




23-Fri Tuna Shoot Out registration at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 4pm-8pm
24-Sat Tuna Shoot Out at Hotel Palmas De Cortez 7am-4pm – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com
25-Sun DayLightSavingTime – Mexico move clocks back one hour. (not border towns)


a.  None


a.  Answer to XM radio: Sirius/XM radio might be one company and go by one name, but there are two satellites and exclusive equipment. Either/both works down to La Paz, but south of that, only the Sirius signal works.  you must have a quality external antenna (not a dashboard antenna)

b.  Hey all you ex-pats in the neighborhood, you can still REGISTER to vote In the US General Election until October 13th. You would register in the State where you last had residence. You need the last address, a form of ID, and for most States a computer, printer, scanner and optional fax machine. Here is the link for voter assistance.  https://www.fvap.gov/guide


a.  Has anyone had experience creating an account with Intercam Bank on a tour visa?  I am hearing that after the check you open it clears, your funds will be available to withdraw from.  Any experience with this? – alpinegardener@gmail.com

b.  On Sept 14 I fostered a beautiful young dog–Sweet Baby James, I call him–but now I must unexpectedly leave Baja. I can return him to Cortez Rescue but it will break my heart, he’s been spoiled and happy. He is scheduled to be flown to a permanent home the U.S. some time soon. Is there anyone who can provide a comfortable temporary home? He is gentle, loving, playful and beautiful–soft brown fur and gorgeous eyes. He was the best dog at Cortez Rescue when I picked him. All food provided. – papamadre@gorge.net

c.  We are looking for someone driving down to Los Barriles area or somewhere near, from north of the Bay area that has room to transport some narrow closet doors for us. Since they are new so they are boxed for transport. Size: 82” tall by 15”wide by 3“ deep. Two other panels are 80” x 20” x 1”. Total wt is 180 pounds. will pay generously plus wine! – lynnmirassou@gmail.com


a.  See Calendar


a.  None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  I need a walker for an old person. – asuncion37@icloud.com

b.  Wanted:  looking to rent a garage large enough for a pickup and a side by side in spa – dadmobrad@verizon.net


a.  None


a.  Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal  Resort.  Taco Tuesday.  For Reservations or Takeout orders Call us:  6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  Simply… freshly made food in Los Barriles for you to enjoy at home.  This week’s dishes  * Chinese hoisin tofu noodle salad – Tangy, nutty, sweet & salty. This dish converted a non tofu eater last time I made it. Give it a try. * Salmon & dill fishcakes * Leek & potato pasties – Moreish cheesy, leek, & potato parcels*     Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  30th September. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  The Swedish Massage is a relaxing therapy that helps to improve conditions such as back pain, bad blood circulation and, muscle tension. It helps the elimination of the toxins by stimulating the blood circulation. But overall, it helps to relax your body and your mind, reconnecting with your natural balance. Enjoy it with a Pedicure for a special price, only 80 USD! Book it before September 30th at spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com


a.  None

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles.
W.catymoreno86@gmail.com –

b.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for 1 bdr with kitchenette close to town for a 4 month rental.(Dec-March31.) Would be nice to have transport.  Monthly budget $1000 us. Thanks Chris Larsen – chrisblarsen59@gmail.com


From Airport:

Arriving Nov 15 at 2:25, 2 ppl, 2 bags. Looking to hitch a ride or share a shuttle.  – nancyhudson@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee

b.  Mountain bike
https://bajasur.craigslist.org/bik/d/mountain-bike/7202285052.html – kawish59@hotmail.com

c.  2005 BMW X5 runs great and new  engine installed. AWD mid size SUV, clean, AC good tires tow hitch. Call 624-137-7721 or see at  bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2005-bmw-x5/7175439595.html 5250 coscto runs – palapapaul@gmail.com

d.  in la paz: small gas eng. ground tiller, pro. tile saw, 2 sumerg. pumps, varios abs 4″ fittings, new: 3 inside doors, 1 ext. front pine wood door, used 1 alu./glass comercial door. jebeddy2012@hotmail.com

e.  2001 chevy tracker 2 door soft top, new 2500 lb winch, good battery, and tires, heavy duty car cover. 52000 miles registered in South
Dakota. 5000 clams or best offer. – david.kalousdian@gmail.com

===THE END===



Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE



a.  Thank you to all of the kind people who sent referrals for architects/builders. We can not wait to live in this wonderful community! – karenvjames161@gmail.com

b.  Bats. We have had good luck deterring bats with an ultrasonic device, available at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DLC8HOO/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Being big fans of the night sky, for us this is a much better option than floodlights! Try it, your neighbors may appreciate it. – bajachardo@gmail.com


a.  What is the best medi-vac insuurance to use while down in LB? hope to never need it but considering it this year. – robbieflatt@gmail.com

b.  Before I left the U.S., Sirius XM radio said I could get a signal in BCS no problem. So I carried my unit down here. No signal. More than 60 minutes on the phone, on two levels of tech support at XM radio, and still no signal. I suspect no signal is available and they just don’t know it. Does anyone have a success getting XM radio here? – papamadre@gorge.net

