4031-January 12, 2020


EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


15 Wed Rotary Membership Meeting 8:30 am La Playa
15 Wed El Cardonal Recycling, 9am-11am Questions? marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
16 Thu Third Thursday RECYCLING Day, 9-11 a.m. in front of Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides Corral – eastcaperecycling@gmail.com
17 Fri The Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
17 Fri 6pm New Orphanage Fundraiser ‘Party With A Purpose’ at Jeff Haycock’s Info:
19 Sun S.N.A.P. spay & neuter clinic at Cancha.  Registration at 8.  Pre registration DIF. – kathyp1210@yahoo.com


a. Found credit royal bank canadian card atm. Call me 624 166 0986

b. Lost a pair of Apple Air-Pods in white case in Las Brisas area. Reward, Contact Ken 949-566-7409 – bajadays@aol.com

c. found female dog in spa buena vista. taking her to dog shelter in Las cuevas. she looks like a brown lab with white socks on her front paws – easylifehd51@gmail.com

d. Lost… wallet. It’s made of white kite material.  It has a Zions atm bank card. ++  Michelle call 001-801-633-7857 or email. Thank you! – michellekobernik@gmail.com

e. Lost my Dakine harness this morning north of town between the arroyo’s, I was driving and it must have fallen of the back of my car.  Red and black with a swivel slide line.​.  ​If you have found it please contact me. – bigwavekiterepair@gmail.com


a. Hola everyone, I am in Los  Barriles second  year here and love it. I come  down to keep my golf game up to par at the driving  range  and get the vitamin  D that I need. I am currently  watching the Wyldes home and Dog  while they are away. I am looking to watch  or rent a near the 29th of January  till mid Feb  or so. I am a golf teaching instructor @ Skamania lodge.   I can give references. My email  is daronturbo@gmail.com

b. Dra. Ileana Ortiz Radiologist, will be at East Cape Health Center this Saturday Jan 11th from 10 am, save your appointment at our front desk or by calling 624 124 8203. – eastcapemedical@gmail.com

c. My basic Spanish course, which begins Tuesday, has space for two more students. Come learn a short-cut to communication with the people whose country we’re living in. Email me for details. – kay.mundt@gmail.com

d. Hi, my name is Jinx Schwartz and I was contacted by someone in Barriles about coming there for a book signing but lost the name. – jinxschwartz@yahoo.com

e. Here is the story from Chiropractor Robert Smith’s Office in Cabo.  Very easy to get there using Google Earth.  Take a right on the next street past his office go three blocks and park on the right by the school.  He is next door to Cafe Cabo (google earth this) down by the Marina.  Workdays and hours:  MWF 7:30-10am & 3-5:30pm doesn’t take reservations or extend office hours.  He only takes two new patients per week on Tue & Thurs at 9:15am by appointment only.  Charge 100 pesos.  Use the toll road and get there as early as possible.   Wait time is approximately thirty minutes. – erlablink@gmail.com

f. Come and study Spanish from a native Mexican with 20+ years of teaching experience.​ ​Level 1 Feb 6-28 M/W/F 9-11 am​  ​Level 2 Feb 11-March 13 T/Th 9-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com

g. East Cape Recycling is having an additional collection day this coming Thursday, January 16th, to help lessen the New Year overload.  We will be set up from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. in front of Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides (horse corral), just north of La Casita restaurant.  Please bring your crushed plastics, aluminum, metals & cardboard broken down and bundled (sorry, no glass) and a $100 peso donation.  Join your neighbors & help preserve our beautiful Baja environment!​ ​Want to volunteer?  Questions?  Email info@eastcaperecycling.com


a. Does anyone know if there is an age restriction on bringing a puppy into Mexico??  Can you bring a 12-14 weeks old puppy if it has all of its shots?? – jpgoose@gmail.com

b. any recommendations for hoover vacuum parts in the cabo area? – dlmeehan@hotmail.com

c.  Bringing our shitsu to LB from Vancouver Canada anyone  can advise me about the requirement at arrival to San Jose del Cabo airport? Mexican embassy in Van couldn’t help me . I got 2 versions,​  ​From Canada and the USA just need the rabies shot. The other, health certificate, proof of vaccines against rabies and distemper is needed Gracias!! – kindmario@gmail.com


a. Alebrijes workshop for kids. Friday 17th January, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Metztli Climbing Gym, Plaza del Pueblo, Los Barriles. You will learn the artisan technique of cardboard and make your own alebrije. All materials included. You need to reserve your place. metztlibcs@gmail.com

b. Save the Date February 22nd East Cape Guild Monte Carlo Night.​ ​Event sells out every year so buy tickets early.  Tickets Sold at this Saturday Market – KAPLOTKIN@AOL.COM

c. attention artists, we are having the artist studio tour on wednesday february 12th. if you want to participate please contact me. elizabeth perkins  1428013, 425 440 9404 or edeisgnsbaja@aol.com

d. [Note: half the tickets are already sold!] The party to end all parties is coming to Los Barriles on Friday, January 17th, 2020 as a fundraiser for the new orphanage (alburgue) planned for El Cardonal, BCS. The new orphanage was inspired by a woman who had to abandon her children in the colonies (the slums near the SJD airport) while she left to seek medical care for her child with cancer. Location: Jeff Haycock’s Casa in Buenos Aires (on the Saddle). Tickets are $35 USD and include: The Revolving Door Band — Pig roast — Huge Fireworks Display — 1st Drink Free. Tickets available at: www.leaders2give.org, Los Barriles Wine & Tequila (at Hotel Palmas de Cortez), and Baja Homes & Land Office. They are limited so get yours today! For more info: http://bit.ly/2PNErThKaivalyapada@gmail.com

e. Welcome All Rotary Members, Neighbors And Friends — Come tour of latest renovations of the Centro de Salud – Jan 15, 10 AM. Following the regular Rotary membership meeting on Wed Jan 15, we will tour the renovated Doctors and Nurse dormitory at Centro de Salud. This allows our town to provide a Doctor on Call 24 hours per day 7 days a week at the public clinic. Rotary contributed $2,000 of the approximately $8500 project. Come see how we can now support emergence response with our local public medical clinic – Centro de Salud! Please RSVP to leighanne292@gmail.com if you intend to attend. – leighanne292@gmail.com


a. Fresh Smoked Yellow-tail and Smoked Yellow-tail dip this Saturday at the Community Market. We also have Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, Cranberry-Jalapeño jelly, Pineapple-Jalapeño jelly, Salsa Verde, Vanilla beans and handmade Blouses from Puebla. See you there, Larry and Paty


Every Monday 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
9:30am – Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
Every Tuesday Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Every Wednesday Barre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
9:30am- Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden
11-am- Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Thursday 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
8am and 9:30am- Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
Every Friday Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
11:00am– Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Saturday LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
8am- Movement, Mantra and Meditation w/Sue or Jackie at Yoga Garden
9:30am- Slow Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
Every Sunday Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Serviceable wheel barrow, jack stands, floor jack any size, bar stools and 48-54″ round table top or anything that could be used as such, tarps in good shape – erlablink@gmail.com

b. Looking for an RV or travel trailer, over 30 ft, in good shape. – ranpar01@hotmail.com

c. Looking to buy a panga new build or almost new – ericfhuff@hotmail.com

d. does anyone know where i can find a square usb to regular usb cord. the hp printer from city club i purchased did not come with one 970-390-5382 Thanks – tripp3867@comcast.net

e. car or suv wanted. good condition 4×4 prefered – jhenvy@yahoo.com


a.Stop by Cafe Maria this Friday, and enjoy our delicious seafood combo: wrapped in bacon shrimps with mango sauce, coconut shrimps, caesar salad and a baked potato! order to go at 14 105 11 – pris.cafemaria@gmail.com

b. “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo has the Flavours to Satisfy your Sweet Tooth” Either by road or by arroyo, it’s well worth the trip. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. closed Saturday. zopis.sb@gmail.com like us on Facebook-follow us on Twitter. zopis.sanbartolo

c. Come to Willy´s on Thursday January 16th from 3-5 to enjoy the Happy Hour, listen to music in Spanish and meet other people. !Ahí nos vemos! – spbaja5@gmail.com


a. Kundalini Yoga guided by Rene is back at the Yoga Garden.  Every Sunday 9 – 10:15am.  Classes include stretching, a yoga set, deep relaxation, and a meditation.  All levels welcome.  Its a great way to start your day. – spielmann444@gmail.com

b. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com

c. Thank you to all who have come to see me.  Please email me if I can help you too.  Appointments available Mondays and Thursdays 9:00-1:00.  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic.  Email Jennifer to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com


a. DaKine renegade kitesurfing/windsurfing harness (2018), with sliding bar, medium size, 100 jumps – rratusznik@gmail.com

b. Kite wanted: 6m or 7m rebel 5 line reeseanddieter@aol.com

c. 38cm Ozone bar in good shape with short lines(18.5m)​ ​$125 – czekvlad@gmail.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net
1/25 3:45, 1with 2bags,share taxi? – 79suechee@gmail.com
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/14 leave LB around 10:00 am 1 person, 1 carryon – thefrizwiz@yahoo.com

Rides Offered LB to SJD

​1/​15​  ​ 1:00PM​ ​LS to SJD​  ​I’d like to share my ride – czekvlad@gmail.com
1/25 ride offered to airport room for 1 or 2 with bags leave by 10 – lauraborialis@gmail.com
2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Mail Boxes Los Barriles, no burros here just semis and 53′ trailers.  We are your one stop center for shipping of any kind, mail-packages-vehicles-households of furniture.  We do it all and we deliver weekly.  Right next to Salt & Cotton on Costa Brava with the very best rates and service available in Baja.  Terry Gray Curtis at your service 624-151-5530 and the store 624-247-3203 open M-F, 10-4.
mailbarriles@gmail.com   www.mailbaja.com

b. Joel palm trees and desert  plants​. ​ palm  cocos.   royal palms.  fan  palms .  any palms  any size   delivered and planted. – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

c. Drip drip.    Let’s get your roof sealed now before more rain comes.  Free estimates.  References.  Baja kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced​ ​https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7030640936.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

b. dish receiver  active all channel looking.   60 a mo for  for someone who wants to lease it  to. – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

c. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″ X 5′ X 15″ – galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. No longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist:  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7050287244.html?lang=en&cc=us

d. Full set of golf clubs and bag. Taylor Made irons. Very good cond. 350.00 swings. 408-595-0056. USA. Chuck – cgarvinbaja@gmail.com

e. Beautiful woven leather lounge chair with a heavy hardwood frame.  Leather is light brown and the frame is dark brown.  Great chair for reading or relaxing 225 cushions. – spielmann444@gmail.com

f. ATV cover with compression straps and a strap that secures cover underneath the quad ( trailerable ).​ ​Heavy duty XXL cover.  Great for protection from the sun and the elements.  75 rides – spielmann444@gmail.com

g. Woman’s Xcel wetsuit, large 3/2 fullsuit.  In like new condition, made in USA.​ ​Stay warm on the colder windy days.  75 hot tamales. – spielmann444@gmail.com

h. ENGEL COOLER  (think Yeti), Ultra Kool, 98 liters (appx. 90 quarts dry), excl condition, 360 ice cubes. * WET SUIT, Shorty, Ladies’ Medium, Hang Ten, Never Used, 70 dives.  * WET SUIT, Shorty, Mens XL, Classic, Never Used, 70 dives. *  PFD’s, West Marine, Adult Universal, manual or Automatic, have 2, NEW, 100 inflates. Dan, 142-8021, Budtres@aol.com.

i. Serta Queen Mattress, from our camper, clean and not used much 50 sleeps. – dbdickau@shaw.ca

j. ge full size white 5 burner stove and oven. looks good-older but it all works complete with griddle and 2 oven racks 100 cookies – menki33@gmail.com

