Business Name
  1. Can-AM-Mex Firma Juridica/Law Firm - LP - 612 348-9793
  2.  Gardenia Duran Gonzalez - LB - 624-141-0805, 624-141-0545,
  3.  Lic. Silvia Crystal Leon  - LB  -   Plaza del Pueblo  6121192718c,    624124-8036 office
  4. The Paper Chase Team - LP -   office 612-165-6503
  5. Don D. Nelson, Attorney at Law. Website: Email. US Phone 949-480-1235 and Phone in Los Cabos 624-131-5228. Don't put this off until it is too late.
  6. The Settlement Company® Real Estate Law  - La Paz  612-123-5056 ext.0, 612-107-7723 c
  7.  Gisela Talamontes  Baja Legal - La Paz 612-129-4044