c. The virus has prevented us, like many people from visiting Baja.  We have always paid our water bill in advance for 6 months to a year but I am afraid that I may be over due by now.  Does the water company, like the phone company have a web site that I can go on a pay my bill?  Any information would be helpful.  Don Bare at dhbare99@yahoo.com

d.  Anyone driving north to or through the LA area in the next couple weeks from Los Barriles?  I need the third seat from my GMC Yukon brought up to the LA area.  I sold the car quite unexpectedly and need the seat to complete the deal.  If you can do it, I’ll make arrangements to get the seat; it’s in my garage in Hermosa Vista. Also, I’ll be happy to pay you generously for the trouble. Ed Los Barriles  ebodaken@gmail.com (626) 372-1177 (US CELL)

e.  Anyone going to Canada can post a small package to Alberta. – kjrjones2007@gmail.com

f. Does anyone know where you can find cleaning vinegar in the San Jose/ Cabo area – casablancainbaja@gmail.com

g.  We have 2 letters to be dropped in a mailbox in the US. Anyone headed that way soon? – bajarick@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  Looking for someone to drive our SUV  from Denver to Los Barriles in October or November. – chicaconchita@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  is there a place in LB to purchase soda stream cartridges? – birdiebags@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Coming South soon? Please consider helping one of the many Rescues needing donations. Simply asking friends and family for their unwanted or not needed pet supplies, collect them and bring them down with you. Dollar store or thrift stores are great places to get them from too.
Rescues will meet you to pick them up. If flying, Alaska waives baggage fees…simply add humanitarian bag(s) to reso and they allow up to 50lbs like regular checked bags. You can stack kernels in 50lbs bundles or fill one or a bag with donations. Rescues will meet you at the airport to receive them. info@cortezrescue.org

d.  Wanted: Shaw direct cable tv box. rancholaventa1@me.com


a.  Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal  Resort
Taco Tuesday
Pork Carnitas / Brisket/ Sirloin Steak/Tempura Fish and much more…
Get your favorite Taco for only $35.00 pesos/* Discounts do not apply
Join us from 4 to 9 pm
Happy Hour from 4 to 6 pm
Remember to drive down to our restaurant parking
For Reservations or Takeout orders
Call us:
6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b.  Hi everyone! Our Thirsty Thursdays are here! Spa Buena Vista OceanFront & Thermal Resort.. At our Restaurant Bar Navegante Happy Hour 4 to 6 pm
Special dials 4 a 9 o cerrar
Margaritas $80.00 pesos
Beer $40.00 pesos

Stuffed Potato Night From 4 to 9 pm
Remember to drive down to our Restaurant parking Join us..

•Our Rock Stars
$180.00 pesos

•Your own style
$140.00 pesos
Choice of 5 Toppings
1 Protein+ 2 Dairy + 2 Veggies
Bacon/Chorizo/Chicken/Bolognese/Top Sirlon
Mozarella/Cheddar/Sour Cream/Cheese sauce
Mushrooms/Corn/Sweet peppers/Caramelized Onions
*Discounts do not apply – susettes13@hotmail.com

c.  Dinners by Crystal delivered to your home. Wednesday to Saturday Special
-Chile Relleno.  Stuffed with shrimp or chicken and cheese, side salad and baked potato.  $240MX or $12.USD
-Imperial Prawns.  Stuffed and bacon wrapped with side salad and baked potato.  2 piece $280MX or 3 piece $340MX.
-Coconut Prawns.  Butterflied with sweet cream dipping sauce, side salad and baked potato.
2 piece $280MX or 3 piece $340MX
-Misquette Grilled lobster with side salad and baked potato.  $380MX or $19USD
-Home made salad dressing choices: Strawberry  Fresa, Mango, Balsamic or Jamaica
Mashed potatoes with gravy available.
Contact Crystal at What’s App  624 184 8682 via text or call – dinnersbycrystal@hotmail.com


a.  I have received lots of inquiries about whether or not YOGA GARDEN will re-open this fall.   The answer is YES.!!  and we will be adhering to all of the  safety and cleanliness protocols.  The maximum number of students allowed in the 1500 sq/ ft. space will be set at 12.   Look for a post in the BPE around October 1st. with a link to our website and Facebook page for the comprehensive details….jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  FiberTech TV Antenna Division will be offering 1.2-meter Agraz Antennas at American Security located in Santa Anita as well as our Los Barriles location. To our wholesale dealers contact us for wholesale pricing. contact; support@fibertechinternet.com

b.  Come by Aeroburro located at Plum Loco for all your mail and package needs, From a one time letter to medication, We do it fast , and Secure.. We have mail boxes for 6 or 12 months. Need your car registered in South Dakota, that’s no problem. Come by and talk to Paul if you  have more questions, Call 624-141-0520 from us 605-550-4952, Next to El Viejo, the best best for Breakfast or lunch in this town. Browse our Library of FREE books. www.aeroburro.com – aeroburo@live.com