===THE END===



EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


10 Fri Full Wolf Moon
10 Fri Movie Night! “Knives Out” 7 pm Parque Laguna supports recycling – jeyers@rogers.com
15 Wed Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
15 Wed El Cardonal Recycling, 9am-11am Questions? marilynpomeroy21@gmail.com
16 Thu Pop Up Recycling at Baja’s Awesome Beach Rides, 9-11 a.m. – info@eastcaperecycling.com
17 Fri The Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
17 Fri 6pm New Orphanage Fundraiser ‘Party With A Purpose’ at Jeff Haycock’s Info:
19 Sun S.N.A.P. spay & neuter clinic at Cancha.  Registration at 8.  Pre registration DIF. – kathyp1210@yahoo.com
22 Wed Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
23 Thu Social At Beans And Rice 5pm
24 Fri Movie Night Laguna Park (more info to come)
29 Wed Membership Meeting 8:30 La Playa – screed10@gmail.com
31 Fri Social at Smokey’s 5pm – screed10@gmail.com



a. Yard sale, Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of January.  We will open at 0830 and run till 2:00 both days.  Thank you  NO EARLYBIRDS PLEASE!!!  14 years of stuff.  Small refrigerator, small appliances, household stuff, food stuff from the pantry, clothes, fishing gear, 40” Samsung smart tv, something for everyone.  North of town in Buenos Aires turn left at Jimmy the quad guys shop.  Stay on the dirt  road, go past the road to Hotel Los Pescadores, make no turns follow the signs.  cftlet@msn.com

b. We Need a washer repair man or repair company referral for our Samsung washer. Hopefully in LB, but in SJ or CSL, any info appreciated. bajaabuelo@yahoo.com

c. Dr. Pamela Herrera Ophthalmologist and Dr Arturo Macias Retinal / Vitreous Specialist  will be at the East Cape Health Center next Sat Jan 18th / Dr Emmanuel Rodriguez Pediatrician will also be with us next Fri Jan 24th,  save your appointment at our front desk or call us at  624 124 8203.  Our annual health screenings for the local schools are about to start, volunteers are welcome, more info at eastcapemedical@gmail.com

d. End of Life for Windows 7 will happen on 14 January 2020 after the last security update is posted.  After that date, you will no longer receive security updates leaving your Windows 7 system vulnerable to Hacks.  There is a free upgrade to Windows 10:   https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=799445 thecomputerguy@usa.com

e. Surfcasters, I have one spot open for next Tour to the Pacific Coast, this one is from the 15th to 17th Of January. This tour is 3 days – 2 nights – 4 sessions of surf fishing. Join us go have fun fishing on isolated beaches trying to catch snook, short fin corvina and more. Let me guide you and help to improve your skills to fish the beach. Tour is good for beginners and better. We soft camp at Rancho La Aguja where we have all the services. For more info contact me at felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com or 624-122-5019 Felipe Valdez Sportfishing www.felipevaldezsportfishing.com


a. Received request from local young lady for someone to teach her English!  Anyone out there other than those teaching Spanish??? – rjmoranbaja@hotmail.com

b. Any recommendations in El Rosario for pet friendly. Thanks jmper020@verizon.net

c. Looking for contact # for rental ad #180 , no contact number, email or website included on their ad. – jeanmcculloch4@icloud.com

d. Have 05 Dodge Ram 5.9 diesel with P0336 code on.  Replaced Crankcase Position Sensor, code still coming on.  Can anyone reference a mechanic that will know how to repair or troubleshoot problem? – dantana@ureach.com

e. Los Barriles area beach launch a 20′ skiff, any info or locations would be appreciated. No ramps in the area? I normally launch at Muertos. Thanks bk – elskel@aol.com

f. Does anyone have the link for the Los Cabos Municipality to pay property taxes and can they be paid on line with a U.S. credit card? gaillynnweaver@aol.com


a. Revolving Door will be playing at LaPlaya on Friday Jan 10th.. Come on out and dance with us…. Don’t forget to try the food at LaPLaya, one of the best paces to eat in Los Barriles… Reservations are recommended for dinner… LaPlaya is right on the beach next to ExotiKite… music starts at 7:00

b. Saturday 11 January. Willy’s Bar&Grill live music with Los Chicharrones Duo at 7pm. Come and enjoy with us!​ ​Reservations and info. 6241325419 – hguillermo.willy@gmail.com

c. Cancelled –  Friday Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa joeslosbarriles@gmail.com

d. Piano Concert. Sunday, January 12 at 1:00 pm. El Triunfo Piano Museum. Artist: Angela Zanevsky, the Laureate of International Competitions. Admission: 200 peso. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com

e. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception. FIPCAM AC Foundation our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – Contact: Maru@Vanwormerresorts.com 

f. Reminder:  S.N.A.P. is having a spay and neuter clinic on Sunday, Jan. 19 at the Cancha.  7 a.m. morning shift and 11 a.m. afternoon shift.  All volunteers welcome. This clinic is sponsored by The Book Store.  Thanks! – kathyp1210@yahoo.com


a. Last 2020 East Cape Calendars for Sale at Saturday (January 11) Community Market.  These calendars were sponsored by local businesses and all proceeds go the East Cape Rotary funding local projects.  They are bilingual and have Mexican, US and Canada holidays.  Requested donation is 12 USD or 200 Pesos. – jplotkin@jcplaw.com

b. Millie’s Kitchen: Lemon Meringue tarts, Toffie Blondies, chocolate dipped coconut macaroons(gluten free),
Pecan Tarts, BBQ pulled pork sliders(homemade bread & sauce) available Saturday CM in LB

c. Edge of the Sea Gardens will be attending the Saturday LB market with our veggie and flower starts.  The usual suspects will be attending plus eggplant and nappa cabbage!  See you there! – kke@edge2.net

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. i am looking for an antenna for a sirius radio, anybody out there with one to spare?​ ​thank you – timatkins183@gmail.com

b. Looking for a cement mixer – wtd9@yahoo.com

c. a bar refrigerator undercounter. Just needs to work well. 141-0422 – crazyconron@aol.com

d. I’m a 6’1” guy looking for an e-bike, I’m in Los Barriles. – rick.stonehouse@gmail.com


a. Everyone is invited to attend worship services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet at 9 AM every Sunday.  Our church is located on the paved road that takes off from Tio Pablo’s about 300 yards before you get to the post office in Los Barriles.  The message this Sunday from Mark 16:1-8 is titled “An Empty Tomb for Empty Lives.”  Also featured this Sunday is our missionaries Tim and Rebecca Wicks and their children David, Aaron, and Eleanor.  Come early for coffee, snacks and good fellowship. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. Enjoy a Sunday Brunch at Maxico Restaurant and Bar (Tres Palapas) from 9 AM to 1 PM including​ ​coffee, juice, fruit plate, pan dulce, omelette, beans and potato sides. – info@maxico.mx

b. Football Playoff’s Hotel Los Pescadores – Saturday and Sunday – Food and Beverage Available and parking too!!! – contact@fisheastcape.com

c. Thursday Jan 9 – 2 for $25 – Share an appetizer and order 2 entrees from our menu for only $25 – contact@fisheastcape.com


a. Tres Palapas is now open Sundays between 8AM and 1PM. Enjoy the half-price drop-in and the new Sunday brunch offer of Maxico restaurant. – info@trespalapasbaja.com

b. Dr Dennis, our local Chiropractor and Natural Healthcare Doctor, is in on M-W-F and some Saturdays by appointment;  970-799-7068 or densaidyes  AT aol.com      Conveniently locate in YOGA GARDEN –

c. How can I help you?  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com


a. North waist harness size large in good shape, 50 rides ​ ​And…DaKine seat harness (shorts – style), large, 30 rides​ ​kochucove@yahoo.com

b.Slingshot Misfit 136 twintip kiteboard.  Seldom used due to switching to surfboards.  Like new 275 clams.  See bajasur CL post #7052485417. Sam – build14u2@aol.com

c. 5’2″ Slingshot Screamer surfboard. Good shape, no dings. 250 tacks​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com or U.S. 435-640-0219  MX 142-8260

d. 5’6″ Slingshot Celeritas surfboard. Great shape. 250 gybes​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com or US 435-640-0219 MX 142-8260

e.2018 North Neo (10 meter) like new 900 coco’s – 2018 North click bar, like new 375 Coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/11, 4pm, have private shuttle booked. willing to share ride to LB. –chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com
1/29 Wed  Arrive 3:10pm 1-person 2- bags To LB  bajaleenyb2@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/10, leave by 1pm, 1 person, 1 carry-on bag sarah.plotkin@gmail.com
1/14 leave LB around 10:00 am 1 person, 1 carryon – thefrizwiz@yahoo.com
01 11 Sat  Leave at noon  Suzanne suzanneadams00@gmail.com

Rides Offered LB to SJD

1/11 Ride offered Saturday  leaving 8:30 AM – czekvlad@gmail.com
2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. vacations are over. Dos Amigos upholstery tapiceria is back open for business. Located directly across from Repsol kilometer 111. Telephone 624-151-1644

b. Solutions Clínica de Belleza: Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. Are you having issues with your skin? Pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. I offer solutions to these problems with non invasive treatments. Not your typical resort facial. No fillers or Botox. My treatments are clinically based and will target your specific needs. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products. Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Master and Instructor Certified Permanent Makeup Artist since 1998. Gift certificates available For more information and other services that I offer please visit my website. Www.solutionsdebelleza.com call Connie at (624)141-0422 or email: permsolutions@aol.com

c. San Jose Park N Fly Special Offer – One-year parking in front of the Los Cabos International Airport for $575 USD plus IVA tax.​ ​https://www.sjparknfly.com/2020promo/ info@sjparknfly.com​ ​(624) 104-1915​ ​*Book now and start your year during the next 3 months.  *Promotion valid when booking in January 2020.

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Hola, I am looking for a small casita in Cabo Pulmo or possibly La Rivera, La Paz or Todos Santos or ?, from early February 2020 thru May 2020.  I am happy to take care of pets of any kind, or for anyone needing some care at home.   I am a semi-retired Canadian family doctor able to help with people with medical issues; an avid animal lover, and horse trainer, with lots of experience caring for cats, dogs, horses and many other critters.  I am quiet and respectful and have many local references.  Please contact me with any questions or possible options.  Gracias, thank you Jacqueline – jryan.vancouver@gmail.com

b. Lot in Bahia Residence, #16 at the south wall . the centre of LB . $75,000 water and power. septic or a hook-up to a sewage treatment plant. 250 724 5605 canada or 646 121 1902  leland or cindy – lelandmbmah62@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 2004 flatbed trailer. 13 ft x 6 ft. Very good tires. $900 – andyiversen@comcast.net

b. Pickup Truck: 2006 Chevy Silverado 1500, 4WD, tow/hitch, loaded, runs great.  SD Plates.  9K OBO.  Call Greg 941-241-6239. bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/2006-chevy-silverado-1500-wd4/7051494256.html

c. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. No longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist:  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7050287244.html?lang=en&cc=us

d. For sale: 2015 Honda Pioneer 500, 4×4, like new condition, 561 original miles, Hard roof, windshield, horn, mirrors, cargo bed carrier, $7995

e. Standard Horizon HX 370S hand held marine radio with new battery pack. $75 beeps. – glenmilner@telus.net

f. Men’s Specialized Stump Jumper Large Frame​ ​Great condition  475 shells​ ​chicaconchita@gmail.com / 624-132-6893

g. iPHONES INK Cartridges location-El Sargento360-908-1953;  betsyinbaja@gmail.com
(1) iPhone X 64GB 725cocos (2) Battery Case for iPhone X/XS 100 cocos (3) 6s Model A 1633, 32 gb Gold, 475 cocos;  6s Space Grey(small screen crack upper right corner)375 cocos (4) 1 iPhone 5 Model A 1428 32gb white, At&t 100 cocos (5) 2 / LifeProof Battery cases 75 cocos ea (6) HP60 ink cartridges 2/Black 2/TriColor 40cocos

h. Samsung Blu Ray surround sound system. Older, but works fine. 25 tacos bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260

i. 2012 Yamaha TW200. Like new condition, always garaged, only 850 miles. 3,500 almejas​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260 –

j. Kuat NV 2.0 hitch mount bike rack. Used for one trip down Baja, perfect shape. 2″ receiver mount. 500 rides.​ ​bajachardo@gmail.com, 435-640-0219, 142-8260

k.  Ford Escape 2001, white  4wd  with 89,760 miles. 4,000 rides. 5099813838   John – jlandsmhart@yahoo.com

l. 2016 268rks 34 ft forest river vibe. Move in ready. 26,500 usd. – justice9275@gmail.com

m. Perfect Baja Truck​. ​Super strong – will never get stuck in the sand: New tires, ranch suspension, lifted​ ​Excellent condition 4,700 tires https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/d/perfect-baja-truck/7052757217.html?lang=es&cc=mxriokerry22@gmail.com

n. 1 set of Atv tires 25x10x12, 25x11x12 brand new 475 Coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

