- AMIGOS - LB - North Beach Jorge Bravo 624-122-5925c
- Blanco y Negro - LB Hwy 1 next to Oscar Mechanic, Vet on duty T-Th-Sat
- Gretel De la Torre Magdaleno, M.V.Z. - Las Cuevas 624-129-5640c
- Dr Cristobal office 612-141-4261. cell 612-159-1731 LB north of LB at Igunas market plaza. Hours, 9.30am-7pm. Lunch 2.00pm – 3.00pm. Between the two arroyos.
- Cortez Rescue and Outreach - info@cortezrescue.org, www.cortezrescue.org
- SNAP - Spay and Neuter Los Barriles. 624-316-2801 email: info@snaplosbarriles.org FB: Spay and Neuter - Los Barriles
- Catslandia: Affordable high quality boarding service. Includes four times a day gourmet food and stay in a private room with supervised walks in the garden. $150 pesos per day per cat. www.catslandia.com 624-121-0310
- All natural dog treats. for info please WhatsApp +52 624 122 0589, instagram animal_love_Cabo, or facebook/animallovecabo/ - jimmy_atooli@yahoo.com