c.  Hi, I’m Isabel and work in Jazz’s Nails, I’m  starting to work here in Los Barriles , I opened my business here behind Repsol gas station next to the church; I’m offering the following services: Gelish Aplication •Pedicure • Manicure • Male haircut •Waxing • Female haircut • Hair straightening
Appointments 6241214970 you can look my work in my page in Facebook Jazz’s Nails or my Instagram iisacabo, my email isabelgr1106@hotmail.com

d.  Free Car Wash When Parking at San Jose Park N Fly! (Valid during the month of September when mentioning this ad).  Located just across the Los Cabos International Airport! Whether you need to park only for a few days or for several months, booking at San Jose Park N Fly you will get stress-free airport parking.
Reserve online in just a few steps!  https://www.sjparknfly.com/ – info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915

e.  Compost from santiago. $240. per bag. Free delivery. we have potting soil and fertilizer available too.  6241554036 or irisleonides@yahoo.com.mx

f.  Salt+Cotton Boutique is open by appointment.  We partner with independent designers and artisans from all over Mexico to bring you a unique collection of apparel, accessories and natural body care.  We choose our brands based on their social responsibility and sustainable production processes. To make an appointment please email saltcottonbaja@gmail.com or WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948

g.  Property Remediation. Return to your Baja home in perfect condition.      Complete property clean up and haul off..  free estimate and hard bid.
What’s App or call 624 277 1170 – rockymtncantera@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  Looking for inexpensive rental for a mature couple in the LB area. Dates are 10/19 – 11/2.  Will also exchange pet sitting, cleaning, disinfecting, handy man work for free stays!  All or part of that time. – karenvjames161@gmail.com

b.  Short & long term rentals needed. Preferably a 2 bdrms, pet friendly, starting Late Oct/Nov. Great references. – bajago2girl@gmail.com


Looking to Caravan. Driving from Calif. to LB. Crossing at Mexicali. Nights in San Felipe, G.Negro, Loreto. Looking to go in the 2nd or 3rd week of October. Flexible with dates. Anyone going that way? – wkrausehouse21@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2001 Chevy Van, price reduction.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/reduced-2001-chevy-express/7191296757.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com

===THE END===



Information provided by:  https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE

a.  From the Health Clinic:  In the month of August, we performed 13 PCR nasal swab tests and 21 rapid antibody tests. Our staff gets regular, random testing regardless of symptoms. We’ve developed protocols that are constantly evolving in accordance with research and recommendations from the experts to keep our staff and patients safe. We’ve rearranged our waiting rooms, providing strict social distancing policies and maximum capacities for our facilities. Since March we have been tracking the body temperature and symptoms of all staff at the entrance and exit of the clinic each workday. All patients entering the clinic now must step on a sanitizing mat, wear a mask, apply hand sanitizer, and have their temperature checked before entering the clinic. Thanks to donations from our generous community, anyone who needs a cloth, the reusable mask can have one free of charge. Additionally, we are now ordering a doctor’s order with a probable diagnosis for all chest X-rays.

Our clinic has been working closely with the Centro de Salud, the Delegado, and Civil Protection in preparation for the pandemic. When we receive donations from the community, we always share the overflow with the local community workers, including N95 masks and pulse oximeters. We recently had a generous donation from Tori Wickland for 3 new pulse oximeters and a pediatric pulse oximeter. These key instruments are expensive and hard to find. We appreciate all our friends and fans of the clinic who are helping us in these difficult times.

We do what we can for this community and with your support, we’re able to do more.  The support that we received to acquire the COVID Personal Protection Equipment and the COVID Containment Chambers for the Ambulances was amazing.  And when we asked for support to help keep our doors open as the result of the economic slowdown that came with this pandemic, the outpouring of aid was awesome.  Thank you.   We continue to expand the breadth and quality of our services while providing care to those who otherwise could not afford (with a focus on the children) with discount programs.  And we’re able to do so through the revenue that we receive from the use of our services plus the generous donations.  We are fortunate to have partnerships with Leaders2Give and ICF who provide 501(c)3 Tax Deduction receipts for US Citizens.  If you’d like to contribute toward our efforts please visit our website: EastcapeHealthCenter.org/donate.



a.  Hi all Felipe Valdez here,  Amigos winter is coming the Pacific coast awaits for you. This will be my third season hosting this surfcasting tours to Rancho La Aguja. Join for me for this 3 day 2 night adventure with 4 sessions of surf fishing for roosterfish, jacks, snook, curvina and more. My dates for november will 10th to 12th and 17th to 19th. This is a personalize tour of minimum 2 people and max 4 people. Last year November was our best month for Roosters with many caught over the 30lb. This tours include transportation from LB to La Aguja, meals and tackle. If you would like to join me this season, send me an email to felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or give me a call to +52-624-1225019.
I´ll look forward to share some moments on the beach with you,

b.  Which cellphone provider works best in Los Barriles? Seems to be the most asked question this time of year. Let’s start with LB. The cell towers in Los Barriles belong to Telcel, Telefonica and ATT. Those providers have contracts to share access with all of the US/Canadian providers. For example, let’s say that you are a Verizon customer in the US. Verizon does not own any towers in Mexico. Okay, a couple at the airport. Verizon has contracts with the three companies in our area to connect their customers. Therefore you may see that your phone is actually connected to TelCel when you have a contract with Verizon. The ATT tower provides primary service to ATT customers, but that tower is not conveniently located to all locations in the Los Barriles area. A large number of newer cell phones allow “internet calling”. That connects your cellphone to WiFi and then your calls will travel over the internet. If you have a fast internet, that works well. Cell data speeds may vary depending on your US Provider. Mexico will provide priority service to it’s own customers leaving those of us who “piggy back” with slower speeds during busy times.