===THE END===



EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


07 Tu – Board Meeting 9:00am La Playa
07 Tu Board Dinner To Welcome Governor & Asst Governor; Include Interact Board And Members; Arrive La Playa 6:00 Pm
08 Wed Membership Meeting With Governor 8:30am La Playa
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
08 Wed Singing for Fun vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani, Yoga Garden, 3 to 4:30pm, jgrittan1@gmail.com
09 Thu 10am to 1pm Open Houses with Homes and Land of Baja
09 Thu Social At Monolo’s BBQ 5pm
10 Fri Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 Fri Full Wolf Moon
10 Fri Movie Night! “Knives Out” 7 pm Parque Laguna supports recycling – jeyers@rogers.com


a. Lost…RZR aluminum skid plate, about 3×2 ft x1/4 inch probably in La Trinidad arroyo between Santiago and la Ribera  ctoc99@hotmail.com.

b. Missing:  the Sunset edition of ” The Sea of Cortez”, hard back book that lives on the table in Yoga Garden.  If you have borrowed this book from our table, please return it. Thanks, much appreciated! – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

c. Lost my orange and white Ocean Rodeo 150 way out yesterday. Hoping one of our friends in Buena Vista might come across  it! Thanks. 587 224 8five95 – sudlowi@telus.net

d. This dog was found way to the chapel, if someone recognizes please call at 624 154 5247


a. Basic Spanish for Beginners will run from Jan. 14 to Feb. 14.​  ​This is a power verb course, which gives a shortcut to communication.​  ​Learning some Spanish is good for your brain, your heart, and your ​ ​self-reliance with authorities. Hear Spanish spoken by our town librarian, with grammar explained by me, Kay Mundt – kay.mundt@gmail.com

b. Looking for known & trusted Notario to handle property transfer.. The lot is in Buena Vista and all prior paperwork was complete.. should be fairly easy transaction..Thank you for help.. – STACEY_STACK@HOTMAIL.COM

c. Several of Chiropractor Dr. Robert Smith’s patients are going to his office in Cabo Friday morning for appointments from Los Barriles.  We have room for one more person.   He is not taking any more new patients.  You must be a prior patient.  Comfortable ride and excellent driver $25.US and 100 pesos to Robert for his excellent adjustments.  We should be back by 1pm.  Must know by Wednesday noon to schedule appointments. – erlablink@gmail.com


a. Wanted to know if someone can recommend pet friendly hotels in Ensenada. And any new laws as to returning pet thru us entry border? jmper020@verizon.net

b. Does anyone know the Dentist Sam his phone number ? Please reply swampdonkeys86@gmail.com

c. Can anyone tell me how the # 5 is from San Felipe heading south? – Michael.Tom.Hudson@gmail.com


a. Our first Monday of 2020 is here everybody!​ ​See you all this January 6th at 6:30pm ​ ​With a night special show with professional dancers! ​ ​You know you can’t miss it! They will teach you how to dance salsa, bachata,  Merengue and much more! ​ ​Let’s get some moves!!!​ ​Book your reservations: 612 131 9336 – evegarcot@hotmail.com

b. They are coming back!!!!,​ ​thursday 9th january at 6:30pm ​ ​you cant miss this band from la paz.​ ​“GATOS PARDOS “​  ​Come and dance ROCK N roll 70,80,90,s​  ​Make your reservation 6121319336​ ​La playa restaurant – evegarcot@hotmail.com

c. January 2020
Updated Schedule Of Events
Jan 1st – New Year’s Day — No Meeting
Jan 7th – Tuesday –– Board Meeting 9:00am La Playa
Jan 7th – Tuesday –– Board Dinner To Welcome Governor & Asst Governor; Include Interact Board And Members; Arrive La Playa 6:00 Pm
Jan 8th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting With Governor 8:30am La Playa
Jan 9th – Thursday – Social At Monolo’s BBQ 5pm
Jan 15th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
Jan 22nd – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 Am La Playa
Jan 23rd – Thursday—Social At Beans And Rice 5pm
Jan 29th – Wednesday — Membership Meeting 8:30 La Playa – screed10@gmail.com

d. What goes great with a movie? PIZZA of course! This Friday is the first outdoor movie night of the season at Parque Laguna Community Park. ‘Knives out’ An edge of your seat mystery/comedy starring Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Christopher Plummer.  Pre-order your pizza from Joe’s Pizza for delivery to the park before the movie starts. Settle into your seat, feast and enjoy the film. Perfect!   10% of all sales will go to East Cape Recycling Baja.   Email us for our menu and to place your order: joeslosbarriles@gmail.com or call 624 130 2222

e. Experience Open Mic at La Fogata every Wednesday. Last week, our 1st Open Mic of 2020, was a great success. New faces and old friends performed beautifully. Join us as we make high school dreams come true. Happy hour is 4-6, sign up at 6 and music at 7. Reservations are a good idea. Call Norma at 624-177-2812

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. 32′ or larger 5th wheel trailer with slide outs. American title. – billophoto@aol.com

b. Study Spanish with Paulina on 2020!!​  ​Level 1 February 3-28  M/W/F 9-11 am​  ​Level 2 February 11-March 13 T/Th 9-11 am – spbaja5@gmail.com

c. Looking for a travel trailer or RV, must be in good livable shape and over 28 feet long.  Anything in the 5,000 to 10,000 sleeps range considered. – ranpar01@hotmail.com

d. Futon couch. – dbsims@sbcglobal.net

e. 26 year old local looking for a job, can do alot of things, very polite, friendly, can speak english, and of course spanish. Thanks in advance. – juliancastroisais@gmail.com

f. Is there anyone driving down to Los Barriles that could bring a couple of bags or more of Tragger pellets any combination, – easylifehd51@gmail.com

g. Sling for shoulder. Like what you might get from the doctor if you broke your clavicle or after shoulder replacement or rotator cuff surgery. – bajacarlita@gmail.com

h. Does anyone have a cheap set of headphones they want to part with.  The speaker on my laptop died.  Looks like a pin jack same as microphone input.  No earbuds please. – thomwdavis@gmail.com

i. Does anyone have or know where I can get salvaged RV or trailer windows? The kind that slide open. tishthespy@hotmail.com


a. Tired of Turkey and Tacos – Tuesday at Hotel Los Pescadores – Asian. Ramen, Egg Rolls, Schezwan, Orange Glazed Ribs and more – Reservations Recommended. 624 121 8786 – contact@fisheastcape.com

b. Come on up to “Zopilotes” Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. We have the flavours to Satisfy your Sweet Tooth” 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday. Closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook-Follow us on Twitter- zopis.sanbartolo – zopilotes.sb@gmail.com


a. “Singing for Fun” vocal workshop with Jeanette Grittani (Jeanetti Spaghetti). Spring into the new year with song.  At the Yoga Garden, Wednesday, Jan 8th, 3 to 4:30pm.  Contact: jgrittan1@gmail.com

b. How can I help you?  Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com – Happy Healthy 2020!!

c. Monday 13, 10:00 to 1:00 at Tres Palapas, Linocut workshop, design, carve, print and take home your creation printed on paper, this one is dedicated to Sea Life, living in Baja in the aquarium of the world, who doesn’t feel inspired… join us let flow your creativity make something beautiful! For more info reserve your spot please contact me xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com


a. ISO ladies mediumish new/lightly used kiting seat harness. – nancymcgrew@gmail.com

b. 2018 North Neo’s in great condition​ – ​6 meter like new 700 coco’s​ – ​8 meter like new 800 coco’s​ – ​10 meter very good condition 900 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

c. Slingshot, Simulator foilboard new 600  – Levitaz, Bionic foil new including custom BU board cost over 4000 selling for less than half  – DaKine, Vega, Vision and Fusion seat harness new 160 – Gath, Gedi helmets 160 – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM

d. Ozone, Wasp 4 m wing used 8 times with small repair 600 or new 800 wing-thingy – GABORVAGI@GMAIL.COM


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net
1/28 arrive 2:10 to LB 1 person – Dshannonbrady@gmail.com

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/10, leave by 1pm, 1 person, 1 carry-on bag sarah.plotkin@gmail.com
1/14 leave LB around 10:00 am 1 person, 1 carryon – thefrizwiz@yahoo.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

Caravan –

hello, looking for a ride from la ventana la paz area sometime in january. i will contribute gas money and can help with the driving. thanks, lindsey – lindseyatterbury1@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. This New Year ExotiKite Kiteboarding would like to thank all of the local residents who refer their family and friends to us by offering 15% off our 2hr taster lesson!  A memorable experience for all of your guests. We offer local discounts for all of our lesson packages.  Please contact us at kiteboarding@exotikite.com or call +1 541 490 8399 and we will happily assist you with booking your lessons.  Happy New Year! –

b. We at Salt+Cotton would like to wish everyone a very joyful New Year!  We continue to bring you high quality, locally made, sustainable gifts and clothing, receiving new shipments weekly! Stop on in and check out what we have to offer.  Open 9am-3pm, 7 days a week.  Located next to Mailboxes LB on Calle Costa Brava. – saltcottonbaja@gmail.com

c. drip drip.  Let’s get your roof sealed while the sun is out.  Free Estimates.  Lots of references. Baja Kevin – bajasynergy@gmail.com

d. East Cape Roofing.  Specializing in.  waterproofing homes.  Top quality products.  Experienced installers. References.  Free estimates. Chuck – eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Over Crowded?…Storage with the best!​ ​Lighthouse Storage​- ​39x13x13 ft Indoor storage​ – ​19x13x13 ft Commercial premises​,  ​Quality and security are not expensive, they are PRICELESS!​ ​Located north highway 1, next to Repsol Gas station​ ​mobile phone 624-125-4915 – pieromartello110@gmail.com

b. Don’t miss the Homes and Land of Baja Open Houses this week January 9, 2020, form 10am to 1pm.      Studio Six,  Casa Delfin in Santa Maria, Whispering Dove and our newest listing, Casa Solmar.   Maps will be ready Thursday am after 9am.

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – 2″ coupler, galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. One trip from BC Canada to bring quad, no longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist:  https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7050287244.html?lang=en&cc=us –

b. Ford F-150, 2003, excellent condition, 5,500 obo see ad on Craigslist. ​ ​https://bajasur.craigslist.org/cto/7050758158.htmlcasablancainbaja@gmail.com

c. New Atv tires only 400 coco’s​ – ​Side by side tires only 475 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

d. 23′ chris craft , 305 tpi inboard, volvo out drive, on tandem trailer 3000 clams 624 171 0031 – ferngary@yahoo.com

e. washing machine, good condition 100 washes.   2 metal camper saw horses, 22″ hi X 48″ wide 20.00 lifts
624-171-0031 – ferngary@yahoo.com

f. 22′ Sea Kayak by Nimbus, Skana model.  5 cockpits, 3 for cargo, 2 for people.  Rudder pedals in rear passenger compartment.  All Kevlar, only weighs 80 pounds. Includes 2 carbon fiber paddles and spray skirts.​ ​Holds a ton of gear.  206 734-1077  624 182-2989. See craigslist add.   bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/22-sea-kayak/7051056596.htmlbajamark1@comcast.net

g. California King size platform bed and mattress. 200 US Sheets.    Large Brinkman BBQ with propane cannister, 100 US Burgers.  12’X12’ pop up Gazebo with screen, new in the box 100 US mosquitos.  cftlet@msn.com or US phone 541 661 2146

===THE END===





05 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum.  Angela Zanevsky. at 1:00 pm. 200 pesos
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
09 Thu 10am to 1pm Open Houses with Homes and Land of Baja
10 Fri Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 Fri Full Wolf Moon
10 Fri Movie Night! “Knives Out” 7 pm Parque Laguna supports recycling – jeyers@rogers.com

