- Lupi. Home parties all sizes and baking. Lupi_martires@hotmail.com cell 044 624 158-3383
- Green's - roasted pig 624-121-0428 or crisgreenav@yahoo.com.mx
- AGUA CATERING - Rogelio Granado 624 213 7810 e-mail: aguacatering.eastcape@gmail.com
- Pizza Gourmet San Antonio: FaceBook at Pizza Gourmet San Antonio or call us at 6121775806, remember that we are also in the organic market on Saturdays we have bread, strudel, pizza, calzone, jams !!
- Millies Kitchen: millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com I sell Bake goods and BBQsliders at the LB Community Market on Saturdays November -April. You can also order from me with 48 hours notice. millieskitchenbaja@gmail.com
- Chef Crystal of El Pirata.
Specializing in creating unique in home dinning experiences. Seafood Combinations as well as Traditional Mexican Fare. Available for single dinners as wells as multiple day packages, including three meals a day, and gourmet lunches for fishermen. All meals cooked in the safety and comfort of your home. Inquire within for Menu options and pricing. Vegetarian, Vegan and restricted diets available. 624 184 8682. What s App or DinnersbyCrystal@hotmai.com - I am a private chef and i have years of experience as well as working in resorts as a chef.i am affordable and negotiate on price if you have the meat, fish, or? I come to your home and I prepare all kinds of food including curry, comfort food, mexican, organic vegetarian vegan just about any kind of food . Price varies depending on choice of food. Please contact me @ +52 624 151 0851 Speak English P.s teach salsa dance lessons free of charge . - alexander280@hotmail.com