US carriers provide different cost options for service in Mexico. Before you leave, it’s best to check with your provider to make sure you have the best plan for Mexico. T mobile has a Senior Plan that offers unlimited calls, texts and data from anywhere in North America. Beware of unlimited data plans. If you use it as a “hotspot”, those companies will begin to reduce your speed after you reach their predetermined limit. If you are a data “hog”, they may cancel your service.

Here is a link to Mexican Cell phone carriers: https://www.weexpats.com/best-cell-phone-plans-for-living-in-mexico/ I have a plan with Telcel that gives me unlimited calls and texts in North America with 3 GB of data for 400 pesos per month.

Some very good alternatives are Skype, What’s App and Facebook Messenger. With Skype you can call toll free numbers at no charge. Skype does charge a very small amount to call a direct dial number. For $60 per year you can have a virtual phone number that people can call. You can use an old cellphone as a dedicated Skype phone or add the app to your current phone. Remember a good internet connection is a must. The critical part of the internet speed is the upstream bandwidth. You should have at least .6kbps up for the person you are calling to hear you clearly. Test you connection with speedtest.net. If anyone else is surfing on your network during your call, the call will be choppy.

The final consideration is the type of phone you have. Not all cellphones are equal in terms of quality and I’m not referring to look and feel. The antenna quality, antenna location and radio frequencies do vary. By the way, 5G service is still in the infant stage in the US and non-existent in Baja. Don’t rush out to buy a 5G phone.  thecomputerguy@usa.com

c.   We have troubles in Idaho with bats especially in Lake Houses but others too. The best thing I have heard is to have automatic lights go on at dusk, the brighter the better. in the immediate area of the bats. They don’t like light.  Carol Amburgy


a.   Can someone tell me the quality of at&t cell service in the east cape please? – rkreveg@hotmail.com  (perfect timing)

b.  Is anyone going to canada or the states who would be willing to mail a letter for me thanks pat – pro.ogilvie@gmail.com

c.  Is there a spa dealer in Cabo or La Paz? – swilhelms@sbcglobal.net

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  carpet installer needed. hombre pora instalicaion la fombra. in los barrilles. contact me at eljdds@gmail.com or usa cell 9492922882

b.  Wanted:  Queen or Double ( matrimonial ) size mattress in good condition – chicaconchita@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Does anyone have two kayaks to sell for my lovely clients who are moving to LB in November? emmajn100@yahoo.co.uk. Thank you!


a.  Simply…. freshly made food in Los Barriles.  This week all things vegetable      * Gazpacho – Fresh cold Spanish tomato soup * Vietnamese mint salad – A refreshing zingy slaw mix * Tasty tater pasties – Sweet potato, black bean and feta with a hint of rosemary * Vegetable lasagne -Veggies layered in smooth white sauce and pasta ready to bake*     Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  23rd September. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Los Cabos Full Service Storage Facility, conveniently located next to the Los Cabos International Airport. Providing both residential and commercial clients the solution to storing their goods in Los Cabos. All units are drive up with easy access with extra wide, asphalted driveways. ☞ info@sjstorage.comhttps://www.sjstorage.com/ – (624)146-1390

b.  Mattress Wholesale Spring Air. American, Mexican and Hotel sizes. Quality and Service. Get a free quote now! Call 6241856000 Pablo – pablovan32@hotmail.com

c.   CarFer Aluminum.  Aluminum, PVC windows/Doors & Hurricane Shutters.  We have the best systems and prices around.  Get your free quote – carferlr@gmail.com

d.  Mail Boxes Los Barriles is here for you 100%, mail, packages, meds, vehicles and entire households from our San Diego address weekly to Los Barriles.  Give us a call 624-151-5530 Mex 310-272-9500 USA email      mailbarriles@gmail.com web mailbaja.com Terry and Judith at your service 10-4 M-F. –

RENTALS WANTED  NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies,  BEFORE YOU POST CHECK OUT THE RENTALS PAGE

a.  In town (LB) rental position for one retired senior for one to two weeks beginning Nov.17; nonsmoker, nondrinker with excellent local references.  thomwdavis@gmail.com


Caravan:  Leaving via Tecate October 12-14 to Los Barriles. Stops in San Quintin/El Rosario then Santa Rosalia . – bajavalentine@gmail.com

Caravan: Any one wanting to caravan to Calif (San Diego) around the end of the month (September) let me know.  Ted
619 981 2450  ntcdev@aol.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  Generator 11,000 kilowatts. Diésel engine .Good conditions.jurassicrockrey@gmail.com