Daily Happenings

Every Monday 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
9:30am – Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
Every Tuesday Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Every Wednesday Barre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
9:30am- Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden
11-am- Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Thursday 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Alanon meetings. 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista.
8am and 9:30am- Yoga Basics Plus w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
11:00am- Therapeutic Yoga w/Jackie at Yoga Garden
Every Friday Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
11:00am– Gentle Yoga 55+ w/Janet at Yoga Garden
Every Saturday LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
8am- Movement, Mantra and Meditation w/Sue or Jackie at Yoga Garden
9:30am- Slow Flow Yoga w/Megan at Yoga Garden jackiereeves1002@gmail.com
Every Sunday Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services


a. Found: kite bag and pump on beach N of Exotikite. Placed it in the geezer shack… – kochucove@yahoo.com

b. Found prescription chanel sunglasses by waters edge near Exotikite – justiceskate@gmail.com

c. Lost Airrush compact surfboard.  No straps. My wife won’t stop nagging me.  Please help. I will be very happy grateful if anyone can help. 24 yellow bullets reward. – justintremblay@icloud.com


a. We really like and appreciate our friends and locals but sadly, with increasing cars in LB we have to restrict parking in our lot to people coming to:
1. Homes and Land
2. Information center
3. Pizza Gourmet
We have been happy to provide free parking for years for the stores and restaurants that aren’t providing parking, but now LB is a lot more crowded. Sometimes it may look like you can just run in and go to other stores for even two minutes but you can’t. The lot fills up in minutes then the Pizza restaurant and Homes and Land can’t even park in front of our own offices. Thank You for understanding! – David@homesandlandofbaja.com

b. Sierra De La Laguna – Hiking The Sierra de la Laguna Posting for guests, they are interested in overnight or day hike or even cross over in either direction. Looking to connect with like minded adventurers–Guides . Peter Obstfeld, peterokelowna@hotmail.com, 6242269453 –

c. to all hunters, valdez outfitters has a couple of duck hunting trips the end of january and february, our first trip the end of december was amazing, lots of ducks, for photos please visit our facebook page or send me an email i will send you photos, also white wing doves here locally is great, for info please contact esaul valdez at esavalmar@gmail.com or cel # 624-129-6525

d. East Capers Magazine is working on the February/March issue.  If you are an organization and wish to announce an event, have an interesting Baja story or wish to advertise, please contact us right away!  Deadline for submissions is January 15th.  Magazine will be on the streets on Feb 1st     email – eastcapersmagazine@gmail.com


a. Weaver . Craig Michael or anyone who knows him, I have his electric bill. – erlablink@gmail.com


a. East Cape Guild Meeting Jan 8th @ 11:00 La Playa – kaplotkin@aol.com

b. Save the date for the Guild fund raiser event of the year!​ ​Monte Carlo Night February 22 @ 5:00​ ​Tickets on sale @ community market January 18th – kaplotkin@aol.com

c. Art and Craft Day resumes Wednesday 8th. Anytime after 8:30.​. ​Bring yourself and any thing or idea you want to work on. Or perhaps just come see what’s happening.  There’s lots of room.​ ​It’s next door to Playa Del Sol.  Cross the cattle guard and look left come through gate into area, second house on left,  if green doors.​ ​Kitty McGee. Ph# 124-8029 – ksmcgee@psci.net

d. MOVIE NIGHT!  Friday, Jan 10, 7pm. East Cape Recycling and Environmental Education is pleased to present our first movie of the season “Knives Out,” nominated for 3 Golden Globes including Best Picture! An edge of your seat mystery/comedy starring Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Christopher Plummer. See the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGqiHJTsRkQ

You may place your chairs at Parque Laguna community park any time after 5pm for a 7pm start on our 18″ BIG SCREEN! We will have our theater style popcorn with real butter and sea salt (vegan version available by request), wine, beer, water and treats for purchase!!  Your donation 100% supports Recycling and Environmental Education in our Community and we greatly appreciate your support as we begin an exciting new movie season. See You At The Movies!!  jeyers@rogers.com

e. [Note: half the tickets are already sold!] The party to end all parties is coming to Los Barriles on Friday, January 17th, 2020 as a fundraiser for the new orphanage (alburgue) planned for El Cardonal, BCS. The new orphanage was inspired by a woman who had to abandon her children in the colonies (the slums near the SJD airport) while she left to seek medical care for her child with cancer. Location: Jeff Haycock’s Casa in Buenos Aires (on the Saddle). Tickets are $35 USD and include: The Revolving Door Band — Pig roast — Huge Fireworks Display — 1st Drink Free. Tickets available at: www.leaders2give.org, Los Barriles Wine & Tequila (at Hotel Palmas de Cortez), and Baja Homes & Land Office. They are limited so get yours today! For more info: http://bit.ly/2PNErTh – Kaivalyapada@gmail.com

f. Mosaic workshop hosted by Christene Comstock  Monday Jan.13th from 9-1.​ ​Kitemomma@yahoo.com​ ​624-160-1203 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl7rLWSY9hY&feature=sharekitemomma@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. looking for an entry level stand up paddle board for a reasonable price. danielwcoburn@gmail.com

b.  Wanted: Wheelbarrow, jack stands, hydraulic floor jack, bar stools, round table top with or without base, trailer ramps or car ramp stands. – erlablink@gmail.com

c. wanted pet friendly 2 bedroom for 2021. this is our 6th year returning to los Barriles. feb1 till april 30. clean and tidy people. – lelandmbmah62@gmail.com


a. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com


a. “Zopilotes”Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo has the flavours to “Satisfy your Sweet Tooth” Either by Road or Arroyo, it’s well worth the trip. 2 for 1 Sundaes every ​ ​Sunday. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday Closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook-Follow us on Twitter- zopis.sanbartolo –


a. Yoga class for children every Wednesday  4 to 5 at  Tres Palapas more info xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com reserve a spot. –

b. East Cape Healthcare. A 2020 Resolution !  Now is the time to look into your options for good International Insurance coverage. Full time or Part time residents can get Accident, Emergency & Injury Protection, with your choice of doctor and hospital. Good benefits at affordable costs. U.S. coverage can be added. Travel MedEvac the​ ​‘Fly Me Home’ coverage available. contact: eastcapehealthcare@gmail.com

c. Tai Chi reminder .. classes were postponed over the holidays, but will resume Tuesdays at 10:30am, Yoga Garden studio.  Please write for info hansheld@gmail.com


a. Longbord Travelbag 12 2 Bords 3 Sails 2 masts 2 Booms  Brand DAKINE 70 Trips.  All Windsurfing gear you need,cam cheap too you.   624 16 86647

b. Northwave ZX-9 5.2, VG condition.​ ​Chinook skinny carbon mast extension – long.  VG condition​ ​bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/windsurf-gear-los-barriles/7049702695.htmldaxbuddy1@gmail.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo Arrive 1:00, 2 people richvelasquez@gmail.com
1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com
1/6 arrive 2:15pm 1 person 2 sm bags to LB share/pay gas – kitinjim@me.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com
Anytime – Great professional local driver w/perfect english  —Max: 011 52 624 160 5225—clean ride w/complimentary iced bottled water  SJD-LB. debLayton referred ​. ​Txt/call Max:  011 52 624 160 5225 open to reduction in price 

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.ARE YOU TIRED of the hassles of booking travel? Try Dealioz.com! Fast, Efficient, Discreet! With 20 years of travel experience as a flight attendant handling the research, the booking and it’s DONE! A FREE SERVICE! https://dealioz.com/businesses/travel-concierge-service/

b. Copper River Designs Jewelry store is located on Costa Brava street next to Mailboxes downtown Los Barriles.  M-F 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturdays 9-1. There’s 25% off on Silver and 10% off everything else. – christinerogersbaja@yahoo.com

c. Still Looking for Luci Rittenhouse.  The Flying Donkey at aeroburro brought the mail today and we have a couple of letters for Luci Rittenhouse. Please come in and claim your mail at Plum Loco.

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Trailer for rent. Baja SunRise RVpark / Buena Vista Pemex Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Description: Starwood LX 32 Ft. Trailer 55 stays a night 350 a week. 2nd & 3rd row openings, full hookups.
+52(624)159-0853 yotalleyho@gmail.com

b. Double view lot for sale by owner. Central location adjacent to SW corner of cemetery. 360 degrees of spectacular views on highest lot in vicinity. Asking 95K. Water and sewer ready for connection
Contact: northwave@ymail.com

c. 2 BR/2 bath La Ribera home 4 sale by owner. Fully furnished.  Large palapa porch, beautiful outdoor shower, washing machine. Water tank (pila) on roof + city water + 100 gal. propane tank.  Approx. 1/2 mile from beach.  Photos on Craigslist:  bajasur.craigslist.org/reo/d/for-you-la-ribera-home/7049342680.html. – josephbonifer@yahoo.com

d. Beautiful view lot for sale in La Ribera. 25 x 50 m. 624-219-7553 – huxleydk@gmail.com

e. for sale building  lot in bahia residence. centre of town. $75,000. – lelandmbmah62@gmail.com

f. Location: Lomas de El Centenario, La Paz.​  ​for a single or couple: Room, separate building from the main house, king size bed, very modern full bath, closet,  American dish TV, WI-FI, internet, Ceiling fan, Cold and Hot air conditioning. Full House keeping.  Terrace and BBQ and Poll available. Meals can be served for an additional cost. Rent by day, week or month. ​ ​Price and photos on request, jebeddy2012@hotmail.com   612 348 9793

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Travel trailer, 26-foot fully self contained, A/C, heat, dual axle, 2009 Keystone Springdale, fully equipped, new tires, excellent condition, long list of add-ons, in California, 15,000 campouts. Call with questions, 530 306-1910 or email wonnorth@pacbell.net

b. 4 radial, tubeless tires, P215/70 R14- 96T, good shape. 1,450 tacos for 4 or 450 tacos each. Can be seen in Los Barriles. – dorbaja@hotmail.com

c. winebago for sale   low miles  runs good good tires   az. plates  6000  cocos no less – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

d. 2004 Dodge Dakota SLT V-8 4WD 68,000 Miles, Canopy, Tow pkg, xtras, Ex Cond, Craig’s List BCS 8850 rides – jmacauley@quiltmasters.com

e.2017-Polaris ranger 570 4seater gree in top shape low hours call are txt  MARIO +19169127466

f. $9500 obo rides bajasur.craigslist.org/sneak/2017-Polaris-ranger-570/7049643473.html. salserodragon@gmail.com

g. 1995 16ft aluminum center Console smoker craft Alaskan beach launcher with a new Bimini top has a cover. $4200obo fishysCall are txt MARIO +19169127466 bajasur.craigslist.org/boa/d/16-ft-aluminum-beach-launcher/7049643149.html. salserodragon@gmail.com

h. Standard Horizon HX 370S hand held marine radio. New battery pack. 75 beeps. – glenmilner@telus.net

i. Not wanted: 1 bag Kirkland brand chicken, rice and vegetable dog food.  $900 kibbles. 624-225-2174 – walkoskis@hotmail.com

j. 30 ft tall  full grown coco brought to your house and planted  must have good access   300  in laribera   400 in los barriles  cocos that is – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

k. Roku Premiere 4K & HDR streaming unit.   New in box and unopened.  This is the way to watch TV!   Bought an extra one.  45 movies    jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

l. Hitch Lock – Chrome C-lock, heavy duty locking, 5/8″ hitch pin with weather guard protection.  New unused in original wrap.   Made by Cocoweb.  Comes with two keys.  13 hitches   email – jandcinthebaja@gmail.com

