- Visual Artist and Muralist Xochitl Rivera xochitlrivera.art@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/xochitl.riverart https://xochitlriverartmuralpainting.blogspot.com/ -
- Iliana Kotasik - 612-128-9330h 612-149-2473
- MURALIST years of experience Web: http://www.deschampsart.com. Resident Mexico live Los barriles. Nicole 208 721-0281 deschampsart@yahoo.com
- Can paint or retouch murals at your home or place of business. Prices subject to design. Have all brushes, paints and scaffolding for high jobs. tishthespy@hotmail.com or 624-137-0226 or facebook at Tish Jack or Baja Brushstokes on facebook.