===THE END===




COVID INFO – Currently Phase 4-Orange

a.  This phase allows  Restaurants, hotels, banks, water sports, are all open.   Keep the covid from spreading by wearing your face mask and social distance.  According to La Secretaria de Salud, these are the East Cape communities with COVID-19 active cases (updated 9/15):

??? ?????:
– Buena Vista: 0 active cases
– La Ribera: 7 active cases
– Las Casitas: 0 active case
– Miraflores: 1 active cases
– Santiago: 0 active case

?? ???:
– Los Barriles: 2 active cases
– San Bartolo: 0 active cases
– Campestre: 0 active cases



a.  None


a.  Hola amigos! This is Paulina from Spanish Paulina, and I invite you to my Spanish Express course!
Why learn Spanish? You’ll be able to communicate with more confidence. You’ll use it and appreciate it in your day-to-day life. Plus, it boosts your cognitive functioning overall. Yes, learning Spanish is good for you!!
EXPRESS Spanish via Zoom – 2 week class that will help you communicate the basics with the most used verbs and phrases.  Private 1-on-1 remote classes are also available!  Email me at spbaja5@gmail.com

b.  Mexico Treasures Shop LB September 17
Remember to  send us a email to choose your favorite item, we will deliver to L B this Thursday 17 at 1:30pm,
We have Mexican cloth face mask, Lele dolls, dog collars, dog leashes, camera straps, handbags, cushion covers, earrings and dresses. – mexicoshoptreasures@gmail.com


a.  We have a problem with the bats hanging on the underside of our entry and a lot of them! I know they are a good thing for bugs but is there anyone who knows how to get them to roost elsewhere as they are quite messy urinating down the wall,  scott@scotthedrick.com


a.  None


a.  None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:   Looking to buy an iphone 7 or 8 in good working condition – cmseals1973@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  My dear embra lost her macho the other day. Seeking one good male bunny, preferably white but any color conejo will do. If you have, know of, or know where to get, please ping me. Heading to LB Tuesday and can come get. Thanks! – comras@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  my cleaner, lugada, needs a reliable run around town car to service her clients – hers has become unrepairable – any suggestions welcome! – tessabarriles@gmail.com


a.  None


a.  Sylvestre at Vianey’s Restaurant is serving Chile Rellenos on Tuesday.  His restaurant is in La Ribera across from Tienda Rey on Cabo Pulmo Road.  These Chile Rellenos are the best! – blondface@yahoo.com


a.  Spa Vida – Take advantage of our new promo!  Massage PLUS Pedicure only $80 available during this month! For appointments contact me at spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com


a.  None

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I am offering my services for the installation of marble, granite, tile, tile, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, wood maintenance, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance.  .free estimates from Cabo san Lucas to Los Barriles.

b.  Protect your investment.  Get your roof sealed.  10 year product.  Free estimates. Lots of references.  Local. Professional and affordable! – bajasynergy@gmail.com

RENTALS WANTED & HOUSE SITTING NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 

a.  None


a.  We need to find transport for knit hats from North Idaho/Spokane, WA to Los Barriles for the Caps for Cancer program. – Markaypihl@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  generac 3.5 kw generator, about 6 hours total, was running and generating last week when removed from my toy hauler. Does not have it’s own gas tank. three hundred shocks us… – ltcolmichaelquinn@yahoo.com


===THE END===





a.  Nothing has changed


a.  None


a.  EAST CAPERS MAGAZINE is in the process of editing.  Don’t forget to send in your stories and your updated ads…  Deadline is September 20th.    If you would like information on advertising, please send us an email.  If you need a little more time, please contact us.   Magazine will come out October 15.   Questions:   eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com

b.  Looking for advice – moving household items from california to east cape – movers? do-it-yourself?  also – decision process: become mexican resident or be visitor only?  we are planning to live most of the year in east cape but there are various considerations.  would like to benefit from others experience if you care to mentor. – fsgavin@cs.com

c.  I want to thank everyone who responded to bringing my glasses with them. This really is a great town. I’ve got it handled so thanks again. Elizabeth

d.  I wanted to share a little about some beloved friends you may know that will be leaving the East Cape.  It was 1991 when Jon Kuchar took a sabbatical from Hewlett Packard in the US and drove down the Baja in a camper to explore and visit friends in Rancho Leonero.  Jon had been traveling, exploring and fishing in Baja since the early 70’s mostly in northern locations and looked forward to spending more time on the East Cape.  Jon loved what he saw, and the people that he met so he ended up staying on with friends, while overseeing the building of a couple of his friend’s homes in Rancho Leonero.

Jon became the general manager for John Ireland at Hotel Rancho Leonero from 1992 – 1993 and returned fulfilling the same position from 1995 -2000.  Kuchar made friends quickly and is loved by all who are lucky enough to know him; and those who worked with him.  Lots and lots of stories from the ‘old days’, wonderful stories being told as the East Cape developed. Campfires, black skies with bright stars – too much tequila and stories – does life get any better?  Jon met the love of his life at Rancho Leonero, Lori, and they married. Jon and Lori make a great couple sharing their home with loved ones, friends and family at Rancho Leonero.