===THE END===


EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar


03 Fri The Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
05 Sun Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum.  Angela Zanevsky. at 1:00 pm. 200 pesos
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
09 Thu 10am to 1pm Open Houses with Homes and Land of Baja
10 Fri Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 Fri Full Wolf Moon
10 Fri Movie Night Laguna Park


a. lost my kiteboard on dec. 30/19. surfboard style. litewave dv8. red and white. please contact vela at  hotel playa del sol or email me at paulsommerville@shaw.ca

b. Red lost wiener dog/ dashound has been wandering in front of our house on the beach all day – soleiarutter@gmail.com

c. Found red and white kiteboard floating in Buena Vista on Dec 30.  Text 5037085334 with details if it is yours. – scottschlechter@gmail.com

d. Please return my Corona flip flops removed from the beach in Spa Buena Vista 10am- noon on 1/2…not valuable, but they’re mine…. – matthew@mcn.org


a. Bonjour I’m Pepi and came to Kite surf  in Los Barriles with friends from Vancouver BC. My contribution to the community is a You Tube Channel where I post videos to promote the work of the voluntary from Los Barriles.  shorturl.at/bcguU  – 3 videos on line this year: East Cape Recycling https://youtu.be/NHjUjOuY9lI, Barriles Area Trail Stewards https://youtu.be/qJM2b_dFRWI, Los Barriles Farmers Market, christmas 2019 https://youtu.be/qkPDfhcr6KM.  If any body is interested to have a video to promote volunteer work for Los Barrilles community you can contact me: t.damilano@mac.com

b. It’s 2020! A great year to focus on creating positive habits to keep our precious Sea of Cortez free of plastics and protect your desert and mountain environments. Make the choice – commit this year – make 2020 the year you focus on recycling as a life habit. This new decade is pivotal to our home planet’s health. You have the power within your own life habits to make a difference. Whatever it takes, just start. Crush your aluminum cans, smash your plastics, breakdown your cardboard. Bring them on ‘First Thursday’ between 9 am and 11 am and we’ll help you the rest of the way. East Cape Recycling Center at Baja’s Resort at East Cape across from the Modelorama. Focus, it’s 2020! – combertheresa@hotmail.com

c. Hola Amigos! I have two spots open for my first tour to the Pacific coast. Dates are Jan 6th to 8th. January is the best month to catch Snook and Curvina. Join us for this adventure to Rancho La Aguja. The tour has a cost of $350 dlls per person and is an all inclusive deal: transportation, meals, drinks and tackle. Its a soft camping experience as we have all the services available (bathroom, electricity and kitchen). For more information you can call me at 624-122-5019 or by email at felipe.valdezmtz@gmail.com

d. BajaNight Sky – Friday Night 1) Sirius, brighteststar in the sky, is rising in the SE at 8 pm. Can you find Betelgeuse, the redstar at Orion’s shoulder above Sirius? It is a variable star, 2.5 times fainter now than three months ago. 2) TheQuadrantids Meteor Shower peaks around 1 am tomorrow morning. It is famous forlong, bright, exploding meteors. There should be a few Friday evening. 3) Haveyou seen the Southern Cross?  At 6 am fora few weeks, it sits low directly in the south.  For more January star gazing click here. Tom at BajaNightSky@gmail.com

e. Trying to get two or three of Chiropractor Dr. Robert Smith’s prior patients together so we can go down to see him the week of January 5th.  He still charges 100pesos and a comfortable ride down and back $25.  We would leave in the morning and be back by 1pm.  Pick you up and return you to your home.  We could possibly go once a month if it works out for everyone. – erlablink@gmail.com

f. Rotary Interact Kids collected gifts for underprivileged children. Thank you to all who gave toys for Christmas on December 21st. In just a couple of hours at the Fountain our Rotario Los Barriles Interact Club collected over 200 gifts and a more than $1,000 usd cash to brighten up the holidays for families in need. Congratulations, Los Barriles and all of East Cape for sharing what we have with those who have not. – screed10@gmail.com


a. Has anyone had recent experience ferrying a US plated vehicle from Mazatlan to La Paz on a Visa Temporal?  Also any recent ferry experience while traveling with pets (larger dog) would be super helpful.  :),  Thank you!! – barrileschente@gmail.com

b. Does anyone have any suggestions for technical support for a Macbook Air?  Thank you.

c. I’m in need of a passport photo.  Can anyone recommend a place that produces them?  Thanks. kleeg2016@yandex.com

d. Water outages in LB – is there any notice?​  ​Ours has been out almost 12 hours this time.  It goes out about weekly for a couple of hours, but this is nuts.  Any idea if this was a planned outage, and if so, how do mere mortals know when the outage schedule is?
Tnx – daxbuddy1@gmail.com


a. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception. FIPCAM AC Foundation our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – Contact: Maru@Vanwormerresorts.com 

b. A Spanish class for beginners will be held from Jan. 14 to Feb. 14. Learning some Spanish is excellent for your brain, your heart, and your self-reliance. This series is limited to 10 people. Hear Spanish spoken by our local librarian, with grammar explained by me, Kay Mundt. – kay.mundt@gmail.com

c. Piano Concert at El Triunfo Piano Museum. Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 1:00 pm. Artist: Angela Zanevsky, the Laureate of International Piano Competitions. Admission: 200 pesos. Tickets are available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com


a. Edge of the Sea Gardens will be attending the LB Market on Saturday Jan. 4th with a whole new selection of tomatoes, flowers, herbs and other veggies.  There are lots of varieties and the starts are huge!  Additionally, if you are needing bone meal and epsom salts for your veggies, citrus trees or palm trees I will have that also!  Thank You! – kke@edge2.net

b. Fresh Smoked Yellow-tail and Smoked Yellow-tail dip this Saturday at the Community Market. We also have Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, Strawberry Jam, Salsa Verde, Vanilla beans and Baja Art cards. Hand made Blouses from Puebla. See you there, Larry and Paty – jackpotchartersbaja@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Hola! I am in need of a 2020 calendar. One with large squares that I can write on. dolphina1cyndi@aol.com 624 166 5852 Mex. cell

b. wanted car or suv. 2006 or newer please in good condition. air conditioning a plus. – jhenvy@yahoo.com

c. Looking for mid size, 4×4, affordable vehicle.  Hit a cow on my drive down in November and probably won’t get my car back till the end if the season if I do.  Thanks! – justiceskate@gmail.com


a. Gentle Yoga 55 + with Janet, returns Friday, Jan. 3, at 11 a.m., at the Yoga Garden. Discover the benefits of yoga for the body and the spirit at any age. New to yoga? This is a perfect starting class. Class continues Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. – jampaulson@gmail.com

b. I’m here for you! Members and non-members welcome. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com – Happy Healthy 2020!!

c. Kundalini Yoga is back at the Yoga Garden.  Every Sunday from 9 – 10:15am.  Classes include stretching, a yoga set, deep relaxation and a meditation.​ ​Its a great way to start your day – spielmann444@gmail.com

d. Everyone is invited to attend services at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet every Sunday at 9AM.  This Sunday is communion Sunday and the main message will be from the Book of Mark. Our church is located on the paved bypass road up the hill from Tio Pablo’s about 300 yards before you get to the post office in Los Barriles.  Come early and enjoy coffee, snacks and good fellowship. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. Santa let you down so time to treat yourself. Full carbon Slingshot  Hypermiler board and Lift foil. 1100 American zooms.https://bajasur.craigslist.org/spo/d/foil-kiteboard-all-carbon/7040895732.htmlfeelih@gmail.com

b. Used 12m Naish Trip kite w/bar & lines, good condition  325 waves  triplej@frontier.net

c. 12m North Rebel kite, no rips or leaks, never been repaired. Comes with 24m lines and North trust bar. 350 tacos – sudlowi@telus.net


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo Arrive 1:00, 2 people richvelasquez@gmail.com
1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com
1/6 arrive 2:15pm 1 person 2 sm bags to LB share/pay gas – kitinjim@me.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  
1/15 flight is at 2pm, 2 persons 1 bag – rregbert@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Joels palm trees and desert plants 10 ft tall ground to to top of  leaves 150 cocos  you come dig them up  can fit in pick up trailer better fan palms 6 ft 100 cocos sercas 75 cocos agave cactus 30 cocos we also deliver and plant the big trees – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.mountain bike full suspension, opus lace 26″ ,  women’s small , sram components, like new, 600 cocos – nkbeveridge@gmail.com

b. 2005 Sprtsman 800 Razor, 2 seater,mint condition, 400 miles 5,500 rides – bajasun@aol.com

c. F/S 2017 Kawasaki Mule, 2 bench seats,​ ​new condition, power steering, 800 hours 7,000 rides,  bajasun@aol.com

d. 2015 Ford F150 Platinum trim, manufactured and then imported from Dearborn Mich, now with Mexican plates and 35,000 miles.  Call Jim in LB 624-121-6930 or bajajim1234@yahoo.com

e. 2008 ultra lite travel trailer. 23′ + 6′ extension at rear, making it 29′.  Good condition with two queen beds.​  ​listed on craigs list: link.  https: // post.craigslist.org/u/pbxcbsys6hg6ds6q3ricq/zmcpybillophoto@aol.com

f. Penn International 80ST 2-speed, factory refurbished–like new.  400 fish.  Kenmcdowell38@yahoo.com

g. 22 ft panga, 90HP 4 stroke Mercury 2002, Bimini top, Center console, Marine Radio, GPS, pumps, bait tank, Fish Finder Trailer, Mexican Papers.11,500 Green Frogs or best offer, Oscar 6241512929pikuchito@hotmail.com.

h. New 2019 Utility trailer, 10′-11’3″X5″X15″ – 2″ coupler, galv steel, front and rear expandable ramp. One trip from BC Canada to bring quad, no longer needed. Cargo cap 2100 pounds. 1999 beans. 624-227-3232  goldbook@shaw.ca See Craigslist: https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7047946820.html?lang=en&cc=us

i. Seeds anyone? I have 12 brand new Heirloom tomato seed packets from Annie’s Heirloom Seeds…I bought way too many for my garden space.   Will sell for one tomato each.  Assorted kinds, ready to plant.  lynnmirassou@gmail.com.   624-124-8242 –

j. 14 ft custom trailer Georgia made 2018. Kept inside and used to bring home items down. Heavy duty springs and custom wheels. Hauls 4×4 razor 4 seater. 8000 clams – mikewagnon4@gmail.com

k. 2013 yamaha kodiak 450 quad, low kms ,excellent condition, 6200 rides,  624 225 3755, randrew3@shaw.ca

l. kahuna paddle boards ,sup  touring , blow up ,12′ long , new condition , includes bag ,with rollers / backpack , 3 pc carbon paddle , repair kit ,2 stage pump ,leash , fin  850 strokes, 624 225 3755,, cj1795@shaw.ca

m. Two light-duty dirt bikes. High end, very trick, very torquey. Pro-rider quality.
https://advrider.com/motoped-is-it-a-dirt-bike-moped-or/  3k cocos new. No reasonable offer refused. Jeff 142-8978 or jrd1415@gmil.com

n. Slime Sealant & Tire Repair – 1 gallon bottle, unopened, enough to do all four ATV tires. Prevents and repairs flat tires. Includes a pump to insert the Slime. 29 pumps. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

o.TV wall mount by Perlesmith. Brand new; still in box. Lockable mount for RV use. Full motion articulating arm with swivel. Holds 23″ – 43″ TVs weighing up to 77 lbs. Asking 35 programs. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

p. 2003 26ft panga diesel for sale, fully equipped! immaculate condition. photos email jonanthonynaihe@yahoo.com

q. Onix Pure 2 pickleball balls. 6-pack. Orange. Brand new; never used. Still in box. 15 dinks. – alibillygilmour@aol.com

===THE END===

BPE and Spam Folder

Please if you have trouble with any of the instructions, email filetnrelease@gmail.com for help.

Most of the spam issues are gmail subscribers.  Here are instructions for a quick and easy fix.  Quick fix for Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook and IOS are also included below.

  1.  You want to create a ‘Filter‘ for all emails from bpe@thebajaponyexpress.com

  2.  Open your gmail.   At the top of the screen in the ‘Search Mail‘ field click on the down arrow.

  3.  Type in the ‘From‘ line  bpe@thebajaponyexpress.com   You should also type in your email address in to ‘To‘ field.   Click on the ‘Create filter‘ button


  4. Check the ‘Never send it to Spam‘ box and ‘Always mark it as important’ , then click ‘Create filter‘ button.   From this point on all BPE’s will be sent to your Inbox.

The following links will help those using Yahoo, Hotmail, or Outlook.   The basics are the same.  Make sure you specify bpe@thebajaponyexpress.com, type your email address in to ‘To‘ field, send to Inbox.

  1. Yahoo – https://www.lifewire.com/set-up-filter-yahoo-mail-1167129

  2.  Hotmail – https://www.lifewire.com/set-up-incoming-mail-filter-windows-hotmail-1174311

  3.  Outlook – https://www.lifewire.com/auto-filter-sender-mail-to-folder-outlook-1173804

  4. MacWorld – https://www.macworld.com/article/3047676/how-to-filter-email.html





a. Open Mic is a GO on Wednesday, Jan.1, 2020! Start the new year right with local and visiting entertainers at La Fogata. Happy hour is 4-6, signup to preform from 6-7 and music plays from 7-930. Come drink, dance, eat and support a good cause, the Eastcape Guild, in our efforts to give good kids a chance to go to high school.

b. East Cape Guild general meeting on Wednesday January 8th at 11am is at La Playa.  All welcome. – kaplotkin@aol.com

c. New Years Eve beach bonfire and Mutton Roast and Mariachi music at Vela Baja 31 Dec at 7pm.  Food by advance ticket purchase (cash only) from Vela Baja office shop located within grounds of Playa Del Sol Hotel.  Drinks available from hotel Palapa Bar (not included in ticket price)  Tickets $20 or 400 peso per person.  Limited availability – velabaja@gmail.com

d. Hola amigos!  One occasion only! As welcoming New Years! This Monday 30th we will be switching Salsa night for Tuesday, 31st!  Starting with a different Cuban band than our usual performing @ 7:00pm. Having a special menu, don’t forget to book your reservations! You can’t miss celebrating and receiving New Years 2020 with us at La Playa restaurant. – eve_kb@hotmail.com

e. Free Yoga class with Jackie on New Year’s Day at Yoga Garden from 10-11:15am Bring your own mat, if you have one. Join us at 9:30am that day for a smudging ceremony before yoga class.  Edie Penya will be burning white sage, and Julie Marks will be using the traditional copal and Palo Santo.  Start the New Year out right with us at Yoga Garden.  Live music for our relaxation at the end of class. – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com

f. Packages new years Manolos Bbq – No. 1 angus brisket. 250 USD (15-17 persons) # 2 stuffed turkey 200 USD (18-20 persons.) # 3 polled pork.150USD. (14-16persons) # 4turkey breast 100USD (6-8persons) or more information 6241584320 manolosbbq @ yahoo. com

g.  Rancho BuenaVista Dec 31st, 2019 6:00pm / $25usd. Karaoke Music and Dinner *Starter: Carrot cream *Main course: stuffed pork loin with pineapple & plum sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, Green beans, sweet salad. *Dessert: Carlota Lemon Rsvp: pverdugo2584@gmail.com(Menú available)

h. Join Chef Anton at Del Sol Cafe for his one of a kind New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 4 course dinner.
Hotel Playa Del Sol starting at 6pm on Tuesday & Wednesday, December 31st & January 1st for this very specail New Year’s Dinner .  $40 pp including tax. Call Playa Del Sol at 624-141-0212
https://vanwormerresorts.com/web-special/188/christmas-dinner-at-del-sol-cafe – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com

i. Come and celebrate with us the new year with a dinner party at Palmas de Cortez’s Bay View restaurant!!
3 course meal, $50.00 usd per person, includes a glass of wine and live music !!  Rsvp: 6241410839 / 6241410050 – bayview@vanwormerresorts.com

j. Join Cafe Maria for dinner before parting this Tuesday, Dec 31st! You could enjoy our delicious Shrimp Medallions, served with spinach salad and mashed sweet potato. Regular menu also available. To go: 14 105 11 Contact: pris.cafemaria@gmail.com

k. Smokey’s NYE dinner special is black pearl crusted rib eye, butter and garlic shrimp, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies and green salad $500 pesos. Limited appetizer menu. Bacon cheeseburgers or chili dogs and fries too! Reservations necessary!


a. Blue six foot dog leash in Spa Buena Vista, Monday morning on Navigantes Rd. – wendyc3392@gmail.com

b. 1 nice almost new helmet found on Coast Road past Tres Palapas Monday Dec 30… Tell me color, brand and/or size and it’s yours. Call 624-142-8948 (MX land line) or 624-210-5938 (MX cell). – aaphipps1@gmail.com


a.  Hello friends.. Only for this occasion we will be at Main Street close to Parque La Laguna from 8 to 12 on Tuesday December 24.. The Bagel Shop and Guayaberas La Otra Peninsula. Come for your bread, Cramberry Juice or Guayabera. Also we will have some other products. – cpspaz.mx@gmail.com

b. Alanon meetings every Monday and Thursday at 10:00-11:00 am. In the Serenity Garden in Spa Buena Vista. Alanon is a 12 step program for friends and families of alcoholics.  We use Alanon approved literature.  Please call 141-0267 or 619-889-2779 for direction

c. Hola Amigos! I have been writing a story for awhile. It just got published, and is available online (and in two installments). If you like to read fiction with a bias towards surfing, kiting, warm places (FL, AZ, Baja, CA, NV, the Gorge), SEX, murder, kombucha, chocolate cake, tequila (and all the accompanying dysfunction)—with a dollop of “meaning of life exploration” thrown in—you’re in luck. You can order ebook or soft cover below:
https://store.bookbaby.com/book/only-the-trying Part One is: DONUTS ARE MEANT TO BE EATEN and part Two is: ONLY THE TRYING I am donating all the proceeds to The Innocence Project:  https://www.innocenceproject.org/ Thanks! Alex M. Cook – alexander1cook@gmail.com

d. Barre is cancelled wed at the yoga garden 1-1-2020 .We will resume the 8th of February !See you there 🙂 – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com


a. can anyone recommend someone who either sells fabric for trailer awnings or does awning repair? mike @ (us number) 850.376.1360 – Ltcolmichaelquinn@yahoo.com

b. Anyone interested in beginner flute, fiddle, ukulele or guitar lessons? Contact Diane Malik at dmalikak@yahoo.com.

c. Anyone here have solid details on what appeared to be a panga sinking / with sad consequences off the shoreline of spa buena vista –  right in front of the hotels ramp – the morning of dec 30th.  Eventually ambulance and police were called,  and it did not look routine. ​  ​it did not look good –  but i did not want to cause any issues by investigating closely. – birdbrain13@gmail.com


a. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort! Treating all orthopedic issues acute or chronic. Appointments available on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00:  40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com. – Happy Healthy 2020!! –

b. Dr. Alma Vasquez will be in Los Barriles Saturday January 18th. offering treatments such as Botox, Juvderm Fillers, and Radio Frequency Skin Tightening. Through continual education and training, Dr Alma has spent the summer learning  with top MX Plastc Surgeons PBSerumSmooth Collagenase Therapy. Targets fine lines similar to one of the ways burns are treated in Spain. If you would like more info email me. New line of Physician Strength Skin Care.  For info/Appts kwmx3@yahoo.com.  report to Salon Blue 2.  Starting a preventative skin care programs in your early 40, preserves your youthful  appearance years beyond –


a. Slingshot Dwarfcraft 4-6 foil board. Great intermediate board. Good condition. 325 gybes and its yours. – robbieflatt@gmail.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com

1/6 arrive 2:15pm 1 person 2 sm bags to LB share/pay gas – kitinjim@me.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  
1/15 flight is at 2pm, 2 persons 1 bag – rregbert@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Dr Dennis, our local LB Chiropractor and clinical nutritionist, will be in his office MWF and some Saturdays by appointment.. We work on a variety of health problems, not just stiff necks and backs. Schedule a free consult today to discuss your condition. densaidyes at aol.com, or text 970-799-7068. My Best to You

b. Mail Boxes Los Barriles wishes everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year.  We thank you for your support over the last 2 years and look forward to helping you any way you need in 2020.  Mail-freight-shipping-vehicles-furniture.  As always Terry Gray Curtis at your service, Tel Mex 624-151-5530 USA 310-272-9500 mailbarriles@gmail.com & www.mailbaja.com –

c. Best B&B in La Paz, CASA MANGO.  Special rate for residents who visit La Paz; Information and reservations: 612 348 9793 or jebeddy2012@hotmail.com

d. dish network reciever for lease  sat  119  all channels – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Baja SunRise RV park – rents Starwood LX 32 Ft. Trailer 55 stays a night 350 a week. 2nd & 3rd row openings, full hookups. +52(624)159-0853 yotalleyho@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. winnebago  for sale  runs good e mail for details  older model – annabeckz1@yahoo.com

b. 4 Fox shocks. Taken off of 2016 RZR trail. 400 rides. 624 178-7640 – gcwhite44@gmail.com

c. 21 speed Dunlop bike. Good condition. 100 rides. 624 178-7640 – gcwhite44@gmail.com

d. 3 kwikset deadbolts, never used, set for $30.00 or $14.00 each. Jrlester@live.com or 406 599 3274 Robin

e. For sale. 2017 Kawasaki Mule Pro FXT.  The ultimate Los Barriles side x side. 6 seater. Like new condition. Very versatile. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2017-kawasaki-mule-pro-fxt-the-ultimate/7041120429.html?lang=en&cc=usLeeramage7@gmail.com

f. Custom trailer Fully enclosed, google axle heavy-duty shocks and springs. This thing is perfect, even has custom spider rims. Four seater razor can drive right in no problem and lock it up in the back – mikewagnon4@gmail.com

g. Kahuna 12′ inflatable stand up paddle board. 32″ wide, 6″ thick​ ​350 lb. weight load capacity.  Comes with rollerbag/packpack, carbon fiber paddle, leash, repair kit, extra fin, pump.  Excellent condition 850 strokes – cj1795@shaw.ca


===THE END===



EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

31 Tue Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, postponed today,
02 Thur Recycling at East Cape Casas & RV Resort, 9-11 a.m.
03 Fri The Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
08 Wed 14 person non-smoking van will be going to Dr. Rob’s office in Cabo. Leaving Palmas area at 8:30 AM promptly. E-mail sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com for more info
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
Repeats Weekly
Every Monday 8AM Vinyasa Flow at Yoga Garden
Restorative Nidra 5pm at Yoga Garden.
Every Tuesday Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, 10:30am, see BPE 4008, info: hansheld@gmail.com
Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Every Wednesday Barre class with Emily at the Yoga Garden 8 am – emilyphilbrick@gmail.com
Open Mic La Fogata-sign up 6pm. Music 7pm. Resv. Norna 624-177-2812
Rotary Meeting at 8:30am La Playa Restaurante
Fish man, Marcos, from La Paz, here every Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 across from East Cape Resort.
Salsa Dance Class at Yoga Garden. 1hr class, 5:30pm admission 100 pesos – neilhowe36@gmail.com
Every Thursday 10AM Yoga by the Sea at Playa Del Sol
Every Friday Ball Fusion 8:00 am at Yoga Garden ; Matwork Pilates 9:15 am at Yoga Garden
3pm Restorative Yoga with Sarah at Yoga Garden
Revolving Door will play at La Playa 7pm
Every Saturday LB Community Market!! 9am – 1pm New City Park lbcommunitymarket@Gmail.com
Every Sunday Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday, 9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM
East Cape Christian Fellowship 9am
Piedra Angular behind repsol gas station. Sunday 6 pm church services


a. Lost- Black, Nike slides. My son left his shoes at Tres Palapas this a.m 12/27. Left under table near court 5/6. Please return to Luke/Chip Wasson – mwasson@gmail.com

b. Would you like some puppy love without the life long commitment?  Cortez Rescue has six beautiful babies that really need a foster home until they are ready to go to their furever families. If you would just like to do some cuddling with these adorable sweeties please contact Kris at 624 182 3068.  We are also in desperate need of some canned puppy food. – jkshellard@hotmail.com

c. Lost: If you happened to find a women’s flowered small wallet, please contact nancymcgrew@gmail.com   May have been lost near water plant in town.


a. Bienvenidos 2020!  In the spirit of “out with the old” recycle all that holiday stuff at East Cape Casas & RV Resort on Thursday, January 2nd, 9-11 a.m.. Bring crushed plastics, aluminum, metals & cardboard/paper broken down and bundled (sorry, no glass) and a $100 peso donation. Enjoy this informative video by THIERRY DAMILANO, that highlights our ECR program:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHjUjOuY9lI&feature=youtu.be  Volunteers are always welcome…ONE hour is all that we ask. Bring a hat, gloves, and a smile. We now provide cold water (your own cup/bottle), umbrellas and music.  Help keep our community and our planet safe and beautiful! – eastcaperecycling@gmail.com


a. Does anyone have any information about the Los Barriles East Cape 300 off road race for 2020? It’s usually late Jan or early Feb. I want to run my old XR650 in the bike class as a tribute team my father who died recently. – garretchoquette@yahoo.ca

b. Would anyone be interested in exchanging/trading a room, guest casita for a very nice guest casita in Cabo Pulmo. There are times where it would be nice to stay over night in L.B. rather than drive back to Cabo Pulmo for a special event. Can send pictures on request. – tunaboy48@yahoo.com

c. Does anyone have advice on how to get technical support for a Macbook Air? – jwiley427@gmail.com

d. Is anyone leaving soon that can mail a letter?It is already stamped and ready to go. Thanks. bajalorena@yahoo.com or 141-0278 local Buenavista or 408 772-1399

e. I need to build a steel frame, sheet metal roof shed.  10 meters square.  Anyone have any recommendations? Thank you, Bruce – luvbaja2@aol.com

f. Thinking about relocating from Phoenix to Los Cabos (or elsewhere in Baja) in Feb for a working vacation. We own a general contracting business in Phoenix and we will be bringing our truck and tool trailer with us to pick up work along the way. My question is, will we have any trouble finding work in Baja? We specialize in custom tile, bathrooms, kitchens, flooring, and more. Please PM me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you so much!  Tom McDonough Torc Construction LLC tom@torcconstruction.com