Jon Kuchar was a fixture for so many of us from the 90’s till today, enjoying stories and laughter – Baja good times.  We will miss Jon and Lori, while wishing them all the best with their new adventures in life. Hoping they will soon return and stay with friends and at Rancho Leonero Resort so we can catch up sharing new stories …It was my pleasure to sell their home, so they can start a new chapter in their life.
Happy trails Jon and Lori – till we meet again,
Linda Lambrecht, Homes & Land of Baja – Linda@Homesandlandofbaja.com


a.  Best US cell phone company for Baja based on actual personal experience? Thanks! – Kite2lb@aol.com

b.  In need of driving or flying pet escorts for the lucky pups that have loving homes that are awaiting their arrival.
Can you be a transport angel? So easy & so rewarding! – info@cortezrescue.org


a.  None


a.  None

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  looking for unlocked I phone – bajakent@gmail.com

b.  Wanted:  I will buy a really old, working SD card (not micro SD). If you have one let me know. – drpedrotorres@gmail.com

c.  Wanted:  Cortez Rescue is in desperate need of loving foster homes as they are still overflowing and cannot take in any more pups until some fly out, drive up or get fostered. Whether you have a few days, a week or more, the pups need you. – info@cortezrescue.org

d.  Wanted:  Need someone to carry some hand made garments to our 2 baby granddaughters in BC or Alberta, Canada. The wrapped package weighs 3 pounds. Please contact Kareema at (612) 203 5928 or kjrjones2007@gmail.com


a.  None


a.  Dinners by Crystal delivered to your home.
– Fajitas.   Arrrachera, chicken or combination with guacamole and  baked potato.  $240MX or $12USD
– Chile Relleno.  Stuffed with shrimp or chicken and cheese, side salad and baked potato.
$240MX or $12.USD
– Brochetas(Kabobs) marinated with Arracherra, Chicken and Shrimp with BBQ sauce and white rice.  $280MX or $14USD
– Imperial Prawns.  Stuffed and bacon wrapped with side salad and baked potato.  2 piece $280MX or 3 piece $340MX.
– Coconut Prawns.  Butterflied with sweet cream dipping sauce, side salad and baked potato.
2 piece $280MX or 3 piece $340MX
– Misquette Grilled lobster with side salad and baked potato.  $380MX or $19USD
Contact Crystal at What’s App  624 184 8682
Or call.  Email to dinnersbycrystal@hotmail.com

b.  Fresh eggs from Rancho La Venta. can deliver to Los Barriles. rancholaventa1@me.com

c.  Hola, We are @mexicotreasuresshop We will do deliveries of our items this thursday september 17 at 1:30pm at Los Barriles.  Remember to order before the delivery. You can see our products in our facebook page @mexicotreasuresshop and send us a message or send us a email and we send the photos of the items. We have Mexican  handcrafts, dolls, dog collars and dog leash, necklace, handbag, and more. – mexicoshoptreasures@gmail.com

d.  Join us!  Tuesdays at Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal Resort.  Taco Tuesday
Pork Carnitas / Brisket/ Sirloin Steak/Tempura Fish and much more…
Get your favorite Taco for only $35.00 pesos/* Discounts do not apply
Join us from 4 to 9 pm
Happy Hour from 4 to 6 pm
Remember to drive down to our restaurant parking.  For Reservations or Takeout orders.  Call us: 6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

e.  Simply… a range of foods freshly made in Los Barriles. It’s all new this week and I’m starting with something Simply Soup-er… * Gazpacho – refreshing cold Spanish soup * Carrot, ginger and orange soup * Bacon, broccoli mac ‘n cheese (also available without the bacon) * Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  16th September. Please get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  None


a.  None

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  For Rent 2018 Honda 500 – 2 Seater – 4WD UTV – Day – Week or Month. Email for Rates: kkstavinoha@gmail.com 

b.  Hello my name is Gregorio, I offer my services of marble, granite, tile installation, floor polishing, roof sealing, painting, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance in general. Free estimates from Cabo  San Lucas to Los Barriles.

c.  Hi, I am  just getting settled in Los Barriles, my name is Isabel and I have opened my business Jazz’s Nails 10 years ago in Cabo San Lucas, I’m offering the following service: Acrylic Nails, gelish application, male haircut, female haircut, waxing, hair straightening. Appointments 6241214970, you can see my work in Facebook Jazz’s Nails or in my Instagram iisacabo or look in google like Jazz’s Nails my email isabelgr1106@hotmail.com.

d.  Need that special part, medication or just a pair of glasses , let Aeroburro do it for you, Fast Secure and insured. We have full and Vacation Plan mail service , or just a one time letter.Come see Paul at Plum Loco, Call 624-141-0520 or 605-550-4952  We also do South Dakota car registrations. visit us on the web at www.aeroburro.com or email at aeroburro@live.com

e.  EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck – – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

RENTALS WANTED & HOUSE SITTING NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 

a.  Short & long term rentals needed, pet friendly. Responsible renters with great references. – bajago2girl@gmail.com

b.  Mature, non-smoking, no children, house/dog sitter(s) needed Sept 25 to Jan 10 (+\-),  due to urgent medical needs. References required. If interested and would like more details, please respond by email: BajaRoncho@mac.combajalynda315@gmail.com.

c.  LB Rental last two weeks of November. – thomwdavis@gmail.com



NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2001 Chevy Express 8 passenger van for sale.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2001-chevy-express-8-passenger/7191296757.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com

b.  4- pirelli scorpion atr tires. 265/65 r17. strong 1/4″ tread. only 300 corners!. must take all 4. in great condition. i swapped out road tires for dirt tires. contact mike,  9thinc@gmail.com


===THE END===





a.  My husband just died and need to find homes for two sweet one-year old dogs.  Have 8 — too many to handle by myself. – sheronmedina@yahoo.com


a.  Is anyone coming to Los Barriles that can bring my new glasses. All I need is enough time to send it to you.
Thanks, Elizabeth at Edesignsbaja@aol.com or 425 440 9404 from the states

b.  Wondering if you are aware of an honest, competent architect/builder, with a good reputation, in the area??? karenvjames161@gmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a.  Wanted:  We would like one more person on our mailbox at Mailbox Los Barriles .. it’s an annual contract and you do get a discount if you use their shipping services to receive things here in LB 8mm8bella8@gmail.com or 6241248271


a.  Pizza Gourmet San Antonio – Dear all!!  At last we will have our grand opening in La Paz this September 11, the hours will be from 2 to 11 pm and you can make your reservation to the email  productosgourmetbcs@gmail.com , by this means or by calling 6121775806 we are waiting for you !!  we are on Manuel Encinas street between Belisario Domínguez and Abasolo 50m from the Quaker and gas station

b.  Bajawok of San Jose is opening up this week in La Ribera to serve our fresh homemade pasta noodles with a variety of meats and ingredients. This will be takeout and delivery (in La Ribera) only for now. Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/bajawok.ribera or send us a Whatsapp message to 624 161 7652. – bajawok2@gmail.com

c.   We have a special surprise announcement @Trinys Campestre Restaurant.  We are going to start our breakfast and lunch menu for you, keeping our dining menu. Starting October first.  We will be Open from  8am – 10 pm.   Come on by starting in October and don’t forget to tag us in your photos! – c.mario.santoyo@gmail.com


a.  Kiteboard:  New 2016 Cabrinha XO Kiteboard 133 X 40. 2016 Cabrinha H2 foot straps. 2 sets of fins. Dakine Kiteboard travel bag. Has never been in the water. $550 jumps  Email for pics – sherielliott@shaw.ca

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Salt+Cotton Boutique is OPEN by appointment!  Come browse our collection of clothing, accessories and natural bodycare, created and sustainably produced by independent, Mexican designers and artisans.  Contact us to schedule at saltcottonbaja@gmail.com or WhatsApp +1 541 380 0948.

RENTALS WANTED & HOUSE SITTING NO MORE For Sale by owner  or real estate companies, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 

a.  Reliable couple looking for a house sitting position for 2 weeks ( or part of it) from October 19 – November 2.
Will clean, care for pets, do small hangman jobs, etc. in exchange for the stay.  OR, looking for an inexpensive waterfront rent for those 2 weeks. – karenvjames161@gmail.com

b.  Short & long term rentals needed, pet friendly. Responsible renters come with references. – bajago2girl@gmail.com


From Airport – Need ride to Los Barriles September 12 @ 1pm. Will pay for gas.
Steve  text 415-250-6068 – bian2005@aol.com


NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  2001 Chevy Express 8 passenger van for sale.  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2001-chevy-express-8-passenger/7191296757.html – patricklauderback@yahoo.com


===THE END===





a.  Not too much to report.  Restaurants, hotels, banks, water sports, are all open.   Keep the covid from spreading by wearing your face mask and social distance.  For the latest covid count numbers visit https://coronavirus.bcs.gob.mx/casos-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0KMMYLmafYDw8bgUM6UkzCPToxCrWUOrDG_muWuHH4qvcwDTp-cuASYbE


a.  Take advantage of Spa Vida’s promos, during this month you could enjoy a 60 minutes massage plus a pedicure for only $80 usd. Book your appointment at spavidalosbarriles@gmail.com

b.  I just wanted to thank all of the wonderful people for taking the time answer my question and give advise.  I needed information on driving from Colorado to Spa/Buena Vista with a trailer, ATV’s and furnishings.  I must have received over thirty replies! It was so helpful.  Makes me feel very good about the hospitality and friendship is this Baha area. Its what our world needs more that ever!  Again thanks!! – tim@cleandesigns.com

c.  Ven y aprende español!!!  This is your chance to dive into fun, engaging and effective personalized classes to learn Spanish.  Get instruction from a native Mexican with more than 20 years of teaching experience.  Private 1-on-1 or semi-private remote classes through Zoom or Skype.  Email me at spbaja5@gmail.com