a. New Years Eve beach bonfire and Mutton Roast and Mariachi music at Vela Baja 31 Dec at 7pm.  Food by advance ticket purchase (cash only) from Vela Baja office shop located within grounds of Playa Del Sol Hotel.  Drinks available from hotel Palapa Bar (not included in ticket price)  Tickets $20 or 400 peso per person.  Limited availability – velabaja@gmail.com

b. Hola amigos!  One occasion only! As welcoming New Years! This Monday 30th we will be switching Salsa night for Tuesday, 31st!  Starting with a different Cuban band than our usual performing @ 7:00pm. Having a special menu, don’t forget to book your reservations! You can’t miss celebrating and receiving New Years 2020 with us at La Playa restaurant. – eve_kb@hotmail.com

c. Free Yoga class with Jackie on New Year’s Day at Yoga Garden from 10-11:15am Bring your own mat, if you have one. Join us at 9:30am that day for a smudging ceremony before yoga class.  Edie Penya will be burning white sage, and Julie Marks will be using the traditional copal and Palo Santo.  Start the New Year out right with us at Yoga Garden.  Live music for our relaxation at the end of class. – jackiereeves1002@gmail.com


a. Bilingual Service, La Ribera: Sunday,  9:00 am, Santa Victoria en Cristo / Holy Victory in Christ. Spanish only service 5 PM. How to find us? When entering La Ribera from Santa Cruz, turn right at the Oxxo toward Cabo Pulmo. Go about a mile farther where on your right you will drive by Reys Mercado. Then go two more blocks where you turn right at the Santa Victoria sign. You will find us one short block. Easy find! We are a Christ centered, Bible believers, living in our Lord Jesus marvelous love and joy! talleyho9@msn.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Looking for someone to bring down a SIM card, will have it sent to you. Thanks, Ron Solomon – rshi5@yahoo.com

b. the lady looking for a winebago  i know some one who has one – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

c. Make learning Spanish one of your New Year’s resolutions! Spanish with Paulina Level 1 course February 3-28 Level 2 course February 4- March 6 – spbaja5@gmail.com

d. Looking for a 6 QT stove-top pressure cooker. – omigog@gmail.com

e.10-12 foot hard bottom inflatable. Prefer aluminum bottom, with trailer and 4 stroke motor. 206-722-5550 or 624-141-0890 – robincrist@gmail.com

f. Need 2 yoga mats (ours mysteriously disappeared) – happysquids@shaw.ca

g. Does anyone have a Lonely Planet Mexico book that we could borrow for an upcoming trip to Chiapas? Pretty please? – tdsimmler@netscape.net

h. looking for a dj for private party…. – dlmeehan@hotmail.com

i. I am looking for a dog crate/ kennel for a puppy that has been successfully adopted back in Alberta. Please text me at: 403-519-2107 – lifestrengthjenn@gmail.com


a. 2 for 1 Sundaes every Sunday at “Zopilotes”Ice Cream Shop in San Bartolo. 10:30-5:30 Sunday-Friday, closed Saturday. zopilotes.sb@gmail.com Like us on Facebook- zopis.sanbartolo –

b. Packages new years Manolos Bbq – No. 1 angus brisket. 250 USD (15-17 persons) # 2 stuffed turkey 200 USD (18-20 persons.) # 3 polled pork.150USD. (14-16persons) # 4turkey breast 100USD (6-8persons) or more information 6241584320 manolosbbq @ yahoo. com

c.  Rancho BuenaVista Dec 31st, 2019 6:00pm / $25usd. Karaoke Music and Dinner *Starter: Carrot cream *Main course: stuffed pork loin with pineapple & plum sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, Green beans, sweet salad. *Dessert: Carlota Lemon Rsvp: pverdugo2584@gmail.com(Menú available)

d. Join Chef Anton at Del Sol Cafe for his one of a kind New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 4 course dinner.
Hotel Playa Del Sol starting at 6pm on Tuesday & Wednesday, December 31st & January 1st for this very specail New Year’s Dinner .  $40 pp including tax. Call Playa Del Sol at 624-141-0212
https://vanwormerresorts.com/web-special/188/christmas-dinner-at-del-sol-cafe – eddie@vanwormerresorts.com


a. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort!  Treating all orthopedic aches and pains.  Jennifer Wiley, PT is offering therapy on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00 for 40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members. Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com. – Happy New Year!

b. The greenest Baja Cape Ever.  Well maybe?  Come see for yourself on a beautiful mountain, canyon and waterfall hike with us.    We are the areas professional eco-tour company, Teresa’s Tours.  See reviews on Tripadvisor.com, book and learn more at info@teresastours.com.


a. New..Rip Curl Dawn Patrol short sleeve 2.2 spring wetsuit. Large. Never been in the water. 75 LaLa’s – svslick@hotmail.com

b. windsurfing gear, all wot you need, boards masts booms sails finns 624 16 86647

c. Slingshot Dwarfcraft 4′-6″ foil board (only) $325 – tdsimmler@netscape.net

d. Ocean Rodeo 150 smoothest riding board.​ ​300 Coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

e. Ion Radar seat harness, like new condition, size L $80 tacos, Ion Vertex waist harness, fair condition size L $40 tacos – ricktyrer@hotmail.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  
1/15 flight is at 2pm, 2 persons 1 bag – rregbert@gmail.com

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Solutions Clínica de Belleza: Specializing in Therapeutic Clinical Skin care. Are you having issues with your skin? Pigmentation, acne, wrinkles. I offer solutions to these problems with non invasive treatments. Not your typical resort facial. No fillers or Botox. My treatments are clinically based and will target your specific needs. I carry a complete line of physician strength skin care products. Want your makeup looking perfect all day long? Permanent Makeup is the answer. Master and Instructor Certified Permanent Makeup Artist since 1998. Gift certificates available For more information and other services that I offer please visit my website. Www.solutionsdebelleza.com call Connie at (624)141-0422 or email: permsolutions@aol.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Baja home for sale In Spa Buena Vista, East Cape, near Los Barriles,  “Casabelle,” with WIFI, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, fenced yard, covered parking, bodega, a minute walk to the beach, washer/dryer, air conditioning every room, great outdoor covered patios upstairs and downstairs, flowers, fruit trees. Fully furnished, turn key. 250,000 rocks, discounted 25,000 pebbles! Or?? Let’s talk! Excellent rental history.  Call Bill at (530) 306-1910 or email WONNORTH@pacbell.net.

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. 26ft 2003 panga 1.7 diesel for sale: -fully equipped!! -email for additional info and photos. – jonanthonynaihe@yahoo.com

b.teeter “hang ups” inversion table, VG condition, 145 hang downs. – melntrace.livingthedream@gmail.com

c.bravo 6 double action air pump with bravo inline pressure gauge, as new only used twice, for kites or boats. lots of adaptors 25 pumps – melntrace.livingthedream@gmail.com

d. very special and rare lure rod for the beach,foojin ad energy flow japanese limited production with stradic c14+ reel, a joy to use. i can no longer walk the beach so it has to go, cost well over 1000 casts offers – melntrace.livingthedream@gmail.com

e.For sale: 2016 Honda Pioneer 700-4, 4 seater. Nearly perfect condition! https://bajasur.craigslist.org/snw/d/2016-honda-pioneer-x-in-upgrades/7042802549.html?lang=en&cc=usLeeramage7@gmail.com

f. For sale new steel bodega doors never installed.56″ wide 141″ high 700.00 or best white – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com

g. 3 new SUP boards, 1 inflatable SUP package, adjustable carbon fiber paddles, Kayak paddles, wheelkits, and more. Call Don 624125 2038 – supbaja@hotmail.com

h. Brand new ATV and side x side tires and rims.  Atv 25 x 8 x12, 25 x 10 x12- 500 coco’s.  Side x side 25 x 10 x 12, 25 x 11 x 12- 550 coco’s – mikeabbott123@msn.com

i.  Ampeak 1000/2000 W peak power modified sine wave inverter 12v to 110v ac with dual ac outlets and 2.1a USB port. unused new in box. 80 plugs – rshi5@yahoo.com

j. 6′ Fiberglass TV Satellite dish with LNB support arms and mounting base. 150 tamales – ricktyrer@hotmail.com

===THE END===



EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

28 Sat 6pm onwards. Wolfie performing Latin guitar at Mercado La Costa
29 Sun WINE&PIANO Concert with Angela Zanevsky. 1:00 PM. El Triunfo Piano Museum.$200MXN. – eventsbaja@gmail.com
31 Tue Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, postponed today,
02 Thur Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
03 Fri The Bookstore 9-12noon. HighwayOneStorage – Across from El Arco Electrical, past Resol Gas
08 Wed 14 person non-smoking van will be going to Dr. Rob’s office in Cabo. Leaving Palmas area at 8:30 AM promptly. E-mail sunsetmorghan@yahoo.com for more info
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com
10 Fri Tap Takeover at La Catrina Taproom & Bar, Mercado La Costa – joeslosbarriles@gmail.com
10 Fri Full Wolf Moon
10 Fri Movie Night Laguna Park


a. found: pair of photo-grey prescription glasses on Barracuda Lane in Los Barriles. 124-8045 – mmboughton@sbcglobal.net

b. grey/white water bottle @ thursday morning parque pickleball. may have been picked up by mistake as there was other same. need to stay hydrated! – jenniferpower@telus.net


a. BajaNight SkyTonight (Friday) thirty minutes after sunset (6:15 – 6:45 pm) look for Saturn setting in the SW under a two-day-old crescent moon with bright Venus above both of them. Saturday evening around the same time, look for Venus just above the horn of the crescent moon.  Tom at BajaNightSky@gmail.com.

b. Kite Foil Clinic with 4 x World Champion Daniela Moroz Monday 30th Dec, 10-11am at Vela Baja


a. Anyone know if the younger Dr. Lechuga, Eye Surgeon is still in practice in La Paz or? and his email address if so. – erlablink@gmail.com

b. Need recommendation for someone to finish the very peak of my little palapa roof and install the netting.  I have everything but the palm fronds. – erlablink@gmail.com

c. Does anyone have the contact information for Dr. Wang, the Dermatologist in San Jose. Thank you. thea@ctcak.net


a. Come and join us for food, drinks and Latin guitar music.  Wolifie aka Lobo will be playing Saturday 28th at  Joe’s Pizza  in Mercado La Costa. Starting at 6pm until its over.  Beef or veggie lasagna special. Reservations at 624 130 2222

b. Hola amigos!  One occasion only! As welcoming New Years! This Monday 30th we will be switching Salsa night for Tuesday, 31st!  Starting with a different Cuban band than our usual performing @ 7:00pm. Having a special menu, don’t forget to book your reservations! You can’t miss celebrating and receiving New Years 2020 with us at La Playa restaurant. – eve_kb@hotmail.com

c. Everyone is invited to attend services every Sunday at East Cape Christian Fellowship.  We meet at 9AM.  Come early and enjoy coffee, snacks and good fellowship.  We are located on the paved road that takes off at Tio Pablo’s.  We are at the top of the hill about 300 yards before the post office in Los Barriles.  This Sunday there will be a New Years message from the Book of Mark. – renotarich@gmail.com


a. Millie’s Kitchen: Happy New Year to all!!  December 28, Saturday I will have pumpkin and pecan pie.Lemon meringue tarts, toffie blondies, coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate(gluten free), Pulled pork BBQ sliders(homemade bread & sauce). If you can’t make it to the Community Market I can take orders by my e-mail, I will need 48 hours notice. Thank You       millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com

b. It’s a busy holiday week in LB and the Community Market is sure to be bustling .​ ​With a wonderful choice of produce , food , arts and crafts the Saturday market is a great place to bring out of town friends and family​. ​9am – 1pm ish at the parque la Laguna​ ​See you at the Market!

c. Fresh Smoked Yellow-tail and Smoked Yellow-tail dip this Saturday at the Community Market. We also have Pepper Jelly, Mango Chutney, Strawberry Jam, Salsa Verde, Vanilla beans and Baja Art cards. Hand made Blouses from Puebla. See you there, Larry and Paty – jackpotchartersbaja@yahoo.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Wanted cheap kayak​ ​Los Barrilles – markspowell62@gmail.com

b. We are looking for a back seat that would fit onto a small quad (Kawasaki 250 bayou).  Anyone have a used one or even a beater that I could repair? Dan 624-130-0362

c. 48″-54″ round table top or anything that size I could use for a table top. – erlablink@gmail.com

d. If you got a new android for Xmas and are not in need of your old one, i have a friend that is in need.  Thanks  weebray@gmail.com


a. None


a. Packages new years Manolos Bbq – No. 1 angus brisket. 250 USD (15-17 persons) # 2 stuffed turkey 200 USD (18-20 persons.) # 3 polled pork.150USD. (14-16persons) # 4turkey breast 100USD (6-8persons) or more information 6241584320 manolosbbq @ yahoo. com

b.  Rancho BuenaVista Dec 31st, 20196:00pm / $25usd. Kareoke Music and Dinner *Starter: Carrot cream *Main course: stuffed pork loin with pineapple & plum sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, Green beans, sweet salad. *Dessert: Carlota Lemon Rsvp: pverdugo2584@gmail.com(Menú available)

c. Join Chef Anton at Del Sol Cafe for his one of a kind New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 4 course dinner.
Hotel Playa Del Sol starting at 6pm on Tuesday & Wednesday, December 31st & January 1st for this very specail New Year’s Dinner .  $40 pp including tax. Call Playa Del Sol at 624-141-0212


a. Feel like a kid again in 2020.  Book a fun, exhilarating, and safe e-bike tour with our areas professional eco-tour company, Teresa’s Tours.  See reviews on Tripadvisor.com, book and learn more at info@teresastours.com

b. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort!  Treating all orthopedic aches and pains.  Jennifer Wiley, PT is offering therapy on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00 for 40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members. Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com. – Happy New Year!


a. north 5’2″  nugget .  naish ride 14m.  350 clams each – nip84061@yahoo.com

b. 11 m Cabrinha Drifter kite with bar  No repairs, no leaks, crisp.  300 spins. 6 m Cabrinha Switchblade kite with bar.   No repairs, no leaks, crisp.  200 spins. Adjustable Cabrinha bar 50 spins shirleyandroy@yahoo.com 

c. Neil Pryde High Hook flotation vest.  New, size XL with adjustable side gussets.  70 floats​.  ​Mystic impact vest.  As new 50 floats – shirleyandroy@yahoo.com


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/6 Mo  Arrive 3:10pm 1person 2 bags to LB.  or Share Cab? SBgiswold@gmail.com
1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11   Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

1/5 2 people, 2 bags, flight leaves 7pm. Can leave anytime in pm. – planetchiron@protonmail.com  

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Roofing specialist.  Waterproof your roof.   Top quality American products.  American run with great local workers. Lots of references.  Free estimates – Eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com

REAL ESTATE –  For Sale, For Rent, House-sitting. – Repeats in ONE week. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total. Subject to editing. (If you are a buyer and you “saw it first” on the BPE please let me know. It’s only fair that the owner pays a finders fee

a. Lots for Sale (or Lease)- Buenas Aires​: ​2 on the hillside with a view or 1 close to road and the beach
+52(624)159-0853 yotalleyho@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. I have 4 cordless phone battery packs for many GE, Sony, RCA, Motorola, Uniden and V-Tech telephones. Model BT 1011 – green, rechargeable Ni-MH —free. – genietevers@yahoo.com

b. Yamaha Super JetSki 650 MINT​ ​condition on trailer road and beach launch – Buenas Aries+52 (624) 159-0853  yotalleyho@gmail.com

c. Used Surfboards like new / 6-6 to 7-0 100 to 200 paddles with carbon fins & pads​. ​+52(624)159-0853 yotalleyho@gmail.com

d. For sale 1988 Boston whaler 18feet with Yamaha v4  115 horse power new battery. 8500.00 sea shells. – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com

e. For sale new steel bodga doors never installed.56″ wide 141″ high 700.00 or best white – jjmcgeebaja@yahoo.com

f. 2019 giant trance electric bike full suspension. https://www.giant-bicycles.com/mx/trance-eplus-sx-1-pro 6000 rides – jamiecote@outlook.com

g. 2018 trek Slash 9.7. Up graded Fox 36 float fork, chromag bars, seat and saint breaks.  5000 rides – jamiecote@outlook.com

h. 35 lb Danforth Anchor 40 moorings – maddogsinbaja@gmail.com

i. 7.5 Kg Claw anchor  30 moorings – maddogsinbaja@gmail.com


===THE END===


Merry Christmas!

EVENTS CALENDARRepeats Weekly Calendar

27 Fri Create and awe inspiring book, Bookbinding workshop 11 to 2pm at Tres Palapas Pickleball, info xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com
29 Sun WINE&PIANO Concert with Angela Zanevsky. 1:00 PM. El Triunfo Piano Museum.$200MXN. – eventsbaja@gmail.com
31 Tue Tai Chi at Yoga Garden, postponed today,
02 Thur Recycling Los Barriles 9am-11am.
08 Wed East Cape Guild Scholarship General Meeting – All are welcome! Kaplotkin@aol.com


a.Lost silver necklace Sunday evening the 22nd, somewhere in town, or out towards Playa Norte, with sentimental value.  Silver snake style chain, 18 inches long. please email if found! $10 award for finding as well. – dag.johnsrud@colorado.edu

b. Will the lady that borrowed the silver, Mexican earrings for the Fashion Show, please return them to Copper River Designs Jewelry store on Costa Brava St.?  I’m sure they just got overlooked during the bustle but I have the display card for $99 US waiting to be restocked.  Best regards, Christine Rogers  624-141-0014 casa,  206-669-1675 US cell, 624-117-5401 Mexican cell.

c. Lost oar for a skeeter boat, if found please contact Jamie at (503) 730-3808 Thank you – neal_nj@hotmail.com


a. A recent article in the Mexico News Daily warns that Pemex is unable to meet the deadline of Dec 31, 2019 for full conversion to Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD). However, competitive stations like Esso and Repsol actively advertise on their pumps that their diesel is ULSD, so there is always an option to choose a different supplier.I have been the go-to guy on this subject since 2008, having done numerous lab tests of Mexican diesel over the years. I haven’t received a single verifiable report of sulfur in fuel problems since April of 2018. NOT A SINGLE ONE all last winter, and none again so far this winter !My best guess to explain this is that Pemex has enough ULSD from it’s recently converted refineries to supply most or all of the retail sector gas stations across the country, but is still supplying LSD to marine customers, as well as some large wholesale and non-road users.  I have had my own 2019 GMC Sierra Duramax down in Los Barriles since October with not even a hint of a problem. The Baja has been 100% ULSD since mid-2018, and there is presently no reason to believe that LSD will start being distributed here again.Ted White at whitetmp@aol.com

b. Bonjour I’m Pepi and came to Kite surf  in Los Barriles with friends from Vancouver BC. My contribution to the community is a You Tube Channel where I post videos to promote the work of the voluntary from Los Barriles.  shorturl.at/bcguU  – 3 videos on line this year: East Cape Recycling https://youtu.be/NHjUjOuY9lI, Barriles Area Trail Stewards https://youtu.be/qJM2b_dFRWI, Los Barriles Farmers Market, christmas 2019 https://youtu.be/qkPDfhcr6KM


a. Has anyone had issues with their newer diesel trucks because of a lack of ultra low sulphuric diesel fuel?  Any solutions? – drinkleg@rogers.com


a. Come Paddle with Fiona!! Free Stand Up Paddle Clinic plus Q & A with 2x SUP World Champion Fiona Wylde. ​  ​Dec. 26, 9:00-11:00am at Vela at Playa Del Sol.  Available to all ages and all levels, from beginner to advanced. ​  ​If you have a paddle board, bring it. If not Vela will provide boards and paddles. – ellenwylde@icloud.com

b. WINE&PIANO Concert with Angela Zanevsky.​  ​Date: Sunday, December 29 at 1:00 PM.​  ​Place: El Triunfo Piano Museum​ ​Admission: $200 MXN. Tickets available at the door. – eventsbaja@gmail.com

c. FIPCAM Foundation. We will be visiting the area of Los Barriles on Sunday, January 12th and will be bringing our medical services to the community and their rural area. Also, we will be celebrating Three Kings Day with the local families and we will be delighted to invite you to be part of this event. You can donate medicine, personal hygiene items, second-hand clothing, footwear, blankets, toys and books and magazines. We will receive your donations at Palmas de Cortes hotel in reception.​ ​FIPCAM AC Foundation  our Facebook page FIPCAM AC – jocelynglezg@hotmail.com

d. Come and dance ROCK N roll  at la playa restaurant.  Thursday 26th with the band gatos pardos from la paz  at 7:00pm. Make your reservation 6121319336 – evegarcot@hotmail.com

WANTED –  Repeats in one week

a. Does anyone in  this area (Los Barriles, Buena Vista, La Reviera, ect.)  repair sewing machines?
bajabums@gmail.com or 141-0318

b. Looking for shower curtain, prefer narrow. Does anyone have 1 to sell or know where to buy closer than Cabo? sellerjazz@yahoo.com

c. Looking for 6 QT pressure cooker in very good condition with all parts intact and functional – Omigog@gmail.com

d. Hi I am looking for an RV, Motorhome/camper, please let me know if you have one for sale, my e mail is caroline_sail@yahoo.co.uk, or tel +1 805 515 8961, thank you Caroline

e. Wanted cheap kayak or canoe ​ ​Los Barrilles – markspowell62@gmail.com

f. Our family of four are looking to share the cost of a Chata Day trip on the Awesome  on Monday December 30.  There is room for four more (8 in total).  For more details on the trip check out www.bajasawesome.com  contact me by email:  camasmtn@gmail.com


a. Physical Therapy at Tres Palapas Pickleball Resort!  Jennifer Wiley, PT is offering therapy on Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 1: 00 for 40 per visit for non-members, 36 for members.  December special:  20% discount for all (32 per visit).   Email me to schedule: jwiley427@gmail.com. – Happy New Year!


a. Slingshot 14m Rally in mint condition.  Light blue canopy with a black leading edge and struts.​  ​The bar and lines look brand new.  Its an amazing light wind kite.  650 launches – spielmann444@gmail.com

b. Moses T22 strapless foilboard, full carbon​ ​$600 – czekvlad@gmail.com

c. ocean rodeo, mako, 150cm with straps, barely used 450 swells – tferrick@gorge.net


Follow the format: date, day, arrive or leave time, # of people, contact information.

From SJD to the Eastcape

1/7 Tu    Arrive 11:40am. 1person 2 bags. To LB  patmac1959@hotmail.com
1/7 Tu   Arrive 3pm 1+2bags to LB  Share a cab? – pbroder76@gmail.com
1/11  Arrive 3:25pm , 1 person/1 small bag (kiter w/ no kite gear) – chris.tulley@gmail.com
1/15 Mo Arrive @1 pm 1 person, carryon, kite bag and board bag. share cab or car rental to Los Barriles. – impex@comcast.net

From the Eastcape to SJD

Rides Offered

2/20 Fri  Arrive 2:05 PM, 1 person, 3 bags (1 golf bag), share shuttle? – seablind99@gmail.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a. Dr Dennis,  our East Cape Chiropractor, will be in the office  on Monday  and Friday this Christmas week and closed on Wednesday. 970-799-7068.   densaidyes  at  aol.com  Happy Holidays to all on the East Cape

b.Hello, there are works of furniture​.  ​Custom carpentry workshop and under design​.  ​Furniture, closets, in general. https://bajasur.craigslist.org/lbs/7043580661.htmltomascruz97@hotmail.com

c. joels palm trees and desert plants   royal palms.coco palms.  fan palms. phoenix palms  any sise delivered and planted.  have a large crane move any thing or trees. – ronlaribera@yahoo.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a. Car hauler Trailer 2008 Patriot reduced​ ​https://bajasur.craigslist.org/tro/7030640936.html?lang=en&cc=uswolfislobo@yahoo.com

b. 32’ travel trailer, EUC, 2 slides, spacious bedroom with queen bed, sofabed in living room, new awning, roof resealed every 2 years, new interior LED lights. Email for photos and viewing. $13,500.00. – gwenbathgate@gmail.com

c. Now available Baja Santa’s sleigh! He no longer needs it. White on white with lots of chrome! 65 VW Buggy, Clean as fresh snow and ready to roll. New tires, brakes and battery.  1600 cc Engine has only 200 miles. Only 4,000 gift cards.  casaalbright@gmail.com

d. Original Levi sherpa jacket, like new size L. 50 tacos. Email Dick at bajadickfierro@hotmail.com

===THE END===