d. Hola, we will be at Los Barriles this thursday 17  to offer our Mexican handcrafts, dolls, clothes, face mask , bags and accessories. If you are interested send us an email so we can show you all the products we have. We accept, credit card, paypal and cash.  Thank you – mexicoshoptreasures@gmail.com


a.  Saturday, November 7. Bomba Beach Community Sale.  A special one-day donation opportunity \sale to raise money for Los Barriles families and children.  Local resident is spending her staycation creating one-of-a-kind decorative bowls, boxes, and knick-knacks.  On November 7, come shop for the holidays and your donation will be used to purchase and distribute goody bags filled with art supplies for our local kids and their families for the holidays.  With school closed for the entire year, let’s bring some creative fun into a child’s life.  For more information contact bombabeachart@yahoo.com


a.  Wanted:  I am interested in a mtn bike rack that will handle 2 bikes…Thanks….Dean… – sanosrf@gmail.com


a.  Every Tuesday at Buenavista Oceanfront & Thermal Resort – Taco Tuesday Pork Carnitas / Brisket/ Sirloin Steak/Tempura Fish and much more…
Get your favorite Taco for only $35.00 pesos/* Discounts do not apply
Join us from 4 to 9 pm
Happy Hour from 4 to 6 pm
Remember to drive down to our restaurant parking
For Reservations or Takeout orders Call us: 6241650347 – susettes13@hotmail.com

b. Simply… a range of foods freshly made in Los Barriles. We can’t all travel at the moment but our taste buds can. This week I am taking you to several continents * Chinese hoisin  tofu noodle salad * Falafels – Middle Eastern chickpea and herb patties * Melanzane Parmigiana – Italian cheesy eggplant bake *   Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning  9th September . Get in touch to find out more and place your order. simplylosbarriles@gmail.com Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  hello my name is Gregorio, I offer my services of marble, granite, tile installation, floor polishing, ceiling sealing, painting, concrete fence construction, cyclonic mesh installation and all kinds of maintenance in general. Free estimates from Cabo  San Lucas to Los Barriles, send me an email and I will attend you

b.  Are you concerned about returning to Mexico due to COVID-19? Get Travel MedEvac Insurance & add new optional rider $100,000 medical coverage. Both cover Covid.  For personal call send your number to cathie@cathiesmithinsurance.com or choose Travel on  www.cathiesmithinsurance.com then Travel MedEvac. Licensed insurance agent all lines.

c. Get your palms & trees trimmed before the hurricane arrives and causes some damage to your trees or property! Palm trimming from 250 pesos, palm cut down from 600 pesos, tree trimming from 300 pesos – prices are depending on difficulty + include taking debris away. Get your personalized quote.  No spikes, bilingual, reliable, clean, professional! ivanmartello@gmail.com, cel 624 192 4597, WhatsApp +521 55 6710 2153

d.  Get your free sample bag of our delicious dehydrated fruits – last very long (until you eat it – contain all the vitamins as fresh – tasty & healthy snack – it can be restored by steaming & cooking.
You should also try our beef jerky  – 4 flavors:
1. soy + pepper + onion
2. BBQ + maple + pepper + soy
3. habanero + soy + pepper
4. habanero + maple + soy + pepper
Choose thick ot thin cut!!
For more info check FB @ Metztli goods
Order on: ivanmartello@gmail.com, WhatsApp +521 55 6710 2153 or cell: 6241924597

e.  Short- & Long-Term Airport Parking in Los Cabos!  San Jose Park N Fly is a new world-class Airport Parking Facility located just across the Los Cabos International Airport! Whether you need to park only for a few days or for several months, booking at San Jose Park N Fly you will get stress-free airport parking.  Reserve online in just a few steps! https://www.sjparknfly.com/info@sjparknfly.com – (624)104-1915

f.  La Pithaya aka The Veggie Girls will be closed for their annual maintenance and holiday, for two weeks beginning Monday September 14, reopening on the 28th.

RENTALS WANTED & HOUSE SITTING Be sure to check out the new Rental page for current up-to-date listings

a.  In town rental or house sitting position beginning Nov. 17 for two weeks for one quiet, nonsmoking, non-drinking, local senior with excellent references while I get my property together for the winter. – erlablink@gmail.com

b.  This is Cristina Chowath, with Coldwell Banker Riveras.  Looking for a rental home. One couple, Americans, two medium size, house-broken dogs, no kids. Looking for a furnished home as close as possible to the beach, starting October 1st for three months. $1500 USD MAX  a month.  GRACIAS! – cchowath@cbriveras.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  4- Pirelli Scorpion atr tires. 265/65 r17. strong 1/4″ tread. 300 corners. must take all 4. in great condition. i swapped out road tires for dirt tires. mike   9thinc@gmail.com

b.  Sea & Sea underwater camera with housing, strobe light w/extender arm and carrying case. Fish eye lens.  All cables needed for transferring your pictures. All in excellent condition. 200 us snaps. – tigger86334@yahoo.com


===THE END===